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Sarah Palin flaunting her Christian values. |
Sing for joy to God our strength; shout aloud to the God of Jacob! Begin the music, strike the timbrel, play the melodious harp and lyre. Psalm 81:1-2
Let these two quotations wash over you:
“I am the art in your arthouses, the ideas in your institutions, the laws in your land, the message in your movies, the thoughts of your teachers, the values your kids value. I affect you. Do you affect me? – Culture
And also this one, from the fifth-century BC Greek musician Damon of Athens:
Give me the songs of a nation, and it matters not who writes its laws.
I wish more of us especially our politicians – realized that ideas have consequences in the real world. When we embrace certain ideals in our movies and songs (sex without restraint, for example, which happened during the “free love” 1970s), it affects our culture in ways that rules and regulations can’t undo. (You mean like having several grandchildren born out of wedlock? That kind of "affect?")
Today, don’t let movies, songs, and the arts be dominated by liberals. Instead, arm your Christian children and grandkids with a solid worldview and encourage them to enter these areas boldly and with excellence.
Palin then attempts to hawk her own never selling book as, I suppose, an example of the kind of Christian worldview that she believes children should wield against a culture which may inflict those damn liberal facts upon their tiny little brains.
Methinks in this case Palin doth protest too much.
After all her own children's alcoholism, infidelity, and hooliganism could hardly be blamed on a culture that they were supposedly restricted from sampling.
However it could be that they learned those behaviors from that so-called "Christian" upbringing inflicted on them by their parents, which featured knock down drag out fights, multiple affairs, worship of the all mighty dollar, and of course heaps of hypocrisy.
On the other hand I know dozens of well adjusted adults who were allowed to enjoy the liberal culture as children who are NOT philanderers, drug addicts, or wife beaters.
I'm just saying.
It is too funny to piss me off actually.
ReplyDeleteI mean, her mother. she herself and 2 of her four kids all have been pregnant or impregnated someone before marriage. The paternity of her 4 kids are in question s is the fifth she stole. Track has two baby mommas, Bristles has 3-6 baby daddies and until someone gets some dna tested we won't know. The records are sealed for 100 years or some such shit in Alaaaaaska.
Really, Sarah, just STOP. People don't even bother to get pissed anymore. Soon they won't even bother to laugh.
How retarded must one be
Mrs Todd Palin is a typical fringe evangelical that wants others to "do as I say, not as I do".
DeleteSend this tripe to Nugent, the writer of such "godly" songs. The people she hangs with are not good people. $carah sure is trying hard to build a new path to riches, isn't she?
DeleteSarah has most certainly earned the ridicule and disdain the I have for her.
DeleteI have to concur I no longer have anger about her. She is not even worth laughing about. She is superfluous and an imbecile and as we all know , incapable of learning.
Her fifth child is Willow's. Let's stop the farce!
DeleteThen why was Barstool lactating (while pregnant??) at the RNC if she wasn't feeding baby Trig while preggers again with another bun in the oven.
DeleteSarah's feeling ignored. ;o)
DeleteNope! With the election of the Great Pumpkin, whom Palin wholeheartedly endorses, the Right has ceded any moral high ground they ever actually had.
ReplyDeleteFor her or any of her ilk to moralize on any topic is ridiculous, plain and simple.
Reid was not a white old fat man as the gop pocs show.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should ask Sarah, would Jesus let babies die because their parents couldn't afford insurance to save them? Would Jesus let people die from no insurance due to pre-existing conditions like.....pregnancy?
ReplyDeleteWhat would Jesus do, Sarah?
And how would he judge those making these decisions?
Are Republicans really displaying true Christian values when they vote to rape our land, kill our animals and destroy people's lives accelerating their deaths?
Yes, Sarah. Please quote me chapter and verse about how Jesus felt about rich people and about poor people.
Thought so.
True Love- True Stars!
Her rectalcranial prolapse is becoming more noticeable!
ReplyDeleteanne colter?
DeleteLets take a look at the Heath/Palin family shall we? Chuck and Sally Heath have 4 children. Among them there are 3 divorces and 2 (if you count Sara, with Track) out of wedlock pregnancies. One of them occurred when Chuck Heath jr. knocked up his much younger girlfriend (now wife) when he was still married to his first wife. This trend has continued with Sarah's branch of the family with 2 divorces (Track and Dakota) and 4 out of wedlock pregnancies--amongst her 5 children. Add to that, family brawls, shameless self promotion, relentless quests for revenge, keeping children away from their fathers....the list goes on. Sarah is the epitome of everything I DON'T want to be. I am sure that many people look at people like her and Trump and think "If Christianity produced that then No Thank You"
ReplyDeleteSARAH was an out of wedlock pregnant herself...
DeleteThe entire Palin/Heath family perfectly define christianity as far as I'm concerned.
DeleteThey are fucking poster children for that whole stupid movement/religion/brainwashing/money grab bunch of crap based on 2500 year-old scribblings from a bunch of humans who really didn't know any better.
Any and all of 'em, islam, christianity, hinduism, buddhism, it's time for adherents of any of those made up tales to grow a brain and move into the modern world where we use our knowledge to explain things, not fairy tales.
Uh huh. As usual do what I say, not what I do.
ReplyDeleteC'mon c'mon c'mon baby! Bottoms up!
WTF is a Xian worldview.
ReplyDeleteOh you know...our Christian forefathers and their Bible-based documents that this administration can't find, and couldn't read if they did find them. You know, Washington and Monroe, Jefferson and the rest were all closet evangelicals. They were!! Were you there? They were. Bill and Donnie said so, and Mike Pence would swear on a Bible that this is a Christian nation.
DeleteIt's just a longer-winded way of saying that you are a moron.
DeleteThe odious scent of desperation is nauseating.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't want our children to grow up being sluts that have multiple children with multiple men or to grow into an addict that is so rage filled they abuse their baby Mama's and children would we? Oops, my parents managed to do that without religion.
ReplyDeleteThose kids are as religious as Mamma. Ever see them in a church? Ever get the sense they donate to churches, the needy, or anyone at all except themselves? I have a relative who watches Fox and CBN, and when I've been to church with her, she puts a whole $5 in the plate.
ReplyDeleteApparently Barstool was never successful in "praying away" those out of wedlock pregnancies........'nuff said.
ReplyDeleteOmg - the skank clings to ANY possible way to be noticed. Haha. Dingbat - you suck, you're stupid, you're retarded, you're broke, your kids try to time conversations with you between your drunken binges. You dress yourself in embarrassing cheap outfits - oh, that tablecloth you wore to the WH left everyone laughing! WTF were you thinking?! I'm betting everyone in your hillbilly family assured you that you rocked that tablecloth and looked hot as hell!!! Hahaha. Poor dumbass bimbo!
ReplyDeleteYou blew it skank. You know it - I know it - Gryphen knows it - the whole country knows it. You squandered amazing opportunities and you pissed all over those gullible souls that believed n you. You squeezed every penny you could from them, you lied, you created huge problems for others, you got even with people and you got people fired. You're a hateful dumbass who's expiration date is long past. Go fuck yourself you nasty, vile, hypocritical airhead. You're done. And we're all doing the happy dance every time we see you hit a new low!
Yes! Someone who can post with correct spelling and grammar!! Bravo...Sarah and Bristol need to hire writers and there are still mistakes.
DeleteStephen Colbert Made A Joke About Trump And Now The Government Is Investigating Him
ReplyDelete'Missing this handsome man!' Bristol Palin cuddles up to husband Dakota Meyer in sweet throwback snap, as she reveals he will be away traveling for work just days before her due date
Also too- TIL there's a push out present thing?!
"Earlier this week, Bristol shared a photo of the Louis Vuitton 'push present' Dakota surprised her with"
Merry Xtainmas!
Because every mother of three..four, six? needs as many $500 purses as she can carry. Or does he think she's pushing out the latest grifter?
DeleteIf I'd ever been dumb enough to have a baby my "push present" of choice would have been a new vagina.
DeleteBristol loves to use the word work. Obviously the tabloids believe it. Her so-called husband doesn't do any more "work" than she does. All they do is pose for money. Neither of them has brains of any description and they'll be unemployable all their lives.
DeleteI'm hanging out for the idiot husband to run for office. He can barely string two words together.
ReplyDeleteThink it bullshit that Colbert is supposedly being investigated for knocking Trump. Why hasn't Trump been investigated and silenced as to the lies and nastiness he has projected to the world for years now?
DeleteColbert has freedom of speech and someone involved w/Trump is probably going to try and bring him down. They (Trump) tried to do it w/Bill Maher and it didn't work!
Watch his folks every night folks - build up his ratings even more than they were. I don't miss his show!
Love the fact he came out on his show as being anti Trump with humor and facts!
Sarah needs to write a book on how to raise well adjusted, hard working and socially responsible children. She has done such a good job with her kids, she needs to tell everyone how to do it.
ReplyDeleteAnon at 3:51 pm. I presume that you are being sarcastic about Sarah Palin's mothering skills.
Lord, I hope that was sarcasm, Beaglemom. Otherwise we truly are doomed.
DeleteTeach 'em how to FIGHT for their RIGHT to PAAAAAAAAARRRRTY also too?
DeleteBristol: He Called Me A C**t and A Slut!
Right, after spawning 4 babies out of wedlock, Bristol Palin finally found a sperm donor who is stupid enough to marry her. How much do you want to bet that this next FAS baby looks nothing like Sailor? Junker escaped and was replaced with a stupid moh. The Mugshot Saloon patrons must be laughing their asses off.
DeleteFrom the pond, almost could be parody. But isn't. A true blue Fox watcher
ReplyDeleteguest • 6 hours ago
Mark Stein said the women at Fox are now covering up more.... including long sleeves and even pants suits! So now the Murdoc sons are imposing Sharia law on the sets? They want the women to be as ugly as the ones on MSNBC are? Is that what they call leveling the playing field? Is there nothing sacred? Except for Hannity, there is no point for watching anything else on Fox anymore. I will not tune in to watch Abby Huntsman in a parka. I will not accept their values. I will remember the good times, and keep it that way.
I believe the classy term is."voyeur". The more appropriate to a member if the peepond is ugly old dude with no class, teeny tiny peepee and no skill in the romançe, intimacy or, sexual department, and not enough cash, libido or honesty to buy what they can't attract otherwise. These are the guys for whom the only change the years have brought in the above description is "old." I believe the orange shitgibbon they worship has a term for such as they... LOSERS.
Delete"guest" apparently enjoyed peering down Fox bimbo's cleavage and up their mini-skirted crotches. They weren't allowed to wear slacks--and do you remember the see-through desks some of the women sat behind? "Guest" is almost as bad as his hero, Trump.
DeleteGuess if the old fuckers don't get their news with a dose of titties and leg then they'll just have to avail themselves of some of the medicare-covered boner pills, huh?
WAS IT 1987 AND NOT THE 1970s?
"sex without restraint, for example, which happened during the “free love” 1970s)
From what we read the Free Love happened in a little dorm room at the University of Alaska in 1987
"The author writes that after college Mrs Palin developed a 'fetish' for black men."
"She allegedly had a tryst with basketball star Glen Rice in her younger sister Molly's University of Alaska dorm room, while she was dating Todd and just nine months before the couple were married."
"Mrs Palin, 47, had a one-night stand with Miami Heat basketball star Glen Rice less than a year before she eloped with her husband, the book claims."
"She is said to have met the 6ft 8ins player in 1987 when he was playing in a college basketball tournament in Alaska and she worked as a sports reporter for KTUU television."
Ahhhhh, explains her fetish for the most powerful black man in the world even though he is married to Michelle Obama.
DeleteI thought Molly was the older.sister and Heather the younger?
DeleteSarah has an unsatisfied case of Jungle Fever '-)
DeleteJumping one black dude's boys doesn't make it a fetish. Google fetish.
DeleteDoes this explain why the Wasilla High School Barracuda became a scorned woman that took her anger out against President Obama because she was left in Wasilla and wasn't the wife of a Three Time NBA All-Star?
ReplyDelete'I remember Sarah feeling pretty good that she'd been with a black basketball star,' a source told the magazine.
The athlete is said to have confirmed the night of passion in Mr McGinniss's book.
Mr Rice went on to have a huge career playing basketball in the NBA and was a three-timer All-Star.
DeleteWhy does she always (over)use the word 'bold'? is there some special evangelical connotation; some Xtian dog-whistle?
ReplyDeletealso, too...she doesn't link to her old pals Andrew Breitbart/Steve Bannon and their incessant 'politics is downstream from culture'?
Yes! Bold is BIGLY in evangelical speak. I am not being sarcastic. Bold is a reference to Xtian soldier talk in evangelical circles.
DeleteBold, vibrant,
Sounds like this Free Love didn't stop in 1987?
ReplyDeleteWhat happened in 1996? Is this true Bristol:
Mrs Palin, 47, had a one-night stand with Miami Heat basketball star Glen Rice less than a year before she eloped with her husband, the book claims.
She is said to have met the 6ft 8ins player in 1987 when he was playing in a college basketball tournament in Alaska and she worked as a sports reporter for KTUU television.
It is also claimed that she had a six-month affair with Brad Hanson, who ran a snowmobile dealership with her husband Todd - a betrayal which led to Todd dissolving their business
The book goes on to claim that while married Mrs Palin also had an affair with one of her husband's business partners.
Todd is alleged to have ended all dealings with Brad Hanson after he found out about the secret six-month relationship in 1996.
Both Mrs Palin and Mr Hanson have denied the allegations. (Wouldn't you if you were a married woman?)
Piper belongs to Brad.
DeleteThey say that guy Brad Hanson resembles her husband Todd.
ReplyDeleteWhose kids are friends with hers to date.
DeleteWillow's friends with brads wife.
Delete@4:49 PM How about Brad's wife? Is Brad the father of Piper? Is Joe Schmidt Willow's Dad? Bring it, Palin know-it-all.
DeletePiper does not look like Todd in the least.
DeleteLOL everybody is very friendly.. very sharing.... sharing salmon.... sharing crabs....
DeleteTiny dick???
DeleteWillow's Dad?
Sarah and Joe Schmidt taking snowmobile rides together at night. Joe was Sarah's Director of Prisons.
It would behoove you to think like a Christian before spouting bullshit. A Christian lives every day knowing everyone is a sinner and strives to be better everyday.
ReplyDeleteAnd not pontificate to others when we all know better. I DO think like a Christian and everything regurgitated is bullshit. I know my Bible more than they ever will.
DeleteTrump has quite clearly said he doesn't think he has done anything for which he needs to ask God's forgiveness.
DeleteWhat a waste of a life. All that sin and guilt bullshit when you could just be living this one and only shot you have at an existence. I hate if for all the folks that become entangled in the brainwashing because they never truly live.
DeleteAnd most Christians do terrible things and never feel the slightest bit of shame because hey the devil made them do it.
DeleteBeing a sinner is just an excuse for being a bad person. None of them (specifically Sarah Palin) have every improved as people. Sarah is still a lying bitch who hurts people when she can.
It would not behoove Gryphen to think like a Christian or a Buddhist or a Rastafarian or any other religion. Look to your own filthy thoughts, eh?
Go pray for the late convicted Tony Alamo's victims.
DeleteI can say my children’s progressive liberal upbringing has made them invested in their communities in nothing less than positive and uplifting ways. They worked their way through college degrees and didn’t end up breeding aimlessly and justifying their existence through lame memes about Jesus. Sarah Palin, just sit down and shut the fuck up! There, I finally said it. As my dad used to say, “If you don’t have something constructive to say, be quiet until you do!"
ReplyDeleteLMAO the Heaths with their tradition of shotgun marriage (including Sarah AND her parents) and the Palin spawn with their history of dropping unwanted illegitimate babies all over over Wasilla... and this old slapper has the gall to think she's in a position to lecture decent people about "sex without restraint"????
Pretty obvious $he's chasing those fundamentalist xtian dollars. LOL.
Hey, Georgia Peach! Round Three of chemo today, the subject came up with those like me and educated, trained attendants assisting those like me. You should have seen the eye rolls and how they spoke out over the soon- to-be defeated ACHA in the Senate.
DeleteFor those who can, watch Bill Maher tonight.
ReplyDeleteJohn Kusich opening interview and more.
FUCK YOU, SarahPalin.
Palin has the mentality of a twelve year old.
ReplyDeleteLook at this video. Even Tripp thinks she is a nut and he would be right.
Since we're on the subject of Free Love, does that include another bloke?
ReplyDeleteTodd Palin
Glenn Rice
Brad Hanson
Was there another lover by the name of Curt Menard Jr? They say he took an interest in Sarah's and Track's lifes which didn't sit well with Todd. Is the rumor true about Curt and Track? Is the rumor true about Curt's mysterious demise?
Curt Menard Jr. is suppose to be the biological father of Track Palin! r. Todd married Sarah thinking she was pregnant w/his kid is the rumor in Alaska.
DeleteI would guess Track's problems came from finding this out!
No. Track's problems are from growing up with a drug addled absentee mother who cheated on and fought with the man he assumed to be his dad. Sarah's spreading the rumor of his biological father being another man was only the topper to a horrid excuse for a childhood.
DeleteThat explains why best friends Todd and Brad's snowmobile dealership went kaput. The two buds parted ways, over an affair the Christian church frowns upon.
ReplyDeleteI remember when the infamous "brawl" happened and some of the C4P were blaming her kids for hurting Saint Sarah's image.
ReplyDeleteDuh! who raised them and who was right there with them.That whole family was raised on their own because Miss Christian did not have the time to give them, she had money to throw at them and she called it parenting. The whole bunch is like ferral cats raised with a nice barn to call a home.
Yes and smell like it.
Delete7:55 I beg your pardon? Cats and dogs and other animals could teach a LOT of humans how to raise babies. Animals protect their young, nurture them.
DeleteSomewhere, someone has her picture ascending that stage in her Louis Vuitton's. Oh BOY did I giggle! Queen Heifer indeed.
ReplyDelete....preaches the woman who takes pictures with old men sporting "woodies".
ReplyDeleteWhat a tard.
ReplyDeleteA village with an idiot standing on a soapbox talking nonsense. Wasilly must build a spectrum healthcare facility.
ReplyDeleteSuch a nasty dirty liar skank. Her and trump come from the same alt reality show. The Holsters.
ReplyDeleteAnd how is miss brissy doing in yee haw texas these days?
ReplyDeleteSex without restraint? You mean like the little girls raped by trump and friends? or maybe todd and the massage therapist. No restraint there right? Sarah and Trump are a piece of work floating in the swamp waiting to be drained.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin, the woman who has never acted Christian in her life. She's never lived by the supposed teachings even though spouting their words off and on. She's nothing more than a joke, liar and fraud!
ReplyDeleteThe majority of Americans would never follow the idiot and haven't! (Check the facts in Alaska and especially in Wasilla!)
Unfortunately society will always have dishonest people like Sarah looking at God as her next grift . Its just another day,and another way to grift for Shifty Sarah. How about a Rill job for once instead of trying to bilk people out of their $$,smelly girl? Sarah always wants something $$$,for nothing. Has the next bastard arrived yet? Mugshot baby #? How are any of the kids in town going to date,when they're all related?? Dillingham style,no morals I guess. Best to keep both feet in a bucket,girls. Those babies don't just make themselves.
ReplyDeleteOh Sarahhhhhhhh, Those that know you know you don't have one Xtian bone in your body. SHUT UP.
ReplyDeleteWhen ever I see that picture of Palin bending over on stage near those people, I imagine them saying, "DAMN HER OLD ASS STINKS LIKE SHIT"
ReplyDeleteSarah, you'd make a bigger contribution to humanity shooting amateur porn. Just disappear already, you dumb fucking Christo-whore.