Monday, September 04, 2017

The Trumpfication of America. The EPA is now personally attacking an AP reporter using an article from Breitbart.

In their statement the EPA went after the AP and one of the reporters directly: 

Unfortunately, the Associated Press’ Michael Biesecker has a history of not letting the facts get in the way of his story. Earlier this summer, he made-up a meeting that Administrator Pruitt had, and then deliberately discarded information that refuted his inaccurate story – ultimately prompting a nation-wide correction. Additionally, the Oklahoman took him to task for sensationalized reporting. 

"The Oklahoman" by the way is a rather conservative paper which was quick to come to the defense of fellow Oklahoman Scott Pruitt: 

THE disdain that some in the media have for President Trump and members of his administration is evident regularly. Recent coverage related to EPA administrator Scott Pruitt provides an example of interest to locals because of Pruitt's Oklahoma ties.

As you can read from that opening paragraph the paper has a clear and obvious bias. So of course Trump's EPA is going to cherry pick their story to bolster their complaint against the AP.

The Associated Press of course has a response.
All of this is of course comes directly from the Donald Trump playbook which is to promote positive press coverage and dismiss any negative, fact based, coverage as "fake news."

And now it appears that these same tactics have been adopted by the federal agencies now under Trump's control.

Apparently this is the new normal.


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    You called it months ago, Gryph!

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    It's frightening how far down the rabbit hole the right has gone. Breitbart blasting AP as fake news is expected but republicans believing their s*** is beyond disturbing. How can this society even function when half the electorate don't even know what reality is? They think Breitbart, Alex Jones, Fox, Limbaugh, Trump, et al. provide news. The ignorant will destroy it all.

  3. Anonymous1:27 PM

    And I suspect The Rump and Poowit collaborated on this - the Rump primed the pump with his attack on reporters when in Texas, he accused them of not going where the Coast Guard did. Seems to me it's the EPA that should have its ass down there doing the sampling and Superfund site poison observation.

  4. I suggest promoting the phrase: fact news.

  5. Harvey is flooding all sorts of toxic crap and the EPA is no where to be found.

    Pruitt is busy dismantling all of the safeguards that have protected us for decades.

    Fuck them all to hell.

    1. Anonymous3:57 AM

      Are we really going to believe what the EPA tells us anyway?

      I am sure they will go in and LIE, tell everyone there is no toxic waste or change the levels of what is considered toxic to make it easier for the polluters. You know, the companies with all the tax breaks.

  6. Anonymous3:21 PM

    The EPA position on this matter reflects Trump's remarks about reporters not going near the worst of Hurricane Harvey. Obviously the reporters knew what they were talking about and obviously reporters and cameramen have been very much present as Harvey unfolded. Trump and his hate-American administration lie again and again. At this point only the dwindling number of Trump supporters believe the lies.


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