Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh my God, they have cloned her! Scariest picture you will see all day.

I have always wondered if I would know when I lost my mind. I guess I got my answer.


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    If you've ever wondered if a woman's hair could look more messed up than Sarah Palin's, I show you exhibit A.

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Yikes!!!!! Btw, Sarah, in her typical fashion, keeps repeating the tale that her book was easy to write because she has kept journals her ENTIRE life (honestly, very few people have time for that, unless they are professional/hobbyist writers). I want someone to ask to see them....even a picture of what must be a huge stack of books! Someone could ask where she stores these journals. Innocently ask if she has a special designated box, or shelf, or something, to hold these precious items. Does she let her children peruse them? How wonderful for them that they would have this record of their mom's life. Now obviously she will likely say they were private and no, she wouldn't share them with her kids. But I still think someone should ask about it since she keeps going on about it. That would get her going. She'd make up a story about that as well!

  3. FEDUP!!!6:41 AM

    I saw this picture yesterday...
    Well, I wonder if she is as shallow as $$$arah... If so, she could pose as her double at any of the public appearances/interviews $$$arah will be having soon... (Her hands are broader than $$$arah's, though, so she would have to hide her hands. I also wonder if her voice is as screeching as $$$arah's.

  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    No freerange photos allowed. So this is staged and shot by the tour. How desperate do you have to be to release a fake 'empathy' photo?

    Someone file a complaint about doing the political no-no's at Ft. Bragg!

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    That lump in her neck is a chip. Sarah is a cloned alien. Watch the X Files for more info.

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I bet sarah was pissed!

  7. Anonymous7:04 AM

    A little late for Halloween, but sufficiently scary costume. LOL

  8. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Wow! That's a pretty spot-on impersonation. I bet after Tina Fey, SP's is pretty skittish of other people showing up and copying her "style" - which is rather cartoonish.

    One of the clips from the campaign on Rachel Maddow's show is SP speaking at a podium with an SP look-a-like in the crowd behind her, not calling attention to herself, but just standing there, a one woman silent demonstration of the political show SP performs for her audience.

    I have thought that much of the acessorizing of the red pumps, teased hair, extensions, etc. was to feminize her rather masculine looks. I have no doubt drag queens around the world have a little Palin skit they like to perform for their friends, because REALLY IT IS ALL AN ACT.

  9. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I'll bet her clone has a brain!

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I would rather wear a Bozo the Clown face. At least people would know that I am just acting dumb.

  11. Anonymous7:17 AM

    This was just posted over at Palingates, and the commenter has not yet clarified whether it was intended as satire: Thinking Conservative said...
    There is something you don't understand. We know the rapture is coming, when we'll be caught up in the air with Sarah and taken home. This earth is not our home; we're just passing through. So, we have no need to fuss with education to prepare for anything in the secular world. Even if the rapture doesn't occur in our lifetime, we know that our time on earth is such a small percentage of the eternity we're going to live in heaven, learning at Sarah's feet, that it will seem as nothing in the grand scheme of things.

  12. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I see they both have their Bumpits.

    Aiiiiiiii yaiiii yaiiiiii!!!!!

  13. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I think it really must have been pre-arranged. Ms Palin's hairstyle has been varying wildly in recent appearances - yet this gal has a perfect match. Did they meet up at the hairdressers before the appearance?

  14. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I'm so glad she's admitted to having these journals. They can now be called into evidence in any libel cases, etc.

    Good work, Sarah!

  15. If only the clone's button had said, "And I'm seven months pregnant!"

  16. It's like the ultra-scary sequel to Being John Malkovich.

    Being Sarah Palin?

  17. Anon 6:46

    Yep, yep I knew it. She's an alien alright. I guess they didn't want us earthlings to see the lump so now they are hiding her & it behind a curtain. Love the look a like, even down to the bumpit or whatever that thing is called. The heck with saving poor old Trig how about saving the good old USA from aliens. SOS

  18. OT - is this competition for Sarah or just silly. Perhaps this is the reason he said he wouldn't vote for her. He needs his vote for himself. She'll go rogue on him!


  19. Gryphen, I too saw that picture yesterday and really didn't want to see it again! But, I am very interested in your previous post about Bitney. Let me ask you, just WHEN do you think ENOUGH IS ENOUGH will be ENOUGH? for someone(s) to start talking and suing and end this nightmare that is Sarah Palin travelling across our country spewing ignorance, hate, name-calling rhetoric??

  20. Someone mentioned on a post earlier that this is not a book signing tour it's a campaign tour. I think so & it has all the characteristics of the Alaska Independence Party even down to the crazy, volatile ignorant supporters.

    Other question...where is Todd. I wonder if he doesn't want to play anymore & same with Bristol. Don't think Trig is Bristol's because I don't think she would allow him being used & mistreated like he is being. Palin assumes that people do not know his eye & hearing problems. It must be difficult for him to be thrown in the spotlight without glasses & hearing aid & I don't think the grandparents & aunt are much better. It is a really dysfunctional crazy family. Nothing all American about this group.

  21. Daisydem, to answer your question "enough is enough" right now!

    Now that Sarah's book is out and people can see ON PAPER her fictional account of what happened in her administration and her past, people are starting to respond. It is like a floodgate has opened, and all of her worst nightmares are pouring through.

    Frank Bailey is shopping around a book, Levi is now getting ready to start writing, and there is a rumor that Bitney is considering the idea of becoming an author. Any ONE of these would prove catastrophic to her mythology, but taken together they will be the death knell.

    And if that wasn't enough there is much more on its way to publication as well. Hang tight.

  22. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Getting back to a previous thread, Sarah neglecting Trig as he sits in her lap with his book. The interview is more important than Trig Video.

    I think that Sarah's over all neglect of Trig is an example of the conservatives' hypocrisy. They care so much about the child's life for 9 months of its pre-birth existence. Once born, neglect. They neglect children's health care, education, information and when they reach a certain age, they happily send their children off to war to be killed.

  23. There's something kinda pathetic about that picture, in a creepy sorta way

  24. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Which idiot thought dragging a little toddler around on a fake bus tour for weeks on end was a smart idea, anyway? Many of us know the joys of car trips with children :-). I don't care that it's a bus; I imagine he is supposed to be seatbelted in, isn't he? What made them think Trig would put up with it? Oh, that's right, they aren't putting his needs first. He doesn't count at all, except when they are using him as a prop.

  25. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Gryphen @8:15:
    I am not the praying kind, so I will just have to borrow one from my sister-in-law:
    "Lord Grant me Patience...
    (stomping feet)
    And I Want It Right Now!"
    I hope that the "Snowball's Chance in Hell" for this woman to be exposed will become an avalanche before long.
    Time is overdue when "under the bus" is the new "on the bus".
    h/t to Andrew Halcro on Moore up North?

  26. Sarah just found her vice-presidential running mate.

  27. Thank you Gryphen. I'll try to hold tight and keep chilling that champagne. You hang in there too. Don't dare go away.

  28. Anonymous9:06 AM

    @8:31 AM : Yep, total hypocrisy. Especially when it comes to those they deem "others". They particularly don't care about the well-being of anyone they disapprove of, and that includes many, many people, here at home and all over the world. I think one of the women on that tape about Sarah Palin's foreign policy views used that term, "others". All-inclusivity is not the priority of this type of Conservative Christianity, that's for sure, even though this is not truly Christian. True Christianity means extending unconditional love, non-judgement, true compassion, forgiveness and charity toward others. Sarah Palin's Christians think everyone is wrong who doesn't believe what they believe - and THAT'S wrong! They also seem to believe that anyone who is suffering or struggling has brought it on themselves. Sick, right? Whatever, for me true Christianity certainly means never forgetting one's own flaws and failings, for none of us are perfect and that is the human condition. I find myself trying to put my intense "frustration" about Sarah Palin into this context, but it's hard! I must forgive her, but that doesn't mean I should allow her to become powerful, if there's anything I can do to contribute to the efforts being made to stop her. Ultimately I just feel sorry for her. I wouldn't want to be standing in her shoes, now or in the future.

  29. I want a seat on the new "on the bus.!" I want to help pay for the new "on the bus!"

  30. FEDUP!!!9:19 AM

    Just publications will not stop her. There have to be lawsuits for libel and defamation.
    Nice touch that she insists that she has everything kept in journals. They now can be suppoenaed (sp?). Destroying them will be looked upon very UNfavorably - as destroying evidence!

  31. Anonymous10:44 AM

    writing a letter objecting to Palin being allowed to hold a book signing at Fort Hood. There must be a book store in the vicinity. Sign them there.

    She flouted the rules, raising money for Sarah PAC and her fathers engaging in rhetoric against the President of the United States.

    She is engaged in a thinly disguised political kickoff for 2012.

  32. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Yes those pesky journals. Perhaps a small house fire can destroy them, or rats ate them, or Piper thought they were kindling for the fire, or.or...

  33. Anonymous10:49 AM

    there used to be spoofs on As the Stomach Turns based on Soaps.

    Sarah brings new meaning to AS the Stomach turns. I really can't bear listening to her garbagy word salads. Makes my head hurt.

  34. Anonymous10:54 AM

    On my way out the door at my local public library, there it was, on the top of the display, a "virgin" copy of Going Rogue. Wait is that a contradiction in terms? Anyway, I thought long and hard about taking the book out and keeping it out of circulation. Finally, I decided against it, thinking I didn't want a bad footnote on my library card.
    In hindsight, were Sarah to become president, the Partiot Act people would use your library records to determine if you were a cabinet level quality reader. Ah, shucks!

  35. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The clone is creepy but the Bot next in line is even creepier, she has a girl crush on S'error.

  36. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Herself is not happy with the clone....Herself is probably thinking "remove the imposter to the throne!!!"

  37. Anonymous2:31 AM

    I love Sarah Palin. She is a woman who is strong in her convictions and not afraid to show it. Whether you agree with her politics or not everyone should agree that she is amazing. She is a career woman, an awesome mother and still has time to look amazing. She wears the Vidal Sassoon Hair Poufs in her hair to create the half up/half down look. They work amazing. Love her hair!

  38. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Anon @2:31:

    Your post is proof positive that:

    Ignorance is bliss.

    Your admiration pretty much falls under the heading of idol worship--either that, or...hmmm, is that you Sarah?

    There have been a lot of people who were strong to their convictions and not afraid to show it. Jim Jones and Adolph Hitler are two that come immediately to mind. Strong convictions does not necessarily mean right convictions.

    "Amazing" seems to be your preferred word in describing her. You used it three times in your short post. I prefer the word "amazingly"--as in amazingly self absorbed--amazingly narrow minded and amazingly stupid, if she thinks she is qualified to hold high office within the U.S.

    "Amazingly," can also be used to describe the minds of persons who slobber after her. Amazingly ignorant, amazingly short-sighted and amazingly superficial and easily led.

    If you love Sarah Palin, as you profess, then, by all means, support her with all your might. Make sure that she runs for (and is elected) president in 2012. Do it. Pray for it. Make sure of it. You will get exactly what you deserve.


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