Saturday, December 30, 2017

Laziest president EVER!

Courtesy of Guacamole:  

While he was on the campaign trail, President Donald Trump never held back from criticizing his predecessor, Barack Obama, for taking vacations during his time in office. In fact, he regularly laid into the former president for the time he spent golfing or going out of town with his family. Once he took office, however, Trump must have realized the presidency is a pretty stressful position.

Every time Trump visits one of his own properties, American taxpayers are essentially putting money into the president's pocket. Though many predictions forecast that Trump's personal costs are on pace to outspend every other President, the amount of money he's spending on vacation shouldn't actually matter. What's most concerning to many is that Trump is using the power of the presidency to enrich himself––something Americans once seemed so wary of that voters demanded Jimmy Carter sell his peanut farm before taking office. 

The Trumpsters will claim that these are "working vacations" but every bit of evidence available suggests that this idiot works as little as humanly possible, which ultimately is probably a good thing since one can only imagine how much more he could screw up if he worked harder at it.


  1. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Trump wants the power and prestige of being president but none of the responsibility or accountability. He has aged tremendously and gained a lot of weight since he took office. I wouldn't mind seeing him drop dead from a MI soon but I hope that Mueller can take him and all the crooked Republicans down. The next Democratic president has their work cut out for them rebuilding our country and repairing the damage Trump has done.

  2. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Working Vacation? there is no such thing as a "working vacation" Yeah trumps definition of work is playing golf at his resort while collecting outrageous resort fees and rubbing dicks with other dicks at the expense of the United States Taxpayer. He is not a usa president he is a lousy lying greedy business pos.

  3. Anonymous3:20 AM

    So, essentially, we the taxpayers are paying off his astronomical debts that HE rang up as a private citizen. Yeah, I've got it, the rat bastard.

  4. Anonymous3:28 AM

    He is also the fattest one in that group.

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      And the ugliest.

    2. Anonymous11:59 PM

      and the most stupid.

  5. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Let us not forget the toll on the Secret Service and cost of presidential travel.

  6. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Wow, great poster for every public building!

  7. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Notice that all of the Democratic Presidents took less vacation time than each of the Republican Presidents. Why is that?

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Because they were actually working at the building we the people built for them to work for us and balance the budget. Remember the budget? the budget the republicans were so concerned about for President Obamas term. The budget President Clinton balanced. The budget the corrupt REPUBLiCANS trashed. Let us prepare the BILL and send it to the RNC, GOP, FEC, FTC, NRA and the HERITAGE FOUNDATION OF LIARS.

    2. Because Democrats can rule but can’t win and Republicans can win but can’t rule.

      Trump has no business in office. He can’t do any of it. Not even the stuff a normal, sane person with common sense can do.

      The only reason he wanted the job was the prestige, to erase Obama’s legacy and reverse everything he’s done and to MAKE MONEY. Not in that particular order as with Donald money is always second while HE is always first.

      The only work he’s done and to find moer and more ways to make money off of being President.

      Just wait until he gets caught keeping some of that swag foreign leaders give him. He’s supposed to turn it all over for archiving or auction. You bet he’s keeping as much as he can.

  8. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Trump's fat ass is at Mar-a-lago, his Winter White House.

    What does Trump call Mar-a-lago in the summer? Spring? Fall?

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      There is only one Peoples house and camp david. This pompus boar should not touch either. It was not built for treason soaked criminals. The marslardgo DUMP AND SWAMP is dons cash cow scam job NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE'S.

    2. The “Southern” White House.

    3. Anonymous11:58 PM

      does he still have that fake Time magazine hanging up. i love how he said he would be person of the year and he wasn't! that must have hurt!

  9. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Trump hasn't known what it is to 'work' his entire life. He's lived the life of privilege. Plus, he's not smart or knowledgeable about much which makes things even worse for him currently.

    He needs to be impeached (how many times have I said this?) as he is harming the country and its citizens. There are many reasons he could be impeached if the Republicans in our U.S. Congress would get their act together.

    1. Anonymous11:56 PM

      we all know he needs to be impeached. it won't happen as long as congress is republican. it party,and money, before the American people. we don't count.

  10. Anonymous5:43 AM

    25th amendment better than impeachment.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Not sure why, other than it's quicker.

      25th amendment: he goes doddering off into the sunset.

      Impeachment: he gets convicted by the senate, removed from office, indicted (federal, state, or both), convicted (after the true nature and extent of his crimes gets revealed for all to see) and goes to prison.

      I think justice demands the latter (if, of course, we can survive that long).

    2. Don’t see why it can’t be both. 25th him out of the Oval Office, then let Mueller indict him.

  11. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Of course it's a "working vacation"!

    He's 'working' as hard as he can to steal as much money as possible from the American people!

  12. Anonymous6:02 AM

    We need to have a reimbursement clause added into the articles of impeachment and if the republicans are too chicken to impeach the traitor,the dems need to go after the money,we can wait until 2018,but he can't get away with this too!

  13. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Take to the streets people!
    Step away from the football games and Real Housewives of everywhere.
    We are waaaaaaay to complacent and have no excuse for "how did this happen?"

  14. Anonymous8:33 AM

    So.. the next laziest prez was too lazy to pay attention to bin laden warnings. What is the laziest one not paying attention to? THAT should be printed right below the poster of that graphic. The Dem campaign ads are going to write themselves in 2018 and 2020. Pray we survive that long.

    1. And we all know who actually got Bin Laden.

    2. Anonymous11:53 PM

      i think W. knew were he was but the bush family and bin laden families have been friends in the oil business forever. oil before American lives.

  15. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Trump is NOT running the country - he is only a mouthpiece, which begs the question on who is really running the country?

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Putin of course.

  16. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Lard arse

  17. Anonymous11:50 PM

    the laziest presidents are the stupid ones. trump has been afraid of work his whole life.


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