Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Redstate takes offense at Bristol Palin's attack on them, since they have often been ardent Palin defenders. I guess they assumed that a Palin would be grateful?

So the other day, as we know, Nancy French donned her Bristol Palin wig and snap on chin to go after Erick Erickson, owner of Redstate, for disinviting "The Donald" to his conservative gathering over the remarks he made about Fox's Megyn Kelly.

This upset the folks over at Redstate, who believe that they have been more than fair with the Palins over the years:  

Over the years at RedState, the rotating cast of 15 or 20 front pagers who have come and gone have written and said dozens (or maybe hundreds) of articles about Palin. Back in the aftermath of McCain’s defeat we, as a unified front, promised to deep six the candidacy of any Republican candidate who hired the McCain operatives who were engaging in a smear campaign against Palin. 

Over the years, as Palin’s fortunes have waxed and waned, various RedState authors have taken various stances about various things that Palin has done – some positive and some negative. However, RedState has taken a unified stand against the personal smearing of Palin and her family, and has stood strongly against the tabloidization of their private lives and the attacks against the Palin children (including Bristol, in particular). 

That having been said, bylines are fairly simple things to understand, and Erick’s position with respect to the Palins has been one of almost unrelenting positiveness. And over the years Erick has taken no small amount of grief from his cohorts in the media and the blogosphere for sticking up for the Palins even when many other people (including myself) had given up on them politically.

The article then goes on to point out that Bristol/Nancy/Sarah also accused Erick Erickson of purposefully posting that photoshopped picture of Palin up at the top: 

Erickson’s RedState once used a demeaning fake photo (wearing a revealing shirt with Santa Claus) of my Mom for an attack article on her. Erickson refused to take it down even after he was made aware that it was photoshopped.

The Redstate article points out that they did initially post the photo thinking it was real, and then took it down after being alerted to the fact that it was fake.  (Just to brag a little, we here at IM knew it was fake all along.)

You know I find it really humorous that the folks at Redstate would get all upset with Bristol over this attack from Bristol's blog. After all it was written by Nancy French, paid for with SarahPAC dollars, and Bristol probably does not even know it exists.

If Redstate wants to get their panties in a twist over being mistreated by a Palin, then it is Sarah Palin who deserves their anger.

However it should also be noted that Palin did not just go after Redstate in this chicken shit, hide behind her daughter's ghostwriter manner, she also went after Fox News.

You know the people who paid her over a million dollars and allowed her spout her incoherent gibberish on their airwaves as if it had some value to the political discourse.

The lesson that Redstate, Fox News, and everybody else really, need to learn is that Sarah Palin does not like or trust anybody. And if she is reaching out to give you a hug now, that is only so she can feel around your back for the best place to stick a knife later.


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Waiting for Palin's FB statement about Trump's current SUPPORT OF Planned Parenthood. What to do, what to do.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Yup, should be interesting. You know The Don would not be saying these things if he wasn't currently under fire for being a misogynist.

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      I find it hilarious that Palin is again biting the hand that feeds, first fox then RS! She is hitching her wagon to Trump and he has already dismissed her. Does she think she will be his VP?
      All Trumps "support" is bought, including HER and the stool. It will be funny when Trump is dumped and she is left in the cold.
      Also,too, I think she is PAYING to get her "op eds" published on Beerfart.
      Like Trump is.
      Another-words they will publish whomever PAYS them!
      Its great watching this bitch and her vile thuggish family go down!!!!

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      6:30 Yes, this should be good. However, it will take her several days to mull over how to respond without removing her lips from the donald's dick.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Someone needs to explain this Palin lovefest for Trump. What's in it for her?

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      The Republicans turned their backs on Sarah back in 2012 when they didn't invited her to their convention. Sarah's appearances on Fox shrank to nothing. Sarah's only hope is attaching herself to Trump. All that she has are those ghost written posts by Nancy French.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      $HE $EES $$$$$$$$$

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Anonymous6:30 AM

      Someone needs to explain this Palin lovefest for Trump. What's in it for her?
      He has said he would "Tap" her for his ministration which is like Romney wife "You people" Anne picking out curtians for the WH lol...then turned it around....
      He has tapped someone that she knows to do "something"? probably suck his his dick! So yeah she is hitching her wagon to this dog and pony show and it will end soon! I've heard the GOP'rs calling Trump a "liberal" the Kiss of death, and his support of planned parenthood?
      And his money can only go so far as far as buying votes and buying twitter bots to freep his polls. He has already claimed bankruptcy how many times?

    4. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Palin's lovefest with Trump? They share intimate secrets.


    5. Anonymous10:17 AM

      I think she's attached herself to Trump for 3 reasons. The number one reason is its a great big "fuck you!" To the Republican Party that no longer wants her. Second, it's a way to get attention for herself since no one cares what she says any more. Third is money. Trump is probably giving her a few bucks to say positive things about her.

    6. Anonymous11:12 AM

      8:55, I admire your efforts elsewhere....

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Sarah just keeps handing Bristol (Nancy) those matches to burn her bridges! Burn Baby Burn!

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Bern, baby, bern.

      Bernie Sanders, that is. He's leading Hillary in New Hampshire polling and attracked a crowd of 28,000 in Los Angeles.

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      7:26 I'm with you, so excited for Bernie Sanders.

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM


      I'm not sure what one does to "attrack" a crowd, but it sounds like a Palin passive-aggressive move.

    4. Anonymous10:02 AM

      I hate to uburst your Bernie bubble , but that poll was commissioned by a former Bush admin dude named Andrew Card, his university is the one who published it and anyone who trusts him or anything his "university" puts out.... I have a bridge to sell you.

  4. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Palins continually bite the hands that feed them. They are thankless heartless ego-maniacs. They can't feel others' pain, they have no remorse, they take and take and when they are caught, they punish the ones whose eyes have been opened.

    What difference does it make that Erick Ericson made choices about disinviting Trump, or that he's said different misonygistic remarks about women before? What difference does it make to Bristol Palin about these guys? She should take her OWN ADVICE and remark on the ISIS beheadings, news about children being accidentally shot by unmanned parents' guns, or any daily news items around the world, where good people are harassed and their rights taken away, or little kids becoming homeless right in the U.S. because of divorce, joblessness, selfishness, natural disasters, parents committing suicide, drug abuses, overdoses, suicide, etc. etc. etc..................this spoiled unattractive promiscuous whining self-righteous girl needs to get out into the REAL world and see how it really feels.

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Bristol Palin lies?

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Bristol Palin never lies. She wore a scarf to keep her warm in Haiti.

      She was not pregnant on 2010 DWTS and dance rehearsals were easy. That is why she lost so much weight.

      She was slim and trim after 2010 DWTS when she appeared on 'The View'.

      She went to Arizona just to rest.

      She posed for 'In Touch' airbrushed but she actually looked like this.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      What are her ghugest WHOPPERS? Too, too many to count?

    3. Anonymous8:30 AM

      With anyone that will.

    4. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Tell the truth.

      2006. Pregnant, pudgy?

      Slamming Levi!! Over her dead body.....

    5. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Levi, Dylan, Ben, and those trial daddies must have walked over Sarah's dead body to sleep with Bristol. Bwahahaha.

  6. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Bristol does not write her Facebook posts. They are written and posted by Nancy French. Bristol's limited writing skills are on display on her Instagram. Bristol hates the haters.

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Sorry, whether Nancy French writes it or not Bristle is putting her name on it. She is not some helpless child, but an adult woman and needs to be held responsible. I am glad someone somewhere is finally calling her out.

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Anonymous6:59 AM

      Bristol hates the haters.
      And the "Giddy assholes"! She gives the middle finger to "merica"!!! doncha know!!!

    3. Anonymous11:43 AM

      @8:31 You are right, if it has Bristol's name on it, she is responsible for what it says. They must be grooming Bristol as the next political candidate for something because they keep referring to her as a "public figure." She is not any kind of a public figure. She is just an immature gal who acts like a teenager and who find herself in difficult situations, probably because of her mother's manipulations.

    4. Anonymous3:42 PM

      At one time, Trig was listed as a public figure. He was a friend on the earthquake movement's page and listed as a public figure. Go figure.

  7. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Bristol Palin Takes Break From ISIS Battle To Slob Trump’s Knob

    Attention, everyone, for Our Lady Of However Many Immaculate Conceptions, Bristol Palin, has taken to the blogotubes to discuss how the media is doing all the liberal censorship crimes to our prince and Palin family hero Donald Trump, just because he said Megyn Kelly did a bad job moderating that debate due to profuse bleeding from her “wherever.” It’s a bad situation because, for one thing, Bristol is way too busy to be commenting on such things, but WHEN HER NATION CALLS, she answers. Today, we will be discussing “decency,” or Bristol’s concept of it at least. Take it away, Mama Morals:

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Why do people persist in posting misyongiistic comments on this blog?

      There are a lot of other blogs which should never be mentioned here, I guess Wonkette is one of the now!

      The IM would be a lot more supportive place without all the hate!.

      The Palins need support from somewhere now that the entire world is getting sick of there sh*t!

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Go elsewhere, 7:41 AM.
      Bless your heart.

    3. Anonymous7:57 AM

      7:41 AM Why are you so thin skinned? Why does the truth have to be described as (sic) 'misyongiistic'? Whatever the hell that means. Try proofreading your own sh*t.

    4. Anonymous8:02 AM

      7:41, Why do you persist in reading here and trying to dictate the conversation on IM?

    5. Anonymous8:26 AM

      What about the murders of folks in Washington and the ELABORATE efforts to crucify someone whose only fault is being BORN RICH RICH…
      Oh right – “my little ripe tomato” yeah ripe for the picking allright…What about the efforts to stalk the tomato at jobs, at home and follow when traveling…I heard the person in question is heading to Geneva this summer! Good luck with all that Sarah and Todd…better send someone to kill the person…oh right…LIFE ASSURANCE policy won’t allow that…hmmm

    6. dont you smell the snark also too8:30 AM


      Each sentence has at least one error in it.

      The Palins need support from somewhere now that the entire world is getting sick of there sh*t!

      Really? lol

    7. Anonymous8:33 AM

      @anon 7:41 am

      LOL, you have your panties in a bunch this morning. It must be a Palin family member since they are the only ones that don't like Bristles latest abstinence pregnancy being brought up.

    8. Anonymous8:38 AM

      7;41 Please go someplace that you approve of, like Brancy's blog. We here on THIS blog are about truth and consequences. We believe in telling it like it is, not pretending like the entire PayMe grifting family does.

    9. Anonymous2:06 PM

      I thought Geneva was last summer and the summer before that??

  8. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I fail to see the benefits of Bristles having this blog. Is it supposed to make her into a politian? Nancy French writes it, has she MET Bristles? The PayMe clan are certainly not Christian folks, as French wants us to believe she is. I think French is like $carah, looking for a comfortabe place to land, little work, paycheck coming in regularly. Apart from this assinine blog, what has she accomplished?

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      The purpose of the Brancy blog has been to do whatever Sarah wants it to do.

      It's a classic Sarah Palin thing to have someone else throw the rocks. Sarah follows up by kvetching about people who force others to throw rocks at them.

      I wonder if the emails she sends with the Brancy targeting information have the word siccem in them?

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Yes. Sarah Palin started taking a special interest in someone in Omak, WA. And that fit in perfectly to Todd’s agenda…and he got plenty of help…then when someone was going to the police…we got murder/suicide…and Todd is on the crime scene everywhere…doesn’t take a rocket scientist…but it does take someone with a particular set of skills to put the pieces together…same crimes different locations…same circumstances…Todd is there at every incident…and do a back trace of internet and phone records…do a back trace of land records and bank records…or in Alaska jobs and the kid and every job the kid had KNEW Palin and was directly reporting to her more less STALKING the kid…this can be traced thru IRS records and other records of employers…now how illegal is that? Court dates will reveal it all with names and addresses and dates…won’t be good!

    3. Anonymous8:35 AM

      The sea of pee thinks that Scarah is putting things in play to allow Bristol to run for POTUS in 20 or so years.

    4. Anonymous10:00 AM

      8:21: why don't you take all that evidence and bring it to the police/FBI/CIA/Homeland Security?
      Testify in court about this.

    5. Yeah, 8:21, otherwise, as 10 am might put it , promises, promises. Put up or....

    6. Anonymous10:37 AM

      7:22! I have met Bristol and she is dumb as a post. I still am so confused why she allows the French blog to continue. There is nothing French posts that is similar to the thoughts in Bristol’s head. It must be a least a little embarrassing to have a mom who is running a scam in Bristol’s name. Or Bristol is entirely unself-aware.

    7. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Yes, Sarah clearly uses "Bristol's Blog" as a place to put all her petty complaints and criticisms of other people that she doesn't dare put on her own Facebook. Then she throws in some stuff about international affairs still hoping that one day Bristol Mini-Me will be an un-failed politician which is a HUGE laugh as she constantly helps only to lower Bristol's reputation.

    8. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Anonymous 8:21 - Your post is the exact same one word for word posted on Malia Littman's blog on July 11, 2012 by someone calling himself "The Lawman".

      It's been 3 years now. Nothing has happened. Ho Hum. Put up or shut up.

    9. Anonymous11:34 AM

      This by "The Lawman" from the mudflats:

      The Lawman says:
      March 28, 2013 at 10:40 am
      Well when the Kid goes into court – the State of Alaska, The United State of America and the United Nations will be having court hearings to discuss the crimes of Sarah, Todd Palin, Sean Parnell while in an official position…
      That trust fund money is not the State of Alaska’s – it belongs to a “birthright” individual who Sean Parnell labeled “vulnerable adult” …I had to laugh when I got notification of that…so now the Kid is vulnerable…Sean your an idiot…the Kid has you legally by the nuts and you know it…when the Kid get the Degrees in Justice it will be a “teachable lesson” to the State of Alaska, the USA and the UN…by the peoples for the peoples…live entertainment for sure…unfortunate for SEAN the Kid is into Restorative Justice…oldest form of Justice…
      What will he and the circus have to do to get the “get out of jail free” card…suggestions can be made here…

    10. Anonymous11:36 AM

      from Mudflats again:

      The Lawman says:
      April 29, 2013 at 5:37 pm
      And that is just the beginning of her trips to a federal judge…glad they are not bafooned by her antics…
      I know some that say her “I will do it until the courts tell me I can’t” well looks like you got a taste of NO…lol…

    11. Anonymous11:37 AM

      from Malia's:

      June 12, 2014 at 12:57 pm
      The Lawman

      well the I just got intel from the Trust Fund Kid – says to knock it off…says I got more reason then all of you for being pissed with the Palins/Heathens…
      They got a lot of crimes to hide and lies to tell…it’s not over until a Washington DC Congressional hearing is held…then it will progress to a trial…that is the only way to take these folks down and the others covering for them…avenging will do nothing! So if I have to behave – so do you…
      And on a lighter note – it’s 49F in Alaska…

    12. Anonymous11:40 AM

      @10:37 I suspect that Nancy posts her comments on Bristol's blog for a price, the same thing as ghost writing Bristol's book. Then, Sarah can link to them pretending that Bristol (who IS as dumb as a box of rocks) wrote that political comment all by herself. It's a way of Palin distancing herself a little bit, hey I didn't write that, it was written by Bristol.

    13. Anonymous11:40 AM

      "That incident involved some folks who were “working” for Todd…the prostitutes came over to the dealer and Todd showed up for Pot, Crack and Focking…the brother of the dealer was there when the girl was murdered by the way he acted afterwards…either he killed or watched it and freaked out…then went after the “target” more when questions arose…so nowadays we got tweekers across the street from the Kid…domestic-terrorism continues…what law or human rights in Alaska?"

      Read the entire conversation here:

    14. Anonymous11:43 AM

      June 22, 2014 at 2:12 pm
      The Lawman

      Well then Sarah Palin ( who got rich by embezzling a trust fund) won’t mind me taking advantage of her in a court to ask those pesky questions will she?


      June 22, 2014 at 2:13 pm
      The Lawman

      and that is why they are sweating bullets…the second that trust fund kid walks into court with the team of attorneys…its all but over for those who covered for Sarah – John McCain – and whoever he is tied to…word is the kid is relentless and a fighter…so it’s gonna be WAR…in a courtroom of course…darn Palin whines…she was trying to get a rise out of the kid with the crimes committed…and still being committed…
      What they don’t realize – a friend is like a Penelope Garcia of Criminal Minds – told me that she has access to it all…bank records, phone records, internet records, government intel, anything, globally…and yes she is a federal employee all above board…and at work – with permission she accesses the data requested…when we get a hit – she sends it to her boss – who reviews it and adds it to the case against Palin the State of Alaska and anyone who assists them…go Penelope!

      and more here.....

    15. Anonymous11:46 AM

      May 31, 2012 at 3:08 pm
      The Lawman

      Sarah Palin is as corrupt as they come folks…follow the paper trail…
      In 1989 a trust account had a cash value factor of $108.401,500 dollars. can anyone say Ritcher Investements…problem is?
      It’s not her account…never was…and Washington DC knows about it…
      If you listen carefully to the Presidents words, I can hear my correspondence being repeated…so the message is received loud and clear…and got another grenade to drop…but not just yet…waiting on confirmation from Washington DC…stay tuned folks…it just gets better!!!


    16. Anonymous11:48 AM

      June 6, 2014 at 12:31 pm
      The Lawman

      Civil War – Domestic-Terrorism – Good Ol’ Alaska…Lock and Load – Right?
      Well speaking of targets – word is they are opening an investigation…too much money to just disregard…and the transfer of some of it was treason! Crossed US lines…now the feds have you in their cross-hairs…have fun!!!

      June 6, 2014 at 9:30 pm
      The Lawman

      Well I just spoke to officials in Washington DC…Whitehouse…got thru…God’s Will…as we were speaking I told them of your site and I could hear them typing it…they went silent…then I heard a bunch of men come in and grumble and go silent, some repeating Letterman’s Top Ten…heard some slams and the person on the line sounded nervous…go get em Big Boys…go and get em…lol…

    17. Anonymous11:50 AM

      June 18, 2014 at 11:25 pm
      The Lawman

      That is what people don’t understand…everything is recorded…even phone records and internet addresses…and they think talking in code works? Well hows that working out for you now???

    18. Anonymous11:52 AM

      The Lawman3:21 PM
      If you have any questions of a federal judge or personnel that might be breaking USA laws you can report this suspicion to INTERPOL and make sure to add the links and or evidences…they cannot stand the USA’s lack of morals, ethics and standards and I hear the end is near – in terms of exposure – just like the Catholic Church…they are on a BITCH hunt not witch hunt… but with those red shoes and dress the Pope was wearing…I think of Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz…so just report to them what you know…The more you know…

    19. Anonymous11:56 AM

      December 3, 2012 at 3:48 pm
      The Lawman

      Shannyn Moore writes a good article…and the comments are saying Parnell is just following the Palin plan – that explains a lot…

      They also have a piece on the front page about this guy – again most comments think it was an inside job…


      December 3, 2012 at 6:56 pm

      The Lawman,
      Yes I read her piece and the article about Palin’s lawyer’s lawyer. Excellent work!

      Prisoner Found Dead in APD Cell:

    20. Anonymous12:00 PM

      "adoptions intel" ???

      The Lawman says:
      April 26, 2013 at 11:28 pm
      0 0 Rate This
      Well it’s true what happens in Alaska stays in Alaska…problem with that is the UN leader knows the dirty deeds done dirt cheap…so in the UN courts I can’t wait to hear her excuse “well I will do it until the courts tell me I can’t”……Well guess what Tundra Turd…your turn in court is a coming!
      Retired CIA says:
      April 28, 2013 at 9:46 pm
      0 0 Rate This
      lol…that is funny and true…Russia’s Putin blew a gasket when adoptions intel came in…and the kid is next door…the AmeriKans…lol…oh boy live entertainment indeed…;)
      yuri says:
      April 30, 2013 at 1:29 am
      0 0 Rate This
      hey retired Cvnt In America,do some work and save your country,Loser.did you kill any kids for your pension,prostrate before the Lord,filthy swine

    21. Anonymous12:07 PM

      So what's up with this trust fund business?
      Someone made this comment on Malia's blog recently:. . . ... .

      "We have learned that there is a woman (b. approx 1966) who was adopted by Sally Heath’s friend – Mary Ellen Moe. This is who we call “the Kid.” Well the Kid came to her adoptive parents with a huge trust fund. Some how, the Moes and the Healths found a way to steal money from that fund. They also made the Kid’s life hell. I think this was done to make the kid appear to be either “criminal” or “crazy” so that they could get their hands on the money. Of course WE KNOW WHO THE REAL CRAZY CRIMINALS ARE!"

      palingates, June 20:

      "The reason for the "Legal fund" is she and her family took my trust fund that in 1989 had a cash value factor of 108.401500 dollars...

      what they don't realize ( YET ) is it was federally insured...

      so let her dump it in a NYSE account and other "Ritcher Investments" and on and on...

      When I file my federal findings in a federal court then it will be all over then...

      that is why Troopergate came about that is why alot of her "actions" have been about...

      A reaction to my actions...

      she is watching me and the feds "have been" watching her...

      I wait and let the system work...

      Next is the FEDS asking her why she had the local Palmer DA squash a rape/sodomy attempted murder case?

      Or the snowmobile trip ordered by todd to "get rid of me" later reported...Feds know about that...

      Or could it be the non-stop with no lost wages or any state services or even no child-support with my folks urging me to "move"

    22. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Gles10:41 AM
      I don't have the screenshot of the comment 35 on AKWTF. But what I do have is info on the searches I did from the comment:

      Mary Ellen Moe:friend Sarah Palin
      Trust Fund: Mary Ellen Moe

      ABI case number 06-76332
      Daniel Rene Jackson:Alaska News

      Commissioner of Revenue Killed: Seatbelt Failure:Alaska

      There was zip that I could find on Ms. Moe and on the Commissioner of Revenue being killed. Did this commissioner share the same plane hangar with Todd as commenter implied? Was Ms. Moe involved in keeping a trust fund away from someone as commenter implied? Did Sarah go to bat for a child predator?
      And now I remember Wooten was also implicated somehow in this comment regarding a rifle.

      Someone who has a screenshot ought to put it up or let Gryphen see it.

    23. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Anonymous12:16 PM
      Here is the post from Alaska WTF that was so disturbing:

      Anonymous said...

      now where is the part where Todd Palin was involved in a murder of a prostitute on KJB that was native? Or the getting a IBEW electrician to tape a girl that they just can't KILL or get to MOVE?

      ABI Case number 06-76332 about a child rapist that Palin convinced the Palmer DA to not prosecute because the children were not worth it? or could it be the finanical genocide she inflicts on a mother and her children because she wants them to MOVE?
      Her mother and Palin's best friend came over to the mothers house in 1998 and tried to convince her to move...when she didn't? American Domestic Terrorism...then there is severe domestic violence. or how about the Trooper Wooten who didn't arrest the SOB when he pointed a 9mm at the mother? or left a rifle and released him? how about a coniviction of violation of DVPO being erased so the rapist could drive a school bus?
      or how about going after her employment with the MSBSD and when they didn't fire her?
      They went after her oldest by sending in a kid to start a fight..or how about no child support for 7 years now? or the Commissioner of Revenue being killed by a seatbelt error?
      Same hanger as Todd's plane? or how about the mother sending an email to Palin's best friend Mary Ellan Moe dated July 3rd and then Palin shakily resigned less than 24 hours later? HUGE reasons like a trust fund that belongs to the mother with children that Palin and Moe's didn't want her to find moreless take back
      January 26, 2011 4:45 PM

    24. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Regarding Mary Ellen Moe: She lives in Couer D’Alene, Idaho. She is one of SALLY HEATH’S best friends.

    25. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Ahhh yes,the many headed cyclops we've come to know as sarah palin. So tell me screech,who are you pretending to be today?? Brissles? God? .....???!writing any glowing letters about the screech you'd like your friends to sign??

    26. Anonymous1:24 PM

      June 23, 2014 at 12:28 am
      red, white and blue

      No; the Kristin Cole mother incident is not what Lawman is talking about. From my research, I’ve learned that the Lawman is talking about a woman whose adoptive mother is/was very good friends with Sally Heath. The woman had an abusive husband who apparently raped [his own?] kids and she worked for years trying to bring the ex-husband to justice, but to no avail in Palin’s Alaska. The woman believes that Palin influenced the Palmer DA not to prosecute.

      The woman says that she had a trust fund that the adoptive parents took and Palin somehow got some of it. When the woman told her adoptive mother, (who likely told Palin) then weird “accidents” started happening around her. Apparently the wrong house was burned in an electric company surge/fire, among other things.

      I’ve read that the ex-husband’s brother was a pot supplier for Todd Palin. The brother was arrested on pot charges and a routine dna test showed he was a match on the rape of girl some 20 years earlier. While waiting on legal proceedings he “killed himself.”

      The facts are confusing but the woman has undoubtedly been through alot of trauma.


      June 23, 2014 at 6:50 am

      red, white and blue,
      The really sad thing is that 6 years ago I would have discounted this story, but now it seems likely!


      June 23, 2014 at 2:09 am

      basically the USA has been a ‘great stash place’ for those OOPS babies…
      then they usually come with a HUGE trust fund…and some are raised good.
      some are not…and endure a lifetime of persecution due to being worth $$$
      so that is the jist of it really…this one sounds like bloodlines are from England and the Middle East…let’s hope no one knows…if the ME knows…
      well then Sarah’s mouth will bring the war to our doorstep…then let’s see if she is still in the mood to ‘waterboard’ them or ‘hang em high’ with war in the USA…good job Rethuglicans…good job indeed…


      June 23, 2014 at 10:09 pm

      Sarah Palin knows and that is why she keeps going after that poor kid…
      deprives the kid of the birthright trust fund that sits in the State of Alaska General Fund…and they labeled the kid ‘vulnerable adult’ so they get to keep the money – so they think – and so far – and now they liquidate what the monies are invested in – like Alaska Oil Company EA Sports Sundance Films and on and on and on…..and from the activity overseas it sounds like what goes around comes around…ouch indeed.
      Good luck with that when they come to get their ‘missing link’ to the ME!

    27. Anonymous1:32 PM

      September 16, 2014 at 8:31 pm

      she grew up poor…and then in 1989 is when it all changed…hu Sarah?
      So now I hear the State of Washington is looking at a suicide in 1989…
      then a murder-suicide in 1996…and the Feds are looking at a series of patterns of plane crashes, auto accidents, house burnings, internet hacking and ‘official negligence’ on the part of the State of Alaska…
      And you thought the Alaska National Guard was exposed…just wait…

    28. Anonymous2:11 PM

      March 22, 2014 at 8:00 pm
      Criminal Minds

      your talking about Mary Elllan Moe on page 16 my dear…and yes she intentionally fed that “lake house kid” that came with HUGE money. foods that the kid was allergic to knowing that the behavior was a cash cow..just like Gerry did in Anchorage until she figured out there was no more money…then after unlawful imprisonment of a minor occurred and Mary Ellan and Chuckie poo got an offer for a free lake house to take the kid…and it was all God’s Will…got their lake house and then dumped the $$$ kid after “GRIFTING” what they could…now matter where that kid went there was the non-stop antagonizing of this kid…and the worst part is that it is documented… and not just in Alaska…that Idaho Aryan Nation followed that kid like a freak on a leash…try to lure into prostitution…that didn’t work…then try to hang a close friend…that didn’t work out either…rant rant they cry in their demonic cries for pain and suffering of that HUGE trust fund kid… that seems to backfires on them on a constant basis…then when the kid gets too close for comfort in OMAK then murder suicide is the ticket…well that backfired and the kid went back to Alaska…oh shit what are you doing here asks Sally Heath and MaryEllan Moe in 1998…then domestic-terrorism incurs to date and since Frank ordered an investigation of rape of the bastard that got told in OMAK that raping the kids children is wonderful Mary Ellan Moe thinks that it is a wonderful fact that the grandchildren were raped and they rejoiced…oh God’s will indeed…well then why did ME sister eat a gun? Gee why? Mary Ellan Moe murdered her sister with words…Ouch indeed that greed…I guess now — since that kids life is almost over — after the legalities are negotiated and the liquidation of assets occurs and sentencing of all those involved will be retiring in that sounds like a reasonable “plea deal” dontcha think?

    29. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Such a crackpot story. Thanks for playing The Lawman.

    30. Anonymous3:05 PM

      The Lawman, if you're reading this, I say this with the best of intentions. You have a great story, but the writing skills simply aren't there. The backbone of your story is solid, but to try to pass it off as anything but a fiction is silly. Perhaps your ego needs the stroking, but is that stroking worth anything if the people doing the stroking are gullible and naive? You've been posting this same story for 4 years now. Every year, the Kid goes to Geneva. A parallel is that in every episode of South Park, Kenny gets killed. Putting together some names and addresses doesn't make the fiction legitimate. This is the point where The Kid doesn't get mad, she gets legal. Isn't that the advice of the 'retired judges and legal beagles'? If 4 years into it she's had no resolution, it's time to quit the peyote, man.

    31. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Sounds like someone on the far right of the schizophrenia spectrum.

    32. Anonymous7:03 PM

      They are kind of tiresome.

      Thanks to the person posting the "saga" here so we can see it all in one place.

      The thing is. As Malia said, I wouldn't doubt such stuff going on involving the Palins...embezzling, rape cover ups, being suicided to keep a story quiet, scamming and scheming to get a free lake cabin.

      Hiring others to do their duty work so there are several layers of deniable accountability, bribing cops and elected officials (Hello!!! We all know Todd has all those prostitution gift visits on video for when he want's a favor.)

      Anyway, as I said, this on-going, years-long scandal posting has gone on too long.

      I say put up proof, go to the officials and / or shut up.

    33. Anonymous12:53 AM

      You are welcome 7:03. I wanted to put it all in one place like you said and I agree the "lawman", "intel" and other monikers should put up or shut up. That's why I put it all out here. You never know when or if something may shake loose and someone will talk with actual facts. That's why I did this. This has gone on for years way too long. The person claims a cold case file is opening up (2014) but I've seen NO evidence thus far of that. Apparently the Palin's are still bullet proof. IMO it won't catch up with them until long after McCain passes away.

  9. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I love it when they turn on each other. All their anger, frustration, hatefulness is directed at other members of the esteemed conservative world.

    Proceed, half-wit half-governor, and your erstwhile pals.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      a man trapped in a woman’s body…lol…hey Sarah how’s Darrin doing?
      Blue sports car hu? so when JB left things to another contractor you really helped cover that up too…more Medicaid fraud…tisk tisk Sarah!
      You know the Pa is doing poorly and the mother is bi-polar…but worships you so you take advantage of that…how will that work out when that contractor goes files court paper to see the Will of JB?

  10. Nancy French donned her Bristol Palin wig and snap on chin, not doffed (removed) them.

    1. Oops, you're right.


    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      I wonder if she's straps on Palins old Belly Bumpit when she pretends to be knocked up slut Bristle also too?

  11. Anonymous7:55 AM

    It's plain to see. Bristol's own mother doesn't mind at all ruining her daughter's name to fulfill her own needs for twisted revenge of perceived slights no matter how small she's going to cover every single one of them. Nancy French doesn't care about Bristol either as long as she is getting money for it. And Bristol herself doesn't care as long as she gets houses, vacations, plastic surgery and designer stuff.

    Sad situation all the way around created by Sarah's narcissistic needs. The universe revolves around her no matter who she hurts and that includes her own children.

    Tragic to watch and now more so since Bristol's is birthing children and her only mothering model is her own sorry excuse for a parent. The cycle continues. Somewhere along the way there will be rebellion and tell-alls, guaranteed.

    1. Anonymous11:35 PM

      Whenever I see a Bristol Palin post I'm reminded on this.

      Same old messages.

  12. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Too bad your mama never told you to sit up straight!

  13. Anonymous8:03 AM

    It's getting funnier by the minute. Fox News pundits last night were complaining that Donald T. is contradicting himself quite a few times on issues, including his newfound support of Planned Parenthood. He is his own man, at times saying whatever he feels like, and then retracting, or just making statements to shock and awe his public, for the benefit of watching them fall all over themselves.

    I don't think Trump is any kind of conservative. He is enjoying watching media, including Fox News, squirm and do tricks for him, as he says contradictory things. He's the puppeteer handling the strings. Bristol Palin and Sarah Palin and the right-wing are just one of many of his puppets, supporting everything he does and says because they want future favors from him.

    My amateur psychological opinion on Trump, is that he is playing all people, both Democrats and Republicans and libertarians, and Tea Party folks. He's probably so used to having yes-men and suck-ups around him, that he's decided to have some fun and watch all his ass-lickers play to his tunes, which he shakes up every day. He wants to see how far the ass-lickers will go. He probably doesn't respect Fox News or anyone else who sucks up to him because he's rich. He's just vetting who his real friends are, and maybe he's not interested in POTUS' job, but going through a campaign to see who his real friends are when he finally quits.

    And the stupid ones, like the Palins, are falling all over themselves licking his toes and he doesn't respect them one bit.

    1. abbafan9:44 AM

      Anon @ 8:03 A.M. - I'm in total agreement with you. The Donald is playing all the Republicans against each other, making themselves look like fools! Either he is engineering all this by himself, or there could be other forces involved, quite possibly from within the GOP hierarchy itself. Perhaps the GOP recruited him to stage all of this, knowing quite well the profile he maintains. Also, The Donald has seen what a mess things have become, due to Republican obstructionism, and he has been recruited to help rid the party of the right-wing fanatics, and restore their credibility. He will play idiots like palin for the fools that they are; they will suck-hole up to him, and he will have them pick the peanuts out of his shit! As you stated, he is going along for the ride, and getting his jollies in the process!

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Oh please. He's in this for his EGO. Period. No one recruited him. People like Trump are recruiters, not recruitees. He doesn't give a shit about finding out who his "friends" are - the only friend he values is his bank account.

    3. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Agreed 6:40!

  14. Anonymous8:05 AM

    A comment at c4p last night was that AIP PALIN is prepping Brissy for a future in politics. Seriously. They even mentioned a future run for POTUS. Yeah, the pond scum ain't crazy...

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Well that is physical evidence, so that is good…go lock up this kid already..

      I know of a case of a murder-suicide in WA state, a family member called the relatives, to say ‘something’s wrong’, and got labeled as a ‘gossip’ until the incident occurred…

      Problem with that, is, what was thought to be ‘weird’ behavior, was only a leak of information, of crimes committed, and it was not the murderer, who killed or killed himself…others were present and made him write a personal encrypted note…it was planned…cold case has opened up the case…

      I know the investigator and it was a grizzly site…too calculating for a moody individual was the final report…

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      By THAT time, Bristles will have birthed quite a crowd of voters!! $carah would have a better chance if she groomed Trig for political office, No ioffebse to Trig, but Bristles is really, really learning disabled.. All those pregnancies and she STILL thinks one of the daddies will marry her? Most women, unless they are Michelle Duggar, say "Enough already" Bristles thinks she is irrisistable, when it is obvious to EVERYONE that she is not, just used up.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Yes. Bristol is going to have a glorious resume. All you need is an architect like Palin Brand machine and cult to create such verified nonsense.

      Bristol is a sure winner. Plus she has The Donald and his sure fire winnings. How can they go wrong?

    4. Anonymous9:07 AM

      I'd like to look up that murder suicide. I'm sure it was in the newspapers if what you say is true. Names, places, etc. or it didn't happen. Stop being so cryptic. It makes YOU look like the gossip.

    5. Anonymous11:15 AM

      I just looked it up too and it involves a Menard-if that is the correct murder/suicide in Omak.

    6. Anonymous12:49 PM

      I can't find it. Got a link?

    7. Anonymous5:11 AM

      The one with Menard is a more recent murder/suicide. Wrong one.

    8. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Yes, Bristol can run for some office like Mayor of Wasilla, hire an office manager to do the work so she won't get behind in taking her fish lip selfies.

      After that she can set up her own PAC and scam the morons for the next several years.

  15. Anonymous8:06 AM

    So Bristol is upset about Redstate's fake photo depicting her mom with cleavage, yet, she's best friends with her exotic model friend Marina, who bares her nakedness on film and ads and is making a nude calendar.

    It's hard to get into a Palin's head.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      In high school she had a rack so what happened to them? did she have breast cancer like her auntie and they had to come off? is that what the flat chested ordeal is about? or was it after having kids and breastfeeding or not and they shrunk? it’s a toss up really…who knows and who cares…lol…

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Yeah, Bristol knows she doesn't have cleavage!

    3. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Being in one of the Palin heads is the LAST place any sane person would want to be. They are all crazy, some more than others.

    4. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Let's see... the pictures of one of them are actually posed for and made public by the subject herself to promote her adult oriented business. The photo of the other one is faked by persons unknown and makes the subject look bad. I can't believe anyone is so obtuse as to not get the difference.

  16. Anonymous8:07 AM

    This caught my attention "McCain operatives who were engaging in a smear campaign against Palin". Smear campaigns are predominantly lies to destroy another person's reputation, character, and credibility. I vehemently disagree McCain operatives smeared Palin by admitting she lacked basic education and knowledge to service office as VP. Nor that she demanded operatives blatantly lie for her. The general public that fact checks or that watched Palin observed the same.

    Perhaps Red State, now on the receiving end of Palin throwing them under the bus twisting a few facts to all bad deleting the ongoing support and active defense and denial of her true behaviors will reconsider their past beliefs of "smear campaigns" against Palin.

    Like the McCain operatives, their disclosures in this article are equivalent to McCain staffers post Palin blaming them for her mis steps, doubling down on her lies, blame shifting and her inability to self improve or even study to have a fundamental grasp of geography and even what a VP's job is.

    I say crudely tough shit for them to seek exposure, payment for celebrity publications, exploiting minor children and even a pregnant teenager's vagina on national tv (Oprah) then playing the victim card when people do not applaud, throw money adoring them.

    Narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths suck. No matter how fiercely or loyally people defended them when the wool comes off the eyes they stab people hoping to destroy them when the mask is pulled off them.

  17. Anonymous8:20 AM

    honey it’s called lithium – and your brain needs some…things are not what they seem with Palin – as we all are in humanity – but her crimes and those of Todd are felony level – not petty crimes – so go take your meds and go to bed now…Sarah might be admitted to the same unit you are on – or should be…then you will have a new best friend…yeahh…

  18. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Red State's link to the position of being against tabloidization and attacks of the Palin children is their article taking offense to Letterman's joke about Bristol.

    What "private lives" are they referring to? I must have missed Bristol in Wasilla finishing HS and preparing to be a teen mom while surely she and the baby's father prepared to be parents privately.

    I guess we missed the privacy maintenance with their reality shows, FB, Instagram, putting the offspring on stage, and the private family vacation in a shrink wrapped advertisement too.

    It must be nice to pretend these people wanted privacy while their money grabbing put it all out there for cash including fake boobs in the tacky pink blouse or calling a news station crying about a broken engagement...Really? Really?

    What a crock of shit!!

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      The DWTS "private life'!

      Actually that probably should be the DWTSWPKUA.

      Dancing With The Stars While Probably Knocked Up Again.

  19. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Sarahbarstools just mad that those aren't her jugs and that when the pic Is authentic, we make fun of her *Belmonts.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM


  20. Anonymous8:44 AM

    HuffPo has a fab article in its Politics section called The Next Palin is in your pig sty" --- it says "the Embarracuda is finished ...where will her peeps go."

    I hope you'll repost this great read, Gryph!!

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      That's an old article on The Daily Beast. I think it appeared after her disastrous Iowa appearance in January.

  21. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Yeah what is with the Kirby no longer in business in Wasilla eh Todd? Your buddy Frost is no longer of use to you now? And what a bout ol Roger… seems someone dropped some major intel on and now former Houston Mayor who got recalled then quit who got caught abusing ethics and funds like Palin? And now ol’ Roger is hiding in his hollers? Did that Chief Justice out of Anchorage get a little brown mouse to talk to him? oh right it’s the empty chair – forgot…;) someone turned me onto this site…
    Now at mic night at the university – I can share the love…good job G…

  22. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The Boobster.... all shapes and sizes.

    Yoga mistress

    TV Channel cleavage

    Sad sack


    Boob Job Palin Appears

    Flag appeal

    Boopies Galore #someofthebestmemories #allsmiles #alllove #besties #friendship #loyalty

    Not flat busted

    <3 the boob

  23. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Recent interview and photo of Sarah Palin:
    How much longer does she have before Trump will clean her up? How can he think it is good for a Presidential contender to hang with this poor creature?

    Where are his handlers?

    Who is next? He was fired, no he wasn't.

    Found at mall.

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      HAHAHAH...the second photo makes her look even older than her mother

  24. Anonymous10:27 AM

    A visitor from United States/St. Augustine, FL are you enjoying
    the truth about your fantasy idol?

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Why do you assume to know who a FL resident supports? That is a pretty broad assumption.
      I show up as a visitor from the United States and always get accused of being a troll/Alicia.
      I am FAR from being a troll.
      Q Sis

    2. Anonymous2:37 PM

      11:08 LIAR.

    3. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Sorry, but I am not lying. Regular posters know me. I always find it amusing when people think they have caught a troll. I troll at c4p and they always think I am caribou Barbie or eyeseau.

    4. Anonymous8:18 PM

      lol 11:08

      I used to have my location show as Wasilly when visiting. Used to really wind folks here up!

    5. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Why so secret?

  25. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Bristol Palin for POTUS 2024!

  26. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Did we know there was a Bristol Palin - Erick Erickson feud?
    Now Bristol Palin, famed abstinence advocate and unwed mother, is attacking Erick Erickson for attacking Donald Trump for Trump's attacks on women. Why does she care? Because she's still steamed that Erickson didn't seem to care about sexism when it was aimed at her mother, half-term Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin.

    Bristol is the BOMB!! Trending!!! BAWHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

    Still there is no media that will personally interview her. She remains clustered with her Russian video vixen pal and not one news outlet has heard her speak on anything she claims to write about. No phone interview, nadda, zero, zip!!! It's all done with magic... BAWHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! The clown rodeo is way too far off the tracks. TRACK!!!!

    By the way.... WHAT HAPPENED TO TRACK PALIN? How did he handle August 9?
    WASILLA (AP) -- The son of a former Alaska legislative leader died Thursday in a plane crash near Tyonek, according to Alaska State Troopers.

    RIP Curtis Menard

    Comparison post.

  27. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I love Nancy French for making ShARiA and Bear Stool Palin look more and more like idiots.

    (of course they don't need any help.)

  28. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Bear Stool Palin -- bwahahahaha!

    There is no limit to the imagination of PayMe names from IMers!

  29. Anonymous11:54 AM


    1. Anonymous1:09 PM


    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Too much publicity leads to a change in plans.

      "UPDATE, 4:09 p.m.: Jerry Cox, President of the Family Council, said that it will not present its "Power of Courage" awards to Reps. Harris and Fite this evening after all. The two legislators will still receive their awards, but at a later date and venue of their choosing.

      Cox said the event organizers — the Crawford County Republican Party — asked the Family Council to not present the awards this evening at its Lincoln Day Dinner, headlined by U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz. "Since we are their guests, we certainly complied," he said."

      Chicken sounds:

  30. Anonymous12:14 PM

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      The Christian Lawmaker And The Devil Children

      'Re-Homing' for paedophiles must be good business. How are the Palins latest adoption plans working out?

  31. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Will she defend him now?

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Now is time for silence. That is how she rolls.

  32. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Only comment, instead of snap on chin is should be STRAP on chin - fit's the Palin brand much better! :)

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      SnapOn tools. Very well known brand.

  33. Anonymous2:27 PM

    2014 Mary Ellan Moe - Precinct Committee Officer - Republican. *********
    (509)***-**** ***** * ******** Dr., Mead, WA 99021

  34. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Ms. Cutesy Pie.


    1. Anonymous3:28 PM


  35. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Wow, BrisDull is sure taking one from her mother's playbook: (ghost)write a bunch of hateful spew on facebook and other social media, but don't ever ever ever accept a request for an interview or appearance anywhere. Such courage!

    Of course, the reason BrisDull hides is because $he knows any interviews/appearances would be an epic FAIL because she is so uninformed and in the words of The Donald, Stupid!
    The minute BrisDull opens her mouth, people would know she is incapable of writing anything that sounds intelligent, let alone well written. Anyone who knows her can tell you that she is shy, very withdrawn, and speaks in monotone/monosyllables. Thus, the hiding behind photos and facebook, etc.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Much like Sarah giving a well rehearsed, professionally written speech at the RNC and listening to Palin speak on her own. Night and day!

  36. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

    Yet she was fine when the headlines read "The Hottest Governor from the Coldest State", Bristol was fine when Sarah flaunted her highly polished sexy librarian image the GOP somehow managed to covey her mommy as, Bristol was fine when Mommy's gams and heels were front and center of drooling GOP males in many images, Bristol was fine when mommy crouched down in her pencil skirt with her cleavage showing to shake hands with the audience, but ONE photoshopped photo from Redstate has her panties in a wad.
    Give us a break, Brancy.
    Where's your outrage, yes OUTRAGE at uncle Donald's support of Planned Parenthood and women's health issues.

    You're being played, Brancy, just like Sarah's being played. The three of you fall for it every time.

  37. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Sarah Palin's snug blouse at the Iowa Freedom Summit. She shocked Republicans with her rambling nonsense blabber.
    They would have preferred cleavage to the nipple dill she planned for them.

    Jon Stewart has a field day

    What were the excuses?

    The Race for the White House is Underway in Iowa. “Do you think the next President of the United States is going to be speaking today?” King asked the crowd who applauded. “As do I,” King responded.

    For Sarah Palin this event significantly finished off any teensy-weensy thread of possibility for a Presidential campaign. She not only sucked, she was drunk or loaded on something powerful.

    She should have been ready to give a speech.

    Dave Price being fired by Donald Trump?

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, businessman Donald Trump and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina were among those who spoke

    Governor attire.

    Palin's professional look.

  38. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Sarah did not make any progress since Iowa. More like going down.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.