Sunday, November 12, 2017

It appears that not even Fox News can continue to provide cover for Roy Moore.

Courtesy of Newsweek:  

On Friday night, Sean Hannity opened his prime time Fox News program by playing an audio recording of his interview, conducted on his radio show the day before, with former Alabama chief justice Roy S. Moore, now running for a Senate seat from that state. Hannity then turned to a panel of three pundits, asking them whether Moore sufficiently defended himself against the damning allegations of child molestation and sexual misconduct that surfaced in The Washington Post the day before.

“You ended his candidacy,” declared Geraldo Rivera, citing Moore’s inability to unequivocally say that he had never dated teenage girls when he was in his 20s and 30s, after he’d left the U.S. Army and turned to law. “I would urge Republicans to postpone the special election,” Rivera said.

Gregg Jarrett, a Fox News legal analyst, was no more kind. “I found his answers to be unconvincing and implausible, his entire story to be, in a word, unbelievable. Which means he’s lying.” Moore has called the allegations against him “fake news,” suggesting that The Washington Post was motivated by a political agenda.

Jarrett said Moore “should step aside.” A few congressional Republicans have made similar calls, but Moore has vowed to stay in the race. He will have to continue without funding from the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which will no longer support his candidacy.

Remember this discussion tool place on Fox News, on Sean Hannity's program.

Trump calls Hannity almost every night so that Hannity can tell him bullshit bedtime stories before the Tangerine Fuhrer falls asleep with a mouthful of masticated Big Mac and his tiny orange dick in his hand.

Once Fox News bails on Moore, all he will have left is Steve Bannon, Breitbart, and Right Wing radio.

And they may well bail on him as well at some point.


  1. ibwilliamsi1:33 PM

    Republicans don't get to postpone the election because their candidate is shit. A Democrat in a similar position would have stepped aside, but Moore won't. This is THEIR stink-pile. Live with it.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Sean "I barely made it through high school" Hannity. Maybe his second call is Palin for an erection and Hope Hicks to see it to fruition.

  3. They've crunched the numbers.

    While Fundamental Southern Baptists might give Molester Moore a pass, everyone else just thinks it's disgusting. And they're believing the women. (Moore's wife is 14 years his junior, just like these high school girls he was dating at 32)

    Molester Moore doesn't seem to me to be a step aside kind of guy so he'll tough it out. In the end we'll see if party trumps conscience or Doug Jones can tiptoe delicately through the next four weeks enough to win the seat.

    It is a VERY important seat. That's why so many Republicans are holding their noses and saying essentially nothing.

  4. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hannity allowed them to denounce Moore since so many advertisers abandoned his radio show after the interview with Moore...strictly damage control on Hannity’s part.

    1. Anonymous1:08 AM

      Yes! I think you are right.

  5. Anonymous2:31 PM

    There are FOUR WEEKS left to the special election in Alabama. My guess is the Good Ol' Boy Network will still have plenty of time to rig that shit and preserve the Republican majority in the Senate.

  6. That ear shattering high pitched annoying noise is from primal screams after reading this...
    Fair warning: primal screaming is contageous

    from British news last night – not in US news of course: A company headed by the former chief of KGB counterintelligence who was Putin’s KGB boss….was hired to provide security for U.S. embassies in Russia by the Trump state department.

  7. Molester Moore may not have the Republican Senatorial Committee to draw funds from, but he still has his own PAC and the RNC. And his Alabama Deplorables still support him. I'm sure the Alabama Republican Party branch is still supplying him with money. Republicans want Jeff Session's seat to go to a Republican. They are not going to give it up to Doug Jones. Not even if Molester Moore is their only option.

    I'm still rooting for Luther Strange to enter the race as a write in. He can split the vote and then Jones can win, even if he gets less than 50%.

  8. Anonymous4:02 PM

    That's kind of disgusting how the so called Christians are giving this child molester a pass because Mary was a teenager when she had Jesus. Only they forgot to say Mary supposedly didn't have sex with Joseph. It's an excuse to keep women down. This religion thing and Roy Moore who has gotten away with shit like Trump and just maybe people are sick of the perverted old men showing their junk to women who have been trained to suck it up when men abuse them, and for the men hurting children. It will stop but only if women and children are supported and not shunned.

  9. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I'm SO tired. You can't possibly believe that, reading RW sites, yet they do. ANYTHING that's said to them.

  10. Hannity is losing sponsors again.

    "At least five companies have announced they will not advertise during Sean Hannity’s TV and radio shows following the host’s coverage of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who is accused of sexual misconduct with a 14-year-old.

    Eloquii, a plus-size clothing retailer, was the first company to publicly distance itself from the right-wing personality, followed by 23 and me, Nature’s Bounty, Keurig and Representatives for the five companies, as well as Fox News, did not immediately return HuffPost’s requests for comment."

    It seems Molester Moore's sexual preferences weren't any secret to his colleagues.

    "A former prosecutor who worked in Alabama with GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore in the early 1980s told CNN on Saturday that it was “common knowledge” that Moore dated teenagers — and people thought it was “weird.”

    “It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew thought it was weird,” former Etowah County deputy district attorney Teresa Jones told CNN national correspondent Alexander Marquardt. “We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall. But you really wouldn’t say anything to someone like that.” "

    So, even if a 14 year old girl came forward, who would believe her and how successful would that prosecution be even if it got that far? Remember, this is Alabama. She has two years to make a complaint. So at 16 they would believe her, and after two years had passed?

    Meanwhile #MeAt14 is trending. If anything can sink Molester Moore, maybe this can.

    "Women are reacting to the allegations that Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore had attempted sexual relations with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32 by posting images of themselves to Twitter of them when they were that age.

    On Thursday night, shortly after the Washington Post reported the claims against Moore, Catherine Lawson, a North Carolina lawyer, posted to Twitter a photo of herself at 14.

    “Can’t consent at 14. Not in Alabama. Not anywhere,” Lawson wrote, adding the hashtag “#MeAt14.” "

    And lastly, do we all remember Steve Schmidt?

    "GOP campaign strategist Steve Schmidt said he didn’t have the words to express his “shame” over the Republican Party’s failure to totally repudiate Senate nominee Roy Moore of Alabama in the wake of accusations of sexual misconduct with a 14-year-old girl.

    “It’s disgraceful,” Schmidt said Friday on MSNBC’s “All In With Chris Hayes.”

    “Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt — they’re rolling over in their graves tonight,” said Schmidt, who served in George W. Bush’s White House and worked on Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s successful re-election campaign for California governor.

    He called The Washington Post report Thursday of Moore’s history of pursuing teens “immaculately sourced” and credible. Moore is “accused of molesting a little girl,” Schmidt emphasized."

    Guess his proximity to Palin produced some soul searching and strengthened his integrity.

    To paraphrase an old joke, what's the difference between a rat and Republican? There are some things a rat won't do.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      I don't care if it was years ago. Sexual experimentation starts young, and he was old enough to know better. Still in his mind.

  11. Anonymous5:29 PM

    #meToo March Today in Hollywood!

  12. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Bannon is sending his spies to Alabama to dig up dirt on the accusers.

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Uh huh. That's out of Putin's playbook. These guys are getting very good at KGB techniques.

  13. Anonymous2:18 AM

    If this crime of the century were not so serious and dangerous it would be funny. Identifying and watching those involved is very alarming. ANYONE that can excuse or defend such espionage and treason against The United States of America? Any USA citizen standing in that corner? you are a enemy and traitor of the USA.

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      CRIMEa of the Millennium$


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