Thursday, August 24, 2017

White Nationalists in Kentucky plan super secret protest against the removal of Confederate statues.

Courtesy of the Lexington Herald-Leader: 

White nationalist groups might hold a flash demonstration in Lexington to protest moving two Confederate statues from the lawn of the former Fayette County courthouse instead of a publicly announced rally, according to an organizer. 

Matthew Heimbach, chairman of a white nationalist group called the Traditionalist Worker Party, told the Herald-Leader last week that his group and others were planning a rally in Lexington to oppose the removal of statues in downtown Lexington. When asked this week whether he had picked a date for the event, though, Heimbach said it probably will be a “flash demo.” 

He confirmed that that meant an event with no public announcement of the time or place. 

“As long as we don’t block the street, we should be OK,” Heimbach said. 

Heimbach's fear apparently is that if they publicize the protest that counter protesters will show up and say mean things about them until they get their little traitorous feelings hurt.

You may also remember that 37 pro-Trump rallies were called off over fear of conflicts.

Much like the confederate soldiers that they seem to emulate these men are clearly ready to wave the white flag before there is a chance of any real conflict.

I am not sure that these people in Kentucky clearly understand the purpose of a protest.

The whole idea is to draw attention, including media attention, to your cause.

I don't think that a super secret, over in a flash, rally has any real chance of accomplishing that.

You know these racists actually could just all stay home and then claim online that they HAD a rally, thousands showed up, and nobody got hurt. 

Just a thought.


  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Here's a thought. How many presidents in the past would have still been president had tmz existed 200 years ago ? Probably none.

    That is the best statement on American media And its immorality.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      8:39 you need to do some serious history research. There were newspapers back then and there were some serious doozies written about candidates and politicians even back then. But I know right wing snowflakes don't like edumication much.

    2. Anonymous9:57 AM

      8:39 is full of crap.

    3. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Yes, 8:39 am, you ignorant dum dum, gossip always existed as did perverts, philanderers, con men.

    4. Anonymous11:22 AM

      what is tmz?

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    White 6-6-6 pence

  3. Caroline in San Jose, soon moving back to Mobile9:59 AM

    "Much like the confederate soldiers that they seem to emulate these men are clearly ready to wave the white flag before there is a chance of any real conflict."

    I don't understand. There was plenty of real conflict. The white flag was waved only after massive loss of Confederate lives.

    The Confederate cause was clearly awful, but I don't remember reading about surrender to avoid conflict.

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    " “Hey, I go down the street, I see Martin Luther Coon… uh, I shouldn’t have said that… Martin Luther King. I mean, should I rip the signs down or insist they take Martin Luther King Street down or the rest of that stuff.”


  5. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Trump Accidentally Confirms Obama’s Greatness As Inept President Can’t Even Get Racism Right

    ...In the meme, Trump is the moon that is temporarily passing in front of the sun (Obama). The eclipse of the sun is temporary. If Trump is the moon than the meme is suggesting that Obama is the powerful figure that gives light and warmth that was temporarily obstructed by a rare event.

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Good news. The guy in the VICE doc is in jail. He has to stay there until October. Christopher Cantwell of Keene, New Hampshire, he is accused of using tear gas at a riot protest in Charlottesville. I am not sure about the details, I think he turned himself in.

  7. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Has Track Palin moved to Kentucky? Or was it Tennessee? Texas? Sarah and Todd also hiding? What is running them out of Alaska or under their swamp rocks? Too hot? What happened to the baby that Sarah faked? It is hard to keep up with criminals on the run. Sad about the youngin' that are innocently born into those messy white nationalist families. Alt-right, John Birch or what ever it is called now.

  8. Anonymous2:08 PM

    NO COAL>"OK!
    "Since the report totally undercuts Perry’s ongoing attacks on renewables, the political appointees tweaking the findings can do little more than put some scary language about the future:"

  9. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Good News:

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Is Track Palin back in jail?

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      If only Track was EVER in jail. He's scooted by on every single thing he was charged with, thanks to Mommy and Military (PTSD?!?!)

      He must realize now how badly he's fucked up his life since his kid is now nearly 9 months old and he's missed all of its milestone moments, although word has it he didn't want the kid anyway, so win, win?

    3. Anonymous4:29 PM

      He lost both of his kids? Except for some restricted visits with a child protecting adult present. Does he bother with those visits? Geeze, where did he learn his parenting skills?

      If he could get out of the chemical abuse fog he would have a story to tell. Many people have ghost writers. It doesn't matter that he can't speak or write in public.

  10. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Just another fat, chinless, southern wonder boy with vermicelli-forearms that thinks he's the leader of the "master race".

  11. Anonymous1:01 AM

    White nationalist Christopher Cantwell surrenders in Virginia on three felony charges


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It just goes directly to their thighs.