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Planning for a cross-country march to “restore America” — which is related to the Oregon nature preserve standoff — appears to have hit a snag when one of its organizers shot the other co-founder Monday afternoon during a drunken argument over a gun.
Sheriff’s deputies in Grayson County, Texas, have not released details about the fatal shooting, but social media posts by right-wing “patriots” associated with militants occupying an Oregon nature preserve identified the victim and shooter as the organizers of the Paul Revere 2016 Final March To Restore America.
“Dear friends it’s my dearest regrets to have to share this heart breaking new (sic) with you tonight. That OUR fellow patriot and brother Charles Carter is no longer with us. He gone to be with Jesus. Today killed by a fellow patriot Vincent Smith. Who was suppose (sic) to be his brother in arms and friend,” posted online radio host Keith Williams, who described himself as the victim’s next of kin.
Bill Williamson, another right-wing “patriot” associated with the Oregon militants, said in a Facebook post that Smith shot Carter in a drunken dispute over a gun.
Williamson, an organizer of the failed 2 Million Bikers 2 DC rally, said he had been communicating with Carter through Facebook messages minutes before his friend attacked Smith.
He said Carter was intoxicated and pulled Smith’s gun from its holster, but Smith drew a “spare gun” and shot his friend in the head.
I am trying very hard to feel badly about this.
I will let you know if I make any progress.
Thinning the heard.
ReplyDeletePerfect assessment 2:34.
DeleteHey! Isn’t that the moron cycle group Sarah hearts?
DeleteThe herd too.
DeleteFuck Mike Huckabee too.
Darwin in action.
ReplyDeleteHe's gone to be with Jesus? I think Jesus will turn out the lights and hide behind the couch when this guy comes knocking.
ReplyDeleteJesus lives down the road from me and he doesn't want anything to do with those unemployed loser gringos.
DeleteYou took my gun? I have another gun, right hear.
ReplyDeleteBam . why did ya take my gun? Ya didn't know I had another gun, did ya?
Survival of the fittest, I mean the most guns.
WTF. He was my best friend.
Great dialogue! Lol
DeleteIdiots! People w/guns KILL people no matter what the reason!
ReplyDeleteThese people are the best advertisement for gun control regulations.
ReplyDeleteAnd birth control.
DeleteJust what is wrong in the white culture that raises thugs to not be able to learn how to shave and their only activity seems to be shooting their friends or their children?
ReplyDeleteI'll bet they don't bathe either.
DeleteGod just needed another angel.
ReplyDeleteWell, he can keep on looking because this guy ain't it!! So, the lesson learned here is that "every good guy with a gun needs a backup gun"? How do these people afford to buy all these weapons on unemployment or welfare? Neither seems to have a job. Oh, wait they are white so of course they work for a living! How soon will the Go FundMe collection start to pay for a lavish funeral?
DeleteThat tragic moment when a Good Guy With a Gun realizes he is, in fact, a Dumb Ass With A Gun.
ReplyDeleteMaybe all of those cretins in the bird sanctuary will bump one another off. It would really make the NRA proud.
ReplyDeleteDarwin and his brother Darwin. Thinning the herd for Jesus.
ReplyDeleteMore like Darrell and his other brother Darrell...
DeleteI loved those guys!
DeleteHEY! Don't disparage my Darrells!
"He said Carter was intoxicated and pulled Smith’s gun from its holster, but Smith drew a “spare gun” and shot his friend in the head."
ReplyDeleteI love Westerns!
The old west has returned!
Hope these people enjoy every minute of it, because isn't that what they wanted? A return to the Old West style of settling things?
Oh, and enjoy your time in prison.
Nope. It was 'self-defense.' He'll probably get a medal from he Stand Your Ground people.
DeleteHE SAID the guy took one of his guns. That may not be how it happened. You can't believe the word of a scoundrel like that.
DeleteHe's going to prison.
So what I don't understand is this, "Texas law prohibits licensed gun owners from carrying firearms while intoxicated, regardless of whether the weapon is holstered or concealed." They were both intoxicated and carrying guns, so shouldn't he still be charged with this? Seems that self-defense (if you are white and male) gets you off free no matter what is happens.
DeleteI find it hard to believe Texas would have a law like that.
DeleteDidn't I read they had a drive through store that sold liquor and guns?
I'm trying to figure out just how a person can call himself "patriotic" when they spend the bulk of their waking moments, complaining about the American government.
ReplyDeleteJust what is it that they supposedly "love" about America? THE DIRT?
The flag, on their clothes. The money they weasel out of people. Their freedom to arm themselves for doomsday. Whining. Incessant whining. Oh, and the food is not bad here.
DeleteAs a product of Catholic School education I wouldn't even know where to begin to diagram those crazy assed thoughts and sentences.
ReplyDeleteThinning the herd indeed.
I agree, and we learned that if you couldn't diagram a sentence you wrote, it was badly written and you needed to start over.
DeleteGawd, the stupid never stops with these idiots.
ReplyDeleteGotta give Sarah credit, Paul's the one who warned the british, remember?
Delete"Paul Revere 2016 Final March to Restore America
ReplyDelete22 hrs ·
I am behooved as to what has happened with Charles Carter and Vincent Smith from the Paul Revere event. The event that sky rocketed in a week has gone to hell and a handbasket in less then 24 hours Charles is dead, shot in the fore head by Vincent Smith. I was in chat with Charles Carter most of the morning and I could see in his post that shit was not right within him. Shortly after Vincent shot Charles then I was on the phone with him and he explained what happened, Vincent was attacked by Charles that was liquored up and enraged. Charles attacked Vincent, snatched his side arm from him and was going to shoot Vincent. Vincent had a spare gun on him and was SOBER and faster then Charles Carter. Vincent Smith I Pray for You Brother as I am Praying for Charles Carter. I Pray that you both find peace. The Texas Marshal has ruled this a self defense, and from talking to Vincent IN DEPTH I Bill Williamson BELIEVE HIM! If I am wrong them so be it. I just wish I was able to call Charles as he ask 15 minutes sooner then I did but unfortunately I couldn't... Lord please help me figure this out, please stop everyone from jumping the gun and making un informed judgments."
Jeebus! He can't figure this out? How about play stupid game win stupid prize?
Not to mention he hasn't figured out that the "Alphabet Agencies" have hacked his spellcheck to make him look bad!
This too:
"Richard Adamczyk Praying for Charles Carter, Mandy Sulser, Vincent Smith and their respective Families. Charles Carter really enlightened me, and was joyful that he and Mandy became a couple. I feel much sadness that this tragedy happened. Patriots will be looked at far worse now that this has happened. Pray for all involved, don't rush to judgments. God's blessings!"
No, actually many of us already suspected many of these "patriots" were careless uninformed armed nutters before this. ITS mixing all this with the alcohol that's kind of wiggin' me out about all this!
"Please stop everyone from jumping the gun"
DeleteWell, yeah, that might have helped. Too late now.
That incoherent mess of drivel has less to do with spell check and more to do with command of the English language. Illiterate if he wrote it. Transcriber illiterate if that is his version of the spoken word.
DeleteHell AND a hand basket?
Then instead of than?
I think my eyes are bleeding.
Well, I think that this shows a clear path of how to deal with the Brokeback Boys holed up at the nature preserve. Just ignore them and they will eventually all take each other out.
ReplyDeleteyep. My S.O. had been saying for a week that all the Feds need to do is send in a tanker of beer and they'll self destruct.
DeleteWell, sending them "likker" might end the takeover faster!
DeleteThen arrest and imprison the last man standing.
DeleteThe fucking Laurel and Hardy of "Patriot Bikers"!
ReplyDeleteI love it!!
If only there was a good guy with a gun..........
ReplyDeleteGreat comments tonight, IMers.
ReplyDeleteHey, Bubba, someone HAD to die or they'd be sued for libel for calling it "Paul Revere 2016 Final March To Restore America". Look up the word "Final" and you'll see, amirite?
ReplyDeleteShoot, Ready, Aim....
ReplyDeleteLOL! They are being mocked to hell and back!
ReplyDeleteSomeone Sent The Oregon Militants An Actual Bag Of D*cks
Someone also sent them a giant dong.
gummy ones, as in candy.
DeleteI am trying hard not to laugh.
ReplyDeleteHe may have gone to Jesus, but Jesus might not be real sympathetic-like.
Picturing a cartoon of this guy's arrival in Heaven:
ReplyDeleteJesus is armed and wearing full body armor, as are the Cherubim and Seraphim security guards. The Pearly Gates are topped with razor wire. There are seriously toothed dogs on loan from the Rainbow Bridge crouched by the heavenly metal detector. And Jesus snarls: Do you feel lucky, punk? Make my day.
Wayne LaPiere will LOVE you for this description!! Very appropriate
DeleteI hope they let my Goliath participate.
DeleteCaesar and Cuppy were way too mellow but I think Goliath would love to bite him some Bubba-ass given the permission to do so.
I'm not that convinced about that Jesus guy, but tonight I just want to say "Thank ya Jesus." Thank ya.
ReplyDeleteI'm conflicted: on the one hand I regret that someone has lost his life due to the lethal combination of alcohol and a weapon. On the other hand, I'm glad it wasn't a child or an abused woman. I'm left to wonder if this behavior wasn't a long-time thing, and if he hadn't exhibited this anger towards others before. All I can come up with is "Live by the sword...." and sadly, Good Riddance.
ReplyDeleteWow! That guy must have learned to write at the same place Gryphen did!
ReplyDeleteHe talks better than Sarah Palin.
DeleteNotice I correctly used the word "than".
What does making America great again and restoring honor look like? When it happens, will we all feel great and have a sense of honor? How will we measure it? By way of comparison, are there other countries that are great? How about someone in the media drilling down on some of these statements to find out what they really mean?
ReplyDeleteBTW, I reject the notion espoused by so many candidates this nation is broken. A fair amount of maintenance is needed, but we're not a broken nation. This continuous mantra by the GOP about how terrible things are does not inspire me or give me hope. We'll never bomb our way to greatness and honor. I want a leader and congress with vision, not a John Wayne complex.
I think it means getting rid of all of the Democrats, minorities, poor, basically anyone who isn't white and Christian. You know, because the first people here were white Christians. All those Pilgrims discovering and colonizing this country and all.
DeleteTo them you must be white, their kind of Christian and you must believe in and follow their political and religious doctrine. Otherwise you are one of "them" and are a threat to this "country". "Country" meaning them and theirs, not you and yours.
These "Patriots" are basically a cloaked, modern version of the KKK.
And they don't even realize they're fascists!
Good riddance, one less terrorist to worry about.