Sunday, January 03, 2016

Militia members, which include the sons of Cliven Bundy, have taken over a Federal building in Oregon. Oh this is going to be bad.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

A protest in support of Oregon ranchers facing jail time for arson was followed by an occupation of a building at a national wildlife refuge led by members of a family previously involved in a showdown with the federal government. 

Ammon Bundy — the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a standoff with the government over grazing rights — told The Oregonian on Saturday that he and two of his brothers were among a group of dozens of people occupying the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. 

Ammon Bundy posted a video on his Facebook page asking for militia members to come help him. He said "this is not a time to stand down. It's a time to stand up and come to Harney County," where Burns is located. Below the video is this statement: "(asterisk)(asterisk)ALL PATRIOTS ITS TIME TO STAND UP NOT STAND DOWN!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! COME PREPARED." 

In an interview with reporters late Saturday night that was posted on Facebook, Bundy said he and others are occupying the building because "the people have been abused long enough."

Yes it is just terrible that the government is trampling all over those arsonist's human rights. 

The 2001 fire was set by Dwight Hammond and his son on government land to cover up the fact that they had illegally poached deer. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and damn near killed a witness to the blaze.

When the Hammonds were put on trial they were able to convince a jury that the five year minimum sentence was too long and instead received a much lower one, from a jury pool consisting of locals who all know and admire the Hammond family.

Upon appeal the Ninth Circuit Court upheld the minimum mandatory requirements and the Hammonds were retried and sentenced to those mandatory five years.

Apparently THAT is the federal overreach that has now inspired the Bundy boys and local militia members to forcibly take a federal building and engage in a standoff with law enforcement.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if this were being done by Muslims they would all be dead already, right?


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    In all honesty, I hope their call to arms is heard far and wide, resulting in our police and federal officers can rid us of a good many of these domestic terrorists at once. It probably won't play out that way, though.

    1. I agree. Tell them all to strap'em on, call muster, gird your loins, and let's get it on.
      We got police forces that love to kill, so let's let them do what they do best against our home grown terrorists.

  2. Yeah. Especially if they were black latino muslims.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Since when is an arsonist a patriot?

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      When they carry a big gun.


  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    beyond time to thin the herd ..

  5. I say let them have the building for the next 5 years. Don't supply them with water, electricity or heat. Once the Hammond brothers do their time, they'll be released and the patridiots will leave just like they said they would. :-)

    1. I whole heartedly agree. They WANT an armed conflict with the government so they can finally start their new revolution. Wait the idiots out. They'll go out with a whimper instead of a bang.

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      I say let them have the building for the next 5 years.
      NO, what will their excuse be the next time?

      Are you going to let them occupy some other building/take over more federal land the next time things don't go their way?

      The only way to stop these bullies is right in the beginning.

    3. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Agreed. However, all terrorists must be arrested at some point.
      Individually, without confrontation and when they're least expecting it.

    4. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Block off the only road leading in so supplies cannot be replenished. I'm guessing that water is probably supplied through a well so turning off the power will likely shut that down as well. Cold temperatures (well below zero last night) will burn through their heat/cooking fuel quickly. Septic systems for a remote visitor center were not designed to handle groups of people living there during the winter when the ground is frozen, and they will not be able to dig new latrines in frozen ground.

      I suspect that most of these yahoos are not in the physical or mental condition required to hole up there, in the dead of winter, for any prolonged period of time. The novelty of being a member of the Bundy Super Patriotic He-Man Revolution to Support Convicted Felons Who Want Nothing to do With Us will wear thin very quickly as they run low on supplies and freeze their traitorous asses off.

      Oh, and according to a local report, a witness who visited the camp claims to have seen only about 15 people in this 'militia', a far cry from the 150 the Bundies claimed were there.

    5. Anonymous2:26 PM

      I saw a picture of their "supply room". Blockade the place, turn off the utilities, and let them sit. Its in the 20s out there, they have little food, there is no water. It won't be a month, say little of five years.

      Elizabeth 44

  6. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I'm sure Hannity will take the side of the white terrorists.

    1. Until they are caught on camera saying racist comments, that is.

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      No, even then, Hannity will support them. They are only saying what he wants to say aloud.

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Wrong. It is sedition. Treason is only reserved for colluding with a FOREIGN power, like if the took their marching orders from Putin or China. THAT is treason.

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      TREASON: the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

      I see that Treason fits the scenerio.

    3. Leland4:48 PM

      Treason is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution. Article three, Section three:

      Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

      The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

      So by that clear definition, this is not treason. Insurrection, yes, but that's an entirely different thing.

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Guns make them feel better about their small penises. Occupying a wildlife refuge welcome center makes them feel better about their small intellects.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      well Sarah's mouth is open...

  9. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Nothing says strategic territory like a small building in a big wildlife area at quite a distance from any population center or transportation network.

    1. I'm sure they plan to "live off the land".

      Someone is going to go out poaching. Then they can be arrested, one by one. And they'll have something a little more to stick than simply occupying a closed off season wildlife center.

  10. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Shut off the electricity, shut off the water, jam their internet and phones, surround the place with a wall with one exit and federal marshals at the end of it. Let them freeze and starve. It won't last three weeks. No need for any force or even show of it. Don't give these morons one extra second of air time (you will notice most winger sites are crickets about this.... esp that hell hole Breibart.)

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM



    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      And pipe in "Air Supply's greatest hits" full blast 24/7.

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Anon 3:52, I say pipe in Queen & rap music :-)

    4. I object to the one exit.

      Seal the building completely, then cut off the water, gas, electricity, etc.

      Don't open it up until July.

      Prosecute anyone that's still alive.

  11. Anonymous1:04 PM

    These are the terrorists I am concerned about, some nuts with AK-47s that want to overthrow the government because they don't want to follow the laws like the rest of us.

    1. Yes it is an act of terrorism and they should all be shot.

  12. A. J. Billings1:06 PM

    1st step for these seditious, aggressive, traitors:

    Cut all power, water, heat, land line phones to the building.

    Bring in a cell phone jammer so none of them can call in more of their fellow lunatic gun nuts.

    After a week with no heat, no water, no cell service, drive up with an armored truck, and throw in 50 gas canisters, and the will leave like rats from a sinking ship.

    Every one of them
    They absolutely want an shooting war, and if one of them died, they could make a martry of him.

    I hope whoever President Obama has in charge of this situation has a level head, and it won't turn into a Ruby Ridge situation.

    1. First two are fine.

      Third can be done by just taking down the closest towers if there are any. I'll bet the providers would be happy to cooperate.

      Forget the gas cannisters. Board up the building and don't let them out. Then just wait a month or two and they'll crawl out grateful to be arrested.

  13. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Time for a second amendment solution to the problem of the Bundy clan and all those like 'em.

  14. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Someone wasn't breast fed.

  15. I live not very far from Burns (Harney County). The town doesn't want these people there. The Hammonds plan to surrender, as scheduled, tomorrow. Bundy may be in for a surprise. Eventually he will need supplies. It's going to be pretty hard to get them. The "building" is not easily accessible. It got down to -18 over the weekend. That generator won't last very long unless he brought a tanker with him.

    And, yes, if this was Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, or any Muslim, this would be over. Bundy is a domestic terrorist. His father is a dead beat. This part of Oregon las a lot of BLM land and national forest lands. Guess what? A lot of the locals work for the Federal Government in those forests and lands.

    This is not going to go Bundy's way. It's just a matter of time.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Yep. Nobody wants them here including The Hammonds. Clowns are just using this as an excuse to parade around.
      I figure come Spring right before the Spring Bird count, the birders will go in and start some shit with them. ;)
      Never come between a birder and their binos.
      Be safe Deni and know other Oregonians are behind you
      VernD (formerly of Fossil OR)

    2. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I wouldn't be a bit surprised if these people didn't get arrested and convicted of killing protected migratory birds, on federal lands, without a license or duck stamp. They are that stupid. Why else would you take over a Migratory Bird Wildlife Refuge, in the middle of nowhere, in the dead of winter?

  16. has an excellent overview. It's linked right on the front page.

  17. Ever since the Feds did nothing at the Bundy Ranch standoff.. these crazy Militia types have been looking to start a fight. They want to start a shooting war with the government. They all should be charged and tried for sedition and put away for a long time. These types are more dangerous than any Isis sleeper cells because they are our own fellow citizens.

    1. Exactly.

      They didn't get any consequences for the laws they broke then and so they think they can just keep doing whateverthehell they want and nothing will happen to them.

      Spoiled brats all.

      They won't be charged with sedition. They'll be charged with trespassing and fined for any damages they may have done to the property. If they poached any animals, that will be added. But they won't be taught any more of a lesson than they were at the Ranch. I'll bet Cliven hasn't paid his back fees either and the government hasn't seized any of his property.

      They are lucky *I* not in charge of this. I don't take shit from delinquents of any age.

  18. Anonymous2:49 PM

    It'll be a different story when the Hammonds willingly go back to court, like they say they will, and are sentenced and taken away.

    These Bundys, what are they after? Aren't they grifting enough from the taxpayers yet?

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      The Hammonds were re-tried and are on their way to prison to serve a longer sentence. They want nothing to do with this Bundy show.

  19. Anonymous2:53 PM


    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      ‘Y’all Qaeda’: Twitter users mock Oregon right-wing militia action — and it’s awesome

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Why Is The ‘Y’all Qaeda’ Militia Being Mostly Ignored By Law Enforcement?

    3. These are hilarious but I think I prefer VanillaISIS and YokelHaram.

      In the end, social media will humiliate them into retreat with their tails between their legs. And I do mean tails.

  20. Anonymous3:12 PM

    If these beer bellyed, paranoid, momma's little boys want a fight why don't they sign up to fight ISIL instead of a wild wildlife refuge office. These hicks would shit themselves if they ever came in contact with ISIL. Without their guns these pussies are NOTHING. Lardass losers with twisted views of all things American. Fuckem'. Fuckem' all. Hillbilly blues. Just like the palins.

  21. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I wish the government would just ignore the whole thing. Just let them occupy themselves to death-it's going to be tough to buy groceries from that site. Just go on like nothing is happening-especially since the Hammonds don't want their help. Idiots. OT-how 'bout those Seahawks?

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Of the many upsets today, the Hawks look REAL! Wilson is playing well and with confidence, next week it's Beast mode...Even Sherman's playing like his old self!
      Good luck rest of NFL, Seattle is back!

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      The sea_chickens'll be calling in there tee time after the 1st round playoff game ... ;)

  22. Fogbow as well, has wall to wall coverage of this.. just search Hammond. If you want the RWNJ point of view Free Republic can give you insight. They are usually pretty disgusting.

  23. Anonymous3:37 PM

    ‘I didn’t come here to shoot, I came here to die’: Oregon militia occupiers fess up to local reporters

  24. Anonymous3:45 PM

    What’s happening in Oregon isn’t, by any means, an act of “patriotism” or the “duty” of citizens. What’s happening in Oregon is a temper tantrum, and nothing short of treason. This seditious behavior is quite illegal, and the United States Constitution explicitly states that a well regulated militia can be used against insurrections, not in the allowance of such horrific behavior.

    In Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, it states:

  25. Anonymous3:47 PM

    As others have said cut off the supply routes and lets see how long they will be able to endure sub zero temperatures. The gun toting weenies will give up in a lot less then five years (without a shot fired). Fools, the lot of them.

    1. They'll cut down trees to burn for heat and cooking and they'll poach local game.

      I'd have the Feds go in and board up all the doors and windows with them inside, then just wait. They want to occupy the building for five years? Let them. But they don't have to be supplied with water, electricity, gas, heat, food or anything else.

  26. Anonymous3:57 PM

    What are the qualifications for being called "patriots"? Have any of them served? Could any of them pass boot camp? Reminds me the the Branch Davidian bullshit. They'll wave the white flag of surrender in three days and beg for more ramen.
    I feel badly for them in a way, they clearly need mental help.

  27. Anonymous3:58 PM

    They are looters and thugs but something about them somehow protects them from the usual fate of looters and thugs.

  28. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Yes, there are terrorists in our midst, and guess what Fox is talking about right now? The 'hypocrisy' of Hillary defending Bill 20 years ago, and how Trump is not at all anti-woman.

  29. Really Gryphen...... Please post your source about the poaching cover-up. There is no remotely credible source to that rumor. It's more than likely a smear attempt by the BLM.

    And I in no way shape or form, support what these militia people are doing and neither do the Hammonds.

  30. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Twitter has gone nuts mocking these clowns -- they are being referred to as


    They are conducting:

    There's a foot of snow on the ground with more coming. Temps are 25 daytime, below 10 at night. Shut off the power; block the roads; patrol the forest to stop anyone from slipping around the roadblocks. Then, in early May, go in and pick up their frozen and starved bodies.

  31. Anonymous4:42 PM

    "ALL PATRIOTS ITS TIME TO STAND UP NOT STAND DOWN!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! COME PREPARED." It is past time to use our "Well Regulated Militia "to exterminate these false patriot cockroaches.

  32. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I was reading about this at Wonkette and one of the comments was so funny. They said Cliven Bundy promised then 42 unfucked sheep when they get to Heaven ROTHLMAO .

  33. Dropzone Bill4:59 PM

    Evening Alaska been a while miss you guys but works been keeping me busy lately so few quick things about this whole OR mess

    The building these guys grabbed is in the middle of a 2000+ acre wildlife refuge there is flat ground for a mile around the visitors center and a 200+ foot tall fire tower that they have snipers in so approaching it at this time is out of the question

    The Building has solid stone walls and a ceramic roof making it more or less bullet proof. Being in the middle of the refuge it is fairly self sufficient water, heat, electric all come from generators with in ground fuel tanks. Also they use it as a staging area for wild land firefighting crews so there is a lot of food, toilet paper, and other supplies stored up so thats the bad news

    Good news is the Feds are going to start getting on scene in the AM and this will just end up being a wait and contain we can hope these guys are not stupid enough to engage law enforcement but anything is possible

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Hi Bill. Welcome back. Thanks for debunking some of the overly optimistic uninformed comment and media foolishness.

      People should never ever underestimate what a fairly small number of illogical but motivated and rural smart zealots can accomplish as far as winding up the ever stupid news media.

      If I had been in charge of the facility and had at least an hour's warning then I would have liberally watered the diesel tanks and taken all the water filter elements when it was time to didi mau len. With a little more time then maybe would have left a single element in the filter and disabled the waterinfuel warning light.

      Ymmv but we will see how this self sufficient situation all rolls out... if they somehow loose the heat and electric at this time of the year it will be a whole different game.

      Maybe the media should give Gale Norton or Steven Griles a call for comment? Or Jack Abramoff?

      That's who these militia fools are really totin the load for. They are too stupid to realize that.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Then they can be charged with theft of government property when they get arrested at some future point.

      Is the assumption that everything is fully stocked? I would think that the supplies would be drawn down at this time of the year, since there would be no point in keeping large quantities of supplies on hand when the building isn't being used. The septic system is also likely to be overwhelmed soon with that many people using it--it's not meant to be used by that many people, I would think.

    3. where is george carlin when you need him9:30 PM

      The septic system is also likely to be overwhelmed soon

      ya think so?

      They are full of shit anyway.

      Maybe they can shit in a pail?

      Don't you eat that yellow snow!

    4. And how long will all that last?

      If there are 15 of them they are going to go through the provisions a lot faster.

      I find it hard to believe that they've got enough fuel to last them for months when it probably has to power heat, electricity and cooking for all of them 24/7.

      All the Feds have to do is lock it up and sit and wait.

      And yes, when they're arrested there will be plenty of charges when they come up for arraignment.

      If the Feds are smart, they will not let this one go like they did at the ranch.

  34. Dropzone Bill5:20 PM

    For more updates or to just stop by and say Im on twitter now find me @DZBillFulton

  35. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I don't understand their fight. The Hammonds were convicted of arson, no argument. If these constitution defenders are so into laying down their lives for justice, why don't these "patriots" also fight for justice for minorities and the Black Lives Matter?



  36. Anonymous5:58 PM

    What? No camo?

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      You can't see the ones with the camo!

  37. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Cut off power, water, electricity and zap their phones. Put up barbed wire and barricades. Come back in March to arrest the living and bury the dead. Fuk them.

  38. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Per the local Sheriff this is all a sham and has nothing to do with the Hammond family. The Hammond family through their attorney said, basically that they have nothing to do with this group. Even papa Bundy has said he advised against this action.... (this is what happens when stupid finds a voice; btw where is Hannity?)

  39. First, they aren't patriots, they're seditionists. They're traitors, rebels. They are taking up arms against the government.

    Second, this wouldn't have happened if the Feds had taken care of this when Cliven was rebelling against paying his taxes and fees for grazing his cattle on Federal land for pennies on the dollar. PLUS arrested, convicted and imprisoned all those that shot at a Federal officer.

    Third. Let them have the building "forever". Board up all of the windows and doors, cut off the water, gas and electricity and make sure they occupy that building for a year or two. By then the smell should have dissipated and the clean up crews can move in and clean it out.

    Oh, and charge ol' Cliven for the entire cost. If he hasn't paid up for all that free grazing his cattle stole, make sure you cease ALL of his assets and sell them all off.

    I've had enough of these Bundy shits.

  40. Anonymous7:22 PM

    If they are so tough why didn't they occupy a federal building within city limits instead of in the middle of no where.

  41. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Freeloaders! Thugs! They just take whatever they want by threatening others with guns.

    1. VanillaISIS.



      Hope they brought their banjos and harmonicas. It's going to be a long winter.

  42. The romance of revolution burns feverishly in the veins of gun lovers who imagine the shootout they have so desperately waited for has finally arrived. In the passion of the moment they talk of giving their lives for their cause, but deep down they don't believe it will really happen to them. They wrap themselves in the flag and imagine they are kindred spirits of those who really fought for and died for something the courts couldn't resolve.

    Once they take that step there won't be any turning back. They won't be able to punch the clock at the end of the day and call it a good days work. There won't be time out, break time, a visit to the bar, a doctor's appointment, or any rest. Because war and revolution aren't like that. They are ugly and brutal and unforgiving. And ultimately people die violent, ignoble deaths.

    The stupid asses falling over themselves to join up need to remind themselves that whatever they have today, they won't have tomorrow if they pull the trigger. When that trigger is pulled, it will be the moment they trade away family, friends, and whatever possessions and life they have had up to that moment.

    Pretty heady stuff that can otherwise be resolved through the courts.

  43. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Looks like they forgot to hit Costco on the way to the rebellion.

    1. LOL. Both large and small scale moochers. Now they want free snacks and want them delivered?

      I notice they are also grifting for money. Rogue Infidel indeed. VanillaISIS. YokelHaram.

      Scoflaw freeloaders.

  44. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Interesting you would not post my comment, that the government should kill them if they don't leave, but you did post the criminals comments that they will die and kill before they give up.Enjoy your hypocritical stance.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.