Friday, August 25, 2017

I think Germany might have the very best Donald Trump magazine covers.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

“Neo-nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Racism: As Donald Trump stirs the hate in America,” a translation of the cover reads.

Great, the whole world now knows that we have a Nazi sympathizer in the White House. 

All they knew before was that we had a pussy grabbing, moronic, Russian puppet in there.


  1. Caroll Thompson2:16 AM

    Never mind we have a Nazi sympathizer in the White House. I think we have an actual Nazi.

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      Why is it that Germany, the country that brought the world nazis. Works that much harder to denounce that shit. In America in 2017 we have a nazi president.

    2. Leland6:01 AM

      The answer to your question, 5:31, is simple. They brought the world Nazism and know EXACTLY what the cost was - and is.

      WE, on the other hand, have lost the vast majority of those who actually fought the nazis and experienced their methods. And we aren't really taught the total truth, so have nothing to fight them with, except those of us who gathered an education about it on our own.

      There is only one kind of GOOD nazi. Anybody able to tell me what it is?

      And as long as they continue to preach what to me is treason and do so with firearms and clubs and any other violent weaponry, I will continue to fight against their preaching. Once they get rid of that violent technique, I will THINK about letting them utilize their 1st amendment rights - PROVIDED they don't continue to speak about racism and other such anti-American crap.

      Sedition is a crime, too, so don't tell me I have to let them spout that crap. It's certainly true that Humpty Trumpty isn't going to do anything to them!

    3. Anonymous7:09 AM

      5:31 -
      They learned from their mistakes.

      We haven't.


    4. Anonymous9:08 AM have acquired skills. A particular set of skills. Ask them if they want a demonstration of the SKILLS. You will be OK. ;)

    5. Anonymous1:58 PM

      the germans would forced to remove all signs of nazis by the americans, british, and france as soon as germany was taken. years of re-education followed and the children wore taught that nazi was bad. this took a long time. in the early50's, some people were force to watch concertration camp footage, in order to make them lose their nazi attitude. i suspect it lingers in places buts it's against the law. i'm sure this magazine had to have permission for this.

  2. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Texas may well fall off the map this weekend and Austin will get flooded, too. Palin curse ala Bristol Meyers and her squib.
    But seriously, Texans, is anyone appointed to FEMA? There are a lot of positions that Drumpf hasn't filled.
    THIS disaster could define and end his presidency. I hope Texans who survive turn on him . I wonder if he will fiddle while Rome burns? Will he say anything even?

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      This will be the first big test of the Trump administration's natural disaster response. Based on the incompetent people he's put in place for most other agencies, the odds are that this will be bungled.

      Hopefully, there are enough career professionals in FEMA to get the necessary help to the people who are affected by the storm.

    2. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Like most of Trump's embarrassing screw ups, the hurricane will be forgotten in a week as the next screw up, hate speech or claim of being a victim takes, no, it won't make any difference if Texas is washed off the map.

  3. "I think Germany might have the very best Donald Trump magazine covers."
    Of course they do. Who knows the dangers of Nazism and authoritarianism and feels a greater responsibility to stop it more than Germany ?

  4. Leland3:55 AM

    Anyone want to bet he will be trying to sue? I'll bet he is already on the phone screaming at Merkel to order that cover OFF the market.

    If he did call her, I would hope she simply hangs up on him - after laughing, of course.

    1. Anonymous4:54 AM

      He is screaming at someone. Life in the White House these days. A befuddled, 71 year old crybaby having tantrums.

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      I'm sure Merkel (Germany) is quietly laughing at the idiot known as Trump! What a joke he is to America and the world!

    3. Naw.

      I think he'll have the cover framed to add to his collection....until someone explains the significance and translates the cover.

  5. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Trump's German magazine cover reminds me of Sarah Palin's magazine cover when she wrapped herself in the American flag.

    Since Palin is a Trump sympathizer, that must mean she's a Nazi White Supremacist sympathizer?

    1. Anonymous4:45 AM

      Two words: Schaeffer Cox.

    2. Anonymous4:52 AM

      Well, we do know she is racist. She feels threatened by brown people even as she is hot for some of the men.

    3. Anonymous8:12 AM

      We knew that after one of her feeble attempts at college. Too many Asians.

    4. Anonymous1:48 PM

      it's funny how these kind of people scream how much of a American patriot they are and then do as much damage they possibly can to their country, i would never trust a person who wraps himself in a flag. and all the worse groups call themselves patriots for a better usa. hiding behind country in order to ruin it.

  6. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Yea, 8:12 AM - that was when she was in school in Hawaii. She could not handle the number of Asians schoolmates she encountered and QUIT!

    She's truly a racist bitch and known QUITTER! Just ask the Alaskan population!

  7. Anonymous11:00 AM

    What do ya wanna bet that Trump hangs plenty of framed blowups of this in Mar-a-Lardo and all his golf clubs? Possibly his personal gold-plated bathroom in the White House, as well.
    You know he will inevitably mistake the magazine's name (Star, in German) for a comment on his leadership!

    Wild Tortoise

    1. Well, he *does* need something to replace all those "Time" covers.

  8. I don't know whether it is a law or unwritten journalistic rule but German magazines and papers don't normally criticize foreign leaders, at least not to the extent they have gone after Trump. I think perhaps a blind eye is being given to these such covers and articles because Germany, more than any other country knows what Trump is and where it will lead if we do not act. They are really serious about this shit.


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