Friday, January 26, 2018

Republicans on House Intelligence Committee are planning to defy DOJ and release a classified memo to Donald Trump.

Courtesy of Politico:

Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee are on the verge of defying the Department of Justice and voting to release a classified memo they say will reveal misconduct by senior FBI officials involved in investigating President Donald Trump's campaign. 

POLITICO contacted or reviewed statements by the committee’s 13 Republicans, and found near-unanimous support for making public the memo, which Democrats call a misleading effort to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Trump’s ties to Russia. 

A vote by the committee — expected as soon as Wednesday — to release the controversial document would put its fate into the hands of President Donald Trump, who has not taken a clear position on its public disclosure. 

The committee sentiment suggests that House Republicans are unfazed by a top Justice Department official’s warning that doing so without first consulting the department would be “extraordinarily reckless,” and underscores the GOP’s determination to shift attention from Russian election influence onto alleged anti-Trump bias among federal Russia investigators.

Keep in mind that this is the same Devin Nunes created document that the House Republicans refuse to allow the FBI to fact check, or let the Senate Intelligence Committee take a peek at, and the one about which a Democratic member of the committee had this to say:

A member of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Jim Hines (D-CT) has read chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) hyped and secretive “Justice Department abuses” memo — and says its contents are far from the bombshell his GOP colleagues claim they are. 

“Having read it,” Himes told MSNBC host Chris Matthews during a Thursday evening interview, “you’d hope that whoever wrote that was a couple of whiskies into the bag.”

So this memo is too secret for even the FBI or the Senate to see, but it is perfectly okay for Donald "Here let me call my friend Vlad" Trump to read on the toilet.

We already know that Trump is going to overreact once he has somebody explain the big words to him, because that is what he does.

If they do give it to Trump, and he starts ranting about it on Twitter, then the Democrats are simply going to have to leak it to the press so that all the rest of us can see it for ourselves.

Because I think we can rest assured that this is most likely another nothing sandwich like that Putin calendar kerfuffle.


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    '“After being warned, he was still so determined to prevent the probe into the Russia thing, into the way Russia played a role in our election, that he ordered McGahn to fire special counsel,” “It shows a great deal about his corrupt motives and eliminates the possibility of any defense that he was simply a novice at the political game and he didn’t know what he was doing, it eliminates all that, that but for McGahn’s threat to resign, he would have carried this out,” "

  2. is obstructing justice and interfering with official acts and should be bounced out on his ass or head, whichever.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      How could you tell the difference?

    2. Anonymous2:49 AM

      Yeah so FBI lockup bank accounts give him a little less freedom and he will squirm the worm.

  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Eureka! They finally found the Covfefe memo!

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    These Republicans are the most unpatriotic Americans I have ever seen. They do not care that this will have far reaching long term implications - for both parties. For us all.

  5. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Too funny. These clowns will continue as long as they can in their weird offensive posture. Making shit up etc. OT, but funny too. Melania Trump has Secret Service detail for life. Mark my words; she is on her way out of this marriage and the Donald has no recourse. She wanted none of the presidency and it has been nothing but a curse for her through the campaign and inWhite House.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Don’t much care about the fate of Melania.
      All she saw was $$.

    2. Marry for money; you earn every penny.

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Plus she got fast tracked to citizenship by marriage,something her hubby is now against.

    4. Anonymous5:23 PM

      I don't think secret service detail covers Moscow.

    5. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Not for life. 10 years.

    6. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Her office put out a statement that all the speculation about her marriage is fake news, she didn't go to Davos with fake president because she had duties as first lady to perform!!!

      HA HA HA she hasn't done anything as first lady for a year and this weekend her calendar is filled, get out the shovel more manure from the WH.

    7. Anonymous2:47 AM

      Oh just hologram her nekid pic on that hotel in dc. Eww!
      Low lifes will hang around there.

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Is anyone else sick of paying the salary,benefits and pensions of these fools that do nothing more than undermine our country 99% of the time,then spend 2 weeks on a tax scam bill that we will be paying for in the decades to come?


    We need Mueller to investigate these bozos.

    1. Chenagrrl5:24 PM

      Me. Hold the feet of Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan to the fire.

    2. Chenagrrl5:25 PM

      Someone has something on Devin Nunes. Cavorting with goats is my favorite.

    3. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Chenagrrl>Hannity was talking about sheep...

  7. Anonymous6:21 PM

  8. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Seems to me the last time someone tried a stint that outed àn intelligence agent, someone got jailed?

  9. Ranadll6:49 PM

    It's a bit scary at times, but we ARE living through an amazing part of history right now.

    Look back at previous crazy times in our history: Nixon, Watergate, the Saturday Night Massacre - Cox, Richardson, Liddy, Erlichman, Haldeman, crazy times...
    JFK assassinated...
    Bobby, MLK,
    The Pentagon Papers...
    Reagan and Iran/Contra...

    We're on a bumpy ride - Trump is a crazy/stupid/racist/asshole - but we've been on bumpy rides before.
    For example - imagine having lived through the Civil War fer Chrissakes...

    But I would say to the bastards surrounding and supporting Trump, remember: Nixon didn't go to jail over Watergate - those around him did.
    Reagan didn't go to jail over Iran/Contra - those around him did.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      I didn't think Ollie North went to jail, I thought all those guys got off on Iran/Contra.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      "Oliver North won't go to prison even though he lied to Congress, shredded White House documents and accepted a $14,000 security fence from an Iran-contra arms profiteer. His punishment of 1,200 hours of community service, $150,000 fine and three years' suspended sentence doesn't fit his felonies.Jul 6, 1989"

      "Pardoned before trial by President George H. W. Bush. Richard V. Secord. Former Air Force major general, who was involved in arms transfers to Iran and diversion of funds to Contras, he pleaded guilty in November 1989 to making false statements to Congress and was sentenced to two years of probation"

  10. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Seems to me the last time someone tried a stint that outed àn intelligence agent, someone got jailed?

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM


  11. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Give it up gop sh$ts!
    Impeach your liar, fake, dementia chief

  12. Anonymous9:09 PM

    in the end we will find that Vladimir whispered directions on how to undermine our country. not only that but I suspect that either the Republicans are in cahoots with donny boy and Vladimir or they are being blackmailed. isn't that how Vladimir does these things?

  13. Anonymous10:05 AM

    'The memo is supposedly based on "highly classified" intelligence. What intelligence?'

    "You must pursue this investigation of Watergate even if it leads to the president. I'm innocent. You've got to believe I'm innocent. If you don't, take my job.
    -- Richard Nixon

    "Gorky Park here doesn’t work for the US Government"
    Which makes me wonder how a guy who doesn’t have a clearance, got a look at this supposedly highly classified document and why we’re not investigating this blatant breach of security. It also makes me wonder why if Nunes can show this memo to Gaetz and Meadows and Gorka and any random hobo sleeping off a drunk on the Washington Mall, why he won’t show it to the Senate or the Justice Department or US, for that matter."

    "What agency is tasked and empowered to investigate the FBI?

    And not only investigate the FBI, but an active and ongoing FBI investigation.

    Who is that?

    I mean, it's not the CIA or DIA or NSA or any other federal intelligence agency. That's not their job. Their job is foreign intelligence. They work for the Department of Defense. They don't investigate domestic law enforcement, and certainly not an agency under the Department of Justice. In fact, there are a couple of very specific laws preventing them from doing so" The DOJ IG would be the only agency empowered to investigate the FBI.
    But the DOJ IG answers to Jeff Sessions and ultimately to Donald Trump. "Was there a FISA warrant? If so, what was it based on? Because FISA is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Foreign. And the only way to get a FISA warrant to monitor Americans would be if you had reliable information indicating those Americas were colluding with a foreign target."No intelligence agency should be able to generate its own targets, that tasking should always come from an outside consumer. Because the power these agencies command is beyond anything you can imagine, the potential for abuse is almost astronomical, and the only thing holding them in check is that they must answer to higher authority. Since the end of the Cold War, that authority has become increasingly detached.

    If the FBI – the FBI! – was a target of domestic spying, what other government departments are under surveillance?

    When did it begin? With Bush after 9-11? With Obama? With Trump? Is this intelligence gathering against the US government by US Intelligence assets still ongoing?"
    "How is the information stored? For how long? Who has access to it? What are the protocols for ensuring that it isn’t corrupted or manipulated or edited or sold to Wikileaks? "
    "The President is the Executive. Tasking for all the intelligence agencies is ultimately based on his authority.

    The President tasks national intelligence, not Congress.

    The President is the national classification authority. In accordance with US Code and Executive Order 12356, only the President, or his delegated subordinate authority, can classify or declassify information. Only the President or his delegated subordinate authority can authorize access to classified information.

    By law, Devin Nunes cannot declassify or release this memo. Only the President or his delegated subordinate authority can do so."Stern trawlers have slipways and winches.

    Which might, maybe, sort of, somebody suggested, could be put to use for laying mines. And from there, the speculation grew among various staffers until that vessel ended up minutes away from being destroyed along with forty-three innocent (relatively speaking) Iraqi crewmen.
    " I eventually got a commendation for saving those Iraqi lives" Nunes' degree, training, and experience is in agriculture. Specifically, cows.

    He is quite literally an expert in BULL$HIT."


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