Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Satanic Temple masterfully trolls Christians in Texas.

Courtesy of Dead State 

The Satanic Temple is known for their masterful trolling of Christians. This time they’re going after “sadists” in Three Rivers, Texas. Why? Because last summer, the city’s public school district voted to allow paddling as a form of punishment for children. 

Now Temple spokesman Lucien Greaves says that school administrators who think hitting kids is okay need to be replaced, and that sentiment was reflected in a billboard put up by the Temple in Three Rivers. 

The billboard reads: “Our Religion Doesn’t Believe in Hitting Children.” 

“Hopefully, our billboard will give pause to passersby who will be forced to confront the fact that the school district is being operated by depraved and ignorant sadists who have no business being in education,” Greaves said, according to Patheos. “The billboard should be a wakeup call that the school district trustees, who voted 6 – 0 for corporal punishment, need to be replaced by competent and humane members of the community who have children’s best interests at heart.”

One of the Satanic Temple's tenets is that no one is allowed to cause bodily harm to another, which would already make them morally superior to fundamentalist Christians. 


  1. Yeah, its interesting how many so called christians seem to be big on corporal punishment, wars, police brutality, etc. I know a whole lot of atheist and I'd say about eighty percent of the ones I know are pacifists.

    ---And I want to know what kind of parent wants a adult stranger to hit their kid? After watching one of those adults in my old middle school basically get a depraved look on his face as he paddled one of his students . . .

    If a teacher has to hit a kid---that education degree they received is wasted. They should just get a job that does not involve interacting with people--let alone children.

    1. Anonymous5:14 AM

      "Yeah, its interesting how many so called christians seem to be big on corporal punishment, wars, police brutality, etc."

      These folks are huge into smoting. It's a central character aspect of the God they define by the practice of their worship. So, by gawd if smoting is good enough for mygod then bygod smoting is good enough for me.

    2. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Stuck in the Old Testament. They call themselves "Christians," yet emulate none of what Jesus taught.

    3. Anonymous8:49 AM

      The word you want is smite/smiting. Smote is past tense and there is no gerund.

      Run/running. Ran/????

  2. Anonymous5:11 AM

    I hope someone there starts demanding that teachers and staff alsotoo be subject to paddling for their "infractions" as well.

    "Not turning your lesson plans in on time once again Ms. TILF? Well then, you leave me no choice in how to discipline you....step into my office and bend over. You must be punished."

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      A bit sexist on your part 5:11. why not use the male pronouns and title there?

  3. Leland7:22 AM

    When I was going to elementary school, it was considered standard procedure for the teachers to "apply the switch" to any and all who he/she deemed in need of it. When my father heard of that, he demanded that it was HIS privilege alone to beat me - which he did regularly if he felt I was not accepting the religious teachings I was being forced to learn. (It backfired, of course, and I am an atheist now!)

    On the other hand, a large percentage of the parents of the students in the school system were highly educated or very well employed (like my father) and they demanded the school system cease and desist immediately. Faced with the demands of those parents, the schools had no choice but to stop. The alternative for them was a major law suit.

    The problem I see coming is Humpty Trumpty will start voicing his preference for beatings, thereby encouraging schools to go back to beatings.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Hmmm, wonder what the policy at Baron's school is? And yes, since were talking about policy related to kids it IS acceptable to bring a specific kid into the discussion.

    2. Same here. When I went to school in the Ozarks it was the same policy and my dad, who was exactly as your dad seems to have been shocked everyone due to his reputation with the other kids as mean and scary and adults as "a proper parent" (they figured we had it hard without even asking due to how scared we looked over even a "B") due to him vocally denouncing the school's use of corporal punishment. He claimed that it belonged strictly to the father and mother and nobody else, exceptions only applying to those adopted by a grandparent or uncle/aunt among other relatives. In fact, when they finally got rid of it where I went to school (I was in seventh grade by that point) it was not due to thoughtful people who felt it was abusive, but those like your father and mine who felt it was the job of the family and not a temporal authority. Tells you how insane so much of this nation is.

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Morality~Puerto Rico" “delaying necessary humanitarian aide to its own citizens and leaving them to die.”
    "This is nothing less than a ma$$ive MORAL failure that demands Republicans in Congress show leadership in addressing the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico. "

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      911 and counting...
      "The 911 bodies were never physically examined by a medical examiner to determine if they should be included in the official death toll."

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    New Religions:"“It’s clear that artificial intelligence plays a significant role in the world today,” he says, “and thus must be factored into God’s eventual work of redemption. We don’t yet know whether that involves self-conscious AIs ‘coming to Jesus,’ because we don’t yet know the process by which an AI might become self-conscious.”
    “If and when it does happen,” he adds, “it shouldn’t challenge Christian doctrine. If God can grant a soul to carbon-based lifeforms, God can grant a soul to silicon-based lifeforms as well.”"

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Chuckle... Gene Rodenberry covered this AI and consciousness) in Star Trek, circa 1989.

  6. Anonymous7:48 AM

    “Houston, we have a problem”>
    ""up to 65 to 70 percent" of the team's players could kneel as part of the protest in Seattle, adding the players would not remove the team's decals from their helmets as had been discussed."

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      YES!!!!!!! I kneel with them at all sportng events that insist on playing that crappy anthem (musically crappy and unsingable.)

  7. Anonymous9:54 PM

    true Satanists do not kill animals or children. here i am defending them and i am a Mormon. we have the right to worship as we choose in this country.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.