Monday, January 08, 2018

Students at an all girls Catholic School in Maryland out their substitute teacher for his alt-right views, and participation in Charlottesville riot.

Courtesy of Fox News: 

A substitute teacher and field hockey coach at an all-girls Catholic school in Maryland was fired after his "alt-right" views were discovered by students. 

Gregory Conte was fired this week from the Academy of the Holy Cross in Kensington after students discovered his personal Twitter profile in which he made remarks such as “Hitler did not commit any crimes,” FOX 5 DC reported.

The Twitter account, in which Conte used the name Gregory Ritter, said he was the director of operations at the National Policy Institute, which is run by high profile white supremacist Richard Spencer. Conte's Twitter account was still active when this article was published. 

The students also found footage of Conte at the deadly August white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va. 

The school issued a statement to parents in which they claimed that Conte's views did not seem to have a negative impact on his students.

Oddly enough the school learned about Conte's troubling alter ego in October, but did not notify the parents until January.

As for Conte, he does not seem to have had his beliefs shaken in the least.
Well that's a troubling tweet.


  1. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Earth to @Real_Greg_Conte: the Alt-Right will NEVER take over. Count on it.

  2. Anonymous4:46 AM

    good for the girls. still, i wonder, if we are starting to go to far? are not politics personal? if not talking their views everywhere don't people have the right to believe as they want?

    1. Anonymous5:03 AM

      I, for one, tired long ago of Oprah telling me what I should believe and how I should live.

    2. Anonymous5:22 AM

      4.46 that would be right if this were a normal political landscape. But it is NOT. This is outright espionage from ignorant white trash American terrorist and Russia using ignorant white trash to achieve what we see today. Cutting off all alt right platforms is necessary to get them out. This is not a normal political environment. It is a evil dangerous group of Nazi communist white trash small minded group of morons.

    3. Anonymous5:38 AM

      5.03 sorry for your weakness. Odd to think that oprah told you how to believe. How about RT did it tell you how to think too? or maybe fox no news, did they influence your genius too?

    4. Grey One talks sass5:47 AM

      Nazis aka "alt-right" lost all rights to any benefit of the doubt or respect for their 'beliefs' when they tried to kill everyone who didn't pass their purity test.

      Why is this even an issue?

    5. Anonymous5:54 AM

      5:38 AM - weakness?? Try fighting fucking cancer, you moron.

    6. Anonymous6:04 AM

      This is a private Catholic school. They have the right to fire anyone they want, if that person doesn't share their beliefs, and a teacher like this guy certainly knew that when he took the job.

    7. Anonymous6:58 AM

      5:54 WTF are you talking about? What does cancer have to do with traitors, espionage or Oprah? Pull yer head out of your azz and breath that will help fight "cancer" the trump cancer!!! Sorry for your fight but the trump cancer is affecting the world. Good Luck and Best Wishes for a cure. and I would recommend not going to alt right country trumpkin doctors.

    8. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Nazism isn't "politics."
      It's treason. And it advocates genocide.

    9. SERIOUSLY!?!?! You mean the way Palin and lot chose to harangue, harass, disparage and seek to have Gryphen's teaching position taken from him for the truth seeking he engaged. This isn't even a goose gander comparative.

    10. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Lol at 7:19.

      Nazism is treason? Never heard that one before.

      Not to mention that the labeling of everyone who doesn't think like a poor little SJW as a "nazi", is a movement that is extremely hypocritical and falling flat on it's face.

  3. Anonymous4:54 AM

    What is IRL?

  4. Anonymous5:26 AM

    It may be easier to gather up these alt rights and drop them off in Russia along side snowden, segal, and a few other traitors.

  5. WA Skeptic5:33 AM

    Boy, if that statement doesn't send cold chills up your spine, nothing will.

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      What, his statement regarding his politics? So now unless someone is a far left SJW, you get chills up your spine lol?

      Don't leave your house, it is a scary world out there for you!

  6. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Yeah in real life this little problem would already be over. These idiots would be tarred feathered hung or met the military firing squad awarded to traitors.

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Yet no one seems to care as we lowly serfs watch in abject horror.

    2. Anonymous7:04 AM

      You may need to turn the fox news channel off or RT because the World most certainly cares. Majority cares and will end this shitshow for good. There is no excuse for stupid today.

  7. white supremacy is politics? is sexism politics? hitler committed no crimes? that is the teca
    her you want?

  8. Anonymous7:03 AM

    "Trump’s chief economic adviser Gary Cohn describes Trump as “dumb as $h-t,” explaining that “Trump won’t read anything — not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers; nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored.”

    When one of Trump’s campaign aides tried to educate him about the Constitution, Trump couldn’t focus. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” the aide recalled, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.”"
    “I went to an Ivy League college … I did very well. I’m a very intelligent person.” "One of his professors at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business and Finance purportedly said that he was “the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”"rump was admitted to Wharton on a special favor from a “friendly” admissions officer who had known Trump’s older brother.

    "hold on. It would be dangerous to underestimate this man." " Mayer and Salovey’s second aspect of emotional intelligence – influencing the emotions of others?

    This is where Trump shines. He knows how to manipulate people. He has an uncanny ability to discover their emotional vulnerabilities – their fears, anxieties, prejudices, and darkest desires – and use them for his own purposes.

    To put it another way, Trump is an extraordinarily talented CONman." "He’s always been a CONman." "he’s been a great political CONman. He CONned 62,979,879 Americans to vote for him in November 2016 by getting them to believe his lies about Mexicans, Muslims, African-Americans, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and all the “wonderful,” “beautiful” things he’d do for the people who’d support him.

    And he’s still CONning many of them.

    Political CONning is Trump’s genius. This genius – combined with his utter stupidity in every other dimension of his being –
    "poses a clear and present danger to America and the world."

  9. Anonymous7:59 AM

    The ironic part is with the name Conte the Nazi's would never have considered him white.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Well Hitler was blond or blue eyed,but they still worshiped and followed him.

  10. Anonymous9:31 AM

    "A new program in New York is cutting people in prison off from all books except five romance novels, 14 religious texts, 24 drawing or coloring books, 21 puzzle books, 11 how-to books, one dictionary, and one thesaurus."

  11. Anonymous11:42 AM

    The question is, who hire this guy? who hired a pos like this for a all girls catholic school? Did he molest any of them? Did he influence them? Did he talk alt shit? Who hired this pos?

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      You skip from being a right winger.... to molesting girls? lol.

      Uhhhhh.... You know that being on the right isn't a crime to begin with correct? The term the left has come up with for demonstrators is 'alt-right', which is simply a label for people freely expressing their opinion regarding the argument over historical figures/monuments which are all a part of American history, which the left is trying to erase.

      Hope this guy sues the school for unlawful termination of his employment and wins 'bigly'.

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Oh 12.53 what are you talking about? You are assuming and talkin trash like your boy drumpf. Nope I don't do labels but I do call out liars. And right now ANYONE that claims to be a republican are liars and puke criminals in my book. WHY? because you are supporting treason, espionage and fraud against my country. That is a big no no if you are into history. Express yourself all you want alt right bozo but don't attempt to excuse liars and crooks and rapist. Guess what genius I'm center conservative and my ancestors fought in every war this country has had. They were here respectfully before any white trash invaded. I hope that guy waste his money suing and his disposition is televised bigly along with the impeachment of that pos you support.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      lol. 4:03 lost it. Get help 4:03.



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