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David Smith, killing journalism one bullshit propaganda piece at a time. |
David Smith, the executive chairman of Sinclair Broadcast Group, said he dislikes and fundamentally distrusts the print media, which he believes “serves no real purpose.” In emails to New York, Smith said that print — as in newspapers and magazines — is a reality-distorting tool of leftists. Print media, he said, has “no credibility” and no relevance.
“I must tell that in all the 45 plus years I have been in the media business I have never seen a single article about us that is reflective of reality especially in today’s world with the shameful political environment and generally complete lack of integrity. Facts and truth have been lost for a long time and likely to never return,” Smith said.
“The print media is so left wing as to be meaningless dribble which accounts for why the industry is and will fade away. Just no credibility.”
Yeah how can anybody trust the New York Times and the Washington Post with all their left leaning facts?
This statement is not one that a real newsman would ever make.
You might disagree with a story or two, but to discount ALL of print media as biased against your view of reality, really says more about your view of reality than on their reporting.
Keep in mind that Fox News was created by Roger Ailes as an alternative to the real journalism which he blamed for destroying the career of his former boss and hero Richard Nixon.
Right Wing new outlets are not about informing the public, they are about building mistrust for the media and pushing a conservative agenda that they realize is vulnerable to fact checking.
Here, let John Oliver explain it better than I can.
Oliver, as you might remember, was one of the very first to reveal to us just what Sinclair was up to way back in the summer of last year.
If this does not terrify you, well then you have lost the ability to be terrified.
Probably due to Right Wing brainwashing.
At least one political candidate is taking a stand against this obvious propaganda.
Courtesy of TPM:
A Kentucky Democratic congressional candidate has pulled all of her campaign advertisements from her local, Sinclair Broadcasting-owned news channel after the controversy that exploded when anchors all over the country echoed the same script warning of fake news and biased reporting.
Amy McGrath is challenging incumbent Republican Andy Barr in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. “Today, I have instructed my campaign team to cease and pull all campaign advertising on WDKY-TV (Channel 56), the Sinclair-owned television station in our congressional district, as soon as possible,” she wrote in a Facebook post on Monday. “Sinclair’s corporate-mandated ‘must-read’ right-wing script on its nearly 200 television stations about ‘fake news’ is itself an extreme danger to our Democracy and eerily mimics the propaganda efforts that authoritarian regimes often use to control the media in their own country.”
Admirable. But let's face it she is a Democrat, so Sinclair Broadcasting would not even tap their brakes if they saw her laying unconscious in the middle of the street.
However if others join Amy McGrath, and not just politicians but businesses as well, that might be enough to force at least the semblance of fair and balanced reporting from this conservative propaganda machine.
Hey, maybe somebody can convince the Parkland students to tweet about them, that seems to work pretty good.
ot __ YouTube HQ shooter.
ReplyDelete“Thoughts and prayers” from the orange anus.
DeleteWho has a mouth that probably looks exactly like his anus/butt hole! Barf!
DeleteOmg is this a dangerous pos sob, who the F is he? What is he talking about?
ReplyDeleteRecently someone poisoned the owner of a small town newspaper in AZ. It was medically declared that he was poisoned. He has survived I think. But it is assholes like this guy and the type of scum like bannon, breitfart, fox no news and TRUMP that has triggered this insane attempt to brainwash people into believing that facts and truth do not exist in our newspapers, main news stations, journalism etc. These crooks and criminals must be stopped. FCC must remove this ass from the airwaves and charge him with the charge of misinformation. He is a liar.
I hope these assholes remember that if they kill folks in government in the USA, that it works both ways.
DeleteWe are going to be in a civil war in America - see it coming - all brought on by Republicans and Trump's idiocy/rants.
Sorry, but a trumpie associate is probably running the FCC it won't be stopped till he gets removed from office.
DeleteHe's a lying sociopath. They are everywhere on the right. 'Conservatism' is the cloak these narcissistic shitheads hide behind just like religiosity is the cloak holier-than-thou 'White Christian Nation' evangelical supremacists hide behind.
ReplyDeletePrior to inheriting the Sinclair Corp., Mr. Smith owned and operated a low-rent porn film and distribution network(Cine). Yes, only the very best people!
ReplyDeleteWell golly gee whiz, he is like bannon and brietfart. Only the nasty dirty liars come out for old ugly dotard trump. Smith must be on muellers radar too.
DeleteCineporn is for sure busy.
DeleteFacts are whatever anyone chooses to believe these days.
ReplyDeleteYou are using John Oliver as a source for christs sake lol.
I'm sorry have you not watched John Oliver's show?
DeleteI would put his research department, fact based reporting (And yes, humorous or not it IS reporting.) against any Right Wing "news" outlet you could possibly name.
Let's face it, conservatives are fucking allergic to the truth.
Damn! No, facts are facts except to un-tethered 'lol' idiots like you who consume vast quantities of RW BS and doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Trump loves fools like you. Indigent conservatives like you are fucking dumb.
DeleteThere is almost no 'real' reporting or facts anywhere anymore. It has come down to which football team you want to win and everyone goes all in on their chosen team. Yes, it is a joke to use John Oliver as some type of legitimate source. Turn off your TV's and help your brains.
DeleteFacts are most definitely not "whatever anyone chooses to believe these days".
DeleteYou considering yourself young and beautiful does not make that a fact.
Now go back under your rock.
Ah such open minded liberals that 'know' all the facts because their selected programming and John Oliver told them so lol.
DeleteOh LOOK, "Ben" is back.
DeleteKeep smelling all your own smug farts lol.
"My desire to be well-informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane.”
ReplyDeleteNow more than ever.
Conservatives have zero objectively and zero intelligence. Perhaps I should keep it simple?
ReplyDeleteConservatives are fucking ,stupid ,greedy,racist,hateful morons!!!
ReplyDelete"a woman opened fired at YouTube headquarters in the San Francisco suburb of San Bruno, California, police chief Ed Barberini held a press conference to discuss the incident.
The suspect, whose name has not yet been identified, is dead from what police believe is a self-inflicted gunshot wound"
Delete"March for Our Lives, the pro-gun control group formed after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida in February, likewise tweeted its support for YouTube.
“March for Our Lives stands with YouTube as they stood with us incredibly early on in our mission to stop this,” the organization wrote."
Remember when Jesus' first disciples had been so angry with Paul when Paul told them that God had abrogated the Law and that Jesus had become God's primary revelation of himself to the world? They did not feel that Jesus had set them free from the Torah, but had experienced Paul's vision as a potential deprivation. They were fighting for something very precious that gave meaning and value to their lives.
ReplyDeleteAND THAT - that concretization of Jesus himself, rather than the message of Jesus as a living method and example for the living human - is where the split occurred and the meaning and lesson became lost.
Christianity itself was formed out of Paul's ignorance - an error, and a self-serving one - and it has never been corrected.
Current day, the divide separates those with blind faith who remain unwavingingly loyal in the absolute literalism in what is Paul's grand storytime mistake (a history lesson), and those who see the error and take the story as symbolic metaphor for luminosity and liberation (a living lesson).
I remember reading about Paul's dubious impact on the way that Christ and his teachings were regarded. He even persecuted James the Apostle/brother and his followers.
DeleteJesus Christ SuperStar!
"The only brand that gained a significant amount of negative perception among consumers in recent days was Fox News."
ReplyDeleteThis dumbass doesn't even know the word "drivel." But then why would he know the proper usage here? He DOESN'T READ.
Either that or he's literally suggesting that he has some kind of drooling problem, which is entirely possible...
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ... ! Is "meaningless dribble" something that happens if you don't control the ball? What a maroon.
DeleteIt's just appalling that he's in the business of making money from 'news'.
Delete3:35? Huh?
DeleteAll 'news' is about making $$ and keeping those ratings. Just ask $Maddow$.
aka $LAVER
excessive or obsequious flattery.
verb: slaver; 3rd person present: slavers;
past tense: slavered; past participle: slavered; gerund or present participle: slavering
synonyms: drool, slobber, dribble, salivate
'show excessive desire."
4:28, Bitch, please. There is no way in hell this idiot intended to use an "archaic" form of "slaver." He doesn't know what "slaver" means, either.
DeleteNews flash: dictionaries include incorrect and out-of-date usages! Imagine that!
DRIVEL is the correct usage in this context. "Dribble" is just an error, based on days-gone-by slang, that is so common (amongst dumbfucks) that it eventually made it into the dictionary.
ReplyDelete"David Hogg recently asked why John McCain has taken over $7 million from the NRA (not to mention other millions they and other “guns rights” groups have spent supporting him indirectly).
McCain’s answer, no doubt, would be the standard politician-speak these days: “They support me because they like my positions; I don’t change my positions just to get their money.” It’s essentially what Marco Rubio told the Parkland kids when he was confronted with a similar question."
" ~IT’s a bull$hit an$wer"
"By 1899, Clark owned pretty much every legislator of any consequence in Montana, as well as all but one newspaper in the state. Controlling both the news and the politicians, he figured they’d easily elect him to be the next U.S. senator from Montana. Congress later learned that he not only owned the legislators, but in all probability stood outside the statehouse with a pocket full of $1,000 bills in plain white envelopes to hand out to every Member who’d voted for him."
"“Corporations are not people and aren’t entitled to the rights of personhood,” and “Money is not the same thing as speech.” "
David Hogg is a little douchebag that is trying to capitalize on a little fame, with help from those that want to use him, and everyone with a brain has known it from the get go. He is a weird little kid. Psycho. This is what the Democrats have reduced themselves to? Being led around by a 17yo weirdo?
DeleteGryphen, I know you are very open-minded, but the comment at 12:58 is really unconscionable.
DeleteIf I don't let a few comments like the one at 12:58 through people will keep convincing themselves that these are reasonable people.
DeleteThey aren't.
John Oliver has a knack for seeing what others miss. He does it in a loud comic way. We can't lose our ability to laugh at ourselves now.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Sinclair is a scary thing. But we have been sheep for a long time. Just now we are beginning to notice the blip in our matrix.
Americans have always prided themselves on being independent thinkers and kabaam, we find that things are being planted in our brains.
Now what do we think? If we have no one to tell us.
But let's not detract from the fact that Sinclair is just a copy of Faux news. You repeat it enough people get brainwashed, right?