Friday, September 01, 2017

Yet another Trump supporter warns that there will be a civil war if they try to impeach him.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Televangelist Jim Bakker is predicting that Christians would begin a second civil war in the U.S. if President Trump were impeached. 

"If it happens, there will be a civil war in the United States of America. The Christians will finally come out of the shadows, because we are going to be shut up permanently if we're not careful," he said on "The Jim Bakker Show" in a clip highlighted by Right Wing Watch. 

He also warned that Christians are in danger of losing their voice in American society. 

"God says faith without works is dead. We have to do things, God has been standing with me, and I don't know about you, it's time for preachers like you, you've been doing it, to stand up and shout out," Bakker told a pastor on the show. 

I typically would not pay any attention to what Jim Bakker, who is a terrible person who spent five years in prison for fraud and was accused of raping Jessica Hahn, but this is not the first time that a Trump supporter has threatened civil war.

You may remember that Roger Stone, former Trump campaign adviser and the albino killer from "The DaVinci Code," said essentially the same thing just a few weeks ago: 

“Try to impeach him. Just try it,” Stone said. “You will have a spasm of violence, an insurrection in this country like you have never seen before. Both sides are heavily armed, my friend.” 

Boy the batshit crazy sure do like Trump, don't they?

The problem of course is that though these two folks might be nuttier than a fruitcake, they are speaking for a whole lot of angry folks who might actually be willing to start a shooting war in order to keep Trump in office.

Sure they are going to lose, and sure that could dramatically cut down on the number of dumbasses in the country, but still it's's not.....okay what was I going to say about this being a bad thing?

No it is, it is a bad thing because many innocent people could be killed in the crossfire.  (See, I KNEW it was a bad thing.)

And that is why the government should round up these folks trying to instigate a civil war and throw them into a jail cell right next to the Crying Nazi.

Seems reasonable to me, just think of all they will have to talk about.


  1. linda6:35 AM

    I thought Jim Bakker had slunk away and died after he got out of prison. Seriously, I did! And now he has another TV show and following? OK - well anyone who watches him now, in his new incarnation, must really be off their rockers. I doubt they'd have the resources (mental or financial) to put together a revolution. WOW! I'm still reeling from the information that he is still living.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Me too, last time he was big in the news I was in high school or junior high, seems like. I am now 55 and was not only shocked to see him, but had the same immediate revulsion, but he looks like such a sniveling little shrimp that I'm sure I could kick his ass.

      And I would really like to! He brings out some raw hatred and disgust in me.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Is he the one that was married to tami fay baker?

    3. Leland9:33 AM

      Sorry, but you must be new here. Gryphen has posted the shit that pig has spouted for several years!

      And as for them having the resources, they are heavily armed, remember? These are the same fruitcakes who were screaming bloody murder because Obama was "coming to take your guns" and then buying up every firearm they can lay their hands on.

      These are the same open-carry idiots who can't understand why people on the streets are afraid of them because the carriers can't be differentiated from the bad guys with guns.

      Now, as far as having the intelligence to handle a real military situation? That's a big question. I personally don't believe they do, but I have been surprised before.

      Having said that, a civil war with modern weaponry would kill lots of innocent people who just want to live their lives under a government which listens to them.

      We ain't got that now.

    4. Anonymous10:56 AM

      @9:09 Yes.. Tammy's full name was>
      Tamara LaValley Faye Bakker Messner
      Married to that "BaRker" 1961-92

    5. Anonymous11:53 AM


    6. Anonymous1:19 PM

      If Trump wants to start a civil war he could just shutter DACA. Effecting 800,000 young people. How many Americans are going to stand by and do nothing? Trump knows that. He also knows alt-right and ANTIFA will be armed.

      He can say he loves everyone and he is keeping his promise. It is faulty Obama and congress. Trump has Harvey, where he can look like he is doing, giving and caring for people. Hopefully, he is not ready to stir up some militant activity.

      He now says he will announce DACA on Tuesday. Labor Day week end to work up the tensions. As Trump is the 'good' guy,
      'President Donald J. Trump Proclaims SUNDAY September 3, 2017, as a National Day of Prayer'

      Look at how much he is getting done.

  2. Randall6:53 AM

    the thing I would ask either one of these fools, and anyone who parrots their absurd notion of "civil war":
    Who you gonna shoot?
    Specifically, when the shooting starts, WHO are you planning on shooting first?
    Or by "civil war" do you mean that some states would secede from the union?
    WHICH states?
    Just WTF do they MEAN by "civil war"?

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Looney Drama Queen, wants money. He is off in the head. Impeachment is too kind for Trump, I would like to see him taken out in handcuffs, go directly to jail. Not that it would happen but a more deserving expulsion. The Stones and Bakkers are inciting because they would want violence, there would be some but that happens anyway. It works for me to round up the Crying Nazi and the rest of them. I would even bring back a Joe Arpaio concentration camp someplace in Arizona for the special nut cases. Sing Sing, with out A/C or heat, is another option.

    1. Leland9:36 AM

      Sorry, but that's too much like what they want to do to those who disagree with them. I know it would be too good for them, but we need to maintain the high road.

      I think a long enough term for them to be over 90 when they get out would be sufficient, but they must be treated in a constitutional manner.

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    If there really is to be another Civil War, then that makes that crawl on the screen capture even more pertinent. At least you'll be able to eat!

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      When options run out? WAR.
      It's a racket.

  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    All these unemployed boy men with their Holy War fantasies. Killing someone in the name of Jesus. It beats working, providing and helping others. Let the liberals support them!

  6. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Gee? Bakkker must want a pardon too. I find it odd that these so called religious leaders are so unbiblical, freaky paranoid without faith and stand with the evil enemy of state and not the American people. Oddly all have been accused of fraud. They are worried about their tax exempt gig and livelyhooded events. And now they encourage civil war? The time has come to force these bullies and liars to face the world jury and court of public opinion.

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    These xtian primitives are such wonderful people aren't they? They say they will die for Trump. What we have here are dummies cloaked in religiosity.

  8. I would like to see him taken out in handcuffs, go directly to jail. Not that it would happen but a more deserving expulsion. The Stones and Bakkers are inciting because they would want violence, there would be some but that happens anyway. It works for me to round up the Crying Nazi and the rest of them. I would even bring back a Joe Arpaio concentration camp someplace in Arizona for the special nut cases. Sing Sing, with out A/C or heat, is another option.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      I think tent city closed up. That was joe arpaio circus. Joe and the hunt for President Obamas birth certificate plus tent city and illegal sweeps got old sheriff joe lots of attention and law suits.

  9. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Waiting for retawd evangelist wannabe Palin to add to the Civil War threat.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM


      YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH Vietnam 63rd C.T.T. Mine/Tunnel-Trump is a Traitor, The Military doesn't like Traitors, simple as that.

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      8:16 Hooah! TRACKer...The Irony.

    3. Anonymous11:10 AM

      That was my first thought Anon 7:54.

    4. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Question: so does that mean Simple Sarah is Open Season?

  10. Anonymous7:56 AM

    The orange turd in the wh...

    Hillary should just begin going to Houston and speaking and helping as if she were Oresident. As it is we have none, whi actually works.
    She can pretend just like the sheetgibbon.

  11. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Sorry, all the mispellings.

  12. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Mad Dog

  13. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Ah, yes, another non-xtian, xtian. He actually served time in a federal prison near me. Waiting for DJT'S arrival there.


  14. Chenagrrl8:00 AM

    This from the man who used my faithful parents' donations to build an air-conditioned dog house. I made sure they visited it. To see the chicanery of his ways.

  15. Anonymous8:01 AM

    This civil war threat will be minus all those trump people who jumped off the Trump train.

  16. Anonymous8:16 AM

    That retawd wannabe evangelist cock-roach will raise her head and egress out from underneath those slimy green rocks lining the shores of Lake Lucille in Wasilla and join the civil war rhetoric (along with Duh and Wasilla's sperm bank) as her attempt to get back on Trump's good side. That cock-roach still wants a job in Washington DC.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Duh and Wasilla's sperm bank are now in Texas doing what they do. Duh talks big about how he likes Texas, he wants to be a helper, it's his thing, he would like to go back to Afghanistan, he likes the action and taking care of business.

      Will he join the Texas National Guard and take care of business in his home state? Will he donate money like other celebrity?

      Or will he only keep up the same old self promoting?

      Shit or get off the pot Dakota....

  17. Jim Bakker?? Hahahahahahaha!

  18. Anonymous8:18 AM

    He does understand the second religion fires a shot, kiss their tax exempt status away forever and antindiscrimination laws.

  19. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Dallas Morning News: Russian money to GOP campaigns

  20. Anonymous8:25 AM


    Trump Again Lashes Out at Comey’s Handling of Clinton Investigation

    The New York Times - 1 hour ago

    Trump's Legacy Flounders, As He Seeks Any Major Accomplishment

    NPR - 1 hour ago

  21. Anonymous8:38 AM

    So, if trump makes it to 2020 (he won't), and he is defeated in the general election, does that mean they're going to refuse to accept the results and start a civil war then too ?

    1. Leland9:43 AM

      Probably. But then again, with the repubes in control of the voting district lines and the system, he may just win if he is still around. THEN what?

  22. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Come on Hillary just be and accomplish things like you are President.

    The turd in wh does nothing. Pretends to work.

    So why not pretend to President!

  23. Anonymous9:04 AM


    .... So what’s his (Trump's) end game?

    As Robert Mueller closes in, teaming with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to prevent the president from pardoning himself or his cronies, Blow thinks “Trump wants to position any attempt to remove him as a political coup.” And he’s recruiting “future confederates” for when the time comes....


    FRIDAY, SEP 1, 2017 06:41 AM PDT

    Charles Blow: Trump is building an army for a second Civil War


    What will happen if the establishment Republicans using Trump to achieve their own plutocratic agenda decide they no longer need him? Who will he rely on and how will he ensure they remain by his side? Charles Blow fears Trump will turn to his most reactionary supporters, if he hasn’t already.

    In his Thursday column, Blow ruminates on how Trump’s brief, spastic political career has revolved around the art of marketing. His obsession with polls is merely a byproduct of his desire to ensure his base become “repeat customers”:

    Trump made an industry out of selling conspicuous consumption. He sold the ideas that greed was good, luxury was aspirational and indulgence was innocent…Trump’s supporters see him as vector; he sees them as market.

    But Blow doesn’t believe Trump is out to make a quick buck or grow his brand, at least not exclusively. Through his overwhelming support of police unions, militarized rhetoric, tacit defense of white supremacists and efforts to marginalize his opposition, he’s building a veritable army. Blow continues:

    You do that by dividing America into tribes and, as “president,” aligning yourself with the most extreme tribe, all the while promoting militarization among people who support you.

    So what’s his end game? As Robert Mueller closes in, teaming with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to prevent the president from pardoning himself or his cronies, Blow thinks “Trump wants to position any attempt to remove him as a political coup.” And he’s recruiting “future confederates” for when the time comes:

    If these people should come to believe — as Trump would have them believe — that establishment systems have unfairly and conspiratorially acted to remove from office their last and only champion — another thing Trump would have them believe — what will they do?

    If Trump is ultimately impeached, his supporters could revolt, and that possibility is not lost on the president.

    Read Charles Blow’s column at the New York Times.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      You mean or he means another nation, russia.

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      What an empty effort - civil war - when it centers around Trump. He is the least Christian amongst them and they are totally wasting their time and beliefs!

      Trump would be one of the first to go is my thought. He's disliked by far too many Americans across our country.

  24. Anonymous10:10 AM

    "The GOP senators trying to sell this desperate Hail Mary are human/butter cow hybrid Chuck Grassley and genteel confirmed bachelor Lindsey Graham."


  25. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Oh, goody, some new statues to take offense at and try to tear down.

    Seriously, the christians need a new emblem. That cross thing is so 1st century.

  26. Anonymous10:35 AM

    "The series will be written and directed entirely by women, with each hour-long episode seeking to explore a different type of terror, all from a female perspective. Episodes are expected to be vignettes on “guilt, jealousy, repression, paranoia, insanity, sexual obsession and survival through a modern and distinctly feminine lens,”
    "K.d. Lang - Hallelujah
    (Live Olympic Games 2010 Opening Cermony)

  27. Anonymous11:55 AM

    The loons are stirring the rapture story pot. 9/23, Revelation 12. Yep the trumpets will roar and the dead will rise. The woman and the dragon. Story time.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      The rapture was due Sept 23 2016

    2. Anonymous12:18 AM

      The solar eclipse 2 weeks ago was supposed to divert Nibiri into the Earth.

  28. Anonymous1:53 PM

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has formally classified the activities of anti-fascist groups (antifa) as "domestic terrorist violence" since early 2016, according to confidential law enforcement documents obtained by Politico and interviews.

  29. Anonymous3:54 PM

    "Civil War" always loved that song. 75% American vs 25% traitors wont be a civil war.

    1. It will be less than that.

      Trump would be lucky to get 3% to commit an act of civil war.

      Trump is no Jefferson Davis.

  30. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Many of us progressives are armed and are actually practiced with them, not to mention in shape. Bring on your civil war you fucking inbred morons, we'll take ya in a few days, I guarantee!

    I for one would like to send a bunch of these morons to meet their make believe god.

  31. What does ex-wife Tammy Faye have to say? I think the flock loved her a lot more than Jim Bob Billy Joe Bubba Bakker.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Tammy died of cancer

  32. Anonymous6:15 PM

    So the purported right wing, conservative Christians, supposedly the strictest of teh strict when it comes to uber uptight morals, old fashioned "respect" for women, buttoned up in only slightly less than a burka, never even look at another woman than your wife, sanctity of marriage, the poor shall inherit the earth types, who gave us such wonderful playground euphemisms as HE double hockey sticks because it's wrong to say such a mild term as hell, are supporting a thrice married, now to a soft porn barely clothed "model, who is vulgar beyond belief, a disrespecter of women and an ostentatious idolator of ill gotten money and they threaten to go to war for him? J

    They just put Jimmy's photo next to hypocrite in Merriam Webster.

  33. What strikes me as most crazy about the aggressive endorsement of Bakker, Robertson, Graham and other so-called preachers is, if I had five dollars for every time Trump was witnessed on his knees in a church pew, I'd still have to borrow several hundred just to buy one round of soft drinks for the preceding 54 commenters on this post. Some "Christian."


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