Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scott McAdams talks about his two opponents.

First McAdams answers questions about Joe Miller.

Scott McAdams on Joe Miller from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.

Then Lisa Murkowski.

Scott McAdams on Lisa Murkowski from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    This guy is a class act. Every state should have a Scott McAdams!

  2. Heidi112:40 AM

    Gryph - Can you put up a really visible link in your blog where we can easily donate to Scott McAdams' campaign? I know you've had one in the past, but I wish it was front and center. Each day, Miller proves more and more to be an unqualified and inept candidate.

    In all my 57 years, I've never seen such a genuine and well-deserving candidate as Scott McAdams. I just donated to him, even though I live in California. We should be so lucky as to ever get such a fine man as Scott to vote into office.

  3. Anonymous4:57 AM

    This is making me wish I lived in Alaska so I could vote for this man! Sarah Palin could take a lesson or two from him. He doesn't malign his opponents, but he calmly cites actual facts and examples (gasp!) to back up what he says. I think he comes across as sounding very intelligent and informed about both his opponents and the issues.

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I am getting ads instead of the video on this post. The other posts are OK. What's up.

    PS. Your Scott is a great guy and wonderful candidate. We should all be so lucky.

    BTW, how about a post about how Scott has raised more money recently than either Miller or Lisa. He got the support to beat them both. You just need to get the word out.


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