Monday, July 25, 2016

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is booed off the stage in Philadelphia.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was repeatedly interrupted and booed Monday as she sought to speak to Florida's convention delegation. 

The Florida lawmaker, who will resign after the Democratic National Convention this week after leaked emails showed top members of the DNC working to boost Hillary Clinton's presidential primary bid, had to strain her voice to yell over the flurry of protestors who showed up to interrupt her speech.

Well that just seemed fucking unnecessary to me.

Apparently the Bernie supporters have been causing a ruckus since yesterday, and there is every indication that they intend to keep on doing so all through the convention.

I'm sure it did not help matters that after Wasserman Schultz agreed to step down as the DNC Chairperson, only to then end up with a job as the honorary chair of Clinton's 50 state strategy.

(I heard from at least one person that this might have been the deal that Clinton needed to strike with DWS to get her to agree to step down. That makes sense.)

However it is time for every real Democrat to stop being an asshole, and move toward unity.

Hell if the Republicans were able to do it after the shit that happened on the first day of THEIR convention I think that the Dems can do the same.

And if you cannot, then I would kindly like to suggest that you fuck off.

Because we have an election to win, and at this point you are simply in the way.


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Nothing will ever be enough for some Bernie people. I won't be surprised if there's commotion no matter who's speaking, even the POTUS and FLOTUS, because the only person who deserves respect is Bernie.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Bernie spoke at a rally today in front of his supporters. They cheered until he said they needed to get behind Clinton and Kaine and that is when the booing started. So if they are going to boo Bernie for asking them to support Hillary, how are they going to act on the floor of the convention?

    2. Sanders made a huge mistake by calling his movement a revolution. He has attracted some pretty intractable ideologues to his side and people like that don't necessarily listen to reason. He sowed the wind and he - and now we - are reaping his whirlwind. These people don't seem to be listening him when he speaks of a long term ground plan, which is the way to go. These people want a revolution and seem wildly indifferent to building a progressive political infrastructure. It's making me sick at heart. This bloody minded thinking could doom us to Trumpence.

  2. Jacque11:40 AM

    Don't be a jerk Gryphen. This is supposed to be a democracy.

    1. You are confusing democracy with anarchy.

    2. Anonymous11:59 AM

      You are absolutely correct, Gryphen. It's time these protesters STFU snd either go home or follow Bernie's lead by supporting Hillary.
      This uproar is not needed, nor beneficial to the DNC.

    3. Anonymous12:04 PM

      I think you might be confused Gryph actually, considering why she was booed offstage.

    4. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Hillary received the most votes. That really sticks in their craw. I see petulance.

    5. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Jacque, don't use words you can't define.

    6. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Jacque, are you one of those who think we need a Trump presidency to topple the establishment to start over? I have many conversations with those thinkers. They don't realize there will be nothing to topple after the world economy tanks, possible world war, climate change going unchecked etc.

      The impact would be so severe, no one will care about "fixing" the system.

    7. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Lol. You forgot hangnails 1:27, everyone will also have hangnails with a Trump presidency. The horror!

    8. Jacque1:58 PM

      No, Anonymous 1:27 I am not one of those "thinkers" I am on this site and use my real name often enough for anyone to know I will be supporting Ms. Clinton. However,
      I think she can win without cheating and fudging. I also think any other candidate has an equal right to be heard at the convention.Fear of Trump is valid but should not equal a knee jerk reaction by letting Hillary off easy on anything she does inappropriately. DWS is inexcusable.

      That is how democracy works. Anonymous: 12:47.

    9. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Gryphen, you are confusing election fraud with a democracy.

      Just because it's YOUR choice that ultimately won doesn't excuse all of the bias and manipulation that went on. What they did was counter to what is supposed to be our democracy. Not only that, it is far MORE corrupt than what the Republicans pulled. I'm sure the Republicans didn't want Trump either, but at least they followed their own rules and allowed Trump to win fair and square.

      DWS and her cronies basically fixed the primary for Hillary. That's not democracy.

      What DWS and the Democratic Leadership did was closer to a totalitarian oligarchy than what the Republicans did.

      You need to suck it up and ADMIT when the Democrats are wrong.

      This is not an end justifies the means society. At least, it's not supposed to be. But that is exactly what you are suggesting since YOUR choice ultimately won.

      Considering all that happened, we're not even sure she won fair and square. You may be supporting a candidate that CHEATED her way into the White House.

      And that is all on DWS and she deserved to be BOO'd off the stage. If she's smart, she'll stick her tail between her legs and slink home to Florida tonight and pray it will blow over before November.

      BTW, those leaks show they're getting ready to swiftboat Tim Canova too. After all, corrupt is corrupt, in for a penny in for a pound.

    10. Cracklin Charlie5:55 PM

      Do you understand that it was DWS' job as chairman of the Democratic National Committee to get Democrats elected to office in 2016?

      Not Republicans...not Independents. Debbie's job was to get Democrats elected to office. If the Democrat won this primary, within the established rules of this primary one cheated.

      And they will swiftboat whoever they can, no matter who is in charge of the DNC, or who is the eventual Democratic nominee. It's politics.

      Your quote..."You need to suck it up and ADMIT when the Democrats are wrong."

      You are not the boss of anyone here. Totalitarian? Maybe that's you.

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    It's an honorary position. Not a job.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Bristol's position at Dr Jerkoff's office is honorary ... it is not a job.

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      It's also addressing the 50-state strategy, one component of the campaign. It's not "chairing the campaign" or "managing the campaign," as some dumbasses were screeching here earlier. It would be easier to respect Berners' complaints about the campaigning process if they got off their fat, whiny asses and learned something about it.

  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I watched Sanders' rally speech earlier. Lots of cheering, lots of enthusiasm. What got very little cheering and enthusiasm? Bernie's suggestion that his supporters need to get busy, knock on doors, hand out campaign materials and generally get out the vote.

    Bernie people don't like to work hard for change. They like to DEMAND it.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Hear, hear.

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      No. They are DEPRESSED voters. Read Michael Moore's five reasons Donald Trump will win in November.

      They'll hold their nose and vote for Hillary. But they will NOT work for her. Especially since the insults are still flying.

      They're not lazy. They'll vote for your candidate. But you can go ring your own doorbells.

    3. Anonymous6:41 PM

      The insults fly both ways.

  5. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I could be wrong but didn't Bernie Sanders I-Vermont lose in the 2016 Democratic Party primaries?

    I don't recall Hillary Clinton putting demands on Barack Obama when he beat her.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Well, that was because Hillary Clinton is a Democrat. She behaved impeccably once it was clear that Barack Obama had won the nomination. She is really a class act: smart, articulate, thoughtful, and caring about the welfare of the American people, all of them.

    2. Anonymous4:31 AM

      You are correct!

      Maybe Bernie doesn't understand the DNC rules since he is an Independent and has never attended a convention :)

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    It ain't over until Jane Sanders says it is over.

    They will be demanding a roll call and to place Bernie's name in nomination.

    The Sanders supporters were told by the Sanders' campaign to collect signatures on petitions.

  7. Has anyone actually read the emails?

    I've read six of 27 at the website below, which claims these are the damning ones. If you just look at the headlines, they sound bad. But when you read the emails, mostly what you find is a pile of nothing.

    The only one so far that has any hint of teeth is (not surprisingly) the one about asking about Bernie's faith, which was a stupid suggestion, only made by the one guy, and never acted upon.

    For example, wikileaks headline - "Rhode Island, Where Governor Is ‘One of Ours’, Reduces Polling Locations

    Sounds bad. But all it is is one guy concerned about a poll showing Sanders up by 4 in RI. He’s concerned that if Hillary wins Rhode Island, that the Bernie supporters will cry foul because of the poll closings, and he simply wants to get an answer from the Gov as to why exactly she did it so he can quell charges that it was done purposely in an effort to somehow disenfranchise Bernie voters. (BTW, he won RI).

    So, no attempt at any rigging seen in that one.

    Another headline is "DNC Planning End of Sanders Campaign in April".

    Then you read it, and all it is is people planning ahead and expecting that Hillary will win and just getting a head start on some of the work they’d have to do to transition from primary to general.

    That email was sent April 26th, after Hillary had won New York pretty handily, and when, although yes it was still numerically possible Bernie could get enough delegates in the remaining contests to overtake her lead, it was really, really, really, really, really, really unlikely.

    So nope, this does not in the least show any attempt at rigging either.

    Also, please read and share this:

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      I have read about that, and I agree Marvin. It's dirty politics and I wish they didn't go there, but it's unbelievable that this could put them off enough to rise a Trump win. Simply unbelievable.

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      I haven't seen any emails, they haven't appeared in my corner of the internet but I wouldn't be surprised if they are quite tame. The Sanders people never had any argument that held water but that never stopped them.

      Thanks for the link.

    3. Anonymous3:13 PM

      You have lost your moral compass: Dancing and parsing to forgive "One of Ours" from an executive of an organization that has in its charter that it's to be neutral. Shame. Shame.

    4. Anonymous5:08 PM

      There are also e-mails regarding undermining Tim Canova, who is running against DWS in November.

      That would be ILLEGAL to use DNC resources against him. But she's doing it. Because she doesn't give a shit. And apparently no Democrat does.

      So the Democratic Party just overtook the Republicans when it comes to systemic corruption.

    5. Anon @3:13pm - No, I have not lost my moral compass and shame on you for trying to shame me.

      First off, have you read the emails? A simple yes or no will do.

      Second, what makes you think "one of ours" didn't refer to the fact the that governor was a Democrat? How is that non-neutral given we are talking about the Democratic National Committee?

  8. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Well, of course the Bernie supporters can't even shut the hell up for the opening prayer. They have to go wild and act like assholes while the reverend is speaking to the god who most people there share a belief in. They don't care that there are thousands of others there who are in prayer. Great start, Bernie fans. F'ing idiots.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Let us all hope that Bernie is happy with the shitstorm his being in the race and ultimately being pigheaded about it has resulted in.

      Fuck you, Bernie, and your crooked witch of a wife too.

  9. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I agree, Bernie has also conceded and we must move on. That said, I feel sometimes we Dems are always up for a raucous time at convention. Don’t worry, nobody is going to move over to the dark side. And, no, we don’t do “just not vote!” Trump is so incredibly disturbing there is no way anyone with a brain will stay home on election day. And, if they do they aren’t Dems.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      You're assuming that Sanders will shut up and go away or campaign for Hillary Clinton.

      Won't happen. He is bent on destruction. Watch what he does instead of listening to the words that he spits.

    2. Anonymous12:38 AM

      And there you have it.

      1:34 is a prime example of how Hillary Clinton will lose to Donald Trump.

  10. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Bernie Sanders will never admit that his grand plans were never feasible without an overwhelming majority in both Houses of Congress. A majority he made absolutely zero effort to create.

    Bernie Sanders knows perfectly well that he was dangling an impossible dream in front of easily deluded, low-information, LAZY voters. He LIKES the fun of stirring the pot, and LIKES to back off and watch the mess he made.

    I'm disgusted with the man.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Me too.

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. From the outset I think Bernie Sanders wanted, above all, to hurt Hillary Clinton's chances. We GENUINE Democrats need to make this a great election with a new Democratic president, great inroads in the House and a decent Democratic majority in the Senate, as well as improving state level results.

  11. Anonymous12:44 PM

    That's fracking frustrating. Don't they know they are helping Donald toward the Presidency? Or are they that dumb? Maybe, even, Donald and Putin are behind these protesters. Every Right blog or person of that persuasion seem to like Putin. They like the way he handles things, and people. Geez! That guy was KGB! Don't these idiots read and watch documentaries where Putin is ruthless and Lucifer's next in line. Stop drinking the kool aid!!!!

  12. If the Bernie people FUkk it up to the point that Trump gets elected I will laugh at their reaction when everything they are bitching about gets much worse

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Yep. I'll be able to survive Trump. But many of Bernie's people won't be able to and they will suffer because of their selfish behavior (of course they think they are selfless) so much more than I will.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      12:58 I'm not sure that anyone will survive President Trump. He is already diagnosable - and getting his ideas from the absolute worst people in America.

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      It's true, we middle age plus Clinton supporters got to live through some very prosperous times, and I for one am fortunate to have a very nice retirement set up from both the stock market and the real estate bubble. And I had an excellent job immediately upon graduation of high school, no college debt needed.

      Reagan and the Bushes did their best to destroy the middle class and the young people have it so much harder now. If Trump wins, he will do whatever keeps him popular with the conservatives who put him in office, so that means back to "trickle down economics". Bernie supporters who vote for anyone but Hillary will simply be risking handing Trump the election and causing their own hardship in the future. I wish it was as simple as that but Trump will roll back all the progress that has been made by Obama with addressing Climate Change, and we absolutely cannot afford to go backwards on that. Seriously folks, the World is at stake here!

  13. Anonymous12:49 PM

    To clarify, her position with Clinton is HONORARY, not a pain job. Eva Longoria had a similar title with Obama. So I think Clinton could have phrased the email better. But still, booing her? She's gone, people.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      No, Longoria didn't have a "similar position" with Obama. Longoria didn't run a 50-state strategy, which is about getting downticket Democrats elected. It's a real strategy involving real expertise, not a glamour pose for an actress.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      DWS is not going to "run" the 50 state strategy. She's had the experience to lead it. How many Bernie Sanders' supporters could lead anything except a booing session?

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      If she was gone she wouldn't be in Philadelphia giving speeches.

      BTW, she's using DNC resources to undermine her opponent, Tim Canova. Illegal but I guess who gives a fuck, right?

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      She's still an elected representative of Florida. She has every right to be there.

      Can you be more specific about how she is engaging in illegal behavior?

  14. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Yep, no one can talk at all without Bernie's supporters booing and trying to talk over every speaker. This is going to continue and continue. I thought the GOP convention was sad. This is actually more pathetic. Bernie's a loser here, too. His people didn't pay attention to him today. Some will after his speech tonight, but many are just about themselves now and Bernie himself means nothing to them anymore.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Bernie's not a loser. He created this monster and now he's going to watch these freaks end his career.

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      But they might bring the country down along with Bernie Sanders.

  15. Anonymous1:02 PM

    DWS has done a shit job as DNC chair, you reap what you sow.

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:37 PM

      Couldn't be wronger.

  16. Anonymous1:02 PM

    This is what awarding an honorary chair in her campaign to DWS looks like if you aren't completely in the tank for Clinton:

    "Mission Accomplished, Little Debbie!"

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      The Sanders mobs were never the fault of anyone except Bernie Sanders.

      here's another fun fact: they smell bad.

    2. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Seriously, you're putting the blame for people's anger about learning that what they suspected all along is actually true on the victim. Another lost moral compass.

  17. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I am disappointed in the boo-ers; they are acting just like the childish crowds at the Republican convention. What do they think they'll achieve?

    The right-wingers are licking their lips hoping that Dem voters will clash and start riots.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Without sounding opposition it will simply be assumed they are going along with and even approve of the corruption that was exposed.

      I'd boo her just like I would boo Trump or McConnell or Roger Ailes or Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck.

      That's the kind of company she is now equivalent to.

  18. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I have never been fond of the Bernie crowd. They are acting AGAIN like total assholes. Do they want Trump elected? Fuck them if they don't some out and vote for Hillary Clinton! (who is more than qualified for the job as POTUS!)

    At least, Bernie has publically supported Hillary and her running mate. But, these displays being done at the Democratic Convention are total bullshit! Bernie should verbally come out against their actions and get off his ego trip (and that of his deplorable wife, Jane!)

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      He's not going to say anything, he enjoys the hell out of the shit he stirs up.

      Remember he got away with carefully hiding his tax returns and all those idiots still believe he's honest.

      They're so ignorant I wouldn't be at all surprised if they write in Sanders come November... not one of them has the brains of a Trump supporter and that's a fact.

  19. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Bernie BLASTS

  20. Anonymous1:23 PM

    We are in strange times. Bernie deems won't support Hillary, but go to several rightwing blogs and damn if those Nevertrumps (many are ex-c4p peeps) aren't terrified now that Trump is polling higher.

    Many are vowing to vote Hillary because of how much Trump scares them, and some say they've gotten Clinton bumper stickers!!!

  21. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I am very disappointed in the Democrats there so far. Booing her was childish. And don't get me started on Bernie's fans. Good effing God, are they really not going to vote for Hillary? Are they just going to be petulant losers and hand this election to a con artist? We're doomed if these cretins don't get over their Feel the Bern bullshit and do the right thing by throwing their considerable voting weight behind the only viable candidate in this election; Hillary.

  22. Anonymous1:41 PM

    DWS is the current chair of the Democratic National Committee; it's her job to speak at the convention. Bernie's people simply do not understand how political conventions work. My God, their delegates didn't even know that they would have to pay their way to the Convention in Philadelphia!

  23. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Okay, Chuck Todd is a dick. He is really reveling in stirring up shit, working hard to make the Democrats look not just bad but really awful at their convention. He didn't hold Republicans' feet to the fire at all at their convention. Fuck Chuck.

    Bernie should have gotten his Bernie Bros in check a long time ago. Now he appears helpless to influence them, after his long period of sulking further enraged and emboldened them. Too little too late, you egoistical gasbag.

    And now with Russia pulling the strings on our election, this really feels like the end of the United States as we've known it. If we lose this country to Trump, we'll get what we as a nation of sheep deserve.

    We can trace this all back to the hateful influence of Sarah Palin and the unprecedented ugliness she instigated. It's been all downhill since then.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      And yesterday on MTP, Todd was so easy on Trump and they acted like best buds even though Trump has insulted Sleepy Eyes so, so many times.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      So, so easy on him, it was disgusting. I was yelling at the screen: Follow up, push back, stand up to him, call him on it, say something, ANYTHING! But nothing...

  24. Anonymous1:51 PM

    'United Together': Democratic convention kicks off with a positive message. And Elizabeth Warren.

  25. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Sanders tried to ride both sides of the fence way too long. He should have come out sooner to get his fans & delegates under control instead of waiting till the DAY OF the convention. No wonder he was truly shocked when his fans booed him. He made a mistake waiting wanting to keep his fan base while not 100% endorsing Clinton. Now he's to blame for this fiasco.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      I agree. He's a fucking jerk.

  26. Anonymous2:08 PM

    The media sold their soul years ago. Probably owned by Trump and Putin. Why would Putin be smiling? He's a genius if he gets into our country through our powerful idiots. We have no one to blame but ourselves. You think ISIS is bad? Putin will have a huge undertaking, making us Americans subservient but with enough head bashing, family killed, blackmail, poison, and food managing, he will bring us to our knees. No one out there think this is possible? It happens every day in his country. Now he has his hands in Trump's pocket and every Republican in this country love that orange guy with their fucking hearts. And now, they are trying to stir up shit, Putin style, at the DNC. Wake up America, you are being played.

  27. Anonymous3:01 PM

    The booing of DWS was from the FL delegation. It is her people who are angry with her, and they have a right to express it. Even Governor Rendell was wondering what was going through her mind when she announced after resigning that she was still planning to gavel the convention, opening and closing it. After she got the poor reception from her own people, she wised up and decided that she wouldn't speak at the convention as she previously announced.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      True that, thanks for reminding everyone here that it was her own homies that heckled her.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Won't do any good.

      The haters are still going to blame Bernie's supporters.

      They'll blame him and his supporters for everything including Hillary losing, even though she and the DNC will have brought it on themselves.

      Michael Moore is right.

      It's John Kerry all over again.

  28. Anonymous3:42 PM

    It wasn't Bernie's people that booed her it was the Florida delegation, her own peeps.

  29. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Good. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bitch.

    Time to stop being an asshole and move toward unity?

    Why don't you tell that to the Hillary pantysniffers who are STILL villifying Bernie and his supporters with derogatory insults. Sure, DWS doesn't deserve 24 hours of karma but it's always open season on Sanders and his supporters.

    Gryphen, you are such a hypocrite.

    Suck it up. Wasserman Schultz got CAUGHT and she deserves everything she gets. I hope she can't show her face in Philadelphia and slinks back to Florida to lose her seat to Tim Canova. Because that's what she deserves after BETRAYING Democratic voters.

    Oh, look! They're going to SCREW over Tim Canova too. DNC is as fair and balanced, neutral and impartial as FOX NEWS.

  30. Cracklin Charlie5:33 PM

    So, Debbie was chosen to head up Hillary's 50 state strategy? Seriously?

    This is great news. She surely has a vast network of contacts nationwide, after serving as chair of the DNC for six years. I think her work in this position could have a huge effect on down ticket races all over the country, as well. I am totally stoked about this news!

    I hate to tell all of you this, but Debbie Wasserman Schultz is going to be a huge asset to Hillary's campaign. She has been head of the DNC since she was chosen to lead the DNC by President Barack Obama in 2011. That means that she has seen one president elected already under her chairmanship, and come this November, a second president will be elected as a result of her work as chair. This is a huge deal.

    The Republicans must have been really desperate to get rid of her, they were sick and tired of her kicking their butts. Now, Hillary has turned the tables perfectly by hiring her to run such an important part of this campaign.

    And Donna Brazile as new DNC Chairman? A perfect choice. I think this is a great start to the convention.

  31. Anonymous3:31 AM

    WOW, G's buddies get caught red handed and G tells the critics to fuck off. Talk about a tyrant.


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