Saturday, August 26, 2017

Sarah Palin endorses candidate who as former Alabama judge was suspended for enforcing state's ban on same sex marriage.

Courtesy of The Hill:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorsed Roy Moore on Thursday, giving a boost to the Republican in the Alabama GOP Senate primary runoff. 

"Glad he's running and am honored to endorse Judge Roy Moore for the US Senate," Palin said in a statement. "Judge Moore has shown he has what it takes to stand up to the out-of-touch political establishment." 

"The Judge has proven he's not afraid of a fight for what is right, and he's ready to take on DC's swamp monsters and make America great again. We need more bold leaders like Judge Moore who will fight for all of us in the US senate," Palin said. 

Moore was suspended last year as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court after ordering lower court judges to continue enforcing the state's ban on same-sex marriage after it had been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Besides being a homophobe Moore is also well known for fighting to keep a wooden monument to the Ten Commandments in his county courtroom.

So being anti-gay and super religious of course makes him Palin's dream candidate.

It's also helpful I'm sure that he is also being supported by the Nazi in the White House.


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    What influence does this cross eyed skank have anymore? What happened to her baby making daughter and that MOH "husband"?

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM

      It turns out MOH is 100% wimp. Mr. Wimpy has a stalker, they stalk his family and he does nothing but engage them. Too terrified to deal with this one, go figure. Poor Bristol is bored to death with her lonely life in where ever she is now. sWhat is she hiding from? Cross eyed skank gets hits and money from her robotic platform. She hopes to influence someone with bank, like another Trump, she fails. Bannon taking pity may be her last chance for any crumb he will toss her way.

    2. Anonymous5:48 AM

      "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." - J. Wellington Wimpy

      Prissy Brissy says she traded up?!

    3. Anonymous8:21 AM

      For all those stalked in Alaska, we repeat "what goes around comes around".The End.

    4. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Too funny. Duh says it is a man, Bris calls it a she and Bris just doesn't get it.

    5. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Akwoman:Enjoy all your all free time Dakota soon you will be tasting a different kind of freedom.
      Akwoman: As will your wonderful wife Bristol.
      Duhkota:Ha ha freedom will only get better
      Akwoman: Yes it will Dakota
      Akwoman: Just a friendly reminder Dakota you should have just stopped when you had 1
      Brisdul: Dakota I don't get what she's trying to say (thinking face emoji)

    6. Anonymous12:22 PM

      So much for Stinky's own personal stalker to sick on her enemies in the valley. Guess Pillsbury has more of a yellow stripe down his back,instead of a still spine. Dude was beat down by a GIRL! ;)

    7. Anonymous1:00 PM

      I hadn't heard Dakota Meyer talk so long. Does he get paid when he is on Fox? He is modest and saying he doesn't deserve the award, that it is for the for the others. Do they also make out with the benefits? Does he donate/give to the families of the dead?

      Meyer's advice to Pres. Trump on Afghanistan policy

      Dakota does often give tribute to other US soldiers that were in wars

    8. Anonymous10:39 AM

      What was that about black widow baby? He/she would be banned if it was on a normal person's twitter.

      It could be Dakota or a friend doing it for the drama. He needs followers, clicks and what have you. Otherwise he is dull and only has idol worshiping and war mongering interests.

    9. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Oh I know crew in Texas who could tamper with his rigs.
      If he needs attention. Shrug.

  2. Roy Moore is one reason why I'm glad to be moving back to Mobile from California.

    We all vote the same way here. I want to be where my voice and vote might be able to make a difference.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Toxic Sarah gives another crooked politicion the kiss of death.

  3. Anonymous5:03 AM

    How many times has it been proven through actions that these "super religious" types are the furthest thing from it?

    Sorry, $arah, but the "God" you claim to serve I don't want any part of if you're the poster child.

  4. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Dirty donny must be feeling very insecure and lonely if he has to reach down into the bowels of right-wingery to extract support from the palin to help quash a candidate.

    He may be embarrassed to be seen with Scary in public but when the going gets tough he knows she will proudly throw on her trucker cap and help him Make America Hate Again.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      In the name of the LORD.
      Sick people.

  5. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Actually during the primary, Trump tweeted his support for Luther Strange. The third guy, Mo Brooks, had vocally criticized trump during the campaign so i think Little Donny Two Scoops will b happy with either one. Strange was the Alabama AG and he was investigating the Governor for corruption. He suddenly stopped the investigation then was appointed into Jeff's Sessions seat. And besides being suspended last year, Moore was actually removed as Chief Justice in 2003 for refusing to remove a ten commandments monument from the Alabama judicial building. Couple of winners. Way to go alabama

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      " It spit in the face of people who were targeted and even tortured by a sheriff who once proudly referred to his Tent City jail as a “concentration camp.” Trump supporter Don Surber, a former West Virginia newspaper columnist fired for describing the dead teenager Michael Brown as an “animal” who had to be put “down” by police, exulted on his blog: “In pardoning Arpaio, President Trump sent a message to those under investigation by two dozen Democratic lawyers. …The message of his pardon is: Donald Trump has your back.”The president was furious about being criticized for being a racist, and so, like a violent father smacking around his wife and children, he took it out on the majority of the country that fears and abhors him." there is one promise he can deliver on, and it may be the central promise of his maggot-hearted campaign: Revenge!"
      "He is, to use one of his own epithets, an enemy of the American people."

  6. I'm pretty sure that at this point, Joe Bob down at the corner bar has exactly as much influence on an election thousands of miles away as Alaska's scraggly old wannabe hottest barfly evah.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Haha haha. Your funny. ;)

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      @8:22 AM Go back to school, dummy.

    3. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Palin only influences idiots like the goofus @9:31. When she isn't being the grammar police she's promoting Palin. Her brain is like putrefied mush. She can pick up on grammatical mistakes and yet misses all that is important. Her mediocre mind has been given some schooling but posses no ability to critically think. She thinks the Palins are wonderful. That says it all.

    4. Anonymous3:57 PM

      9:31 $talker

    5. Anonymous5:19 PM

      11:48 and 3:57, wrong person, dummies.

    6. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Must be SPECIAL universe you live in.

  7. Anonymous7:18 AM

    ot oh Pat..."We taught the Bible as a self-help manual."
    "According to the former producer, who has just written>
    “The Gospel of the Self: How Jesus Joined the GOP,”
    ", ” You put that on the air and you will cost this ministry millions.”"
    Heaton adds that the focus of the show became increasingly obsessed with $eXxx, and less about what was in the Bible.""You say “they’re” all about sex. Did you, personally, not feel that sexual morality was the be-all and end-all of Christian morality?"

    "There was only one time we did a program about things not going right — it was a program about death. And it was one of the most powerful shows we did. Anyone who worked on it will tell you that. But Pat hated it because it wasn’t “prosperity!” and “everything’s going to work out just fine!”Pat is a politician who happens to be a minister. He grew up as a Southern aristocrat in Virginia. His father was a US senator." Pat Robertson’s been landing exclusive sit-down interviews with Trump, and CBN’s new shows like Faith Nation are further blurring the line between news and opinion." FAKE THE NATION! "with Faith Nation, CBN is trying to turn a three-way communication medium [back] into a one-way. " I remember one show that we were taping in which Pat prayed that God would kill the Supreme Court justices. We had to stop the tape and advise him that he couldn’t say that on TV. But that’s the way he felt. Trump really sings Pat’s tune when it comes to the Supreme Court, also on the issue of religious liberty. When Trump starts talking about how Christianity is going to be “great again,” people like Pat sit up at listen. And they’ll support him whenever necessary —
    even if it means blowing up North Korea!"


  8. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Have you ever noticed that liberals act as if repubs should be perfect while ignoring how severely fucked up a lot of democrats are?

    In other news, I've noticed Sarah doesn't actually look into people who receive her endorsements.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      At 7:20, do you have a mirror handy?

    2. Anonymous11:43 AM

      No. What I have noticed is that when democrats fuck up, they are held accountable. They resign, they get fired, they lose endorsements as they well should. When Republicans fuck up they double down, deny and get rewarded by the mass of jerks who support them.

    3. Anonymous3:21 PM

      👏👏 indeed 11:43. It makes me sick.

    4. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Republican = Rape is Gods Will. Nice bunch of folks.

  9. Anonymous7:23 AM

    What an appropriate name for a repub. politician - STRANGE!! Are there any WIERD members, I wonder? Another good name would be PERVERT, since they have an abundance of those in their ranks.

  10. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Rabid dog$ fight: statements>
    "Arpaio is a racist monster who terrorized brown skin people while letting child molesters walk around free"

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      No wonder Trump pardoned him.

    2. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Arpaio is a reflection of who Trump really is.It is also an obvious way to further solidify his support of racists.

  11. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Well, as noted above, Trump wanted/wants Luther Strange, so Lil' Sarah is ignoring her Lord and Master.
    Then, we can all read about this creature Roy Moore who believes in "the Sovereignty of God" over the Constitution of the United States.
    He also believes -- still believes in 2017 -- that Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen. So he's an all-out white supremacist, a member of the KKK, if unofficial.
    And, from Wikipedia, here are some tidbits about his darling son:

    "Moore's wife, Kayla, is the President of the Foundation for Moral Law, which Roy founded. His son Caleb works there as well, and was identified in 2012 tax returns as its Executive Director. Arrested for possession of Xanax and marijuana on March 15, 2015, Caleb paid a $900 fine and was granted pretrial diversion after promising to enter drug rehab, despite three prior drug convictions, and three Driving Under the Influence arrests since 2011, in Alabama and Florida. "I must admit, the things people are saying about me on social media are for the most part true. I do have a past that I'm not proud of. Thank God for salvation and changing my life," he posted on Facebook. Blaming others after his arrest, Caleb wrote, "the media and crooked police officers and critics of my dad try to not only destroy his career for what he stands for but will go as far as trying to destroy his family."[105][106][107] On November 25, 2016, he was arrested for the eighth time in five years, for hunting over bait and hunting without permission of the property owner."

    So, the Sovereignty of God hasn't sunk into the thick skull of Caleb Moore, just as it hasn't made an impact on any of the adult Palin "children."

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      7- 11 lesson about God.
      God is Vanilla ice cream.
      Religions are flavors of it
      Take your pick. Now don't expect me to like your flavor. I won't expect you to like mine. We should get along just fine. The End.;)

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      And ice cream itself is not essential to human life and if not used in moderation, can be harmful to it.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Little bit goes a long way.

  12. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Who listens to a lazy @ss quitter that bailed when the going got tough.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      She feared what is headline news now. Russia. money laundering. Investigatons.

    2. July 3 200910:07 AM

      that fundraiser that wasn't on the ethical up and up...and a pee pond...and a PAC...just sayin!

    3. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Sanctions against USA will hurt. Make the Depression look like the Wonder Years.
      Good job laziest @$$ Sarah.

    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Poor Donald is trying to soothe Finland right now.
      Sounds like the GIG is up.

  13. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Palin has grown into one ugly broad - both inside and out. She no longer has anything attractive about her! Aging has not been her friend!

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      She has an evil soul, her ugly heart aged her body fast. She was kind of attractive at first in a slutty librarian kind of way.

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Her ugly soul has risen to the surface over the years.Now it's hers to wear. There's no ds child to hide behind. No PIG to take out on the ice at the hockey game so she won't get booed.

  14. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Palin gave her endorsement. Kinda like Trump applauding the good KKK racists.

  15. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Muslim faith - 72 virgins upon death. women get nothing
    Christian faith - eternal life for all believers regardless of sin.
    Athiest - no wishful thinking, death ends it. No drama.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      'Murrican faith - Praise Jeebus. SEND MOAR MONEY!!!

  16. Anonymous12:48 PM

    She is at least a deplorable. She has the very sick mind of an abused child. Chucky formed what she is. He had a hand in this and will never pay the price.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Yup. Hey Sarah. How's that "rape is God's Will" working for ya? Thought so.

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Maybe she liked it.

    3. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Or around strange so long she thought it was normal.

  17. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Sara gives s!uts a bad name. She is a whore for attention.
    A lazy stupid biotch, that one.

  18. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Fuck you Palin, you aneuploidic hack. You were never a kingmaker...and you never will be.

  19. Anonymous10:15 PM

    D. Meyer does post about heros and other soldiers. 'With or without a MOH the Chesty Puller is a damn legend.'

    Curious, I never saw that he or Sarah Palin posted anything for the most recent Medal of Honor recipient, James McCloughan, like when it was the news. Trump awards first Medal of Honor...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.