Monday, November 23, 2015

Black Lives Matter protester assaulted during Donald Trump rally. Color me unsurprised.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

Several people attending a rally for Donald Trump in Birmingham, Alabama, physically assaulted an African-American protester on Saturday, witnesses said. 

The protester began chanting "Black Lives Matter" and took off his sweatshirt to display a T-shirt printed with the phrase before people at the rally reportedly attacked him. 

CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond posted a video of the altercation on Twitter. In it, a man in a blue gingham shirt appears to be kicking a black man lying on the ground.

Here's the altercation from a different angle.

When asked about the altercation this is what Trump had to say:  

“Maybe he should have been roughed up,” he said. “It was disgusting what he was doing.”

Does anybody else notice that these Trump campagn stops are starting to look more and more like Klan rallies?

Or is that just me?


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Does anybody else notice that these Trump campagn stops are starting to look more and more like Klan rallies?
    - Immoral Minority

    Gryph, I would have used Sarah Palin's 2008 election rallies as the example for what's starting to happen instead of a Klan meeting.

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

    3,2,1 CODE RED. Somebody get Nancy French up and writing, Bristol is upset at the black guy disturbing a perfectly good meeting and she needs to post it on her blog so her mother can get on her Facebook page and redirect her followers to Brancy's blog.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      TOO funny how they are doing that scam. Like it is believable Bristle gives a flippin' fook! More like the fraud is doing Vegas bathroom stalls again with you know who after they gave birth and couldn't wait to get out of town. Who is baby sitting the baby girl? I mean Bristle. lol

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Bristol is the one in the "Magic Kingdom". The farce they want you to believe is her life.

      She is like Track Palin now. In Sarah's alternate universe

      Track is fighting in Iraq, because black ops.

      At the very same time Track is spotted in Hawaii as a danger to others in one of his drunken stupors.

      More like Bristol is in Las Vegas at the very same time (Magic Kingdom) she is watching Trip sleep in Anchorage and writing as a Christian political pundit kissing Trump rump.

      Yep, Trump is working da propaganda 24/7 and yelling it from the gilded sky high balcony. He just has to step out of his penthouse and ordain.

    3. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Maybe Bristol the Pistol and Marina the Peena will make Scara real proud and join the Donald's security force.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Is Sarah hoping this post will get IM readers off her skinny narrow ass and her Disney trip?

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Brown shirts.

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    And the Donald played on. Was the crowd more engaged with harassing this man than listening to their King? He's just rambling on and on during it all, I'd love to know what he was saying after his initial "Get outta here"


  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Hitler started this way.

    Trump also lied that "Muslim" people in New Jersey on 9/11 cheered the falling of the Twin Towers. He says it, repeats it, and make it so. He is a demagogue and is spreading violence and lies and no one is stopping him. Look at the photo of people at the rally TAKING PICTURES ON THEIR PHONES of the man being beaten. No one went to protect him. We're way down that slippery slope.

  7. Anonymous6:44 AM

    That racist Trump tweet about blacks killing whites isn’t just false — it’s neo-Nazi propaganda

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Honestly, who knows what Trump really is about, he lies so often I bet even he doesn't know. His opinions change with the wind. He certainly thinks he's better than everyone else no matter their race or gender, but he obviously sees non-whites, women, and the poor as less valuable-- unless he can use them.
      Hatred? I just don't know. Maybe more like they are as important as ants to him; step on them if they're in your way (who cares? they aren't important). I don't see him making it a burning duty to rid the planet of them. Not as long as they are useful to him in some way.

      But I would place money on his staff being absolutely racist. They are snarling, ruthless provocateurs. Along with his fans.

      I may be totally wrong, we'll see as we get closer to election. The Donald is the type to go all out and surprise us if winning is on the line. I despise the man.


    2. Anonymous7:44 AM

    3. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Trump may not know but there are those that have his number.

  8. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I think Donald Trump is going to be killed due to all the racist and nastiness he is spreading.

    He is one evil dude and will never be elected POTUS!

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      I doubt he will be killed, but I wouldn't be surprised if one of his fans killed someone after being riled up by one of Trump's rallies.

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Trump has purchased his own security (the tall, bald guy that is always around him, is one of his hired bullies!) plus now we are paying for the secret service people who are protecting him.

      Taxpayer's money is being wasted as far as I'm concerned. Trump is the WORST example of being American! He's truly an awful man!

    3. Anonymous12:38 PM

      It isn't that hard to take down a helicopter. I don't know that terrorists want to kill him. He is good for keeping things on edge and setting off violent nut cases.

      Others than terrorists don't have the means to do a slick job. It would have to be one of his nasty rants and a crazed person and the right time and place.

      Remember we are paying for his Secret Service detail. Does that include his family, kids, grand kids? He has used State and other security the public pays for many years. Plus he has his own security.

      Jeb Bush and others may have the most invested for taking him out. For some reason I think about when the CIA wanted to take Castro out. It was to be an inside job. I heard of plans to poison him, give him cancer. Who knows the Bush dynasty may already be in action. Stranger things have happened.

  9. Anonymous6:51 AM

  10. Anonymous6:51 AM

    6:20 AM Trump is even worse than Palin was as much as the majority of Americans detest the women. She brought herself down and Trump will do the same thing!

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Think that should be 'woman' vs 'women', 6:51 AM.

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM


  11. Anonymous6:52 AM

    ‘Nowhere to hide, Jihadi Wayne’: NY Daily News declares war on the NRA for blocking terrorist gun law

  12. Anonymous6:52 AM

    When Fascism Comes To America, It’ll Come Wrapped In Racism And Wearing A Bad Toupee

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      It is a moth and the darn thing is poison. Must have made it into his brain before he lost it. Now there is no coming back.

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      “Urticating” is a fancy way of saying highly irritating

      The rill dill.



      if it looks like The Donald’s hair, leave it alone.

      The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin attacks President Obama over flags, but it turns out simply to be a trick for SarahPAC to gather more e-mail addresses.

  13. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Conservative Media Desperately Tries to Hide Donald Trump’s Statements about Muslims

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

  14. Anonymous7:24 AM

  15. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I'm not at all condoning what they did to this gentleman, but I am also disturbed with people on BOTH sides that go to opposing candidates rallies and scream and interrupt. They KNOW they are going to get hate and berrated so why even do it? Are they looking for trouble or even to get HURT?

    My suggestion for this gentleman and other is if they have the time to go to an event like this, perhaps they should take the time instead to encourage OTHERS that feel the same that he does to VOTE! That is the only thing that will make a difference. NOT chaos and violence!

    1. They have interrupted clinton and sanders rallies. The only time they were assaulted was at a trump rally. The only time violence breaks out is at a trump rally. The only people bring violence are trump supporters.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM


    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Trump is just asking for it!!

      Much like Palin did and just where is she today? At the bottom of the barrel with her home state (Alaska) hating her unchristian racist heart and the majority in America thinking her nothing more than a joke!

  16. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Why should Trump or his supporters allow a Black Lives Matter racist disturb their event? People are physically removed from democratic and republican political events all the time for causing disturbances.... but now that it is a BLM asshole they can't remove him or be deemed racist? That is a load of crap. I hope this continues to happen and people show real leadership and force in dealing with the bullshit artists and scammers of the racist BLM movement.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      You are an ass. There's a HUGE difference between removing someone from an event and beating up that same protester. These fuckwads had free license to assault this guy during an event where a candidate is running for PRESIDENT of the United States. The crude and violent actions were uncalled for and unacceptable.

      You are clearly an ignorant idiot to think anything otherwise. I would suggest that it is YOU who are the racist. And YOU who are the asshole.

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Why should Hitler allowed Jews at any of his events?
      Look, the last time I looked, this was a democracy. Now, you want to impose Sheria law on the United States.

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      8:16 --Sharia law? Hitler? You are in the land of ignorance.

    4. Anonymous8:45 AM

      They didn't beat the guy up 8:06, that is a load of liberal/BLM crap. A lie. You disturb a political event and refuse to leave, well you are going to be physically removed.

      That is exactly the point 8:16, it is a democracy, yet the BLMers refuse anyone else any oxygen, else they be deemed racist. A lot of people have grown tired of their childish antics.

    5. Protesting is legal. Removing people for disturbing the event is legal. ASSAULTING people is illegal!

    6. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Thank ou, Meghan Phillips. 8:45, et al, are nasty and ignorant. Removing a protestor is within the rights of the rally goers and organizers. Assaulting them is a felony.

    7. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Meghan, people get removed from political events all the time for causing disturbances, dem and repub, it is perfectly legal and it is not assault. Are you just plain dumb, or a dumbass?

    8. Anonymous9:38 AM

      There was no assault 9:00 am.

      More than happy to keep calling out your lies.

    9. Anonymous2:46 PM

      In the video, a woman steps in from the crowd and kicks the protester while he is on the ground. She is pulled away by other people.

      Are you saying that's not assault?

    10. Anonymous3:46 PM

      We just need more people to show up with the ALL LIVES MATTER signs, because really, all lives DO matter and to have one minority trumpeting their specialness is just going to cause trouble. I'm a support of All Lives Matter and we try to make our voices heard, without violence and without interrupting public gatherings.

    11. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Do you remember Dr. Laura? Her son Deryk was on video assaulting a girl at a Republican convention or some event he was working as a monitor.

      It was all covered up and they went in denial.
      No charges and not picked up on news cycle.

      It is assault depending on who does it and if they can cover it up or not.

      This is a Trump affair, if he wants it to be an assault he will let you know. If Trump says no assault that is what will be.

    12. Anonymous3:59 PM

      2:46 pls point out where in the video you see a woman kicking this gentleman, because it definitely is not apparent and I've watched it several times. Did however see this BLM douchebag swinging his fists around trying to make some contact as they tried to escort him out (including another black gentleman trying to escort him out), then doubling back for more of the same until security finally came for him. He was there for nothing but disturbance and to try and stir up trouble. Once again black lives matter makes themselves out to be nothing more than a bunch of potentially violent bullies and idiots, with no actual political or social plan, well except apparently to blame whitey for everything. Not a very intelligent group that is for sure.

    13. Anonymous4:13 PM

      I have to laugh when people come back with ALL lives matter as if BLM is saying that only black lives matter. No. They are fighting for the recognition that black lives matter as much as white lives. It's not a zero sum game.

      I don't agree with some of their tactics, but I understand their anger and frustration (and they should not be roughed up simply for disrupting a rally).

    14. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Without interrupting public gatherings? What exactly do you think protests are.

      And do you really think this is about Black people claiming to be special? They want to be treated EQUALLY.

      Do you think when people protest for same sex marriage, they are saying that only THEY should be allowed to get married?

    15. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Sure thing, 3:59.

      In the bottom video that Gryphen has posted, at 33 seconds, a woman in black and white plaid (or checks) puts her hand on another person and kicks the protester who is on the floor.

      In the top video that Gryphen posted, it happens at 23 seconds.

      Now, you will come back and tell us that it really wasn't a kick (even though that's obviously what it is) or maybe that it was a kick but he deserved it, right?

      What I see in that bottom video is the protester yelling with his fist in the air, then he is surrounded by other attendees who seem to be grabbing him. Then they fall to the ground.

      The best way to deal with protesters is to let security do their jobs and remove them if they are being too disruptive. This isn't mob rule or WWF smackdown and it certainly isn't the chance for some random woman who isn't in any danger to get in a good kick while a guy is on the ground (which is technically an assault, by the way).

    16. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Pretty much anyone who gets offended by Black Lives Matter is a racist fucktard. They're not saying ONLY black lives matter! They would just appreciate it if they could stop being executed in the street by police at a routine traffic stop or just for walking down the street. And fuck conservatives and their "all lives matter" bullshit. On issues from poverty, to gun violence, to climate change, to the Syrian refugee crisis, they have more than proven just how much they give a shit about any lives other than their own, which is not even a little bit. They can cram their fake outrage right up their asses as far as I'm concerned.

    17. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Remember when the suffragettes were protesting, holding signs that said "Votes for Women"?

      People should have showed up with signs that said "Votes for Everyone!" Why did those women only care about their own right to vote?

      Everyone should have had the right to vote and to have one sex trumpeting their specialness was just going to cause trouble.


    18. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Hey 5:11, I'm not offended by BLM, but they are a bunch of retarded racist assholes, some of whom are pure criminals, that are propped up by stupid liberal whiteys.... hows that for you?

    19. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Hey you guys remember when that dumb white college liberal BLM supporter got his ass kicked by a buch of blacks at a BLM strategy meeting at a church no less? Wonder where his white guilt is these days.

  17. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Protesting is legal and it just goes to show you how racist The Donald is and the fact he encourages acting like the KKK!

    I'm glad it is being done. Trump reacts hatefully, angrily and with no control of his mouth.

    Most politicians do not react in that manner when there are protestors!

  18. Chenagrrl8:05 AM

    Reminds me of the Rand Paul jackboots who stomped and beat some woman who had the audacity to protest something he stands for.

  19. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Racism is alive and well in the US. And growing by leaps and bounds - thanks to $P. I wouldn't be surprised to see the 'security' at some of these events wearing white robes and a pointy dunce hat soon.

    On the other hand, BLM goes too far by getting right in the crowd and causing disturbances. They are inviting the beatings. Why? Publicity?

    This from a black friend of my mother's, " There are black people and white people. There are black n*words and white n*words. It's real easy to see the difference."

    1. They invite beatings? Are you an idiot? Or are you a white N word?

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      That statement from the black friend of your mother's is ignorant and racist no matter whose mouth it's coming from.

      There are assholes of all races. There's no need to attach the word "nigger" to any of them. It's a word that means something and that something is a racist, disgusting view of Black people.

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      So, basically, you're saying that the BLM protestor is a nigger and you're using some friend of you mother's to justifying calling him so.

    4. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Someone from Trump's brain trust used the excuse that BLM protester should only protest in Chicago. Where they belong places, weird, even for an educated suit with white skin.

    5. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Fuck you, precious little snowflake. This is a free fucking country. If that offends you, leave.

    6. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Well the dumbass snowflake fat BLM protestor was free to leave a private hall rented by Trump. He could have simply left when he was legitimately told to leave, but of course fat ass snowflake had to cause a big old scene. Typical of his type.

    7. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Exactly what type is that, 6:57?

  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Wait for the GOP to really make their move, they don't even like him.

    Affairs? if he has had any they will find out and wait until they get to Melania t rump, we will see her sleazy photos everywhere i am only surprised it hasn't happened already.

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Trump learned about how the wealthiest people in the world live and he has been following their ways. He knows how to throw a good party, he could always buy the best whores, he has his parental priorities in order, he lives in the best zip codes, the tops in apparel and wares, he screwed up with a trophy wife but he settled for an ok one and so on.

      Most of all he has the art of security deals down. Learn from arms dealers and get the state or secret service working for you when you can.

      All that and he wasn't too high and mighty to learn from a poor old frontier gal like Sarah Palin.
      How to get the love and support of the common people.

      He is the voice for the everyday man. Mind boggling but fact.

  21. Anonymous8:58 AM

    off topic THAT'S A MAN BABY!

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM


    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Can't wait for Todd's tape!!!!

  22. In a complete turn around to his previous assurances, Donald Trump is now saying he is not ruling out an independent run if he's not the GOP nominee.

    Is anyone surprised at this?

    I predicted it.

    And I'm all for it. Let him split the party, pull away votes. It will just ensure that whoever is on the Democratic ticket, they will win.

    And we'll need some landslide wins to counter the Diebold switching and other voter fraud.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Trump will drop out of the race as soon as it's clear he is not going to win. Right now, people think he has a chance and that's good enough for him.

      But his ego and his reputation can't afford a loss.

      So, he will run as an independent. He won't win, but nobody will expect a third-party candidate to win. If he gets a healthy percentage of votes and spoils the election for the GOP, that's great for him and his ego.

      I daresay this was his plan all along.

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Old school GOP may not have any other choice but to take him out. Either that or just let him annihilate the party. Keep making all the other candidates looking like ass clowns. It is what he does best.

      He clearly has mental health issues.

  23. Anonymous1:11 PM

    No wonder Trump can bond with a Palin. Gold and whores.

    How we got from Friedrich Drumpf to Donald John Trump is an interesting story.

    After boarding a crowded ship to Alaska, Trump trekked over mountains, through Canadian customs, and to the Yukon River where he had to build a boat from scratch and transport a year's worth of personal supplies.

    Here is document when Frederick Trumpf came to New York from Germany.

  24. Crystal Sage2:04 PM

    I noticed the crowd: all white and mostly aging Baby Boomers. How quickly a charismatic psychopath can turn people against others is scary to watch. I hate to make a Hitler reference, but Trump is following the Nazi Playbook very closely. He has worked up the crowd to look upon Black and Muslims as the cause of anything that is wrong in their lives.

    Someone titled a piece: "First Trump came for the Muslims ..."

    1. Then Ben Carson came for the "librul" media.

  25. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Trump supporter tells CNN: ‘I’d get beat up’ at a black church so black activists deserve it at Trump events

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      The racism is sickening in that statement.

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I think I saw that interview. That statement was less sickening than the rest of it. It was so bad. Kind of left the interviewer speechless.

    3. Like how Dylan Roof-a white stranger- was welcomed into the church he shot up, by the people he murdrered? People who were so welcoming, he almost changed his mind about killing them? Is that what Mr. Trump supporter was referring to?

  26. Anonymous4:41 PM

    The only place any of this matters is at the voting booths. I personally don't get a lone guy showing up and screaming to get attention/protest. Go knock door to door and get people to vote for your cause.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.