Monday, October 02, 2017

Head of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, uses Yom Kippur to beg for forgiveness.

Courtesy of, where else, Facebook:

Tonight concludes Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year for Jews when we reflect on the past year and ask forgiveness for our mistakes. For those I hurt this year, I ask forgiveness and I will try to be better. For the ways my work was used to divide people rather than bring us together, I ask forgiveness and I will work to do better. May we all be better in the year ahead, and may you all be inscribed in the book of life.

I'm sorry, there is an insane person in the White House, that your social media platform helped get elected, spending his days golfing while people are dying in Puerto Rico and being massacred in Las Vegas, there is no forgiving that. 

Facebook needs to completely revamp how it sells advertising, and it needs to reject any attempts by foreign entities to manipulate citizens of sovereign nations.

Or it could just shut down, which would be okay with me as well.


  1. Mark Mark Mark, don't use the holiest day of the year (for Jews like us, at least) to grovel for forgiveness. We have a soulless madman taking up space in the White House. The damage he's doing, every minute of every day, may never be undone.

    And you helped put him there, Markeleh!

    1. Anonymous5:41 AM

      So sad. Step up, Mark. Facebook will be defunct someday but you can save your reputation.

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Facebook is the internet optimized for junior high school. What did you expect?

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Twitter, instagram and snapchat as well. All trash, all worthless.

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Mark could donate billions to help families who were killed in LV and to Puerto Rico and people would still bitch.

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    "Or it could just shut down, which would be okay with me as well."

    No No No Gryphen. If Facebook were to shutdown how would I stay relevant? FOX, CBS, ABC and the rest of them blackballed me (like that basketball player who hit it and quit).

    -Lou Sarah
    Facebook Editor in Charge of
    the Wasilly Branch Office

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    He's spot on with his apology and description of it - Trump is a horrible potus!

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    He's fucked and he knows it. That's the only reason for his public 'mea culpa'. FB has much to answer for.


    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Agree. Sorry Markie, you are just too late to receive any forgiveness...that boat sailed long ago.

  7. Anonymous3:32 PM

    "Trump supporters here in small town Pennsylvania would read Clinton Facebook feed conspiracies to me as if it were gospel during the election. They could not tear themselves away from Facebook. They did it during work, they did it when I was paying them for a service, they did it even when I asked them to stop, they did it even when their boss asked them to stop. The “news” they read to me from their Facebook feeds was, without fail, about Hillary Clinton doing something so awful and crazy there was no way to toss reality into the mix.

    Whatever the Russians were doing, it was compelling; it functioned like a drug on a vulnerable population."
    "It took exposing 4,400,000 people to Russian propaganda meant to help elect Donald Trump for Trump to eek out 78,000 votes from three swing states to win.

    That’s not only $ad, it spells illegitimate."

  8. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I spent one week on FB, at the beginning. It was horrifying even then. A sister sending clearly made up news, students bragging about drunk nights, endless pet photos. Haven't been on since and you know? I don't think I've missed a thing. People email or text or even (gasp!) call me with news. I even got a hand written letter from my brother's ex.

    There's a good life beyond Facebook- come join me!

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      So true...FB has done far more damage than good. Wait! Has FB even done one iota of good? Mark Zuckerberg: Do the right thing and shut FB down...THAT'S being a good Jew.

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    He married an asian. I can't even imagine how shunned he would be in most jewish families just because of that little thing so Mark, give up the jewishness, you're not a very good one.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Oh, that is just pathetic. You're trying to make a point but you're just coming off as a racist pure and simple. Remember, love is love is love is Love. I refuse to patronize FB and it has nothing to do with whether Zucks is a good Jew or not. Sheesh

    2. Anonymous5:44 AM

      As long as they steal Palestine, and everybody remains silent. There is no such thing as a good one

  10. Anonymous4:00 PM

  11. Anonymous4:04 PM

    YES. This.


    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      "This is playing an active role in the spread of bad information, poisoning the news ecosystem."“Managing breaking news is an extremely difficult problem but it's incredible that asking the search box of *every major platform* returns raw toxic sewage,”
      "There’s no hiding behind algorithms anymore. The problems cannot be minimized. The machines have shown they are not up to the task of dealing with rare, breaking news events, and it is unlikely that they will be in the near future.'

  12. Anonymous4:33 PM


    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

  13. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Eat Shit Zuck you fuck!

    "If you've found yourself blaming social media for electing Donald Trump, you're wrong.

    So says Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who was emphatic that his company was not responsible for influencing people's votes.

    Fake news stories went viral about both candidates -- although there were far more lies about Hillary Clinton -- and the platform seemed to do to little to filter out inaccurate content. Now, people are wondering how much impact that content had on the outcome of the presidential election.

    "Personally, I think the idea that fake news on Facebook -- of which it's a small amount of content -- influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea," Zuckerberg said at the Techonomy conference Thursday.

    But he didn't just try to absolve Facebook (FB, Tech30) -- he encouraged anyone criticizing the company to do some soul searching of their own. "

  14. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Well, Trump won't spend much time in Puerto Rico since he is going to Las Vegas the next day. Maybe he will stop at Mar A Lago to golf early Wednesday.

  15. I make my living in I.T. and I am convinced that the internet has caused more harm to the world than just about any other invention. Truly, the world would be a better place without Facebook and Twitter.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Before the internet the best graffiti was in library restroom stalls!

  16. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Mark, you've made a fortune. It would disappoint your patrons, sure, but pulling Facebook would be a GIFT to many more people who are furious that your company likely enable Russia to put Trump in power. He is destroying our country. Do your part. Ditch a Facebook. Surely, you can come up with something less reckless and dangerous.
    P.S. I doubt G-D heard you on Yom Kippur.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Fuck Zuckerbeg and FB.
      Washing machines are for your laundry.
      Not FB.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.