Friday, February 09, 2018

Jesus, even George W. Bush is capable of understanding that the Russians hacked our election.

Courtesy of the AP: 

Former President George W. Bush said on Thursday that “there’s pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled” in the 2016 American presidential election, forcefully rebutting fellow Republican Donald Trump’s denials of Moscow trying to affect the vote. 

While never mentioning President Trump by name, Bush appeared to be pushing back on Trump’s attempts to have warmer relations with Russia, as well as his comments on immigration. 

The White House did not immediately comment on Bush’s remarks. 

“There’s pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled,” Bush said at a talk in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. “Whether they affected the outcome is another question.” 

Bush also said that “it’s problematic that a foreign nation is involved in our election system. Our democracy is only as good as people trust the results.”

Remember this guy?

I must have said every single day that he was in office that he was the dumbest son-of-a-bitch we had ever elected to lead this nation.

I truly believed that once he was out we would NEVER make a mistake of that magnitude again.

And here he is recognizing the evidence that our current commander-in-chief refuses to even acknowledge.

I would really like to say that after Trump is dragged from office that we will never be stupid enough to elect such an incompetent, unqualified, traitorous leader ever again.

But now that I understand just how critically stupid many people are in this country, that would just be a waste of my breath. 


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Love tOO shudder-down...

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Cadet bone spurs> Asleep at the helm>in·com·pe·tent

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      No more HicKey or blow JOBs?

      WpH AIDs?

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Bush Jr. also described/praised Putin as a tactical genius. Like other Republicans Bush admires Putin. Remember he saw Putin's soul when he looked/gazed into his eyes. Good grief.

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    666pence no seat @ the table...

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Yea he is busy trying to start WWW III by ignoring the north koreans and not shaking their hands
      Didn't anyone tell him the meaning of the Olympics!

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM


  5. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Bubba knows about the hackers and the attackers. During his watch we were attacked on usa soil 911. During daddy's watch our ship the uss cole was attacked. Their fight with their wallstreet oil enemy has gone on for many years. George W. Bush was put in place by the same folks that organized citizen united and joined in this nasty dirty scam today. Poor Jeb, probably the most decent of all of them hired and ordered the dossier on Donald John Trump. After he gave up it was purchased by the Democrats to eliminate Trump. But with the corruption in the FEC, some media, some corrupt military and law enforcement and dirty lousy actors in place to do dirty deeds done cheap. It was never heard nor exposed enough. Even certain media corps. communication corps, security corps owners and the dirty nasty liars arranged for trump and Russia to rig our elections. They will be exposed eventually and sent to prison with that wall around them that they cheered about.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Je$u$ BULL$hitters

  6. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Yes, there are a lot of stupid people in this country, people who believed the promises made by Donnie Dotard. In addition, there are a lot of "smart" people who also voted for Dotard, not that they believed his promises, but because, like Dotard, they are racists. And to them, racism overrides everything else. These people will ride the Dotard train to the very end.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      @8:06 "people are tired of your type."

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      8:06: go take a course in logic 101. Then come back.

    3. Anonymous10:15 AM

      8:17... yes... your type, always trying to divide and define people by the color of their skin. Typical liberal racist.

      Course in logic 9:01? Maybe you should study up on how many of the supposed 'racist' Republicans voted for Obama twice based on 'hope and change'.

    4. Anonymous1:04 PM

      10:15 FUCKOFF.

  7. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Nero fiddles while Rome burns. (Candidate Bone Spurs sleeps or watches TV while our gubmint gets shut down).

    Tell me, under which president did our government *ever* shut down twice in a month?

  8. Anonymous7:48 AM

    "In fact, there were few shock waves, even among Russia’s community of democratic oppositionists, because Sinitsyn’s murder was just another in a growing list of violent attacks against members of that community that have occurred in the past several months, with the March presidential elections approaching."
    " Putin is terribly afraid of the challenges he poses to Putin’s regime. Judging from the escalating violence against his supporters, Navalny is probably right. As Putin famously said of his enemies in his autobiography, “If you become jittery, they will think they are stronger… You must hit first, and hit so hard that your opponent will not rise to his feet.”"

  9. Anonymous7:59 AM

    'Trump and the Russians with cover from conservative media like Fox News coordinated to illegally win a presidential election. The collusion has now moved on to trying to discredit the investigation of what happened during the election.

    As Jonathan Chait pointed out, Trump Jr.’s tweet is part of the ongoing collusion with Russia:' diaper donny jr

  10. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Republicans venerate a dumbass, terrible president like Reagan and someday they'll do the same for Dubya. They really are that stupid.

    1. Nope. Trump will be their new golden calf.

      He got them their precious tax cuts in perpetuity, plus all the other crap he's imposing on the country. Congress deregulated the hell out of our departments invoking their "no backsies" shit rule.

      They will look on Trump's reign with fondness and blame the fallout on the Democrats when they take over and try to clean up the mess.

      Just like they blame Obama for cleaning up Georgie's mess.

  11. Anonymous8:13 AM

    He forgot to add at least he was elected by Americans,called the Supreme Court.

  12. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Bush isn’t stupid. He’s simple. Good man.

  13. Anonymous8:32 AM

    'We’re here again. A powerful and determined president is squaring off against an independent investigator operating inside the Justice Department. Robert Mueller’s mission is a comprehensive look at Russian meddling in the 2016 election — and any other crimes he uncovers in the process. President Trump insists it’s all a “witch hunt” and an unfair examination of his family’s personal finances. He constantly complains about the investigation in private and reportedly asked his White House counsel to have Mueller fired. No wonder many people are making comparisons to the “Saturday Night Massacre” of 1973, when President Richard Nixon fired special prosecutor Archibald Cox, and Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resigned.

    We covered that eerily similar confrontation for The Washington Post 45 years ago. Nixon didn’t know it at the time, but the Saturday Night Massacre would become a pivot point in his presidency — crucial to the charge that he’d obstructed justice. For him, the consequences were terminal.'

  14. Anonymous9:05 AM

    'President Trump has come to rely on oral intelligence briefings, rather than reading the full Presidential Daily Brief as his seven predecessors did, three sources tell The Washington Post. Reading the “dense intelligence book” does not cater to Trump’s “style of learning,” one source said. Instead, analysis changed the briefings to include “photos, videos, and graphics.” Another source said Trump sometimes complained that the briefers were “talking down to him.” A spokesman for the National Security Council claimed that he “is an avid consumer of intelligence,” and “looks forward every day to the give and take of his intelligence briefings.”'

    1. Consumer of intelligence? Not unless it comes with fries and a shake.

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Yea right,i am sure there are too many big words for him to comprehend,he probably reads at a first grade level.

      Besides he is lazy.

  15. Anonymous9:13 AM

    FB Excerpts>"the immigration debate isn’t only about policy and economics; it is also about culture, race, and religion. We are at a particularly ugly juncture in this regard, but we have been here before. In the early days of the republic, the country needed settlers, so nearly anyone could immigrate. Then, as the United States started to grow and be seen as a land of opportunity, a big wave of immigration began in the decades before the Civil War. Most were from Northern and Central Europe, and many were Catholics — particularly from Germany and Ireland. This sparked a fierce backlash and the rise of the American Party, nicknamed the Know-Nothing Party. Its ranks were driven largely by anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic sentiments. The ugly echoes of their intolerance can be heard today, and it is ironic that some who question the “Americanness” of more recent arrivals are themselves descendants of those who were labeled “un-American” in the nineteenth century...
    In recent years, when I reported from distant and dangerous military outposts in Iraq and Afghanistan, I saw a great diversity of surnames stitched into uniforms — and the pride of service in diverse faces. It was renewed proof that we are a nation of immigrants who believe in service. I have had a similar experience reading the names etched into marble in Arlington National Cemetery. Patriotism and sacrifice know no ethnicity, race, or religion. And it has always been thus.
    I believe that demonizing the most recent arrivals to our shores will only, over time, galvanize the political will of the majority of Americans who understand the true legacy of our history. I see an America that has expanded beyond the wildest dreams of its founders. We are a people of energy and purpose, a blended land of ever-increasing diversity that so far has proven the strength and wisdom of our great experiment. We must find a way to defeat the forces of intolerance. If we do, we will emerge a better, stronger nation.""
    Dan the Man Rather^

  16. Anonymous9:20 AM

    WHOA!!! The list is LOOOONG!!! (You can click on each item and get more info)

    Timeline of all the Russia-involved dealings of Cadet Bone Spurs and 'his' people:

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM


  17. Bush may be dumb but he's not stupid.

    Trump is stupid. And so much more and worse.

  18. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Bush was smart enough not to use the nukes. cadet bone spurs is dying to use them.


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