Friday, April 27, 2018

HUD Secretary Ben Carson proposes tripling the rent for the poorest Americans.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson on Wednesday will propose tripling the amount the poorest households are expected to pay for rent as well as encourage those receiving housing subsidies to work, according to the administration’s legislative proposal obtained by The Washington Post. 

The move to overhaul how low-income rental subsidies are calculated would affect more than 4.5 million families relying on federal housing assistance. The proposal legislation would require congressional approval. 

Currently, tenants generally pay 30 percent of their adjusted income toward rent or a public housing agency minimum rent -- which is capped at $50 a month for the poorest families. The administration’s legislative proposal sets the family monthly rent contribution at 35 percent of gross income or 35 percent of their earnings working 15 hours a week at the federal minimum wage. Under the proposal, the cap for the poorest families would rise to approximately $150 a month, three times higher than the current minimum. 

The Trump administration has long signaled through its budget proposals and leaked draft legislation that it seeks to increase the rents low-income tenants pay to live in federally subsidized housing.

Okay well I would essentially expect this kind of thing from Donald Trump, after all he made his bones by evicting poor black folk from their homes.

But Ben Carson is a self described Christian who also happens to be black.

Carson's mother also took a job as a domestic worker for a time and he was forced to share a home with his extended family when things got tough.

It boggles my mind that people like this do not seem to have the capacity to empathize with others once they become Republicans.

It is as if the price for joining the GOP is to surrender your compassion.


  1. Anonymous4:13 AM

    So long Cosby. One thing I’ve akwats liked about the justice system (minus racism) is that people who aren’t criminals by nature are granted house arrest. Not that that has any thing to do with Cosby.

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      He rapes women. He's the definition of a sexual predator.

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      “Moralist” being LGBTQ}
      "He could degrade them and blame them for their own problems; taunt them and still rake in MonEy, much like he taunted his victims for decade$."
      "this week, white conservatives have praised Kanye West for supporting Trump,
      an alleged serial sexual abuser"<FACT


  2. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Ben the brain surgeon clown will be one of next to depart the rump circus shitshow.

  3. Anonymous4:56 AM

    OT. The teacher walk outs across the nation. AZ Public Schools was raped several years ago. First by the scam of the vouchers for private schools. This took money from our public schools. Next the corporate tax cut caused the public school system to lose over 600 million a year going to public education. The governor cut school funding on top of all that years ago. Property tax, marijuana tax, cigarette tax, sales tax, lottery tax, etc. where does that money go today? The republican cons and crooks have raped the public school system and that ding a ling school superintendent is a trump stump dangerous idiot and must be removed and exposed today along with ducey the governor. The teachers should include the March for their life kids and their demands also. All states are facing the same crimes against our public education system and it must stop today.

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      That's not even counting when Brewer stole all the money from the sales tax increase we voted for that was specifically supposed to go to the schools. State supreme court ordered her to repay it and she refused. The we got the ice cream man, and he also refused, gave a speech on how fundamentally important preschool is, then signed a bill cutting funding to them.

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      And still Republicans win seats there. Seems like the rich outvote you there every time. No one wants to upset the cushy scheme of things there in old Arizona, the haven for the old rich bitch.

  4. Some poor souls were gonna be forced to pay for the koch bros billions in taxcuts. Can't expect the wealthy to pay, can you?

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      No kidding. But from the logic stand point it makes no sense to overtax the poor and undertax the rich. Wouldn’t you get MORE money from the rich overall? If I know anything about Republicans, it’s that they love money.

  5. Anonymous5:25 AM

    I have no problem with the work requirement, the problem is finding the jobs.

    1. It’s jobs that pay a living wage that’s at issue here.

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Most poor people, at least those without major health disabilities, do work. They simply don't make enough money. I read yesterday that people earning minimum wage can afford a one-bedroom apartment in only 12 counties in the country. To afford a similar apartment in Washington D.C. a person earning only minimum wage would have to work 93 hours per week. And work at minimum wage is physical labor and lots of it. Let's see Ben Carson do that! Or one of trump's sons! Or Paul Ryan! Or Mitch McConnell!

  6. Anonymous6:23 AM

    “Trump’s disregard for these normal procedures not only hurts his administration; it can hurt the people he mistakenly tries to elevate.

    Some who get close to the president find their reputations or even their lives destroyed. And according to people who know the president well, he just doesn’t care that much.

    “People are not people to him, they are instruments of his ego,” Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter for Trump’s The Art of the Deal told the Times. “And when they serve his ego, they survive, and when they don’t, they pass into the night.”

    He added: “Ultimately, the fate of anyone who casts their lot with Trump is — you are passing through. And I just can’t think of anybody for whom it is not true.”

    Jack O’Donnell was the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. He said to the Times of the president that he has no “compassion and empathy,” adding “the recycling of people, people crashing and burning, it means nothing to him.“

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Did you see where Trump might be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? I think his 'own' media hype is pushing it because they don't preannounce the awarding of the prize.

      President Obama was awarded the prize & Trump in NO way has done the good deeds as did President Obama. Trump wants to assure himself of the prize because President Obama won it and President Obama cannot EVER outdo him!

  7. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Lack of empathy is very strong with Republicans. In fact, it is a defining characteristic.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Perfect. For. Paybacks.

  8. Randall6:54 AM

    a) the term "Christian" no longer has any meaning whatsoever

    b) poor people that voted for Trump deserve what they're about to get (screwed)

  9. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I feel that under Putin's tutelage, Trump was instructed to bring down each and every one our institutions. To bring the "people" down to their knees. And that is what Carson is doing.
    The Trump cabinet is under instruction to respect nothing of the American institutions. Steven Bannon is across sea trying to recruit more racist for his cause to bring down the world. "Someone" is funding him.
    Trump and Bannon are not patriotic for the United States. They have bigger motivations. In other words they are part of a bigger gang in this world. It seems sinister now but down the road it may come to light and everyone will be shocked when really they shouldn't be.
    It's like Sarah Palin. None of us from Alaska should have been surprised when she popped up. The so called Christians were steaming at the mouth up here for a long time and getting all tribal too. Still are. And the end of all that has not come yet.
    As Americans, we still have to be weary of our country being threatened, even from the inside.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Stand up and fight. Answer.

  10. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Carson is the very first black man I cannot stand. What a horrible human being in causing more financial problems for other black people!
    (I'm white!). He's not a Christian.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM


    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Reggie Jackson

    3. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Donald DeFreeze

    4. Anonymous12:43 PM


  11. Anonymous11:21 AM

    OT?:"“I’d never support anyone who has made a career out of hatred, racism and discrimination,” Chance tweeted in reference to Trump.

    Chance said his comments were ill-timed but that Chicago has had “generations of Democratic officials with no investment or regard for black schools, neighborhood(s) or black lives.”

    “We have to talk honestly about what is happening and has been happening in this country and we have to challenge those who are responsible, as well as those who are giving them a pass,” said Chance, whose charity last year pledged $2.2 million for arts programs in Chicago public schools."
    "est tweeted on Friday: “I haven’t done enough research on conservatives to call myself or be called one. I’m just refusing to be enslaved by monolithic thought.”"

  12. Anonymous11:35 AM


    "like many others in the nation’s capital—CONduct political and policy work. > “If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.” Meetings like this raised flags for government ethicists who say that Mulvaney not only copted to having a pay-to-play scheme while in Congress but seems to have engaged in one while working for the president.

    “It sounds like Mulvaney is importing his pay to play operation from Congress into the administration,”
    " In a letter on Friday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren asked Mulvaney if his lobbyist access hierarchy has made its way to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which Mulvaney has led on an interim basis since last year."
    "on April 11, 2017, when Mulvaney met with Steve Wynn, the disgraced casino magnate who, at the time, was still the Republican National Committee finance chair."


  13. Amazing how the "richest country in the world" can have so many homeless, starving and sick. High teen pregnancy. High mother mortality at birth, high children with food insecurity, people living in boxes under overpasses.

    I guess Trump and his merry band of cesspool inhabitants won't stop until our poverty is equal to the most destitute poverty in the most undeveloped country.

    Yeah, we should be so proud.

    How many Democratic terms with Democratic majorities in the House and Senate will it take to clean up this mess, right the ship and ensure it stays the course long enough for even the most stupid to realize that what is good of all is good for them?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.