Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Secretary of Defense blocks Trump's ban on transgender military personnel.

Courtesy of USA Today: 

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis late Tuesday announced that transgender troops will be allowed to continue serving in the military pending the results of a study by experts. 

The announcement follows an order from President Trump — first announced in a tweet — declaring that transgender service members can no longer serve in the military, effectively reversing an Obama administration policy. The order also affects the Department of Homeland Security, which houses the Coast Guard. 

"Once the panel reports its recommendations and following my consultation with the secretary of Homeland Security, I will provide my advice to the president concerning implementation of his policy direction," Mattis said in the statement. "In the interim, current policy with respect to currently serving members will remain in place." 

Mattis' move buys time for the Pentagon to determine how and if it will allow thousands of transgender troops to continue to serve, whether they will receive medical treatment, or how they will be discharged.

Gee, I wonder how long this study will take?

Perhaps three and a half years?

I think it's pretty clear that Mattis is not in favor of this ban and is putting the breaks on a  policy from his boss that he knows will damage troop moral and result in the loss of valuable new recruits.

Thank goodness there are some grownups working to keep this orange tinted toddler in check.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Outstanding news! MORE need to stand up to The Donald!

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I am seeing a positive trend, when adults like Jim Mattis ,don't ask " how high" every time trump tweets "jump"!
    It is definitely encouraging that we still have hope.
    Fuck you trump/family/supporters. Spineless hypocrite's!

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM
      " It turns out that Trump’s pardon will almost certainly keep the racist former sheriff out of prison, but it may not remove the conviction from his record because the legal acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt."
      dRUMPf>"whose sole motivation for the pardon was to pander to his base, but Trump may end up having taking a political beating, and Joe Arpaio could remain convicted of a crime."

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    On Slate this morning. "No, Mattis Did Not Freeze Trump’s Transgender Troops Ban"
    So which is it? I'm confused.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      My original understanding was Trump banned transgenders from joining. For those already in, he banned military paying for reassignment surgery. For those already in and already in the middle of reassignment, it was a little fuzzy, but sounded like they had a green light to continue. So (IMO), Mattis hasn't done crap to stop this. Maybe this "study" will allow transgenders to join again.

  4. Anonymous8:53 AM

    disc brakes - coffee breaks


  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    "Hold the line until our country gets back to understanding & respecting each other..." Jim Mattis to US troops

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Trump's broad strokes on tax reform leave heavy lift for Congress
      Trump’s speech on Wednesday won’t mask the fact that lawmakers still face a wide range of knotty questions when they return to Washington next week.

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      9:16 AM That quote is basically saying nothing at all. What the... is this timeline of when we are back to understanding and respect? I know people that thought that speech was great, I didn't see it that way.

      About all he is doing is holding the line. Some people like that but everyday that line is held we are at risk of severe damage or total destruction from an Orange Evil Clown.

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Mattis holds the line so Trump can promise support to Chuck Grassley who is on the committee asking Junior Trump questions about Russian meetings and connections. It is a subject that depresses Senior Trump.

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    This calling out by Drumpf to take control of people's right for sexual orientation shows the insanity of the orange idiot. He, who fraternizes with prostitutes, is married to a porn character ( pals around with Epstein (law lists as sexual predator) to rape teenage girls provided by the woman who publicly admits she provided those young females, needs to be relegated to a non-existent role in our government - NOW! Ask yourself who is the lawbreaker here, certainly not our military folks.

    Actually Drumpf needs to be reduced to a non-role in our society, period. There are available beds in some of our psych institutions and he can hold "rallies" all day long in any day room until he runs out of spit.

    His sick followers can visit him anytime there, though they may have to claim to be a relative in order to gain admission. We will see how large the "crowd" is then.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Remember too that Trump's following are in the 30% category. That is far from the majority! He'll never be reelected. His record (if he lasts 4 years) will be deplorable and Americans are paying more attention this go around.

  7. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Gen. Mattis On North Korea: 'We’re Never Out Of Diplomatic Solutions'

    Mattis is a troublemaker.

  8. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Not So Fast, Why Palin Could Win on Appeal Against The New York Times

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      She won't win! Total baloney!

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Lately, the Right has been practically masturbating over the idea of bullying anyone who reports something they don’t like with expensive lawsuits as an attempt to keep criticism to a minimum.

    3. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Deep pockets have known all along they could drag this on and on with appeals. That is one of the reasons they started so low, was it $50,000?

      After several more appeals the amount will go up, more like $50,000,000. Sarah isn't paying any lawyers and it can take years before she would be in deposition. It is a conservative issue to destroy any media they don't like, and that is what this is about. This is just a way to harass and keep Sarah and a conservative issue in the news.

      I wouldn't be surprised if the people setting this up are paying Sarah Palin, I know for sure she is not paying the attorney bill. Sarah will not be the one to pay NYT legal fees if it came to that. She would have signed papers to have that burden on the team that is creating this tactic. It won't be on Palin.

  9. Anonymous10:00 AM

    LISTEN: Eric Trump says his father ‘tunes out’ criticism so he doesn’t commit suicide ‘out of depression’

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      The family admits and knows he is suffering from depression? That is a good thing. They would see he gets treatment.

      THERE IS HELP: Can a few AA batteries relieve pain, gout and depression? Two thousand years ago, the Roman physician Scribonius Largus reported that headaches could be relieved with the sting of a live electric eel. Ever since then, scientists have been interested in the healing powers of electricity.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      It seems that The Donald thought he’d be able to rule over the nation like some kind of mad king. It’s obvious that he got a very rude awakening.

  10. Anonymous11:03 AM

    President Donald Trump is promising billions to help Texas rebuild from Hurricane Harvey, but his Republican allies in the House are looking at cutting almost $1 billion from disaster accounts to help finance the president’s border wall.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Trump has no clue. His majority Republican Congress is NOT working with or for him. He's such an idiot and loser!

      Vote out Republicans next election cycle - every chance you get on the national, state and local levels.

    2. Just wait until all his wet, homeless Deplorables in Texas find out all of their FEMA aid is going into building Trump's boondoggle Wall instead.

  11. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Hey we should BAN known mental midget LIARS from attempting to run for president of the usa.

    1. Leland12:54 PM

      Got any ideas that would be Constitutional? The only one I can see that might work is a mental and physical test, but even that is questionable.

      Certainly no knowledge test would be legal. And as long as there are idiots out there like those who follow Humpty Trumpty that wouldn't matter.

  12. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Good news: Texas Activates Entire State National Guard for Harvey Aftermath

  13. Good to see there are some adults in the room.

  14. Anonymous12:44 PM

    If they really want to save money from the "devastating" costs of medical care, they would stop handing out FREE Viagra!!

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Free Viagra to the only the white guys now!

  15. Meanwhile, while no one was looking, women and minorities were losing more ground.

    "Days after issuing a bland statement supporting women’s equality, the Trump administration halted a key equal pay initiative on Tuesday put in place by the Obama administration.

    The scrapped provision would have required employers to report aggregate information on how much they pay workers ― broken down by gender, race and ethnicity ― and would have been a critical first step in figuring out the scope of the pay gap at different companies.

    Instead, the Office of Management and Budget said in a memo this week that it was halting implementation so it could review the provision, citing concerns about paperwork and privacy."

    (Which, of course, is BULLSHIT.)

    "“This is not a technical tweak as they would have you believe. Make no mistake— it’s an all-out attack on equal pay,” said Fatima Goss Graves, president and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center in a statement on Tuesday. “Today’s action sends a clear message to employers,” Graves added. “If you want to ignore pay inequities and sweep them under the rug, this Administration has your back.”"

    "Stopping the Obama administration provision from going into effect was the result of an orchestrated effort by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the federal contractors business lobby and anti-worker and anti-regulatory senators on the Hill, Shabo said."

    Trump: "If Obama did it, get rid of it."



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