Wednesday, January 03, 2018

"It was all golf." Man who golfed with Donald Trump puts to rest the lie about "working vacations."

This is by far the least engaged and laziest president we have ever had.

In some ways that might be a good thing, but we should never let the White House lie to us about how little work he is actually doing.

Because we know.


  1. Leland2:04 AM

    I'll bet that's the last time Mr. Funk will have a chance to golf with Humpty Trumpty! EVER.

  2. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Trump is punking us, pretending to be President while getting rich and playing golf. He likely marvels at how stupid we are for letting him get away with it. Are we going to wake up and hold him accountable?

  3. Anonymous2:48 AM

    At least when golfing his tiny fingers are not twittering or pushing the nuclear button.

    If we are lucky he will play more and keep his ignorant tweets to himself.

    I can't think of another person with absolutely no redeming qualities than trump.

    1. Anyone named "Palin."

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      When we throw all the republicans out of Congressional offices they hold presently. I am not holding my breath, as an Alaskan I have wanted this for our states delegation for decades, There are just too many low info voters out there for it to happen.

  4. That fucking moron is starting WWIII, probably to distract from the Mueller investigation.

    He’s busy tweeting to “little rocket man” that Trump’s nuclear button is bigger than Un’s and that Trump’s really works.

    Geez. He’s having a fucking pissing contest with nuclear weapons.

    My button is bigger than yours? My button works and yours doesn’t? It’s fucking kindergarten in the White House.

    Please, let him play golf 365 days a year if we can live long enough to impeach him or for him to die from all that fast food.

    I have never wanted a human being to die as badly as I want Trump to be a cold corpse when his handlers come to roust him in the morning. I don’t care if it’s a stroke, coronary or aneurism. I just want something to put an end to OUR misery and national embarrassment at the stupidity of the American voter.

    1. Anonymous4:32 AM

      I want Trump, various Trump family members, Pence and the entire GOP Congressional leadership either in prison garb for sedition and treason or so shamed that they'll all slink off to some barbaric destination. I don't want to see Pence replace Trump; Pence is also toxically bound up in the Russian collusion crime.

    2. Anonymous4:53 AM

      But only after he strokes out and shits his white pants in front of the press pool.

    3. Anonymous4:58 AM

      HA HA, the reporter from CBS stated of course there is no nuclear button on trump's desk,maybe his handlers told him his diet coke butler button is also a nuclear button.

      Anything to make donnie feel like a man.

    4. Anonymous5:46 AM

      And, don't give him a huge funeral for the world to view on TV. Cremate his ass and put him in a jar in Trump Towers or his Florida place!

    5. Anonymous7:26 AM

      How about a Mason jar for his ashes? No fancy - gold plated urn for his family to put on display. He cannot keel over soon enough!

    6. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Nope, don't want him to die in office. He'd get a big state funeral and be hailed by his supporters as a hero who gave his life for his country.

      I want him to be found guilty of serious criminal charges and be thrown out of office, lose his businesses and all of his money, and be humiliated in front of the entire world. I'm not a vindictive person, but I'll make an exception in this case.

      By the way, I've worked in elementary schools for 20 years and we've never allowed even our kindergarten students to behave as immaturely as he does!

    7. Anonymous6:23 PM

      @ 4:32 i like your idea,he can live under house arrest,at his expense,and shunned for the rest of hus life.
      I would alsi like that trump org is put in trust for the american people and all assets are sold to repay all the money and gifts they stole from us for security,overcharging secret service,all bribes etc

  5. Anonymous4:08 AM

    It chaps my ass to think back on how FOX news went on and on about President Obama golfing or his family vacations. In our new bizarro world, anything Trump railed about, he himself did/does. Trump blatantly goes to his golf clubs all the time! I guess if he puts out a couple tweets that’s “working” for him. Maybe this staff encourages his golfing so he doesn’t fuck up the world more. The hypocrisy from the right is stunning.

    1. The problem is Republicans are never held accountable for every hypocritical piece of shit they spew. It was disrespectful, treasonous even, to criticize Bush, but the minute that black man became president, there was nothing BUT criticism from the right. Remember “You Lie!”? Remember Scalia rolling his eyes during President Obama’s speech? Remember Bitch McConnell vowing on day ONE that their number one priority was to obstruct every damned thing Obama did and to make him a one term president?

      But heaven forbid the Democrats do any of that to this embarassing, worthless piece of shit they put in the Oval Office. Lazy, incompetent, unstable, DANGEROUS piece of shit.

      Sorry but I love my country and respect the office of president too much to accord that lying, demented waste of organic material they elected anything but scorn and criticism. They have permanently damaged the reputation and influence of the United States by allowing that moron to be “commander in chief.” Thankfully the military isn’t having any of it. But that doesn’t stop the Dotard and Thief from being a public embarrassment in front of the world.

      And he’s MAKING MONEY OFF OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE while doing all of it.

      McConnell, Ryan and the rest just let him.

      Well, fuck them.

      When 2018 comes around the Democrats better get every Democrat that runs elected, not only at the Federal level but also state and local. Especially STATE. That’s where the redistricting is going to happen. They better support every one of their people. No more deciding “lost causes” aren’t worth it. When you lose by a hair, that isn’t a lost cause. That’s a you would have won if you had had the party’s support.

      Fuck Perez and the rest of his Hillary toadies.

  6. Anonymous4:10 AM

    They had to hire a big white truck to block the president of the United States of America's big white ass from the media while golfing.

    1. They also planted trees overnight.

      What is he afraid of? You mean, you can actually embarrass Trump? He knows he shouldn’t be playing golf so much? He can’t dismiss the video as fake news when he’s playing golf EVERY DAY after he tweeted “back to work?”

      BTW when he said that, *I* said he wasn’t referring to himself but to the rest of us peons that will have to work harder to pay for him Tax Scam. Guess I was right.

  7. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Maybe we can get him to play golf 365 days of 2018, and stay the hell away from the nuclear button and the White House.

    1. Anonymous4:54 AM

      It would be a lot cheaper to keep him down in FL,then fly him back and forth every weekend.

  8. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Why doesn't someone lock him out of the WH and let him freeze to death because there is no global warming.

  9. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Looks like it was a real brain trust out on the links.

  10. Anonymous6:08 AM

    The Hill:
    January 03, 2018 - 08:45 AM EST

    Bannon called Trump Jr.-Russia meeting 'treasonous': report

    Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon reportedly called the 2016 meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a group of Russians "treasonous."

    According to a new book seen by the Guardian, Bannon said the meeting that occurred during the 2016 presidential race was "treasonous" and "unpatriotic."

    "They're going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV," Bannon reportedly told author Michael Wolff, referring to the investigation into the Russian election interference.

    After news of the meeting surfaced last year, Bannon reportedly said: "The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor - with no lawyers. They didn't have any lawyers."

    "Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it's all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately," Bannon said, according to the book....

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      WHAT DA FU🤣K?

    2. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Lock them sons of bitches up

    3. The worm has turned. Well, maggot but same dif.


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