Sunday, November 26, 2017

New York man fires at what he thinks is a deer in his backyard, kills 43 year old woman walking her dogs.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

A neighbor, Thomas B. Jadlowski, thought he saw a deer in his back yard 200 yards away and fired a single shot. Then he heard a scream. Realizing he’d shot a person, he ran out to help, Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office officials said in a news release. 

Jadlowski, 34, called 911 and applied pressure to Rosemary Billquist’s wound until paramedics arrived, according to the sheriff’s office. The bullet had traveled through her hip and out her back, Jamie Billquist said. He rode with his wife to a University of Pittsburgh Medical Center facility in Erie, Pa., where she was pronounced dead.

Jadlowski has not been charged and has been cooperating with investigators, officials said. The case will be reviewed by the Chautauqua County district attorney’s office, which will determine whether Jadlowski will face criminal charges. Officials said the shooting occurred less than an hour after sunset, at a time when it’s illegal to hunt, according to the Associated Press.

Shooting after dark, not properly identifying your target, and now a man has lost his wife, and his life will never be the same.

I certainly think that criminal charges are in order here.

Guns are not a tool. Guns do not protect. Guns are simply an instrument of death.

I will never stop saying that.


  1. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Just another one of those "responsible gun owners"--amazing how many of these you can find. He was also shooting deer with a handgun, which is also illegal.

  2. Anonymous5:15 AM

    It is not illegal to shoot deer with a handgun, depending on the state regulations. PA allows deer to be hunted with a handgun.

    However, legal shooting time for deer ends 30 minutes after sunset, in PA.

    Doesn't make this poor woman come back to life, though, and yes, still irresponsible since the shooter didn't bother to ascertain that what he was shooting was actually not a deer.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      It's not illegal to shoot deer from 200 yards away with a handgun in PA? What kind of stupid-ass state allows that?!?!

  3. Anonymous5:30 AM

    1) was she really trespassing in his backyard?
    2) what's the need to kill something beautiful in your yard?

  4. Anonymous5:39 AM

    I hope they throw the book at this dumbass. He should be convicted of manslaughter at the least and get hit with a wrongful death lawsuit, as well.

  5. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I don’t think he shot his wife. I think it was a random woman walking her dogs.

    The article said he rode with his wife.

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      It was his neighbor's wife, and the husband rode with her to the hospital, not the shooter.

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      The hunter apparently tried to help the woman and called 911. So, there's that. But he should never be allowed to shoot a gun, any gun, again.

  6. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I feel like a huge fine for hunting illegally and 30 days in jail would suffice. If he has no priors.

    1. Really?

      You think that's all he should get for hunting women out of season?

  7. What part of the woman looked like a deer? She was walking upright, I assume. Most deer don't. She was walking two dogs. Most deer don't even bother with one dog.

    It has been unusually warm so the "rut" might still have been going on. Was she in heat and he could tell at 200 yards?

    A lifetime ban on firearms, full restitution for the loss of the victim's companionship and affections and about five years in prison sharing a cell with whimpy Wayne La Pee pee tail from the NRA sounds about appropriate for punishment.

  8. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Rise from the dead. NOPE. "have tried repeatedly to identify
    “the historical Jesus” and have failed."

  9. Randall6:31 AM

    If only there had been a neighbor, a "good-guy" if you will, with a gun.
    He could have shot Jadlowski and prevented this tragic "accident".

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      If only the dogs had been armed with AK-47s, they might have jumped into action and stopped the dumbass with a gun.

  10. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Also, in the same Western New York State county, a man fired a 7MM round from his high powered rifle thru the engine block of a brown pick-up truck, thinking it was a deer. The truck was travelling along an access road, and the two occupants were unharmed.

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      The truck occupants were lucky. They'll be told they should paint their truck orange.

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Moral of this story: Never drive a brown truck with white license plates in the woods during deer season !

    3. Are all hunters fucking blind or just fucking stupid?

  11. Anonymous6:40 AM


  12. Anonymous7:41 AM

    The guy who killed the woman may not be prosecuted. His biggest "crime," apparently, was hunting after sunset. About thirty years ago, in rural Maine, a woman was killed in her backyard while she was hanging out the wash by a hunter a great distance away who thought she was a deer. The jury acquitted the man and said that the woman should not have worn white mittens. I have always wondered about the sanity of the members of that jury.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      So it was the mittens that made the shooter think there was a deer hanging out the wash?


    2. I’m sure if a MAN was hanging out that laundry, it would have been a different verdict.

  13. Anonymous7:42 AM

    yeah, probably a white guy, won't face charges. Just like what happened in San Francisco, a hispanic man finds a gun, the gun goes off, and shoots a pretty blond woman. He most likely will spend life in jail.

  14. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Well the guy has the right to defend "his castle" from those deer trying to break into his house :)
    How much did he have to drink?

  15. Anonymous8:58 AM

    What a contrast to my family. On Thanksgiving day we spotted a group of young deer passing by outside the fence in our suburban neighborhood. We were excited to see them not kill any. We are not gun owners and the only hunting is catching fish to eat.

  16. I'm calling bullshit on his story. 200 yards? With a pistol? In twilight? This isn't the way it went down.

    1. I’m wondering if he offed the wife for his good buddy neighbor.

  17. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Hillary and Bill Clinton live in Chautauqua- perhaps this is why they would rather walk in the woods.

  18. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Clintons live in Chappaqua in the Hudson Valley not Chautauqua County on Lake Erie several hundred miles away.


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