Thursday, September 30, 2010

James O'Keefe, the fake "ACORN Pimp." tries to punk CNN.

You can read much, much more about this set up over at CNN

A conservative activist known for making undercover videos plotted to embarrass a CNN correspondent by recording a meeting on hidden cameras aboard a floating "palace of pleasure" and making sexually suggestive comments, e-mails and a planning document show.

James O'Keefe, best known for hitting the community organizing group ACORN with an undercover video sting, hoped to get CNN Investigative Correspondent Abbie Boudreau onto a boat filled with sexually explicit props and then record the session, those documents show.

The plan apparently was thwarted after Boudreau was warned minutes before it was supposed to happen.

"I never intended to become part of the story," Boudreau said. "But things suddenly took a very strange turn."

This O'Keefe kid is a punk.

This is the sorry excuse for "journalism" that is inspired by watching Fox News.

And by the wya do any of you have ANY doubt that Fox would have aired the footge if O'Keefe had provided it?


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Yeah, I like how this is a "punk." Seems a little more serious than that. And, really, what the hey was even the point of this little plot? That scumsucker needs to be arrested.

  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Abbie Boudreau is an idiot. And CNN managers are all idiots for going along with her.

    James O'Keefe is a lying scum loser who has already been discredited. His ACORN videos have been proven to be heavily edited and not representative of the truth. An interviewer at one ACORN office saw red flags and continued the
    interview only to collect information to turn over to the police.

    I am so SICK of so-called journalists giving scum like this any attention whatsoever. Scum like O'Keefe has zero credibility. Treat him thus.

  3. Anonymous6:18 AM

    CNN needs to dump Andrew Breitbart immediately.
    James O'Keefe is Breitbart's buttboy, and CNN needs to stand with their female correspondent and disassociate with Breitbart immediately!

    Also, every single news outlet should be forced to spend as much time reporting on this case as they did on the FAKE ACORN videos.

    Liberal Media Bias, My Ass!

    - kellygrrrl

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    he is not only in violation of federal and state law ... he is also in violation of his probation (the slap on the wrist he got when he was caught wiretapping Sen Landrieus office)

    - kellygrrrl

  5. Anonymous6:29 AM

    How could this repulsive, sniveling little mouse think he'd be able to "seduce" anyone? The joke's on him!

  6. Anonymous6:45 AM

    James O'Keefe is as credible as a Conservative Activist as Bristol Palin is as believable as a Teen Advocate.

    And let's not forget, that Sarah Palin is a credible political contributor, Angle, Paul and O'Donnell as viable candidates.

    The Conservatives really set the bar low enough so knuckle-draggers can clear it.

  7. Anonymous6:53 AM

    That pathetic little skinny-ass turd with peach fuzz thought he could seduce any woman, much less a 'real' journalist, who is a knockout to boot?

    In the imaginative wilds of this little WASP's brain, strawberries and champagne on a dingy was going to do it?

  8. Anonymous7:29 AM

    you can't make this stuff up

  9. majii7:52 AM

    At least one good thing came out of this. CNN was forced to review the way that O'Keefe smeared ACORN and admit that ACORN was found not guilty of anything. As for O'Keefe, he's exactly what he has always been: a little sniveling, cowardly, idiot who is willing to break the law in order to draw attention to himself.

  10. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Some one needs to clean this kid's clock. Was he raised in a cave by a pack of rats???? Where do these people come from and how is it he gets away with this behavior?

    Seduce?, him?, that is a word that he should not be using, because he probably does not know what it means and is not able to perform the task.
    I feel bad for his mommy,if she exists.

  11. Anonymous8:23 AM

    This is the guy Hannity and Fox News wants to give a Pulitzer Prize to!
    I nominate both of them for a Putz Prize.
    This low-life rodent wouldn't get sex from anyone even if he painted his penis to look like a $100 bill.
    Hopefully his genes are short-lived and self-destructing.

  12. Anonymous8:39 AM

    O'Keefe is the delusional darling of the radical far right who fancies himself either Woodward-and-Bernstein or Ashton Kucher. Actually, given his track record, trying to "punk" pseudo-news targets, he's more a cross between Tony Soprano and Bozo the Clown, except without the grace.

    The thing about Mr. O'Keefe is not that his efforts have been so woeful and ham-fisted -- his dressing up like a clownish pimp almost made you feel sorry for demeaning the reputation of pimps -- but his goals are so infantile.

  13. O'Keefe is beyond weird, or even disgusting. He needs help before he actually hurts somebody.

    And what's this thing with students or ex-students at Rutgers (O'Keefe attended that college) getting into kinky film projects that end badly. Google "Tyler Clementi" for an example of how O'Keefe's next sick project might end up.

    The Love Boat was stupid, but Dildo Boat died before the pilot version aired.

  14. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Why isn't O'Keefe (the closet homosexual) in jail for his last escapade?

  15. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I have a feeling that the CNN special report on young right wingers with cameras will be a little too much 'they are the new journalists' and not enough 'they are little ratfuckers in training'.

    The origin of the word "ratfucker"
    dates to the Nixon CRP (Committee to Re-elect the President") AKA CREEP according to wikipedia.

    "The Nixon Committee to Re-elect the President (CRP), a private non-governmental campaign entity, used funds from its coffers to pay for, and later cover up, "dirty tricks" performed against opponents by Richard Nixon's employee, Donald Segretti. Segretti famously coined the term 'ratfucking' [1] for recruiting conservative members to infiltrate opposition groups to undermine the effectiveness of such opposition."

    Of course Karl Rove was involved in CREEP. Watch a clip of Karl interviewed by CBS News Dan Rather in 1972. Never mind that clip has been taken down. BTW what happened to Dan Rather?

    Here is a Rove anecdote it seems just like something the sex toy set up 'man' O'Keefe might think of.

    "In the fall of 1970, Karl Rove, a future White House Deputy Chief of Staff in the George W. Bush Administration, used a false identity to enter the campaign office of Alan J. Dixon, who was running for Illinois State Treasurer, and stole 1000 sheets of paper with campaign letterhead. Rove then printed fake campaign rally fliers promising "free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing," and distributed them at rock concerts and homeless shelters, with the effect of disrupting Dixon's rally. Dixon eventually won the election. Rove's role would not become publicly known until August 1973. Rove told the Dallas Morning News in 1999, "It was a youthful prank at the age of 19 and I regret it."[1] From Wikipedia

    Why did CNN even want to interview O'Keefe?

    This might be a case of "If you lie down with dogs you might get fleas."

  16. Anonymous9:15 AM

    His parents should be so proud to have raised such a disgusting, amoral liar. He must really hate them to shame his family this way.

    I can understand how overly ambitious no-talent punks will try desperate measures to get their 15 minutes of fame, and I can understand bottom-of-the-barrel entertainment networks such as Fox News backing them, but I do not understand how anyone can still watch Fox and believe it is "fair and balanced."

    This kid has no moral boundaries. He is willing to do whatever an even more scummy brain thinks up for him. He is a tool in all senses of the word. When he begins serving time for his misdeeds, his masters will simply forage until they find another dimwit to use.

    Kudos, though, for Izzy Santa for finally finding her moral spine. I was amazed to see that she still is on the payroll of that organization even though they've taken away all her duties. Maybe she hasn't found her moral compass, just her spine. If only she could link the two and walk away - no run away - from creeps like O'Keefe and those behind him.

  17. Anonymous9:19 AM

    James O'Keefe needs counseling.

    Everything he seems to get involved in has to do with deviant sex. He has an inflated sense of self that borders dangerously close to self-destruction. You have to wonder why he is so obsessed with having power over women, first as a pimp then as a seducer.

    Poor guy, all he needs to do is look in the mirror to see he doesn't stand a chance with normal women - the crazy factor shows in his eyes.

  18. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Anonymous says above

    "Kudos, though, for Izzy Santa for finally finding her moral spine. I was amazed to see that she still is on the payroll of that organization even though they've taken away all her duties. Maybe she hasn't found her moral compass, just her spine. "

    Even though the actions and tactics are juvenile- the legal advice these young rethuglicans have on retainer is the best that money can buy. Legal advice is probably included in the budget.

    Perhaps Ms. Santa might have a claim if she were to be fired for reporting/preventing actions that might possibly be chargeable offenses. Illegal recording-not to mention what might have been planned on the boat, not to mention the possibility that this was not the only planned 'activity' on the schedule.

    O'Keefe is on parole for the teabugging at Landrieu's office isn't he?

    There may be more to this.

  19. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:03 AM

    Good grief, why isn't this asshole in jail? Oh yeah...funded by Faux.

  20. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Philip Munger asks:

    "And what's this thing with students or ex-students at Rutgers (O'Keefe attended that college) getting into kinky film projects that end badly. Google "Tyler Clementi" for an example of how O'Keefe's next sick project might end up."

    This is no accident, or coincidence. This is actually a long term media effort by rightwingers.

    Prior to viewing the CNN program on these young folks one needs to do a little research to be informed.

    About the Rutgers Centurion
    Wikipedia has

    "The Rutgers Centurion is a conservative magazine focused on Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Its motto is "veritas vos liberabit," which is Latin for "the truth shall set you free." ...

    "The Centurion was founded in September 2004 by James O'Keefe,[2] a junior philosophy major, after he was fired from the Daily Targum."

    " In one video the editors of The Centurion attempted to ban Lucky Charms from Brower Dining Hall on the grounds the breakfast cereal was "offensive" to Irish-Americans.[3]"

    "The Centurion is a member of the Collegiate Network."

    The Collegiate Network has been covered by RightWingWatch and others.

    RightWingWatch states

    "The Collegiate Network was established in 1979 to provide financial and technical assistance to right-wing student newspapers on college campuses. It is heavily funded by right-wing foundations and claims its newspapers have a combined distribution of more than two million each year."

    "The Collegiate Network has received, from the years 1995-2003, $4,615,000 in grants from conservative foundations such as the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Kirby Foundation, Carthage Foundation, and the John M. Olin Foundation, among others.

    TPMMuckraker has the details of how three of the four involved in the Senator Landrieu phone tampering incident were involved with this Collegiate Network.

    "Three of the four young men charged in the alleged phone tampering attempt at Sen. Mary Landrieu's New Orleans office Monday were involved in the well-funded, opportunity-rich world of conservative campus journalism in recent years, a link that provides potential clues about how the men knew each other and why they came to hatch the alleged plot.

    James O'Keefe, Joseph Basel, and Stan Dai each founded or led the alternative conservative newspapers on their respective college campuses."

    Click through the links, there is much more to be found at each.

  21. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I wonder if this guy will eventually realize that punking someone to create a lie is not serious investigative journalism.
    Plus he is so bad at it I doubt the Inquirer would hire him.

    He is a pathetic excuse for the Nixon Rat Pack dirty tricksters. A 15 year year old social outcast trying to be cool.

    Plus he would have to use a date rape drug to seduce any woman of any sophistication.
    No adult woman would fall for the set up he had laid out.

    Cudos to the lady that ratted him out for her professional integrity and compassion. I hope some employer who realizes her worth gives her a responsible job.

  22. Anonymous12:29 PM

    If CNN wanted to go there O'Keefe is guilty of several things. he recorded their prior conversation without permission.
    He is violating his probation.

    And the entrapment he planned, the way it is laid out is a planned assault and could be claimed as attempted sexual battery. his notes make it look like he was willing to push the sexual advances even if she was resisting.

  23. hauksdottir7:09 PM

    O'Keefe the Third is NOT a "kid". He is an adult, as are his accomplices. Just because he has a baby face, the authorities will go as lightly on him as they do on baby-faced killers and bankers.

    Wetmore is also on probation... were any of the other ADULTS involved in the Landrieu escapade also helping prepare this one?

    They should all be behind bars for violating probation, while awaiting trial for this series of crimes. (Whose boat? Whose Viagra? Whose handcuffs & blindfold? Whose dildos? Whose hidden cameras and phonetaps?

  24. I sure they would have edited it appropriately to show CNN in the worst light, too.

    Faux yes. News no.


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