Sunday, October 29, 2017

Fox News ad revenue plunges despite the fact that they are Donald Trump's go to for conservative propaganda.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Fox News is having trouble keeping its advertisers happy. 

Ad revenues plunged 17 percent in September over the same month last year, according to the most recent financial data for the operation. 

Statistics from the Standard Media Index, which tracks media income, showed that Fox News took the biggest hit of any cable news operation. CNN, which President Donald Trump frequently describes as “fake news,” lost just 1 percent in revenue, and MSNBC was up 2 percent. 

Cable news revenue was down an average of 7 percent for the entire third quarter (July, August, September) over the same period last year, Ad Week reported.

So what do we think?

Are advertisers running away despite the fact that Fox News appears to be helping Donald Trump create policy, or because they ARE helping Donald Trump create policy? 

The article goes on to point out that advertisers are still paying more to advertise on Fox News, but clearly there is a paradigm shift underway.


  1. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Maybe people are simply tired of “All Trump, All The Time.” With your earlier reporting of the Sinclair Group’s takeover, maybe people like me have chosen to turn off their television for good.

    What’s the meme? “My desire to be well-informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane.”

    1. Marthe7:40 AM

      Good observation. I feel the same.

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Panic! PuckerButt Time> This 1st?"
    While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!
    3:19 PM - 28 Oct 2017

  3. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I don't get your post -- the Moore show was a limited run and was scheduled to close when it did. It didn't close because of lack of ticket sales, despite what Donnie Two Scoops (and Two pieces of Cherry Pie) wants you to believe.

  4. Anonymous8:22 AM

    tinydjt "Said North Korea is a year away from a nuclear weapon that can go on missile"
    (this bullet clarified to add Trump said weapon on missile)"

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      I think they plan on bombing the Olympic games in S.Korea.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      @8:29 Agree. On or before 9th-25th Feb 2018

  5. Chenagrrl8:53 AM

    Fox advertisers should be aware that when I see an advertiser on Fox, even during the World Series, my ick-o-meter kicks in and the ish follows me when I purchase.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Did anyone notice the 'whitewall board'? Black letter$>

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    "Bruce Bartlett expressed his disgust at the way that Fox News lies and spins for the president, but he saved his sharpest attacks of morning show hosts Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade and Abby Huntsman."
    "“I think sometimes we get the cause and effect relationship backwards,” Bartlett responded. “We think, oh, we see this Hillary non-story about uranium. We think the White House leaked it and encouraged Fox to run with it. I think it’s the other way around.”"I’m trying to use plain language to say what I think is the truth.”"

  7. Anonymous10:18 AM


    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      '$EE YA> HATE TO BE YA!'^

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    "“It does strike me that in the last few days at least, Fox News seems to think that’s where I live, in the White House,” Clinton told the crowd. “Because they spend a disproportionate amount of their time talking about impeaching me.”"

  9. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Fist of all, Hannity is a slimy cunt.

    Secondly, FOX's ad revenue is declining BECAUSE they are Drump's goto resource. End of.

  10. Randall3:54 AM

    I wonder if the Fox News ship will go down with the inevitable sinking of the mad Trump?
    How will history view their collusion in his madness?
    Regardless -- there will ALWAYS be a following for the (creepy) talking heads of Fox "News".
    Just like Jim Bakker still has a following of sadly deluded viewers.

  11. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Speaking of Fake news. Daileymail,the Palins "got to",claimed to have spoke to Kevin Spacey ' s brother after the news that came out about a 14 year old and him at a party. Randy claims they haven't interviewed him in Ten years. He's an interesting guy. My friend's neighbor. He has a limo company. He dresses like and strongly resembles Rod Stewart.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.