Friday, March 18, 2016

Cell phone footage from inside LaVoy Finicum's truck before, during, and after he was shot by law enforcement.

Just so you know the footage does NOT show Finicum being shot, however it is somewhat graphic in nature.

I found this footage on Reddit yesterday and I thought that it was worth sharing, if for no other reason than to give some perspective on what the people in the vehicle were thinking and how they perceived the police actions directed at them.

The video is a little confusing so here is a different perspective of the incident as taken from a helicopter. 


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Thanks for posting this.
      I was going to do the same!

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Not at all surprised that COWS supported it. Southern Oregon is redneck country to the max!

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM


    4. Anonymous4:05 PM

    5. Anonymous8:20 AM

      And one of those COWS that went to lend a hand at the refuge was none other than Oregon State rep. Dallas Heard.
      Why not Drop him a line and tell him EXACTLY how you feel about the treasonous turd.

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    That was INSANE!

  3. I saw this a couple weeks ago. They proudly posted it as some sort of proof of God knows what.

    "See he was unarmed!" "this was murder!"
    Well no I didn't see that and I'm surprised he wasn't shot when he ran the roadblock.

  4. He was a moron who asked to be killed by cops, and they abided him. Moron par excelance

  5. Anonymous3:21 PM

    "Stupid is as stupid does"
    These slow witted fools created all this drama for themselves and their grift.
    They are lucky to be alive.They got off pretty easy.

  6. Anonymous3:21 PM

    My bus to work drops me off right across the street from where they're sitting it out. I'm more than pleased that their trial has been postponed until September. Have a nice time, boys and girl!

  7. Anonymous3:27 PM

    If LaVoy were black, how many seconds into this video do you think he'd have been shot? I'd say about 10 seconds in, leaning out of the car like that and yelling.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      What does that have to do with this incident? If levoy were black this never would have happened in the first place.
      I believe that the authorities were concerned about other incidents (Waco, Ruby Ridge) that had turned out very badly and were trying to avoid it happening again.
      This was NOT a black/white thing so stop trying to make it part of the discussion. Remember this happened in rural Oregon, not urban Baltimore.

  8. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Kudos to the young girl "Sis".

  9. Anonymous4:31 PM

    The government should bill the deceased guys family for the bullet that killed him.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:04 PM

    There's too much wrong. Someone gag that woman with the ass crack showing, who takes kids to a takeover of government land without cell phone reception? What brave people they are, taking human shields! Kinda like Sarah did with Propp.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      The one with her crack showing was "the child". She is Victoria Sharp and is part of the "gospel singing family" from KS that went to the refuge to sing for the militants. The one telling her to get out first was Shawna Cox. They both lied when they said they watched LaVoy being killed. They didn't see anything as they freely admit in the video. My favorite part is when the car fills with gas and Victoria is ready to surrender and she asked Shawna if she's wearing a white bra.

    2. fromthediagonal11:10 AM

      Seems that the revolution can't go on without blush and blue eye shadow.

      Yes, you may call me callous.

  11. Anonymous5:52 PM

    As I watch this I couldn't help but think of glenn beck and his ilk smh.

  12. Anonymous5:59 PM

    As a non white older female I look at this clip thinking they had no idea that any law enforcement officer in the USA was going to soot at a white man. Guess what, it Fing happened. The domestic terrorist is dead and I will dance on his grave.

  13. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Because this is my state, and was all over the news, I listened to the last of them coming out. David Fry, "I have this gun to my head!" In the end, his life was more than what they supposedly stood for.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      I'm ashamed to claim the freaks sitting in their house playing "on the radio" as my fellow Washingtonians. Pretty close to where I live, actually. I listened the night before, and then the next morning as it ended. "All they had to do was give me my marijuana." was another nugget from the poor delusional Mr. Fry. He came West on a lark to join the core group, and was planning to leave when the chit hit the fan. I feel some sympathy for him. As for LaVoy-be careful what you wish for. There ya go, no life in a concrete room for you.

  14. I gonna try this the next time a cop pulls me over. Tell the cops I've got shit to do and they can come with me if they want. Wonder what would happen. These guys are nuts.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Don't call the cops. Call this guy.
      He is one of the Oregon officials that felt they needed to give some comfort to these assholes.

  15. Anonymous7:22 PM

    They got what they deserved. Taking kids to something like this to use as shields shows what cowards they actually were.

    Hope they spend the rest of their worthless lives in jail. Three hots and a cot on OUR dime.

  16. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Bristol's instagram is down? Did her handler cut the umbilicus to social media?

  17. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Well there is one thing they said I agree with... "we need help". Indeed you do need help, psychiatric help!
    And lets clear something up you were not ambushed morons, you ran a police roadblock and broke the law again for the umpteenth million time.

  18. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I live in Okanogan County in WA., a blood red splotch in a blue state. Our three county commissioners are psychos, of the same mindset as these yahooooos. It has just come to light that they have spent thousands of dollars on supporting this bunch,with donations to some nut group that I can't recall right now, flying to their conventions, membership dues, all kinds of crap that taxpayers didn't know they were paying for. One of them is a total nut, frequently ranting about "the idiots on the west side" not realizing that without that side of the state, this side could not function. He went on his Fakebook page after this and just ranted like a paranoid fool against the gubmint-so embarrassing if you're a sane person. Unfortunately he's not up for ousting this year, but the other 2 are. Maybe not surprising, Sarah's kin live here, about 60 miles from me. I'm sure they support the county clods. This is where she stopped off for a family wedding a couple years ago, after using up some donated funds flying around to endorse some idiots. She was surprised that there were no people at the airport-like a paved pasture, really-to welcome her.

    1. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Hope all these assclowns get locked up for their crimes. Stealing from the taxpayers to fund sedition.

      Info on a couple of RWNJs connected to Okanogan County WA:

    2. Anonymous8:02 AM

      I grew up with family in Omak/Okanogan, 9:35 PM, somemstill there and been up there many times. It is as you say.

  19. Anonymous11:48 PM

    That's a fancy vehicle he's driving -- captain's chairs and the like. Is that his or one they stole from the refuge?

    I assume it's his, paid for by the guvmint money he gets for holding 11 foster children hostage.

  20. Crystal Sage8:10 AM

    And then their mantra: "Save us God; keep us safe." Yeah, sure. Make a stupid, hateful decision and expect a higher power to get you out. How'd that work out for ya? LaVoy probably thought that the authorities would back down. Instead, the video shows that he committed "suicide by cop."


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