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Oh boy, do YOU have a rude awakening coming! |
Bernie Sanders questioned President Barack Obama’s leadership in a new interview, suggesting that he would be able to close a divide between Americans and government that the Obama administration has left open throughout his presidency.
“There’s a huge gap right now between Congress and the American people,” Sanders said in an interview with MSNBC that will air Thursday on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell.” “What presidential leadership is about [is] closing that gap.”
Sanders acknowledged that Obama has tried to bridge the divide but said he hasn’t succeeded. “But I think what we need, when I talk about a political revolution, is bringing millions and millions of people into the political process in a way that does not exist right now,” he said.
Seriously, WTF Bernie?
If Sanders thinks that the ideological divide in this country is the fault of President Obama then he must have had his head buried in the sand for the last seven years.
And if he seriously thinks that things will be ANY different if he was in the White House, well then he is too naive to take seriously as a candidate.
Here is what a Hillary Clinton spokesperson tweeted in response:
Bernie Sanders just lost the benefit of the doubt from me.The idea of Bernie Sanders, who has little to show for his 25 years in Congress, giving leadership lectures to President Obama is absurd.— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) February 11, 2016
This level of cluelessness gives me heartburn re the Democrats. Especially following on the heels of the rumor that Team Hillary wants to attack Sanders for, essentially, being a "secular Jew".
ReplyDeleteHelp !
DeleteQuit bringing up "rumors" to try and combat Bernie's statements in an interview.
Bernie gets Cornel West to endorse him. Is Lloyd Marcus next? WTF Sanders? Sellout!
DeleteYou full of crap, 8:41 AM! Hillary Clinton would never attack Bernie for being a Jew for Christ's sake! Your a lunatic to even suggest it - rumor my ass!
DeleteThose are your words and belong to no one else - you jerk!
DeleteBill Cosby endorsed Sanders also and too. Sanders told Cosby for his endorsement if elected he'll pardon him as president.
The Duggars just endorsed Sanders
DeleteIt turns out Bernie skipped the North Korea sanctions vote to drink beer with Colbert.
DeleteClinton promising to crack down on corporations that game the system. Only days later, Clinton’s campaign is launching a fundraising blitz that includes events with representatives of industries that have significant business interests before the federal government
Bernie Sanders killed my dog!!
DeleteBernie = white privilege commenter
DeleteWho the heck mixed up HIS drink with Tundra Turds? That piss with the downers was supposed to be HER drink!
DeleteNot cool, Bernie, not cool.
ReplyDeleteIf he thinks the GOP elite won't be meeting on his inauguration night to plan their "Burn The Bern" total obstruction strategy, as they did for President Obama, he's sadly mistaken.
At least he doesn't use the tiresome and disingenuous term "the failed Obama administration".
DeleteGOPeers plan to do the same to HRC, she has the respected backing of the WORLD for 20+ years, and she "knows" how to handle those boys and girls.
HRC is a MAJOR GENERAL in the part she inhabits in this/the Revolution and she KNOWS how to lead. HRC EARNED/LEARNED and is READY on day 1.
Bernie Sanders has been in congress 25 years. Where's the change?
DeleteWaiting for the giant pop-
Deletewhen you pull your head, out of your ass!
Vote HRC, and off to war your kids will go!
HRC has a new war ready for day one!
DeleteHRC repeatedly went against Obama, to start wars!
Delete10:48 That might be true under any president. If DRAFTING ALL comes to pass, It would be good for the country if all person's 18-21 be required to sign up for some type of civil service or selective service. Give back and we will help you in return, that would be a win, win. (36 month OBLIGATION)
DeleteI was formerly in the heart-says-Bernie-head-says-Hillary camp, but he's lost my <3 as well with his recent attacks.
ReplyDeleteIt has become apparent that instead of building on Obama's progress, Sanders is allowing himself to be bought by the grifters in politics.
DeleteThe fact that he hired people who stole files from the Clinton campaign speaks to his character and judgment.
The ACA was Ob's biggest achievement, was destroyed by Pelosi and the lobbyists.
DeleteOb's was indebted to the same lobbyists, things could have worked out a lot better.
Deleteyou mean like
Goldman Sachs??/
Grifters like Cornel West
DeleteDoes Sanders forget just how many millions of passionate voters were behind the "revolution" that got Pres. Obama elected in the first place?
ReplyDeleteYet, despite all of that, the pres was hamstringed on every issue.
I heard Sanders say in a different interview (I didn't hear the current one), that even if both Houses are controlled by republicans after this election, Sanders can get things done.
How is he going to be different? What's going to be different?
Talk about a naïve man that knows nothing about the job President Obama has accomplished in spite of the Republicans.
DeleteI seriously doubt the Republicans (majority in Congress) will work with ANY Democrat that wins the White House! Bernie has no clue! Hillary Clinton does!
That's the thing, though. Bernie Sanders was in the thick of it for the past seven years while Pres Obama has been in office. He knows what's going on. He's not naive. I think he's playing politics.
DeleteMaybe he thinks that because he has supported guns in the past and is caucasian, he could get his way. Nope. He'll be tagged a "communist" or "socialist" or a senile old man but the GOP and they'll walk all over him. Of course, he won't be trying to improve the lives of the minority populations in the country so perhaps the GOP will tolerate him. But he'll never bend them to his will.
@ 9:36am
DeleteYeah, he's "playing it must be the black guys fault" , I've heard it enough from other people, but I sure as hell am not voting for anyone that "plays" like that. BTW I call that "playing" racism.
Maybe some of you are not seeing the Hate the republicans are showing towards our President & Hilary, that will change if neither are running the Executive branch. I do not think this will factor in so much with Sanders, they will pivot to his socialism and try and call it communism but I think that will be a problem for the haters we call republicans.
DeleteThey have to make fucking promises, they are fucking politicians for fucks sake and NONE of them keep even half of the promises they make on the campaign trail.
DeleteHere, have a gander at how many political promises Obama broke. It happens, it's politics, get over it.
Of COURSE all politicians make promises they can't keep.
DeleteNow if only all those Bernie Sanders fans would realize it.
I don't think any reasonable person expects Bernie to deliver on all of his promises (or even 'most' of them). What he is doing is setting forth the long-term goals that the American left should be fighting for in clear, unapologetic language. That sort of direction has been sorely missing in the Democratic Party for the past quarter century. Furthermore, they are the only way we have any hope of actually addressing our problems.
DeleteIncremental tweaking around the edges will never extend healthcare (not just health 'insurance') to the 29 million people who now do not have it. Incremental tweaking will never give Americans access to affordable college (as they enjoyed a generation or two ago). Incremental action is very unlikely to give ever American worker paid vacations.
Your position that 'Sanders can't get thing done, so we should not even bother to talk about them' is short-sighted and unhelpful. We will never 'accidentally' solve our problems. The only hope we have is by continuing to push public opinion towards clearly stated goals and hope that, one day, enough people agree with us and together we can bring the US back in line with the rest of the developed world. Already Bernie's proposals are popular with many Americans. All we need now is for elected officials to get to where the population already is.
"But I think what we need, when I talk about a political revolution, is bringing millions and millions of people into the political process in a way that does not exist right now,”
ReplyDeleteWhat way is that? I wish he would be more specific.
Right. Those millions of Americans have jobs and families, and we elect YOU to handle the political process. We can't be marching on Congress for months on end, Bernie. We have to feed our kids, get to our jobs, pay our mortgages. CONGRESS is supposed to work for the people, sir. We are not supposed to do our own jobs and do yours too, for free. And bashing Obama? Really?
DeleteThere is no "bridging the divide." What Sanders is talking about is a revolution that would bring so many liberals into the political system, that it overrides any Republican disagreement, or vote. That isn't going to happen, so his policies are dead before he starts. Same with Clinton. Does anyone think the Republicans are going to go along with Clinton any,ore than they did with Obama? If Trump, or Cruz wins, will the Republican majority obstruct their policies? I think yes, on many of them.
ReplyDeleteThese Sanders supporters are the same people who do not vote in off elections (or who vote republican). They are part of the problem.
DeleteGot any proof to back that up?
Has Sanders done anything to help any Democratic candidates get elected - ever? Nope, but Hillary has. Sanders' hands will be tied with a Repub Congress and all the shouting and ranting and raving will get him nowhere -- or perhaps give him a stroke. And how will he handle the problems facing the U.S. by other countries -- both enemies and allies? He hasn't a clue. Picture it: he's on the phone with Putin and all he can talk about is the 1% and the 99%. Because...that's ALL he talks about on the campaign trail. As a non-American living in a democratic socialist country, I'm hoping against hope that Hillary wins the nomination, AND the Presidency. Anyone else (Bernie, Trump and his fellow clowncar cronies) would be an unmitigated disaster for us all.
DeleteWell, you're better than I am. I never gave him the benefit of the doubt!
ReplyDeleteSame here
DeleteJust as I was in 2008, I am on the fence between the two main Democratic candidates.
ReplyDeleteBut that is such a colossally stupid thing for Sanders to say. He has said similar things before. He is a smart man and should know better.
This is as stupid as all the allegedly liberal white people claiming that the first black man to make it to the presidency of the United States was "naive" and didn't understand just how obstructionist the republicans were going to be, and lecturing him about how he should have kicked ass. (Because "angry black man" would have worked so much better.)
For him to say? Or for him to think? Apparently he is one of those people that you discuss in your third paragraph. I was undecided until now, but obviously I am a minority and he doesn't think he needs my vote.
DeleteI'm totally shocked to read this about Bernie..TOTALLY!!
ReplyDeleteI read the story earlier and it lowered my low opinion of BS.
He is right, you are wrong. It is that simple.
ReplyDeleteLet's humor you for a second and say you are correct. It's still a terrible strategy going into South Carolina, already trailing woefully behind among minority voters.
DeleteAny people who believes Bernie Sanders could have succeeded where Pres Obama failed are incredible naive, fooling themselves, or not that bright. It is that simple.
Deleteplease proceed
DeleteRethugs are or are not prejudice?
DeleteWould a white guy have done better?
Would a white woman?
Fuck'n Rethugs anyway!
DeleteYet as all HRC has going into SC is changing up her strategy after the shocking loss of what she thought was a "sure thing" in NH. I'll hold my breath until after SC but I don't think any level of strategy or rebranding is going to pull this off for HRC.
She never thought NH was a sure thing and it wasn't a shocking loss. What the hell are you even talking about?
DeleteThe can't stand the Clintons in SC, Bernie will win this one.
DeleteThough I respect President Obama as a person and what he HAS accomplished despite the opposition, his tenure has been a disappointment to me as a progressive. I do not think Mrs. Clinton will fare any better unless the Democrats win a majority in both houses of Congress. Sanders is developing a following that is more likely to see this happen. Now that he has achieved some success in two primaries and can be viewed as a serious candidate in spite of previously being mostly ignored by the media, Sanders can broaden his name recognition and appeal to more constituencies. He has also polled greater numbers than the Republican candidates.
ReplyDeleteBernie would be a horrible president. First thing - check out what all he says he's going to do - it'll do nothing but majorly increase taxes for each and every one of us.
DeleteHe'll run into the exact same problems as has President Obama (except for the racist issue!). Hillary Clinton will run into the same thing too and I'll bet there are many of the older men in Congress that won't like her because she, as a woman, won the White House!
Mickey Mouse would poll better numbers than Goofy and company. Bernie has been in Congress 25 years! What major thing has he done? The President can do only as much as Congress allows. And I do not see Bernie dragging enough new Democrats into the Senate and House to insure that we own them too. There are too many GOP Governors and legislatures that have gerrymandered the process. Hillary can get things done.
DeleteSo is Bernie wining because of hate for HRC?
Delete11:23 ANSWER: YES..
DeleteHate appears to be winning over respect.
DeleteYou don't think Universal Health care and free education are worth paying more taxes for?
The deductibles in the ACA could kill ya!
DeleteNo need for death panels!
But I think what we need, when I talk about a political revolution,
ReplyDelete-Old man Bernie
I'm so tired of hearing we need a political revolution. It is like a dog whistle. Young people hear that and think Sanders is going to deliver everything he says.
That's exactly right. They are in for a rude awakening and we are in for yet another crappy midterm election in a couple of years when their every wish is not granted.
DeleteOr worse, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination, all these revolutionaries are going to stay home. Let's hope if that happens, Bernie has enough class and truthfulness to throw his support behind Clinton as Clinton did for Obama in 2008.
I like Bernie Sanders.But I see him saying he will do this and fix that and NEVER say how.I think is is both very idealistic and naive.
Delete"It's like a dog whistle."
DeleteYes. Sanders' brand of populism focuses on building anger and uniting against an enemy. For Sanders, all our problems stem from Wall Street and economic equality. His over-simplification is frustrating.
America is in love with our lobbyist, please buy my politician!
DeleteBernie is right I voted for Obama twice but he fucked up when he named another Goldman Sachs stooge to head the Fed.. I agree we are way better off than 8 years ago but Obama is establishment democrat... he was funded by wall street none of those motherfucker went to jail, he could have got the Fed to investigate.... so no reason th Bernie bash....
ReplyDeleteberniebros cleanup in aisle 912
DeleteWhat's Bernie right about? That Obama didn't have the leadership skills to bridge the gap in Congress? Because that's what he's talking about. It doesn't sound like you wanted Obama to bridge any gaps, just somehow magically make all your dreams come true despite the criminally insane republican congress.
DeleteMeanwhile, you're way better off because Obama was able to bridge the gap enough to make it so.
More Bernie BS
DeleteWeak ass Bernie bro line I like this blog because of the Palin bashing but what fucken cowards for just going along with status quo... shit is not going to change with Hillary maybe even another fucken war.. I'm a fucken Californian born in the 60's hippie I'm a progressive liberal Hillary isn't even really a liberal she's a moderate republican chicken hawk.... shalom
DeleteACA is a diaster, and the never ending wars suck!
DeleteNice though Wall Street made record profit under Obama!
I actually mostly agree with that, 912am. Obama's economic policies have not been exactly progressive. But the quote was about leadership being the ability to bring people together, which ain't gonna happen if some people dig in their heels and refuse to give an inch. Look at how Christie was pilloried for embracing Obama's leadership after Hurricane Sandy. (Say what you will about Christie in general, he is not an extremist nutcase, nor part of the obstructionism-at-all-costs Congress. And it cost him, big time, with GOP faithful.)
DeleteI'm very happy about one of those things, indifferent about one and pissed about the other.
DeleteLove the tweet about Sander's 25 years.
ReplyDeleteClintons have not saved the world in their tenure in politics, But billy did Monica!
Deleteberniebro cleanup aisle 1057
DeleteI have never been so undecided in any other election, but Bernie lost my vote the other night when I heard him say he didn't need a plan for all of his ideas, that they would just somehow "happen" and the GOP run Senate and Congress would just hop on board if people elected him. It makes me think that he is more than a bit senile.
ReplyDeleteAnd now he's blaming the black president for the GOP not working with him?
Un fucking believable.
He just kissed all the minority vote away.
Fuck the Bern!
The GOP House and Senate would just LOVE working with Hillary Benghazi Clinton, right? They only invited her to testify in front of them repeatedly because they liked her so much, right?
DeleteThat's not the point, 12:03. The point is that Sanders seems to think he has the right stuff to make Congress see things his way.
DeleteIf only Pres. Obama had been a better leader, he could have bridged the gap. Riiiight.
ReplyDeleteThis says it all
ReplyDeleteThe idea of Bernie Sanders, who has little to show for his 25 years in Congress, giving leadership lectures to President Obama is absurd.
And the Clintons dynasty brought us Whitewater and Monica, lol's
DeleteHRC has millions of dollars to show from giving speeches to Wall Street...
DeleteNo, actually. The Republicans brought you Whitewater and Monica, just as they've done with Benghazi and Hillary's emails. They thrive on anything they and their media hawks can turn into a "scandal". Please pay attention!
DeleteI've been disappointed in President Obama since he started his first administration by bending over to Republicans and throwing his own supporters/voters under the bus. For one, his "Grand bargain" attempt (AKA the Catfood Commission) proved that Obama was more interesting in getting along than truly leading. This immediate caving to the very forces he had vowed to fight against during his 2008 campaign took the wind out of the sails of his supporters, leading to the current situation we have of a republican congress fighting him every step of the way. If Obama were a true leader, the Democrats would not have lost so many seats in the last and previous elections. If he were a true leader, his voters would keep following. Instead, many of them stopped. And they stopped because they were no longer inspired, no longer hopeful, all too aware that "change" did not mean what Obama had wanted them to think it meant.
ReplyDeleteIs Bernie Sanders the answer? I don't know. I vastly prefer him over Hillary Clinton, but I will vote for her if I have to. But that doesn't mean I think he's perfect. Any more than I think Obama is perfect. No politician is above criticism or being held accountable for their failures. I preferred and continue to prefer, obviously, Obama to any Republican. I'm a liberal progressive Democrat and I will always pick a Democrat even if I'm not thrilled with him or her. But I also don't expect them to ACT like Republicans, which Obama all too often has during his years in office.
I hate the "I love MyPresident" crap whether if comes from a Democrat or a Republican.
I'm nowhere near an Obama worshipper, but I have seen too many progressives turn on him without any (or very little) understanding of what he has had to contend with.
Deleteif Obama has disappointed you, you are not a democrat
DeleteI don't agree. President Obama has always tried to work with the Republicans - knowing full well both sides will not always agree -
DeleteBut, all they did was counter and obstruct in mass. Fuck every one of them as they did not earn their pay, are disliked throughout the country (look at the ratings!) and many came across as being racists!
Americans need to be better in the way they cast their votes this next election...on all levels of our government, but especially in the U.S. Congress.
So what was he supposed to do? They signed a pledge on DAY ONE to block everything, so he tried to play nice and make them do what is best for the nation. They refused. Over and over again. Was he supposed to threaten them? What? This is not a playground. This is DC. Obama did not divide people-the GOP did and will. They cannot govern because they refuse to do anything for us...only themselves. Ryan has made that pretty clear.
DeleteOh, and now Iran says the GOP asked them not to release any Americans until right before the election so they could take credit...I hope there is proof and a bunch of GOP heads roll. Traitors one and all.
Too bad President Obama saving the country from total economic collapse wasn't enough for you. Now run back to Faux snooz.
DeleteMr Obama was elected (twice) to be President of the UNITED States. Not the Progressive States or the Democratic States - but the UNITED States. He has to consider all the people; Republican, Democrat, Green, Independent, etc. It would be wrong of him to cater to just one section of the population. Bush did that for 8 long, frustrating years and I am very thankful that our current President tries to bridge the divide that the extremists of both sides have created in this country.
DeleteDo I wish he could have accomplished more? Absolutely! But, considering who and what he had to work with? I think he's had done a fantastic job.
Thank you Mr. President from a North Carolina Independent voter :)
Obama's presidency has been a diapointment, not the hope and change I was hoping for!
DeleteIf more people voted for Democratic politicians rather than GOP, President Obama would have done even better for us than he did. As it is, he is leaving office with the country on an even keel, employment up, debt down. I just wish he could run a third term!
Delete"I love MyPresident" does not mean I agree with MyPresident on every single thing. Kind of like "I love MyHusband."
DeleteBernie just lost me! He is so wrong!
ReplyDeleteThe fucking Republicans screwed with President Obama from the minute he was elected POTUS starting with the asshole Mitch McConnell! All they've done is OBSTRUCT!
I'm shocked he has been able to complete the things he has throughout his presidency. And, by the way, I'm glad I voted for President Obama both times and wish he could run again as he'd have my vote!'
He is going to be missed and will go down in history as one of our best!
He didn't say the divide was Obama's fault, just that Obama has not been able to close that divide, which wasn't an achievable goal anyways. Anyone think Clinton can close that divide?
ReplyDeleteNo, but at least she realizes her limitations when dealing with Republicans.
DeleteSanders doesn't.
Sander didn't say it was unachievable. I fact, he suggested otherwise and that voting for him would make a difference.
DeleteSanders tried to recruit someone to primary Obama in 2012. Sanders' motives are suspect here.
DeleteAnyone think Sanders can close that divide?
DeleteI think the fights between a president Clinton and Republicans would be much more contentious than a fight between president Sanders and the Republicans. Clinton/Republican fights are decades old.
DeleteYeah, he kind of did. And he lost my minority vote because of it.
DeleteDon't try to 'interpret" a candidate for the rest of us, we heard his actual words.
I think any fight between Clinton and the Republican Congress would be more productive and have a more realistic outcome than one between Sanders and the Congress.
DeleteYou're looking at it in a wrong-headed way, Gryphen. Hillary is asking the country to put their faith in her power to bridge the divide with the Republicans. Keep in mind that she's just as hated by the GOP as Obama, and yet she vows to work with them.
DeleteBernie is putting his faith the power of the voting public to pressure the Republicans to finally listen to the people. If Bernie is elected, it's going to be on a groundswell of support from a younger generation that is sick of being ignored.
The election of a man like Sanders would represent a major political shift. The election of Clinton is just going to be more of the same.
I will still support Hillary if she gets the nomination, but I have to say that she's left me cold with her shaming of women who are trying to decide who to vote for. For her surrogates to say there's "a special place in hell for women who don't support other women" is insulting. By that logic, we should have supported Sarah Palin.
Our young generation is sick of being subject to a leadership that has sent them to die in useless wars, punished for their academic pursuits with crippling debt, and turned politicians into corporate stooges. I see Bernie as the better person to stand up for these young people.
Bernie started addressing these issues months ago, back when Hillary refused to even mention his name on the campaign trail. She ignored him, and his message. Her behavior seemed to carry an air of entitlement, as if she was expecting a coronation rather than a race. Now she's having to answer Bernie and the young crowd he's galvanized. Even if he loses, he's certainly moved the dialogue in the right direction.
Also, I have to say as the mother of a gay kid, I am absolutely proud that he supported marriage equality before it was politically safe to do so. I admire that kind of conviction.
DeleteOf course the fight between Hillary and republicans would be more contentious. Sanders would be an easy win for them.
Sanders is being bought!
Deleteby the people!
Not Wall Street!
$7 million in 24 hrs!
What exactly are the voters going to do? Bang on the doors of congressional leaders until they agree to work with Bernie? Threaten violence?
DeleteDo you forget that Pres Obama had the same exact groundswell of support from young and old, and people of all races (and even some republicans), and he still had to work against a brick wall?
The Republicans are so shit scared of Hillary that they're working hard to get Bernie elected candidate.
DeleteAnd there IS a special place in hell for women that don't help other women. When MEN are voting to allow a rapist to choose the mother of his child we are ALL in danger. Open your fucking eyes, you self-obsessed moron.
We should be ruled by those that own the lobbyists!
DeleteGO HRC!
10:22 Yes, like President Obama, HRC will BE contentious. Both are LAWYERS. To know her is to LIKE HER>
PS. In the summer of 69'>
summer, she worked her way across Alaska, washing dishes in Mount McKinley National Park and sliming salmon in a fish processing cannery in Valdez (which fired her and shut down overnight when she complained about unhealthful conditions)"
"Also, I have to say as the mother of a gay kid, I am absolutely proud that he supported marriage equality before it was politically safe to do so. I admire that kind of conviction."
DeleteDo you admire the fact that he voted against gay marriage in Vermont in 2006? It sounds like Bernie absolutely waited until it would be a little more politically correct.
So did Hillary, by the way, but let's not pretend that Bernie was a pioneer for gay marriage.
Accomplished Lady writes "Bernie is putting his faith the power of the voting public to pressure the Republicans to finally listen to the people. If Bernie is elected, it's going to be on a groundswell of support from a younger generation that is sick of being ignored"
The groundswell won't turn out to vote in the midterms and the Republicans in Congress excel at ignoring what the people want. Gun control, Healthcare, etc. For crying out loud, they couldn't even sign off on the 9/11 responders bill until Jon Stewart and responders, some who were very ill, got in their faces! If they have trouble finding funds for something obvious like that, they are sure in hell not going to fund any of Bernie's programs!
HRC owned by Wall Street and private prisons, lulz!
DeleteFuck all that helping other women bullshit, just can it. I'll vote for the best candidate, whether we share a vagina or not.
DeleteIf I felt the way you do I'd have voted McCain Palin in 2008, but I didn't, because the vagina was the weak link in that ticket.
Gryphen, NOT realizing that we have ANY limitations is how life should be lived.
DeleteWhat would we accomplish, any of us, if we first addressed our perceived limitations prior to attempting to achieve our goals?
Bernie, the gap between "the American people and Congress" is made up of the GOP members of Congress, your colleagues.
ReplyDeleteHasn't Bernie noticed that his GOP colleagues in the Senate vowed on January 20, 2009, to do everything in their power to bring President Obama and his administration down? Where has Bernie been all these years?
Bernie Sanders himself seems to be unconnected to the real world somehow of American life. He doesn't have a clue about women's issues, about the tragic relationship between African Americans and the police, about the menace of the NRA, and he certainly doesn't seem to be interested in international issues.
It seems to me that Bernie has been so focused on the evils of business and banking (and yes, there are lots of evil doings in those communities) that he has ignored the world around him.
He needs to remember that he "became a Democrat" last year and that the Democratic Party fully supports President Obama, who definitely does connect well with the American people.
And hasn't Bernie Sanders been in Congress these past seven plus years now witnessing on a daily basis the seditious behavior of his GOP colleagues. Someone should lecture Bernie Sanders on what it means to be a Democrat and, above all, what it must mean to be President Obama faced with a Congressional majority that is seditious and racist.
Beaglesmom, Already HRC is making excuses to lose Nevada, it's to white for her to win!
DeleteWith Cornel West hitched to Sanders campaign, this amrtful smear campaign of Hillary is calculated on Bernie's part.
DeleteThis is similar to what Sanders started saying soon after he declared his candidacy and kept repeating. He said Obama got voters organized and involved and then abandoned them, saying he didn't need them any more and would go it alone.
ReplyDeleteThis is simply not true yet not one of the talking heads interviewing him or reporting on this questioned it.
Bernie has virtually no endorsements from the people he needs to work with to get things done. Those people have mostly endorsed Clinton, because they know her and trust her to get things done.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad that Bernie has chosen to capitalize on all the right wing efforts to paint her as dishonest. While his campaign steals data and uses logos without permission.
Go away Bernie Sanders.
A revolution can't be achieved in one term or
It has begun, there is no stopping it now, everything has a starting point and this was it.
DeleteIt has begun!
No endorsements? No worries... they're just the evil establishment.... oooh, scary!
DeleteNo really, Sanders has to say that because he doesn't have a better answer. Sanders has NO foreign policy advisors because everyone's with Hillary.
Like we Bernie supporters care about endorsements? As all an endorsement means is that you are beholden to that person and you now owe a favor, the more endorsements, the more favors owed once elected. I'll take my candidates endorsed by the electorate only, and no one else, like Bernie.
DeleteWhat? You mean Bernie Sanders is losing the support of people here who never supported him?! Get over yourselves.
ReplyDeleteBernie Sanders is losing the support of democrats. Period.
DeleteSanders has to win over people who are on the fence and people who are Clinton supporters if he's going to win the nomination.
DeleteYou exhibit a childlike understanding of elections.
I know, right? Many of us who supported Obama realized that he's only human and aside from the obstructionist congress dealing swift death to his ideas, he also fell down on the job on his own, quite a few times.
DeleteI like Bernie, and all this hate piling up here just makes me like him more and it makes me smile that HRC got her ass handed to her in a state that she felt was a certain win for her.
He's at least shaking her up and making her change her game to attempt to beat him, and it's refreshing. That's why 2008 was so much fun, HRC getting her ass handed to her by Obama and then seeing her have to end up working for him!
Clinton never thought NH was a certain win for her. In fact, everyone knew Sanders was going to win NH.
Bernie eat shit and die
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a true Hillary supporter, and I expect no more from you guys.
DeleteThen why are you here exactly? Troll.
Gee, I don't know, I'm a Bernie supporter and stumbled across this piece about Bernie so thought I'd drop by, why are you here? Is it for the cookies, because I heard there's free cookies.
I love Bernie, but he needs to realize that the outpouring of small donation support and huge crowds is connected to what happened with Pres. Obama. Obama awakened the public in the way that Bernie is benefiting from today. Yes they are all revved up for Bernie, but this type of groundswell support started with Obama and MoveOn.org.
ReplyDeleteAlso it seems to be the new normal within the Democratic party, and Hillary just doesn't understand it, she doesn't understand why we're in it for the grassroots candidate and not for the entrenched establishment elite candidate who is in bed with the banks. She just doesn't get us.
DeleteI was never a Bernie fan and now never will be. This guy must have his head up his ass if he thinks Obama could have "bridged the divide" with this bunch of yahoos in Congress. And he thinks HE would be able to get things done? He thinks Congress will work with him, they will all just fall in line when he is elected? I want some of what he's been smoking because that is NEVER going to happen. WTF has he been doing for the past 7 years that he hasn't noticed the obstructionist Congress, let alone what has he actually achieved in his entire 25 year career in congress? I'm actually glad he said this... those who were on the fence can now firmly jump into the Clinton camp. While i don't love her, i believe she will be able to carry on the policies initiated with Obama and his administration. She is in it for the long haul, she knows what she will be dealing with and yes, she is the best person for the job. I'm going to donate to her campaign right now and i urge you to join me.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to love her. People loved Bush.
DeleteYou just have to respect her.
Great comment.
DeleteCan I get a hallelujah?
Wall Street will
HRC, she told us that!
OT, but I just saw Bristol's happy birthday to her mom. Why she chose that butt ugly pic of Sarah posing in her flag shirt is beyond me. Manly Sarah looks like a total doofus and has the body of short-waisted Michael Bolton.
ReplyDeleteI call it her "hunchback" shirt. She was wearing it in the pic of her, brisket and that Duggar pedo who was trying to cop a feel on granny griz.
DeleteA passive/aggressive Fuck You to her mother, would be my guess.
DeleteShe wrote, "Thanks for loving my kids like your own."
DeleteYou can't make this shit up.
How stupid of bernie. Mr Obama has been so busy for almost 8 years. How stupid of bernie.
ReplyDeleteBusy breaking promises apparently:
True colors Bernie. True colors.
ReplyDeleteBarack Obama could save every member of congress' first born child, give them everything they ever wanted in policy-- domestic and foreign. Then go over to their homes and rub their backs and paint their houses. They would not care because it all ultimately comes down to the fact that they hate him because he is a black man in the WH. And for Bernie not to say this reeks of mendacity and says more about Bernie than it does the President.
What bunk. This is the sort of crap Obama's opponents were trying to spread before the 2012 election, which he won 53-47%.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was only me, but the more I see of Bernie Sanders the less I like him.
Sanders is right about Obama. What he and Gryphen are wrong about is the lack of bipartisanship in DC. Both party establishments are in lock step agreement on the important issues -- Propping up too big to fail banks at the expense of the Main Street Economy and the American people, and the quest for US hegemony throughout the world regardless of how many have to die in its name. All the rest is just a smoke screen to divert the attention of the ignorant while they get their pockets picked.
ReplyDeleteWhat is he right about? That Obama didn't have the leadership ability to bridge the gap created by a republican congress who was dead set against working with him from the very beginning? He is not right about Obama.
DeleteYou betcha! What I like about Bernie is that he hasn't personally enriched himself at the behest of the lobbyists or sought to make bank off his senatorial position.
DeleteHis net worth is about the same as mine, not many people who have been a Senator as long as Bernie can say that.
Joe Biden.
DeleteThat does it. I am done with Bernie. This is exactly what I absolutely HATE about some progressives. This is why we lost both houses. We run against ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThat's why you should vote Republican, at least you know what you are getting :-)
DeleteNot a smart move by Sanders.
ReplyDeleteBernie cannot win the presidency. He will never survive what the GOP and their echo chamber will throw at him. All the opposition research will come out and Bernie will be dead in the water. Not to mention the fact that his promises of free health care and free college will never happen. The crazed right will certainly not vote for this 'socialist' and smart Americans know this and will never vote for him.
Hillary is beating Sanders in all other states, and when the primary moves to Nevada, South Carolina and Super Tuesday, Hillary will beat Sanders like a drum. Enjoy your New Hampshire win while it lasts.
I'm with Hillary 2016.
~ Older and wiser.
Gee, let's see Bernie Sanders is heading in to South Carolina, a state that in the 2008 Democratic primary Barack Obama took 55% of the vote as opposed to Hillary's 26%.
DeleteLooks like the Dems like the underdog there in South Carolina. It's also the state where Bill Clinton went on his anti-Obama rages and had to be muzzled before the primary before he did any more damage; people don't forget, especially people in the South.
They don't like the Clintons in SC, she will lose this one too.
LIKE! ;-)
DeleteGee, Clinton is polling at more than 60% in SC.
DeleteThis isn't 2008.
The assumption that Bernie Sanders with no credentials would beat Donald Trump with no credentials is truly laughable.
ReplyDeleteAmerica gave the world George W. Bush. You'd think that would be enough embarrassment for a while.
It's far reaching to believe HRC could bet Trump, Dems are fed up with the corps owning politics!
DeleteThis is the first bad quote from Bernie that has hit me. He could just as easily have made the same point by saying he will build upon Pres Obama's huge accomplishments. Bad, Bernie, bad.
ReplyDeleteThere was also his quote about Planned Parenthood, that they are part of the establishment...right after they were raked over the coals for months by the establishment.
DeleteIt felt like sour grapes then (because PP had endorsed Hillary Clinton).
It feels a little like sour grapes now (because Pres Obama has said good things about Hillary Clinton).
So you're basically saying "question the credentials of King Obama and you're dead to me"? Childish, absolutely childish.
ReplyDeleteThere are bigger things at stake here than a few bruised egos, besides lots of Dems are always telling Bernie to grow some Hillary sized-balls, but when he uses them and says what he thinks he gets knocked down.
Dems better unite, and soon, or say hello to President Trump (or Rubio, or Bush, or really, any of them you don't want.)
Nobody is saying he can't criticize Pres Obama. But do it in a way that isn't bullshit.
DeleteMaybe some Sanders people should heed the same warning, because the rhetoric against Clinton is getting so bad there will be a lot of people taking their ball and going home if Sanders doesn't get the nom.
Exactly which Democrats are telling Sanders to grow some balls? His own supporters, maybe?
DeleteRight! 11:46... criticize President Obama for selling the Coast Guard to BP when the Gulf was murdered.
DeleteBut no one can touch the man when it comes to dedication and organization and compassion for his countrymen.
Personally, i think President Obama realized early on that the Gulf was fucked and he 'peaced out' knowing all he would be able to do was shake his head in sadness. That's what i choose to believe about it.
I've never been a Bernie fan, but I do admit that he is a savvy politician. I don't think this was a misstep. It's highly calculated. He's praising Obama just enough (in the last debate, he used the word "excellent") to assuage progressives. But now he's criticizing Obama, because he knows he might be able to siphon off votes from the Trump crown. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteYou're incorrect. He's feeding the progressives who are disappointed in Obama.
DeleteA savvy politician wouldn't have just thrown the minority vote out the window.
DeleteObama is an awful leader and has zero career. Now, he will have deserved opportunities like bush jr. Sad.
ReplyDeleteDumb you are.
DeleteLOl, a Peebot. Someone put out the puppy pads.
DeleteWhy is it that tweeters can comment on Bernies senatorial record and Obama was given as huge pass for being the second most unqualified person to be president? Shame on us as democrats.
ReplyDeleteIf you really think that Obama was not qualified to be President after all that he achieved, then don't bother trying to convince us that you are a Democrat, we already know what you are.
DeleteObviously the comment was in direct response to what Sanders said about leadership and not about experience.
DeleteYou don't sound like a democrat if you're throwing out the "Obama was unqualified" shit.
DeleteWhat are Bernie's accomplishments, he has sat on his ass and done nothing while collecting his government checks and benefits.
If Bernie was such a leader why hasn't he done anything in 25 yrs?
President Obama should be promoted to President of the World because of his experience of dealing with the Party of Tea.
DeleteHe ran the BEST organized campaigns and has been the BEST president EVER ~ not just in my life (i'm 59).
I find it amazing after eight years of following this site daily; sometimes twice daily,that I finally have the courage to post and it's not about Sarah Palin!
ReplyDeleteTo me, President Obama is the best President we have ever had (I'm 48). I currently have a favorable opinion of Bernie Sanders. What Bernie said, is not enough to make me stop supporting his campaign. Even though President Obama had to deal with Republican obstructionists(word?), there were times he could have tried to bridge the gap. That is all Mr. Sanders is saying. President Clinton was the best example of this. He knew he had to deal with republicans and democrats alike.
I am voting for Bernie Sanders in the primary but if he loses, I will probably vote for Hilary Clinton. His comment should not sway anyone one way or the other; but I do believe there are many people that need to read about Hilary Clinton's voting record as Senator and the flip-flopping she has done.
Do you really think Pres Obama didn't try to bridge the gap?
Deleteyou are spamming this every which way but loose
DeleteWhat is the big deal about these comments from Bernie? In the SOTU Obama himself said that his failure to bring together the parties was his "biggest regret". Of course it should be a goal to convince the other side that your agenda is better, even if it is unlikely this will occur.
ReplyDeleteAnd why the claim that you shouldn't vote for Bernie because his ideas cannot succeed? If you want to move towards reducing income inequality and move towards single payer, you should vote for Bernie. This county is doomed if we do not.
Here's what I don't like about his comments. He is acting as if that he could have done better, that he will do better, and that Pres Obama didn't do well because of a lack of leadership. I like Sanders's take on economic issues, but I don't like him making comments about why the current president couldn't magically break through the wall of republican defeatists.
DeleteBerniebro cleanup aisle 1124
DeleteBernie's been eating too many of his own sandwiches.
ReplyDeleteA recent endorsement for Clinton, this time from the Congressional Black Caucus. Good!
(Really unsupported,stupid comments about President Obama from Sanders. Sanders must know his charges are not warranted but thinks he's boosted by them somehow?!?)
But what about the Congressional White Caucus, who are they for? Oh wait, never mind...
DeleteRep. Keith Ellison Verified account
Cong'l Black Caucus (CBC) has NOT endorsed in presidential. Separate CBCPAC endorsed withOUT input from CBC membership, including me.
As Congressional Black Caucus PAC Prepares to Back Clinton, Barbara Lee Withholds Endorsement
Sen. Bernie Sanders claims he was an organizer with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and he attended the March on Washington in 1963.
ReplyDeleteRep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), the preeminent voice on civil rights in Congress, downplayed Sanders' involvement with the SNCC and the movement during the CBC PAC's press conference Thursday.
"I never saw him, I never met him. I was chair of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee for three years -- 1963 to 1966," he said. "I was involved in the sit-ins, the freedom rides, the March on Washington, the march from Selma to Montgomery. I directed the board of education project for six years. I met Hillary Clinton. I met President Clinton."
DeleteNot only is Bernie's involvement in the SNCC suspect, why does Bernie have to go back to the 1963 to give an example.
DeleteSure, the GOP House and Senate is going to rally right behind Miss Benghazi? Hello they're still trying to hang her for that, why in the world do you think they'd ever work with her as POTUS? Benghazi POTUS is all she'd ever be to them and they'd never let her forget.
ReplyDeleteThey aren't going to work with any Democrat or even Bernie. Get over it. It's not going to magically change if Bernie gets elected.
DeleteHe thinks if millions vote for a President that the GOP is going to change? He is either senile or slept through the last 8 yrs.
Bernie Bots will blame minority people because we were too stupid to believe in Unicorns when Bernie goes down in flames.
ReplyDeleteOB is the best of the best,
ReplyDeleteGlad he found offices for his Goldman Sachs friends!
ReplyDelete(sigh + broken heart)
HRC will blame her loss on monica
ReplyDeleteGryph: I believe that Brian Fallon (who sent the tweet) is Hillary Clinton's spokesperson, NOT White House spokesperson. Just wanted to put the correct info. out there.....
ReplyDeleteOops, sorry I got that wrong.
DeleteCorrected now.
Sanders is really beginning to get up my nose. He's been banging on about Wall street since day one as though no other problem exists and spouts these plans of unhinged fiscal grandeur that will supposedly fix everything. "Give me a break".
ReplyDeleteThis whole thread is premature. Everyone is quoting a Politico article about an interview that hasn't even aired yet! I'll have an opinion AFTER I see the interview. Give me a break!