Monday, October 02, 2017

From Hillary Clinton's book, "What Happened."

This is from page 297, in a chapter titled "Those Damn Emails."

"With respect to the potential intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton's personal email domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked."

--FBI Director James Comey, in a press conference on July 5. 2016.

A lot of people suggest that the server maintained by my husband;s office might be vulnerable to hacking. As it turned out, the State Department network and many other highly sensitive government systems, including the White House and Pentagon, were all hacked. Colin Powell's emails were hacked. But as Comey stated, there has never been any evidence that my system was ever compromised. Ironically, it turns out it may have been one the safest possible places for my email.

I wanted to share this portion with you, mostly because it was what I had been saying for more than a year. But also because it is one of the clearest signs that Hillary is treated completely differently than just about anybody else you can imagine.

If this had been a Republican who managed to outsmart the hackers and store their emails on a server that proved to be unhackable, while all around them supposedly secure servers were being hacked almost on a daily basis, the GOP would have insisted that they receive some kind of award.

But for Hillary Clinton, there is a completely different standard.

Hillary actually explains, in great detail, exactly how she first decided to use this server (Simple convenience.), which was already in place in her husband's office, and how amazed she was that it became weaponized and used against her by the Republicans.

When you read it you almost cannot believe that such a simple decision inspired so much vitriol, and even resulted in people screaming "Lock her up" at Trump campaign rallies.


  1. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I have to say, if more people believe in something higher than themselves and conditioned themselves with daily mental strength to be better, there’d be far fewer problems.

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    This should be a review on Amazon.

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Love Hillary Clinton and she'll be on the American scene for years to come where Trump will not! I even wonder if Trump will have any influence on New York City as he has enjoyed due to his money!?

  4. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I can't discuss this today.
    Too much sadness and anger.

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM

  6. Anonymous9:55 AM


  7. A. J. Billings10:18 AM

    I've done IT for close to 30 years now, in both tech and management positions.

    I can tell you flat out that someone's "private" server could easily be more SECURE than a server in a government office, data center, or co-location hosted server farm.

    Equifax is a BILLION dollar company and they were so damn incompetent that they had unpatched web servers that let in the bad guys.

    The Department of Defense, US Army, and many other government agencies have all be hacked at one time or another.

    It's quite possible for someone who knows what they are doing to build a VERY SECURE EMAIL SERVER in a VM, use IPS, lights out, ASA w/ Firepower firewall, put the box in a DMZ with a proxy, and have it not get hacked.

    99.9% of the email whiners, the talking heads and ALL politicians wouldn't know an email server if it dropped on their head

  8. Anonymous10:48 AM

    As someone who ended up voting for her, I was bothered by the fact that FOIA requests from the public would not have to be honored if her email were not on a government server. What has been said about this? Has Hillary commented on this aspect in her book?

  9. Hardly a surprise. I knew that shortly after the original reveal, but that fact was always lost in the narrative.

  10. Anonymous12:26 PM

    "Documents turned over to Special Counsel Robert Mueller show that Trump's company was trying to do business in Russia AFTER he had locked up the Republican presidential nomination."
    "A picture is emerging of a Trump Organization that is deeply connected to Putin’s Russia."there is mounting evidence of the sort of relationship that would easily open the door to election collusion."

  11. Anonymous3:59 PM

    B.O.>" Obama Foundation’s mission. That mission is simple: We want to inspire and empower people to change the world."
    This Month>
    "civic leaders from around the globe to Chicago, where they will exchange ideas and plan ways to solve some of the world’s common problems. He tactfully aimed his powerful statement at President Trump,
    'Obama said he expects the summit will bring together hundreds of leaders from around the world—many of them young people."


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