Friday, December 01, 2017

"Very senior member" of Trump Campaign named in Flynn guilty plea is son-in-law Jared Kushner. Update!

Courtesy of CNN:

Jared Kushner is the "very senior member" of President Donald Trump's transition team" who directed incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn to contact the Russian ambassador to the United States and other countries about a UN Security Council vote on Israeli settlements, sources familiar with the matter tell CNN. 

The court filings from Flynn's plea hearing Friday say a "very senior member" of Trump's transition team asked Flynn to contact officials from UN Security Council countries, including Russia, to learn where each country stood on the vote on a resolution condemning Israeli settlement activity. 

An attorney for Kushner did not respond to a request for comment.

And that means he is "Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!"

So that's part of why Mueller offered Flynn a plea deal, to get to Kusnher.

Now who will Kushner have to give up to get HIS pleas deal?

Oh, I think we know the answer to that.

I don't know about all of you but I never expected Santa to start delivering the items on my wish list quite this early.

Update: Apparently Trump suspected for weeks that Flynn had flipped on him.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast 

For weeks, Trump has vented privately to advisers and confidants about his anxiety over signs that Flynn had flipped. He noted the possibility that Flynn had “turned on me,” three sources close to the president independently recall him saying. These sources had relayed details of these conversations to The Daily Beast over the course of the past week. 

Trump’s fears came into sharp focus this past month, as several media outlets began to report that Flynn appeared to be cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election. 

The president—an avid and voracious consumer of Twitter and cable news—began privately fuming, according to an administration official and two outside allies of Trump. Two of the three sources noted that it sounded at times as if Trump felt personally hurt by the prospect that someone whom he admired professionally and liked personally had potentially turned. 

Sources said that President Trump’s flourish in his Thanksgiving speech to members of the U.S. Coast Guard—during which he said, “You never know about an ally. An ally can turn”—was intended as not-so-subtle jab at his former national security adviser.

By the way if you are starting to get a little tired of popcorn, might I suggest putting a little cheddar flavoring or caramel coating to spice things up again.

After all it appears that there are buckets and buckets of popcorn in our future.


  1. But *will* Kushner roll on his Father in Law?

    I suppose that will depend on the family dynamics.

    Does Trump spend a lot of time belittling and bullying his son in law?

    Is Jared so scared of Ivanka that he won’t cross her by implicating her Father?

    The question here is: Who is Jared scared of and who does Jared want revenge on? If both happen to be Trump, then Mueller has hit a home run.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Don't know how much drumph scares jared but I'll bet Mueller scares the bejesus out of him and then some ...

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      When comes down to it, he'll sing to save his sorry @ss.

    3. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Yes, 1:47 PM

    4. Anonymous2:22 PM

      @ Anonymous2:14 PM, and we have a winner. He will be singing like he was Aretha Franklin, to save his Ass from prison. He would not fare well there.

    5. Anonymous2:23 PM

      jARED REMEMBERS WHEN HIS DADDY WENT TO FEDERAL PRISON..."Christie was New Jersey's U.S. attorney when he prosecuted Kushner's father, real estate developer Charles Kushner, for tax evasion, witness tampering and illegal campaign donations in the mid-2000s. Charles Kushner spent two years in federal prison."

      JARED HAS BEEN WARNED BY HIS DADDY...He will be flipping!

    6. Anonymous2:41 PM

      'When ~IT~ comes down to it, he'll sing to save his' children.

    7. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Don't slip up sparky! Daddy Drumpf is slipping faster than a Depends salesperson at an old age facility! He may forget who he owes...

    8. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Jared Kushner has 3 small children, he wouldn't have any options. Mueller will have him by the short and curlies.

    9. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Or, does Jared see this as a way to put away his ahem... sexual competition?

  2. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Remember, jared spoke with Mueller's investigators recently. I am betting they asked him questions that they already knew the answers for. They were setting him up. I'm betting he is talking to daddy in law about a pardon

    1. If true then Trump knows exactly what Mueller has and can infer where he is heading and how close he is. This is not information Trump could keep secret. He would be blowing his top and he would fire Mueller, no matter the consequences.

      Nope, I think if Kushner is cutting a deal he isn’t telling Daddy-in-law Dearest anything. That’s probably a condition fo the deal. In exchange for no prison time he’d do anything.

      But I don’t think Mueller is ready to play his Kushner card yet. I think there is someone else he’ll be after before Kushner. Maybe two or three. Maybe just to strengthen his case and maybe just to divert attention.

      Mueller is smarter than all of them.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      If you read into Mueller's background, he is not as smart as you think he is, or isn't a very good card player in the very least. Smarts vs savvy is a delicate balancing act at the high level. He certainly isn't savvy.

  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Yeah, what will Jared do? If there are no state charges that can be made against him, he'll just be pardoned by Trump if he keeps his mouth shut. Trump doesn't care that a pardon is an admission of guilt. He doesn't care how anything looks. He doesn't care who gets damaged or how he looks during some action that somehow ends up good for him in the end. With him it's always: do whatever needs doing so that the end result is what he needs it to be. That's all Trump cares about. We've seen it so many times. I hope with everything in me that Mueller has something on Kushner that will not let Trump pull his usual strings this time.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      There are state charges

    2. Anonymous6:42 AM

      New York State attorney general is very much involved with the mueller probe.

    3. Anonymous8:06 AM

      So what are the state charges 6:42?

      AG's have to watch their over-zealousness over politics too. They can end up flipping themselves.

    4. Anonymous8:12 AM

      1:29, a rare soul around these parts that seems to get it, how Trump operates. There is no wrong in a Trump decision.

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Will Ivanka wait for Jared until he gets released from Federal Prison?

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Ivanka, Federal Prison.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      FUCKTOTHENO!!!! She will be fucking the next richest guy to secure her future, no doubt. Trudeau, look out ivanka might be a little bit desperate and come for you!!!

    3. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Maybe for the sake of their children the judge will let them take turns in prison like Joe and Teresa Giudice!

    4. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Ivanka license plates. Finally, she'll be making merchandise in America.

    5. Anonymous6:03 PM

      The question is not will she wait, but who will Ms. Complicit have warming her bed during the wait?

    6. Anonymous9:13 PM

      @2:57 - 3 thumbs up!Love it!

  5. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Jared make a deal with Mueller and you might get a deal to be released in 2029 for one day to attend your boy's high school graduation.

  6. Anonymous1:50 PM

    If the Donald makes a deal to resign his presidency in lieu of impeachment and federal prison, he might get his side piece back since her husband will take the fall for her father?

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Daughterwife, maybe??

    2. I think that is where this is going. Trump is going to be forced to resign in exchange for no prison time. It would be nice if they could include restitution of all of the money he’s diverted into his pockets but I think that might be an accounting nightmare. He is so desperate to get his tax bill passed while he is still in power. It’s probably a race to see which comes first, the tax bill or Mueller’s indictment.

      (And no, I am hoping this DISASTER of a tax deform fails at the final hour, just like the Obamacare repeal and they have to delay a vote and go back to fix it, etc. Thus giving Mueller more time to line up his little duckies.)

  7. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I would love to see his smug, smarmy face go down. Both he and don Jr. are so full of themselves it is nauseating.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      I'd sooner see Don Jr in prison. He is a genuinely bad hombre, Kushner at least doesn't go around publicly spreading Hate- and while Ivanka is a tiresome princess without much in the brains department, at least she's not Lara Trump.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Add Eric for me!

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      I want part of Donnie Jr sentence to include that everyone gets to slap that smug smile off his face.
      As he suggested on Twitter about Hillary: discuss amongst yourselves.

    4. Anonymous3:49 PM

      BERNie Madoff ALL over again?
      "The title “Suffer the Little Children” is taken from a Biblical quote by Jesus Christ to his disciples about his desire to engage with children rather than being shielded from them."
      " “Suffer the Little Children” is in the works as a movie in the wake of the enormous success of the feature film based on his novel “IT.”"

    5. Anonymous6:04 PM

      You mean Larry Trump? She doesn't even hit drag territory.

    6. I would love to see Jared end up sharing a cell with Shkreli, but I don’t think that is going to happen.

      In the end, Jarid will roll to stay out of prison and hand them Trump.

  8. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Will Melanoma, Kellyanne Conway, Omarosa Manigault and Sarah Sanders make a deal and flip against Donald Trump to avoid going to the booty house and being somebody's bitch?

    1. What do any of them know?

      Now, Hope Hicks is another story. I’ll bet she knows plenty. I hope they get her for perjury at the very least.

    2. abbafan8:17 AM

      Melanoma's only "deal" are the Benjamins to keep up her haughty expensive lifestyle. She's smart enough not to roll on her "sugar-daddy", lest she gets cut off. Gold-digger extraordinaire! She's too simple for anything else. Hey fat donald, show us her immigration papers!

  9. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Leon Panetta, President Obama's former Secretary of Defense, told NBC's Chuck Todd on Friday that it was a "stretch" to say the Trump transition team broke the law with their contacts with the Russians.

    "We have one administration at a time," Panetta said, warning that the Trump transition team undermined long-standing political norms in the United States by engaging in diplomacy while the Obama administration was still in office.

    However, the former defense secretary doubted that dealings with the Russians rose to the level of criminal violations.

    "Their contact with Russia was very unusual. Whether it breaks the law or not, I think that’s probably a stretch," Panetta predicted.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Like Nixon,it will be the obstruction that takes Trump down.

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Panetta better look up Logan Act

    3. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Logan Act has never been prosecuted - it will take more than that! And I am sure there is much more than that to be exposed in the coming days, weeks, months!

  10. Anonymous2:30 PM

    OK, I have been listening to some commenters and think there may be something else here. Not just that they lied, not just that they had contacts with Russians, BUT, but that he lied about the contacts because they were trying to undermine what the President had set as US Policy on the UN vote -- the President being Obama. This seems to be Trump trying to mess with an Obama policy while Obama was still the President -- trying to work toward a different outcome on that vote than Obama was working toward. If I am understanding all this correctly then would this be a treasonous act? Could this really be IT for them? I sure hope so.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Not treason because we weren't at war with either Isreal otr Russia.

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      "Definition: In Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying WAR against that state or aiding the enemies of that state, and conviction requires two witnesses or a confession in open court.[2]

      Penalty: U.S. Code Title 18: Death,[8] or not less than 5 years imprisonment and not more than life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death).[9][10]"

      Does Cyber War count?

      "Western intelligence agencies tracked the hack to Russian spy agencies and dubbed them the CYBER BEARS. The media was soon flooded with the stolen information channeled through Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. It was a massive attack on America but the Russian hacks appeared to have a singular goal—elect Donald J. Trump as president of the United States."

    3. If treason doesn’t work how about sedition?

    4. abbafan8:26 AM

      Anon @ 2:30 P.M. - what they did was a clear violation of the Logan Act, 1799, which forbids private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments to advance U.S. policy.

      Remember, this UN vote occurred one month before fat-boy was sworn in; it was under President Obama's tenure. The U.S. abstained from the vote.

      This was a "transition team"; none of them were sworn into office until a month later! Definitely a Logan Act Violation!!

    5. Anonymous11:59 PM

      Uh.... 8:26, pretty sure you don't have any information, or insight, or knowledge, or any real understanding of your claim. Thanks for playing though. What left wing opinion blog did you plagiarize that stretch of an opinion from?

  11. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Let me guess: Senior White House Advisor to the president, Jared Kushner, will now suddenly be talked about and known as ‘ the kid that went and got coffee.’

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Code word CoVfefe

  12. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Former intel director Clapper on Flynn: ‘This is not a coffee boy, this is not a hoax, this is real’

    Ex-White House ethics chiefs predict that Kushner or Don Jr. are next in line after Flynn

  13. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Breitbart blasts White House lawyer Ty Cobb as delusional after Mike Flynn pleads guilty

    Breitbart has accused White House lawyer Ty Cobb of being borderline delusional for suggesting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia would be “over by Thanksgiving.”

    “White House Lawyer Ty Cobb Was Disastrously Wrong” reads Breitbart’s Friday afternoon headline, which came in the aftermath of disgraced national security adviser Mike Flynn’s guilty plea over lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia.

    The article, written by senior editor-at-large Joel B. Pollak, sharply criticized Cobbs over his public statements regarding the investigation.

  14. Anonymous2:53 PM

    ‘Absurd’: Ex-administration officials mock White House’s ‘laughable’ claim Obama ‘authorized’ Flynn’s Russia outreach

    ...Flynn played an integral role in Trump’s campaign and the transition, and would have been a major voice in the administration had he stayed in place as national security adviser. While Flynn did serve under Obama, Trump’s predecessor warned him against hiring Flynn during their Oval Office meeting shortly after the election.

  15. Anonymous2:55 PM

    ‘He’s starting to tell a story’: MSNBC’s Melber explains how Mueller is building the case ‘Flynn didn’t act alone’

  16. Anonymous2:57 PM

    ‘He has a lot of answers to give’: Sen. Blumenthal says spotlight now on Kushner after Flynn rolls over

    ...“What it says to me, Brianna, that this acknowledgement of criminal guilt is a shattering moment for the Trump presidency because Michael Flynn is one of the inner circle, one of the top advisers, not just on any old topic, but national security,” Senator Blumenthal explained. “And he is a potential witness against Jared Kushner, against other top officials if they fail to be truthful with compelling knowledge and deep credibility because of his position.”

    “And now we have a moment similar to Watergate where the question’s going to be ‘what did they know and when did they know it?’ Not just the president, but Jared Kushner and Michael Pence, the vice president, because they were part of the transition team. Every other top official in the transition team may be a part of this Russian collusion that’s involved here.”

    “Is this what you see as the beginning of the end for President Trump?” Keiler asked.

    “I would call it not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning, because Michael Flynn has knowledge that may implicate other top advisers, two are referenced in the statement of information. The point here is it’s not only relevant to Russian collusion, but obstruction of justice,” Blumenthal answered. “That kind of familiarity, the ease and this content and the substance of those conversations indicates a pattern and practice of dealing in the past and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.”

    “CNN now reporting, senator, that Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser was the, quote, very senior member of the Trump transition team who directed Flynn to contact foreign governments, including Russia, on that U.N. resolution. What do you see this meaning for Jared Kushner?” Keiler probed.

    “It is increasingly apparent that Jared Kushner knows more than he’s telling,” Sen. Blumenthal answered. “So short answer is he has a lot of answers to give about what he knew and when he knew it about this illegality.”


    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Please. please, please let Pence be flushed sith the other turds.

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      hehehehehe. Melania/Cassandra's bleak "christmas" decor. Winter IS coming,

    3. Anonymous8:47 PM

      CNN correspondent: Special counsel Mueller is ‘undoubtedly investigating Mike Pence’

  17. Anonymous2:58 PM

    OT:"ROME (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday that a U.S. threat to destroy North Korea in the event of a war was “a bloodthirsty tirade” and military action against Pyongyang would be a big mistake."

  18. Anonymous3:00 PM

    ‘This will drive the president crazy’: Ex-FBI agent explains how the next shoe may drop after Flynn plea

    ...“Flynn has cut off communications, we’re hearing in some press reports, with the Trump team, (and) I’m sure he’ll stay silent with the trump team after that,” Watts told MSNBC. “This will drive the president and his inner White House crazy. He can’t figure out what’s being said behind those closed doors and in those conversations.”

    Watts said the scope of Flynn’s cooperation will become known over the coming days and weeks, when special counsel Robert Mueller issues subpoenas and schedules more interviews.

    “Whatever cooperation that the Flynn team is putting together with the Mueller team will eventually come out, and so the first interviews that we see, the first subpoenas we see after this, we’ll tell you what that cooperation was probably about and what direction they’re going after this,” Watts said.

    Flynn reportedly is prepared to tell Mueller that Trump himself directed him to contact Russian government agents — and Watts can’t believe the retired U.S. Army general wouldn’t have known those conversations could be recorded.

    “That’s what doesn’t make sense about this entire case,” Watts said. “Let’s think about this. Here’s the former head of the (Defense Intelligence Agency). He calls the ambassador of a foreign country and then lies to the FBI. How does this even come to be questioned? There had to be some sort of an intercept, there had to have been a way the FBI knew he wasn’t telling the truth. This is going to be very damning.”

  19. Anonymous3:10 PM

    After reading the info on this post and the replies, I started thinking back many months to Kushner and the Israeli settlements and Kushner’s family's donations to the building of these and to how Trump was so set on proclaiming that the US would now recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel—for a while there his all-pro-Israeli talk was about relocating the US embassy. Remember how he wanted the embassy moved out of Tel Aviv? He talked that way back in spring of 2016 and after, like as recently as this summer. Now, I see, it was in the news yesterday again but wasn’t a story many of us read about. I sure didn’t see it. There are a lot of articles on the subject from yesterday and today. Trump’s back to wanting to stir up trouble with the Palestinians and countries that have issues with the US/Israel relationship. Why yesterday though? Weird coincidence? Trump and the White House supposedly had no idea what was coming today with Flynn, but here we are talking about how Jared was using Flynn to help him on the settlements issue. Whatever, Trump’s mind seems to be back on reinvigorating any Jewish support he has here and abroad.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      ~IT~ isis HAPPENING! ~IT~ isis the Goal all along>the
      'GOLDEN KEY to the KINGDOM'

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Finally, maybe stupid people will get it!!!!
      Trump had inside information at the debates. That is why he was so cocky!
      Trump is complicit!
      He is a traitor! Treat him like one !!!!

    3. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Whose grave did they exhume there? I recall Prince Charles made a trip to Jerusalem. What was that about? Was it used to manipulate things then to become what they are now?

  20. Anonymous3:13 PM

    “What they’re freaked out about is that there are no leaks. Papadopoulos didn’t leak. Flynn didn’t leak. They feel like they can’t trust anyone. Their own counsel didn’t know.”

  21. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Mueller: Trump Team Meddling In Obama Diplomacy Extended Beyond Flynn

  22. Anonymous3:21 PM

    James Clapper Destroys Trump’s New Blame Obama Excuse For Mike Flynn’s Russia Crimes

    The Trump White House is now claiming that Obama authorized Mike Flynn’s conversations with Russians, but their claim was immediately dismissed as absurd by former Obama Director Of National Intelligence, James Clapper on CNN.

    The White House came up with a new blame Obama excuse by telling CNN, “None of the conversations were improper and were authorized by the Obama administration.”

    Clapper destroyed the idea that they would authorize any conversations with Russians:


    ...Clapper said, “That’s absurd. That’s absolutely absurd. There was great concern at the time, not just with this particular contact, but with the violation of the principle that historically been followed of one president, one administration at a time, and that gave rise to because of all these contacts that Mike was having and others in the transition with the Russians and other foreign entities is what is this, what is this all about? So to say that we blessed it, or acquiesced it is a stretch.”

    The Trump White House plan is to blame Obama, and if that fails, they are going to blame Obama some more. I am sure that excuse plays well with the 30% of the country that hated Obama and will stand by Trump no matter what, but for the rest of us living in reality, the blame Obama card is not going work.

    The White House can’t explain away the fact that their national security adviser was committing crimes against America, so they have done the only thing that they know how to do. Donald Trump is blaming Obama.

  23. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "Roy Orbison - "Running Scared" from Black and White Night"

    1. abbafan8:52 AM

      Roy's best album - EVER!!!

  24. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Watch This Awesome Mashup of Michael Flynn Leading The ‘Lock Her Up’ Chant As He Goes Off To Court (VIDEO)

    ...This is BEYOND awesome. These fools thought they’d get a chance to put Hillary Clinton in jail as if we live in some kind of banana republic. Instead, they are all turning on each other in order to save their own asses in the best circular firing squad any of us ever could have imagined. Michael Flynn is going to sing like a canary so that he can keep himself and his equally criminal son out of federal prison – and railroad the entire Trump crime family into the slammer – just where they belong.

    The GOP made a deal with the devil when their ignorant, bigoted voters chose this unfit orange overlord to be their presidential nominee. Now, they are very likely to rue the day they ever heard the name Donald Trump.

    Shep Smith Challenges Trump Admin: 'Why Lie After Lie After Lie?'

    Matt Schlapp Blames Obama For 'Unmasking' Mike Flynn

    Napolitano On Flynn's Plea Deal: 'Enormous, Gargantuan, Monumental Reduction'

    ...Napolitano said, "I'll give you a perspective. Mike Flynn was facing jail time if he was prosecuted and convicted of all of the charges to which the government claims it has evidence against him - 60 years. 6-0. As a result, the plea that he will enter in a couple of minutes he reduced that somewhere between 6 and 12 months."

    He continued, "That is obviously an enormous, gargantuan, monumental reduction. That doesn't come easily and it doesn't come for free, so the tantalizing question as you and I discussed yesterday on this very show, Bill, is what did General Flynn, through his lawyers, give to Bob Mueller through his FBI agents to induce Mueller to reduce that exposure from 60 years down to five to 12 months. We'll find out soon, not today, but we'll find out soon."

    "Today we will learn that the government promised that if Mike Flynn fully cooperates with them they won't charge him with the other far more serious charges which would bring it up to the potential for 60 years."

    But the judge also said that if they aren't satisfied with what he tells them, it could turn bad very quickly.

    He said, "The government could come back in a couple of weeks and say this guy doesn't have anything. This was a fraud. We're withdrawing this charge of lying to the FBI. We're going whole hog against him or it could say the General's gonna be testifying before a grand jury and will be testifying about x, y and z."

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      "BEYOND awesome. These fOOls thought they’d get a chance to put Hillary Clinton in jail as if we live in some kind of banana republic. Instead, they are all turning on each other in order to save their own a$$es"

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Hang him from the rafters in D.C.

  25. Anonymous3:32 PM

    What the Layoffs Look Like at the Carrier Plant Trump Said He’d Save

  26. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Anonymous2:57 PM said:

    Ivanka license plates. Finally, she'll be making merchandise in America.


    DING DING we have a winner

  27. Anonymous3:44 PM

    So they want us to believe that Kushner acted on his own and told Flynn to contact the Russians.
    I'm not buying it,Kushner took his orders from Trump.

    Didn't trump brag to the ambassador when he fired Flynn?

    Remember Nixon wasn't impeached for the break in,he was impeached for the cover up.

    Where does Jill Stein fit into all this?

  28. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Everything you need to know about Mike Flynn’s guilty plea

  29. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I’m hoping there is a concerted ground swell effort starting to have a counter ‘rally’ next week in Pensacola Fla., during Dump’s big campaign rally for Roy Moore, which of course he’s too afraid to actually hold in Alabama.

  30. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The Hill

    NBC News will refuse to pay "Today" show host Matt Lauer, fired over sexual misconduct allegations, for the remainder of his contract, the network confirmed to The Hill on Friday.

    Lauer "will not be paid past his last day of work," CNN first reported, following a separate report that lawyers representing Lauer were seeking another $30 million from the network.

    Attorneys for the former host are pushing for NBC to pay out the remainder of his $20 million per year contract with the popular morning entertainment and news program, which was set to expire in mid-2019.


    How much will Trumps lawyer ask for for Trump's 11 months on the job as POTUS minus his golf trips?

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Whatever the amount is, they need to deduct the amount for the heli-pad 'we the people' paid for at Maga-A-Loco or rip it out.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Layer is going to get a golden parachute

  31. Anonymous3:57 PM


  32. Anonymous4:07 PM


    Report: Jared Kushner Pushing for Rex Tillerson’s Ouster after Ivanka Snub

    1 day ago

  33. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Palmer Report
    Twitter › PalmerReport

    Donald Trump’s day so far:

    - Michael Flynn pleads guilty

    - Donald Trump is toast
    - Donald Trump Jr is toast
    - Jared Kushner is toast
    - Mike Pence is toast
    - Rudy Giuliani is toast

    - Robert Mueller is eating toast

    - James Comey is quoting the Bible

    - It’s still only 2pm

    6 hours ago

  34. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Ted Lieu
    United States Representative

    Ted Lieu
    Twitter › tedlieu

    Dear @GarrettVentry: Here it is in all caps.



    5 hours ago

  35. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Matt Oswalt
    Twitter › MattOswaltVA

    I hope Trump isn't impeached until spring if only because I'm curious to see how Melania decorates the White House for Black History Month

    9 hours ago

    Talk about beating a bitch when she's down

  36. Anonymous4:36 PM

    “I refuse to stand idly by as a billionaire bigot does irreparable harm to my country."

    Congressman Al Green has vowed to force a House vote on impeaching US President Donald Trump sometime next week.

    The vote would mark the first referendum on the president less than a year into his four-year term.

    Mr Green, a Democrat representing parts of Houston, Texas, was the first member of Congress to call for impeachment on the floor of the House in May.

    He said in his 30 November speech: “I refuse to stand idly by as a billionaire bigot does irreparable harm to my country. A billionaire bigot who tolerates the KKK, but won’t tolerate Islam. A billionaire bigot who tolerates anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia and homophobia.”

    Mr Green introduced a “privileged” bill on the House floor, meaning it requires action from other members within two legislative days.

  37. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Whoever has a copy of Trump's Pee Tape can make a lot of money.

    1. Also that Apprentice Tape where he’s using the N word.

    2. Anonymous10:03 PM

      I am surprised ol' Sarah doesn't have a copy. Being as she humps her way thru life.

  38. Anonymous4:44 PM

    And it hasn’t even been a YEAR.

  39. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I guess this was Jared's attempt a "peace in the middle east" which was what Trump hired him for? Ha, Ha! What a bunch of idiots and what is terrible is that Flynn knew better.

    Watched an HBO documentary on Rolling Stone the other night and Flynn was there in their piece they did about McCrystal and Petraeus and even back then Flynn incorporated a private intel company, so hey, who's surprised this guy is dirty?

    All this military bullshit about honor and the three mentioned above are now all rendered without honor and no better than your average guy.

    Lay um all on top of Ollie North and start a fire.

  40. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Felonious Flynn owes one Hillary Rodham Clinton a public apology. STAT! Since Bette Midler got her apology from the very un-divine Mr Rivera,it's only fitting that a formerly highly respected general could spare one for HRC.

  41. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Lock him up!

  42. Anonymous5:59 PM

    It appears poor widdel Ivaaaahhhhhnka may have a very cold bed.. she'll have to choose betweeen Daaaaahhhhhhdy and Jared. Which will it be, Ms. Complicit?

  43. Anonymous6:38 PM

    We are going to get popcorn toxicity lol!

  44. Anonymous7:02 PM

    This country has been living in total chaos ever since the orange shit stain so called "President" has been in office.

    Eleven months in and we have great Britain pissed off, Germany, pissed off and Canada tries to remain polite but they hate the bloated bastard too.

    Thank God or Dog or whatever remains of patriots in our government to have the balls and laws in place to get rid of this scourge to our democracy and our reputation.Now remember this is the Republican party who allowed a fool, liar and crazy person to go on from day one tweeting like a 10 year old,who in eleven short months backed nepotism of the highest order, who allowed for the first time a President making money on our dime playing golf every weekend at his resorts.

    Never again! Republicans have lost all claim to any moral high ground.In fact the bar has been so lowered they need to all sit in the coroner in a political "time out" until they are voted out.

  45. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Trump MO is very well known: create chaos that sinks the company,then immediately blame everyone around him.
    They take the fall,he walks away.

    No way did anyone do anything without his approval,we are now at the blame everyone else and take the fall for trump, however this time the Donald is going to pay and not walk away.

    I want to how fast his business goes down in flames and not too many trump supporters can pay the fees at mar a logo or his golf resorts since they are angry,unemployed white guys in the rust belt: )

    I'm guessing Eric is thanking his lucky stars he is the dumb one in the family.

  46. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Daily Mail

    'Is it acceptable because he wasn’t talking about Sasha Obama': Bristol Palin calls out Letterman for rape joke he made about her sister - and says public needs to support conservatives

    'Are you ready to hold these people accountable?' asked Bristol.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Barstool you opened the flood gates. What about Pimp Daddy Toad and Shailey Tripp?

    2. Anonymous8:23 PM

      What about Dylan, Levi, Ben, Gino, Joey and Lounge Lizard? Were they sexually harassed too?

    3. Anonymous8:26 PM

      No Bristol,I am not ready to hold these people accountable, however I am ready to hold your mother accountable: )
      She harassed Obama and the public for years.

    4. DNA testing on Tri-G first.

    5. Anonymous9:44 AM

      No dna needed on the unibrow Junker kid. Looks just like her daddy. Cute kid. Now,the last one is a strange looking child with the wide set eyes and odd upper lip. Dillingham breeding gone bad?

  47. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Guard: Inmate 972564 Kushner you have a conjugal visitor.

    Inmate 972564 Kushner: That's not my wife. Where's my wife?

    Guard: Your wife is taking skiing lessons from a pro in Switzerland.

    Inmate 972564 Kushner: But my wife is a seasoned skier!

    Guard: Well do you want me to tell your conjugal visitor Ivana to go home?

    Inmate 972564 Kushner: Nah beggars can't be choosers.

    Inmate 972563 The Donald: Where's my conjugal visitor?

    Guard: (looking at his clipboard) Your wife could not make it and said your girlfriend for the next 20 years is RH.

    Inmate 972563 The Donald: Who in hell is RH?

    Guard: My clipboard says "Right Hand"

  48. Anonymous12:29 AM

    i'm sick of popcorn. cookies? chocolate chip? i'm afraid they don't have them in prison.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      We could take a shot of booze,or light up a "burner" if we we in the right state. Kinda like the Roxanne song. Every time they say Roxanne in the song,you take a shot.

  49. Anonymous12:45 AM

    i doubt The donald can get it up these days. i'm sure he and M have been sleeping in seperate rooms for years.

    1. abbafan9:02 AM

      No shit 12:45; Melanoma's a cold fish; she just cares about the "Benjamins". Fat donald "Hope"s he can get it up,but she will crack under (Mueller) pressure!!

  50. Anonymous3:56 AM

    The republicans fulfilled their promise to citizen united. Even old McCain and flake voted yes. Their broad scam bill of sweeping gifts, payoffs, and cuts passed the senate. The 1% are safe, secure and happy. Those that want to be in the 1% have hope.
    it is now peace on earth.


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