I also learned that the Republicans had really NOTHING to work with today.
I also learned that Hillary Clinton has absorbed a little of Obama's cool.
![]() |
"Were you trying to trip me up? That's just adorable." |
Which was backed up in the most blunt manner possible by Rep. Jason Chaffetz back in 2012:
On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."
"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”
Which kind of makes me wonder how these Republicans have the cojones to grill Hillary on why there was not adequate security to protect Ambassador Stephens.
"Look in the mirror assholes!"
"We're so much better than that!!" Elijah Cummings straight preaching fire. #BenghaziCommittee pic.twitter.com/uMksEJDDLY
— Andrew Jerell Jones (@sluggahjells) October 23, 2015
Another thing that I learned today is that while Rep. Elijah Cummings was clearly today's MVP, that Rep. Adam Schiff came in a close second.Oh, that is like political soft core porn for a Democrat!
I also finally figured out who else Trey Gowdy keeps reminding me of:
Ahh. the House of Slytherin. That explains a lot!
The other thing that I learned is that if I NEVER hear the word "Benghazi" again that will still be too soon.
I wrote this post a few hours ago figuring that by the time it posted we would be finished.
ReplyDeleteNo such luck.
Are you kidding me? After the drubbing they got today, they're going to bend over again? Voluntarily?
DeleteI wonder if they are just going to keep going until Clinton's numbers go down.
Do you think they'll be able to connect the dots when the numbers go up after every day of testimony?
I am appalled voters were stupid enough to elect and re-elect such STUPID PEOPLE.
I guess love isn't the only thing that is blind. Hate is blind too. And vengeance.
The inquisitors accomplished something with this BS. Hilary looks so PRESIDENTIAL. It appears she HAS learned "keep cool" from our President. She made those clowns look so foolish, they should run home with their tails between their legs. What a pathetic looking bunch the gop/tp is. Hillary looked great, was very cool, calm and collected in spite of knowing she was the only ADULT in that room, with the exception of the other dem. politicians.I wonder if Issa the Pisser watched this, he probably was not allowed into the hearing.
DeleteNo now Hillary is starting to choke and cough uncontrollably.
ReplyDeleteSurely the Republicans must realize how bad this looks for them.
"So now."
DeleteIs that to hide the laughter and try to control the derision?
DeleteI loathe Hillary Clinton. Normally, she makes my skin crawl.
ReplyDeleteBut watching these hearings today, I have to say that the committee might have just guaranteed her election as President. She has stood up well under disgusting, insulting, repetitive, and rabid-dog partisan ranting.
What are we on now? Hour eleven?
This is going to backfire on them.
The home-alone question was the high point for me, just to hear her laughter.
ReplyDeleteMy takeaway from over 9 hours of relentless badgering is that the Republicans just handed Hillary Clinton the election. She was calm, measured, forthright and came across as a strong leader who can spar with the toughest opponent. They just sealed the deal by looking like petulant asses. Thanks guys for spending my tax contribution on this sham.
Yeah, can you imagine her facing off with Putin? It would be fun to watch him try and Hillary just stare him down.
If there were any doubts about her ability to handle Putin, I think watching this testimony has put them to rest.
DeleteIs she going to give Putin another reset button mlaiuppa?
DeletePutin is hewn of granite, the GOP reps of crumbly sandstone. Putin and Hillary are perhaps two
Deleteof a kind. Smart, fearless, determined, beyond the usual cheap political fencing and posturing.
Fearfully and wonderfully made, they are, like president Obama. Nothing short of Biblical language can do them justice. Their strength is both a blessing and a curse. God grant that they use their gifts wisely.
Hillary made these jerks look spineless. The louder they talked, and tried to make her look bad, the worse they looked. Bill must have been really pleased watching this pathetic excuse for a "hearing"
DeleteReset button jude, reset button lol.
DeleteIf I had to put a U.S. president up against Putin I'd rather it be Hillary than The Donald. (What a disaster he would be.)
DeleteOff topic....this from Celebitchy.com:
ReplyDeletemimif says:
October 22, 2015 at 11:58 am
Cannot tolerate these assholes. A woman I know had an affair with Todd Palin’s brother, James, and oh lawd the tea she spilled. Screen caps and all.
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Bridget says:
October 22, 2015 at 12:20 pm
You can’t hit and run like that! Anything good?
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JenniferJustice says:
October 22, 2015 at 12:27 pm
Deets please. Hello? We’re waiting…………..
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AntiSocialButterfly says:
October 22, 2015 at 12:30 pm
What the WHAT?????
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mia girl says:
October 22, 2015 at 12:34 pm
Cough it up mimif!
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mimif says:
October 22, 2015 at 2:42 pm
Sorry! I completely spaced out. Okay, I have to be kind of delicate because… f-ck it.
So my bf is a commercial fisherman up in Bristol Bay (occasionally I crew for him), and he fishes alongside Todd Palin in the summer. Additionally, one of our good friends is a longtime Palin family friend (we constantly tease him but by all accounts he swears Todd is a good dude), so I always get the insider stories and it’s why my face turns purple every time there is a post about them here.
Anyhow, the year the Palins had their stupid documentary Sarah and her brood were crawling all over the town we fish out of. This town is teeny tiny btw, there is like zero anonymity. It’s also a very pro-Palin town too, as they have Alaska Native roots there, so one does not speak unkindly of them in public. A friend of mine starts telling me that she’s boinking James Palin, and I was like, yeah whatever, who cares. And then she starts telling me these stories…like super lurid stories of shit that he was into, stuff you wouldn’t make up unless you were a sociopath, but I was busy fishing and couldn’t be bothered. So THEN, she starts sending me screen caps of their FB convos and dude, a) the guy is a total dog (supposedly on a trial separation from his wife, whom eventually divorced him), b) not even going into the sexual details because it makes me want to com (NASTY), but c) he talked so much shit about Sarah it was unreal. That she was cheating on Todd (apparently James and Sarah had a fling too, something about being a knob gobbler, but she broke it off), she’s a total drunk who lets her kids do whatever they want, Bristol is the town bicycle and the rumors about Sarah’s last baby being Bristol’s were true, how her thirst for fame completely destroyed Todd & Sarah’s marriage, talk about swinging…should I go on? He sounded like a jilted lover, he totally despised her. So take that all with a grain of salt, people.
Then this douche James invited my friend to Hawaii with his kids, wanted to marry her, (also wanted to f-ck her friends) guy was just a piece of work. FWIW, my friend isn’t exactly playing with a full deck so he was 100% taking advantage of her. Ick. The whole family is revolting.
From personally experience, Sarah is a hag. Literally. I’ve met her more than once and her voice makes me want to rip my hair out.
The End.
P.S. I’m mad at all of you now for making me type that out AND I’m going to hell.
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True or not, it's nice to have a distraction from Benghazi!!!!!!!!!
DeleteIs this what you are talking about? Send Celebitchy the scoop on Track Palin.
DeletePalin manufactured two hypocritical liars. I don't know which is worse, the pregnancies or the combat warrior scam artist routine.
'and he fishes alongside Todd Palin in the summer.'
When was the last time Todd was fishing? It is a teeny tiny place. Jimbo is a drunk, not much of a secret, he is a creep.
All those Palin men are drunks and Track Menard Palin is the biggest drunk loser of them all. Fuck you Track!
DeleteI was wondering when someone else would see that commentary at Celebitchy.
DeleteIncendiary stuff, wasn't it?
M from MD
Who the f@$& cares? The post's topic is one if national importance and you comment on a frivolous gossip about a nobody?
DeleteHey 10:04. Y'ever hear of multitasking?
DeleteAll I know is that I would love to run into some of these bloodthirsty repub rat badgering bastards in a nice dark alley.
ReplyDeleteHowdy gowdy, Pompey, roskun, three bitches and that cocksucker from Georgia and that bitch from Alabama.
You sure get to know these people when it's live.
The revolution will not be televised, the revolution will be live.
Good job Hillary. Fuck all you republicans.
Oh my God it finally ended!
ReplyDeleteI thought it was like the Afghanistan war and that it would never end.
So is this the end? Or just the end of today's hearing? Will it resume tomorrow?
DeleteLOL - yes Gowdy looks like Draco......
ReplyDeleteLike Rachel is just saying, Hillary shows remarkable endurance to have endured 11 hours of questions and that kind of beating. It proves that she is totally qualified to take on the difficult tasks of President.
You mean she didn't get a headache, have a stroke or faint? But I thought she was brain damaged when she fell?
DeleteYes, the GOP just handed her the keys to the kingdom. Way to go, Reince!
I am so proud of Hillary.
Should have had a drink every time a Rethug said the name Sidney Blumenthal.
ReplyDeleteOnly if you are into ETOH poisoning
DeleteHow many times did Gowdy interrupt Hillary? That would have been a better drinking game.
ReplyDeletedo not post pse
ELEVEN HOURS! The committee members were able to take turns, but Mrs. Clinton had to answer every question for ELEVEN hours! Lord, have mercy! Trey (what the heck kind of name is that?) Gowdy was VERY rude to Mrs. Clinton the last few minutes, constantly interrupting her and raising his voice (which she NEVER did), trying to justify yet another hearing and enormous waste of taxpayer money. Sheesh! A huge congratulations to Mrs. Clinton for keeping her cool and answering professionally.
ReplyDeleteDidn't he begin by promising NOT to interrupt her?
DeleteI just knew he'd renege.
Trey is upset that Hillary answered everything and looked great. Now, without this committee, he will go back to just being a slacker member of the group, instead of the leader of the committee. There goes the wine club, and the days of taking things easty waiting for the next TV host to call, begging for an interview. Trey is the male version of PayMe, wants to be a "star" but has none of the talent required. Cue the banjoes for little pointy headed Trey.
DeleteI'm already imagining how Palin is going to choke on the words, "President Clinton." After today, they're more real than ever.
ReplyDeletePalin is concerned for her son.
Just the facts
Open Thread
October 22 2015 - 3:32 AM | By: Ian Lazaran
Carmtom13 • 5 hours ago
The community organizer hollowing out the military. Do any of you feel safe with him doing this? I sure don't!
myfairlady Carmtom13 • 5 hours ago
No. And I guess I didn't realize that Track Palin is back in Iraq. I just saw that on the Earthquake Facebook page. They're sending out prayers for the Solider who was killed today. And we still don't have a name. Also Praying that Track is okay.
Carmtom13 myfairlady • 5 hours ago
I thought there weren't any American soldiers on the ground in Iraq.
Are you sure it wasn't in Afghanistan?
myfairlady Carmtom13 • 5 hours ago
I heard on the news when coming home earlier that people were asking the Administration that very question. Saying that we were told there were no boots on the ground. I think they said that we have a team working with some Iraqis and they our people do fight back, if attacked.
No boots on the ground in Iraq. What use is a drug addicted assclown in battle?
DeleteThanks to little lumpy Johnny Mac, Track never saw combat or even the ME. Safely tucked away in a rehab facility, so he could not ruin the McCain.PayMe scam.
DeleteAlso, tomorrow while we're surely all here together, let's watch Maddow as well when Hillary gives her first interview since both the committee and Biden's bow out.
ReplyDeleteShe deserves to be cradled to sleep tonight in Bill's arms like the first year they were in love.
She also deserves a few celebratory cocktails.
DeleteThis inquisition made up my mind on who I'm voting for in the primaries...It's Hillary. I was going to vote for Bernie.
ReplyDeleteAnd now that Gowdy's travelling shit shootout has fired 11 hours of blanks, they should ALL ( rethuglicons) proceed to the roof of the nearest highrise, and jump.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Hillary Clinton, for your dedication to public service, intellectual breadth, and incredible stamina and perseverance.
ReplyDeleteYou've lived our college motto: "Non Ministrari sed Ministrare."
("Not to be ministered unto but to minister," proclaims Wellesley's motto, capturing in four Latin words the College's mission: To provide an excellent liberal arts education for women who will make a difference in the world.")
It is amzing how dedication to 'public service' has amassed well over a 100 million dollar fortune for the Clintons lol. Some estimates are upwards of 200 mil.
DeleteGo ahead... tell me how people love to hear Hillary and Bills speeches etc.... Those speaking fees, well those are not just for speeches. They are selling you and this country out, and you applaud them for it. Unreal.
Mothers like Sarah Palin should be applauded for raising strong brave sons.
DeleteAmerican killed in Iraq hostage rescue, Pentagon says
About 70 hostages facing "imminent mass execution" were rescued and an American service member was killed in an operation against an ISIS-controlled prison in northern Iraq, the Pentagon said Thursday.
The commando became the first American combat death in Iraq since November 2011.
It is dangerous in Iraq. Track Palin needs everyone's prayers. What a brave man to go back to that deadly place.
Totally agree, as another Wellesley alum. How about an add-on to the motto: While simultaneously kicking sniveling misogynist Republican ass!
DeleteMartha C
Proof please, did Track ever complete rehab?
Delete@6:11 PM Go away little kid.
DeleteOh BULLSHIT. I saw this on c4p; prove that Track is back in Iraq. Like hell he is.
Delete6:47, Where did anyone get the notion that Track Palin is in Iraq? Because of some "earthquake" post? I would love to see more definitive proof than a comment on a fanclub Facebook page.
DeleteAccording to the news, it was a Delta Force/Seal team rescue; pretty sure Track is completely not qualified to be in with the Army's elite.
DeleteAre you seriously ordering anybody who tells the truth about the Clintons to go away? Name-calling? Set up your own blog and restrict membership to your sycophants if you can't deal with opposing viewpoints.
I loathe them almost as much as I loathe the Bushes. Hilary is a member of The Family, a theocratic group with the central belief that you can do no wrong because Jesus has already forgiven you. Bill destroyed the middle class with NAFTA. They are both liars. They are both sneaky. They will do anything to further enrich themselves and their buddies.
Wassa problem 7:05, you don't like people to talk about the enormous wealth that the Clintons have managed to 'scrabble' together in their humble servants lives? Man they must have been real lucky in the stock market or something, especially since Hillary said they were practically broke when they left the white house.
DeleteIf Track completed rehab he fell hard off the wagon. If the Hawaiian stories get out, they are all done. I can see why Sarah would like the story about Track being in Iraq and not about Track in Hawaii. I bet she is behind the nonsense to Earthquake. Like she is behind Bristol nonsense stories.
DeletePalin has 2 kids who are losers. They both need to look like they work and are productive so she has to make stuff up. It is her sos.
9:06 PM Jealous much?All of the Clintons are educated far and above you or any of the Palins. They earn large speaking fees, and have invested wisely. Stay in your trailer park and sniff the Palins' asses, troll.
Delete9:06 PM I applaud them for amassing a fortune. Too bad that you can't handle their success.
DeleteOf course your sycophant praise of the Clintons is exactly as expected from types like you 10:39 and 10:44.
DeleteJealous lol... If I was going to be jealous of wealth, I'd pick people with a lot more wealth than even they have. What is it like to live in your limited foolish world I wonder?
How many women again was it that Hillary, champion of women, allowed Bill to fondle, abuse, exert his power over, while she turned a blind eye for the golden egg?
Dumbya Bush gets large amounts for his speaking fees! Plus private jets. Laura gets $50,000 plus for her speeches also, too. Who would YOU rather listen to, A Clinton or a Bush? The Clintons are highly intelligent and help charities. Name ONE charity that is helped by anyone in the Bush family of crooks and low I.Q's? Hillary just answered 11 hours of bullshit questions, calmly and professionally. Jeb! got snippy with a young Mexican girl who wanted to know about his Mexican wife's family not being "anchor babies" Jeb! got huffy and pushed by her. Chicken shit, just like his drunk brother.
DeleteWhat Hawaiian stories?! Spill.
Delete12:00 AM Why did you describe Todd Palin?
DeleteImagine for a moment if Bernie Sanders were in a hot seat . . . . . .
ReplyDeleteBernie would have leaped over the committee desk and ripped out Gowdy's heart.
DeleteBernie is a passionate and articulate man who thinks fast on his feet. He might have been calm and jovial, laughing at them, but he still would have cleaned their clocks verbally and made them look just as ridiculous as Hillary did. (With plenty of help from the Republican committee members.)
DeleteBernie might have shown his curmudgeonly passion but his small-time political experience would have wilted in the melee. He was cowed by just a couple of forceful activists in Seattle this summer.
DeleteHe's not ready for prime time. It's not enough to have your heart (and mind) in the right place. It takes years to temper one's balls in the furnace of bigtime politics. Hillary's done it and come out on the other side. Sweet Bernie is a relative novice.
Jude, I have to agree with your take./
DeleteJude must think that she is the political expert here.
DeleteJude is the novice here, and that's all.
Gowdy has a face like a Byer's Choice Christmas caroler. I just look at him and want to sing Jingle Bells.
ReplyDeleteThe Committe smells, REPubs committee laid an egg. GOP lost a wheel and Hillary got to Prez.
DeleteI see little pointy headed Trey, and hear "Duelling Banjoes" playing in the background. Also, too "The Hills Have Eyes" comes to mind. Strange little dweeb, isn't he?
DeleteHillary should send thank you notes and a dozen roses to every GOP member of the committee -- after all, they ensured her election!!! This entire "hearing" was one big positive campaign advertisement for Hillary -- paid for by the GOP!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Elijah Cummings is one BADASS!!!! That man kicked GOP ass and took names all day long and they couldn't do anything about it.
It was a shining moment...for the Democrats. As a resident of the 28th District I was especially happy to see Adam Schiff getting so much air time, and recognition for "calm, measured tone." He is such a smart, capable, sensible guy. Schiff 2024? We could do worse.
DeleteHoward Baker, Jr. is my cousin (not close enough to kiss) and as a result of the Watergate hearings, we were glad America got to see the awesome Howard we knew.
DeleteI'm just all a'twitter, waiting to read Sarah's take on Hillary Clinton's performance!!!!
ReplyDeleteDon't you mean Bristol's take? Sarah is in prayer for Track, he needs it with what he is enduring now.
DeleteNice try, 6:38 PM, are you that freaking stupid? $arah and Brancy would have crowed, and we all know he's too effed up that the military would ever take him again.
Delete6:38 PM Track has been enduring a drug habit since High School.
DeleteWatched a marathon of Harry Potter movies over the weekend. Gouty absolutely looks like Malfoy, acts like Malfoy, is sneaky/snarky/snide like Malfoy. What other conclusion can we come to? He must be a low down snake in the grass.
ReplyDeleteMalfoy had a life after Hogwarts. Hopefully Gowdy and his Slytherin friends are finished.
Hillary was cool, calm and collected FOR 11 HOURS! Presidential material. And she will have a successful former president as an adviser. Unlike Jeb! who has an assclown brother as an adviser...
Gowdy looks like the banjo player from Deliverance. Heehaw
ReplyDeleteHillary was good and I think the world of her. I can't quit Bernie!
ReplyDeleteClinton hasn’t been shaken or rattled once. Hillary Clinton has proven adept at taking the Republicans’ extremism and using it against them.
ReplyDeleteThe House Republican boys can’t take the heat that Hillary Clinton is bringing, as the former Sec. of State is putting a stake through the heart of the Benghazi hearing that was supposed to destroy her as a presidential candidate.
It is turning into a terrible day for Republicans as Hillary Clinton has been everything they always feared and more.
Gawdy = Malfoy! Perfect!
ReplyDeleteGowdy Doody (h/t whoever said it first) + Draco Malfoy + Deliverance Banjo Player + Eddie Haskell (if you are old enough to remember...
DeletePoor, poor, lil ol' Trey Gowdy, whadda smackdown.
She was brilliant!
ReplyDeleteShe is brilliant!
DeleteHillary rocked. Definitely the adult in the room. How many million has been thrown at this investigation? And it was They that cut the funding for security?
DeleteWTF is this noise about Track Palin and Iraq, or, Afghanistan?
ReplyDeleteTrack Palin is not in Iraq or Afghanistan. He's in Alaska, strung out on dope, flashing his middle fingers, and trying to get in Jordan Leowe's panties.
Yeah, Old Redneck, they're going to try this again? We all know it's a bunch of crap.
DeleteTo me, Gawdy = ConeHead
ReplyDeleteTrey Gowdy = Ed Brimley.
ReplyDeleteGryphen should write a book about the seemingly indelible mark Sarah Palin has made, not so much on American politics, but on American culture. Here he wrote a post on Hillary Clinton's masterful and unflappable responses to a prolonged, fruitless Republican fishing expedition.
ReplyDeleteBut predictably, some of his loyal readers drag in the Palins. What's the fascination with this family? Gryphen might be able to explain the phenomenon. He probably has the most Palin comments, since most other Palin bloggers stopped posting about her some time ago.
With the help of a good ghost writer, and some research on the psychology of the Palin obsession, Gryphen could probably come up with a marketable manuscript.
No ghostwriter needed.
DeleteThe Palin phenomenon continues to be entertaining and fascinating.
He Jude don't make it sad, your envy of Gryphen is showing.
DeleteGryph and Malia have continued to highlight and comment on palin since 2008. Sad,but necessary to keep an eye on the unemployed shit stain from the dead lake. Too bad that we have to spend time on her however it is a reflection of how far down the tube the republican party had gone then continued to do even more so over the election of a black man. For as long as palin is around,she needs watched. Until the day she's locked up. Besides all that,u just can't beat the Entertainment factor.
DeleteJude's dumb ass would be the first to read it.
ReplyDeleteGryphen I noticed your Grindr profile needs an update. Maybe then you'll get more dates.
ReplyDelete11:50 PM Why do you stalk Gryphen, is your love life that empty? Look in the mirror and see the jealousy dripping from your sorry looking face, troll.
DeleteI expected the hearing to be over by the time I got home from work, but it was still going strong.
ReplyDeleteI have watched a number of Congressional inquires over the year. Never have I seen those doing the questioning yelling at the witness. And as we all know (or should know), you lose the argument the minute you start yelling.
It was pathetic. But through it all, Hillary was cool, calm and collected.
I hope this ends this foolishness. Then again, a couple more of these hearings and we might just see the House AND Senate switch to Democratic majorities.
I watched snippits and was especially taken aback by that rude congressman from Ohio (Jordan?). Hillary maintained the patience of Job and truly made her questioners look like idiots and, above all, haters of women. Whether or not you love or hate Hillary, as a woman you really should be exceptionally proud to share a gender with her.
DeleteAnd for all the haters of Clinton wealth, I thought you all believed the US to be the land of opportunity (to make as much money as one possibly can) so how can you denigrate Bill and Hillary for amassing their fortune? Hypocrites, the lot of you!
Maple, you are confusing socialist types who believe in sharing instead of hoarding wealth with conservatives who believe in hoarding it.
DeleteRead the story of how the Bush Crime Family made their wealth.The Clintons used their intellect to make money. Too bad the Bush clan has very low I.Q's, watching Jeb! brings home that point. Bill has CHARISMA ro go along with his political skills.
ReplyDeleteJust ask Monica Lewinsky. Old Bill's inappropriate relationship with her led to Al Gore distancing himself from Clinton and cast a pall over Gore that cost him the presidency. Meanwhile the Clintons gladly hobnob with the Bushes. So I guess Bill is fine with the Bush Crime Family.
DeleteShe did a fine job answering questions. However, I think she'll live to regret spending so much time with her elbow on the table and her chin in her palm. I wish she hadn't. The optics of it were terrible for her. I think it was a lapse of good judgement, slovenly, and disrespectful of the institution of the House regardless of what jackasses Trey Gowdy and Co were being. She's better than that. You'd never see Pres Obama do that no matter how much he wanted to show his defiance for his opponents. And I think we're going to see the Pugs use it against in her in ads.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that most viewers saw her as Presidential. Her respect was shown by answering truthfully to inquisitors who have already made a mockery of the House.
DeleteFor crissakes, the poor woman had been at it for HOURS.
DeleteI would have laid my head down on my arms and cried.
Which kind of makes me wonder how these Republicans have the cojones to grill Hillary on why there was not adequate security to protect Ambassador Stephens.
ReplyDelete"Look in the mirror assholes!"
It pains me to say that Hillary's problem is one of style. Many conservatives and Republicans will concede that she is one smart and talented woman even if they hate her political views. She freaks out people on the other side of the aisle when she swerves to the left of Bernie Sanders on some things and to the right of Bernie Sanders on other things. I understand Realpolitik but most conventional politicos, at least on the right wing, expect doctrinaire dogmatic adhesion to prescribed positions on every issue. You might as well have robots and automate the whole process. I am no fan of Hillary not because of Benghazi or Whitewater (if it is a crime to lose money on personal investments, then most of us would be in jail) or email or any other partisan Republican BS. She is running for president. That is a job interview. Men dress for the job interview by wearing suits. For a woman that is a skirt or dress. She wears pantsuits. I am not even listening to what she has to say for that reason alone. The first female president should look like the CEO of a major corporation or like a governor. Last time I checked, female governors and female CEO's of Fortune 500 companies mostly wear dresses and skirts. Pantsuits are for women who are not at the top. Books on personal image and The Power Look say this. Sorry to be abrasive but running for president is a job interview like any other. It is a tough job. Look the part. Sarah Palin, otherwise dumb as a sack of door knobs, at least looked the part.
Palin was a governor, not a particularly good one, but she had executive experience. The GOP is attacking Rodham's one resume line that shows her in charge of something -- The State Department.
If a woman is so ashamed of being a woman that she dresses like a man, what other psychological problems does she have? Will she cave like Angela Merkel and let the USA be flooded with refugees or send them back like Trump and his well-groomed well-dressed family?
I agree with those who have had enough of family dynasties like the Clintons (Bill was OK but no more Clintons) and the Bushes (Dubya: worst president in US history). Unfortunately, Joe Biden steps out and so we are stuck with undesirable front-runners for both the Democrat and Republican tickets.
Just once I'd like to go into the voting booth and have to choose between two good candidates or several good candidates if we had strong third parties. Instead, every Election Day I have to chose between a drooling idiot and a evil villain or a psychopath and a sociopath. And I am not saying who is which.
This is a pile of complete crap.
DeleteI can't believe you took the time to write that drivel.
DeleteOh, no!! Hillary is wearing pants!!!!
@8:50 -- When was the last time you saw German Chancellor Angela Merkel wearing a skirt or dress? You are SO superficial. Your comments aren't worth the time you spent composing them!
DeleteOh and you compare running the State Department with its hundreds of thousands of employees -- Ambassadors, Counsels, diplomats throughout the entire world - to governing (in Simple Sarah's half-assed way) the teeny tiny state of Alaska? You've GOT to be kidding!
LMAO!!! Perhaps she should wear olive green uniforms and army boots? A woman doesn't need to dress like a man to get anywhere in business or government. BUT if she chooses to, why not? Steve Jobs made it to the top in jeans and black tee shirts
DeleteSteve Jobs "made it to the top" 4:23?!!
Steve Jobs STARTED AT THE TOP as one of the creators and influential players of an untapped and ready to explode industry.
'made it to the top' lololololol.
That's crazy, she puts you off because she's wearing pants? Women started wearing pants in the 50's and 60's for gods sake. It's called DRESS pants for a reason.
DeletePalin quit Alaska before she would have had to be questioned in hearings about her ethics violations. Sarah Palin would have walked out of the Benghazi hearings after the first 'gotcha' question. Sarah Palin is not even close to being as intelligent and strategic as Hillary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteShe'd need several breaks and still have a nervous breakdown. She's a liar with a short memory.....not a good combo, not good at all.
DeleteI caught a lot of it, at one point, Trey was sweating like a palin in heat, his nostrils flaring, while Hillary looked composed, calm and cool as a cuke. The parts i loved were when Hillary let out a laugh when asked if she was alone the whole night, a question which bothered another female inquisitor. Hillary smoothed it over as a moment of levity several hours into the inquisition. What I loved most was she was unshakable and knew the answers by heart, it's the eight plus time they've asked her.
ReplyDeleteShe's on Rachel Maddow tonight, can't wait to watch. Poor Trump fell in the polls, which he pays no attention at all to anyway. Life is good!!!!!!