Thursday, March 01, 2018

Alaska's lone Congressman Don Young actually suggested that the holocaust could have been prevented if only the Jews had guns.

Courtesy of Think Progress: 

At an Alaska Municipal League (AML) meeting in Juneau last Thursday, Young was asked what should be done to prevent school shootings. “What can municipalities do? 

What can the federal government do to stop the massacre of children in our schools?” asked Dimitri Shein, a Democratic candidate running for Young’s seat. 

Young responded by arguing that teachers should be armed. He then invoked the Holocaust to argue that making sure everyone had guns was the best solution. 

“How many millions of people were shot and killed because they were unarmed? Fifty million in Russia, because their citizens weren’t armed,” Young said. 

“How many Jews were put into the ovens because they were unarmed?”The comment is anti-Semitic, outrageous, and incredibly stupid, but just in case you need a debunking: That is not why or how the Holocaust happened.

Holy shit is this a stupid argument. 

This fantasy that armed individuals can overcome a country's military has been disproved time and time again.

You only have to look to the resistance fighters in Afghanistan and Iraq to realize that.

I sometimes get criticized for picking on Texas, and other states in the South.

I ridicule states like Texas, Florida, Georgia, and others because they are fucked up and deserving of ridicule. 

But that in no way means that I consider Alaska any less fucked up, or any less deserving of ridicule.

And until we finally get rid of this dinosaur and replace him with somebody who actually wants to move our state forward, we deserve every bit of ridicule directed our way.


  1. Randall6:44 AM

    Quick question: is Don Young really that fuckin' stupid?

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Armed ‘Teacher of the Year’ Opens Fire in School

    As Trump talks about arming educators, students in two Georgia high schools keep telling him from experience what a bad idea that would be.

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    These Groups Make the NRA Look Like a Bastion of Moderation—And They Could Determine the Current Gun Debate

    Want the NRA to go away? Here’s what would replace it.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Once the gun manufacturers and Russia start funding the extremist groups like they do the NRA then, yea, theY can steer the gun debate to create more chaos in the US. Exactly what Putin wants.

  4. Chenagrrl7:35 AM

    Wonder if he's a Mises Institute graduate?

  5. Anonymous8:02 AM

    OT Y OP:

  6. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I have never understood why Don Young has EVER been elected to office! I've resided in Alaska for eons (senior citizen now) and have never voted for him. Have always found him repulsive and irritating!

  7. Anonymous8:06 AM

    He has been certifiably off his rocker for years now. Why are Alaskans so stupid that they keep electing him?

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Alot of Trumpsters up here. Came up for Gold, and oil. Stayed and made our state red. Now, just to stay alive everyone has to drink the koolaid, and barter our already sold soul away.
      Don helps us do that. He and Leeza. And Dan Sullivan is a Koch puppet.
      You should see all these people up here who like to brag that they are third generation Alaskans. Then they rush to Arizona as soon as they make their dough. Typical.

  8. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Good gosh the dangerous loonies are active right now. Their stirring and the spotlight is bright on them. Identify and remove them from all areas of our life. Expose them for what they are. COMPLETE EVIL MORONS.
    Can you believe a church in PA is holding a bless the AR 15 service? Holy Cow are they insane or what?

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      KkkochRoache$ all!

  9. Anonymous8:12 AM

    PS. disclosure>Fate is Dan illSellurVan's father-in-law.

  10. Anonymous8:13 AM

    You riducule other states to detract from yhe fact that your state elected a fucking idiot as governor, an idiot as yheir representative and two idiotic senstors. Alaska is no better than any red state in the lower 48. Clean up your own house before you attack others.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Hypocritical much?

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      I agree with you, perhaps a lot of Alaska shaming is in order. Nothing seems to stop this gawd awful man from getting re-elected maybe we need to be shamed into stop voting for him.

  11. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Ah yes, the lovely “blame the Jews” tactic which has probably been around since there have been Jews. Pretty sure that Jewish people who had guns or other weapons and resisted would have been murdered on the spot, rather than taken to a concentration camp.

    Why is it so difficult to blame the Holocaust on Hitler and his Nazi pals, instead of the victims? Blows my mind.

  12. Anonymous8:30 AM

    OT- Breaking.

  13. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Hitler was like Putin in a lot of ways. Putin is just being subtle about it. They both were overly prideful in their nationalism and they were greedy and grasping. By the time the world understood the writing between the lines it was too late.
    The Jewish people kept thinking it was a nightmare they would wake up from until they were led into those furnaces.
    Look at us now as Putin moves in on our government. We are still unbelieving. We will only wake up when Putin's stormtroopers are knocking on our doors.
    That's how shit happens. Covertly and subtle.
    Don Young obviously is a doddering mouth piece.
    Even if we have guns that won't stop Putin when he bashes our collective heads in.

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Guns are also completely useless against election meddling. And bombs. Our president’s best friend is such a stand up guy! (Barf)

      Please remember that Hitler came to power mostly legally, and was even able to throw a pretty fantastic Olympics in 1936. But things started to get progressively more oppressive as time went on. While I’m not saying Trump is Hitler (he’s not, Trump has no master plan except “WINNING”) we need to be vigilant and keep an eye on him.

      He’s picking on immigrants now. But Pence is indicating that the next target is all abortion. This means women WILL die, along with their fetuses especially in cases of medical complications. Imagine a young mom with a healthy young child at home, dying because she was not allowed to end an ectopic pregnant. That is horrible. And it could be coming next.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Trump is said to have read repeatedly the book Hitler wrote. That is Trump's bible.
      World War II lasted almost eight years and things did not become oppressive as time went on.
      One day the Nazi flag was illegal and the next day when Hitler was made Chancellor people dug out their evil flags and the shit hit the fan.
      We are seeing the rise of the Hitler era and it's coming from Trump and Putin.
      When Putin finally bares his claws it may be too late, and we should be done talking up a storm. Because we know Putin doesn't like talk, he likes action.

  14. Anonymous8:35 AM


  15. Anonymous11:28 AM

    "“I thank God for slavery,” she said in one clip. “If it wasn’t for slavery, I might be somewhere in Africa worshiping a tree.”

    “You can talk about the Holocaust, but the Jews own everything!” she said in another."

  16. Anonymous11:30 AM

    'Both Sides Have Been Getting the Gun Debate Wrong'
    "We have a gun culture not because of the sanctity of the 2nd Amendment, but because killing, looting, burning, raping, and terrorizing Indians were an American tradition and militias helped carry out these horrors."

  17. Anonymous12:03 PM

    You should have heard the interview he gave to a FBKs local RW Talk radio shock jock on Saturday. Total crazy conservative insanity. This man does not deserve to serve Alaskans or Americans in general. What election shall rid us of this vile human being.

  18. Anonymous12:06 PM

    wasn’t this about gun control and the Nazis? Yes indeed — we should talk about the 1938 German Gun Law… it:

    lowered the age limit to get a gun permit from 20 to 18
    Deregulated rifles and long arms that had previously been subject to the 1928 registration laws
    Allowed hunting permits to substitute for the gun registration permits, as well as exempted government employees and Nazi party members from the permit requirements in total
    Yes — and it banned Jews from owning, making, or possessing guns or ammunition
    AH-ha! So — had Hitler not “disarmed the Jews” — an armed resistance to the Holocaust and perhaps even World War II would have been prevented!


    Because up until 1938, when the Nazis banned Jews from owning guns — they hadn’t noticed the possible encroachment on their freedom and peril to their very lives when the Nazis banned them from civil service posts and the legal profession (April 1933), banned them from the media (October 1933), expelled them from the army (1935), banned them from accounting, educational, and veterinary professions (1936), and even from attending public school period (1937)…. To say nothing of the 1935 Nuremberg laws that reduced them to second-class citizens anyway."

  19. Anonymous12:09 PM

    FUCK>Jew Andrea Mitchell -Husband started it.

  20. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Don’t you have a decent human being up there to run against the crazy old bastard? Resist!

  21. Anonymous3:54 PM

    "Yes, Rep. Don Young did blame Holocaust and 50 million Russian deaths on gun control

    Murphy McCollough, the latest employee whose job it is to try to clean up after Rep. Don Young at taxpayer expense, claims that Young's comments about gun control and the Holocaust were "taken entirely out of context."

    That's not true. Young's comments were not taken out of context.

    This is bad as President Donald Trump bragging that he thought he would have run into the Parkland school without a gun to save lives, only to have his press secretary try to deflect the hail of ridicule by saying Trump didn't mean what came out of his mouth.

    Instead of lying about this latest example of Youngspeak—now a national story—McCollough should admit that Young said that 50 million people died in Russia because of gun control and that "Jews were put into the oven" because they didn't have guns. Anything less is a falsehood.

    Young is running for re-election and he should stand behind what he says instead of assigning an underling to rewrite recent history. When Young shifts into belligerent mode, there is no telling what will come out of his mouth.

    In an Alaska Municipal League event in Juneau last week, the 84-year-old Young was deep into blaming video games and the family structure for school shootings when Dimitri Shein, one of his challengers, asked about the rights of students and families for safety.

    Young said, among other things, that 40 years ago kids brought guns to school and there was no problem and that teachers should be armed to keep students safe.

    Young said if you ban one type of gun, "Then what else you going to ban? Pistols. Shotguns, long rifles, slingshots and bows and arrows?"

    "How many millions of people were shot and killed because they were unarmed? Fifty million in Russia, because their citizens weren't armed. How many Jews were put into the ovens because they were unarmed?"

    That's a pretty clear example of Young being misinformed, which is not unusual.

    What we don't need is to have a Young employee claim that those who quoted Young accurately and in context somehow failed or misrepresented reality. If there is a problem with context here, it rests with Young.

    What Young meant, according to his spokesman, as quoted by CNN: "He was referencing the fact that when Hitler confiscated firearms from Jewish Germans, those communities were less able to defend themselves."

    "He was not implying that an armed Jewish population would have been able to prevent the horrors of the Holocaust, but his intended message is that disarming citizens can have detrimental consequences. A defenseless people are left up to the mercy of its leaders."

    That's what Murphy McCollough said. That's not what Don Young said. Young said that an armed Jewish population would have been able to prevent the horrors of the Holocaust. He said that 50 million people in Russia died because they were not armed." Dermot Cole

  22. Anonymous4:23 PM

    'My sister turned 15 the day of the shooting.. She has had a hard time finding her voice in all of this and asked me to share this poem with you.

    On the night before my sister returns to MSD, It would mean a lot if you could read her poem.'

  23. So you don't think that armed Jews would have slowed down or stopped the Holocaust? It would at least have given people a chance to survive. As it was, they had no chance except luck if they were chosen to be a slave worker instead of instant death. If Trump and his minions pulled something like this against Liberals, would you rather be armed or unarmed? Or would you just step aboard the cattle cars and trust that they couldn't really be that evil?

    I know what Modern Israelis say..... Never again. They learned their lesson. That is why they are armed to the teeth. And every Israeli (with certain exceptions) is required at least two years of military service, male or female.

  24. Was this before or after the teacher was arrested for firing a gun in a classroom?

    Is Don Young that stupid or just so old he has dementia?


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