Sunday, April 01, 2018

Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy just admitted that "Congress has proven itself incapable of conducting serious investigations.

I was thinking this might have been an April Fool's joke, but it appears he was serious.

I really do not like agreeing with Trey Gowdy on ANYTHING, but he is not wrong here.

Congress has wasted millions and millions of taxpayer dollars investigating Right Wing conspiracies, like the supposed IRS anti-conservative practices, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and of course Hillary's e-mails.

None of those panned out, and in most cases were determined to be ridiculous by most people before the investigation was even launched.

So yes, Congress should simply get out of the investigation game and turn their attention to something they do well.

Just as soon as we determine what that might be.


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    It will be a very different Congress very soon. #enoughisenough #metoo #impeachtrump #blm #usa

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM


    2. Anonymous11:00 PM

      It's pretty obvious from his Instagram account that Trump Jr's youngest daughter Chloe is his "Ivanka" if you know what I mean. She's an ugly little brat too.

  2. Anonymous1:51 PM

    They could check into Barstool's supposed 3.49whatever GPA...

    And Serror's supposed collage diploma also too!

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      How about a birth certificate?

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    How about we just sign the whole bunch up as skin divers for Roto Rootor?
    Might need a little training but they are all more than capable.

  4. Anonymous2:03 PM

    What! Something they do well? Umm, let's see .
    First of all, don't they have to do something productive?
    Thank you for saying something worthwhile, (comb my hair with a firecracker) Gowdy. It's a good start.

  5. WA Skepti2:09 PM

    Trey Gowdy--huh. Why is he having these attacks of intelligence NOW???

    What a moran.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      He’s not running for re-election.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Did I imagine it or does Trey Gowdy intend running for a judicial seat?

    3. I thought maybe he was gearing up to run against Trump in 2020.

    4. Anonymous3:20 PM

      He said that he likes the law better than working in congress, some prosecutor job?

    5. Anonymous6:07 PM

      He saw the FVEY intel?


  6. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Get rid of those sitting in Congress right now and elect new folks. Get rid of the majority Republicans too! They are a detriment to our society and are proving so daily...beginning w/the fat you know what in the white house.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Problem being that they will say anything to get in, then turn on a dime. That's my trust level these days.

      1:51 PM above case in point. Dodged a huge bullet with that mess of a tribe.

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      "the fat you know what"is the stupid white hateful,imbecilic,monster that has no clue how to govern a great Country !
      That rat feces is a disgusting traitor to America!!!#

      Fu trump/Melanie and All trump voters/ supporters!! Yes FU!!!

  7. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Not only did they waste our money on ridiculous investigations, they passed bills without even reading them (Patriot Act, Tax reform) and do the bidding of lobbyist instead of the people they are suppose to be working for.

    they are also failing on another one of their jobs, checking the president !!!!

  8. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Paul Ryan played Eye Of The Tiger the morning the GOP tried repealing the ACA. That sums up "leadership" right there - zero.

  9. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I watched old trey today. He looked uncomfortable and guilty. Some of these republicans are either waking up or realizing that they have been bamboozled and used.

  10. Randall3:11 AM

    I'll be damned...
    I thought Trey Gowdy was a piece of shit.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.