Clinton lost 4 states (FL, MI, WI, PA) by ~1 point. If not for Comey/Russia, she probably wins them all by ~2 points & strategy looks great.— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) December 10, 2016
So if you're going to second-guess, a way better question is whether Clinton needed a better October Surprise response strategy.— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) December 10, 2016
There's more evidence, too: Late-deciding voters broke strongly against Clinton in swing states, enough to cost her MI/WI/PA.— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) December 11, 2016
That was essentially the point that I made right after the election as well.I'll put it like this: Clinton would almost certainly be President-elect if the election had been held on Oct. 27 (day before Comey letter).— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) December 11, 2016
The Russians and Wikileaks worked together to undermine Hillary's trustworthiness, hoping to disenfranchise the still butt hurt Bernie supporters among others, and when that did not deliver enough votes for them in the polls they unleashed the FBI director.
From my point of view it seems inarguable that James Comey did what he did at the behest of somebody wanting to help Donald Trump win this election.
Whether that was the Russians, the Republicans, or Donald Trump himself remains unclear, but it is was obviously SOMEBODY connected to Trump winning.
THAT means that Comey should be removed from this post, and investigated thoroughly.
However that is now unlikely, because the guy he risked his career to get elected, did in fact get elected, and there is NO way that he will support an investigation against his benefactor.
America bend over,
ReplyDeleteyou're screwed
8==D ()()
DeleteThat's a nice new car, yacht and mansion you got there Comey
ReplyDeleteIMO somebody got to him. As far as I'm concerned he's a traitor, just like Trump and many of his cronies.
DeleteI'm a 68 year old female college graduate and have been a political junkie for many years. Voted for Hillary and proud of it! Biography is my favorite type of reading because I enjoy learning about how people became the way they are.
I don't fall for fake news (hate it) and I can recognize satire and snark immediately.
That said, why do I have this nagging thought that Trump is a "sleeper" for the Russians. I'm not into conspiracy theories, but this election is just too bizarre and every one of Trump's appointments is hell bent on (further) destroying the U.S. middle class.
Re Trump as a Russian Sleeper: I bet we will learn in a few years that he owed a LOT of money to Russians, so he made a deal with Putin.
DeleteWhy do you have that nagging feeling? Prob because in a few yrs we will learn that you are right.
DeleteJust like with the PalinPregHoax: first the nagging feeling, then reading the info and disinfo and sorting it out, then sharing new info, however minimal, finally coming up with the proof. But it takes a long time, and when that time has passed, no one is that interested: they'd rather read their tweets.
...and this is why nothing (or nobody) will be investigated, or even believed happened. Welcome to 1984, boys and girls. Fox News simply pumps outright lies, day after day after day, into their willingly ignorant audience.
ReplyDeleteWTF can be done?
DeleteAnd not just Fox.
I am done with media....every last bit.
Nate Silver is trying to keep himself relevant after such poor analysis. Nothing like Monday morning quarterbacking his own failed analysis, with a new analysis that proves he was totally right, but totally wrong, but totally right all along.
ReplyDeleteI guess you are not going to bother toget into discussing the analysts that said Trump was going to win, long before the 'big Comey letter', including some within the Clinton camp.
They were ouliers and we have them every election.
DeleteSilver tracked the change in the polls immediately after the Comey letter, and has spent time examining them since the election, so he is not pulling this out of his ass.
By the way how is the weather in Moscow today Comrade?
I totally agree with your opinion about Nate Silver. Because of his previous track record I had signed up to get emails from Five Thirty Eight all summer. The day after the election I unsubscribed!
DeletePutin was always saying Trump would win too.
Delete"Silver tracked the change in the polls immediately after the Comey letter"
DeleteInteresting that on 538 they stated they were revising their analysis all the way up to the last minute of the election based on the most current data. But now their (selective) most current -old- data is proving they were right (but wrong, but right, wrong, right.....) all along.
The weather in Moscow is great today, oh crap you got me!
The thing is I'm not sure he was wrong! Given some of the questions about tactics in this election it's not out of the realm of possibility to assume hacking of voting machines. Putin has the motive and know how and capabilities and I'm sure operatives on the ground. Recent news seems to make this seem less far fetched. It's entirely possible that pollsters missed a bunch of hidden trump voters in crucial swing states and that these voters conveniently changed their minds a week before the election. But that's also conveniently consistent with vote hacking. When all polls are wrong is another reason to ask for a recount.
DeleteAndrea Mitchell's husband:
ReplyDelete"This last example—of financial terrorism—anticipates the activities of Rand’s final creation, Alan Greenspan. If Chernyshevsky awakened Lenin, then Ayn Rand did the same for Greenspan. “I was intellectually limited until I met her,” Greenspan wrote in his 2007 memoir, Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World. “Rand … broadened my horizons far beyond the models of economics I’d learned.”
I never understood why folks believed that the emails on Huma's device would be any different from the ones on Hilary's. Someone writes to someone who receives the same email. Also Huma was her aide so would have received a lot of cc'd emails as well. I was rightly concerned that FBI had interfered. I had no concern for the emails being in excess of what was already been found.
ReplyDeleteAgree. It was (deliberately) a big to do about nothing, but oh so damaging to Clinton.
DeleteThe FBI knew that if they investigated the emails they'd find nothing. So they deliberately kept the lid on this big nothing until it was politically useful for maligning Hillary Clinton in the last days before election day.
DeleteAnd Donald Alzheimer thinks he won?
Don't ever overlook the effectiveness of Fox News. For the last 30 years or so they have been undermining both Clintons and any and all Democrats. Ken Starr started it all way back when and Roger Ailes, Murdock, and Fox News just kept it going. They have poisoned the whole notion of the value of the 4th estate. With 24 hour coverage and people who listen to nothing else, the Republican voters were primed to be lead down the path that Trump and company laid out for them. Dare say that without all those years of Fox News propaganda this would not have happened.
ReplyDeleteWhy they haven't been called on this and lost their right to broadcast is beyond comprehension. Fair and Balanced? No way!
DeleteI agree.
DeleteThe people I know who only watch faux news think Obama is out to undermine Americans, think he ruined the economy, etc., and they feel like the rest of us just don't know the truth, and that they are the enlightened ones.
It's scary, but also very sad.
So ultimately he's saying that little douchebag Anthony Weiner is responsible for this. Had he not decided to sext a 15 year old there would have been no investigation, and therefore no Comey letter. I hope he realizes this, and I hope it's eating him up from inside.
ReplyDeleteAh some truth on the IM, but wait, maybe the Russians made Weiner do it!
DeleteOdd that we haven't heard a single damn word about wiener or those questionable emails since the election. They must have been SO damaging to the security of our country. Or what used to be our country. F^#% the republicans.
DeleteI saw that band, Pussy Grabber & the Weiners. They sucked!
DeleteThe gop tried EVERYTHING else, then Weiner's sexts were uncovered. Benghazi flopped, even after millions of $$$ were wasted on those hearings. Having a "first LADY" with nude lesbian photos available world wide was much more satisfying to the gop, than having an INTELLIGENT person in office. Money can not buy class, and the tRump entire family are sleazeballs, money grubbing low lifes.
DeleteComey, Giuliani's ex-employee, is compromised and should be FIRED, then tried for treason. McConnell, too. If you've read the devastating Friday Washington Post story, you know what I'm talking about.
ReplyDeleteBoth Giuliani and Comey should be in prison within the next year. The ONLY reason trump isn't appointing Guiliani as SOS is because of his guilt and the eventual press it's going to bring to the Trump admin.
DeleteIf you actually HAD read the Washington Post article, you would know that it is all based, once again, on anonymous sources and contains zero facts or evidence, and heavy on supposition. In other words, it says nothing.
Delete2:27 - Not so fast, Comrade. Read it again.
DeleteOne time is all that is needed. You read it again and see if you can figure out those anonymous sources, as well as anything beyond innuendo and supposition. There is nothing.
DeleteThere's a FOIA request in for the FBI search warrant and this should shed much more light on exactly what Comey et al were up to right before the election -
ReplyDeleteI see no evidence that the Electors are even thinking about his unsuitability, his dangerousness, much less searching their consciences, much less agonizing over it, as we the peeps are. I guess all eras end, and this is the end of our era. We should all have seen this coming when we saw the redistribution of wealth over the last many years. When we saw the flyover states lose their jobs. For how many decades have we known that coal miners have an intolerable life -- when they can get the work. When we realized kids have to accept huge debt to go to college. So many other examples of us not treating our own people right. I'm sick at what our children will have to endure.
ReplyDeleteRobert Reich reports that the electors are reaching out and on the move:
DeleteIt appears the way you staye. I hope not. Humans could feel it inside though. There is something wrong about orange ass as elect.
Delete"Protect Yourself from Harmful People.” like drumpf:
ReplyDelete"Has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he can achieve.
Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power or brilliance.
Demands blind unquestioned obedience.
Requires excessive admiration from followers and outsiders.
Has a sense of entitlement — expecting to be treated special at all times.
Is exploitative of others by asking for their money or that of relatives, putting others at financial risk.
Is arrogant and haughty in his behavior or attitude.
Has an exaggerated sense of power (entitlement) that allows him to Bend rules and Break laws.
Takes $exual advantage of members of his sect or cult."
Too bad they didn't take traitor trump seriously and write these articles before the election.
DeleteThe emails, even if there had been something incriminating in them -- which there was not! -- are SO INCREDIBLY TRIVIAL compared to the giant list of non-trivial disasters in the making the we are seeing Trump create in just these days since the election. Plus the Russians. Plus the cabinet picks.
ReplyDeleteI fervently wish the Dem leadership would do something. SOMETHING! Address the Electors to save us from ourselves. Pick anyone else for pres -- it could not be worse.
Yes. I've been emailing the Dems and begging for someone to really come out and so something, say something. I'm at the point of feeling that it could even be better to shoot ourselves in the foot and withhold donating money to the DNC and others if we are not going to have fighting Dems out there speaking for us. I am just sick of the re not being enough spoken word and face-time out there with the Dems in leadership positions speaking up over and over again about this. It needs to be there all the time and get the country riled and believing again that there are some things that are absolutely not acceptable and need more than a 24-hr news cycle. We live in a time when hot topics, no matter how important, get cold so fast and people just move on. This should be dealt with now and every day be front and center. Why just wait for 2017 hearings? If ever there was a time to investigate and investigate ASAP and talk about re-holding an election, it's now.
Delete1:14. EXACTLY!! Call your Senators and Representatives!!!!! Demand action!
DeleteMr Trump in most recent year and half has damaged millions of our citizens and groups with his loud obnoxious insults and threats. His resume and background speak volume today. His denial is clinical and remarkable. He is an agitator not leader. He builds buildings not a country. His words do not represent America or who we 90% are. Citizen United is not American it is a global election for greed in many countries. Overturn Citizen United in USA
Delete1:14 PM - honest question. Do you even think they read what you have to say? Do you get a form letter reply?
DeleteI don't think that ANY of them work for "we the people" anymore. Not a ONE.
Listen, I have already called the DOJ, the White House, the House Oversight Committee, my non-retiring Senator and my Congressman. Tomorrow, I'm calling my Congressman again and using this excellent script:
DeleteThe Dem leadership?
DeleteBwa ha ha hahahaha!
Surely you jest.
When Comey came out the second time with the vague insinuations about Weiner’s emails and Hillary, I said to myself, she just lost the election.
ReplyDeleteYes, comey should be treated like an enemy of the state, along with traitor trump and his campaign staff and certain republicans that turned a blind eye because winning by any means is more important.
Gitmo for them all !!!!
So why are we ordinary peeps the only ones who seem to care? Where is the Dem leadership on this? Or are they too wussy to act, to lead us back to sanity? I don't understand.
DeleteYes, he needs to be investigated. SO MUCH needs investigating but there are not enough to fight for what's right and loudly insist. And there are so many Repubs who would cover up the truth no matter what. If it turned out that Trump was a serial rapist and murderer--and let's throw in also a puppy decapitator since cute little animals' lives always matter more than women's lives--they'd cover it up, and when word got out they'd not pursue investigating it.
DeleteHey 101 this is not about dems or reps or green weenies. Its about a election with results that may not be accurate. Don't try to spin it that nobody gives a shit. Seems the only type that don't give a shit are the very ones accused of being liars, crooks and the deplorable type. Everyone else seems to care.
DeleteSo if everyone seems to care, where are our Dem leaders pushing the election recount, the effects of the russian influence, the bad cabinet picks, the personal financial disasters of Trump that need lots more air time, his uber-gauche diplomatic skills, and the rest of the long list????
DeleteAnd most of all, if we have decided that we liberals have in fact not addressed the needs of our low-income people, how about a Band-Aid of significant proportions, privately funded in the next 10 minutes by Dem billionaires, as a blueprint for what the gov't needs to do, and would do, under the Dems.
But what do I hear? Any plan of action or idea or any sort? No. Nothing.
There is stuff going on behind the scenes. Bigly.
DeleteImagine if Hillary had been elected by the Russians? The gop would be screaming bloody murder. Even more investigations would be underway. As it is, McConnell's wife got a position in tRump's cabinet!! Payback?
DeleteImagine the shit-fit the Republicans would be throwing right now if it had happened the other way: "Obama's FBI" director releases (false) information a week before the election and Trump loses by the narrowest of margins.
ReplyDeleteImagine it comes out that the Democrats KNEW that a foreign government was hacking the GOP servers and releasing information to affect the election.
Just IMAGINE how they'd be reacting right now.
We don’t really know if Hillary actually lost Michigan and never will.
ReplyDeleteThey got as far as finding out there were fewer ballots counted than people on the logs in Wayne County (includes Detroit) and the Mi Supreme Ct stopped the recount.
That wasn't the only instance. There were so many of them they couldn't do an accurate recount. What does that say about Michigan's ability to hold a fair and impartial election? They are so incompetent they can't even do a recount.
DeleteThis is why there should be national standards for how to run an election. It should be the same in every state. None of this paperless machine shit.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry my friends, karma is one mean bitch that will take care of everything. I'm almost happy that Trump won. Now he will make a complete fool of himself in front of the entire world and no one will be able to blame Obama for it. There are only 4 possible outcomes of his presidency: (1) He will resign (probably after one year), (2) He will be impeached, (3) He will be assassinated, (4) He will suffer a heart attack or stroke due to the stress of the job (remember, he's a 70 year old, out of shape, fast-food eating liar. He thinks being president is easy and simple. He will let others do all the work because he's a lazy bastard. His wife will cheat on him while she's all alone in Trump Tower. He will be criticized on a daily basis. The Republicans who he pissed off during the primaries will get their revenge and sabotage him at each turn. Get ready for the reality show of the century, it will be great folks. Do his supporters really think this 70 year old man can change his habits and instantly transform himself from a narcissistic, spoiled idiot into a polished, intelligent, articulate leader of the free world? It ain't gonna happen and he knows it. I personally believe Trump is scared shitless right now because he knows that he is about to expose himself to the world as the BIGGEST idiot we have ever seen take on the challenge of president. Many thought he was entertaining during the primaries, you know with the insults and taunting. He threw out one liners and bumper sticker slogans and made insane promises. I'm sure he thought he really did a good job in his stupid, little mind. But now he knows the time has come where he has to show what he can do. He's shitting his pants about now. Mark my words, this is gonna be YUUUGE!
ReplyDeleteI hope you are right, but even so, Trump meanwhile can set a lot of things and people in motion that it will take us years to recover from. Instead of progress (which is never as good as we'd like), we will move backward into barbarianism.
DeleteIf only we could watch him implode on the world stage without worrying about the nuclear codes. Therein lies the rub.
DeleteThe problem is that when Trump goes down, the whole country will go with him, including those of us (the majority of voters) who realized what would come and voted for Hillary Clinton. We go down with the boat too, along with our children and grandchildren.
You really believe that?
DeleteThe Republicans are masters at taking credit for what Democrats do (watch them take credit for everything Obama has done) and then blame the Democrats for all of their own failures.
And their brain dead Deplorables will believe ever lie.
The toothless, spineless, ball-less, Democrats will just roll over and play dead because, you know, bipartisanship, spirit of uniting the country and just lazy-ass bullshit in general.
It is not just senator Clinton nor mr trump but also senator sanders and Jill and allepo dude plus the fifteen clowns. One flew over the coo coo nest (+:
ReplyDeleteThe hacking began long before the general. The primary was additionally hacked, swayed, rigged. One way was the collection of data from your all those rewards cards from all those merchants. And it was analyzed by uk pro. And it was used. The info was used in many ways such as directing attacks, scams, silencing others, hacking, tracking, threatening, extortion, bribe etc etc etc. To silence the vote. Next. All the mail in, overseas, absentee, challenged, and odd voter ballots? easy to rig there. And then the good ol electronic hackable and rigged machines. Yep, just enough fudge to create Merry Christmas America with Love from Who?
Actually, if the rewards cards enable the stores to tell when you are pregnant (so they can push those products at you) -- and they CAN! -- it seems likely that many other conclusions about us have been made. Yes. Was it worth the $0.09 cents off?
DeleteI absolutely believe it. They hand picked the winner of the primary. They have troll farms to make it seem legitimate. They can completely destabilize out country without us realizing us and the GOP willing goes along because it benefits them. Putin picked Trump because he's the easiest to manipulate. They've hacked both RNC and DNC but only released DNC to sway the election. They will hold onto the RNC material for blackmail material. It could even be possible that people are already compromised.
DeleteI an certain Comey was, aren't you?
Delete"The Russians and Wikileaks worked together to undermine Hillary's trustworthiness"
ReplyDeleteI don't want to quibble here, but I think they could never have undermined her trustworthiness. They did, however undermine *her image* as a trustworthy politician. Personally, I think she is actually worthy of considerable trust! It's a damn shame that so many were unable to see that because of the hit job that was done on her.
The way I look at is is now we all know what kind of country we live in. For more than two decades I've been questioning this "American Exceptionalism" that is being touted because as all I've seen is a populace that is becoming less intelligent, more gullible and overall less capable of maintaining a country that in any way could be called exceptional judged upon the criteria of other first world countries.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to know now where we live, and that we are now functionally second world in so many ways and this "exceptionalism"? It's been nothing but a lie fed to the stupid and gullible to keep them in line but for most of us, even if we've made out like bandits in this latest market for the last 7 years, I still can't think as a whole this country is anything but a big, hot mess.
I'm happy for the freedoms that we have here, but damn, I'm NOT proud to be an american and when I'm overseas I play the Canadian card.
I urge everyone to try to read the threads going around on Twitter about the number of insane bots that Russian inflicted on us on social media, and how Putin managed to use social issues from his "Alex Jones" type-guy Dugin, who says that his goal was to destroy American liberalism, and also uses the expression "Drain the Swamp," but in Russian:
Delete5:23 I agree with you. Sad to see what this country has become, under the gop "leadership" The fact that they vowed to block President Obama from getting anything done should have been grounds for charges of TREASON. All other civilized countries have universal health care, while we pay much more for much less to insurance companies. The gop pockets millions to keep us getting screwed over by healthcare and insurance companies. I am sure some dems. are as bad, but mostly the gop are the culprits. Yet gullible poor people keep re-electing these bastards.
DeleteWhat would have happened if the Democrats and the CIA had come out about Russia helping to elect Donald Trump? Would the swing states still have voted for him? Would they have voted to put him in office if they knew that Putin was intentionally influencing our elections to put Trump in office?
ReplyDeleteSo why didn't the Democrats release this? Why be more polite and courteous than the FBI and Comey?
I still want to see Comey investigated and if not criminally charged at least lose his fucking job. Seditious asshole.
Me too. Comey is filth.
DeleteWas just thinking about trust. How hard it has to be for bristol to trust Levi who is a liar, whose wife publicly called his sister trash, whose family gave an innocent kids sonogram to an abusive psycho stranger they don't know and who encourages lies.
ReplyDeletetRump is NOT in office yet. Comey should be fired immediately. Was he blackmailed? Did McConnell have anything to do with this, since his wife (beard) got a lucrative position in the tRump administration. Follow the $$$. The voting system in this country needs a major overhaul. It STINKS to high heaven.
ReplyDeleteToo late.
DeleteComey should have been investigated immediately after the first letter came out. You didn't need to see the election results to know it influenced voters. That's what it's about. It's been over a month now and fucking nothing. He got away with it. What he did is old news now. If it had been so important it should have been done immediately.
Too late to get rid of him with Trump in office in five weeks.
Unless outrage and posting turns into action, we'll be having the same conversation in 2018 and 2020.