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Donald Trump's campaign isn't alone in patronizing his own businesses: taxpayers are indirectly doing so, too.
Federal Election Commission records show that the U.S. Secret Service has paid the Trump campaign about $1.6 million to cover the cost of flying its agents with the candidate on a plane owned and operated by one of his companies.
It’s standard practice for the agency — which is tasked with protecting presidential candidates as well as presidents and other federal officials — to reimburse presidential campaigns for the cost of traveling with the candidates.
In fact, the Secret Service has reimbursed the Clinton campaign, too: $2.6 million so far this cycle.
The difference with Trump is that one of his companies, TAG Air, Inc., owns the plane, so the government is effectively paying him.
There is also this.
It's just a giant scam.Back in 2000, Trump said, “I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it.” And now he is. https://t.co/tK1f8JvinW— shauna (@goldengateblond) September 23, 2016
The whole fucking thing is just a way for Trump to line his pockets and increase his name recognition around the world.
You know I am considering the idea of just staying inside my house all day in order to resist the urge to slap every Republican I see upside their fat fucking heads.
Rectus sphincter.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, when I read your last paragraph I had a mouthful of coffee. It went everywhere!!
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
For the record management is not responsible for damage done to keyboards as the result of coffee spewing.
DeleteJust thought I should get that out there.
Absolutely, Pat, as a "nice girls don't say that" product of my upbringing, I hoot at the commentary that comes with the subject matter!
Delete7:08 - Yes. I know what you mean. We live vicariously through Gryphen!!
DeletePat Padrnos
Slap those four self-serving asses in the photo while you're at it. For some reason, I think I despise the smarmy offspring more than their bloated father.
ReplyDeleteHey, Tiffany and Barron haven't done anything wrong. Don't lump them in with the other assholes.
DeleteNo, I meant just the four in the photo
DeleteThey are just as racist, ignorant,crooked and evil as their asshole father.Patholigical liars all of them. Yesterday that werewolf double Eric tried to say his father built him empire from "nothing".Read Newsweeks article on DJT and his business dealings.Unbelieveable. He has been in debt for Billions and files bankruptcy and walks away leaving devestation behind him. I read that currently he is also near One billion $ in debt again to foreign banks. The USA banks wont loan to him . He owes hundreds of millions to China ,Russia, Germany among others. Succesful business man my ass. He lied on the campaign papers he had to fill out about his debt.There are no words to describe how vile this vermin is.
DeleteI think the sons with their slicked back hair, weird eyes and down-turned mouths look like vampires. Early on I had hoped that his kids would be reasonable and tone down his craziness. Behold...they're as batshit crazy as he is!
DeleteWho is Trump jr's father? He doesn't look like anyone in that family.
DeleteI struggled yesterday about sending information to two Republican friends for their consideration. I recalled they were dazzled by Palin in 2008 and their minds were closed to facts. Much later they realized she was "crazy" and "evil".
ReplyDeleteI recently learned one woman is completely ignorant about tax rates, tax loop holes so will never comprehend the position that the top one percent pay their fair share. Her belief is liberals want to unfairly take money from the rich so some never work and live for free off of other people. If Hitler was running as a Republican she would vote for him.
People who chose to be informed and are informed are horrified of the prospect of Trump winning the election.
Sadly a percentage of the population admire scam and con artists as "clever". Trump would make decisions based on advantages to him. Supporters who are fooled. Trump will get them jobs, increase their economic status etc. are dumb.
If it wasn't so scary, I'd love to see the pee pond get their comeuppance . They're fervently praying....careful what you wish for! Some people are SO stupid, it would serve them right.
DeleteThe major percentage of Trump voters don't much care about tax laws and loopholes as they are folks who get money back from their taxes through the use of earned income credits and other low income tax benefits.
DeleteThey'll never even earn enough to have to pay taxes, much less require loopholes.
If we are ever lucky enough to get campaign finance reform passed, I sure hope it includes getting rid of the ability for candidates to line their own pockets in the process. This HAS GOT to be illegal. If not now, in the future -- if we have a future after this evil person has done and will continue to do so much damage.
ReplyDeleteGet rid of PACs and SuperPacs, first thing!
DeleteRepeal Citizens United. That will go a very long way for WE The People to regaining control of elections.
DeleteElect Hillary Clinton in order to put the "correct" folks on the Supreme Court. So many federal laws need to be changed and corrected.
DeleteSend them all to the Drumpf Gulag. Where they belong.
ReplyDeleteIvanka is doing her part to help the family business...
I am with you G. I do feel the urge to slap all the Trumpsters I meet. I especially have the urge to reach right into the computer screen and punch Donald right in the kisser.
ReplyDeleteI have no plans to leave my house today.
The only place I'm going today is Walgreens. I could have a field day in the Wal-Mart across the street from it!
DeleteSerenity Now.
ReplyDeletedrumpf is a criminal! PERIOD!
Many times over. Just pick which crime.
DeleteTwo good reads:
ReplyDelete"This pampered son of privilege wants America’s hard-hit, angry working people to elect him because he demonstrates the “courage” to be politically incorrect by kicking the poor, the powerless and the marginalized. Since he’s willing to do that, how long will it take him to throw those workers into the ditch, too?"
"Because of political socialization by the right-wing media, the Christian evangelical movement, and closed personal and social networks, many white conservative voters are unable to practice the level thinking necessary to connect their day-to-day struggles with the policies put in place by the Republican Party."Republicans and the broader right-wing movement profit from a Machiavellian relationship where the more economic pain and suffering they inflict on red-state America, the more popular and powerful they become with those voters. This is political sadism as a campaign strategy."The piece highlights how death anxieties greatly influence the political calculations and decision-making of white conservatives in red-state America. These people use their own broken communities — places that are awash in prescription drug addictions, have high rates of out-of-wedlock births and divorce, and see deaths of despair (suicide by guns and alcohol; chronic untreated illnesses) reign — to draw incorrect conclusions about America as a whole."
" In total, it is white economic and political elites and not the white poor and working classes who are largely responsible for the political and social dysfunction that plagues American politics today."
O/T: Trump said Friday in Ohio that"Crooked Hillary was going to rig the debate by slipping in facts and it was a disgrace".How can people hear this shit and support this monster?????
ReplyDeleteThat quote is from a satire piece by Andy Borowitz, New Yorker.
How frightening that this election has gone so damn far off the rails that it's hard to distinguish between truth and satire.
DeleteI have never, ever, detested someone as much as I do that POS!
ReplyDeleteAnd his sidekick on the dead lake.
Delete"When you don’t tell people what is ethically good and bad, right, if you cannot even define what a morally good life is anymore and you block the Bible and you block the Judeo-Christian tradition and you block the Baptist church, which is fundamental in the African-American community, from being the voice of power and the only hope you give is a broken federal system of government…”"Brat expects us to believe no moral person existed before the Law of Moses, or, more precisely, Jesus.
ReplyDelete"Morality is not dependendent upon any religion"It is oxymoronic to expect that Trump supporters, who are both racist and religious, can cure their racism with their religion"Black people are still being targeted today, and it isn’t that those people who are being targeted lack a “Bible-based moral education” but that the people shooting them have kooky ideas about race that have nothing to do with the Bible." Kooky? I SAY INSANE!
drumpf is full of shit. He will use this Monday>
Don the Con does NOT deal in facts. He supports lies - BIGLY. That is the kind of guy he is - corrupt to the core. His Russian friends will help him steal the WH, then we will live like the Russians do. What a disgrace to this country this entire fiasco from tRump is, was and will be. Dumb as a box of rocks, family as corrupt as he is. "Beautiful" Ivanka should be informed that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She is not "all that and a bag of chips" just because her slimeball Daddy says she is.
ReplyDeletePicture teddy the cruZZer locking lips and tongue with that "Rectus sphincter" mouth hole.
ReplyDeletePure ecstasy for those deplorable KKKinks.
The tRums really think they are royalty. All have strange mouths, too many teeth, inflated egos, and no "charm" whatsoever. When I see them I think of the movie "The Hills have Eyes" Also, too Duelling Banjoes.
ReplyDeleteYep and women are like the whotes in The Help. Ewe that gop lady on the news. Omg. Bavk in esrly 1900s. No.
I'm going to invite Donald for coffee. Shooting for January 20th. I think he'll be free.
ReplyDeleteCoffee and "pie". Lmao
ReplyDeleteTake heart, G. It's probably best you do stay in. Here in Alaska, you would be endlessly slapping cuz there are a ton of dumbass R's.
ReplyDeleteHubby and I did see a great bumper sticker in Anchorage this week. It was round and said something like, "Democratic Party: We're not perfect, but at least we're not crazy."
Besides name recognition and just a way to make money.
ReplyDeleteDonald "ME ME ME" Trump will put on his webpage and on his company's webpage the title:
Just like old what's her name Sarah Palin does. That bitch quit on us as our governor back in 2009 and she still uses that fuc_ing title "Governor"on her facebook page plus the last time Sarah was a "GOP Vice Presidential nominee" was waaayyyy back in 2008 but she still uses that title on her Facebook as well.
Sarah Palin's Facebook says:
"Former Governor of Alaska and GOP Vice presidential nominee"
"Former Governor of Alaska and GOP Vice presidential nominee" that TANKED when the truth came out. No Hollywood star status, (Lord knows she tried that gamut), just a d-list no one who thinks she still has all the solutions, together with an effed up family.
DeleteFrom veep nominee to Match Game? hahahaha
Here's a more detailed description of how Trump is making a profit off of the American Taxpayer's legal obligation to pay for Trump's Secret Service and the plane.
He squanders money. He insists the plane return to New York every night so he can sleep in his own bed. He doesn't sleep in the cities he's touring for him dog and pony show.
"And as pricey as his plane is to fly, he makes his travel even more expensive by insisting on returning to New York City at the end of each day so he can sleep in his own bed in Trump Tower’s penthouse. Flying home, rather than overnighting in the next city on the campaign schedule, typically adds three to four hours of flying time per day, translating to $27,000 to $36,000 per day in higher flight costs.
Those higher costs, though, are being borne in large measure by taxpayers, particularly since the expansion of Trump’s Secret Service detail upon his officially winning the nomination."
"FEC rules require that Secret Service agents pay a “pro-rata share of the travel” to the campaign. So if agents on any given leg make up three quarters of the passengers, the U.S. Government is required to pay three quarters of the cost to fly Trump’s luxury liner."
"However, a 757-200 similar to Trump’s can be chartered for about $13,000 per hour. Based on fuel consumption rates for that plane, as much as $8,000 of that is burned each hour in the air, more if the trip is a series of short hops. Maintenance, food, landing fees and crew salaries add many hundreds of dollars more per hour.
How much the plane generates in profit for Trump after subtracting these costs might be deduced from his tax returns, but he has refused to release those. Trump said he is under IRS audit and that his lawyers have told him it would be unwise to release the returns until this is finished."