Sunday, August 02, 2015

Bristol Palin's baby bump finally makes its appearance on social media.

Courtesy of Bristol's Pikore account and dated August 1st.
Caption: #5months ..

Okay maybe she is five months along, which of course would mean that she was actively banging Dakota Meyer around the time of conception, but the first thing that I noticed about the photo is that Bristol is taking her selfie in a mirror which appears to be positioned to give the impression of slimness.

The entire reason that Bristol had to announce her pregnancy in the first place is because people in Wasilla had noticed the baby bump and were telling both the National Enquirer and myself that she was knocked up.

So yes from what I hear she is bigger in person than she appears in this photo.

I also found it interesting that of the three most recent photos that Bristol posted, two of them featured her BFF the exotic model Marina Lupas.

#throwback to Vegas with my BFF, back in the good ole days
I think this helps to underline the rift that seems to have occurred between Bristol and her mother since the whole Dakota Meyer debacle. Cause you just know that Sarah is not endorsing this public friendship.

Perhaps Bristol is now ready to say "I'm done with men" and embrace her feminist side, or perhaps an even more exotix side?


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Bristol, the Alaskan Kartrashian, wants to get paid 10 million a month for her photos ... just like her idol KK.

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      What's the deal now with everyone writing shit like this? Peoples heads do not need ore lies. This post alone adds some.

    2. Frustrated longtime IMer6:40 AM

      Stop. Why can't people just comment with lies, funny lies, and opinions that contain attacks and slander? I swear it's people here who setback women the most when they falsely accuse people of being slutty.

    3. Anonymous6:43 AM

      6:38 If the PayMe clan would just STFU and go away, nobody would miss them, or talk about them. This is an old photo of Bristles, she is ready to POP the latest fatherless child.

    4. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Alicia, you're here. What a freakin' surprise.

    5. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Ore lies? Iron? Copper? Silver?

    6. Anonymous7:08 AM

      @Frustrated - your comment about accusing women of being slutty and setting women back is true. Many folks have observed that Marina is a friend of Bristol 's and shouldn't be condemned for that. But hey, Mr Know it All Blog owner is a confessed consumer of porn and damn proud of it. Funny how he is one of the biggest slit shamers you would ever know. Oh right, we're Hypocrite shaming Bristol...fine then, she's not the only hypocrite in AK.

    7. Anonymous7:19 AM

      7:08, 'Frustrated' is NOT an IMer, nor are you. You are both wasting your time on this site, as you are swaying no one.

    8. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Alicia Mangelsdorf is up early again trying to defend the fake abstinence. bastard breeder. Alicia, what do you gain by pretending to be a friend of the Palins?
      You have never met any of them, and they are fed up with your juvenile comments about them. You comment about subjects that the Palins would prefer to be kept quiet. Thank you for exposing the Palins as frauds and liars. 'Obvi' you are having another 'convo' with yourself in grade school jargon.

    9. Well Anonymous 7:08 while I do appreciate your use of my full title of "Mr. Know it all Blog owner" I am forced to take issue with your assertion that I shame "slits."

      I have never done so, I cannot imagine doing so, and for your information I hold slits in the highest regard.

      After all they have taken so much abuse for the survival of mankind.

    10. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Bristol is a slut, in fact, she proclaimed that in writing at the age of 15.

    11. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Is Bristol hiding out in AZ or on the land that Sarah bought in MT when they were going to move there? Inquiring minds wanna know

    12. Anonymous8:11 AM

      6:38/6:40 Should we just stop posting comments and call you for your expert Palin info at : 850-539-1719 ?
      With you as our source of info, we will be well informed about all things Palin, amirite?

    13. Anonymous8:18 AM

      My bet is that those are old, pre-engagement photos

    14. Anonymous8:19 AM

      What is wrong with people repeating what someone else has said about themselves? Bar$Tool has admitted herself - IN WRITING, and more than once! - that she is a slut. So, we here on IM are just repeating, and agreeing with what she called herself.

      Live with it, Alicia/Bri$$y/Willblow/Piper-Diaper (and THAT name will stick with her, too, because $arah called her daughter that!).

    15. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Gryphen, you are a cheeky one!

    16. Anonymous8:32 AM

      8:11, posting personal information is very irresponsible and childish. How very TRUMP of you.

    17. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Gryphen, I think 8:11's comment should be deleted. As someone who loves to troll c4p and is often assumed to be other well-known trolls, I think it is very irresponsible and dangerous to have someone posting personal information, just because they think they know who the person is. What good can come of giving out that information? And what if 8:11 is wrong?

    18. The Reihl Truth8:47 AM

      This blog is the Fox News of the left and Gryphen the Gryphter is Roger Ailes, Beck, Hannity and Billo combined.

    19. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Thank you for stating my thoughts, 8:32. It isn't the first time that has been posted either. Shame on G for allowing it to go through. He has censored far lesser things that seemingly have offended his widdle feelings. Amirite?

    20. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Oh man, you shit-for-brain trolls are a hoot! I don't usually eat popcorn this early in the day, but....

    21. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Just google Alicia and the same info comes up. Agree just post a link

    22. Anonymous9:38 AM

      She's still on drugs. That is why so small.
      Dr. JackmeOff is giving her adderall still. Fuck you Bristol Troll!

    23. Anonymous9:39 AM

      People here whining about lie,lies,lies,about the paymees obviously having been in the nut farm or under a rock the last 8 yrs. All this family lives off of is ball face lies and half truths. Scheming and lies, falsehoods and simply shameful stories having been put out about others to distract from their own doings and crimes. high school diplomas,college degrees,birthcertificates,fires,downed planes,trust funds....the list is Endless,and all lies.

    24. Anonymous9:45 AM

      That's a pretty fetching pic of the barstool and her husky Russian housekeeper-leg wrestler-sex worker. Love the one you're with??

    25. Anonymous10:17 AM

      If Bristles could find a man who would love her even half as much as she loves herself, how happy she would be!! Girl really thinks she is special. Why, I fail to see. No man wants rto narry a used up skank' Todd's friend, the party host that the PayMe's crashed called her "Bristol Fu--ing Palin" to the police. Quite a rep she has, eh?

    26. Anonymous11:18 AM

      But hey, Mr Know it All Blog owner is a confessed consumer of porn and damn proud of it.
      Ummm what IS your point EXACTLY? Is the STOOL doing porn now? Is that your point? Who cares what "The blog owner" does in his spare time? In his private house? He's not posting for the world to see unlike "the private ones"? He doesn't PUSH us to to it and I think the point IS, MS ABSTINENCE BFF is a "Exotic model" ie Webcam/porn whatever you want to call it. No one really cares what Marina does, at LEAST she is trying to make a HONEST living but "ms holier than tho" who hangs with HER and is Pregnant again for what the fourth of fifth time now? That is WHERE the Hypocrisy comes in...GET iT TARD? And as far as "slut shaming" the stool wrote on her own facebook which wasn't private then and isn't private now that "She is a slut".
      So fuck YOU, STFU you idiot TROLL!

    27. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Oh lookee, it's DeeDeeThree from the Sea of Pee. She can't stay away from here. She hates this blog with a passion and loves to spread lies about G. Jealous troll she is.

  2. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Oh please? Bristol is "done with men" and embracing her feminist side? In Somebody's dreams! FYI, hetero women can be and are feminists. The lesbians do not have that market cornered by any means. Give me a fuckin break!

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Trolls got up early this morning!

    2. Anonymous6:53 AM

      6:29 AM Bristol needs to take a 'FUCKIN' break. Where were her selfies in 2007 and 2010?

      Who is that plus plus plus sized dwarf model with Bristol? Is that Bristol's only moral supporter? Has Sarah Palin abandoned her breeding machine daughter? Bristol is not positive who the Daddy might be, AK AFTADARK, Junker, or Dakota? Maybe that is why Sarah is keeping her distance. Sarah and her C4PEE Cult can't handle a Bristol Palin Obama look alike baby.

    3. Anonymous7:57 AM

      You could hardly blame B for having a problem with men. Don't forget her Pimp Daddy. She must have good reason to be mad at him or she would not attack his nuts.

      Junker? That could freak out anyone!

      Any young girls would want to forget and drown themself in booze and whatev.....
      Sept 2014

    4. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Bristol's bff fits in well with the whole family.

      Mama Bear

      marina_exotix_llcMany reasons why I love this girl !!! One of my true friends

      Somethings never change

    5. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Take a "fucking break." That's abstinence, right?
      Bristol isn't capable of taking a fucking break.

    6. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Its AKAftadark...akaftadark, everywhere and no where, everywhere and no where...akaftadark...
      Will we get to see pic of THIS black babie? Not the "godchile" either. That one is 'hidden" right bristle? AmIright?

    7. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Supreme Ruler, nothing wrong with loving sex. Nothing wrong with fucking everything on two legs. So Barstool loves sex, that's great but she just needs to get fixed so the bastards quit coming every two years.

    8. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Why is Ms Abstinence letting her tits hang out in this pic?
      See TROLL this is HYPOCRITICAL compare to the holyroller bullshit Brancy put on her blog!
      "marina_exotix_llcMany reasons why I love this girl !!! One of my true friends" ~bristolPalin

      I'll bet anything Marina is showing Brissie the ropes. Maybe even "performing" with her?! Can you imagine all those xtian assholes wanting to see a plus sized girl and a preggo one?
      Marina is no dummy. I will bet my last dollar Brissie is online, webcamming with Marina. Now. While she is preggo.
      That is one reason (only one) Bitch palin has not acknowledge this grandchild. And also b/c I think the child will be "bi-racial" again!

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Quite the glamorous photo with the toilet in the background, and obligatory duck/fish lips. I need a shower after seeing that!!!

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Wasn't her mother the one that bashed "selfies" and "fish lips" a couple years ago. Yet they both post picture after picture of themselfs doing the same.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Ah, Hypocrisy, thy name is PALIN!

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      6:59 AM,

      Yep, granny did a whole faceplace ranty thing about how girls should be out fishing and hunting instead of standing in front of mirrors taking selfies. AND she used a picture of Bristol with a gun. What a farce family.

    4. Anonymous8:18 AM

      What a fail family.

    5. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Granny and Republicans forget what the old many times a grandma says. I am so happy she and Trump are going to team up for a perfect Republican ticket. Both represent the GOP as if should be represented.

      PALIN/TRUMP 2016!!!!!

    6. Anonymous9:47 AM

      PALIN/TRUMP 2016!!!!!
      Oh ya, the Trumpet and the strumpet 2016
      anyday shit ought to start trickling out about her, lolololol! get popcorn people! Alicia get xanax!

    7. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Strange that there is no towel or washcloth in sight in these "bathrooms" Did Pissy Brissy have to use them to wipe the floor?

    8. Anonymous11:36 AM

      No towels or washcloths because it's a PUBLIC restroom probably in a hotel.

    9. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Anonymous10:21 AM

      Strange that there is no towel or washcloth in sight in these "bathrooms" Did Pissy Brissy have to use them to wipe the floor?
      Todd has probably trained them that "rill men" take their own....don't want any stray DNA left betcha!

  4. Anonymous6:30 AM

    If Dakota were the father, they would announce it, wouldn't they? It's the least troublesome scenario. Why hide the fact that you had sex with and got pregnant by your serious boyfriend/fiancé? So, Bristol or Dakota or both believe or know this is NOT Dakota's baby and Bristol was screwing some other guy when she was with the MOH recipient.

    Is that why the wedding was called off?

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Didn't be write or like a comment that said "just because he's not saying anything doesn't mean he's not doing anything ?"

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Drinking and trolling don't mix...

    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Duh is not the father and I think he found out he was about to be cuckold and flew the coup!
      Duh is not the smartest tool in the shed but he has advisers (b/c his is MOH) and they prob told him to get a flippin' clue! Just sayin'!
      Brissie is always trying to pass off her babies on someone else like the cuckoo bird does.

  5. Anonymous6:31 AM

    But if it were anyone else's baby, she'd be huge. Like, that hockey puck picture. What's not good for "us" though is that a baby's delivery is very subjective and for a lot of people, no two pregnancies are the same. Honestly , I still see this as a planned thing between 2 soon-to-be-Married people. He was Sooo damn giddy when he met her that I was actually sad for him that she had change of feelings. Someone posted here earlier the picture of his relative saying "you're going to be a great father." The 'my world' pic showed his feelings and hopes for a family. I think Bristol felt estranged from Alaska all the way in Kentucky. She may have thought about continuing to date him but finally said no to herself

    I will comment on wasilla since it really is a place to go if you want to see 15000 people pregnant in one time . I'm not surprised people were wagging tongues. People knew sunny was pregnant with breeze like 2 months before they went to tmz themselves and she's not famous. Wasilla can weirdly sense things. There's a reason Levi announced the final baby after a month. It's actually sad people are so idle in The world that they can't allow a woman to make her personal announcements when she wants to. When there are specifics sections in magazines dedicated to just this, we have a bad bad problem.

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Babbling Alicia knows giddiness.

    2. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Oh. my aching arse! Stop with the lame defense of Bristles. She is a WHORE, and EVERYONE knows it. That photo was likely taken months ago, nothing is current with that clan. We KNOW what these grifters are like, so stop wasting your time trying to change minds here. Go preach to Bristles, that she should give up trying to be famous. No talent, no looks, too many illigitimate kids, and no work ethic whatsoever.

    3. Anonymous7:02 AM

      you are frigging nuts Alicia. Seriously mentally ill and a stalker.

    4. Anonymous7:04 AM

      I live in Alaska.

    5. Anonymous7:10 AM

      6:31 she wouldn't 't be huge if she is still taking adderall to stay skinny. Also too and therefor maybe this photo is several months old-remember the ultra sound photo she posted a month or more ago? That fetus was pretty developed.

      You can never trust a palin to tell the truth or post current photos. Everything is a scam with them. It would at least be honest if Bristol openly became an "escort".

    6. Anonymous7:21 AM

      6:31 Alicia, How do you find 15000 people in a town of 6000? A planned thing between 2 people? Like these 2 planned pregnancies that were not announced but were hidden?

      Why didn't Bristol announce those 2 pregnancies and a marriage date? Do you deny that Bristol was pregnant in 2007(that was too early for a Tripp birth, unless she lied about Tripp's birthdate in December, 2008. Trig was bought to camouflage Bristol's 16 year old, teen pregnancy) . In 2010, Bristol was at dance rehearsal 8 hours a day and was the only DWTS contestant to gain a lot of weight. You can't handle the truth, troll.

    7. Anonymous8:19 AM

      there must be an app for spewing shit.

    8. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Wow her big arm is big as her leg. Fat.

    9. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Anonymous6:48 AM
      Oh no, now no "slit shaming" lolololololol!!!
      Oh that troll is so flippin' stupid.....
      I'm lol so hard I can't get anything done.....

    10. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Alicia,come to the party. she Doesn't know who the baby daddy is. Otherwise,there would have been a wedding.

    11. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Not all pregnancies end in weddings. If ANYONE should know that, it would be Bristles. How many times has she tried to trap a guy with a baby, and they all escaped. Nobody wants that fame whore, with no talent, or housewifely skills whatsoever. Her reputation as a tramp is well known. You can not make a "ho into a housewife" is common knowledge. She thought she was popular, but lots of guys just used her for practice for when a DECENT girl, marriage material showed up.

  6. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Sarah is pissed off because, once again, Bristol's desperation to fill her uterus has screwed up Sarah's big plans.

  7. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Exotic model? Wha...?

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Yes, obviously for plus sized clothing, or else the hillbilly backwards market.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM


    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Anon at 6:49 am

      Marina's "modeling" has very little to do with clothes. She is an internet porn slut.

    4. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Isn't she a little long in the tooth for that? Maybe she appeals to the senior crowd. Marina and Bristles look about the same aged, used up also, too.

  8. Anonymous6:35 AM

    If this was posted by Brissy in an attempt to convince us of how far along she is, it doesn't do it. That could have been taken a month or two ago.
    More interesting to me is how bizarre her face looks. She has joined the ranks of so many who attempted to improve her looks and ended up permanently destroying them.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      And it really says nothing given how pregnant bellies are so different.

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      how bizarre her face looks.

      Not only that it looks bizarre, also she does not seem to see how distorted and freaky she is looking for someone so young. Bristol has the same body image probs as her eating disorder druggie mother.

      Where is Tawd? It sucks when everyone abandons her, sure she was a bad, bad mother but family stickes together. Well a good Christian family value family would be there for one another.

    3. Anonymous7:58 AM

      I agree, she hopped on the plastic surgery train so young and destroyed any natural looks she had going for her.

    4. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Yes, 7:05 AM Pregnant bellies are different.


      Thanks for bringing that up. Do you really think that you are helping Bristol?

    5. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Correct,could have been taken when ever. Her face is all lumpy.

    6. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Can she get a refund if the doctor wasn't licensed or faked that he passed the boards?

      Poor thang, it will never be the same again.

  9. Anonymous6:36 AM

    This family needs to watch out what they are doing to their faces.

    Bristol and Sarah look for better doctors.

  10. Anonymous6:36 AM

    She would've had a bump last month. in the plane picture, Tripp is right by her stomach FTR.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      You mean right in front of her stomach, Alicia.

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Bwahahaha, Bristol shielded her belly with Tripp in Arizona/2011 and during the Junker Disneyland trip.
      Alicia, are you voting the Democratic ticket with your parents Linda and James in 2016?

  11. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Bristol may be bashful but I think Gryphen was joking about the lesbian thing. I do feel is wrong to keep naming marina as part of a ploy though. She's just her friend. There nothing wrong with that.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      You wish YOU were Marina so YOU could be Bristol's friend, don't you?

    2. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Marina is all about the publicity. She's probably using Bristol for that very thing.

    3. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Please stop trying to convince anyone that Bristol is bashful.

    4. Anonymous6:55 AM

      And what a nice, wholesome friend she is....

    5. Anonymous7:48 AM

      This Marina Lupas? Bristol's BFF?

    6. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Bristol bashful??? Apparently you haven't heard her confrontation with the Anchorage police dept. But have no fear, a simple google search and you too can hear the "bashful" Bristles.

  12. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Bristol seems to send a extraordinary amount of time in bathrooms with cellphones....

  13. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I knew a truck stop gal who hung out primarily around restrooms!

  14. Anonymous6:39 AM

    So who's the baby daddy? Joey Junker?

    1. Balzafiar7:43 AM

      Only a maybe. They are still trying to figure that one out and may have to resort to DNA testing.

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Cletus the Fetus has no willing baby daddy at this point. No baby Daddy has come forth to claim this "planned mistake" of the slut Bristle Palin.

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Whoever it turns out to be, I feel sorry for the poor bastard. Look at the misery she is STILL piling on Levi and by extension his beautiful wife Sunny.

    4. Anonymous8:42 AM

      I gotta say that slut is not the appropriate pejorative for Bristol. Who has sex with whom is none of our business. BUT SHE IS A FIRST CLASS HYPOCRITE. Of that there's no question. I think it may be genetic.

  15. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Gryphen ... post the comments that were with Vegas "toilet bowl" photo .. they are good.

    bsmp2 ..."no strings pulled this trip ... just ruined my life the next night"

    Cletus's dad may be some unknown one night stand Bristol fucked while in Vegas.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      They were laughing about something.

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      More like who is fucking who whatever hour of the day...

    3. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Whatever she did, the day after this pic "ruined her life." Remember that. The follow up "I am blessed" is a cover to keep the money coming in.

      You can call me a conspiracy theorist, but I am far from it. Realist, because I have lived and seen too much in my almost 60 years of life.

      Why the sudden concern of SarahPAC over black babies when this family is racist as they come? I don't buy ANY of their bullshit and never will.

  16. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Read the comments under the bff Marina photo:
    bsmp2#throwback to Vegas with my BFF, back in the good ole days 😂

    travisangry@bsmp2 the saying goes., when you go black, you don't go back :) just saying because you look stunning in black
    bsmp2Hahah @marina_exotix_llc 👆 that comment tho.. Love dressing in black
    marina_exotix_llcI just died 😂😂😂😂 @bsmp2

    marina_exotix_llcThat's trip was the truth
    bsmp2😂😂😂😂 no stings pulled this trip....... Just ruined my life the next night 😂😂😂😂😂 #worstvalemtimes #dahdahdahttt
    anniemelgarHer ring! 💍
    dangle907Girls room 🐤🐤lips on 👈 @bsmp2
    bsmp2@dangle907 the only thing my face let's me do when a camera is around 😏 it's weird, like auto pilot

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      " no stings pulled this trip....... Just ruined my life the next night"

      No stings? As in con games? Or just a spelling error, which would be about right for this gang of intellects.

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM

      travisangry@bsmp2 the saying goes., when you go black, you don't go back :) just saying because you look stunning in black

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      bsmp2�������� no stings pulled this trip....... Just ruined my life the next night

      Bristol is the one who called her pregnancy a huge disappointment. This sounds like the moment that she hooked up with the future baby daddy. What else could have ruined her life? She almost married Dakota, but I bet that he found out that Bristol was pregnant. He can count, and when it didn't add up, the wedding was off.

    4. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Strings pulled.... Hmm like a puppet?
      Is Bristol saying she didn't let Sarah pull her strings? Did Brissy NOT sleep with Duh like mommy wanted but with someone else the next night??

  17. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Most likely scenario:
    Bristol got pregnant by Junker on purpose (did she set a trap by lying about birth control?). Junker wouldn't marry her so she transferred to Meyer. Meyer figured out it wasn't his baby or maybe Bristol thought she still had a chance with Junker and the wedding was called off. Junker supposedly has a serious girlfriend who isn't too happy right now. Bristol is once again up the creek. Nice work. Bring another kid into a world of custody battles, child support fights, confusion, and instability.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      But there's no unstable sister in law this time.

    2. Anonymous7:32 AM

      @7:07 AM, shut up, Alicia.

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Who are you referring to as "Junker?'

    4. Anonymous7:37 AM

      LMFAO, as in MSJ? Love it!!

    5. Anonymous7:45 AM

      7:07 AM There is an unstable troll as always, Alicia Mangelsdorf of 1050 Bella VISTA # 208 St. Augustine, Florida who stalks Sunny and Mercede. Bristol NEVER had a sister-in-law other than Britta(fake marriage). Your disdain for Mercede is telling. Why don't you concentrate on your own miserable life and find a job? Stop being a hypocrite by claiming to hate liberals while living with your liberal parents.

    6. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Joey Junker, Bristol's ex.

    7. Anonymous8:06 AM

      @anon 7:07 am
      SIL??? Unmarried slut Bristol has never had a SIL because she has never been able to get a man to actually marry her. And now with 2 kids, one with no baby daddy around, her chances of a man ever marrying her are just about zero.

      Nope, there will never be a SIL, BIL, or even a MIL, because there is no use buying the milk when everyone/anyone can get it for free.

    8. Anonymous8:27 AM

      7:07 could be referring to Track's ex?

    9. Anonymous8:42 AM

      I believe Brissy and Levi were married at one time. So Mengele's Dork speaks the truth.

    10. Anonymous8:53 AM

      @anon 8:42 am

      Well that may very well be your belief, but there are no legal records of a marriage between the two. In this country, including Alaaaaaaska, the only marriages recognized are legal ones. Thus, they were never married. Bristol is just a teen ho who couldn't figure out how to use any form of birth control.

    11. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Bristol and Levi never married and never divorced! Sarah Palin did everything she could to get them married.

      Thank god Levi was smart! He's in a much happier world without the Palins (based on all reports from small town Wasilla, AK!).

  18. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I'm a longtime reader of this site and I have to say, I'm not a fan of the tone that has been used about Bristol's friendship with Marina. Is it humiliating for her mother and therefore a little funny? Yes. But I think Gryphen is being a little narsty and sexist. I don't really care if she has an exotic dancer as a friend. I don't care if she's having sex with a woman. And I don't even really care if she has totally broken from her mom and the whole public persona is some charade. If that's the case, then good for her. But Gryphen is writing about this in a snarky, distasteful manner that doesn't agree with me. Think I will be coming here less from now on.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Your choice. Isn't that what makes America great!

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      @6:50 AM We will miss you, bwahahahahahaha.

    3. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Your comments are spot on, 6:50am. Couldn't have said it any better.

    4. Balzafiar7:44 AM


    5. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Well 6:50, Bristol deserves the snark for pushing her wholesome,better than everyone, uber religious schtick. If it is some "charade", then she needs to fix herself before letting someone use her "good name" to condemn anyone. Lying (bearing false witness) is just as much a sin as killing according to the Bible.

      Bye Alicia!


    6. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Oh good lord, enough with the pearl clutching. What YOU care about does not determine what Jesse posts on the blog. If it threatens your tender sensibilities, perhaps you may want fuck off.

      Jesse writes about a lot more than the grifter Palin family, so you can learn how to be more selective in your reading instead of trying to shame or reprimand Jesse.

      Here's a newsflash, WE don't much care what makes you squirm, so there's that.

    7. Anonymous8:12 AM

      ???? Then why are you here and commenting? If you don't like an article, don't read it. If you don't like a blog, don't go to it.
      Better yet, start your own blog, but just make sure you write everything so it agrees with every potential readers "tastes".
      bye, bye.

    8. Anonymous8:17 AM

      So agree with you 6:50. I come to this site to see news about Sarah. I try to disregard all this sexual snark as it is distasteful. Yes - I understand that I don't have to read it.

    9. Anonymous8:29 AM

      6:50, 7:39 and 8:17....agree with yourself much? All the same person.
      Never understood why people read things that offend them and then complain!

    10. Anonymous8:33 AM

      6:50 and 8:17, I agree with you both. Gryphen likes to stir up shit like this Cruz he's a fat ugly loser who can't get laid to save his life. The truth hurts but it is still the truth.

    11. Anonymous8:43 AM

      As long as Brissy has a blog on patheis vomiting christian shit... marina's job and sexuality are FAIR GAME.
      It is really quite easy to understand.

    12. Anonymous10:16 AM

      And we don't care,that you don't care!!

    13. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Anon@843a, right-o. Contrast the amount of attention, here and elsewhere, paid to Track, Willow, and Piper. Sure there's some; and much of what there is probably is uncalled for. Track appears to be a troubled young man; Willow appears to be getting her sh*t together: Piper is presumably busy being a teenager. All of these things go on outside the public eye, and the public leaves them alone. Palin and her mini-me Bristol continue to put their Jerry Springer lives on full display, preaching one second, whoring the next, all with no visible means of support except grifting, desperately clinging to the fame of being famous. And their ruses are so stunningly transparent. Claiming pregnancies that don't exist...denying pregnancies that clearly do...smoke and mirrors with photographs... Never a dull moment with this pair of twits. If they insist on putting on a soap opera, guess what, people are going to watch.

    14. Anonymous11:30 AM

      8:33, what Gryphen are YOU talking about??? Because OUR Gryphen, proprietor of this site, is rugged, handsome, and certainly has been subject of local lore regarding his acrobatic prowess in the sack. Gryphen has even been called "yummy" by Jaime King, an internationally renowned model.

      You, however, are about as attractive as RAM, I'm guessing.

    15. Anonymous11:42 AM

      6:50 Don't let the door hit ya' where the good lord split ya'. Bye, bye. We'll try not to miss you.

  19. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The never ending story of Palin Baby Bumps. My fav part is that Sarah Palin is speechless!

    LOL!! In the meantime, perhaps Britta could join her sister-in-law Bristol on one of her many pro-abstinence speeches around the country? (After she has the baby, of course.)

    Beaming: The new Mrs Palin smiles at what appears to be her baby shower

    Sarah Palin To Be Grandmother Again

  20. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Can't wait to see her on The Maury Show,

  21. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Bristol was 5 months pregnant with Tripp when she was introduced at the RNC. Smoke and Mirrors!

  22. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I highly doubt the selfies are anywhere close to recent. Forget mommie dearest's upcoming "devotional." If there's mini-me and she practice, it's deceit.

  23. Does Bristle have one of those industrial strength toilet paper dispensers IN HER HOUSE?!

  24. Anonymous7:31 AM

    It's pretty obvious from her hashtags that she isn't sure who the daddy is. Sounds like she had some fun in Vegas with someone else, not Meyer. OR, she came back from Vegas and met up with Junker.

    If it was Meyer's, they would have come out with some media release about "co parenting," even though they aren't together anymore.

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Bristol's new baby daddy may be some unknown one night stand. She may not even remember his name.

      If this is the case, she won't get child support and will bleed down SarahPAC even more.

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      I'm all for that, 7:41!

  25. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Somewhere in the bible belt that talentless hack Nancy French is fretting to her closet case of a husband David over the potential loss of income, as it'll be harder to prop Bristol up as a good Christian fighting the pro-choice feminists and gay militants over morality and decency.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Isn't Nancy busy ghost writing Sarah's book on bible passages? What does the bible day about fornicatiors, Nancy?

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Frenchie lives in the San Diego area of CA.

  26. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Seriously, what are the odds that one family has so many baby bump mysteries?

    Feb. 8, 2009 Bristol Bump

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      As good as the odds of naming a kid with Trisomy G Trig and naming another one the same name as the grandpappy's prostitute Tripp.
      Just uncanny coincidences or really fucking hilarious karma.

  27. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Cletus wants Bristol to slow down on having sex. He is tired of being poked in the side every night.

  28. Anonymous8:00 AM

    EWWWWW! Who would post a selfie from a bathroom, even with commode in background? Oh yeah, low class trashy wannabees from Walsilly! Absolutely in poor taste and disgusting.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Toilet , brisdul. Haha. No photog like kimye. Haha. Talk about fat, brisdull arms are same size as her leg. Haha

  29. Sex industry workers are great pals if you want to feel better about your own moral failings.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Well she did name one of her children after her Dad Tawd's prostitute,

  30. Anonymous8:18 AM

    My guess is still Sept. 30th for Cletus' due date. Hopefully Bristle will figure out who the baby daddy is shortly afterward.

  31. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Is it really true Bristol could marry a lawnmower?

  32. Anonymous8:26 AM

    The Long And Fartknocking Road: A Sarah Palin Channel Retrospectacular

    This is the final installment of The Sarah Palin Fartknocker Report, presented by Fartknocker, a series made possible by a generous grant from Fartknocker. Relive all your favorite Sarah Palin Fartknocker Report moments at the Sarah Palin Fartknocker Report Archives. And thanks for supporting Yr Wonkette.

    The bad news is we have no new videos to show you today, and not because Sarah didn’t publish any new videos, which has been the case in the past.

    The good news is we have a year’s worth of Fartknocker screengrabs, which we will now rank for you in order of descending derpiness. Here are the top 10 funny-lookin’ pictures of Sarah Palin as screengrabbed by Yr Wonket:


  33. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Why does the feedjit sidebar always show a visitor from united states, and a visitor from Los Angeles when Alicia the troll arrives? Hmmmm.

  34. Janice A Soderquist8:30 AM

    I don't this this is Bristols bathroom. No towels and a stainless steel toilet paper dispenser. This picture could have been taken months ago.....
    Maybe she already had the baby and is slimmed down.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      "Maybe she already had the baby and is slimmed down." That is quite a possible scenario, too! She might have had a 'white-out', or already delivered a premature little bastard (not my choice of word, but it came from one of those religious preachers that wants to be out POTUS...).

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      No, this is in a public bathroom in Las Vegas. You can see the stall door. It is probably in either the Venetian or some such casino.

  35. Janice A Soderquist8:35 AM

    Under the pictures, it says they were taken in Vegas. How long ago was that? Was this a new trip because I don't think the hooker was there when Bristol was there with Dakota?

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      If you read some of the comments, it must be around Valentine's Day since one of the hashtags is #valemtimesday ( not my spelling, but the average Palin class of friends.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      I don't think the hooker was there when Bristol was there with Dakota?

      Marina Lupas, the exotix Russian 'hooker' porn model/agent was with the Palin family for the mid Feb trip.

      She also went with Bristol and Dakota for the social media engagement announcement, Friday the 13th.

      The timing is confusing since Sarah's DC photog did the ring photos. Did DC photog go to LV when Marina and others went to be with the couple for their most romantic event in mid March?

    3. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Maybe $carah and Taaahhd have Marina teaching Bristles the "tricks of the trade"? What other "workk" is she capable of doing?? Wasn't there a porn convention in Vegas at that time? Seems I read that someplace. Maybe Marina is the Madam for the business at the Lodge?

  36. Anonymous8:38 AM

    $he can claim this to be a five-month belly all she wants. Fact is, after three, four or who knows how many pregnancies, your belly gets big faster and faster.
    The fact that the Enquirer started poking around a month or tow ago alone says that this picture is quite old, because at least in these pics, she is barely showing yet.

    We all know that the PayMes never show current pictures.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      No way do I believe this recent post of Aug 1 is current. It looks like she is still using the old tricks. It is not going to go well for her in the end.

      I am not even sure Bristol is the only one that uses the BSMP2 account for her. Any number of other people could be helping with that account.
      Nancy French does the blog for Sarah in Bristol's name.

      Sarah may have someone using Bristol's other accounts. She may have a plant doing BSMP2 with or for Bristol. Like the blog is Sarah, Nancy as Bristol. BSMP2 is similar.

      Bristol has been a tool all along. She may be trusting the wrong people. Not only the ones who are blood relations.

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Yes, I agree that Sarah and Nancy French control The public fb, the blog and BSMP2. Bristol isn't all that careful to hide that she has a "private" instagram and fb besides the one the public sees. She's even commented to Willow with her private instagram acct. I think this whole pregnancy thing is Sarah and Nancy messing with someone...or all of the "haters".

  37. Anonymous8:39 AM

    A DNA test will prove once and for all if it is or isn't Dakota's. Since she's sure to want child support, she will have to name a father and that man will surely want a DNA test for proof. Ought to get interesting!

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      If anyone wanted a DNA test they had one done months ago. Even Dakota, Joey or Mr. X could have pushed for a test.

      Sarah could have had her people, the ones that control Bristol the best they can, get Bristol to test.

      They could know the sex and more of little Cletus.

      Don't forget Sarah is adored by Dr. Cusack. The families go back many years and have the hockey connection. Bristol's other friend is in the thick of it with the Cusack rackets. Janice Sims, another mother figure that Bristol would trust.

      Dakota and Sims

      dwts Sims

      Bristol, Marina, Sims

      Dakota and Sims

      dwts Sims

      February 14, 2015 Sims

      Daddy's girllllll #bff #favorite

      Sims above Bristol's head.

  38. Anonymous8:40 AM

    KKKristian abstinence speaker and Kkkristian blogger and unwed Mom of one announces her planned?/mistake? second abstinence baby and even proudly showing pics of herself.

    But yet the saintly BristHo rants about others choices about their pregnancies and wants everyone to forget that she is still unmarried and can't even seem to find a baby daddy for her latest "abstinence" baby on the way.

  39. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Okay maybe she is five months along, which of course would mean that she was actively banging Dakota Meyer around the time of conception,

    America don't assume that the bastard unborn child is Dakota's baby. If Bristol is anything like her mother and if it is true that Sarah was actively banging Glenn Rice the same time Sarah was actively banging Todd then can we assume Bristol was actively banging another guy the same time Bristol was actively banging Dakota?

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Marina could Bristol's baby daddy be one of your Aftadark homies?

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      That would explain the gang signs Bristles gives, plus teaching Tripp and Trig to sign also, too.

  40. Anonymous8:55 AM

    The cray cray freak family! Thank you John McCain!!

  41. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Perhaps Bristol is now ready to say "I'm done with men" and embrace her feminist side, or perhaps an even more exotix side?
    -Immoral Minority

    America an Immoral Minority reader suggested long time ago that since Bristol was having issues with Ben, Levi, Gino, Levi and Joey that Bristol should switch teams. Maybe Bristol finally took that advice? This proves Bristol reads Immoral Minority

  42. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Look at the second picture of Bristol. When she turned her head you can see her chin extension is having a life of its own. Time for another mouth realignment.

  43. Pat in MA9:12 AM

    What is the obsession with social media. Grow the fuck up and take care of your kids.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      When Bristol announced that she was pregnant and it was a huge disappointment, she asked for privacy for herself and Tripp. Then, she splashes photos of herself on Instagram. LOL

  44. There are three possibilities for Bristol's baby daddy:

    1. Former boyfriend Joey Junker. Probably not.
    2. Someone she fucked in Vegas while whoring around the Marina "The Exotic Russian Ho' " Lupas.
    3. One of the AKAftaDark producers who does Marina's sleazy videos and who likely screws Marina as part payment for his services.

    For those of you who dismiss Marina as just an "exotic model," you really need to think again. The woman is a whore. Prostitute. Call girl. World's Oldest Profession.

    Check out her advertising video, shot in a cheap Anchorage hotel by two guys who produce videos under the name AKAftaDark (Alaska After Dark). Pay special attention to the way the video winds down, with Marina getting physical with one of the guys..

    At the top of this blog post are two photos of Bristol. In the first, she is taking a selfie, supposedly showing her 5-month baby bump. We don't know when this photo was taken, could have been anytime, it was posted to her Instagram page on 1 August.

    The second photo is the most revealing -- it's a selfie of Bristol and Marina taken in the ladies' room of a Vegas hotel. This photo was posted before along with a photo of Bristol, Marina, Sarah, Todd, and friends in the lobby of a Vegas restaurant.

    On this second photo Bristol has posted comments that clearly place this photo at Valentine's Day 2015 in Vegas. In one of these comments she says something like "I ruined my life the next day." To me this is her admission that she was knocked up the day after Valentine's Day 2015 in Vegas. More than likely, Marina plies her "exotic model" trade in Vegas, providing sexual favors to old, fat, pasty-skinned conventioneers, or, to any of the hundreds of Vegas sleazoid lounge lizards. I think it's clear that Bristol joined Marina in what she -- Bristol -- thought would be a "fun, adventurous" 3-way, 4-way, or more. She wound up dumped in a cheap hotel room, her brains fucked out, pregnant, with no idea who did the deed.

    On the other hand, her baby daddy could be one of the guys who makes Marina's videos.

    Either way, Bristol has no business quoting scripture, advising others how to live, attacking other young women, or acting like mother of the year.

    Dakota Meyer's grandparents are old, conservative, hard-working, straight-shooting country folks. I come from the same stock. No doubt it took them about one nanosecond to recognize Bristol for what she is -- a dimwitted, untalented "flighty" young woman. Which is why they told a reporter: "We don't talk about Bristol Palin in this family."

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      The most important comment that Bristol made was on the Las Vegas photo, when she wrote that the following night, she ruined her life. That makes it sound as if she hooked up with some guy and that's the Baby Daddy. As far as a time line, Bristol had already met Dakota in Vegas in January. By the end of February, Dakota was introducing Sarah at CPAC and Sarah's photographer captured Dakota and Bristol "falling in love." Oh yes, Bristol got ahead of herself all right, and Dakota really dodged a bullet.

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Nice summary regarding the dimwit.

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      I didn't come to the same conclusion as red neck. When Bristol says she ruined her life the next day, could she be referring to the deal that Sarah and Dakota made with Bristol as the payment? That type of deal would have ruined Bristols life.

  45. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Terrell Hardy, from Anchorage says:

    Someone is posting pics of Bristol with Marina and the Alaska Dermatology & Laser staff. Do any of them speak up for Bristol?

    Who is the only person to speak up about Bristol and Cletus? Who came right out and offered help?,fl_lossy,q_75/v1364525276/levi-johnston-and-sarah-palin-photo.jpg

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      that 2nd picture does NOT look like Levi..

  46. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Bristol doesn't look all that pregnant in the Instagram photo, compared to the DWTS photo (when she wasn't supposed to be pregnant).

    This one is teen aged Bristol and Levi at the Republican Convention in 2008. She is supposed to be 5 monthes pregnant with Tripp.

    As women have more children, they don't carry smaller, they carry larger. That Instagram photo could have been taken any time, any place and Bristol is conveniently posting it now. If that's Joey's baby, Bristol is more like 6 months pregnant now. If that's the Vegas baby, she is still more than 5 months pregnant. We'll know the truth in a few more months. And, I don't expect Bristol to be honest about posting photos of a newborn baby who will probably be called "premature," LOL

  47. Anonymous10:05 AM

    O/T, but VERY inflammatory to the C4PeePot crowd..omg.

    They are in an uproar because the newly anointed darling of the Teaparty/KKK/Christian right has dared to comment on the worthiness or motivation of THEIR $ARAH!


    KARL: Runningmate: Sarah Palin said some very nice things about you, you've said some nice things about her. Will you consider her as a possible runningmate?

    TRUMP: Well, I don't think she'd want to, because at the -- the answer is -- you know, I like Sarah Palin a lot. I think Sarah Palin has got the very unfair press. I think the press has treated her very unfairly. But I would pick somebody that would be a terrific -- you know, you have to view it as really who would be a good president in case something happened. But I would -- there are many, many people out there that I think would be very good.

    The few sane C4pee crowd that realize that Queen Quitter is not running for President are being hammered for daring to even comment on Trumps slam on $arah!


  48. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Weren't those morons getting on young people for posing for selfies???????

  49. Anonymous10:08 AM

    It's an elongating mirror, too, and women love those. The mirror plus angle she’s standing at distorts things.

    If you go back and look at pics of her from the GOP convention at the start of Sept. '08, she really doesn't look all that big. Her boobs do, but not her belly. This was back in her chubby days. After everyone joked that she looked like a stuffed cabbage roll during DWTS, she made some kind of major change to her diet to keep slim and has the past couple years and she doesn't carry the bulk she once did, so it makes sense that with this current pregnancy she looks smaller than with the first one. She had Tripp in Dec. '08, four months after the convention. These current pics are nothing. Let's see, though, what she does as the next couple months go by.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      She looked like a stuffed cabbage roll at the '08 convention. It was Meaghan's dress that she borrowed, and those were lactating padded breasts.

      Who the heck were they trying to kid??

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Are you positively, absolutely sure that Tripp was born in Dec. of '08? I agree with 10:34, she was post pregnant at that convention and Sarah was horrible to embarrass and humiliate her daughter just so she could be famous and adored. What a horrible human being!!

    3. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Didn't Palmamama say something about pills? "Legal speed"? Recent photos, whether they are from July or March, seem to show Bristol following her mother's anorexic footsteps. If she got caught up in that, and then faced an inconvenient pregnancy she wasn't eager to show off, one truly fears for little Cletus. There have been some very strong suggestions over the years that Bristol delivered a "startlingly premature" infant some time around late '07 and 2/'08, who might well not be the child we know as Trig (who could in fact have died in infancy). If she was partying up a storm then and is partying up a storm now, that does not exactly bode well. Pity the pro-life crowd doesn't give a sh*t what a parent does to a fetus, just so long as it's carried to term.

    4. Anonymous11:36 AM

      10:08 AM Bristol Palin was not pregnant at the 2008 RNC. Sarah must have paid Levi to go along with the farce. Tripp was born in March or April, 2008.

  50. Anonymous10:30 AM

    This looks like the same outfit she had on when she posted the Bun in the Oven show, way back when...

  51. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I'm finally up to speed on AfftaDark, they make Toronto rappers look hard. That hooker is not to my taste either but should do nicely as BFF for the abstinence spokesperson. So nuts and so shameless, it's a wonder she didn't claim an immaculate conception.

  52. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Here is my theory,
    If you read the Instagram comments after the Valentine's Vegas trip:
    bsmp2#throwback to Vegas with my BFF, back in the good ole days ��

    travisangry@bsmp2 the saying goes., when you go black, you don't go back :) just saying because you look stunning in black
    bsmp2Hahah @marina_exotix_llc �� that comment tho.. Love dressing in black
    marina_exotix_llcI just died �������� @bsmp2

    marina_exotix_llcThat's trip was the truth
    bsmp2�������� no stings pulled this trip....... Just ruined my life the next night ���������� #worstvalemtimes #dahdahdahttt

    It implies that Bristol "went black" on the trip, with Travis. "No strings pulled", could be a reference to not doing her mother's bidding. " Just ruined my life the next night" could be a reference to becoming impregnated by Travis?
    Marina's comment about "that trip being the truth" could refer to the trip being the truth about the real daddy, or the truth about Bristol and Marina or?

  53. Anonymous10:56 AM

    A little birdie in the Palin family has stated that Bri$dull is having a baby girl.

    1. Ahh, I wondered when that was going to leak.

      Yep that is what I am hearing as well.

      Just waiting for confirmation.

  54. Anonymous11:02 AM

    When did she move into her latest home? I assume her photos are from a new home since there are no towels on the towel racks, etc. For someone ashamed of her pregnancy, she seems to be giddy and proud in the photos. Me thinks she is attempting to throw everyone off regarding the due date.

  55. Okay, old picture. Not currant. Not MoH's baby or he'd have married her.

    Bristol is getting desperate. No man is going to marry her. Note: I am not referring to her currant planned disappointment. A girl can make mistakes and it's not like she's had a decent background and upbringing. But she's not very bright, is she? Nor is she particularly well educated. Nor interested in getting an education. She was brought up to believe she'd marry and have children and maybe gut some fish on the side. But her mama trashed her publicly- good grief, NOBODY has had such a public outing of an illicit pregnancy. People were laughing at the Palin clan and let's face it, they're the Beverley Hillbillies without the kind hearts, respect for others or money. And her mama is a horror show: dumb as a post and publicity hungry, no standards of behavior and money-grubbing.

    Bristol's last realistic chance of marrying was Levi, but she let him slip away. Her ongoing conflict with him with regard to child support and visitation rights is telling everybody what she's like to marry. No decent man is going to marry her. Nobody would be proud to take her home to meet his parents. And again- it's NOT the two illegitimate children, or the other mysterious pregnancies that seem to occur among the Palin women. It's the stupidity, ignorance, and greed. A man would be a fool to take her on. And, incidentally, this applies to the other Palin daughters too- although the possibility exists that they're just dimly intelligent enough to avoid pregnancy. A parent would like his or her child to marry somebody a lot better than Bristol. And I think she's slowly coming to realize that no matter what she wants, she's coming to the end of her shelf-dating. I suspect eventually she will marry somebody, out of desperation, and will plug her marriage as being somebody she really really loves... and we will all look at him and realize. Desperation wedding.

  56. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Barstool wanted everybody to respect her privacy when she had to announce she's pregnant again without a husband. Barstool was forced to announce it before the media was about to reveal it.

    So why is Barstool posting pictures of her pregnant body when she cried she wanted privacy?
    These retarded people are fucking crazy.

  57. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Such a shallow self-absorbed woman. Taking selfies showing she's wearing no make-up while clearly wearing eye-liner and now a 5 month pregnancy selfie trying to show how slim she still is. I predict that Bristol is going to have a very hard time ever finding a man who will stay in a lasting relationship with her. He will always be 3rd or 4th place compared to her phony fish lipped "beauty" and spoiled brats.

  58. Anonymous11:46 AM

    The 'what happened to Todd' mystery is solved. He's in AZ with Sarah who does an interview tease video with Rusty Humphries while riding a mall elevator.

    Humphries: You're like just like a mother now.
    Palin: I am a. Big time. Full time. Mom.

    I wonder if Todd could fly his new plane between AK and AZ.


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