Friday, August 14, 2015

Bristol Palin angry that her baby bump picture attracted negative comments.

Courtesy of Brancy's blog: Last week I did what a lot of pregnant mom’s do, I posted a “bump pic,” and per usual, the Left showed their true colors. I quickly began trending on social media and was blasted with vile and hateful comments. How dare I be excited about this baby!

Nancy French then links to an article by some lady I've never heard of to support the contention that "The Left" was attacking Bristol because she was pregnant and not considering an abortion.

The author seems to have based this belief on the fact that some people on Twitter had suggested that Bristol would benefit from a visit to Planned Parenthood. Clearly this person does not understand that Planned Parenthood is really in the business of PLANNING PARENTHOOD and is not simply an abortion mill that makes all of its money from selling fetal tissue to evil medical practitioners like Dr. Ben Carson.

The Twitter users were NOT suggesting that Bristol get an abortion (Well most of them anyway,) but rather that she would benefit from some training on just where babies come from, and perhaps a wheelbarrow full of prophylactics.

Nancy French/Bristol Palin sums up her/their stupidity with this:

Every time I feel my baby kick or see an ultrasound, I know I am making the right choice. Life is a gift and I am going to celebrate this precious baby no matter how loud the Left chants their hateful empty messages!

Look as the official spokesman for the Left (Don't look at me like that, you don't know that isn't true.), just let  me say this.

We do NOT care if Bristol Palin gets pregnant a dozen times or more, and decides to keep the babies. So long as she can afford to care for them properly.

We also don't care if she gets pregnant a dozen times or more, and decides NOT to keep the babies. (It's really none of our business.)

We also do not care if Bristol Palin has sex with every sailor who arrives with the fleet each year, and never gets pregnant because she has taken precautions. (Also not really our business.)

It is ONLY when Bristol Palin gets paid for telling young women that THEY should abstain from sex until they get married, and poses as a holier than thou Christian on her ghostwritten blog, all while she goes out and gets knocked up repeatedly while still unmarried, that we have a problem.

The word is "hypocrisy." And we fucking hate hypocrisy.

Does that finally clear that up?


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    baby bump snap at 28 weeks
    Lol! ...that point in your pregnancy where your belly button is acting like a pop-up turkey timer!

    as TLC releases preview for child molestation documentary featuring her and sister Jill

    22 weeks

    Chronic liar. Posted August 1, 2015

    Sarah Palin at Alaska State Museum, March 26, 2008, three weeks before official Trig birth date.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Please notice Bristol you "are making a CHOICE" by YOUR OWN WORDS!!!!! Every single woman in the world is entitled to and has the right to make HER OWN CHOICE so shove the pro life preaching up your mommy' s ass!!! You in your words wrote "I know I am making the right choice". Good for you! Now leave every other woman alone to make her own right choice.

      Pro choice bristol palin

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      @5:06 Well said! If Bristol claims to have made the rright choice, then every other woman is entitled to make that same choice for herself. Oh, and that makes Bristol Pro Choice.

    3. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Keep your chin up Bristol, there is hop for you too.

    4. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Bristol Palin FUCK YOU! You hypocritical ho bag! The only reason anyone gives a flying fuck is that you go around preaching bullshit you don't even follow! And how many fucking kids do you have? What makes this one so fucking special you drugged out goddamed ho? Where are your hidden babies?
      Fuck you...
      A giddy asshole h8'r who hates hypocritical hobags!

  2. Still not claiming who the father is? Check.
    Still no proud word from the grandma-to-be-again? Check.

    Nothing new here.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Odds are she doesn't have a clue who the donor was.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      4:59: She will once the baby is out...

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Sarah must hate being a grandma. She's mentioned Track's girl once, TRIPP hardly ever, and never has mentioned the new one.
      Oh, and Bristol, your GED should have taught you the difference between moms, which is plural, and mom's, which is possessive. Random apostrophes don't make you look any smarter than your glasses do.

    4. Balzafiar7:41 PM

      @5:47PM -- ::sigh:: OK, how many times do you have to be told? Track does not have ANY children. That marriage was a sham orchestrated by Mommie Dearest to hide another of Bristol's babies.

    5. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Didn't one of Willow's hair pals straighten Kyla's hair?

      What was that about? You have to wonder who her parents are.

      Britta was a beard. She has been playing a part for years. I don't trust her or her parents.

    6. Are we even sure she is pregnant?

      That doesn't look like a baby bump. That looks like Bristol has been overeating again.

      Sarah lies, Bristol lies, they all lie.

      Sarah lied about being pregnant.

      Bristol could be lying too. Then when it't to obvious she's not, just say she had a miscarriage to get even more pity.

    7. Anonymous12:10 AM

      Where is the proof of that, Balzafiar? There is none, just guessing by other posters. When you are simply repeating speculation as if it is fact, as if you know something you have no means of knowing, you're the one who needs to be told to knock it off. Ditto, 8:24. Proof? You have none. I'm so tired of know nothing posters repeating the same old unfounded crap like they are in the know, when they are not. It's false and dishonest.

  3. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Can't some enterprising Alaskan take some sly pics of Brisdull's belly? Inquiring minds want the truth!

    The dullard was wearing those same jeans in February (airplane pic) no way is she 5 months in those photos, more like 3.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      How does Bristol remain so hidden?

      No one is even checking on the Alaska Dermatology Cancer Clinic, except Malia Litman. She is in Texas and had to make a phone call.

      Bristol Palin Works for Dr. “Jack Me-off”

      It would be so simple to get pics, many,many since she works so hard. Or is that another lie? Since she in not there (as when Malia called the office)... no one can get pics of Bristol hard at going to work.

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      This person said saw Marina Lupas, the Russian porn vixen, at Costco, dressed to kill in 5 inch heels. It is about 12 minutes from their work, but no Bristol sighting. I would think Bristol would be hiding in a nearby place, like where she is to be living. It may or may not be the recent Insta abode. Willow just did a weird 'house' post and deleted. I can't believe much of anything they post.

      "Bristol is out and about with her self-identified "BFF" - a Russian porn model named Marina (oh, by the way, Marina. I saw you traipsing thru Costco off DeBarr Rd this past Wednesday late afternoon in your five inch heels. Ouch)."

      Bristol's personal shopper. lol

    3. Anonymous7:54 PM

      The reason no one gets sightings/photos of any Paylins is because they seldom come out of hiding. Notice how all of Brisdull's photos are in cars, bathrooms, always sequestered behind closed doors. I know for a fact this is true in AK because I live here; I'm sure it's the same in AZ. Never any sightings there either. Everything these hateful grifters do is to remain relevant and in the public eye. What a shitty way to build a 'career.'
      Say Bristol -- why haven't we seen you or any PayMe in church for five years or more??? You hateful phony.

    4. Anonymous8:21 PM

      The Palins hate community or they would participate.

      How much longer will the public tolerate their lies and crimes?

      If ppl get organized and stick together they could get rid of the scourge.

    5. She doesn't look pregnant at all to me. Just fat and flaccid.

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Keep your legs together, you uneducated tramp. The world doesn't need more useless lazy parasitic ill-begotten Palins.

    I hope the sire of that whelp exposes you for what you really are.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      That's just rude and you are obviously a troll trying to stir things up.

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Stir what up?

    3. What does the right normally label a woman who is unmarried, has no visible means of support and is bragging about her second out of wedlock baby with a different Father?

      If she was black, I *know* what the right would call her.

      Why does she thinks she's being attacked by liberals?

      Yeah, she should go to Planned Parenthood. They'll do her prenatal, then after it's born they'll teach her all about BIRTH CONTROL.

  5. Give this a look-

  6. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Thank god she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. Am I right?

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      You are right.

    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      She, Sarah, Nancy are obsessed with others. Not just any others. They make it very clear they are obsessed with "the Left".

    3. If she didn't care so much about what people thought she wouldn't be such a media whore.

      She's seeking approval through social media because she'll never get it from her mother.

  7. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Her expression in that first photo is very revealing. So narcissistic and totally self absorbed, quite disturbing actually.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      My thoughts exactly. She wears this pregnancy like she expects the crowds to part when she walks down the street. I just hope she takes some parenting classes with this one.

    2. Anonymous5:42 PM

      She's an idiot who has never succeeded at anything in her life aside from getting knocked up. Of course she's proud of herself, she can make baby, make baby again, and again and again. Can't dance, can't learn but gosh darnit she can make baby.

    3. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I have to laugh at some of the comments on her instagram account, one women compared her to the mother of Moses and the Virgin Mary!!

    4. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Hmm..Moses' mother put him in a basket and sent him down the this what happened to the DWTS baby?

    5. Anonymous6:50 PM

      She looks very smitten with herself.

    6. Cracklin Charlie7:09 PM

      Yeah, Track and Britta found a baby girl in the basket in the reeds and took her home.

    7. Anonymous8:06 PM

      'up the river'


      Originates from the fact that convicts from New York City would be sent up the Hudson River to Ossining State Prison ("Sing Sing").

    8. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Her face just looks hard. THAT's the best Dr. Jack MeHoff can do?

  8. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Bristol Palin was obviously expecting to be showered with goodwill and money and gifts by the Xian Fundamentalist crowd like she was that time in 2008.

    But apparently a teenager who can't seem to keep her panties up is a whole different thing to just another hypocritical slut.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      But apparently a teenager who can't seem to keep her panties up is a whole different thing to just another hypocritical slut.

      She's no teenager. That may be the difference.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Why couldn't you stop with "hypocritical"? "Slut" is a word I expect to see on wingnut blogs, not this one.

    3. Anonymous7:26 PM

      She called herself a slut. Look it up.

    4. Anonymous7:49 PM

      @6:52 pm

      Because....she has called herself a slut since the age 15?

    5. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Anonymous6:52 PM

      Why couldn't you stop with "hypocritical"? "Slut" is a word I expect to see on wingnut blogs, not this one.
      ummm ya, because You're a wingnut? She has self named herself a SLUT
      I would add a HYPOCRITICAL god dammed Slut, How many kids without being married? Drinking and drugging?!
      FFS get over yourself and go back to your wingnut blog,oh and the stool can't even land a husband, that is pretty damn fucked up, but keeps popping out those kids like this world needs more mouths to feed?

    6. Anonymous12:14 AM

      9:18, you are way, way, WAY too invested in a total stranger's personal life. Do try not to have a stroke.

  9. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Will Bristol Palin take more PFD money from Alaska for Cletus the Fetus or do we "only" have to pay her huge hospital and medical bills?

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Yes, I’m curious about this too. So Bristol, unlike all the unwed mothers the GOP loves to disparage has to have her own private insurance? She probably has Alaska Native benefits, so consider her a go on government funded health insurance. Will she sign Cleetus up for the PFD? "You Betcha!" As if we need one more Palin kid in the state. Palin? Oh yeah, "Who’s Your Daddy?"

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      But Tripp is NOT on the Native Insurance. She makes Levi pay for him.

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      BIA Native Alaska healthcare is crap, I can't imagine that Bristol avails herself of that. Remember, ACA allows parents to keep kids on their policy until age 26 so she is on her mother or father's policy. No way is Bristol going to Native Hospital or Clinic.

    4. Anonymous5:56 PM

      If bristol has Alaska Native medical, she also has a choice to have ACA. Obamacare.

      She can also use both in Arizona.

    5. Anonymous7:31 PM

      So she doesn’t even support Native Health Care? Why am I not surprised, being Native has never been her narrative.

    6. Anonymous8:01 PM

      PFD info is public record. That's how we've known that $arah has not claimed residency in AK, and therefore, a PFD, for several years. BrisDull also has has not filed for a check in past years also too. (But...but...she works hard for the money at Dr Jack Meoff's!!) --- All other PayMe clan members have retained eligibility in those same years: Todd, WIllow, etc. Not sure about Cain't Get Right Track.

      As a lifelong Alaskan I'll tell you -- you do not fuck with the PFD division regarding telling the truth about AK residency. They will come after you and fines, jail are worse than if you shot a moose outside of hunting season.

  10. Anonymous4:53 PM

    The Brancy bunch are nuts. None of them have reading comprehension. Have another drink.

    Women do compare bumps Bristol.

    Bump progress.

    21 weeks

    22 weeks

    Both of these women are 7 months pregnant.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      You should have said "CLAIM to be 7months pregnant"!

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Correct 5:22 PM. One was 7 months. The other claimed to be 7 months.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Bristol must be about this far along, if her 8/1 post is accurate.

      They may have her doing this faux outrage so she can stop posting baby bumps, being they are lies and they rather not get caught.

      Since her feelers are hurt she has an excuse not to post bumps.

      Being a victim pays for the Palins.

      Now will someones go to her work and report how many times you saw her going and coming from a hard day on the job?

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      This is already about the longest pity party on record and yet with each day the desperate festivities carry on.

      You're so right, "Being a victim pays for the Palins."

    5. Anonymous8:14 PM

      The Chin is pumping the publicity so $he can sell photos to the highest bidder when Cletus arrives.

      And then she'll be milking the who's your daddy drama and more Brancy postings and plagiarizing. Gasp - has the baton been passed ? WHen will someone call out this total fraud???

  11. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Thank you Gryphen. Her “pout rage” is just that. She simply looks for every way possible to bring attention to herself because she needs the attention which, of course, then causes the other low intelligence people with reading comprehension problems to run to her defense. The best thing Bristol Palin could do is avoid all publicity of any kind and get a life. She is a pointless human.

  12. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Stop whining!

  13. Anonymous5:15 PM

    While you are gestating Cletus Meth, try working on your grammar and punctuation.
    You appear to be uneducated.
    But there is help for that problem.
    Your other problems, not so much.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Bristol is uneducated because her IQ is even lower than her mother's. Learning simply isn't an option for that one, she's a few strokes short of even a Trig.

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Nothing will improve for Bristol until she is about 2 years sober from any toxic substances. Including ADD meds, anti-depressants and who knows what else she is stuck using.

      Right now she is in an anger phase. She may have stopped mixing her meds with so many street drugs. She could be coming down from Red Bull and vodka. It would be one hell of withdrawals and the anger she is enraged with makes total sense.

      Poor Cletus. I wonder if the father knows and is there anything he can do for the fetus. This child may be born with severe issues and problems due to what the mother has done.

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Or crystal if it's a girl.

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Or if he's MOH's, he could very well have FAS like Trig.

    5. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Drugs and booze are rill hard on babies,Bristol.

  14. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Well, we all knew that her reading comprehension is at about fourth grade level. Just got confirmed, I guess.
    Bri$$y, I will say it very slowly for you: we could not care less about how many brats you bring into this world, or how many men you 'service'. That is your business. What WE care about is your HYPOCRISY of telling everyone that
    a) you will ABSTAIN FROM SEX until you are married (remember when you were on the Oprah Show and said that, even though Oprah asked you if you really meant it?)
    B) we also care about you saying that every girl should wait until she is married to have sex, and to not get into 'a situation'. (Remember the gig you did with 'The Situation' from the Candies group? You got paid quite handsomely, contrary to every other (real) celebrity, who gave their time and face for free to tell girls to use 'protection' when having sex.)
    C) We care about you spouting 'Christianity', when you yourself are a foul-mouthed BEOTCH. (Remember the brawl last year at the birthday party you and your family crashed? Remember, you were recorded by the police during your foul-mouthed statement! If you forgot any or all of these incidents, just use 'google' to find all those facts about yourself. The Internet is forever. Remember that! (Remember that and be very, very afraid about your son, Tripp, finding out about all the lies you are telling, and finding out how you wished his daddy, Levi, was not the father. If Tripp sees that, and has a bit of an IQ closer to 100 than you do, then he can add 2+2 and will realize that he was NOT wanted - just like this baby half-sister of his will also not be wanted (remember, you posted that on your blog - before you half-a$$edly tried to take that post back.

  15. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Barstool is angry that her baby bump picture attracted negative comments?

    and no I didn't say lay on your back during sex and "fuck up"

  16. Frosty5:20 PM

    "We do NOT care if Bristol Palin gets pregnant a dozen times or more, and decides to keep the babies. So long as she can afford to care for them properly."

    Actually you got that part wrong. She has proven to be a terrible mother - following in the footsteps of her own female parent. She should be spayed, to save any more kids from her 'parenting'!

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      She can only afford Tripp because Levi pays her nearly 2 grand per month child support. Bristol is a leech.

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      nearly 2 grand per month child support
      I hope you are just making up that figure, it seems like a lot of money for a 7 year old. $24,000/year.

    3. Anonymous6:31 PM

      I don't recall exactly how high the child support that Levi pays for Tripp is, but yes it was in the vicinity of two grand per month. Levi works very long hours to support his wife and children and Bristol Palin. Bristol Palin likes it that way, it seems she gets pleasure from the knowledge that two baby girls miss out on their father so that Bristol can show off her precious designer goods.

    4. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Yes, Levi is stuck with something like $1960/month. That was all based on that one year where he got to go to Hollywood and duff his clothes. The 'lawyer' he had at that time were actually working for the PayMes as it came out once he was able to get rid of them.

  17. Anonymous5:22 PM


  18. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Why is Bristol posting pictures? I mean come on Bristol you posted the statement below and now look at what you're doing, posting pictures of your pregnancy. Bristol doesn't sound like someone who wants her privacy.

    "But please respect Tripp’s and my privacy during this time. I do not want any lectures and I do not want any sympathy."

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Why would she get sympathy? She said she planned to have this child.

      Why would she get privacy? She has a public facebok and a public blog.

      No one expects Sarah Palin to express a logical concept in a coherent manner. Bristol Palin apparently rates the same low expectations.

      Bristol Palin has raked in massive amounts of cash for being a talentless, uneducated whiner. She fully deserves the criticism she gets. And she also deserves mocking laughter for her pathetic attempts at outrage.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      And then when the responses are not all sympathy, she gets pissed. Bristol hon, you can't have ti both ways, Privacy means NO pictures. NONE. We don't care how big your stomach gets;it's still smaller than it was when you were dancing 8 hours a day for weeks. We don't care that you and Tripp can cross your eyes and look stupid. Really, we don't care. Just shut up, have your child, and go con the state of Alaska into paying for the birth and subsequent care.

  19. Anonymous5:27 PM

    When Bristol posted the announcement about her "huge disappointment" (the pregnancy where she got ahead of herself), she asked for privacy for herself and Tripp. Then, she posted photo after photo where Bristol tried to do her best Kim Kardashian imitation. And, she posted plenty of photos of Tripp, too. You cannot ask for privacy and then post an undated photo of a "baby bump." I have one suggestion for Bristol Palin: SHUT UP ALREADY! YOU HAVE NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE TO SAY. AND YOUR BLOGS ARE GHOST WRITTEN BY NANCY FRENCH. IF YOU WANT PRIVACY, CLOSE DOWN YOUR FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM AND BLOG AND SHUT UP. IF THEY ARE STILL UP THERE, THEN YOU WANT THE ATTENTION AND THAT PRIVACY STUFF WAS A LOAD OF CRAP.

  20. angela5:27 PM

    Victim, thy name is Palin.

  21. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I'm so sick of this fake woman. Here she has another half-sibling to her son (who already has two half-siblings) and bragging about all this pro-life BS.
    Fact is, she CHOSE to keep this child. (Gryph, you mentioned 'decided', but I think it's important to emphasize the CHOICE in that)
    The religious right is always playing the victim card and I so so so wish someone local would actually expose them for the hypocrites and money shilling 'people their Jesus would HATE' that they are.
    But alas, capitalism at its best or worst, not sure. People can be sucked into any old lying scheme, willingly even.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Tripp already has at least FOUR half-siblings! Two from his dad and Sunny, and at least two if not three from his mom with who-knows-who.
      Remember, he said he had 'a baby sister' on TV, and Bri$$y tried to cover it up and said 'he meant baby sitter'.
      That was a couple of years ago, on her TV show, where Tripp was the unpaid star.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Tripp is only a half-sibling and will never be anything else. Too bad Bristol doesn't like half-siblings.

    3. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Is the dws baby kyla? Is she kyle massey's baby?

    4. Anonymous11:33 PM

      Didn't she say one time when interviewed about the birth of Levi's daughter she didn't want Tripp going to school with a bunch of half siblings with all different mothers, implying this is what was going to happen with Levi, a string of all different baby mamma's. She was right, it's going to get real confusing for her kids who goes where and when to visit their dad's but this isn't Levi's doing, it's hers. After this event she will probably have at least two or three more all with different dads. If nothing else it will also secure 4 or 5 different child support payments to provide income and live off other people's money "rightfully."

  22. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Actually, you know what I think the best way to deal with this kind of self-victimization?

    Ignore it altogether.

  23. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Bristol ought to give back the money to Candies because she obviously cannot practice what she was preaching, abstinence, LOL!

  24. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Someone really needs to tell and show how she looks more pregnant today than her mom did at 7 months with Trig. That'll piss her off!

  25. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I'm just guessing. Bristol said she wants a big family so while having sex was Bristol on top of the guy and he told her to get off of him he can't hold it any longer and she locked her legs until he topped her tank?

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      TIL: topped her tank

      Thanks I guess.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Wow. You're really giving Bristol's sex life a lot of thought.

  26. Anonymous5:35 PM

    She is obviously mentally sick. Look at her behavior.
    She will do this again.

  27. Anonymous5:35 PM

    A poor role model that knows nothing about safe sex. Oh and she should be glad for the negative comments. It keeps the Paylins relevant and keeps the $ rolling in.

  28. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Most people share pregnancy photos with their close circle of friends and NOT with the world. Bristol the highly paid abstinence advocate shared her pregnant belly photo with everyone and she got judged, because ya know, pregnant and abstinent, that's rather big news.

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      The social media generation does share a great deal. They have social media family.

      I saw something where it is now popular to have a stylist go to the hospital when they give birth. Why?

      Immediately after the birth one must have pictures. Young women today do not want to look like they just gave birth. They want their hair combed, make up and to have the pretty smile with newborn. That is the effects of social media.

      Of course, not everyone is like that, but it is a trend with some. Just as baby bump selfies are a trend.

      Bristol did so want to be trendy. Look at the above selfie.

  29. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Sarah Palin described Bristol as “an old soul” wise beyond her years. (ROFLOL)

    Is Sarah giving lip service? How wise can Bristol be if she doesn't have a husband and never been married but is about to have a second baby?

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      She is about to have her FOURTH or FIFTH baby. It will be the second ADMITTED baby.

  30. Anonymous5:44 PM

    angela5:27 PM said

    Victim, thy name is Palin.

    How about

    Retard, thy name is Palin.

  31. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Blatant hypocrisy as well asking to respect her privacy during this time (first post on her blog about how disappointed she knew everyone was going to be) and then relentlessly posting pictures of her new house, her baby bump and whatever else has come down the pike. She doesn't care if thousands of eyes see her son playing her their home which most people would consider their private sanctuary, and a picture of a very personal baby bump in your bathroom that has now been seen by thousands of eyes? Total hypocrisy not to mention just plain creepy.

  32. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Bristol is creating this false persecution. Who cares what she does?

    The only reason some comment about her situation is because SHE INVITES PUBLICITY. She announced her pregnancy to strangers and the public on her blog and FB. She begs everyone to look at her, think about her, talk about her. She starts the offensive game by sharing her personal life and when she then condemns others and liberals and her haters, she sits and waits for the incoming, and seems to love it. She thrives on contention.

    Does not this 24, almost 25 year-old have responsibilities? Yes, she chose life. Millions of women, Bristol, have chosen life. Get on with yours and stop begging for daily praise because you did.

    Doesn't she have a 7 year-old child at home that needs a mother? If she spent more time on his needs than starting battles with internet users, she'd be way ahead.

  33. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Fact is, she CHOSE to be promiscuous without protection. In a lot of people's books that equals babies.

    That wipes out Bristol as “an old soul” wise beyond her years. Don't you agree Sarah?

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Really Bristol? Tell me, how could you even have unprotected sex? You have another child, what if you had exposed yourself to AIDS or an STD? It really does beg the question: Contraception is one thing, but avoiding a chronic disease like AIDS is another. You are a very hypocritical, arrogant and ignorant young woman. Don’t even consider another post schooling anybody. The brawl and your potty mouth was outrageous given you were within 15 feet of a young child, but this pregnancy is especially outrageous. You may think carrying on with this pregnancy sets you in some type of "special universe", but I’m here to tell you: the people who are special are young women who are studying their asses off to one day provide for themselves and their families. You are in need of serious therapy. Do yourself a favor and find help.

  34. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I find it hilarious they want anyone to believe that Bristol reads The Federalist. Even if it is about her. Okay, someone could have read it to her.


  35. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Back up the truck. First she says she's been trying to keep her chin up on 06/25 and what a huge disappointment she is to family and friends, then five days later on 6/30 says she's blessed and calls critics "giddy assholes."

    LOOK, Brissy, I don't care how many babies you have had or will have. As Gyrph said, it's the hypocrisy. You preached abstinence, made one heck of a lot of money off of it, and how many babies is this now? Have all of them you want, who cares.

    Know why people are berating you? Look no further than Nancy French who writes your blog in words you don't even live. How stupid do you think we are? Heck, you even rearranged your face that GOD gave you because it wasn't good enough!

    Wonkette, that nasty vile little snark mob, by their own definition, termed you "Our Lady Of However Many Immaculate Conceptions." Over the top, you say? of course, but you're not the only one they mention. They specialize in hypocrisy.

    How about "Our Lady Of Perpetual Victimhood," because this is what you have been from the start. Just like your mother. You were given every opportunity to shine and ride the golden trail that was laid before you. You need only look inside to see why that didn't happen.

    Quit the victim stuff. It makes you look even more pathetic every time you whine. Raise your kids to be responsible adults of their own merit, as opposed to the "what's in it for us, don't you know who we are," gaming you were raised to be. You aren't "all that," and will never be happy until you realize it.

  36. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Somebody wants to run into Trump and get noticed!

    Someone has had a ton of work done!! Now we know why the disappearance.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      I thought it said 'PIMP and BLOW'. The Palin family favs.

      She is sure anxious to get cancer.

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Hilarious, when I first read the name of the establishment I thought it said PIMP and BLOW !!!

      At least her wig got an Luxurious Shampoo Blow out, good to go for the next 6 months.

    3. Crystal Sage7:00 PM

      In that picture, her boobs have dropped. What happened to the perky ones she sports when she's on the TV? Great faux tan there on Sarah. Covers up the varicose veins and other signs of old age. Also see that she had her face Varathaned® again.
      Don't get too close; it may crack.

  37. Anonymous5:54 PM

    "Bristol Palin angry that her baby bump picture attracted negative comments."

    WTF? Bristol should be angry she can't figure out who is the baby's daddy or what race the baby is.

  38. Anonymous5:56 PM

    If the sun comes up, Sarah/Bristol/Nancy must be bitching about something.

    If this is living vibrantly, no thanks!!

    Wanna bet half of the negative comments are probable written by them in order to play the victim card. They have cried wolf too many times, nobody cares if they are victims- it tiring and boring.

  39. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Why is Bristol always playing the victim? Does she expect everyone to buy her supplies, babysit, send her money and high-paying gigs for the rest of her life? What is she complaining about?????????

    In my life, I've never heard anyone diss mothers who choose to have their babies. Bristol Palin demands people grovel at her feet because she thinks she's making such a huge sacrifice at keeping her baby. There are hundreds, thousands of young women, who live in poverty, and who made the sacrifice and keep their babies, and work hard and struggle every day, and NONE of them brag and spit and hiss and demand to be worshipped because of their choice.

    This pro-life goddess complex Bristol and Nancy French have is seriously sick. If they'd use their energy working at shelters or hospitals, volunteering, maybe they'd quit sitting at home acting like spoiled brats and do something valuable and fulfilling with their time. Obviously they have lots of time sitting around reading hateful comments.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      She wants to be paid well for her "abstinance platform", but shes a fertile gal and rilly likes to screw. Time to come up with a new grift with mom. People are tired of her shit so Bristol will get $$ for mommy to continue her grift of the week in bristols name. Better to be seen as fools,than hold a respectable full time job?

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Hey barstool, babies are born every day. You're Nothing special.

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      ^^ This.

    4. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Bristle's next reality gig, "The fuckin' you get for the fuckin' you got".

  40. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Leave me alone or I'll have Marina kick your asses.

  41. Anonymous6:03 PM

    If Bristol wants child support for this fetus, she's going to have to reveal who the pappy is.

    In Alaska, in order to get free daycare, food stamps, etc and help from the state, do you have to reveal who the pappy is?

    1. abbafan6:44 PM

      "Who's the daddy of that chocolate baby"? "I'se the pappy boss"! h/t "Life" - 1999

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      I frankly don't care who the daddy is. What I "am" thankful for is she's not getting the Kardashian press she wants.

      Holy cow, is she soooo like her mother to the point of embarrassment.

  42. Anonymous6:06 PM

    From a gospel perspective: Bristol chose sex before marriage. Bristol preached abstinence and still chose sex before marriage. Bristol chose to be like the Pharisee and condemn and point the finger down to others, while praising and lifting herself up in the public eye. Bristol chose to bring a child into this world without a marriage partner. She chose to rebel against the teachings of Christ and did her own thing. She chose to drag her relationships and sell her stories to gossip magazines; she chose to bring up her personal life information and sell her story. She chose to get rich quickly without doing any hands on work for charities or do humanitarian work, even as she earned hundreds of thousands of dollars as a teen and young adult. She chose to pursue stardom and chose to change her appearance, the one God gave her. She chose to put down the father of her child on national TV and in a published book and on a Reality TV show. She chose to show the middle finger on DWTS to the camera, addressed to her 'haters'. She chose to go to a party and act in a drunken stupor and leave her young boy in a limousine while her family was fist-fighting and getting in tussles with the police.

    Everything so far that we've seen Bristol choose are the things that the Gospels and the Bible clearly preach against. And the worst thing? Bristol chooses to pretend she's a Christian, which hurts the reputation of those Christians who really live a peaceable life in quiet and in privacy.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM


      How about Bristol and Sarah?

      Both are poor excuses for Christians.

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Both of them are the furthest things from being practicing Christians. They assuredly don't live the teachings, don't attend church and lie like crazy! Hell awaits them!

    3. Anonymous6:49 PM

      If $arah was even thinking of stepping into the race last minute, she can kiss that goodbye. "My daughter chose life" is getting a little old in the tooth, as the saying goes.

    4. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Dukota bolted on saraah and her scam bit the dust.

    5. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Well said, 6:06 - as a Bible lover/historian you nailed it. I also can tell you for a fact that Bristol Palin, nor any of her family has been at a place of worship in Wasilla for at least five years. Frauds all. They are persona non grata in the MatSu.

    6. Anonymous12:23 AM

      Awww, poor little hurt reputation Christians, they never run out of ways to feel persecuted, and now it's Bristol Palin's fault! Here's a thought, put some effort into learning what a human-invented institution "Christianity" (the Jesus Christ of the New Testament is a fictional creation) really is, and then you won't have that delusion in common with that sinner Bristol Palin.

  43. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Anonymous5:53 PM

    Somebody wants to run into Trump and get noticed!

    Someone has had a ton of work done!! Now we know why the disappearance.


    How come one knee is higher than the other knee?

    If those are breasts, how come they are so low?

    Sarah can you put the phone down for 2 seconds for the picture?

    Grandma Sarah did you get the work done because you refused to acknowledge that you have at least 3 grandchildren?

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      It would give Sarah Palin a stroke if Immoral Minority posts the above facebook picture of Sarah next to pale Sarah in Hawaii and pale Sarah coming out of her exercising studio without her makeup on. .

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      PRO-CHOICE BRISTOL. Well, well, well....

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Willow went to hair school and Bristol went to skin school, but they can't make their mother look like this?

    4. Anonymous8:13 PM

      7:36 PM

      Mommie Dearest purchased both 'diplomas'. Both daughters are frauds, as is the family business. Sarah and Todd can sleep with anyone and buy kids whatev. They are still fakes. Actually criminals.

    5. Anonymous8:40 PM

      The time stamp on the photo indicates it was posted on 14 August. The caption identifies the location as Scottsdale, Arizona.

      Last weekend some halfwit local reporter ran into Sarah and Toad at a mall in Scottsdale.

      So they no longer live in Alaska?

      Where is Bristol? From the pics on her Instagram page it appears she, too, is in Arizona.

    6. Anonymous10:43 PM

      8:40: But Tripp is in Alaska with his dad and Sunny. She just bagged a big-ass caribou, and Tripp seems to have been there.
      I guess, Bri$tol is in AZ so she can hide the dark baby.

  44. Anonymous6:17 PM

    There's a lot of guys sweating bullets out there. When will Bristol announce who the winner is?

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      That would be weiner not winner.

  45. Anonymous6:33 PM

    How's that plan going for ya, Bristol? Ya know the one where you get knocked up with some dude but you forgot to get his name or something. Ya sure he was in on that plan with ya?

  46. Anonymous6:34 PM

    The "choice" that Bristol Palin made was to try to trap a man into marriage by getting pregnant- following the Heath family tradition of forced marriages.

    The man still doesn't want anything do with her- proving he's obviously way to smart for her.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:48 PM

      The problem with Bristol's choice may have been that the man they tried to trap was not the man that helped Bristol with the getting pregnant part of the plan.

      These plans don't work so well as they used to

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      But seriously folks, what "man" would ever want anything to do with Bris except for maybe a poke in the whiskers? Answer 0

  47. Anonymous6:37 PM

    What race is your baby, Bristol? Do you even know?

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      What difference does that make unless you are a racist?

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Rilly,it shouldn't matter and had screech and the barstool acted respectfully towards our president,it wouldn't matter.

    3. Anonymous8:13 PM

      It makes a HUGE difference if her family and Bristol herself have continued to write anti-racist statements.

    4. A Superfan In Atlanta8:30 PM

      In this case, it's not a racist comment at all -- especially if one of the potential fathers is African American. Perhaps why there has been no acknowledgement by Palin that God blew rainbow colored kisses into Bristol's ear for this immaculate conception to take place. Can't explain that one away.

    5. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Race also matters because Brancy has implied on the blog that this is Dakota's baby. Bristol's previous boyfriend, Joey Junker, is also white. If the baby is biracial, it can't be spun as either the result of a long-term relationship OR as the product of a rapid engagement. This would prove to the world that Bristol is promiscuous, contrary to the public persona Nancy tries to establish for her, and make her look like she either tried to trick or cheated on Dakota.

  48. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I am one that thinks Bristol should have had an abortion! The last thing we need is more Palins in this world!

    Bristol is a horrid example as a young woman - much like her mudder! Contraception is the name of the game and then you don't need abortions!

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Honestly? It took them five days to come up with a plan from her original "I'm screwed" to "I'm blessed" schtick.

      These people are con artists to the nth! Bristol so wanted to be the next Kardashian and garner the same attention. She blames it on the left? But of course she does! LOL

  49. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Bristol Palin is so angry she doesn't need toxic chemicals like booze and drugs to maim her fetus.

    She has the most deadly poisons, hate and anger.

  50. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Why do they think that Liberals are the one that speak bad about her. We're the ones whose motto is "live and let live". It's the family values regime that think that babies and sex before marriage is immoral and should be scrutinize.

    1. Anonymous12:25 AM

      OMG - have you bothered to read most of these comments?

  51. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

    I wonder if Nancy has the capacity to explain to Bristol or Sarah how the concepts "privacy" and "not seeking sympathy nor lectures" actually work?

    It's easy, really. Stop posting photos and "sharing" everything everywhere, and no one can lecture you nor invade your privacy, but something tells me, deep down inside, you're trying desperately to "fit in" by standing out, implanting a chin bumpit, and going heels over head for any guy who tells you you're special, or pretty, or "hawt", winding up regretting it, and calling it your "choice" to have a big family and you "planned" this "regret" er "pregNANCY". You got your moolah for promoting abstinence, you bought a house in Arizona when property was high, then dumped it when the bottom fell out and took a hit.
    Bad investment choice, just sayin.
    It's not "the left", it's YOU. When was the last time you saw a daughter of a Democrat, or Republican for that matter, having serial babies out of wedlock while preaching abstinence? Lets see, Chelsea? nope. Amy Carter? nope, Abby Huntsman? nope, Caroline Kennedy? nope The Bush Twins? nope....

    Give it up, no one believes you write your own blog, work full time, graduated high school, got a ged, graduated "skin school". Time to grow up, cut your apron strings with mommy and daddy, and take the show on the road.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I wonder if Nancy has the capacity to explain to Bristol or Sarah how the concepts "privacy" and "not seeking sympathy nor lectures" actually work?

      Nancy can't tell Bristol that privacy is a good idea. Nancy will lose her best ghost writing account. If Nancy posts the same material under her own name, no one would notice. But, they do notice what she writes for Bristol,so it is a way for Nancy to both make money and promote her Christian point of view. I doubt that Bristol or Sarah are religious. They just use religion as another one of their props.

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Nancy does post the same on her blog.
      It was there verbatim this last week.

    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      @ Anita

      I doubt Bristol is r\ready to deal with the viritol her Mom helped create.

  52. Grrrr !7:18 PM

    Bristol Palin visiting Planned Parenthood for free pre-natal healthcare ...

    Now THAT's a "hidden video" worth shooting.

  53. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Does anyone want to venture a guess as to when this baby was conceived? My vote is before Bristol rushed into almost marrying Dakota (ooops). When do we think that the baby will be born? My guess is that Bristol will not share any baby photos until the baby's arrival makes it look as if Dakota was the father and it was conceived when Bristol was living with him in Kentucky.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Oh, I'm thinking Dakota said, "in your dreams."
      This is not his baby.

    2. Anonymous8:10 PM

      You got it! Quite likely, the baby is due any moment now or is already here. She will parade the girl around when it 'looks' like Dakota is the father, but she will not ask him for a paternity test, because it is not his, and by the time she shows her off, she will be already a month or two old (but be cradeled like a newborn, just like Tripp was when she finally brought him out on a TV show.)

    3. Anonymous8:46 PM

      I agree. When she showed that duo of pictures, I think she was much more pregnant than she said and she needed that to fake out the public. She was all-around tubby back when she was pregnant with Tripp, but her belly didn't really stick out all that much at the beginning of Sept. at the GOP convention (and she had the kid in Dec.), and she has worked hard at keeping her tubby figure thin since Dancing With the Stars when everyone was so shocked at how bloated she'd become, so with this pregnancy it's possible that her stomach is smaller than when she had Tripp. But it won't stay be possible to post pics forever if she's lying about when she conceived. She may manage to post another couple pics, and she probably took ones in various outfits a while ago that she'll be using. If she’s not lying about anything, why has she only posted actual pregnancy pics that one time.

    4. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Depends on whom she was trying to trap into marriage. In any case, Dakota wasn't around at Christmas time, drinking season at the botox clinic.

  54. Anonymous7:42 PM

    What is up with the Dullard's "us vs them" vitriol?
    Carrying such shit like that reminds me of the saying:
    Being unforgiving (and hateful) is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
    Hate attracts hate - is that what you want in your life? Sad really - that's what she's selling Division - and hate.

    1. Anonymous12:28 AM

      So what do you think of most of the comments on this post? Really keeping the old hate going, eh? Giving Bristol lots and lots of ammunition.

  55. Anonymous7:56 PM

    You would think a "humble" Xtian would care about how those "outside look in" ( apparently ("outside " is the term for outside of Allllllassskan borders")
    She is a slut that got knocked up again and we are supposed to "forget about it" for her privacy stake. If she was worried about her privacy she wouldn't have announced this on social media. Nothing different than any other repuglican whore who doesn't know about birth control. Quite obviously she needs an education on birth control and the address of the nearest lalnned Parenthood office.

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      She needs a cloistered convent.

    2. Anonymous12:29 AM

      Aren't you original.

  56. Anonymous8:03 PM

    If Bristol won't identify her baby's daddy then what last name goes on the fetus's birth certificate?

    Bristol wanted Tripp to have the last name Palin.
    Most likely Bristol wants Cletus the Fetus's last name to be Palin . That could be why she won't identify the baby's daddy until after the Birth Certificate has been issued.

    Sneaky sons of bitches

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      The whole cletus bit is so overdone by now. Try thinking of another goofy name for the kid.

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Anybody else think that Bristol isnpreggers cause she's competing on her little mond with Sunny and Kimmie K? Both on second child/ bump?

    3. Anonymous11:40 PM

      8:39 PM may speak for herself and only herself.

      You got that, fool? Take your meds or we'll call your mother.

    4. Anonymous11:45 PM

      One more generous father like Levi, and Welfare Mom Bristol can quit pretending she works for a living and live off of her moneymaker when she's not sitting on it.

      I trust that whichever unfortunate sperminated her will insist on a DNA test, which will be fun.

      Keep your eyes and ears open if you work in a DNA lab anywhere in the US.

  57. Anonymous8:11 PM


    ● How can I protect myself from sexually transmitted infections?

    If you're at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) – that is, you're not in a mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner – you should abstain from intercourse or at least use latex condoms every time you have sex. If latex isn't a good option for you, use polyurethane male or female condoms.

    Bristol abstain from intercourse?
    That's like asking people to stop breathing.

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      But I don't want my partners to use condoms. It tastes nasty.

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Bristol, latex condoms can also be used to prevent pregnancies.

      I know Bristol, why didn't Immoral Minority share this information with you earlier.

    3. Anonymous12:31 AM

      Your fascination with Bristol's sex life is duly noted.

  58. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "I want to see more young women holding a fish than holding their camera in front of a bathroom mirror doing a selfie." -- Mommie Dearest 01/14

  59. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Ok. Just WHAT IS WRONG with this picture?!

    Isn't she supposed to be fishing or something up in Canada? Also, too: where are her Belmonts? Ever heard of standing up straight, $carrah? Your top is all askew, and you are not wearing a bra. That shows. A 50+y/o woman should ALWAYS wear a bra - unless she is well-toned, and her boobs are perky. Yours ain't even CLOSE TO perky!

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      That is one of the more honest pictures. Sarah is standing below BLOW. Perfect for her.

  60. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Also, too: talking about a spray tan!

  61. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I don't know if anyone else has suggested this as a possibility,, but could it be that Bristol deliberately got knocked up by someone OTHER than Dakota Meyer precisely so that Dakota would call off the wedding (even if he allowed her to be the one to officially cancel it, to save face.)? Sarah seemed to be the one gung-ho (pardon the pun!) for Bristol to snare Dakota as a husband. Maybe Bristol really wasn't crazy about the guy and wanted to insure that he'd bolt. This way she could say that once again she's "not perfect" but that everyone should overlook her mistakes because( presumably) God does. Also, I'm struck by how few people anywhere have noticed that Bristol got pregnant again when her son turned 6 - and would soon be starting first grade. This new baby gives her another 6 years out of the full-time labor force where she'll have to be supported by someone else. This is why it's hypocritical of her to pretend that she's virtuous for not having an abortion. The reason she's not aborting is because it makes no sense to abort a child that you conceived deliberately.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      I think you're on to something. Momma Sarah wanted a MOH son-in-law and pushed hard for it. Bristol might have intentionally gotten pregnant by anyone to throw a wrench in Mommy Dearests plans. Would explain running off to camp with Marina, and explain Sarah's very bizarre appearance at the canceled wedding/celebration of life party in KY. I'm glad you pointed out that Bristol got pregnant again right when her son is off to school and no longer her "baby". Bristol thinks having a baby means unconditional love. She'll keep on having babies to fill a void.

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Good theories, but I don't believe The Dullard thinks that much about it. She drinks heavily to loosen up because she is really quite shy and insecure - falls into the sack for fun and can't quite remember what or who happened the next day. That is a fact well known in Wasilla, Juneau, Big Lake, etc.

  62. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Remember Piper,

    Pause Before You Play

  63. Anonymous8:28 PM

    If Bristol is excited about anything, it's herself.

  64. Anonymous8:35 PM

    "makes no sense", being the operative phrase here.

  65. Anonymous8:35 PM

    As of midnight Eastern Time, Friday/Saturday, 14/15 August, Bristol is back to citing God on her Instagram page.

    First she copies a rave about "The difference between you and me . . . " then she's back to her phony Christianity bullshit.

  66. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Bristol Palin's motto:

  67. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I don't get why people who defend Bristol keep echoing her claim that this child is "a gift." She MADE this baby by having sex. No one presented the child to her gift-wrapped. On conservative websites they are defending her by repeating this misleading claim. Even if she is happy about the pregnancy the question isn't whether she considers the child a blessing or gift but whether how she brought this child into the world fatherless was a blessing to the CHILD. It amazes me how many people seem to think that if the mother is happy to be pregnant then it doesn't matter if the child has a father. Someone even wrote on a site "There is no disappointment. Just be a good Mom and your children will be glad they're here.!" When was the last time you heard someone who grew up fatherless say "listen I'm just glad I wasn't aborted.?"

    Conservatives have been "lowering the bar" to claim Bristol as a good Christian girl who made "a mistake." But for God's sake (sorry Gryphen!) are we to lower the bar even further to allow her a second "mistake?" How far can we lower the bar? It's practically on the floor already.

    1. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Some conservatives have lowered the bar for her but most are not coming to her defense. Bristol is in for a rude awakening that people are not going to glorify and praise her for her second "mistake". If a handful of them want to rally defending her for not having an abortion they are changing the topic.

      Gryphen is spot on addressing the hypocrisy issue that is blatant. I strongly doubt this second pregnancy will be profitable for her or her mother. She chose to be a hypocrite, screw around, get engaged when already pregnant then tried to lie spinning she planned this but oops she got ahead of herself. How dare anyone find that objectionable.

  68. How many of these websites does she have set-up and is there anything in the world she won't take photos of herself doing? Here's a photo of Bristol trying to remember to breathe...picture of Bristol trying to walk and chew gum at the same time and wow she just fell down but had time to take a picture of herself on the ground.

    She must really be in love with herself which is a good thing because no man seems to be. Sure they bang her but they don't care enough about her to have it last more than a few weeks.

  69. We may hate hypocrisy, but since we've all been there and done that, it's a case of no one being in a position to cast the first stone.

    1. Anonymous11:35 PM

      You don't speak for us. You may only speak for yourself.

      And nobody cares about your personal problems.

  70. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Brancy, you are stupid. Quit putting apostrophes where they do not belong. Please shut up already! You are so full of shit, your eyes are brown.

  71. Anonymous9:30 PM

    What a bastard retard. Well don't post effing retard. Brisdull is a retard!!!

  72. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Bastards, that's all you are producing. Make 20 bastards. This Repub who is conservative don't care.

  73. Anonymous10:18 PM

    As so many have written before me, Bristol had NO CHOICE if she is anti-abortion. The idea of abortion wouldn't have entered her head. She's doing what she decrees all other women should do: have the baby, no what the circumstances.

    This is the same line Sarah tried out when she became a saint for not aborting Trig. In the anti-abortion world, a woman has not CHOICE but to carry a fetus full-term until it draws its "first
    breath" as the Bible says is the beginning of life.

    Before that, the Bible says the zygoat is not a person.

  74. Janice A Soderquist10:29 PM

    She is so much a wanna be... I am surprised she is not taking a picture of her huge stomach like Demi Moore and other stars have done on magazine fronts just to make a buck. She wants to be a Kim K. Kim is married with almost two children. She works on a reality show and has businesses of her own on the side. She has a man next to her who is proud to be her man.
    You have nothing. You blame everyone for your lot. You are posting pictures, telling us you shamed your family and you take pictures laughing with your porno friend. What do you expect. You parents must not be standing with you, no comments there. Where is all the excitement for the new baby and baby showers. You should be taking pictures of showers instead of yourself. We do not feel sorry for you. We laugh because you keep posting making a fool of yourself and then have the nerve to play the victim. Grow up. You made your bed, did not use birth control so what do you expect. The only reason everyone is discussing your situation is because you are the only one putting it in the public, daily. You need to focus on raising your two children now and take the focus off you. You are your mothers daughter, she comes before her children too. She should have stayed at home, cooked, taught her children right from wrong and just been there for them.

  75. Janice A Soderquist10:34 PM

    Remember Bristol, people like Kim K. show their boobs and butts in the raw. But they never claimed to be Christians.
    Look at everything you have done in the past few years, got pregnant with Tripp, pregnant now, hanging out and taking pictures with a porno queen, your best friend, got drunk at a party, fought and had your little boy in the limo with the driver. On and on. And you call yourself a Christian.

  76. Janice A Soderquist11:21 PM

    Do you notice in the two pictures above, one has the top hanging and the other has it tied up around the waist. Why? Is she trying to make it look like she has a big stomach with all the material there? Is this a recent picture and the baby is already born?
    Why two different styles for the top ?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.