Friday, March 18, 2016

Radar Online has new documents that show Bristol Palin using every excuse in the book to deny Dakota Meyer his visitation rights.

Courtesy of Radar Online:  

Right out of the gate, Palin’s attorneys state, “The visitation schedule proposed by [Meyer] is different from the schedule previously agreed to by the parties, and the first time Ms. Palin saw this proposed schedule is when” she saw Meyer had filed it with the court. 

Meyer’s proposed plan to visit his daughter places “undue burden and hardship on Ms. Palin and her family,” the documents claim. He asked to meet her in Anchorage at 7:30 a.m. on the days he has his daughter, but Palin complained she’d have to “leave her home in Wasilla by 6:00 a.m.” to get there. She also claimed that his proposed drop-off time of 6 p.m. was “unreasonably late.”

Apparently Bristol told told the court that her job, you know the one that she leaves any damn time she pleases, us "unpredictable" and she is never sure when she might have the day off or even at what time she might need to be at work.

First a non-existent breastfeeding schedule and now this?

Bristol also shared text messages with the court to show that her relationship with Meyer has become strained over this.

In the messages, obtained by Radar, she repeatedly badgers Meyer to settle visitation dates with her, as he refers her to his attorney and the court. 

“I’m not fighting with you,” Palin insists, but can’t totally restrain her emotions. Told that Meyer filed a proposed schedule with the court, she resounded “That’s news to me…Why can’t you send me the dates directly.” 

“I am busy with work and two kids, I’m not fully up to date on emails,” she rants. “Like I told you months ago, it’s easiest to connect with me directly, so I know what’s going on. Not legal documents that have tons of attachments. … I have to get up everyday at 4:30.”

Clearly Bristol is trying to trick Dakota into working this whole thing out without the court's involvement, because she knows they will protect his interests and call her out on her manipulative bullshit. 

However clearly he is getting good advice about keeping the communication about the visitation between the lawyers, and is now going to Radar Online to embarrass her in public. and pressure her to play by the rules.

That is EXACTLY the right way to deal with the Palins.

Trust me if Dakota caved and started to negotiate with Bristol in private she would do everything she could think of to make him feel guilty, use her "job" and her fantasy breastfeeding schedule to manipulate him, and in the end lie to the media about things he supposedly agreed to and that he in some way threatened, harassed, or attempted to intimidate her.

If I were Dakota I would have NO communications with that were not through his attorney or witnessed by a third party.


  1. Seriously, is she capable of telling the truth? At all?

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Hmmm I guess JT isn't telling her anything? Dakota should not communicate with her in anyway except through the courts. She should be thrown in jail for contempt!
      What a fucking bitch!
      Lets see her time cards from the "job" and lets see her taxes from that job?!

    2. Anonymous12:32 PM

      11:23, what she is actually saying is that her attorney e-mails her all the court documents, but she doesn't read them. She's apparently too busy going to Hawaii, to "cabin weekend," and posting endorsements on Instagram.

    3. Anonymous12:33 PM

      The teabagging skin doctor and the entire clan scratch the backs of the Palins so time cards cannot be trusted. But yeah, let's see her taxes!

    4. Anonymous12:34 PM


    5. Anonymous1:49 PM

      So, all of a sudden, she does not have a fulltime job?
      HMMM... How convenient that this just so happens when her daughter's father wants to see his daughter!
      Also, too: It's an inconvenience for her to drop off the kid at 7:30 and pick her up at 6pm? How about the inconvenience for Dakota to have to drop everything every two weeks and fly all the way to Alaska in order to see his daughter?! He not only has to spend time up there, but he also has to go to the airport, take the flight (how many hours does that take?), then rent a car in Alaska and a hotel room. Talking about EXPENSIVE!!! And inconvenient. Maybe it might be better for you, Bri$$y, to relinquish your daughter for 1/2 year at a time?
      Or maybe it would be even better if you actually would find her REAL bio father...

    6. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Why TF does she 'have to get up at 4:30' every morning? Her 'job' starts at 9am. It takes her three hours to get ready?
      Also, IF she really would get up at 4:30 am every morning, wouldn't you think that she would go to bed early, too? Remember the TV show with the 'wife swap', where Tripp was up until way late? At that time, he was more or less a little tyke, still, and no reasonable mother would leave a young child like that up all by himself. (She was supposedly working all that time with Dr. JackMeOff, so I assume that she had the same schedule then like she has now, right?!)
      Dakota: don't take the bait! She just does not want you to bond with your child and potentially take the child's DNA!

    7. Anonymous2:41 PM

      I'm pretty sure that her "Dr." employer fakes a W-2 for her. It's HIS tax returns that need a fine scrutiny rather than the Stool's.

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Gets up at 4:30am yet meeting Dakota at 7:30am, an hour away in Anchorage would be a hardship? She's told the world before that she works full time yet now only works sporadically, basically is on call? Guess that explains why she can take off on a whim whenever she pleases; she's not necessary staff.

    Wow, she is just full of contradictions in her attempt to keep Dakota away from his daughter. She truly is pathological in her need to keep her children away from their fathers. I think it all stems from the trauma of having Trig taken from her; she's deathly afraid that she will lose another.

    She's digging this hole fast and deep.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      I was surprised that Bristol was the one to make the drop-off. I thought for sure they would use a 3rd party. That may be the solution then Bristol can do what she needs to and Dakota can get his visitation as scheduled. I'm sure Mother's Day could have been negotiated if she had shown good faith in with this agreement.

    2. The only reason Barstool wants to keep communication with Dakota personal and exclusive is to control his access to his daughter. Being the gigantic narcissist that she is she simply MUST make anything and everything all about her.

    3. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Apparently, the court ordered that. In her Motion to Reconsider, she wants Dakota to do all the picking up and dropping off.

    4. Anonymous1:40 PM

      who is the family member she drops off at school every morning at 7:15 (Piper? Trig?) Why is it her responsibility when they have they have two parents (OK 1.5 after Toad's "accident." And two other adult siblings. Is there not school bus service in Wasilly?

      Judge should say her primary obligation is to the kids she CHOSE to have. So yes, a couple times per month, she has to drop Tripp off early at sitters - but isn't there a before school program at his school? And if not, why can't those family member (Sarah, Toad, Willow, Track) do her a favor and watch or drop off Tripp - you know, when they take that other family member to school? And didn't we hear how Molly and Sarah and Chuckles JR were always a picking' up and transportin' each other's kids back when she was $arah was runnin' for office? Suddenly there is no extended family in Wasilly? Reminds me of the story she told about how there were no neighbors when the stalker showed up, yet $arah was complaining about the neighbor looking in her daughter's window. Sheesh, you think they would make an effort to keep their lies straight. Guess there's just too many lies.

    5. Anonymous2:42 PM

      She takes Trig and Tripp to school since they both attend the same one.

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Seriously, she's a palin; need we ask?

  4. Someone please tell Bristol a definition of insanity is doing the same things all over again and expecting a different result.

    1. angela 11:13 AM wrote: omeone please tell Bristol a definition of insanity is … :-)

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The games she played with Levi are not going to work with Dakota. It sounds like he is getting good advice from his lawyer and the only way to deal with a Palin is thru a lawyer and the court.

  6. Anonymous11:17 AM

    You are never supposed to inconvenience a Palin...

  7. Anonymous11:20 AM

    So is Dakota in Alaska today visiting with his daughter? Inquiring minds want to know.

  8. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Dakota saw firsthand what happened when she worked out an arrangement with Levi outside of the courts. She reneged a few months later and moved Trip to Kentucky. Dakota would be a fool to take him at his word.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      I am sure Dakota saw Bristol badmouth and try to screw with Levi. Little did she know, Dakota learned her little tricks.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      She probably got totally wasted with Duh and shared all the stories of how she totally fucked Levi over, all before she knew she was pregnant with MAYBE Duh's baby. I bet she threw up tons of tales of Palin perfidy and now he has all that in his mind as he has his lawyer hit her where it hurts.

  9. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Boo Freaking Hoo, Brissy, plenty of us have to get up early, and don't even start with that "job" business again. Your shtick is getting old.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Nice to have a "job" that allows you maternity leave and then, vacation all within a couple of months. She is using this bullshit job as a tool, just like she uses her kids. Apple doesn't fall far in this fucked up family.

  10. BearWoman11:23 AM

    And yet she has plenty of time for instagram photos and comments and the same on facebook..... Poor thing! So much to do and no time to actually read! /snark

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      I don't think reading is one of her strong points, much less actually understanding legal documents forwarded to her from her Mother's lawyer.

      Remember, Bristol is functionally retarded, a breeder, a partier and a social media whore, but basically the mind of a 13 year old in the now 25 year old body.

      They should have 'fixed' her back after she had Tripp, just to save her from herself.

      She's lost as many babies as she's birthed; momma took Trig and what the hell happened to the one in her tummy during DWTS?

      I hope her parents step up soon and do the right thing with this retarded girl because she just keeps hurting other people and children with her infantile ways.

      You can tell that Trig is retarded because of his DS countenance. Girls like Bristol, they think no one knows because she looks normal, but that girl is messed up in the head.

  11. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Let's see - meeting at 7:30am allows her to get to work on time; drop off at 6:00pm allows her time to finish her day at work and meet to pick up Sailor. Now we find out she never knows when she will be required to work... She has never figured out that kids are not always a convenience.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      She doesn't say she gets called in to work with Dr jack Me-off* unexpectedly, just that she is told to not show up sometimes when she is scheduled???

      So maybe she could catch up on all her emails and blogging on those days when she suddenly has some free time? Because the kids are already at school and daycare aren't they?

      Or maybe Dr Jack Me-off* does walkins? So all the treatments and workers wouldn't be scheduled in advance?


    2. Anonymous11:59 AM

      I'm really starting to think that Dr's office is a front for prostitution. The Dr. is about 100 years old, and some days there are no appointments? And sometimes she doesn't know until that day that she won't be working? Aren't appointments scheduled, so they would know in advance if there was a free day? Must be a shitty Dr if he never knows if he'll have patients or not.

      Also Bristol states that DM wanted to pick Sailor up at her job but she says that a Dr's office is no place for a child. Yet, didn't she take pictures of Sailor in the doctors office when she was only 1 month old?

    3. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Maybe she's a paid escort.

    4. Anonymous12:24 PM

      According to a recent post by Marina the office has moved.

    5. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Wouldn't want Dakota to go to the wrong business address or have them listed in his documents.

      Marina Lupas feeling excited.

      March 11 at 11:02pm ·

      After a long week of moving our office to a new location I'm extremely excited to see my patients tomorrow 💁🏼🤗🙋🏼

    6. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Is the new location 4305 Minnesota Drive?

    7. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Is that in Anchorage, or in Wasilla?

    8. Anonymous2:50 PM

      He's lost his ass because of no business so he's just moved into a much smaller space where he can kill another assistant by botching her liposuction and face lift.

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM

    There's that boob pic again!
    Like heck she wasn't lactating!

  13. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Heaven forbid, do not burden her with legal documents with tons of attachments. She is too busy. Just text her - who needs lawyers. Only the Palins can dump legal documents on whoever is not bending to their will.

    1. Bitchol11:39 AM

      If you can't tweet that filing to me then don't bother!

    2. I'm pretty sure her tiny brain can't process much more than a text.

  14. Abstinence failures and inarticulate conceptions11:29 AM

    "Like I told you months ago, it’s easiest to connect with me directly,"

    Ummmm wasn't Dakota connecting directly with Bristol what got this shitshow started?

  15. Pat in MA11:30 AM

    she is such an idiot. Whining about having two kids (well DUH, you could have prevented that) and having to get up at 6am, oh the humanity! I thought he was going to get overnight visits. Regardless, her claim that 6 pm is "unreasonably late" is absolute BS. Good for him for keeping lawyers involved, it's clearly driving the manipulative b*tch nuts.

  16. Anonymous11:30 AM

    So I guess DM didn't get to meet his daughter today? She's behind on emails because she went on vacation in HI and then came back and went to the cabin.

    Is she just stupid? She gets up at 4:30 am, but 6pm is too early to leave to meet DM at 7:30am? WTF? Stop taking 2 hours to put on make-up and take selfies. And 6 pm is too late? Why? I thought he'd get overnights starting in May anyway. This bish is a receptionist/esthetician, yet she's so important that she's on call??? We knew her job was extremely flexible, but really? I think she only goes in to visit Marina and take selfies. Bristol your lies are catching up with you. Let the man see his kid you selfish child.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Now we know why someone posted this 5:40 am ad for the dirty poison lake drink or was it 310 shake?

      She looks like she gets up early. March 15 she was probably still at the cabin.

      March 17, 2016

      If she keeps up her crap he will need to have a court date and call in the office and Iron Dog to learn what she is really up to. How safe is the baby?

      The office account has the books, has she been doing 2 sets of books? One for Bristol.

  17. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Doesn't she have an attorney that gets all papers from the court? Why doesn't she ask him to text her since she is too busy to read all of the documentation?

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Exactly! Her lawyer can read "all the attachments" and things and work out a schedule with Dakota's lawyers that will be acceptable to the court. Enough of this Bristol drama.
      The bottom line is that she doesn't want Sailor's DNA collected by a certified witness, and then compared to Dakota's, also witnessed. When the irrefutable results come out: Dakota and Sailor are not related in any way, then the whole Bristol drama is hers and hers alone. Well played, Dakota.

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      she's trying to cut out the 'middle men/woman' in this matter! doesn't work that way sweets! it doesn't work that way! :-0

  18. Pat in MA11:32 AM

    she is such an idiot. Whining about having two kids (well DUH, you could have prevented that) and having to get up at 4:30am, oh the humanity! Parenting is so haaaaaard. I thought he was going to get overnight visits. Regardless, her claim that 6 pm is "unreasonably late" is absolute BS. Good for him for keeping lawyers involved, it's clearly driving the manipulative b*tch nuts.

  19. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Isn't it a little inconvenient for Dakota to have to fly to Alaska every two weeks to see his daughter?

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Oh, but that doesn't matter. It's only Bristol's inconvenience that matters.

  20. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Again, what about Sailor and what's best for her? This man has committed to travel thousands of miles twice a month to see his child, yet Bristol is only concerned about how convenient the times are for her. Don't you think traveling out of state is inconvenient for DM, Bristol? And it's your fault that he has to do it. You got ahead of yourself and now Sailor has to pay the price.

    Get over yourself Brissie. I hope the judge rules for immediate overnight visits to shut her up. Then she'll only have to get up early 1 day and the baby will get home at 6pm on one night.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Yep. If it's so inconvenient, then just give the guy the kid for the four days biweekly he asked for. One drop off, one pick up. What's the issue.

  21. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Bristal didn't look all that bad with the old, original chin that God gave her.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      She actually was a pretty girl - on the outside at least.

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Keyword: was
      She looks like a freak now!

  22. Anonymous11:43 AM

    How soon before the Judge puts a gag order on her to stop her from "leaking" text messages trying to drum up sympathy and trash Dakota?

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Those texts appear to have been submitted as part of the court docs. And Dakota isn't necessarily sending them to Radar. Radar follows or subscribes to may a court docket feed.

  23. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I guess the question of the day is - Did Dakota get to see his daughter today?

  24. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I hope Dakota gets to meet Sailor today and see Tripp!

  25. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Why the hell does she have to get up at 4:30 every day?

    I remember her pretending the same thing when she was telling her sob story of being a teen mom with Tripp. She had to get up in the wee hours so she could get Tripp ready for something and write papers for some nonexistant community college English course.

    I had two kids under the age of 2 and a (real) full time job and I never had to get up that early to get them and myself ready in the morning.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      She doesn't even have a job. Check out tax filings. Zip,nope,natta.

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      SO why would she commute to such a far away job anyway? If you have two kids, you don't DO a three hour commute daily. Either move closer to the job, or get a different job.

  26. Anonymous11:50 AM

    She wants everything to be unofficial so she can manipulate Dakota like she did Levi.

    Let's keep the courts out of it, right Bristol?

    The smartest thing Dakota can do is to keep everything above board and only communicate through his lawyer.

  27. Anonymous11:51 AM

    How do you go from "full time job for 6 years" to unpredictable work requirements? Only in Palin world.

  28. Anonymous11:53 AM

    If you follow the links on Radar online it says she takes Tripp to childcare and a family member to school everyday at 7:15am. Who's the family member, Piper or Trig? Are they both living with Bristol?

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM


    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      @ 11:53 AM - Why would she still be taking Tripp to childcare? Isn't he old enough at 7 yrs. to be attending a regular school?

  29. Anonymous11:54 AM

    He needs to stop answering her. The matter is before the court and they both are represented. The parties shouldn't be communicating directly.

  30. Anonymous11:55 AM

    This is my favorite part:

    One issue complicating matters, Palin claims, is that her job is very unpredictable. Palin says she works beginning at 9 am., but “Ms. Palin may not work at all on days when her employer cancels or does not have appointments for the day. Changes to Ms. Palin’s work schedule may occur as late as that morning.”

    What kind of a full time job is that? How does she manage child care when she doesn't know her day-to-day schedule?

    And what does any of it have to do with Dakota Meyer getting time with his daughter.

    (Of course, we know it's all crap. No job works that way. It's probably the other way around. Bristol lets them know that morning if she's coming in for the day.)

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Her job description truly brings out how totally uneducated Bristol is about the world around her! Real people work and have careers that require scheduling and show people throughout our country having full and workable lives. But, not the Palins! None of them have working skills (except for Todd when he was on the Slope in Alaska!) or histories.

      All the Palins are fucked up individuals! There isn't one of them that is sane and competent!

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      And what does it matter- if the change occurs that morning, she's already up, so she drives in to Anchorage and can visit friends or go shopping. She chose the job, she chose to have a kid with an out of state daddy (or at least to try to pin the birth on him)

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      I think her job consists of showing up at jackmeoff's office whenever her mother has a 'treatment' due. THAT'S her 'job'. Who better to know(and keep quiet) about what sarrah has going on with her face than the daughter she bought? They know so much shit on each other.

  31. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Isn't SarahPac paying her attorney to keep her informed? They need to re-negotiate her contract to include text updates.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      They should use snapchat so everything automatically disappears!

  32. Anonymous11:57 AM

    As long as there aren't legal documents filed with the court the Palins can say anything they want in the court of public opinion. Isn't that what they did to Levi? Dakota has an attorney who is looking out for his interests and his daughter.

  33. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Bristol can't keep up with all her emails, but she has time to blog?

    Her blog post yesterday had one embedded video, an image and five hotlinks. Also a few paragraphs with no grammatical or spelling errors. A real masterpiece of blogging, but she can't (or won't?) keep up with one of her own custody cases?


    btw- Jeebus is what her latest post was about, the jeebus screechers and god botherers that violate the laws at public schools.

    Anyway, this is getting too long for most of the Palins to read.

    Bristol obvi needs to reorient her priorities and improve her time management skills! If she just learns to blog and IG faster then she will have more time for the important things in her life. She can do it! She has at least two kids and breastfeeds. She has written a few books and been a nationally known abstinence advocate. She had a 3.497 GPA in high school and still plans to go to collage. She's a hard ass worker and house flipper.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Great post! Amazing that she never lists blogging as her job, since ya know, they pretend she's writing this shit. -sjp

  34. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I hope the Mother's Day was an oversight on his part. It's easy to forget that date or confuse it. But he does need to also tell her directly the schedule he wants. She's shown she will accommodate him by that text where she says "should I bring her to work or do you want to meet here?" But 730a is unreasonable. Common sense would be 830/9-4/5.

    Bristol is not against him seeing her and has shown it. She knows she has no reason to distrust him since he's not a liar and doesn't have mentally ill family members like another ex.

    Hopefully these things can stop being commented on by biased ignorant people and a reasonable schedule can be agreed upon.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Thanks for your views, Piper!

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      You should know about mental illness, considering...

    3. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Satire of Alicia?

    4. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Well why don't you shut the fuck up then, being the biased and ignorant person that you are.

    5. Anonymous12:36 PM

      You sound like someone in the Palin camp, 12:03 PM. Or, perhaps you are a Palin?

      Dakota, you needs to work everything through your attorneys and not through the Palins or the press!!!

      Bristol is the daughter of Sarah Palin and has been taught by her. Liars, frauds and nasty bitches, both of them!

      Be very careful, Dakota due to the Palins having a proven history of being so dirty in so many phases of their lives!

      Also, recommend you talk to Levi and his wife as to their experience throughout the years with Bristol, Sarah and Todd! Their custodial issues have just been finalized through the Court system!

    6. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Nonsense, Alicia! He only needs to do things through his lawyer.

    7. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Just can't keep irrelevant Johnston family members out of it, can you. Jealous much?

    8. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Hi Brancy (Nancy French)!
      Having a child visir her dad is not a 9-5 job. Sorry. It is very reasonable that Dakota wants to have the child for the times his lawyer suggested. Most of the time, the baby is going to be asleep, so he will not be able to do anything with her. That is why he wants the extended time.

    9. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Fu_k Alicia Mangelsdorf. Talk about a PATHETIC excuse for a human being. No job. No future. No life.

    10. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Alicia's got brand new made up avatars all over the Radar article. She lives her life through Bristol and says the same crap over and over and over. Easily recognizable. Sunny stalker & Sadie hater.

  35. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Had to LMAO reading the court documents where it is stated Dakota can't pick up Sailor at barstools work because it is not appropriate to bring her to work......that liar posted a pic with Sailor at work saying it was bring your daughter to work day. Add that to the LONG list of lies!!!! Good luck Dakota!

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Exactly - it's what - dermatology? not the infectious disease ward.

    2. Homer Simpson1:54 PM

      I'd like to thank the Palins for making me look smart! I'm going to drink a few beers to celebrate before I go to work at the plant!

  36. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Poor, poor Bristol. I hope the judge on this custody case tears her to shreds. it's her obligation to pay attention to what she receives from the attorneys and from the court. Part of the problem may be that she doesn't read too well. And then there's the apparent rift between Bristol and her mom. Has Sarah been helping with the slamming of MOH lately? Sarah may be too busy having to look concerned about her husband and about her DS child and may not be inclined to pitch in yet again to help Bristol clean up her messes.

    How much did Levi Johnston have to spend over 7 years to finally get a decent settlement? MOH better be saving up to spend lots of money over the next several years if he ever wants to see his (?) child.

  37. Anonymous12:11 PM

    "“Like I told you months ago, it’s easiest to connect with me directly, so I know what’s going on. Not legal documents that have tons of attachments. … I have to get up everyday at 4:30.” "

    Well, sure, that's easiest for Bristol. But that's not how things work when you have a custody case. And it's sure as hell not best for Sailor or smartest for Dakota. He's doing exactly the right thing.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Can't wait until she tells the judge this is the reason she hasn't done something the judge ordered...

  38. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Up at 4:30? Exactly how long does it take to put fake eyebrows on?
    6:00 pm unreasonably late? Wonder what time she drug Sailor to airports and the cabin and back? Seems dragging a little baby around isn't about inconveniencing the infant, but just her mother. What a horrible bitch!

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Babies that age 2-4 month sleep anywhere, anytime. END OF STORY.

  39. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Why doesn't Dakota find a motel or something close to Bristols house. Why Anchorage. He could pick up before she heads off to work and drop her off when she gets off work...

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Maybe he doesn't want to spend 4 days in armpit Wasilla?

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Would you want to be stuck in Wasilla for four days?

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Isn't it already enough that he has to fly out to Alaska every two weeks to see his daughter?! What is a little inconvenience for Bar$tool to get her a$$ to Anchorage?!

    4. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Maybe Dakota is staying on Base.

    5. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Hey there is a hotel right on the Parks!
      A Pizza place down below and then Walmart!
      And a doctors office across the street! ;)

    6. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Good god, no!!! Wasilla, Alaska - the land of the misfit Palins!

    7. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Gee, he's already flyign from KY to AK, now you want to quibble the last 50 miles when she works in AK ANYWAY>?

      12:14 = Marina, Piper or Alicia or Bitchtol herself?

    8. AKinPA1:57 PM

      Can you imagine the nonsense he'd have to put up with from the Wasilla goon squad? He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but he's not a total fool.

    9. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Palins have eyeballs all over Wasilla. Would you want thugs eyeballing you & following you around?

  40. Have a good friend whose wife wanted a divorce, and she told him that he didn't need to get an attorney because she had one, and that the divorce would be amicable. Well, you just know how that turned out. She took everything, including thousands that his parents, and grandparents gave them to buy a home.
    If, Dakota is smart, he will only communicate with Bristol through his attorney, and through the courts. The Palins have no scruples, and her: "I wish you would communicate with me directly" is bullshit.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      do it until the courts say you can't!

  41. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Gryphen, at the bottom of the Radar story, there's a link that says "Read her messages here" and it is a link to the entire Motion for Reconsideration and attachments. Here's the link:

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Interesting. Dakota's has laid out his visitation dates thru end of May. Bristol's never had to comply with someone else's schedule. NEVER! Now she's fighting like the vicious brat she is to make this not happen.

  42. Anonymous12:16 PM

    How long does it take her to put on her Kimmy face in the morning?

  43. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Per the Motion for Reconsideration, which family does Bristol take to school at 7:15 every morning?

  44. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I hope Dakota visits Levi and Sunny and maybe have dinner with them. He will need a nice break and maybe some good advice...

  45. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Bristol is a manipulative bitch - just like her mother, Sarah Palin!!

    Dakota should do NOTHING outside of his legal team when it comes to dealing w/Bristol! Keep it legal and out of the press. The Palins will play him every chance they get!!!

    I so hope he has talked w/Levi and his wife!

  46. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Bwah ha ha. Little Miss Entitled is getting a taste of her own medicine. Two can play that game lol.

    Dakota has some brilliant lawyers in knowing how to deal with her. Bristol's past has clearly proven that she can't be trusted. Too bad her kids will grow up knowing that. The internet is forever.

    Bristol the Pistol is a rogue like mommy. Never listens to legal or sensible advice and never learns. The need for revenge far outweighs anything else since they've gotten away with it for so long and it's only made things worse for themselves. In fact it is their downfall.

    Bristol, if you want to keep the next baby all to yourself and control it's life, make sure the next sperminator is from Wasilla.

  47. Who'd of thunk it! Dakota is a lot smarter than I previously gave him credit for. Who knows...he just may be the one person who will bring the Palin misdeeds to light.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      it's a dirty job but someone has to do it!
      DAKOTA! oh hey! your turn! hahaha

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Hello, isn't his stepdad a father who had to fight his bio mom for legal custody? My guess is all the Meyers know how custody works. Stupid Palins.

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Pssst Dakota

      Idf you want to get Sarah or Todd all wee wee'd up then just ask her why she had to quit so suddenly.


  48. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Okay, I can see if (if) she's breastfeeding and having to get up during the middle of the night, but she says she gets up at 4:30 every day--and why? Because Tripp starts school at 5:30-6? Elementary schools in Alaska start that early?

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Notice, there is no reference to her "breastfeeding" in the filing at all.

  49. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I have a cabin on Lake Lucille (middle of Wasilla) and live on the Hillside, which is on the South side (furthest from Wasilla) of Anchorage. It takes me exactly one hour to drive there, a little more with traffic. I'm not sure where Bristol is now living, but even if its the Northern side, it's not that big of a town that it takes a half hour to drive through half of it. 7:30am seems early to me, but if she claims to have a job that starts at 8:00am, then its the most logical time. If he says any later, she'd probably just say that she couldn't possibly get to work on time if she had to drop the baby off at 7:45am..........Dr. Cusack's (his office is in midtown, saving another 10 or 15 min. off the drive) website says that office hours are 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday thru Friday. I can't really imagine a profession that has more normal and steady hours than that, unless Bristol is actually the night janitor? If she doesn't work every day, then she should just tell Meyer her schedule. He's the one who has to make a plane reservation and fly across the country..........who has to go to more trouble, Palin or Meyer? She is a ridiculous person and I don't blame him if he doesn't want to pick the baby up in Wasilla. After all, she does have a brother who likes to get drunk and threaten people with guns and violence.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      My guess is she did at some point say 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., which is why he picked the times he did.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Bristol claims to get up at 4:30 AM to get to a job that might start at 8 AN? Oh, and drop the baby off at 7:45 AM? Does it take anyone three hours to wake up, grab a quick shower, stuff a pop tart and some coffee in the body for breakfast and bundle up Dakota? Let the sitter bather and dress her. It would save at least an hour and a half each morning. And please notice how late Bristol posts on her instagram at night. Some poor hard working slave. What a crock.

    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Bristol is not breastfeeding. Her photos never showed big boobs. You don't just breast feed at night. That's what you might do at the tail end of nursing when you are weaning the baby, but not at the beginning when you want to establish getting you milk in and refilling all the time. Bristol and breast feeding are as believable as Sarah flying for 12 hours while in labor and leaking amniotic fluid to deliver a special needs, premature child at a hospital which cannot handle that kind of birth.

    4. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Exactly, on all points, and it kills me how she says she gets up at 4:30 when she is up late each night. It's BS.

    5. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I agree - those recent photos do not show breastfeeding boobs! Been there - done that!

      Bristol is a friggin' liar just like her mudder about EVERYTHING!

    6. Anonymous1:49 PM

      yeah if I had to be at work by 8am I would get up two hours earlier - not that early!

    7. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Wild ride, met the wild boobs.

    8. Anonymous2:29 PM

      too funny !!
      barstool's not usually even gone to bed yet by 8:00 am ..

  50. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Finally the courts are telling a Palin what they can't do forcing Bristol to be fair.

    Why are you fighting letting Sailor bond with her father? Hmmmmm, Bristol??

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Bristol complains that Dakota is an absent father, now that he wants to spend time with their daughter, his visit is inconvenient?!

  51. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Barstool there was a time when Levi wanted to see his son and you did everything in your power to give him a hard time. What guarantee does Dakota have that you won't pull that same shit on him.

  52. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Amazing. He had sex with her how many times before the wedding? and now all this? wow. Didn't get the cow or milk. Calf payments. IF I were advising mr Meyers, I would say, buy a nice spread close by, hire a young hot beautiful smart talented nanny, relax and enjoy raising your daughter.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Ridiculous. He has rights, and Bristol does not get to call all the shots.

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Gee where is their ol Dave Parker at to bark threats and manipulate the courts?

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I bet Todd could get Dakota all hooked up!

    4. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Yeah, she does not get to call all the shots - but per her court documents, she does request to be the one who does call the shots (she 'gets to be the final say' in any decision re. Sailor'...)

    5. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Two to tango, one tango is all it takes.

    6. Anonymous2:07 PM

      LOL, 1:24. Bundle up Dakota. Funny slip.

  53. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Any overworked, stressed, sleep-deprived mother of two or more kids would be grateful to have the child's father relieve her of some of the child care responsibilities! She should thank Dakota for providing loving care & attention to their child so that she can have time to attend to her other duties.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Isn't that the truth! A new mom would welcome the help of the father!

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Yeah, agree with both of you. For whatever reason, she likes to get pregnant and punish the fathers and keep them away, when she could actually have things so much easier.

      And she says she gets up at 4:30 in the morn each day. Why, who knows, but if it's true, then what time is she going to sleep--no way does a social device addict like Bristol go to bed at something like 8PM every night, plus she supposedly gets up to feed Sailor, so she is sleep-deprived and could use the respite that Dakota would provide.

    3. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Yep, she complains about paying for extra childcare, but on the days Dakota has custody, she gets a big ole saving...hmmmm. Logic Fail Bitchtol.

  54. Anonymous12:47 PM

    So did Dakota fly from KY to AL to see his daughter and Bristol suddenly said, no way! ?

    Her behavior is so over the top and disgusting. All she can do is be mean spirited and selfish.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      If that's the case, she will suffer in future custody decisions.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      No. The Court has not ruled on the motion to reconsider (or at least it is not on the docket), so the interim order stands, and Bristol must abide by it or face contempt.

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM


  55. I wonder what other excuses the Barstool will come up with? "My broke down, soon to be bionic daddy is recovering from a horrible bro-mobile accident." Or maybe, "Your Honor, I need to drive my girlfriend beating, neanderthal, crank snortin' brother to his court mandated anger management classes cause we Palins always stick together through thick and thin."

  56. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I agree 100% contact be only through lawyers when dealing with a control freak manipulator.

    I recall his visitation was for only a few days at a time. Bingo, one side of her mouth deceives he won't be in her life and out the other side of her mouth she lies to obstruct while shouting to the world she is the saintly caring parent. Her parents trained her well in narcissistic abusive behaviors.

  57. Anonymous1:10 PM

    It doesn't look like the Judge has had time to rule in her recent filing? So, does this mean that until he rules the original ruling stands and she has to comply?

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM


    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Yup. Comply or be in contempt of court.

      Popcorn ready, and Bubbly, too!

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      haha good the judge has left the courthouse!
      and it's the weekend! aw too bad Barstool!

  58. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Celebrated six years working for the best people I know,” she captioned the photo. “This place is my home (I actually have a job #Shocker).” Folks may be surprised to learn that Bristol holds a steady gig despite her life in the limelight.

    LOL Bristol holds a steady gig except for right at the time Sailor's father wants to see his daughter, Bristol doesn't know her work schedule. Some days she works, some days she doesn't, they call her in and she goes.

    1. Me thinks Bristol needs to get a different reliable job if Dr. Jack-Me-Hoff keeps stringing Bristol along especially after Sarah said Bristol has great work ethics and celebrated working 6 years at the same office.

    2. So if Bristol gets a call to come into work, Bristol can call her babysitter to drop everything and watch Sailor on a moments notice without knowing the sitter's schedule.

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Touche, especially on point #2!

      Bristol comes up with these lies that she doesn't think through enough, so that she can be called out on them like you do here.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      6 years at a job that lets her come and go as she pleases. Her work schedule has never interfere with any of her vacations, weekends at the cabin, or anything else. Why should it interfere with visitation for Dakota?

    3. Anonymous2:01 PM

      On no. 2, does Piper have something better to do?

    4. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Bristol's working per diem? HAHAHAHAHA!

  59. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Bristol reads here, right? Hey, Bristol, you are a brat! You act like a spoiled child. You are supposed to be the grown up now. So let's see how this works. You knew you were pregnant but you didn't tell Dakota. You just up and left because? And you admitted that you didn't think about Sailor then? So what makes you care so much now? Are you that possessive that you have to have the baby 100% of the time but you expect Dakota to pay how much? The doctor comes into the office sometimes, but when he doesn't have any appointments, he cancels. He is over 70 years old. He is not going to have a full time schedule, even though you claim to work at a full time job. You lie and you are a brat! Are you punishing Dakota because you were pregnant? You are the one who should have used birth control, you idiot. It's your fault.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Wow. I could feel the burn here at my desk.

  60. Anonymous1:19 PM

    2 thoughts based on what I've read so far.
    ,1) who says the kid has to go into the workplace to be picked up? Isn't it common to pass kids off in parking lots that are convenient to both parents?

    1.5). Bristol does want to go to work since she doesn't really work there or get up that early to go to Anchorage so to do so would be a huuuuuge inconvenience.

    ,2). I bet Mother's Day ESD planned as a dig to ,Bristol that can easily be claimed as a mistake. I hope so anyway.

    Sorry for typos am on cell and it has mind if its own. Unlike a certain abstinence spikes person who is her moms mini me.

  61. "her job, is "unpredictable" and she is never sure when she might have the day off or even at what time she might need to be at work."
    So therefore, golly gee too bad, I guess my child and her father just aren't going to be able to see each other. Oh, well! Tralalala.

    Yeah. I don't think the court is going to buy that as a reason why a child should never be able to spend time with her father.

    "Have to leave her home at 6:00 am? Wasn't Poor Saintly Hard Ass Working Single Teen Mom Bristol always having to leave home at some ungodly hour of the morning to go to her "job" when Tripp was a baby?

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      So Bristol has to get up at 4:30 to make sure she gets Tripp and Trig(?) to school by 7:15, and then get to work on time. But it's inconvenient to actually have to be at work at the time they open, because Bristol doesn't want to be there that early, and may not have to be there at all, but she doesn't know and won't know.

  62. Anonymous1:29 PM

    The entries here presume the child is Dakota's. There has never been anything to support that in the public media.

    Get the damned DNA test done so this blog can move on and leave this drama that had its 'sell by' date long ago.

    We don't even care who donated the sperm, but it seems it was not likely Dakota unless it was delivered via email by an invisible flying sprite who "struck" B's Vajay in her sleep before she met D.

    Nothing more to see - move on.... Puleese!

  63. Anonymous1:29 PM

    When is she going to use the "my dad is critical and I don't have time to deal with you right now...?

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Soon, prolly. I also ask, when is she going to acknowledge that for Sailor, getting to know her dad is critical. The court operates with that in mind. Bristol is in for a rude awakening if she thinks she can keep this shit up with Dakota.

  64. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Dakota tried to structure the visitation to support her "full time - 6 years at job" and it is inconvenient for her???

  65. Bristol's determination to get Dakota to deal with her directly is exactly the opposite of what any competent attorney (which it appears Dakota has) would tell their client to do.

    All communications go through the attorneys, period, in a contested case. Good attorneys do not want to see their clients sucked into saying or doing stupid things. It must be very frustrating for Bristol.

    "Communicate directly with me so I can selectively splatter your texts all over the internet with my biased commentary."

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Nefer your last paragraph is spot on.

  66. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Did we ever see Levi's custody fight ever play out in text messages? No, I didn't think so.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Probably because Bristol didn't know how to text then!?

  67. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Maybe Bristol can't read legal documents. She does best when the reading is limited to 140 characters and emojis. The lawyer would have to explain everything to her. It is easier to jerk Dakota around if Bristol plays games with him. Going through lawyers is so adult, and Bristol still operates like a kid in school.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      That about nails it on the head.

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Here's an emoji she can use in her leagal filings!

    3. Cracklin Charlie2:51 PM

      Lawyers cost big $.

      Bristol's secrets are very expensive. It is amazing to me how much Bristol's reputation, after all this time (and babies/baby dads), is still worth to Sarah.

      There is plenty still to hide, I reckon.

  68. Anonymous1:50 PM

    After reading Bristol's Motion to Reconsider, now I understand why Dakota's lawyer filed the Partial Response to the Motion to Reconsider, even though the court rules say no response is necessary on a MTR unless the court orders it. Tiemessen accused Dakota's lawyers of pulling a fast one and changing the visitation days/times from the dates proposed in the initial motion for interim visitation to the dates proposed in the reply. They include an e-mail with almost everything omitted except Kim Colbo's statement. I'm pretty sure Dakota's lawyer's response to the MTR includes evidence showing the rest of that conversation and/or other evidence explaining why they changed the days/times (probably to accommodate what they had been told was Bristol's "full-time" work schedule.)

  69. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Another big snooze. My money is that they are both fishing for a reality show, and you are helping stir up the interest in otherwise exceedingly uninteresting people.

  70. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Bristol is pretending to be an innocent & pure slutty lying mother. WAIT....she is slutty

  71. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Barstool does NOT work. She will do anything to get her way and scam people out of money.

  72. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Bristol should be thankful Dakota wants to see the kid even thought it has not been proven, and even though she tried to trap him and got pregnant without his knowledge.

  73. Anonymous2:26 PM

    It will be interesting to see if Bristol complies or not since the judge hasn't had time to rule on this motion.

    Dakota's lawyers have played the cards right so far and I'm sure will take note if she doesn't!

    Don't give her any slack because if you give Bristol one little itty bitty inch she will take a mile!

  74. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Wow I'm continously impressed by the way he deals with the Palins. What a badass.

  75. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Bristol Palin is a selfish, lying, vindictive little bitch?

    When did this start? Have I been in a coma?

  76. Anonymous2:39 PM

    With her pathological need to be the ONLY parent of her children I certainly hope that she chooses insemination by an anonymous sperm donor next time.

    She seems to want babies but not the daddies (except for their sweet paychecks!) so it's better for her to leave the daddy out of it and just have a baby...oh wait, she needs their money to live because she only works every now and then when called I get it, she's a greedy whore that uses men for money after she tricks them into getting pregnant.

  77. Anonymous2:39 PM

    She's gonna be up shit's creek when DM gets that DNA test!!!

  78. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Sniff sniff I don't know my work schedule sniff sniff

    Sniff sniff some days they call me to come in, some days they don't. Sniff sniff

    Bristol do you really think anybody is going to give you a 40 hour/week work schedule while depending on you showing up consistently to work? Not even McDonald's would hire you if they can't depend on you. They would fire you in week one.

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 11

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 15

    Appeared on a music video

    Sarah Palin's Alaska

    Life's A Tripp - The series followed Palin as she moved to Los Angeles, then back to Alaska, with two episodes set in Arizona (where her sister Willow was attending beauty school) and one episode in Washington, D.C.

    WIFE Swap (with Willow)

    Appeared in Amazing America with her mother Sarah Palin in Alaska

    Was on the ABC Family network series, The Secret Life of the American Teenager

    Gave abstinence and pro-life speeches

    Bristol's book tours - Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far

    Appeared on morning talk shows

    Appeared on Oprah

    Appeared on Dr. Phil

    Bristol went on Sarah's book tours

    Bristol went to Las Vegas to do Sarah's face

    Bristol went to just about everywhere to do Sarah's face

    Took off to Washington DC for the White House Correspondents Dinner

    Took off to live in Los Angeles to ride a mechanical bull

    Took off to live in Arizona - bought a house, planned on going to Arizona State, planned on working at radio station

    Vacationing on a houseboat

    Came back to Wasilla then took off to live in Arizona again for skin school

    Took off to live in Kentucky

    Came back from Kentucky to go camping with the 1/2 naked Russian

    Took off and drove to Kentucky to pick up Tripp's toys and drove back to Wasilla

    Took off for maternity leave

    Just went back to work after pregnancy but needed a vacation and took off to Hawaii and just got back

    I thought I read a while back that Bristol had previously went to Hawaii

    Spokesperson/endorsing some drink

    Spokesperson/endorsing some monthly trinkets in a box

    Target practice at a gun range


    Buying and selling houses

    In and out of relationships with trial husband's


    Baby shower/wedding shower

    Driving two hours a day round-trip for a part time/on call job

    Can you imagine doing everything above while working 6 consecutive years at a dermatologist clinic. I know I forgot a lot of Bristol's travels and personal schedule but you get the gist of Bristol's hectic travel schedule, hectic maternity schedule, hectic work schedule, hectic endorsements schedule while fighting off her babies daddies, attending Sarah Palin Family Drunken Brawl, writing her own blog on just about everything and busy doing her other events.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      You forgot single parent Bristol wants a big family which means time off for conceptions, multiple pregnancies and multiple maternity leaves, many babies doctor visits, can't go to work again babies sick, can't go to work no babysitters.

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      I think Bristol is tainted with the Sarah Palin Curse.

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Who in their right mind would hire her? Unless they owe Sarah a favor or there's some interesting notes in Todd's little black book he keeps around for emergencies according to Shailey Tripp.

    4. Anonymous2:53 PM

      ANON 2:39: Thanks for your history lesson!!! Let's hope Dakota's lawyer sees this and presents it to the judge.

      You did leave out one item: The January 2015 trip to Vegas on a chartered jet paid for by SarahPAC.

  79. Anonymous2:43 PM

    My guess is the reason Bristols work schedule is erratic is because she sees clients only sporadically - when someone schedules a facial or something. The Dr is probably semi retired and no longer sees that many patients. Pretty cushy part time job if you ask me, as fir getting up at 4:30 am, maybe that's when Sailor wakes up and needs to be fed by bottle ( or breast ;). The other family member who has to be dropped off at school is either Trip or Trig. Bristol is such a little ninny. She has no idea how good she has it compared to other single mothers!

  80. Cracklin Charlie2:44 PM


    Show him the baby already! She's not gonna look any younger when he finally gets to see her. He knows how old she is.

  81. Bristol doesn't read well enough to understand court documents or attachments.

  82. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Bristol deserved every bad thing she has been dealt. She did this to her self. Karma.

  83. Anonymous2:50 PM

    If she loved her babies so much she wouldn't be trying to prevent the daddies from bonding with them. Look at the bullshit she put Levi through.

  84. Anonymous2:52 PM

    My guess is that when the court does finally force Bristol to drop the baby off with Meyer, it will be with a supply of formula, not breast milk, and Bristol will claim that the stress of his unreasonable demand of meeting his daughter caused her milk to dry up.


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