Wednesday, August 05, 2015

The Guardian has a counter keeping track of the number of people killed by the police so far this year. As of this posting that number is 683.

Here is the link.

To be fair if you click each individual example it appears that many of them were quite justified.

However 683 is still a staggering number. And it is only August.


  1. I'm only on the first sips of morning coffee here at 6:30 in the east, so forgive me if this sounds stupid. But doesn't it seem in 2015 we should have much better means of temporarily and quickly disabling threatening people short of bullets? Something on the order of fast-acting tranquilizer darts or encasing their limbs in foam, especially when the suspect 'bad guy' doesn't appear be armed themselves? If we can make garden hose extensions that'll clean windows 25 feet up from the ground, why can't pinpoint teargas that far?

    1. Anonymous3:38 AM

      If the cops don't use the weapons of war that they're given, they will be taken away.

    2. Anonymous6:17 AM

      TO: dvlaries2:34 AM

      Many of these people are not threatening at all. They are just shot down unarmed.

  2. Anonymous3:42 AM

    What a shame that a British newspaper is the first place ever to keep a count of US police killings.

    Imagine how many thousands of innocent black men have gone to their graves having their deaths covered up, lied about, and then forgotten by the same government that took their lives.

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    The number is 150,000 from 2000-2015.
    3xKIA in Vietnam...HERE in the good old USA! By police who are PAID to protect us from ourselves.. What a FUCKed up logic.

  4. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    Seeing the faces and reading some of their stories in this format takes them out of the realm of statistics and puts a human face on the victims. We've become desensitized in a way because of how our media works, and human nature. I couldn't help but think that each of these people had loved ones, family and friends, many had children, co workers who don't see them as statistics.
    And the numbers ARE staggering. These are just the ones killed by police. Tell me again what makes "America" "Exceptional"?

  5. Anonymous6:14 AM

    683 people have been killed by police this year? And it has only been 7 months into the year... OMG...This is very troublesome, and should give us all great concern.

  6. Anonymous6:22 AM

    The fact that MOST of those killed by the police are Black, and unarmed, tells the true story.
    There are way more whites and Hispanics in this country than Blacks, yet the cops kill MORE THAN three times the number of Black people than whites or Hispanics.

    Need I say more?! You get the picture. I am sure.

  7. Anonymous6:35 AM

    It's heart-wrenching to see all this human life that the cops have taken out, and the cops just don't get charged for these killings. If by some slim chance the cop gets charged, a dumb jury sets them free.


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