Monday, January 04, 2016

Yes Bristol Palin we know you lied about when you gave birth to Sailor Grace Palin.

As has been pointed out multiple times here this is the image that showed up on Dakota Meyer's Facebook page on December 24th with the message: 

Best Christmas present ever!! I couldn't be more proud of this little blessing.

Now take a moment to blow that up as large as you can and take a very careful look at the tape attached to the IV on the bottom of what appears to be Bristol Palin's right hand.

Do you see the date?

If you have the tools and the know how you can also lighten it, like this.

Do you see it now?

Now there has been a VERY aggressive effort to suggest that this image is photoshopped. However if you can lighten it yourself you will see a very similar image as well.

So that would appear to indicate that Sailor Grace Palin was born NOT on December 24th, 2015 but instead on November 4th, 2015.

Which would reinforce the gossip saying that she had already given birth when she was posted baby bump selfies in late November....

And also help to explain why she did not appear at the final custody hearing on December 21st, and instead participated by telephone.

Which leaves open the question, why?

After all Bristol was first photographed being all chummy with Dakota back on January 25th.

I think most of us assume that once she met the guy she also know....MET the guy.

However Bristol was not formally engaged to Dakota until the middle of March, which means that even if she got pregnant that night her baby should not have been born until mid December.

So is THAT it? Is she so determined to cling to the last vestige of Christian purity that she would lie about the birth of her new baby simply to create the impression that she would not give up the goods until Dakota put a ring on it?

I have to admit I'm not really sure exactly why.

But I Do know that if you go ask Bristol on Instagram, that she will ask you if you are high, and then tell you to "go fuck yourself."

Well she certainly preserved that Christian purity thing didn't she? 


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Bristol and Sarah don't lie, they are Christians.

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM


    2. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Watch out, people on here don't do well with sarcasm.

    3. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Comments off your blog before the blessed event of 12.24.15 show she is a fraud!

      Anonymous12:54 PM
      FFS, stop mentioning a Disneyland baby. Trust me, I know how many squalling fatherless bundles Bristol has birthed because I stupidly let my mother talk me into caring for her first son (Trig) and her first daughter (Tristan) when Bristol was on one of her I’m A Celebrity tours. She has 4 kids (Trig, b. 2007, Tripp, b. 2008, Tristan, b. 2012) and now this one which was born like a month ago.

      Any photos of a new baby in Christmas garb will be of Bristol and Tristan, because she really WAS a Christmas baby.

      Good luck with THIS false pregnancy narrative, B. Don’t forget to include the part where you go whoring around town only 3wks after dropping that last precious little bundle. Oh and please remember to talk a shitload about boob nursing the kid when you’re on Amazon buying cases of “baby’s only” organic FORMULA. What is it you said what thanksgiving? “I’m too lazy to breast feed!”
      Anonymous5:47 PM
      Well shit 501 anon you are right. I went and got the gaudy ass baby shower invite from when Tristan was born (or about to be born) and you are totally right. I would have sworn it was dec11/jan12 when all that chaos was going on.
      I’m giving myself a pass because for all of my teen years and now adult life Bristol has either been pg, having a pg scare, or introducing the new love of her life.
      And screw who ever called me a bull shitter, here is a special fuck you~~~ Sailor has a big flat spot on her head and a big white pimple looking thing on her lip. (It’s supposed to be from sucking her fist or some shit) any way when you see these things in photos, you think of me and my “bull shit”.


    4. Anonymous7:08 AM

      but checkout who's back from the east coast from threatening muslim mosques .. this one's a real tear jerker ..

      ... sick dude's all over the proverbial map ..

    5. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Hahaha! The stool fucked by her own selfie! I love it.
      Plus a cuz who is sick of the bullshit. Cuz, contact G' here. Spill it you will feel so much better! Or are you duct tape in the tower somewhere now? Lets see: Abstinence mom TriG, Tripp, Tristen, and Sailor is the FORTH? How is that Abstinence thing workin' for ya Sarah? Bristol?
      And that baby's hair looks awfully curly... I would like to ask the cuz is Tristen Kyla Grace?
      Lets see how many MSM pic this up. I won't hold my breath.
      And boo to the Photoshop peeps. All G did was lighten the pic not photshop it.
      The date along with the cuz comments "Sill the Dill".
      This baby is a "day of the dead" baby!!! Fitting for a Palin!

    6. It's sometimes hard to believe that one family can be sooo stupid. Their constant gaffes and missteps are a never-ending source of amusement but sometimes I wonder if they pull these screw ups just to generate some buzz and speculation to keep themselves relevant. They ALL have failed at being thoughtful, hardworking and productive citizens so now their only recourse is this D-list celebrity bs. It's that or they're just plain dumb.

    7. Anonymous8:19 AM

      MONO BABY#1 is completely MIA
      TriG-ger's Twin Ruffles is #3
      Tripp is #4
      DWTS is #5- TRISTEN
      THAT SLUT HAS @ a least 6 BABIES..

    8. Anonymous9:13 AM

      When will the Palin KKKids appear on these charts?

    9. Anonymous9:46 AM

      I'm curious how Bristol decided on the name "Tristan" for the hidden baby.

      What I find interesting is what the name means -- Tristan means "sorrow."

    10. Holy cow, 7:02. Thanks for the info! Seriously.THANKS.

  2. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Did our Sarah go to a larger boob size just for her meeting with the would-be future son-in-law?

    She should always maintain a constant boob size. Some people notice these details!

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      That pic makes me LOL because Bristol and Sarah look like they are having a contest to see which of them can impress Dakota with the biggest boobs!

  3. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Hope E Online, People or Wonkette picks this up. Have read a few people say "She couldn't have had the baby in November, she posted bump pics in December." People just don't want to believe that someone would take pics in front of a Christmas tree in early November and not post them until December. So dumb because people do this all the time. Facebook is full of people with 10+ year old profile pictures.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      LOL! Not to mention all the dating sites w/not-quite-current pix!

      Wild Tortoise

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Send these 'tape date' pictures to all the outlets. If you have a twitter account, tweet them and somehow attach a tag to it that it is Barstool faking a christmas birth.

  4. Anonymous6:26 AM

    The biggest problem I see with my own eyes is the number 5. The horizontal line on the top of the number 5 in the original is clearly slanted upwards. On the lightened version, there is a completely different 5 with a straight line. I hope you are right about the information in this post, but the visual evidence seems to contradict it.

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      I agree with you about the number 5. It was photoshopped and the weird thing about it is that I have a close look at the date through Photoshop and there is no doubt in my mind that is the number 5.

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      I don't see a completely different 5. Copy the original and blow it up yourself like I did and I think you'll convince yourself. Anyway, it's the '11' and the '4' that are important not the '5'. If someone was going to monkey with the date, why would they alter the '5'? However, would be interesting to clarify who did the lightening in the photos above.

    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      I am a loyal IMer, NOT a troll, but have maintained that this is photoshopping. What is all the other writing on the first two images, that seems to just disappear on the third image?
      I am not trying to be contrary, but it just looks fake to me.

    4. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Well, the act of lightening and sharpening are, in themselves, photoshopping, which doesn't mean much. I think what you are trying to say is that the "5" was altered, no?

    5. Anonymous7:57 AM

      7:27, I guess technically you are correct, but I think of lightening and enlarging images as enhancing as opposed to altering the actual contents of the image. I have used most of the options available to me on my tablet and I don't arrive at the image above. It is so clean and precise and the numbers look very neat. On my images, they are thick and dark and the possible '15' looks very different. My image looks like the '11' could read 'Nov'? And, my final image never cleans up that well. Could be the limitations of my tablet or it could be something else.

    6. Anonymous7:57 AM

      @Anonymous 6:25 AM and 6:55 AM

      It was NOT photoshopped. On the Facebook page it is exactly the same as the lighted version. It clearly says 11/4/15 on the Facebook page.

    7. Anonymous9:16 AM

      I agree. Too much is off on this image. I can't stand the Palins but this is weak sauce...

    8. Anonymous9:21 AM

      FFS! Enlarge it yourself and put it into "Paint" or similar program and clean it up. These photo shopped comments are stupid when you can take the original and look for yourself, idiots.

    9. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Yeah the 'clean it up' part to make it look like you want is really the crux of the issue 9:21.

    10. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Anon 9.21. I have enlarged it and cleaned it up. I am not disputing that it is the number 5. My beef with it is that in the image above, 5 is clearly different to the original. Whoever lightened the image also photoshopped in 5 or wrote over it to make it more visible and by doing so, made the image look fake.

    11. FFS! Enlarge it yourself …

      Yes! Please do! If you don't have the knowledge/software to do that, your qualifications for claiming "photoshopping" are suspect.

    12. Anonymous10:08 AM

      9:21, "idiots" doesn't further the debate/conversation here. We are all entitled to our opinions and if 9:16, doesn't see it, name calling doesn't change that.

  5. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Something that keeps bothering me. The baby's hands look photo shopped in this picture. Different skin tone and why hide her face when you are sending a picture to the dad. In all of the other picture posts from Bristol the baby's hands are always much lighter than her wrists. Starting to wonder what else she could be hiding?

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Newborns often have circulatory issues.
      Because of the tone of all threads related to Bristol, let me say adamantly, I AM NOT A TROLL, just a mom and grandmother.

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Same here 7:36 AM, and a grandmother of eight. Stick with what we know; try not to read in what isn't there. Babies change daily.

      That being said, "someone" sure didn't like that the 11-4-15 date was uncovered by quick thinking people!

  6. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I was wondering how Bristol can predict the date of Sailor's birth and stick to it?

    That's easy if Bristol's baby was born earlier and she can pick out the rollout date.

  7. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I find it odd that Dakota Meyer only posted the one set of pictures of Sailor and has neither posted the more recent photos of her nor has mentioned her since. He also let all the bad comments about Barstool remain on his facebook page, it does not seem like a proud father would do that. whatever happened between those two must have been really bad.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      See 6:53's comment as a perfect explanation.

  8. Anonymous6:47 AM


  9. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Do you think Bristol told Sarah for sure Bristol knows her DWTS baby will come out black because Tyrone is not a light skin black man? Could explain why Bristol didn't go on tour with the other DWTS finalists. She just disappeared into the night.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      She didn't go on tour because she can't dance, let alone deal with the hard work necessary to be part of a touring company. Plus, I bet Sarah refused to play Grandma for eight weeks.

  10. Anonymous6:51 AM

    And when I went to his FB page and the link to the Daily Mail, with a magnifying glass I see a 2. Can't tell what the order is, could the month be further to the left and partially obscured? Trying to go by the dashes between month and day.

  11. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I'm not one for conspiracy theories but this one screams at me, fellow IMers. The circumstances from last winter in Vegas, the "wrecked my life" post, the quickie wedding that didn't happen, and finally $arah mentions the pregnancy in November with an exact due date? Give me a break!

    The relative that anonymously posted here about Thanksgiving, and to watch for the pink and creme colored Ralph Lauren outfit which did appear on $arah's Facebook this last weekend, I firmly believe. Once commenters blew up the IV pic, $arah's handlers whited it out. How stupid do they think we are?

    There is no doubt in mind that they tried to entrap MOH to believe it was his but the boy was too good at math.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      and finally $arah mentions the pregnancy in November with an exact due date? Give me a break!

      Yep, she was uncharacteristically very mathematical for a Palin. Sending out alert flags across the universe.

      Only the dimwitted, liars and co-conspirators would not pay attention to another fraud to witness before our eyes when Sarah finally could mention this last bastard Bristol planned.

      Since the Palins have no birth announcement (it is a poor quality attempt but not a baby's birth), what is this called.

      A fraud announcement?

      I saw a lady on the internet trying to pass off herself as having cancer. Not exactly the same as being pregnant and giving false info and dates. But it is wrong to lie to Christians and the public for any faked attention. In some cases it is criminal.

      Is there a money trail to follow with Bristol? It appears she could be going after Dakota for part of his military benefits. Also to tap into his many other financial endeavors.

      What money does Bristol make? Is she paid for using her kids to advertise for her mother's book? How much does she earn on the blog?

  12. Anonymous6:54 AM

    The numbers do look like they were written by different persons. Gryphen: Can you comment on this?

    1. Yes I think it's possible that the person who created that second graphic attempted to make the numbers stand out better by writing over them.

      However those are the same numbers you see when you look at it before the enhancement. And if you lighten the image yourself you will see them more clearly.

    2. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Boy that's a bonehead move if one is trying to prove a picture shows something. This one could use the photo enhancing resources that the news media have. I hope one of them picks this up and starts with the original and finds the date independently.

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      I lightened the image and yes, it says 11 4 15. And I only used MS Paintnet.

    4. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Me, too. I have suspected fake birth dates with every baby from Trig on, but find the enhanced IV tape suspicious. I would derive a level of pleasure, if it is the overlooked tell, but I am not completely convinced yet.

    5. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Yup. Lightened it myself. Looks like 11 4 15. There's ink bleeding in between from bending her hand. Don't know that the one lightened above is a good example. I used the one from daks facebook.

    6. Anonymous10:08 AM

      To those of you who were able to lighten the picture yourselves: why not post a copy of the unaltered lightened picture - PLEASE?!

  13. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Easy fix - post the birth certificate.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      The birth certificate can be forged very easily.

  14. Anonymous7:03 AM

    'Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave , When First We Practice To Deceive''
    --Sir Walter Scott.

    Living a life of lies will catch up to us, eventually, becoming harder to maintain the longer we uphold the facade.

    That saying perfectly applies to the Palins, especially to the flat seat cushion belly Sarah tried to pass as a pregnant belly carrying Trig. Now it applies to Bristol and Sailor as well.

  15. Has Bristol ever MET a guy that she didn't actually *cough, cough* MEET?

    I've come to the conclusion that if a Palin is involved, there's deception involved too. I don't think Dakota is much of a brainiac, but I'm sure he does have advisers that protect his brand. That said, Dakota is either in on the scam or he has a plan that is being played out.

    It's just so sad that there are completely innocent children that will be forever entangled in the Palin/Heath family dramas.

  16. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I maintained from the beginning that the key to this latest bristol soap opera was the IV tape and the clearest viewing was from the dakota site.

    I don't think the above photo is the best because something is strange with the last photo shopped picture, the five looks changed from the original.

    I believe that even though Dr. Willow can diagnosis DS (ha ha), she and her family are ignorant of hospital procedures regarding IV's and unwittingly did themselves in.

    Why Bristol is lying about the real birth date is might be because Dakota is NOT the father and she wants to give the allusion of being a good christian girl that was engaged, got pregnant and got dumped, therefore all is forgiven by her christian fans.

    Just because Bristol is a pathological liar, doesn't mean she is good at it.

    To the troll and Bristol telling me to mind my own business, Brisol brought this on herself starting with giving American the FU on national television, continuing with her lectures of how anyone that disagrees with her point of view is a hater, to her posting photos on a public site. If you don't like the heat get out of the kitchen.

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Amen, and why would a MOH Marine allow his good name to be drug through the mud with this bunch? My Dad was a Marie, and they are taught honor. No way would I allow my name and reputation to be tarnished by the likes of them.

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      My brother-in-law was a Marine. He was also a wife beater, a drunk, adulterous, and just a screwed up human being,in general. Not all Marines are really "the few, the proud". But, that is true of every walk of life.

    3. Anonymous9:21 AM

      8:24 So true. Some of the psycho shit that comes out of so called men of honor's mouths doesn't impress me a bit. I think many enlist because they can basically get away with murder.

    4. Anonymous10:04 AM

      My brother-in-law joined because he thought he was a macho man and was a Chest thumper. He tried to be a cop when he got out, but was rejected. He became a mall cop. He was not a noble man, even when he wore the Marine Corps uniform.

  17. Anonymous7:10 AM

    The deep recesses of the Palins' minds must be a dark dark place. All that pathological lying, and to gain what exactly?

    Destroying the future of their children's lives by lying so casually, by deceiving so deliciously, and falsifying events, times, dates, has to give a sociopath some deep thrill. And to what end?

    Bristol and her mother need therapy and counseling, as their obsession to deceive people has turned into a dangerous game of 'catch me if you can'. They can't be playing with a full deck. They seem to thrive only when their pulling the wool over people's eyes.

    Anyone who enjoys lying as much as they seem to, should get help immediately. What is se so horrible that Bristol couldn't just admit she made a mistake, and accept her actions and consequences and let live? Why does she have to scheme? What lies underneath these women's hearts that makes them never admit they made a mistake, and project their unfaithful behavior onto others, especially the children? The children will suffer the most when they grow up and see how their moms played birth announcement games and fooled the public with photos. What do they think this will do to a delicate psyche of a child? And the children will find out. It's beyond cruel, it's psychotic.

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Indeed it is. I hate to say so, but I have a feeling that Tripp is going to be hell on wheels when he hits puberty.

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      And his buddy Trig will be smack dab in the middle of the trouble...following along like a good boy. It could happen even sooner...if Tripp is now allowed more independence, which at 7/8 he is not ready for, he could be getting into some major trouble while Mommy is taking selfies with the new baby. Two kids are a lot different than one.

  18. Anonymous7:10 AM

    It doesn't matter if she faked the birthdate. A simple DNA test would clear things up for Dakota, and that can't be faked.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      While it's true that the conclusion to this story will eventually become known (either someone will be revealed as the baby's father via a paternity/custody/visitation court matter or no one will), the point now is that Bristol is hiding something, and Sarah is helping her, very likely for political reasons.

    2. I don't think their lies have anything to do with politics. Sarah has been lying about paternity since she roped Todd into marrying her while she was pregnant with Track.

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Yes it can be faked. Bitchy provides a fake sample of hair. She may have some of Dakota's or they pay off a lab for fake results.

  19. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Wow! Bristol Palin lied about the birth date of her latest child? How crazy is that? We all know the Palins lie as easily as they draw breath. Bristol holds no power, no influence; her blog is fodder for proving not only her bigotry and stupidity, but her mother's too. People find her dimwitted and she is controlled by her mother's money. I figure her life must be pretty miserable. I'm fine with that.

  20. Anonymous7:11 AM

    MOH never refers to Sailor as his daughter, just that she's a blessing. I think the Palins have something really good on him so he has agreed to not come out with the truth.

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      I think he was paid well to keep his mouth shut. Remember her crooked finger in his face at the "Celebration Of Life."

      Poor guy thought he had the world by the tail but soon found out who they REALLY are.

      Moral of the story: NEVER get involved with a Palin.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Can't find the Sailor post on his Facebook page. Has he taken it down?

    3. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Too bad if he already took it down.
      We have the pic.

    4. Anonymous7:57 AM

      That picture of old wrinkly Granny Grifter with her finger shoved in Dakota's face says volumes about $arah's nasty persona.

      Dakota found out that Bristol had a bun in the oven from her 3rd, 4th, 5th, "mistake" nights in Vegas.

      Some news to have to break to your MOH catch right after he proposes, "oh honey, I have to tell you that I'm actually 2 months pregnant."

      Dakota dodged a huge bullet. I can't imagine what living with Bristol would be like, never mind dealing with the Witch of Wasilla as a mother in law, holy shite!

      Good move Marine!

    5. Anonymous8:07 AM

      He apparently has taken it down, it was there a couple of days ago.

      Curious that he takes it down now. Maybe he got sick of being sucked into the toxic stench that is the Palin's life, everyone Bristol has a relationship with eventually gets burned because she is such a phony liar.Sarah needs to keep her family private and so does Bristol but they are too dumb and publicity hungry to do it.

    6. Anonymous8:33 AM

      "I think the Palins have something really good on him so he has agreed to not come out with the truth."

      Yeah, I'm in that camp. Makes me wonder about the photo that was posted way back that showed him changing a baby's diaper with a gun on the table in the background (whose baby was that?) Makes me wonder if it involves his hidden "ex" wife. Was she really an EX and/or could he have committed, maybe it was never a real marriage but done as a favor to give the "wife" benefits?

      Just musing over possibilities, but I believe they hold something big over him.

    7. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Ah yes, time to start stacking conspiracies lol.

    8. Anonymous9:57 AM

      No. He has not taken it down. Thanks for wasting my time. You're about as bright as Barstool herself. smh

    9. Anonymous10:16 AM

      I haven't checked, but IF he has taken the picture down... IMHO, it shows that he has come to the conclusion that this was a scam by Bar$tool to catch him.
      I guess, he can say thanks to the people who commented that the picture is faked and that the real date is 11-04-15!

    10. Anonymous10:18 AM

      9:57 there is NO baby post on his fb account BUT still on his IG account

    11. Anonymous10:18 AM

      If Dakota considers himself a "presumed" father, he and his attorney have the right to petition the court for a DNA test AND access to birth records/certificate. If he has a good lawyer, the birth request will be made directly to the hospital and NOT directly to the Palin's. The Wasilla Hillbillies may lie but DNA doesn't!

  21. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Maybe this is the reason for Bristol's bizarre "I'm not a copycat" post after Kristin Cavallari's baby Saylor was born. She'd already had the baby and named her. What a strange, sad existence for Bristol.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Absolutely! Amen!

  22. Anonymous7:14 AM

    When was it that Sarah abruptly canceled her riveting book tour grift and disappeared for several days??

  23. Otto Katz7:20 AM Enlarged and lightened up as much as my program will go.

    I have a theory, which someone with medical tape would have to do. Write on the tape, put it on the skin in that orientation, and then bend the hand towards the wrist. See how the tape puckers, does it get creases in it? Please post a pic to, and then link it here. I'd do it, but I don't have any medical tape.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Yes, definitely creasing. It's obvious in the photo once you realize that's what you're looking at.

  24. Anonymous7:26 AM

    What also gets me is the artificial Christmas tree pic. Teaching a 7-year-old kid that it's okay to lie? Why, $arah and Bristol, because there's "mesn people" out there?

    Sorry, we aren't mean. Just tired of your deceit. You aren't even good at it.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      It was odd that she had her tree up before Thanksgiving and on TG posted an Xmas pic rather than waiting until it was closer to Xmas. And after that tree pic, she had no interest in posting any more Xmas-festive pics? Odd. And before that TG pic, on the 23rd, she had posted the stocking pic. She had it in her mind that the baby was going to be a Christmas baby--and she did everything ahead of time to help convince herself of her lie. What's sad is that, if she actually took the tree pic after the baby was born, poor Tripp must have been confused as to what was going on--or maybe he's just too young. But chances are she put that tree up way before Nov. 26 and really was still pregnant in the pic. I think that's what happened. It's one of her last pics that actually looks like a fake pregnancy to me. In a short amount of time she suddenly got huge in a way that didn't work with all the prior pics.

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Well, at the time, she WAS still pregnant. There are autumn decorations in that room too..she took the picture to advance the lie, but I doubt Tripp knew anything. I mean, how good are most 1st graders at reading a calendar? He poses when Mommy tells him to. She posts when it advances her myth.

    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      9:33, I agree. If mom says "come take a picture with me beside our tree", the kid isn't gonna question it or even realize when or why it posted.

    4. Anonymous10:08 AM

      In the "old days" people would pose for their Christmas card in the fall because it took so long to get the cards made. Of course this is a photo and not a printed card but she could have told Tripp that's why they were posing early.

      O/T Actually, I'm astounded at how many folks put their trees up in November. The place we buy ours was totally out when we showed up on D3c 15- said most were sold on Thanksgiving weekend. These are live, fire-hazard trees too.

    5. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Willow put up a Christmas tree picture before Barstool, but commented on it that she could not wait until Christmas, and that she was actually really, really early with decorating.

  25. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Sarah Palin faked (unsuccessfully) giving birth to a Down Syndrome baby for the purpose of gaining political power for her puppet masters.

    Bristol Palin adjusted her REAL baby's birth date because somewhere in Bristol's mind a different date is better than the real one. At most Bristol may have thought this would get her income via child support, but other than for the men involved it makes no difference WHEN the baby was born.

    Nonetheless, there is great entertainment in watching the extended Palin family blunder through another stupid lie. You'd think with all the practice they've had they could pull this one off. But at least, they managed to not let an elder Palin brag about when "her water broke".

  26. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I wonder if Nancy French starts tearing her hair every time Bristol makes another "f--k you" comment on Instagram or Facebook. After all, her job is to make Bristol look like a literate adult, right, as well as a good Christian woman.

    And what's up with Dakota? If he's the father, wouldn't he want to see his daughter in person?

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      I only skimmed her Instagram account, but isn't it interesting that with all the nasty comments, she only responded to the one about the IV tape date. Must have touched a nerve !!

      Other funny comments: she couldn't have given birth to Trig b/c she was pregnant with Tripp-guess they fell for that one also too.

      She meant abstinence only when in high school. I thought Bristol told us she was never a spokesperson for abstinence.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Regardless of when or who she was advocating abstinence for, she appeared on national tv on Oprah and stated adamantly, that she would never produce another out if wedlock child. Never say never.

    3. Anonymous9:45 AM

      If Nancy was a real Christian, she wouldn't represent a person as slutty, trashy, foul-mouthed, and vindictive as Bristol.

      R in NC

  27. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Can't follow you down this rabbit hole.

    These 'enhanced' photos are laughable.

    And where is the motive? It really can't be to fool the soldier husband and the public. Even the dullest of bulbs are aware that a DNA test would put that baby to bed - one way or another. So what is the motive then? Either at Christmas or 8 wks ago, she is still an unmarried mother. Whats the diff?

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      The motive, Little Miss Abstinate's one night stand in Vegas and her hypocrisy.

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Agree. And if Meyer requests a DNA test via legal channels, as the ex-fiancé that Bristol lived with, I don't believe she can refuse.

      None of the Palins are rocket scientists. I just can't see how they could implement and maintain all these massive conspiracies and lies, a stable of interchangeable babies, photoshopped pictures, etc., with no hard proof ever bubbling to the surface. And no, these pictures are not hard proof.

      They're also not rich enough to pull this off. How much money do you think they would have to pay Dakota Meyer to accept life-long responsibility for a baby that isn't his?

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Enhance and enlarge them and see for yourself, oh great denier of facts!

    4. Anonymous9:20 AM

      If they have something on Dakota, they needn't pay him a cent. Pardon my crassness, but I have long suspected that Dakota is a switch-hitter. Since I, myself, am a switch-hitter, it is easy for me to discern those proclivities in another. The Palins may be threatening to expose those proclivities, or perhaps Dakota is using this child to his advantage; even if Sailor is not his, to claim that she is dispels rumors, however briefly, that he harbors same-sex tendencies. I mean no disrespect to him (saying he may be bisexual or gay is certainly not an insult, though he would certainly take it that way), but I "knows 'em when I sees 'em," as they say.

      I can't imagine any other reason why a man would choose to take responsibility for the child of an ex-fiancé that is not his child.

    5. Anonymous9:34 AM

      This whole one night stand lie is absurd.

    6. Anonymous9:34 AM

      The motive was to not hurt her mom's reputation as a "Christian" as she hawked her devotional, by making it seem like MOH's child.

    7. Anonymous9:35 AM

      No need to 'enhance' and see for myself or ourselves. Gryphen provided the enhanced images, as well as a dozen other versions provided by all of you. They all look like a joke.

      You are still missing a motive.

      Everyone already knows Bristol sleeps around and is a single mother, the dad could be anyone, including possibly Dakota. So why fake the birth date?

  28. Anonymous7:40 AM

    This is both weird and funny. Tripp and Sailor are now doing ads on a Christian blog to sell Sarah's Christian book. Are any of the Christian? That is apart from their work as charlatans...

    January 2, 2016 by Bristol Palin
    I look at them and know… 2016 is exactly where it should be
    "I never thought 2015 would play out like it did, but I look at my babies and know everything is exactly where it should be.
    Here’s to a New Year… and
    (Screen Shot 2016-01-02 at 9.07.36 AM)
    … to anyone who’s got anything to say about it!
    Buy my Mom’s new devotional, Sweet Freedom, in bookstores everywhere!"

    Bristol links to Amazon to sell a Sarah Palin book.

  29. Anonymous7:55 AM

    There are a number of enlarged pics of the date at

  30. Anonymous7:56 AM

    The difference in coloration between a newborn infant's hands and the rest of her body is perfectly normal. It's called acrocyanosis and it usually resolves quickly.


  31. Anonymous7:56 AM


    Dakota Meyer, popped the question backstage at the Rascal Flatts concert on Friday, March 13, 2015

    They practically just met, why the rush for Bristol to get married so fast?

    So if Sailor was conceived in February and Bristol found out she was pregnant in March, count 9 months after February the month of conception and what do you have?

    Nine months after February is November the month Sailor was born!

    Like Colonel Klink said, "Very Interesting"

    The question is who is the baby's daddy? Wasn't there talk Bristol may of had one last fling with Joey? Did Dukota figured this out and that was the reason he canceled the wedding?

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Dakota said himself in his "Bristol changed my life and makes me a better man" spiel that marines aren't trained to watch grass grow. I would imagine she left Kentucky because th move was huge and none of her amazing family was there. Sure his family loves her. But an Alaskan girl used to seeing hers daily then not would be hard. I really think she broke it off completely by mid June. He likely doesn't want to live in alaska.

      None of this is the publics business anyway. It's not like they exploited the relationship or things wouldn't have been posted in the moment to their phones.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Sure his family loves her?

      It was reported in July as follows:
      "We don't ever talk about Bristol Palin,' said Meyer's grandfather Dwight when asked about the pregnancy announcement.

      'We don't ever discuss her in this family.'

      Read more:

    3. Anonymous9:58 AM

      OK, IMer's, I have been attacked as a troll for not jumping all in over this, but how can you NOT read the difference between sincere hesitation and a response like, 9:30's????

  32. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Some people here are saying a DNA test would solve everything. Yes I agree it certainly would BUT....

    Do you really think Bristol would allow a paternity test and why or why not?

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Well certain legal situations could arise where the courts could require a paternity test for one, so Bristol would have no choice if mandated by a court.

      However if Bristol never named a father, and/or a potential father never came forward to challenge, there would never be a need for it.

      So either way, why bother with faking a birth date? No motive.

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      DNA test would have been done by now even if dec. birth. Barstool knows the cats out of the bag and nobodies fooled.

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM


    4. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Bristol would never need a dna test.

    5. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Easy Captain Caps. You are gonna blow an artery.

      Guess what, once again the IMers have nothing on Sarah or Bristol, no matter how much you stomp and Cap lol!

  33. Anonymous7:57 AM

    The difference in coloration between a newborn infant's hands and the rest of her body is perfectly normal. It's called acrocyanosis and it usually resolves quickly.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      I didn't even notice.

  34. Anonymous8:07 AM

    For fuck sake. Bristol will never seek child support or say Dakota is the father. Dakota will never come out and say "this is my child"

    This is a business realtionship, nothing more. They both benefited from this deception. There will be no Perry Mason moment with DNA. Of course Dakota knows he is not the father.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Dakota Meyer is a dim bulb at best...full of country boy bravado and not much else. He'll do what he is told. Already has.

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Where did you buy your crystal ball? I need one of those.

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Can't we be grateful these aren't people who discuss private things publicly.

  35. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I lightened up the image with MS Paintnet. See the results here:

  36. Anonymous8:12 AM

    It's Immoral Minority's readers fault Bristol is pimping out Sailor and Tripp to sell Satah's worthless books? You guys kept making fun of Satah Palin's Sweet Freedom: A Devotional's Amazon Sales Ratings. That could be why Bristol is sending people to Amazon's Sweet Freedom's link to buy Sweet Freedom?

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Let her send them there.
      It's still not selling.

    2. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Stool isn't that smart!

    3. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Good luck to them with that one. The book sank like a lead weight. Can't wait to see what they come up with next November to finance Palin Christmas 2016.

    4. Anonymous8:54 AM

      I think that anyone who was inclined to buy the book has made their purchase and with Christmas sales behind us, even those who would never read it, but might gift it (great "gag" gift-literally!) have done so. This book is not going to surge at any point. It was a flop.

    5. Anonymous9:18 AM

      No one pimped her. Notice no pics ended up on tmz of a magazine.

    6. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Good thing Sarah only has 2 dependents.

    7. Anonymous9:20 AM

      So when she went to youth bball games, did she have a baby? Or look post partem?

  37. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "Now there has been a VERY aggressive effort to suggest that this image is photoshopped."
    Gryphen, I disagree COMPLETELY with your statement. I would say there has been a VERY aggressive attempt to stop some of us from expressing our concerns or being cautious about the IV tape photos.
    Seems like a few commenters set the tone for some of the threads and if anyone dares to disagree or has an opinion that is not to their liking, we are harassed and labeled trolls. It is like being at the c4p pond, except for here we don't get banned.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      @ 8:17 AM - You have a valid point. Only wish the printing on the original IV tape photo were clearer. The way it is now is just open for any interpretation you want to give it.

    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Have you enlarged it to 500% yourself and lightened it? It is clearly 11-4-15. I agree that there are some aggressive posters here who attack anyone with a differing opinion, but in this case, the date is readable.

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Very aggressive? I've seen no one say it's shopped.

    4. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I can't tell a damn thing about the tape from the picture.

    5. Anonymous9:48 AM

      I agree, 8:17.

      I've been ardently following Palin shenanigans and preposterous births since their big-stage debut, but there is no way that the date is legible enough to make any sure-footed suggestion. Blow it up bigger, and it only becomes blurrier. Trying to clarify it by writing over it is a joke and only further adds to the clumsiness of this issue.

      Not that I'd put anything beyond the Palins.

  38. Anonymous8:20 AM

  39. Anonymous8:31 AM

    If it's palin, it's all about lies, deceit, grift. There must be something in it for them... Nobody's buying the xmas birth date. No 'immaculate conception' there.

    Unless the 'little birdie is now being paid to keep her mouth shut, there is money to be made for spilling the KKKlan mythology.

  40. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Gryphen, do you think the 'cousin' who posted here, claiming to have seen Bristol with Sailor at Thanksgiving was legitimate? Your opinion carries more weight to me than any other here.

    1. I have no idea.

      However it would seem that such a thing would be possible based on this evidence.

    2. Anonymous9:16 AM

      No cousin posted here.

    3. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Thanks,9:16, but I asked Gryphen, not you. Unless you can prove it, your opinion carries no weight.

  41. Anonymous8:40 AM

    IMHO, the "blessing" that MOH is so "proud" of is the fact that he is not a daddy. The date on the tape substantiates his gift.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Because she sent a post birth picture to a man who isn't the father? Yeah makes more sense. We need to admit we know nothing and need to stop creating lies.

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM


      Where is your evidence that she sent him that picture? Isn't it the same pic she posted? He may have just copied it.

    3. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Did she send it or did he use the copy she posted for his own purpose?

    4. Anonymous9:46 AM

      9:15 ? We???! Fuck off psycho stalker.

  42. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I'm going to have to stand with her response to lily whatever. Don't lie. All of us would respond to bullshit like that the exact same way.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      No, not all of us would. But thanks for letting us know you would.

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      I will give her that one, but as a "good Christian" girl, she really should have chosen a kinder response...

    3. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Psycho stalker. How many times will you post today?

  43. It's blurry, but it does look like an 11, something, 15. However, that's not the weirdest part people.

    Speaking as a nurse, THE IV's IN BACKWARDS! You never put a IV in facing the hand, you always put it in toward the body, otherwise, the fluids have got to go down toward the fingers before it circulates back up toward the arm. There is too much risk for infiltration in that case. No nurse is going to do that!

    Another thing I noticed that was strange. The baby looks newborn, the hair is matted down and the eyes are appear wet, as if the antibiotic ointment,Ilotycin,had just been put in her eyes. Yet, Bristol looks fresh, like she has just had a shower, hair washed and blown dried and make up done.

    I guess she could have jumped up after giving birth, gotten cleaned up and applied her make up for a photo op, but most women are exhausted after delivering a baby. They either LOOK like they have just given birth in post delivery pictures, or they get some rest, then get dolled up for pictures. If it was the latter, the baby would not look like it had just been delivered.

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      I noticed that last part too. Weird

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      When I gave birth in the 1990's my IV'S were not placed facing my body. Perhaps they do it differently now, but I had IV's with all my kids and all faced my hand.

    3. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Hi Deb,
      Did you also look at the picture where Bristol is lying on the hospital bed with a baby? The IV looks different (to me at least) than the one that everybody is talking about with the date. Could you take a look and let us know what you think as a nurse?

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Nurses know people. We should pay attention to Deb.

      I didn't know about the IV being backward, but I did notice the difference between perfectly coiffed, perfectly made-up Bristol and the baby looking so newly delivered.

    5. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Deb, thanks for pointing that out. So much strangeness going on. I wondered about the makeup, too. This whole birth thing gets crazier by the day. I sure wish the person (cousin/relative) who claims to know the truth behind all these lies, would continue to post more info. Deb, keep us informed if you notice any other discrepancies.

    6. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Actually, I agree with that, but for different reasons. There was no inkling they were dating, but suddenly in March, Sarah made up the meme that they had met the year before, when filming her reality show (in fact, Dakota met other members of the family, but not Bristol.) Why would she try to make it seem as though they had known each other for a year, built a relationship, then suddenly got engaged in March with a wedding scheduled for early May? Oh, that's right. To explain a pregnancy. Either Bristol was already pregnant, or Bristol and Dakota slept together when they met or shortly therafter. Fudging on the date of birth puts the conception after the engagement and supports the "we had been dating for ayear and just got ahead of ourselves" story, which is simply not true.

    7. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Unlike many new moms, Bristol provided no information on labor and delivery. (Maybe that's a good thing.) A very quick birth- like my neighbor's 5 minutes after arriving at the hospital- can leave the mom looking pretty darn chipper. The difference is my neighbor didn't get all dolled up for the new baby photos.

  44. Anonymous9:03 AM

    When shot show happened, no one knew they were dating. There was no inkling of dating until cpac and Dakotas obsessive posts in February. I feel we're rewriting things again by being ignorant and perpetuating biased and sexist opinions of her.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Ever hear of a "one night stand"? I can only surmise where the nickname, Barstool, came from.

    2. Anonymous9:44 AM

      How do you know that? Liar.

    3. Anonymous9:47 AM

      I still smell a rat!

    4. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Not many people "plan" a pregnancy with someone during the first few dates.

    5. Anonymous10:27 AM

      9:44, you so remind me of "January" on c4p. She attacks and calls everyone who she disagrees with a liar.
      That is just 9:03's opinion and it doesn't have to be attacked.

  45. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Late January conception = mid October due date.

    Remember. She had no idea he was gonna propose in March.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Length of normal pregnancy = 280 days.

  46. Anonymous9:09 AM

    bristol didn't need to be present in court because it didn't directly concern her. She (and he)have both phoned in before.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      How do you know that? Liar.

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      bristol didn't need to be present in court because it didn't directly concern her
      This is truly pathic!!! didn't concern her, her child's custody hearing didn't concern her. What planet are you from?

      I suspect you are going to be very busy coming up with fairy tales for each comment.

  47. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I know that Sailor Grace Whatever-Her-Official-Last-Name is undocumented but Bristol (chronic liar) Palin did say Sailor Grace "was born yesterday" on December 24, 2015 12:27pm. Making the Palin team's date given to Sailor Grace as December 23, 2015.

    Also the Palin family wants to make a mystery out of the time of birth, weight, height and the usual for families with a new baby to announce to the world.

    The Palins are announcing a new baby mystery. I guess Trig is getting too old and they must continue the family tradition of strange mystery birthing.

  48. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Why are we pretending to know what someone's love life is like? It's pretty wrong to pretend someone sleeps with people when they don't based on nothing.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      How do you know that?

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Psycho stalker! How many times are you going to post today?

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Bristol is a slut, get over it.

    4. Olivia10:10 AM

      Riiight, we must never forget that Bristol is an abstinent virgin.

      Who's pretending?
      I'm going out on a limb here, but when someone has birthed a baby or four, you can assume someone "slept with people". Quite possibly, a different "people" for each baby.

  49. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Maury knows!

  50. I never believed the conspiracy theories about Sailors date of birth or paternity. I know that I break from the pack on this. I think that the Palin's have some major dirt on Dakota that they would use unless he follows their plan; acknowledge paternity and then stay away so that Bristol can play abandoned victim role. What is factual is that Bristol can't make it through an Instagram post without telling someone to Go Fuck Yourself. She is clearly an angry, nasty, petulant child. I feel so sorry for her kids.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I am on the fence, but wouldn't be surprised if the birth date was fudged. While all of this unfolds, I hope that the more aggressive IMers will show some restraint and show ALL of us the respect to voice our opinions, without automatically calling us "Alicia" or trolls.

  51. Anonymous9:45 AM

    If you put the date 11/4/15 into a reverse due date/conception calculator, what happens?

    Conception sometime between 2/10 & 2/15, 2015. And where was Bristol on Valentine's Day 2015?


    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      When Bristol wrote about her BIGGEST mistake the day after Valentine's days, how could she possibly know she was pregnant? The biggest mistake wasn't conception, but something else? A deal? A porno shoot?

  52. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Yeah, sorry. But, I'm not buying this. As stated by others in the nursing field, this should be labeled with the nurses initials. And, when I was in hospital they put the *time*, not the date. This has been so obviously manipulated. PS I'm a professional Graphics Designer with specialty in photoshop. If you want to latch on to something, stick with the pic of the four girls on the green couch. All kinds of fecked up going on there.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Nope, I was just in a hospital earlier this year, and the IV tape had the date, not the time. IV sites are good for about 3 days, which is why they need the date. And there are no initials because 9 times out of 10, it's the phlebotomists, not the nurses, who put in the line.

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Although I believe that Sailor was born before the end of December (perhaps when the two legs of the book tour were cancelled?), I am not convinced about the IV tape.
      The couch photo is better evidence for me, too. So many issues with it. I wish Gryphen would devote an entire thread to the mistakes in it. I have found several and still maintain that a photo Bristol posted on her Instagram a week before the 'announced' birth was taken the same day as the one with the group. It was the one with her finger to her temple. That photo has been removed from her Instagram, as well.

  53. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Something else that led me to believe she's lying about the birth date. On December 24 she posted a picture to Facebook of her doting on Bristol's latest bastard child. But the post said it originated in New Orleans

    How the heck is that possible?

    1. Janice A Soderquist10:16 AM

      And Sarah and Todd were holding Sailor in the same leopard blanket in New Orleans that Bristol posted in Alaska with her new born in the same leopard blanket on the same day, duh

  54. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I wonder when she will sell the story to a magazine?
    If her mom needs money, she must need it too.

  55. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Someone who has accounts for commenting: send these lightened pictures to TMZ, Radaronline, People Magazine, Enquirer, etc! It is time that this goes out to the general public and that people become aware of this fraud!

  56. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Isn't it also kind of interesting, that $arah posted her hospital picture online - but in black and white, and LIGHTENED, so you cannot distinguish the date on the tape?

  57. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Deb's comment above is very informative. Wonder if other nurses out there can verify about Bristol's IV is in backwards, or if there's a possibility that some nurse was negligent and that it occasionally happens?

    If people tweeted the IV photo of Bristol's birth announcement with IV taped to her hand, with an explanation about it's improper insertion, maybe the story would go viral.

  58. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Has anyone congratlated Joey Junker on his new baby? Because that baby is the spitting image of him.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Did Sarah or Bristol tell Joey congrats?

  59. Janice A Soderquist10:02 AM

    I hate to say this, but Sarah's wild ride lasted 7 or so years and no one came forward, she got a pass.
    I think this will be the same for Bristol. No one is coming forward, we will just have to see how she looks, her hair, etc. as she grows older. Man, if I lived in Wasilla and knew tons about this, I would sell the info for hundreds of thousands and move...

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Would you Janice?

      No offense, but Palin info isn't worth a dime. That is why no-one (press) is caring about the IM big conspiracy here. Even if it were all true, it still isn't front page material, and it isn't worth jack shit.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      If $arah even attempted to run for anything again, Janice, I'll bet plenty of tongues would wag.

  60. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I keep seeing 11.11.15
    Plz look at same photo in this link

  61. Janice A Soderquist10:13 AM

    Could the date on the IV be the purchase date for that lot and not the birth date? Just wondering... Is there a doctor here or nurse who could clarify this for me?

  62. Anonymous10:19 AM

    To 9:45 AM hit the nail on the head about the conception date being Valentine's Day. Remember the following...Instagram account said that it was the night that ruined her life.

  63. Janice A Soderquist10:25 AM

    Remember all the daddies she moved in with Tripp as trial daddies? She lived with Morgan in California. Remember she was still talking abstainance and she had us believing she wasn't sleeping with any of them...There was a bunch of them, and the guy who was supposed to help her remodel her house and move in in Wasilla.....

  64. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Someone who is good with digital forensics can investigate the original image from what was posted on DM Facebook.

    Meyer didn't say who sent him the image (he doesn't even say who it is), when he received it or what's up with that image. Someone just posted on his Facebook an image and wrote:
    "Best Christmas present ever!! I couldn't be more proud of this little blessing." post date December 24, 2015

    All that image and Meyer's Facebook post are confirming is that this is a mystery.

    Meyer is placing himself in the middle of it by allowing the image and not being clear himself.

    If this mystery turns out to be fraud, due to someone attempting to milk money out of a birth, I doubt if Meyer is going to profit from that crime. It may not be about money for him, he may have secrets, his pay off is that no one learns about the real Dakota Meyer.

    Why would he allow himself to be any kind of participant in a Palin situation? Using and manipulating a fetus, newborn or a child in internet deception is forever. If something were to come of this matter people are going to want to know why a Medal of Honor recipient is part of this online mess.

    Meyer recieves money from taxpayers. Taxpayers also pay for any children he has or would claim to have. In general the public can learn how the military pays their wards and their children.

    I know that the military system regarding child support may have changed over the years. Fathers in the military and vets do not marry all the mother's of their children. Bastard children are still supported by the military (taxpayers).

    At one time there was no DNA involved. A vet could claim benefits for being named on a birth certificate. He did not have to sign the birth certificate. The mother could merely put the name on the certificate. In some cases the man with name on certificate may not even know he was named. If he found out and knew it was false he could contest it. If he died it would be too late. How much has DNA changed things?

    Also, keep in mind that Sean Parnell appointed a questionable Medical Examiner for the state of Alaska. As well the Palins have access to several shady doctors. They certainly have the means to create any type of certificate for a baby that they want.

    As far as Meyer is concerned he was outed as having lied and covered up a previous wife. Which says he may have other secret lives and legal arrangements that the public would have no clue. He is a person that will gladly furnish or hide documents and the truth in the pursuit of what he wants.

    Meyer could be named on several birth certificates by several women as a way of dealing with or helping women that he or his buddies knocked up. Not saying he is doing that, just saying that those children would have benefits and no one would ever know anything about any of it.

    No one knows anything about any arrangements Meyer and the Palins made for the engagement or any arrangements made for after a break up. Almost any scam is possible with both the Palins and Meyer.

    Although Meyer does not appear to be Sailor's father he is also muddying the whole birth while looking like nice guy about the 'blessing'.

    The public needs to know why this recipient, who teaches about integrity, is looking and acting so strange and dirty in regard to this 'blessing'.


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