Monday, October 02, 2017

Dakota Meyer attacks somebody at the Las Vegas mass shooting for running away instead of getting killed.

So here is the actual video that this Dan Bilzerian fellow posted, as you can see he was unarmed during the shooting but said he got a gun and headed back. Though of course there was nothing to be done. Now look I really don't know, or care much about this Bilzerian guy. He could be a real douchebag, and according to his Instagram account that is probably somewhat accurate.

But I am still not sure what compelled Meyer to go after him like that on social media.

First off the guy was unarmed, which according to some messages on Dakota's Instagram makes him a pussy right there.

But secondly even if he was armed with a handgun, HOW would that have helped?

The gunman was firing an automatic weapon from the 32nd floor into a crowd of people.

NOBODY fires a handgun and hits a guy 32 floors up except in the dumbest action movies ever made.

The best this guy could probably have done was to shoot out windows on the 20th or 25th floor and hit some poor bastard who was up to that point completely safe.

As for leaving that woman shot in the head, yeah maybe this guy could have provided help if he is trained to do so, but most likely he would have simply been killed as well.

Nobody knows what they would do in a similar circumstance, and only an asshole insults somebody running from a hail of gunfire.

At the time of this post the death toll stands at 58, with 515 wounded.

If this Dan Bilzerian had followed Dakota's advice he would quite likely be number 59, or if lucky number 516.


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    In my sixty years of experience, I’ve no use for know-it-all punks like Mayer who come out of the woodwork at times like this. You weren’t there, asshole, what the hell would you know about it. Fucking loser.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Dakota lives in a fairy tale,made up world. He hath no balls - he's a fake. He got beat down by a Girl.

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Poor Dickota. He is stuck with flatass B while Bilzerian gets surfer girl with hotass. No wonder he is blinded by jealousy.

    3. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Dakota doesn't even have a job! He's a layabout who sometimes posts selfies of dumb clothes and dumber workouts. He's just about worthless except as a pretend husband, an image accessory to a low intelligence breeder.

    4. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Dakota has ridden that MOH as long as he can. He only fools assholes who have never been in the military, i should sat infrantry knee deep in the shit.

      His ass would have been toast in Nam and do you know why? It's because the all want to be hero's like Meyer were stupid. Different war but same mind set, risk others for a personal glory.

    5. Anonymous12:11 AM

      You took the same words right out of my mouth.

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Dakota Meyer ran away from hurricane ravaged Texas like the yellow belly dumbass that he really is. That was after going on about how he liked to be in the action of a situation so he could make a difference for good.

    He claimed he wanted to re-enlist so he could have purpose and go to war someplace like Afghanistan or North Korea. I am not recommending listening to his video, podcasts or any of that, but after you hear enough, and notice what he actually does, you see more of who he actually is. It is not pretty.

    He is all talk. I doubt all his bull about how he got the MOH now. I use to think he just lied about part of it. Now I think he is 100% fraud.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Oh of COURSE he says he'd re-enlist because no way will that ever happen. Big-talking coward is what HE is, and run he did.

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      He puts on that act because his job for the dark side is to get recruits. They need to MAGA make our military great. Great wars will do that.

      You won't see the military, DOD, pentagon do anything about the worst transgressions. Like those of stolen valor. Sarah's family is full of it. Track Palin and Dakota Meyer.

      Track can't even do his work for recruitment, he's too far gone. Dakota is going but not all the way gone yet. So they can use him to do that recruitment crap he does.

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      He ran away from the victims of slave labor and trafficking he claimed he would teach and help. He quits as much if not more than Sarah Palin.

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Dan Bilzerian is an ass on a good day. With that said, Dakota Meyer had no right to attack a person who chose to run for their life in a horrible act of domestic terrorism.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Dakota is chicken. He does not want to deal with real issues. Dan gives him a way to distract.

      Dakota makes money from gun enthusiasts and other nefarious channels. Guns are worshiped like a god. Guns can almighty do everything and save everyone in their delusions. Except in certain situations when they are stateside.

      Anyone that doesn't 100% represent his delusional state is automatic bad guy. Sometimes they are people a lot like him and he can chew them out. He has the medal of honor, he can't be wrong.

      He needs to work up the next batch of new recruits and the old ones so they continue to follow him and buy his bs. That's his job.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Having the MOH, and EARNING it are two totally different things. From all accounts, he was used as a pawn, pretending he was awarded the MOH, when in realty it was all a made up story. What is happening to his political aspirations???

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Puhleez, don't remind the dumbass. Hopefully he'd lose, but he is in TexASS. The national IQ would be taken down a point for every speech he made.

    4. Anonymous3:52 PM

      320, He is not doing the running for political office now.
      He is back to being a recruiter.

      He knows he did not earn the medal, he can't admit it however.

      The latest is this OwnTheDash branding. People can tell their stories and they boost each other. Dakota is their leader. He is cool and hangs out. He also works out with his buddies and preps for a war zone. You can buy his shirts and hats and belong. It serves to impress young people thinking about making their life like those they admire. Join the military, it can do a lot for a young person's life.

      Dakota is a patriot and he inspires that glory into those wanting his way of life.

    5. 3:52: Give me a break. I visited the ownthedash website. It's all about selling cheap made-in-china shit to people who think buying something from Dumbkota makes them special. Nobody ever went broke buy underestimating the intelligence of the general public and Dumbkota is running his scam as long as he can.

  4. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Bilzerian seems to be the same kind of wanna be that Meyer is but the guy is super rich and handsome. Plus he doesn't have to hock products on instagram. Meyer is jealous that he is stuck with the Palins. Sorry Dakota, we already knew this guy was a douche but I think everyone will agree that he did the right thing in the situation.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      The Palins are perfect for him. What do THEY do except sit on their collective asses and tell everyone how to live while they do nothing.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Well, Bristles births babies from various men like nobodies business. The entire crew grifts, looks for easy money everywhere and anywhere.

    3. Anonymous12:14 AM

      Yes,unintelligent Dakota IS jealous of people. So true.

  5. You mean Duhkoda didn't instantly wrap up in his MOH cape and fly to the scene and take care of the shooter hisself? What a freakin' loser he turned out to be.

    Maybe Brisstole wouldn't let him out of the house.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Dakota had too much wine on his sobriety program and he couldn't fly to Vegas.

      Like what happened to him when he couldn't do anything to help the victims in Houston when the winds and floods were destroying them.

      He may wake up and do a blood donor challenge. That is what is needed now.

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      He can't leave, because brisket will have her legs stuck bebind her ears with some rando barfly. He will playing another round of im pregnant and i don't know who's the daddy. Im pretty sure he is tired of that game becuse he always comes out a looser.

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM


    4. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Las Vegas is important in the lives of the Palins. Any and all of them could have been at that country music concert.

      It turns out they weren't there and shot up or shot dead.

      They just want to go on and support legislation to free up silencers and have less gun control.

    5. abbafan6:25 PM

      fat alicia, you fuckin' retard, you are so goddamned stupid! silencers equate to less gun control??? Come back and talk to us when those silent slugs hit your fat ass (if they don't bounce off)!!

      And now, a polite message for dumbkota and any other "macho wannabee hero" gun-nutters (this means you too $arah) - go fuck yourselves!!!

  6. Olivia11:36 AM

    It will be so much better next time-and there WILL be a next time- because noise suppression(silencers) will be legal and victims won't know where to run because they won't be able to hear the shots as they are fired.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Likely couldn't this time either - unless you saw the muzzle blasts, those shots would have echoed and re-echoed in that skyscraper canyon.

  7. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Meyer is projecting. He has run from things and he hates himself no matter how hard he tries to project love. Dakota Meyer is spewing to himself when he says it is Dan Bilzerian.
    Meyer is one hell of a confused PTSD vet.

    1. Anonymous10:13 PM

      He's no veteran. Scammer.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      His PTSD stems from a chaotic childhood. His mother moved from place to place, from trial daddy to trial daddy. He never knew his bio dad. His mom abandoned him and he was adopted. It's understandably horrible.

  8. Anonymous11:48 AM

    515 wounded, half are critical.

    There is a need for more blood and medical personnel. Dakota could donate blood and encourage his many followers to do the same.

    "They are calling the scene a war zone." news report.

    Give blood.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      The news showed long lines of people waiting to donate blood. Restaurants and bakeries were delivering donated food. Families of the dead we're also donating blood.

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      The news showed long lines of people waiting to donate blood. Restaurants and bakeries were delivering donated food. Families of the dead we're also donating blood.

    3. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Whiny Duh is bitching about a civilian that didn't think he was a war hero. Why doesn't he do something worthwhile, like go to his blood bank and donate?

  9. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Dakota did not want to get shot and ran away from Track. Ran all the way to Texas.

    What a pussy.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      You are right on. He ran from Track to Texas where he ran from the Hurricane victims. He can't stop running away.

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      He ran away from AK because he's too much of a pussy to handle winters. FACT. Dude is a southern softie whose hands and feet got too cold to deal. PUSSY! Glad he's gone though, there are enough faker idiots up here.

      Now that we're minus DUH, Stool, and her 3 bastards, that's 5 down wonder when the rest of the retard Klan will follow?

    3. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Why the hell would Track be chasing Doughboy?

    4. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Why does Track want to beat up Todd?

    5. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Cuz Todd tried to hump his leg?

  10. Anonymous12:30 PM

    "gunman Stephen Paddock rented two rooms facing different directions in the Mandalay Bay hotel, where he fired at a crowd of 22,000""history of gambling. Paddock was a retired accountant who had audited for Lockheed Martin and managed an apartment building in Nevada, and he once filed a lawsuit against a Las Vegas casino, which was later dismissed. Eric Paddock, his brother, said the gunman enjoyed playing $100-a-hand poker."
    “enormous crime scene.”"

  11. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I noticed one of the points was that the dude, while running, was filming himself, which is weird for a person running from danger.

    Running, securing safety, THEN trying to video anything or yourself would be more normal.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      THat would have been correct a few years ago, not so today. If it isn't on fb/insta, it didn't happen. We live at one remove from reality. We've lost the ability to respect the moment

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Dakota is just like the rest of the Palins in that he likes to interject himself into events for attention. Just like the others, he failed totally.

  13. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Did he just sh*t himself a beret with a green tint? What does duh know about being an "operator?"

  14. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Remember the fight Dakota had with a girl in Kentucky?
    You don't want Dakota to be anywhere near a place when something happens, like to the victims of the Route 91 Harvest Festival.

    He doesn't keep his mind or his senses.

    Same happened to him in Afghanistan, he had a made up story to be the guy who gets a medal.
    Dakota's psychosis kicks in when it comes to intense situations.

    Dakota can't even think straight about this Bilzerian person. I think he is just jealous and had to go off with his mental condition. Guns, guns, guns, the sniper had an arsenal. No doubt Dakota has an arsenal bigger than his bro-in-law Track. Dakota is not getting into sniper or their arsenals.

    PTSD and they don't totally leave the battlefield. There is always a part of him that is at war and he only knows how to react like he is at war.

    From his version, Bilzerian gave him an outlet for his mixed up mind and nothing about the situation with a sniper in Vegas, with his traveling arsenal in a hotel room.

    When Dakota opens his mouth (or on paper/digital) I actually feel sorry for Bristol for a moment. She does deserve him but it is a sad, mess of a situation.

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      jasonskaggs2001 @alaskancub but in a war zone you have a mindset that you're at war, you're in war and you expect shit to happen because you're taking the fight to them. You have cover, you have armor, you have weapons as does your buddy to the left and right of you, you have coms, you have Intel... you expect to be shot at and you are mentally prepared for the inevitable. Obviously you haven't been in war or you sat behind a desk pushing papers because it's a big goddamn difference dumbass.

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      301 in a suburban war zone,
      Or overseas playing mouse.
      Either way, what the Fuck is the difference? Oh my bad, you have to be trained how to fight dumfuck. We don't.;)

  15. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Government officials in Las Vegas are raising money for victims of Sunday night’s mass shooting, collecting more than $600,000 within a few hours.

    A verified GoFundMe account set up Monday by Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolack promises to “provide relief and support to the victims and families.” The fundraising goal is $10 million.

    “We have been inundated with phone calls and emails and text messages from people asking what they can do,” Sisolack said at a press conference that announced the fundraising page.

  16. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Republicans Won’t Regulate Gun-Toting Domestic Terrorists But Plan to Regulate Women

    Next Tuesday, House Republicans will be voting on an abortion ban bill. Yes, these are the same Republicans that refuse to discuss any kind of gun control, and in fact planned to push a bill loosening gun silencer restrictions this week until the Las Vegas Strip shooting killed 58 people and wounded over 500.

  17. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Documents turned over to Special Counsel Robert Mueller show that Trump's company was trying to do business in Russia after he had locked up the Republican presidential nomination.

    Trump has repeatedly stated that he has no business in and nothing to do with Russia.

    The documents provided to the Special Counsel tell a much different story. A picture is emerging of a Trump Organization that is deeply connected to Putin’s Russia. While may are preoccupied with the horrific massacre in Las Vegas, the Russia scandal churns on. Trump is in the midst of a crisis. The paper trail is revealing that not only is the Russia scandal real news, but there is mounting evidence of the sort of relationship that would easily open the door to election collusion.

  18. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Austin Texan Alex Jones Says 'Deep State' Carried Out Las Vegas Massacre. Even His Staff Won’t Go Along With It.

    Latest 59 dead. 557 injured, the living need your blood, Dakota and Alex.

    Go to your local blood center. Give.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      No one wants either of their blood. DUmKota and Alex's blood alcohol levels are probably at least at a 2.0 any time day or night.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Or STDs. Yuk.

  19. Anonymous2:09 PM

    A white male. A largely white, hetero, Christian crowd (Country music, that’s how I know). A machine gun. The worst mass shooting in history. Donald Trump sends his “warmest condolences.” He does not call this a terrorist act, although by its very definition, it is. Every single republican in congress, every single NRA member, every single person who has perverted the second amendment, every single person who votes republican — YOU DID THIS. You are as guilty as if you pulled the trigger yourself. You have blood on your hands.

    ...You might ask, “If the majority of Americans want common sense gun legislation, how can republicans get away with constantly blocking laws that would make a difference?” The answer is simple, their pockets are lined by the NRA and republican voters care more about making sure that poor people don’t get basic necessities (like food and healthcare) than they do about innocent people dying. Blood on their hands.

    ...And now, at least 50 people are dead and over 400 injured in the worst mass shooting in history. Republicans will send their thoughts and prayers; they will tell us that now is not the right time to politicize such things, knowing that if we wait, Americans will be distracted by the next shiny object.
    Make no mistake, every single republican (elected official or voter) in this country is covered in blood today...

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Uh, no, Your UScentrism is showing:

  20. Anonymous2:09 PM

    “Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock enjoyed gambling, country music, lived quiet life before massacre.” That’s a real headline today from a major U.S. newspaper, and not one with conservative leanings, either. This man just committed the deadliest mass shooting in our nation’s history, and one of the deadliest acts of terrorism on U.S. soil, but let’s humanize him by talking about his hobbies – because the shooter is a white guy.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Yep. And if he were one of the victims and black, the focus would be on that time he got a detention freshman year.

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Maybe he was pissed because he couldn't get tickets to the sold out concert?

    3. Anonymous8:47 PM

      The concert went on for 3 days. He could have attended and didn't like it.

  21. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The owner of a Utah gun store says the Las Vegas shooter visited the store several times this year and bought a shotgun after passing a federal gun background check.

    Dixie GunWorx owner Chris Michel says Stephen Craig Paddock said that he was new to the area and was visiting local gun shops.

    Paddock bought the shotgun in February and last visited the store in St. George, Utah, in the spring. It’s a 40-minute drive from where Paddock lived in Mesquite, Nevada.

    Michel says he chatted with Paddock to get to know him and make sure there were no signs that he should not be allowed to buy a gun.

    Michel says: “There were no red flags.”

    He added: “I had no idea he would be capable of this.”

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Well, as long as he says there were no red flags, what more assurances could you possibly need?????????????????????

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Yeah what could go wrong when the owner of Dixie GunWorkx decides who gets an automatic weapon?

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      4:10 you do realize there is a difference between automatic guns and a shotgun, yes? Fully automatic rifles have been illegal for decades.

  22. Anonymous2:19 PM

    White House stubbornly demands Americans not criticize the NRA in wake of mass shooting

    ...During a press briefing Monday afternoon, CBS Radio News White House correspondent Steven Portnoy asked press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about a bill currently being advanced by House Republicans that would make it easier for people to buy silencers, and would remove background check requirements for purchasing them.

    Portnoy cited a tweet from Hillary Clinton, in which she said, “Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get,” and asked if the White House had a position on the legislation.

    Sanders’ response was to glibly state that “we need to know more facts” before talking about prevention of similar tragedies.

    And she sneered at Clinton, saying it’s “very easy for [her] to criticize,” and insisted that this “isn’t a time for us to go after individuals or organizations.”

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      How was Clinton criticizing? She asked for the WH position.

      Sarah was near tears, it may have been she felt criticized. At first I thought the all those deaths had got to her.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      What the fuck is it time for??? Can't talk legislation, can't criticize, can't go after individuals (not even the shooter?), can't go after organizations, of which there is no greater one than the NRA. Fuck Donald Trump and his SpokesCow.

  23. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Dumbkota when Barstool was in Vegas, she didn't run when some lounge lizard shot his load at her and got a direct hit.

    When he pulled out his concealed weapon she should have fled before he unloaded on her. But not her, she must like guys unloading on her.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      She left him on the alter the first time after the first bastard was born, wonder what made her go back to chubby mcchubster moobman?

  24. Jim in Texas2:34 PM

    HuckaSanders says too soon to talk guns.
    Will be too soon till 11:55pm Oct 16.
    Will become too late at 12:05am Oct 17.

    Snarky? But "true".

  25. OT- Tom Petty was found unconscious in full cardiac arrest today. He has left the building at age 66.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      That was sad to hear. A GREAT pure rocker who seemed to still be full of life.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      RIP. Can't talk about heart disease, it's too soon. Please don't show the warning signs and all that. Too soon.

  26. Jim in Texas2:43 PM

    Hey Trump, Hey NRA
    Just how does it dishonor the dead to mention how they got that way?


  27. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Dakota knows better than the FBI?

    The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) program out of Texas State University offers courses around the country to teach regular people what to do if caught up in an active shooting

    ALERRT was created in 2002 and in 2013 was named the National Standard in Active Shooter Response Training by the FBI.

    The courses teach civilians to practice 'Avoid, Deny, Defend' - avoiding a shooter, denying the attacker access to their location or finally attempting to arm and defend themselves

    What to do if faced with an active shooter

    AVOID: Whether in an indoor or outdoor setting, move away from the attacker as quickly as possible

    DENY: Lock and/or barricade yourself in a room away from the shooter, turn off the lights and silence phones; the shooter is unlikely to spend much time trying to gain entry and will move on

    DEFEND: Identify anything that can be used as a weapon and bring the fight to the shooter; if one person attempts to take on the attacker, others are likely to join in
    The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) program out of Texas State University offers courses around the country to teach regular people what to do if caught up in an active shooting

    ALERRT was created in 2002 and in 2013 was named the National Standard in Active Shooter Response Training by the FBI
    The courses teach civilians to practice 'Avoid, Deny, Defend' - avoiding a shooter, denying the attacker access to their location or finally attempting to arm and defend themselves

    If faced with an active shooter who is firing from a height, try to find anything to provide 'hard cover ballistic protection' and put vehicles or other barriers - and as much distance as possible - between the shooter and yourself

    Learn to identify what gunshots sound like so you will react quickly and immediately put your survival plan into action

    Rather than play dead, actively move away, try to barricade yourself or fight.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      This morning my daughter had Active Shooter Training taught by a FBI agent. She has a management position at a large performance and special events venue. She said it was intense and scary.

      In regard to Dakota Meyer going after this guy it was at a concert not trained soldiers in a known war zone. Dakota May be too dumb to know if someone's brains are spilling out it is pointless to stop for someone already dead.

  28. Anonymous2:45 PM

    President Trump speech about Las Vegas:

    "Our unity cannot be shattered by evil. Our bonds cannot be broken by violence. And though we feel such great anger at the senseless murder of our fellow citizens, it is our love that defines us today -- and always will, forever." - Trump

    What was President Trump's quote regarding the racist white people bringing terror to Charlottesville where a senseless murder by a White Nationalist happened? Oh yeah he said

    “You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now.” - Comforter-In-Chief Trump

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      We're at war. Get use to it. I am your leader President Trump.

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Ooh look whose early for happy hour @ 335.

    3. Anonymous7:49 PM

      People who were there are describing their war experiences at Vegas country music venue, PTSD.

  29. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Fox News uses Las Vegas gun massacre to obsess over Hillary Clinton

    True to form, the partisans at Fox seemed angrier at Hillary Clinton for speaking out in support of gun safety than they did at the man who murdered dozens of people.

    Always finding a way to turn Hillary Clinton into the villain of any unfolding national story, Fox News and other conservative commentators turned their ire on her following one of the deadliest mass murders in U.S. history, displaying more scorn toward the former Secretary of State than toward the gunman who killed 58 people in Las Vegas.

    “Hillary Clinton slammed for ‘ignorant’ statement on guns after Las Vegas shooting,” read the Fox News headline.

    Clinton’s supposed crime was calling out the gun lobby in the wake of the massacre. Specifically, she called attention to a law that congressional Republicans, with support from the NRA, are trying to pass that would make it easier for everyday Americans to purchase silencers, a radical and dangerous initiative for a country already drowning in firearms:

  30. Anonymous2:55 PM

    White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders laughed at the idea that Congress should do anything to prevent mass shootings, and insisted the topic of gun safety should not come up on the same day of a massacre.

    The Trump administration has literally laughed off concerns about working on gun safety legislation after the massacre in Las Vegas.

    During the daily White House press briefing, NBC reporter Hallie Jackson asked press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to respond to Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), who called for Congress to “get off its ass and do something” about gun violence.

    Sanders then smiled and laughed from behind her podium, mockingly saying, “I agree with him that Congress should get up and do something,” adding that she didn’t believe that action should “be specific” to gun safety. She then reiterated her comments made earlier in the briefing insisting that more time needs to pass before Trump and Republicans will address gun violence.

    ...Sanders’ excuse for Trump’s behavior — that “there’s a difference between being a candidate and being a president” — makes no sense. Trump has invoked impulsive and inflammatory language in reaction to other tragic events while occupying the presidency, as he called for his Muslim ban to be enacted when terrorists attacked London.

    But his approach to gun violence remains as callous as ever. Trump refused to bring up guns during his address to the nation Monday, and Sanders’ defense that he hasn’t had time to do a “deep dive” on policy is also nonsense...

  31. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Trump ignores guns in statement on deadliest mass shooting in US history

    Donald Trump’s statement on the mass shooting in Las Vegas contained no references to guns or gun violence. The shooting at the Harvest Music Festival has taken the lives of at least 50 people and injured more than 400, and is the worst such attack in modern American history.

    In his address to the nation, Trump referred to the “terrible, terrible attack” and said, “We pray for the day when evil is vanished and the innocent are safe from hatred and from fear.” In his first statement, Trump strangely offered “warmest condolences” to the victims.

    Yet unlike past tragedies, Trump did not use his bully pulpit to call for action or measures to prevent future mass shootings. When terrorists struck in London, Trump said it was evidence that his ban on Muslims “should be far larger, tougher, and more specific.”

    He also did not describe the horrific mass murder as “terrorism,” even though he is typically quick to describe other similar events that way and, before taking office, repeatedly attacked President Barack Obama for not using the word.

    But faced with an armed gunman who stockpiled weapons in his Las Vegas hotel room and rained death on innocent Americans, Trump did not speak about the guns or any measure to prevent mass shootings.

  32. Anonymous3:05 PM

    The brother of Stephen Paddock, the 64-year-old gunman who opened fire on concertgoers during a Las Vegas country music festival on Sunday night, has revealed disturbing information about their family history.

    According to NBC News national correspondent Peter Alexander, Eric Paddock has revealed that their father, Patrick Benjamin Paddock, was a bank robber who used to be on the FBI's Most Wanted list.

    The Daily Intelligencer obtained an FBI poster dating back to 1969 that depicts a wanted man by the name of Benjamin Hoskins Paddock, who was "diagnosed as psychopathic, has carried firearms in commission of bank robberies" and "reportedly has suicidal tendencies and should be considered armed and very dangerous."

    According to the El Paso Times, Benjamin Paddock, who was known as "Chrome Dome" for his shaved head, was captured in 1978 while running a bingo parlor in Oregon.

  33. Caroll Thompson3:06 PM

    Easy to be the tough guy from a distance. More difficult in the moment.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      This coming from the "man" who lied about everything that happened in the incident that garnered him a Medal of Honor. What a piece of shit he is, he even believes his own lies at this point in time.

      Stolen Valor=Dakota Meyer

    2. Anonymous2:33 AM


  34. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Dakota do you believe Trump would have stayed at the Country concert helping the wounded and dying in Las Vegas while bullets was raining down on him?

    Remember this post about the tough talking president who can't stand the sight of blood?

    "The Time Trump Turned Away From Man Bleeding to Death" by MARLOW STERN

    Daily Beast
    09.28.17 9:30 AM ET

  35. Anonymous3:13 PM

    "Many mass shooters share a common thread. It is not ideology, religious affiliation, or history of drug use. Everytown For Gun Safety analyzed F.B.I data from 2009-2015, and their analysis found that over 57% of incidents of mass violence included a spouse, partner, significant other or family member as one of the victims. In 16% of cases, shooters had a history of domestic violence charges. However, it is relevant to note that domestic violence remains a hugely under-reported, under-charged and under-prosecuted crime."
    "Domestic violence is a crime of power and control. Abusers do not attack out of anger, because of alcohol, or because of a lack of self-control. Abusers attack in an effort to assert power and control over them. Similarly, mass shooters wish to assert power and control and they use violence to accomplish that."Most victims hide the details because of shame and many even protect their abusers. And history shows that abuse follows two very consistent patterns. The first is escalation and the second is cyclical, meaning that most abusers were abused."

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      OK, this gets a bit confusing and needs to be parsed. "Mass shooting" refers to 4 or more victims not including the shooter. Seems to me that these should be differentiated. Mass shooting/dv - where one or more victims has been in some sort of relationship, or is biologically related to the shooter and the shooter knows they are present and a likely victim. Then "mass shooting/random. The latter seem to include many more victims and a sustained, not in the heat of the moment started or satisfied, attack.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      People will blame the victim too. I learned that when domestic violence escalates a users commonly tell people the abused is crazy to control no one believes the victim.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      A sniper took out over 50 people within something like 12 minutes.

      We can't say sniper because it doesn't sound good for heroes like Chris Kyle. Dakota is allergic to the word unless it is said as he sees as correct use of sniper.

      We also can't talk about the machines that snipers use.

  36. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I cant think of a better person to own "The Deadliest Mass Shooting in the US" than Donald John Trump.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      His minions, staff, supporters all own it as much as their deadliest leader.

  37. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Idiot douchebag vs douchebag idiot. But I lean on the side of Duh being the bigger asshole of the two.

  38. Anonymous3:19 PM

    K.O. THIS>



    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Nothing has been the same since they took prayer out of schools.

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      "Pat Robertson said, “Violence in the streets, ladies, and gentlemen. Why is it happening? The fact that we have disrespect for authority; there is profound disrespect for our president, all across this nation, they say terrible things about him. It’s in the news; it’s in other places. There is disrespect now for our national anthem, disrespect for our veterans, disrespect for the institutions of our government, disrespect for the court system. All the way up and down the line, disrespect.”Alex Jones cult calling the shootings fake news to Pat Robertson blaming national anthem protests and disrespect of Trump, this is the backbone of the Republican Party."

  39. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Before Vegas Shooting, Donald Trump Jr. Wanted Silencers. Where Congress Stands

    Donald Trump Jr. says silencers are a "health issue"-IBT (See picture of Trump on post)

    With the country reeling from the deadliest mass shooting in its history, the House could soon vote on a bill that would lift restrictions on the sale of silencers, making them easier and more affordable to purchase. Critics are concerned that silencers could make mass shootings, such as the Sunday massacre in Las Vegas, more deadly. The gun industry has lobbied extensively on the measure — and Donald Trump Jr. is an outspoken supporter.

    “It’s about hearing protection,” hesaid in January. “It’s a health issue, frankly, for me. You know, getting little kids into the game, it greatly reduces recoil!”

  40. Anonymous3:26 PM


  41. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Potato Meyer's story on the Daily Mail has 650+ comments. I wonder if they are positive or negative? I never click on those Palin stories. I don't want to give them clicks.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Meyer learned from the Palins. I can't stand to look at Daily Mail. I hope someone can check it out and let us know about the Meyer's trash.

  42. Anonymous3:43 PM

    "For these men hunting was a manhood thing, a way to get in touch with their alpha male, a way to prove they weren’t soft city dwellers and what better way to do that than to get together with some buddies and shoot some guns at whatever moved.

    It was no coincidence that, at this same time (this being early seventies), the NRA changed their focus from hunting programs to promoting gun ownership and defending the 2nd Amendment from imaginary enemies."The NRA has killed off the sportsman with their neglect and replaced him with the gun nut who spends more money on more guns, not out of a desire to feed his family, but to stave off a mythical jack-booted government bogeyman {or woman} coming to take away those guns."I’m not the NRA poster child that I was at age 8 anymore. I want nothing to do with those people.

    I may be a natural born killer, but I’ll be damned if I’ll be an accomplice to murder."

  43. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Not to mention, what goes up, must come down - guy could have killed other innocents on the other side of wherever he was shooting from if he'd tried to with a handgun. .

  44. Anonymous3:49 PM

    That is his caliber, scum. Who listens to that dummy anyway.

  45. Anonymous4:02 PM

    By using the military word "operators" again and again and again as all I can see is a Dakota Meyer that was not properly decommissioned (read: deprogrammed) by the Marines.

    No wonder he's a drunken PTSD mess. He thinks he still at

    If I was Bristol I'd sleep locked and loaded every single night 'cause this guy is a live wire for sure.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      No wonder he's a drunken PTSD mess. He thinks he still at

      Exactly. It's more and more apparent. It is not getting any kind of proper help or treatment. The thing is his issues will continue to escalate.

      He also thinks that drinking wine is giving up alcoholic lifestyle. He uses that electronic thing to cure his sleeplessness. Hope it keeps working out for him. Bristol could look like Taliban at any time.

      He is a trained killer, sniper type. It's his duty to kill.

      He will never be able to deal with this Las Vegas sniper. He can't say sniper unless it is to praise them. Granted they do credible kills but it's when they lose it, like appears to be Dakota Meyer now.

      He's been depressed and suicidal. Now he is coming back to life because he is preparing for a big battle. What a let down if that doesn't work out like he dreams.

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      It's probable that having the sweaty, smelly doofus not share her bedroom was Bristol's absolutely non negotiable demand to Sarah. Bristol told the world all about her disgust of Dakota.

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      (read: deprogrammed) by the Marines.

      Link please

  46. Anonymous4:03 PM

    A Clear Racist Undertone Runs Through Trump’s Response To Terrorism in Las Vegas

    The anatomy of reporting on mass shootings depends on the perpetrator’s race. If the shooter was a white male, like Stephen Paddock, we are urged to wait for the facts. We don’t assume that mass shooting was a terrorist act when the shooter is white.

    The Right Goes Bonkers And Blames Disrespect Of Trump For Las Vegas Shooting

    ...Republicans can’t handle the fact that their law and order president who was supposed to be “making America great again” was in office for the worst mass shooting in US history.

  47. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Wow did Dumkota join the right family, Use a mass shooting to try and take down another intstagram asshole. #pathetic.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      I see that Bristol has a baby sitter and she is visiting with her hair friend from Arizona hair skull days. Dakota just shows up to pose for the happy family show and do his pod casts. Hard working man.

  48. Anonymous4:08 PM

    That's why they call him "Duh"

  49. Anonymous4:15 PM

    "As for leaving that woman shot in the head, yeah maybe this guy could have provided help if he is trained to do so, but most likely he would have simply been killed as well."

    A video of a young girl who was shot in the leg keep a getting pulled from social medimedias. Her two friends came to help her and were shot & killed.

    Also, numerous first responders have commented the response by common folk, (Like the trio trying to give CPR to the gunshot victim in the wheelbarrow) probably speed up death or killed. In the least caused incredible pain some would not have experienced.

  50. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Las Vegas Shooting: Dan Bilzerian Reveals He Raced An Injured Woman To Hospital

    Poker player and self-proclaimed “King of Instagram” Dan Bilzerian, 36, went from near-victim to hero when a madman opened fire during a Jason Aldean set at the Highway 91 Harvest Festival on Oct. 1. 59 people were killed and over 500 injured in the deadliest mass shooting in American history. While running from the side of the stage to the safety of his van, he came across a badly injured woman and knew he had to do something to help save her life. Dan became his own personal ambulance service, picking up the victim and rushing her to a nearby hospital. “I don’t know the extent of her injuries,” he told PEOPLE magazine “She could barely talk.” He didn’t stick around as he went back to the scene to try to help others.

    He knew just how serious things were when he described in a real-time Snapchat video as things went down that he saw a woman get shot in the face. Dan also came across dead bodies while making his escape. He told the mag about one particular victim, saying “She was dead. She had been shot in the head, and her brain was showing.” How horrifying! See pics from the Las Vegas massacre, here.

    Dan had been at the side of the stage with childhood pal and country star Jake Owen, 36, when the mayhem began.“We were on the stage when the gunfire started.” He said at first they weren’t sure what was going on until about 15 seconds later when they realized it was high-powered gunfire. “It sounded like firecrackers,” he said, “which is what it sounds like when supersonic bullets are flying over your head.” He kept his wits about him, saying “I was pretty calm, all things considered, but I definitely ran to safety.”

    After bringing the injured woman to the hospital, the weapon loving social media star returned to the scene armed and ready to help police, even though they had the situation under control. Dan cursed the fact that he hadn’t brought his own gun to the concert. “It was a pretty strong wake up call,” he said. “This stuff can happen without warning anywhere. It’s not smart to get caught without a gun.” As for doing the brave act of returning to the scene of the carnage, he said “I don’t think it was heroic at all. I just wanted to do the right thing.” Oh man, that takes balls of steel!

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Did you read the Daily Mail piece that Dakota Meyer submitted? I think Meyer would say Blizerian is lying. Dakota wants to take him on, he doesn't want Bilz to get by with this.

  51. Anonymous4:23 PM

    8:17 pm EST Firefighters are being interviewed sharing how they triaged, stopped bleeding with belts and dragged people to safety. They also shared about other concert goers assisting.
    Dakota Meyer is sick to find a negative about some guy he apparently felt a need to take down.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Meyer needed a story to make him Instagram King. What better way than to take down the Instagram King?

      He also needed something juicy for Daily Mail. He has been the dullest loser, he just wants to be powerful and take out the King.

  52. Dukotah Meyer is a pussy-whipped punk who was not tough enough to remain an active duty Marine. Instead, he is running a scam by putting his name on a construction company, claiming federal contracts as a "veteran-owned company" -- when, in fact, he doesn't own a goddam thing but the letterhead.

    He's a fraud; a semi-literate Kaintucky high school graduate with a C-minus average and a whiny, high pitched voice. By marrying into the Palin family, he found a crowd of losers just like himself. They deserve each other.

    The only problem is he'll now raise a flock of innocent children who'll turn out like him.

    Here's a challenge, Dumbkota: The Rocking Horse Tavern; Hwy 11-W, one mile outside Bristol, TN headed toward Kingsport; look for a silver Ford F250 SuperDuty with an old grey-haired guy leaning on the front hood; 10:00 PM Eastern time, any Saturday night. Be there and be prepared to have your ass kicked.

  53. Anonymous5:02 PM

    2 Dead Alaskans!

  54. Anonymous5:17 PM

    "When The Dixie Chicks’ Natalie Maines took a stand against President George W. Bush and the Iraq war back in 2003, fans were so angry, it torched the Dixie Chicks’ career on the spot."

    "Duncan included the silencer provision in a broader bill, the “Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act,”
    or SHARE Act." aka No~Responsibility~Act

  55. Anonymous5:45 PM

    For sure the DM article was a Meyer plant. They went over Dan Bilzerian transgressions and made it clear he is a jerk. They left out anything unsavory about Dakota Meyer and made it appear that being hitched to a Palin was something holy. Total crap. Both are douche bags. Dakota was able to get by with his fraud and the stolen valor, while Dan screwed up with the navy.

    Bilzerian is a fool if he lets Meyer write his story.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Meyer doesn't he have alcohol problems?

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Meyer sells or works for this electrical instrument company. You put it on your ears or something. You get a small current and you don't drink. It cures insomnia and has other health benefits. He wants to sell it to other veterans. The taxpayers pay the bills.

      He only drinks wine, so he says, and he is cured of alcohol problems.

  56. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Congresswoman blasts Sanders for false gun claims: Chicago’s illegal weapons come from Trump country

  57. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "Texas Tower Sniper"

    Harry Chapin's song "Sniper" was inspired by the UT tower shooting.

    "On August 1, 1966, Charles Whitman, a former Marine sharpshooter, took rifles and other weapons to the observation deck atop the Main Building tower at the University of Texas at Austin, then opened fire on persons indiscriminately on the surrounding campus and streets. Over the next 96 minutes he shot and killed fifteen people including one unborn child and injured thirty-one others; another victim died in the hospital and the final victim died from the lingering effects of his wounds in 2001, but his death was ruled a homicide. The incident ended when police reached Whitman and shot him dead."
    Las Vegas massacre recalls similar slaughter: Texas clock tower shooting

    Oh Lordy, don't call Paddock a sniper. He wasn't even in the service.

    American sniper, 'American Sniper' is allowed.

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Jack Reacher version. Sniper never killed the enemy. So itching to kill.

      Just another crazy gun nut.

    2. Anonymous12:43 AM

      The beauty of automatic is everyone can be one shot.

    3. Anonymous5:09 AM

      The beauty of automatic is that everyone can be one shot.

    4. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Yeah we heard you the first time. Go take your meds now.

  58. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Guitarist Caleb Keeter of the Josh Abbott Band, one of the acts that played at the country music festival in Las Vegas where 58 people were killed and another 500 were injured, has had a change of heart about the Second Amendment. After being at the venue and personally witnessing the massacre, Keeter says “enough is enough.”

    And yes, it is too bad it took a tragedy like this for him to come to this realization, something he freely acknowledges. But let’s hope his counterparts in the country music industry might read these words and join him in demanding gun control, before tragedy strikes elsewhere.

    Here is Caleb Keeter’s full statement:

    I’ve been a proponent of the 2nd amendment my entire life.

    Until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was. We actually have members of our crew with CHL licenses, and legal firearms on the bus.

    They were useless.

    We couldn’t touch them for fear police might think that we were part of the massacre and shoot us. A small group (or one man) laid waste to a city with dedicated, fearless police officers desperately trying to help, because of access to an insane amount of fire power.

    Enough is enough.

    Writing my parents and the love of my life a goodbye note last night and a living will because I felt like I wasn’t going to live through the night was enough for me to realize that this is completely and totally out of hand. There rounds were powerful enough that my crew guys just standing in close proximity of a victim shot by this fucking coward received shrapnel wounds.

    We need gun control RIGHT. NOW.

    My biggest regret is that I stubbornly didn’t realize it until my brothers on the road and myself were threatened by it.

    We are unbelievably fortunate to not be among the victims killed or seriously wounded by this maniac.

    See the full tweet below.

  59. Anonymous6:47 PM

    D.C. sniper is not the correct way to talk about what happened when 10 people were killed. 3 weeks in October 2002. Ask Dakota Meyer, he is passionate about snipers.

    Remember Michael Moore's uncle was killed by a sniper. It soured Meyer on Moore forever.

  60. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I am so tired of this shit.

    Why aren't concert goers able to have guns at concerts? It's obvious or should be. I am so sick of Liberals being presented as pansy asses.

    This country has fallen into such a deep divide it has become fractured. Those people were mowed down by a sick man who got those guns and instead of addressing this problem the right try's to paint "librarals"" as wussies.

    My niece posted this Tomi idiots rant on Facebook. Tomi shit head who would cry if her nails got a chip. How many of you have faced this, keeping mum for the sake of peace.

    I am a moderate leaning liberal and i seem to be the only one because somehow a war was started between the extremes, a losing war where you are pitted against each other.

    The cops were not the only hero's here. Those regular citizens who were there from the nurse, to the husband, to the wife to people putting victems in a truck to get them to a hospital.

    This is the America that we are, this is the America that needs to be hailed as heroes. average Joe Blow that stepped up, that did not care if you were Republican or Democrat. Note, i said Democrat.

    Tell me i am not the only one who has strugelled with this issue of keeping your mouth shut while a relative blasts on Facebook, and how do you deal with it?

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      I can ignore it if it's the occasional stupidity, but I've also "de-friended" a cousin because I just couldn't take it anymore. Sometimes making a passive aggressive post later helps too lol

  61. Anonymous7:42 PM

    "There’s always a gun show. Always. Year-round. All year. Every year. It’s not like, “Holiday, it’s a gun show!” It’s like, Saturday, it’s a gun show!”"

    1. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Dakota Meyer shares a photo of himself

  62. Anonymous8:18 PM

    NEWS Sarah Palin’s Son-In-Law, Dakota Meyer, Rips Fake Transgender SEAL Story

  63. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Voice of America, Heart of America

    ' Unfortunately this sniper was just spraying bullets over a crowd of 20,000 people he most likely couldn't see.

    If I were a sniper this would be the kind of target for a good head shot live on twitter! '

  64. Anonymous7:08 AM

    A writer with The Atlantic is catching flak from Marine Dakota Meyer, after tweeting a story about a transgender soldier in response to President Trump’s military ban on trans people.
    The story was about a transgender Navy SEAL who allegedly earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for serving in the military unit that killed Osama bin Laden.
    According to Meyer, the story is bogus.
    Because I'm sitting next to the Navy Seal that killed UBL

  65. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Never divorced

  66. Anonymous10:52 AM

    A recent comment to Duh on his Instagram post: take the medal your mother in law bought you and shove it up your ass!

  67. It's fair to say, after reading some of the comments on Meyer's Instagram post, and this article in (of all places!) the Washington Post
    ... I hope they both take each other down. They're BOTH scumbags.

  68. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Dumkota lives in Texas now. What did he do for hurricane ravaged Houston? He was posting on IG about a macho boy road trip. What did he do after his trip? Anything for Houston? Running his idiot mouth helps nobody. He has to post photos of the Palin he escorts to get any attention.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.