Thursday, July 07, 2016

So is Bernie Sanders finally ready to end his campaign and endorse Hillary Clinton, well according to him, yes.

Courtesy of New York Magazine:

On Wednesday evening, multiple outlets reported that the Clinton and Sanders campaigns were finalizing the terms of the Vermont senator’s endorsement, and discussing the possibility of holding a joint rally next week in New Hampshire. Later that night, Sanders confirmed those reports. 

“I think at the end of the day, there is going to be a coming together,” Sanders told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. “And we’re going to go forward together and not only defeat Trump, but defeat him badly.” 

“So, you’re not denying the report that there are talks about a possible endorsement?” Hayes asked. 

“That’s correct,” Sanders replied. 

Sanders's confirmation of a “possible endorsement” came on the same day that he was booed by a few of his colleagues on Capitol Hill. According to Politico, after a House Democrat asked Sanders why he had yet to endorse the presumptive nominee, the Vermont senator replied, “The goal isn't to win elections. The goal is to transform America.” A few of his fellow lawmakers loudly disagreed.

So a couple of questions occur to me.

Since very recently Sanders was claiming that he remained unsatisfied with the Democratic party platform because it did not contain language condemning TPP nor guaranteeing the $15 minimum wage hike, are we to believe that he has now become satisfied simply with the fact that Clinton has agreed to a plan to make college more affordable?

Or was it perhaps the Democratic boos the other morning which signified to him that the jig was up?

And if indeed he is about to endorse Clinton and end his campaign, then why in the hell is that soon to be non-existent campaign seeking a permit to hold a rally on the evening before the DNC convention?

And what does all of this mean for his never say die Bernie-Bros?

Personally I get the impression that Sanders made this decision quite recently, and that it was not made because he, or his supporters, actually got everything they were asking for. 


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Wow Fonzie, you have really jumped the shark! Fuck you Gryphen. Seriously.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      We knew you purists would lose your cool. But anyone who was so naive as to think Bernie, ever the opportunist, was NOT going to eventually endorse her: that would be political suicide, and Bernie is nothing if not a thirty year career politician.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Thank you, Ralph Malph.
      Charmed. Seriously.

    3. Anonymous3:10 PM

      That was my point,2:50. Even when the news is reporting Bernie's decision to end his campaign and endorse Clinton, Gryphen still has to put a negative spin on it, which only serves to further alienate Sanders supporters here. It is becoming childish and counter-productive.

    4. Anonymous3:59 PM

      You came out name calling, 3:10 PM, expecting what? Who's childish?

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Doesn't matter what he does at this point most of his supporters have moved on to other candidates.

      Once one realizes that the things that Bernie was campaigning for a completely unrealistic then we go for a candidate who can actually activate change, real change, change that this country really needs.

      No sour grapes from me, change is a comin', just not quite the sort of change that Bernie hoped for, but it will be good, and make America stronger, better and more pure.

    6. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Awww, feew better now?

    7. Anonymous4:48 PM

      4:30 states, "
      Once one realizes that the things that Bernie was campaigning for a completely unrealistic then we go for a candidate who can actually activate change"
      Explain why a living wage was possible 50 years ago, but is "unrealistic" now? Why is a free college education doable in Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Argentina, Iceland, Ireland, yet "unrealistic" here? None of Sander's platform was "unrealistic". We have grown complacent to allowing the wealth and benefits to go to the elite few.

    8. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Right back at ya.

    9. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Why would Bernie (or anyone else in his position) not wait it out to make sure Hillary wasn't indicted?

      I don't give a fakegoddam what Gryphen or anyone else says, Hillary has been pinching a penny in two with her asshole over the email investigation.

    10. Anonymous5:22 PM

      5:09 - no, you have. And you butt-hurt now.

    11. Anonymous6:33 PM

      ... Free College..
      Have you ever taken a serious look at what they pay in taxes in those countries? Bernie lost me when his tax plan showed where the money for free college was really coming from the middle class and poor. Congress is not going to raise taxes on the rich and corporations.

      His platform is unrealistic because none of his ideas would ever get passed Congress !!!

    12. Anonymous8:04 PM

      6:33: Thank you! You said exactly what I was about to say.
      Sweden pays a 'record low' of almost 52% in taxes! At one time it was almost 62%!
      Google it, whoever does not believe me!

    13. Anonymous7:42 AM

      6:33 - and that is what is exactly wrong with this country. People here are brainwashed into thinking that taxes are a bad thing. Just ask anyone in those countries where there is high taxation what they would rather have - they don't have to worry about where their healthcare is coming from, a truly quality education, excellent infrastructure - I could go on. When you live like that, you don't mind paying for it. It's the sign of an evolved society. I am a US citizen and also a British citizen, so I've seen both sides and am very disturbed to Britain heading down the same path as the US. Bernie has it right and people here need to get out of the dark ages.

  2. Caroll Thompson2:21 PM

    I think the boos did it.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      I think the booze has affected your brain, Caroll.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      It may also be that some of his delegates cannot get to Philadelphia. His campaign should have made it clear to all would-be delegates that going to and staying at a national political convention is costly. This was Bernie Sanders' campaign's fault, not the fault of the DNC or Hillary Clinton.

    3. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Booze is good, right Bernard?

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    You are a real asshole- you know that, Gryphen?

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM


    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Butt hurt, eh? Gryphen has been absolutely correct about the Bernie fiasco, from the beginning. He has consistently called him out and rightfully so. You can't stand it because he hits the nail on the head over and over again, and you can't dispute that, so you revert to a child and call him names. Bernie lost his way. Period. It started out good and then he forgot that it wasn't about him, and started to buy his own press, loved the adulation and shifted into a self serving mode under the premise of serving a bigger plan. So all the name calling you do isn't gonna change that. He carried this as far as he could, and then he had to answer to the party.

    3. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Why yes, yes he does.
      Your point? Free speech only for you?

    4. Anonymous3:04 PM

      uh oh, me thinks this level of un-caused ire is about something else than Mr. Sanders. Which Palin panties did you wedgie, good Sir Gryphen?

    5. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Whether Gryphen is or isn't an asshole is irrelevant. This article is again about Bernie and his continuous tease. Most of us are soooo fucking over him that at this point we don't fucking care what the fuck Bernie is doing.

    6. Anonymous3:55 PM

      How DARN Gryphen not bow down to Bernie huh? Well FUCK YOU and Bernie, if that is what you are waiting for then it's never going to happen. Get over yourself and your self importance, oh, and get a fucking job.

    7. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I know I don't, 3:50 PM.

    8. Anonymous4:36 PM

      If you've been at this blog for any amount of time you must have realized that the blogger was in the bag for Hillary.

      I don't care, his commentary doesn't affect me in the slightest. It's been fun watching him lose his shit over Bernie, though, and realize that most of us "Bernie Bots" as he likes to call us, don't support his candidate no matter how long he lays his tiny little body on the ground and beats his tiny little arms and fists.

      In retrospection this blog has been a rather interesting coming together of the Democrat establishment vs. the liberal-minded people who won't kowtow to any party affiliation.

      I feel enlightened, and satisfied and secure in my vote in November, even more so when I read how utterly ignorant and misspoken are most of the BillHillary bots that post here. More unenlightened idiots writing at a 4th grade level is what most of the Hillary supporters seem to be. Somehow I think she'd want for you to try harder, but hey, a vote's a vote, right ;-)

    9. Anita Winecooler4:43 PM

      These Bernie posts are predictable and so much FUN to read! Post anything, add Bernie Sanders, and Gryphen's an asshole. Say something nice about Hillary, "Fuck You"
      "No, Fuck You"
      "No, Fuck You"

      And the click counter is going at the speed of light. Good job Gryphen.

    10. Anonymous4:59 PM

      4:36 - oh, you! *wink*

    11. Anonymous5:06 PM

      4:36 ~ R'amen.

    12. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Anonymous4:01 PM

      As much "in the bag for Hillary" as you are "in the bag" for Sanders.

    13. Anonymous5:26 PM

      4:36, meh, no one but Republicans uses "Democrat" as an adjective. You're voting for Trump and always were.

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Wow, that Bernie is such a bastard, trying to get decent wages for Americans and fighting against TPP-which Warren ALSO opposes:

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Bernie is a glorious bastard!

    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Wake up, 2:38! That was a Democratic principle for many, many years. They want a living wage. Just Bernie ran with this and made it his mantra. Hillary has said she would not support TPP, but out of deference to President Obama, who unfortunately is FOR that, they did not include it in their party platform.
      Wake up, and read some other news, not just the Bernie-colored ones!

  5. Anonymous2:48 PM

    According to the Economic Policy Institute:

    "... Had the minimum wage been raised since 1968 at the same rate as growth in productivity—i.e., the rate at which the average worker can produce income for her employer from each hour of work—it would be nearly $18.50 per hour..."

    Bernie Sanders was the ONLY candidate fighting for better wages for the working class and wanted to force the 3% to pay their fair share of the tax burden.
    Bernie is not the enemy.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Bernie is for Hillary! #ThanksBernie

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      If the working class wants better wages they should unionize. Their flipping burgers isn't my problem.

    3. Anonymous4:36 PM

      The working class was unionized until half the state's passed right to work laws. Another Republican effort to support big business and weaken the workers rights. It is hard to unionize, if your state laws say employers are not required to hire union workers, even if there is a union in place.

    4. Anonymous4:39 PM


      I hear ya, no way do those people deserve anything more than the current minimum wage. If we were to start paying them more they'd just waste it and STILL be on welfare and EBT.

      I'd love it if the lower economic levels would learn to invest even 300/month in an IRA or other long term money-creating devices but alas, it ain't gonna happen and the more they are paid the more they just shop at Walmart and buy crap for their double-wides, if they are lucky enough to have one.


    5. Anonymous4:53 PM

      @anon 4:36pm
      You are correct, it is hard to unionize, but that hard work is much more effective than whining on the internet. You want things better, make them better, work at it instead of whining about it.

    6. Anonymous5:03 PM

      4:39 ~ Delicious snark?

      (i hope)

    7. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Anonymous4:36 PM

      Half the states passed right to work laws because progressives abdicated their responsibilities. They don't get involved in local or state politics and don't bother to vote in the midterms. Voting in the general doesn't cut. So stop your whining because Sanders couldn't have gotten you anything that he promised.

  6. Anonymous2:50 PM

    OT: is reporting that the Romanian "Guccifer" lied about accessing Hillary Clinton's email when she was at State. James Comey said that the Romanian had said he lied about the whole story when he was under oath. What say you at Frozen Justice?

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      We all know what will be said there. Let's rise above irrational hatred, and embrace Bernie's excellent conclusion.

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      During the Comey hearing today, it was good to hear clarity, too, on the fact that only 3 partial emails contained classified info, and someone else fucked up in how the info was sent with the "(C)" code.

  7. Anonymous2:52 PM

    With Bernie Sanders On Board Democrats Prepare To Unload Both Barrels On Trump

    ...This puts an end to the idea that there is going to be some sort of floor fight at the Democratic convention. Sen. Sanders has been moving towards endorsing Clinton for weeks with his public comments, so his endorsement has been expected.

    Sen. Sanders’ endorsement is great news for Hillary Clinton and a horrible development for Donald Trump. The presumptive Republican nominee has been peppering his speeches with attempts to woo Sanders supporters for months.

    Trump’s attempts to court the supporters of Sanders have demonstrated a lack of understanding of what the Sanders campaign was all about. Donald Trump is the exact opposite of what Sen. Sanders campaigned on. Bernie Sanders is out to return the government back to the people, while Trump is running on the idea that government should only serve those who have the most money, or as Trump put it, you have to be wealthy to be great.

    With Bernie Sanders campaigning for Hillary Clinton, Democrats will have a star to send to college campuses around the country to motivate younger voters to get out and elect Clinton.

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    The resident Bernie troll is certainly upset today! Be happy that Bernie didn't get the nomination. The presidency really ages a person. Bernie dodged a bullet.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Apparently,so does being a SOS.

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Bernie will now write a best-seller. It will be made into a film. Bernie and Jane will be rich. All's well that ends well.

    3. Anonymous4:59 PM

      ... so sorry to blow away your delusion, but there are several 'Bros posting on this site. I am a long-time reader/poster on this site, and have used all my skills as a verbal ball-buster to denigrate Gryphen for his actions (not his opinions).

      I, personally, am not upset (the Democrats should unite, ergo my problem with Gryphen's whining about Bernie), but have no idea how my cohorts feel about Bernie throwing it all in for Hillary.

    4. Anonymous5:21 PM

      What a pitiful use of your time, @4:59. You only post here to denigrate Gryphen? Sad.

    5. Anonymous2:08 PM

      5:21 ~ ... no denigration until Gryphen's Bernie rants threw gasoline in my face and the commenters taking it to a higher level lit the match.

      I'm the person who believes in The Ether and i felt i found a home here in 2008 when Audrey's blog shut down and Mudflats felt too tame. The Immoral Minority felt just right and Gryphen didn't seem as vulnerable to palinwrath as Audrey. Clinton vs Sanders is one of the few issues where i've disagreed with Gryphen.

      Personally, i'm glad Bernie is conceding and we can get back to bashing $arah and Republicans instead of knifing the Democratic party in the the back.

      Even if i only agree with Gryphen 93% of the time, that's still a lot and is exactly how often Sanders and Clinton voted together during their time in the Senate.

      tl;dr: You can turn off your light saber, 5:21, cuz Gryph's gonna be okay.

  9. Anonymous2:56 PM


    ...While making fun of Palin’s statement — and ensuring his live audience at Leicester Square Theatre in London that “no one takes Sarah Palin seriously where I’m from,” Carolla asked Willy T. Ribbs if he knew Palin.

    (As an aside, Ribbs was good friends with Paul Newman and Muhammad Ali, thus prompting the lighthearted question.)

    “Not really,” Ribbs responded. “But I know a brother that did. And when I say ‘brother,’ I mean brother (implying African-American). He played for the NBA.”

    That’s when Ribbs identified the man as Glen Rice.

    “She had some sausage and rice,” Ribbs said to laughter, adding that “there was some ham hock there, too,” and that “he thawed that ice up in Alaska.”

    The statement from Ribbs prompted an uptick in internet searches on Tuesday morning (July 5) leading the old rumor back to the top of headlines.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      More slut shaming! Is that you SPHASH?!

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Telling the truth is not slut shaming. Sara Palin gave Glen Rice a blow job instead of interviewing him. That is a fact. If Sara Palin is happy with her life choices there is no shame.

    3. Anonymous4:39 PM

      ONE MORE TIME, it is hypocrite shaming not slut shaming. YUUUUUGE difference.

    4. Anonymous4:47 PM

      True that, 3:58 PM, so she screwed a black athlete because she wanted some black d*ck to see if it felt different or more exhilarating. Who cares. Still don't want her dictating how this country will be run because she IS fucking stoopid. Pun intended.

    5. Anonymous5:06 PM

      It is slut shaming. Just admit it, misogynists.

    6. Anonymous5:20 PM

      No it isn't, 5:06 PM, spade a spade.

    7. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Willy T is no racing legend. He was not in F1 and never finished in the top 20 in any CART race in the 80's or 90's. He had a big mouth though when being interviewed and acted like he was the star driver. Willy T was such a slow driver in races he got lapped by a kid in a stolen car.

  10. Anonymous2:59 PM

    O/T, but I did not find your relevant post for this anymore, Gryphen:

  11. I hear the drip, drip, drip of the last remnants of Sanders' political capital as it slowly, but inexorably, drains to nothing.

  12. Anonymous3:02 PM

    2:20 and 2:31. You're both herpes infected pussies.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Not only are you a fucking moron who contributes nothing of intelligence @3:02, you are too fucking stupid to figure out how to respond correctly under the posted comments.

    2. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Like you've ever seen a pussy besides your mommy's.

    3. Anonymous4:04 PM

      As you, 3:18 PM. F-words make you feel superior? OH the irony!

  13. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The rally can be pro-Hillary, you know.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Or it could be to thank those who shared his vision and supported his campaign, as well as an opportunity to ask his supporters to join the movement to elect Clinton.

  14. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I cannot believe that with yet another shooting of a black male today, this is the topic that needs attention. Bernie will endorse Hillary and this will all be moot, but the murder of blacks by police is a heartbreaking and growing problem.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      So sad condolences to the family black lives matter.

      How's that?

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Excellent thought, 3:14pm. But Gryphen actually has much in common with Dubya, in that he doesn't care about black people.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Apparently you need to go back to Gryphen's main page because he did have an article today. Now run along and try to practice your reading comprehension and you just might find it.

    4. Anonymous6:34 PM

      @5:38, I am referring to the shooting in today's news. Another day, another murder.
      And @4:41-go fuck yourself-repeatedly.

    5. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Terrible, these back-to-back shootings. So sad, too, watching one man's fifteen-year-old son crying as his mom read her statement and then today watching the live stream video the other man's fiance managed to do with her little girl there in the car.

      And now there's what's happening in Dallas with the cops being shot and other victims too.

      Sad all the way around.

    6. Anonymous8:27 PM

      @anon 6:34pm
      Well you should have gone to the comments section, the Falcon Heights shooting was posted about and discussed.

  15. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I've been hearing today that the Bernie/Hillary thing in NH is going to happen. On the other hand, that 7/24 Philadelphia (where the convention will be) rally story is also accompanied by news that his supporters are planning protests and marches before and during the convention.

    Maybe that rally right before the convention will be Bernie's last hurrah. He should speak at the convention, like Hillary did (on the second evening) in 2008, to put his support behind the nominee, but who knows. I don’t begrudge him his final big night with all his fans before the convention. I just hope he doesn’t fail to follow up with giving support to the actual candidate.

    There are also supposed to be noon marches for Bernie in cities all over. If Bernie doesn't endorse Hillary next week (as he's basically said he will be doing) and keeps holding off and his people don't get the clear signal that the Dems need to unite, and so 7/24 turns into a big ugly all-about-angry-Bernie fiasco, then I want the Dem party to shun him. If Bernie's not onboard and uses that day to encourage his supporters to bash the Dem nominee, I say forget Bernie--don't give him the time of day and just fight Trump without him and his voters, even if it does mean the threat of Trump getting into the White House.

    But hopefully Bernie won't be playing games. Hopefully 7/24 will be a big thank-you to his supporters and so his supporters get some closure. This could also quiet things down when the convention starts the next day and keep things sane, and his concession speech will be able to be as graceful as such a speech ought to be.

    I'd even like to guess that 7/24 will be an outdoors (among We the People, as the screechy one likes to say) concession speech and Hillary will be invited up on stage with Bernie, but I just don't trust some of Bernie's supporters--things could get very unruly and turn ugly. We know that protests are being planned during the convention, so it sounds like too much of a risk for that night to involve Hillary being invited to stand next to Bernie in front of his supporters.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      I hope my Philly relatives take our offer to come to New England for the convention. Gonna be a mess down there.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Thank you, and well-stated.

      To those who want Gryphens to stop posting about Bernie, this is EXACTLY why it matters.

    3. Anonymous2:38 AM

      We've invited our Philadelphia relatives to come to us in Michigan for the duration of the convention. I don't think they will but the offer is still there.

  16. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Why I Am Not Upset About Bernie Sanders Endorsing Hillary Clinton

  17. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Commission on Presidential Debates Announces Format for 2016 General Election Debates,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=60&cntnt01origid=15&cntnt01detailtemplate=newspage&cntnt01returnid=80

    In a 2 way race: Hillary 51 trump 42

    In a 4 way race: Hillary 45 Trump 36 Johnson 11

    Among white Hillary 42 Trump 51

    Among latino Hillary 66 Trump 24

    Among blacks Hillary 91 Trump 7

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      June poll numbers are not perfectly predictive of November outcomes, of course. The big lesson to take away from the graph above is that there are far more blue bars, showing movement to the Democratic candidate, than there are red ones.

  18. Anonymous3:32 PM

    OT, but this is a good story on Jared Kushner's relatives' anger abput his defense (the star issue) of his FIL Trump:

  19. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Angst from the right:

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Go Colorado and Nevada!

  20. Anita Winecooler4:45 PM

    More "Bernie" posts, please!!!!

  21. Anonymous4:51 PM

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      This was always going to happen, but it's internal, and Secretary Kerry is in charge, so...

  22. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Finally! Still 4 fays and $120,000 of SS. Gee

  23. Anonymous5:28 PM

    The burn-it-down Sanders dead-enders are all over social media attacking Bernie himself as a turncoat and sellout. Hilarious! That's what happens when you create a monster you can't control. Enjoy the siege, Bern.

  24. Anonymous6:20 PM

    welcome to the Democratic Party, Bernie supporters! Let's shut Trump DOWN! United we win!!

  25. Anonymous6:30 PM

    "One Nation, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All"
    Gryphen has a right to his opinion, but I think Bernie has done a great thing; Democracy in Action; and elevated Hillary in the process by making sure she doesn't win too easily. I was so against Hillary just being handed the Presidency, I was willing to go with anyone but Trump to keep her from just walking into the job.
    I am proud of Bernie Sanders, no matter what.

  26. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Well the announcement that Sanders is ready to endorse Hillary Clinton lets Jane off the hook for having to produce their income taxes.

  27. Anonymous8:11 PM

    11 officers shot in Dallas
    3 of the officers died

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Wow, too sad. This certainly does nothing for their moment.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      "this is not only one percent of police officers or just a few bad apples — it’s systematic and routine.
      The task before us is finding ways to get everyone to stand up to demand changes that will ensure all people are treated equally and fairly under the law.

  28. Anonymous8:49 PM

    OT: Sara"“I totally agree with Donald Trump’s pick of Donald Trump as his VP running mate. Just think about it people! There are two Clintons at the top of the Democratic ticket — Hillary and Bill — and so I don’t see why we can’t have two Donald’s at the top of the Republican ticket! It’s gonna mean double trouble for Democrats, folks!”

  29. Anonymous12:39 AM

    "...nor guaranteeing the $15 minimum wage hike."
    DNC can't guarantee that. Did you word that badly, Gryphen, or did he actually ask for that from the DNC.

  30. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Bernie Sanders supposedly will endorse Hillary Clinton on Tuesday.

    Is endorsing equivalent to conceding?

  31. Anonymous3:50 AM

    When Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, does that mean he will give up the $38,000 a day Secret Service detail we are paying for?

  32. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Google Bernie Sanders and this still pops up. I thought Sanders said he's going to vote for Clinton and is supposed to endorse her on Tuesday?


    Bernie Sanders for President | Contribute to Bernie Sanders

    The official campaign website for the presidential campaign of United States Senator Bernie Sanders.

  33. Anonymous4:06 AM

    11 officers shot in Dallas
    5 of the officers died
    1 bystander caught in crossfire

    Sad day for all deaths


  34. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I will be glad when Sanders does endorse Clinton for no other reason than maybe Gryphen will stop this childish obsession with him.

    1. Anonymous4:40 AM

      Gryphen provides an excellent service not only to Alaska but to America as well.

      I'm trying to figure out what you are doing here reading Immoral Minority?

    2. Anonymous5:11 AM

      I am here letting Gryphen know that he needs to move on. Why are you here?

    3. Anonymous7:11 AM

      @Mark Ehle if you are here letting Gryphen know that he needs to move on, then you are here for the wrong reason. This is Gryphen's blog so he's entitled to post articles about any topic that's important to him. Bernie Sanders is the one who needs to move on, but he's still making news, even though it's for all the wrong reasons. You know, no one id forcing you to read every post on this blog. If you don't think the post is relevant then move on, don't read it, or start your own damn blog you lazy POS!

    4. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Go write you own blog, Mark Ehle.

  35. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Green Party's Candidate Offers Bernie Sanders the Ticket

    Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is expected to end his quest for the Democratic presidential nomination within days, has been offered to run as the Green Party candidate.

    Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party presidential nominee, told London's Guardian newspaper she would be willing to step aside if Sanders wants to take her place.

    Read more

  36. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Gryphen are you sure Jane and Bernie are ready to endorse Hillary Clinton?

    If Bernie is endorsing Hillary then how come he doesn't tell his followers that the nationwide march for Bernie is a waste of their time, money and is divisive? How come Bernie doesn't tell them not to miss work for those who work on Sunday?

    Could it be that Bernie is yanking the Democratic Party's chain?

    What about all those rallies for Bernie? Bernie and his followers already petitioned the city for permits so that Hillary supporters cannot get permits.

    March For Bernie Will Host Simultaneous Marches at Noon on July 24 Around the Country

    #MarchforBernieUSA is planning to have every Sanders supporter march together starting at noon Eastern on Sunday, July 24, the day before the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. The March supports the #StillSanders movement, that continues to want Bernie Sanders to be President and the Democratic nominee. This event is separate from the #MarchonDNC events, listed in the next section. Learn more about the March For Bernie events here.

    Right now, marches are planned to take place in Alaska, California, Colorado, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington. You can get details on each city’s event at this link.

    The organizer of the group, Billy Taylor, holds four permits out of six permits for protest “zones” in FDR Park in Philadelphia, near the Wells Fargo Center, Philly Voice reported. He applied for the permits more than six months ago “to ensure no HIllary supporters would,” he said. He’s organizing the events with

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      If you ask me, I wouldn't trust a Socialist Independent

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Pay Jane $200,000 and she will tell Bernie to cancel the marches and permits.

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Democrats are in for a surprise.

  37. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Since Bernie is conceding, will he send my money back I sent to him to pay for his delegates to go to Philadelphia?

  38. Anonymous3:17 PM

    On Tuesday, the United States of America taxpayers will be saving $38,000 a day since Jane and Bernie won't need their Secret Service anymore. Thank you Jane and Bernie


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.