Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trump Organization removes any mention of the Donald's birtherism from his online biography.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

The Trump Organization has reportedly edited out a reference in President Trump's corporate biography that highlights his involvement in the birther movement, which aimed to prove the baseless assertion that former President Obama was not born in the United States. 

The controversial line read, "in 2011, after failed attempts by both Senator McCain and Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump single handedly forced President Obama to release his birth certificate, which was lauded by large segments of the political community." 

The organization removed the line, which had been part of Trump's bio as early as August 2015, CNN's KFile reported Tuesday, pointing to a recent review of the Internet Archive. 

The change likely took place around the time of Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20, sometime between Jan. 13 and Jan. 24, according to the report. 

The removed birther line also echoed Trump's accusation on the campaign trail that Clinton had started the birther conspiracy during her 2008 presidential campaign. 

“Hillary Clinton in her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it,” Trump said in September 2016.

Of course that accusation was debunked quite a while ago, but factual inaccuracy is surely not the reason the Trump Organization would remove that statement from the biography.

However an attempt to revise history is a far more likely reason.

Trump is clearly trying to create distance between himself and his racist base, and believes that this well help to accomplish that.

Unfortunately for him those of us who deal in facts have long memories.

We will NEVER forget who he is, and what he has done.



  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    But let's forget that at least Trump was consistent in his birtherism. He was the only person I recall, to say that Ted Cruz wasn't qualified to run for president because he was born in Canada. But other people like Sean Hannity who constantly called for obama to release his birth certificate, defended Ted by saying that yes, Ted was born in canada, and his father was not American but since his mother was, then bingo he's a citizen. So, even if obama was born in Kenya, what would have been the difference between him and Ted besides skin color? Oh, wait.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      @ Anonymous6:43 AM, thank you. You stated it exactly how I thought. Only differnce is ted cruzer is white.

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      teddy the KINK cruZZer...He's this>{Cocka$ian}
      "a white person; a person of European origin.
      2.a person from the Caucasus.
      "the Caucasians of Southern Russia""

      "Cruz's mother was born in Wilmington, Delaware. She is of three-quarters Irish and one-quarter Italian descent."
      "Cruz' paternal grandfather, Rafael, immigrated to Cuba as an infant with his parents from the Canary Islands of Spain.[11] Cruz's father Rafael Bienvenido Cruz y Díaz is Cuban American, born in Cuba"

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Here comes the yip-yapping skank!

    Sarah Palin is heading down to Alabama to help boost former state Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore (R) in his primary against appointed Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL), joining forces with a pro-Trump super-PAC to try to knock out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) strongly preferred candidate.

    Palin will join a bus tour run by Great America Alliance, a pro-Trump group that recently added former White House staffer Andy Surabian, who has close ties to recently ousted former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon. The planned rally will occur late next week, according to a strategist close to the organization.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Maybe said bus will go off a cliff.
      Early Happy Birthday To Moi!

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM


      Does anyone know if Sarah will be taking her youngest son Trig along on the bus?

    3. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Sarah probably lost a lot of money on this failed tRUMPster scheme!

    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Trig is Sarah's son?

    5. Like Truck is Toad's.

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Democrats Have Weaponized Trump’s Mental Instability And Are Using It To Divide Republicans

    Trump is dealing with Democrats because he is mad at Ryan and McConnell. Democrats in Congress have figured this out and are using Trump as a weapon to divide the Republican Party.

  4. Anonymous7:26 AM

    "“(Ryan) doesn’t understand the nature of the fight he’s in,” Schmidt told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “He’s weak and doesn’t understand how to wield political power. He has a powerful office, but he doesn’t understand, I think, the nature of the fight he’s in.”

    Schmidt mocked immigration hardliners as gullible for believing Trump’s campaign promises, and he compared Rep. Steve King (R-IA) to a snakehandling Pentecostal preachers.

    “The most amusing thing, it’s just kind of — thinking about this last night when it broke, I said, are these guys, the Steve Kings of the world, I said is it possible these people are dumb enough to believe — like the guy who picked up the rattlesnake this summer and kissed it on the nose and got bit in the face,” Schmidt said. “Are they so dumb they didn’t see this coming? That they believed Donald Trump believed this stuff?”"“He’s utterly transactional,” Schmidt said. “He woke up in the last month and said, ‘Wow, people really HATE ME,’ and they do."

  5. Anonymous7:27 AM


  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    He can remove all the sentences relating to birtherism,but my family, friends, and I will NEVER forget his racist refusal to accept Barack Obama as U.S. President. Just like the murderer can clean up all the blood, but it's still there. His bigotry, prejudice, and hate are all still there. Invisible to those who are deliberately blind to his ignorance, but the rest of us KNOW. We see it!

  7. Anonymous7:36 AM

    1. Climate change
    2. The undermining of our democracy
    3. The proliferation of nuclear warheads and missiles
    4. Widening inequality and a growing population of poor in America.
    5. Racism, hatefulness, and divisiveness.

    "What is Trump doing about this? Fueling even more of IT"

    "channeling King’s fearlessness in exploring the dark side of human nature. "At its best, it’s a sometimes-entertaining evocation of the way kids think and talk within their little cliques, and of the way they protect one another with fierce loyalty. Rob Reiner’s 1986 Stand By Me is the obvious comparison point."
    "Pennywi$e is one $cary clown"
    " the horrors you get a close look at are much less terrifying than those that remain unseen."
    "With IT, seeing isn’t the same as believing."
    Believe IT!

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Anon at 12:07 pm. I just read the "Stonkettle" post. Very well done. I wasn't so sure of the Henry Ford quote at the end. I think a quote from FDR would have better suited the content.

  8. Anonymous7:47 AM

    OT?"he clue. Kobach’s screed was published on Breitbart News on September 7, the same day The New York Times put online its Friday above-the-fold front-page blockbuster, “To Sway Vote, Russia Used Army of Fake Americans: Flooding Twitter and Facebook, Imposters Helped Fuel Anger in Polarized U.S.” by Scott Shane.

    Stephen Bannon, President Trump’s former campaogn CEO and ex-White House strategist, is back at the helm of Breitbart, where he pledged “anyone who stands in our way, we will go to war with.”"When Bannon became Trump’s campaign CEO, he didn’t just bring a savvy understanding of online media along with white nationalist values; he brought the cutting-edge online analytics developed by hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer. His tools targeted voters in key states in similar ways to what the Times’ expose describes as Russian meddling"having Kobach change the subject of illegal electioneering from Russian meddling to 5,000-plus people who he falsely accuses of illegally voting in New Hampshire—blocking a Trump victory and election of another Republican senator—is not merely recycling voter fraud clichés that would appeal to Trump’s base and inflame moderates and the left. It’s a deft tactic in the pro-Trump propaganda war that Bannon promised"
    "Rose replied, “you took names?”

    “You know, I’m Irish,” Bannon replied. “I’ve got my black book and I got em.”"
    "The company is partly owned by the family of Robert Mercer, an American hedge-fund manager who supports many politically conservative causes"

    JBS {aka Jesus Bully $hitters}

  9. Anonymous8:13 AM

    How infantile! Trump is clearly immature. This latest from his "organization" shows how immature it is too. There are films, videos, recordings of Trump babbling on about President Obama's birthplace. The facts cannot be erased. Trying to do so is "fake news"!

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      They are to ignorant to figure out the internet is forever!

      Besides I thought donnie was proud that he forced Obama to show his birth certificate

  10. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Trump's 'deal-making' mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook

    Donald Trump’s penchant for threats, bluffing and intimidation are the cornerstone of his political persona, one the president has honed for decades—first as a real estate developer then as a reality TV star.

    Those tactics no-doubt helped elevate Trump to his current role as leader of the free world. And according to the Guardian, the president’s go-to mechanisms are the mark of alpha leaders in another type of world: chimpanzee colonies.

    As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

    According to McAdams, alpha chimpanzees demonstrate dominance through “the charging display,” where they essentially “scream, hoot and gesticulate” wildly. Afterwards, the alpha male’s subjects “visit … groom … and express various forms of submission” towards the top chimp.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Tin Foil Hat

  11. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Donald Trump is a fucking racist and the majority of Americans know it and will never forget it. He has already created his own history and the FACTS will ALWAYS be out there to obtain!

    He is a racist pig especially when it comes to our wonderful President Obama and First Lady Michelle!

  12. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Tin Foil Hat

  13. Anonymous9:18 AM

    FAKE NEWS!"What I want to focus on here is the pattern of Trump's speech, not the content of what he said. His use of simple words, and his repetition of them,"
    ""The combination of basic language and reiteration makes it easier for listeners to remember and recite his sound bites than those of the professorial Mr. Obama, who spoke in logically progressing paragraphs."
    "who now quote him endlessly. It's his detractors, too, who speak "with sarcastic contempt, but in [Trump's] manner nonetheless."

    "As I pointed out in the book Don't Think of an Elephant! It doesn't matter if you are promoting Trump or attacking Trump, you are helping Trump."" repetition has important functions. It is used by speakers for emphasis (noted by Wayne), to express solidarity and ratification of another's point of view, to link ideas in discourse, and to help us remember what we hear." Let's speak to one another about it, not so much with the very simple words or big tremendous ramblings that Trump favors, but with the reasoned clarity that citizens' discourse best requires."

  14. Still clueless that the internet is forever.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.