Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Republicans easily hold onto power in Alaska.

AP Photo/Michael Dinneen
Alaska remains deeply red today as Republicans, energized by the battle between Teabagger Joe and Lisa Murkowski, turned out in droves and Democrats once again snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Early election numbers on this sad morning show that Don Young remains our lone Congressman with a whopping 68.74% of the vote to Democratic challenger Harry Crawford's pitiful 30.78%.

Sarah Palin's paler, less masculine replacement Sean Parnell also kept his job as Governor by bringing home 58.62% of the vote to Ethan Berkowitz's 38.21%.

As for the race which caused the most excitement and drama this election cycles, it appears that Lisa Murkowski has defied the odds and won back her seat with 41% of the vote to vaguely bearded Joe Miller's 34.20%, and Scott McAdams' 23.74%.

All in all this is a day that should make the Alaska Democrats hide their heads in shame for not getting energized enough to take advantage of a unique opportunity to bring Alaska home to its progressive roots,.

Of course on the plus side Joe Miller got his teabagging ass handed to him.

Having her butt boy lose this election will serve as a fairly significant defeat for Sarah Palin, but the bigger story is that her interference in the mid-term elections is going to be blamed for allowing the Democrats to hang onto the Senate even though the Republicans managed to get back the House.

Sarah's endorsement of the deeply flawed Sharron Angle allowed the extremely vulnerable Harry Reid to keep his Senate seat in Arizona, and her pick of the non-masturbating witch Christine O'Donnell, kept the much more electable Mike Castle from easily winning the Senate seat in Delaware.

Those two potentially easy victories for the Republicans would have allowed the GOP to gain control of BOTH the House and the Senate.

Sarah Palin singlehandedly kept that from happening.

Of course, if last night's tweets are any indication, the Grizzled Mama will be oblivious to how badly she just screwed up.

Very clear message to Pres Obama: we'll send our representatives to DC to stop your fundamental transformation of America. Enough is enough
about 10 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

As always, proud to be American! Thanks, Commonsense Constitutional Conservatives,u didn't sit down & shut up...u "refudiated" extreme left
about 9 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Yes, well celebrate while you can Sister Sarah because the real powers behind the GOP have taken notice of your careless interference and you can bet they are poised for a little payback.

Like I said I am deeply disappointed in the Alaska Democrats, but I am extremely fascinated by what new information might suddenly become available about our famous half-term Governor.

(Source for election data)


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    WTF is up with the picture of Lisa M. ? Seems very creepy.... (hand placement and all)

  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Sarah Palin singlehandedly kept that from happening.


    I don't know about this. Locals generally don't think about the endorcers. Sharron Angle is a horrible example and slightly (ok incredibly) crazy woman. Crazy ol C Odonnell took away what 40% of the vote? Thats pretty impressive. Due to most american's indifferent to the political side of Sarah Palin, I don't think they take her endorsements seriously. Besides, many many of them won. It took balls to endorse some of these people, all of whom would have been better than even one DEM. Shake that status quo baby

  3. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Sarah will just go third party to keep her bots donating...

    Just think of the book deals and tours to come..

    "My taking on the GOP good old boys and winning" by Sarah (ghost writer)

  4. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I'm just glad I don't live in FL anymore. I am also glad I do not live in Cali. and will work my ass off to help ensure America's biggest state failure gets NO bailout for their stupidity.

    But seriously, FL. People are scared of Scott. Sink is crazy and inept. and redistrictingis approaching. at least Grayson's gone.

  5. Anonymous6:16 AM

    To use the word "refudiate" incorrectly due to ignorance of the English language ONCE is tolerable. To repeatedly, purposely use it after being corrected about its meaning is the epitome of stupidity and narcissism. That woman is an idiot, and she deserves to be called an idiot.

  6. Anonymous6:18 AM

    What do you expect? Alaska holds onto Palin crime syndicate secrets, also, too.

  7. Mike Castle. Not Mick. :)

  8. Anonymous6:33 AM

    If the seat had to be lost to the party of no, a Murkowski win is so much better than a but boy win.

  9. Anonymous said...6:33 AM

    If the seat had to be lost to the party of no, a Murkowski win is so much better than a but boy win.

    Agreed. I'm guessing this probably stung worse for Ms. Palin than if the Democrat would have won. Part of me is happy about that. But, the other part is very sad that the democrat didn't win.

    Man. I'm glad I didn't watch the election results last night. I would have been highly depressed. (Had free tickets to see the musical Shrek which was very enjoyable)

    I found out this morning Governor Good Hair is back in power. After all the scandals he's had, and the non working, and the money he's lost this state, somehow that all slid off his hair and on to deaf ears of the voters yesterday.

  10. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Any day now Sarah will quit the Republican Party and return to the Alaskan Independent Party and a run for POTUS.

  11. Your blaming dems when at least 70 some thousand people voted for Miller?

  12. Anonymous6:54 AM

    People who use words Luke "status quo" are complete idiots. People who have zero legislative backdround are not good choices. To the second anonymous, you arent educated or bright are you??

  13. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Everyone put this bumper sticker on your car:
    "Out of a job yet? Keep voting Republican"


    I heard a "pundit" say last night that this shows the weakness of the GOP today -- that they didn't win more. They didn't even win as much as 1994--and we are in the worst economic crisis since the Big Depression, starting with the Bush bailouts of 9/08.

    And to the new members of the House: okay, what are you going to do? How are you going to give us jobs? What are your ideas? I've heard NOTHING. And finally to the tea party folks: SHUT UP now and stop threatening us with violence. You can hound Rand Paul now since he "represents you" and your interests. And see what a star he's gonna be. (Not)

  15. GrainneKathleen7:02 AM

    my home state of maine has just voted in a gop, teabagger-friendly governor, to my utter disappointment. we just had 8 years of a dem, so i shouldn't be surprised, but i think it was the demographic - conservative boomers and those energized by fox news - that made the difference. the maine i know is progressive and independent at once. at least we are sending to dems to the house.
    i am so sorry mcadams lost - he was the obvious candidate to anyone with three or ore brain cells.
    i don't know that i am ready to read the smug tweets of the twit. i would rather wait to read about the gop est. giving her a publuc spanking.

  16. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Well, I voted for McAdams, and was hopefull for a victory. However, Murkowski's win gives Sarah Palin, a double slap in the face. Palin endorsed Miller, and carries a grudge against the Murkowskis.

    I can live with Murkowski's win. I am really troubled about Parnell. He still has Palin's appointees in key state positions.

  17. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Palin's tweets are irrational.

    Palin's questionable effort to be cute using "refudiate" leaves me feeling pity for her and more strongly she not ever go farther than being an immature, juvenile, word salad,political cheerleader and reality show fraud.

    The outcome of the AK election does give me hope that the majority of people do not want leaders who habitually lie, are unscroupulous, have no ethics or principals in office. I hope that C4P's, Palin's base gets alot of press for openly calling to game the system and their perverse pride to tamper with an election or cheat to win.

    It is predictable Palin will turn things around, escalate it was Murkowski who made stuff up, rigged the oting etc. etc., Joe Miller is the finest man in the world.

    What is the final tally of the infamous Mama Grizzly candidates? How did that work for you Sarah?

  18. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Something the Dems should have done, is better "marketing" for various bills. Naming them "Jobs for Americans" instead of "Stimulus Package"... Just a thought.

  19. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Will Her Highness ever learn that "commonsense" is not a word?

  20. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I put some of the blame on those Alaska Dems and progressive Indies who voted for the vaguely-bearded one in the primary.

    Their attempt to eliminate Murkowski back then came back to bite them.

    I'm an non-partisan who would have voted for Scott in a two way race in the general against Lisa.

    But no...I had to spend my vote to stop Miller. I know many, many others who also felt they had no choice but to write-in Murkowski.

  21. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Just listened to Nikki Haley get asked about Sarah's endorsement of her. She said it helped her get elected. Then she was asked if she'd return the favor and endorse a Sarah Palin run for the Presidency. She said "It's way to early to decide that, I'll have to look at the whole list of Republicans who run and then decide". Too funny. NO ONE will come out and endorse Sarah Palin to be our next president. They are afraid of backlash so they won't come out and say they are against her, but NO ONE wants her to be their president.


  22. Anonymous7:40 AM

    When the GOP decides to spank Sarah- will it be in public? Karl calls a news conference and spills the beans?

    Have the Republicans ever leaked a story anonymously?

    Maybe it will be a twitterstorm passing the addy where the goods are posted for all to see.

    Status quo is that all Republicans always need a scapegoat. The expenditure of vast sums of money and effort in controlling the Senate has failed.

    This was the best opportunity ever- and Sarah and the Tea Party will be a scapegoat for Republicans. Whether or not she can really pick the winners (Miller-O'Donnell???) does not matter.

    The Tea Party thing was started by a few influential and rich Republicans and they are now going to send Sarah away so that they may run the show. She won't go quietly because she can't give up power and influence. Therefore she will be the victim of her past hidden scandals.

    If she can't control herself better- it will happen before the new congress convenes.

  23. Anonymous7:47 AM

    She is such a hypocrite.
    She and McCain were soundly defeated in 2008.
    We gave POTUS a mandate then.
    He has done what he said he would do, health care was on the table during the 2008 election year.
    She does not like it because she lost.
    Now that republicans have congress, lets hear their ideas.
    Lets hear sarah palin's ideas on how to move this country forward.
    She like congressional republicans have NO NEW IDEAS.
    See you in 2012 sarah!

  24. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I'm watching joe now that the election is over and keeping score on how many things he's convicted of. Tax evasion and kiddie porn wouldn't surprise me. Whatever it is, I'm holding against Sarah Palin for her ringing endorsement of him.

    I seriously believe Joe thought getting elected was his way out of all the problems that are dogging him.

    How's that new office furniture working out for you Joe?


  25. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Sarah Palin has stayed afloat despite her ignorance and stupidity. Murkowski may know the facts but has not unleashed them so I suspect she can NOT prove anything on Sarah.

    I'm thinking Sarah Palin will continue unchecked on her current path to her destiny... which is that she WILL be the cause of her own exposure.

    How much damage can Sarah Palin do until she implodes? A LOT.

  26. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Michael Steele was talking with Joe Scarborough this morning and saying something like the electorate is saying "this is your last chance, GOP". Pretty strange talk from the head of the party. I think he's about to get booted out himself.

    I agree with Gryphen. Sarah Palin and Joe Miller were absolutely connected in people's minds, and that failed to push him over. He has his own troubles as well, obviously.

    Sarah is going to be in for a very bumpy ride in the coming weeks.

    100% agree that the Dem's messaging was pitiful, so bad I almost think they were hanging back on purpose to let some of these crazies get in. Now, when they (Tea Party) don't deliver - and they probably won't - the Dems can say: they have no ideas, they have questionable motives, etc.

    In addition, the Dems know the Tea Party folks are going to have the establishment Republicans tearing their hair out. Deal with the devil, that's what you get, fools! The best thing that could happen to the Dems going forward is if the GOP becomes synonymous with the Tea Party.

  27. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Regardless of what the people in Alaska may think, Palin's precious "lamestream media" have crowned her queen of the election and are paving the way for her election as president.

    Only the best that money can buy!
    Doesn't that make you proud?

  28. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The more I think about it, the more I think the Dems did this on purpose, or rather were OK with this potential outcome. They know these idiots are likely to dig their own graves in the next two years.

    Boehner already has this look of "uh oh" on his face, he might as well be saying humminah humminah humminah, when they ask him what the GOP plans to do with this opportunity.

    David Plouffe is a genius, as is David Axelrod - and let's not forget our brilliant President. He wants a second term, and this was the best way to position themselves for that goal.

  29. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Anon 6:11: Hows things there in Wasilly this morning?

    Why don't you tell the world all about them balls it took to endorse Sharon Angle or Christine the witch? Is that the same kind of balls it takes to drive across Lake Lucille in April?

  30. Alaskan Dave8:19 AM

    Another Rethuglican victory in Alaska,

    I think I want to die!

  31. I don't think there is anything Democrats could have done. Over 1/3 of the population voted for Miller knowing what he was. Those people are a lost cause. The Republicans in Alaska are the majority and are not going to allow two Democrats to represent Alaska. There was significant information out about McAdams which demonstrated he was the best candidate. They rejected an honorable man who cares about Alaska. Clearly they did not like Murkowski that is why they voted for Miller in the primary, yet when given a choice between an excellent candidate and an ethicly chaleneged Republican they will pick a Republican every time.

  32. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I have no idea what Alaska was thinking but we have the same problem here in OH. Made me ill to wake up today and see that so many republicans won in my state.

    Do people really think that by putting republicans anything is going to change for the better? In my lifetime the republicans have done nothing except help the rich.

    Sad sad day for all of us.

    On another note, Lisa M had best watch her back. Bet that pissed miss Sarah off BIG time which gives me something to smile about today;)

  33. Anonymous8:22 AM

    6:11 - that's the spirit: keep the hate alive. Keep on dividing the country by saying "all of whom would have been better than even one DEM" - do you even understand that our country comes first?

    Democrats will soon revive. They will lick their wounds, tenderly nurse their bruises back to health, and get themselves together for 2012.

    The major factors in this election were lies and money. People are going to learn soon enough that money cannot buy them a decent government, respectable leaders or a happy ending. The lies will be self-evident before next summer and there just may be buyer's remorse for the way the House of Representatives has gone.

    I am not thrilled, but neither am I devastated. We progressives are hardier because we genuinely care. We will be back stronger and more determined than ever. 6:11 - spread the word amongst your fellows, progressives will expose the lies and raise more money. Count on it.

  34. Anonymous8:32 AM

    The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake.

    We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power."
    George Orwell, 1984


  35. Anonymous8:33 AM

    "Extreme left?" Cute little buzzwords, but if anyone actually pressed her ("in what way, Sarah?") she couldn't articulate anything.

    She's merely spout off more memorized buzzwords about the Constitution and common sense. She's nothing but a string-pull doll that has a few stock phrases. Pull the string, watch her say some trite, meaningless phrase.

  36. ok, would someone in Alaska, who knows Ms. Palin better than I care to, explain to me what her stand on ebonics is? I mean if refudiate is a legitimate word because English is an evolving language, can't it evolve for black people, too?

  37. Anonymous8:40 AM

    7:28 - you are on to something! I've long hated the Republicans way of masking the real intent of bills by mislabeling them, but you are right - the Democrats are utterly failed when it comes to getting their message across and their labeling of the bills lack the emotionally clear message most voters need.

    We are living in a time when you cannot be subtle. You have to be explicit because America has been gradually "dumbed-down" by Republicans since the Reagan era.

    I remember Reagan telling us that the average American didn't need to go to college - that tech school was more than enough. There was a strategy involved in his message: less educated people are more easily manipulated. Add-in Fox News rising since the Bush years and it is a daunting task to get the average voter to understand unless you hit them over the head with your messages like the Rethugs and TP's have.

    Democrats have to be more pragmatic and much clearer. Thanks for bringing up that point.

  38. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Anon @ 6:11 am. Come on, Sarah endorsed whoever gave her the most amount of money - McCain who was her own Frankenstein creator, a woman named Star in Long Beach who had multiple abortions, etc. There was no true political philosophy behind her endorsements. She says one thing and then turns around and endorses the other.

    People in California were turned away by her endorsement of Fiorina and Whitman, that is why the two kept away from her when she was in San Jose. In fact, Boxer's ad specifically stated that Palin endorsed Fiorina, and Fiorina LOST.

    Finally, if you think her endorsement meant so little, I guess those that she endorsed who won DO NOT have her to thank. ;)

  39. Michele Manion9:12 AM

    Anon at 6:11 am,

    'Shake that status quo?' Should we plan on that as a national strategy, then? Spend $3 billion every two years to 'shake things up.' You do remember that the status quo prior to 2008 was entirely Republican and led us into the worst recession since the Great Depression. Dems won using the same 'shake things up' logic. What we are witnessing is the infantil-ization of the American people. Our elections are nothing more than biennial tantrums--very expensive ones. This is really not a game. Shaking things up for the sake of shaking them up is juvenile, petty and potentially dangerous. Suggesting that people who are clearly not reasonable (and may even be mentally ill) are a better choice for our country over people who are, but who happen to disagree with your politics is about as unpatriotic, un-American a stand as I have ever heard. Not surprising, then, that you posted it anonymously.

  40. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Can't say I am surprised that Alaskan Dems voted for Lisa. She was probably more likely to defeat Miller from the get go and the Democratic party did not much bother with supporting McAdams until after Miller began to implode.

    McAdmas has proven he can run a good campaign. I hope the state party will reach out to him and find a place for him so that he can build a state wide base for the future.

  41. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Hope I am wrong about this, but I suspect you guys are about to embark on an 8 month recount nightmare similar to the one we had here in Minnesota. Joe Miller is not going to accept defeat and every Murkowski ballot will be challenged, ala Norm 'Sore Loser' Coleman. Given the nature of write-in campaigns, this strategy may even work. Miller has already proven that the will of the people is of no interest to him and he actively tried to subvert it by electronically stuffing a ballot box in his favor. He won't back down even if it's clear that the majority wanted Murkowski.

  42. Anonymous9:19 AM

    While I cannot stand that snide, nasty witch, Palin, I have to thank her for endorsing the idiot Angle. My man Reid won last night and I am thrilled. Thank God the rest of American knows we Nevadans are not that stupid.

    I do feel sorry for you Alaskans, but, at least the pansy-ass Miller lost.

    Poor Kentucky. But you get what you settle for and I guess they didn't like being paid a living wage and allowing African Americans into restaurants.

    One step forward ten steps back. But, at least with the Repulicans in charge of the House, they can destroy our encomony even more and the idiots that voted for them will sit there, mouths agape wondering, "what the hell just happened"?

  43. I am contending with gloating repub "friends" on facebook, and it sucks! I can't imagine living in AK.

  44. Anonymous9:23 AM

    THE AP caption that goes with the picture: "Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska celebrates early election returns in Anchorage, Alaska,Tuesday Nov. 2, 2010. With Murkowski are from left, sons Matt and Nick Murkowski and longtime friend Hope Neslon. (AP Photo/Michael Dinneen)"

  45. Anonymous9:58 AM

    It looks like there are at least 20K sort of Democrats out there who flinched when it came to the Senate race. Very sad to see this

  46. Isn't Lisa Murkowski's win of the senate seat by write-in historic? Never been done before?

  47. I don't know how progressive Alaskans keep their spirits up.

    As for Sarah...the media and the Democratic Party want to keep her in the running for 2012. I'm losing hope that the babygate story will ever be told.

  48. from Margaret and Helen on the GOP win:

    "And teen pregnancies are a thing of the past. Teens will no longer have sex. Except the Palins. The Palins will abandon teen pregnancies as easily as a camel will pass through the eye of an early pregnancy test stick. No. The Palins will continue to give birth to abstinence only babies. That we know for sure."

  49. Anonymous10:15 AM

    overit@9:22, you can tell them all about rasmussen's exit poll that found the majority of voters expect the repubs will disappoint by 2012.

  50. emrysa10:24 AM

    anon @ 8:02 sez:

    "100% agree that the Dem's messaging was pitiful, so bad I almost think they were hanging back on purpose to let some of these crazies get in. "

    I agree that they were hanging back on purpose. they knew that in the off election year that they were going to lose the house. it's become routine. imo they are holding back now and going full force in 2012, when there will be MANY more voters at the polls. why waste a shitload of money now on a losing game, when 2012 is what's going to count?

    not that I think that this kind of strategy is correct, but unfortunately it's the way our politics works. it might actually be the best thing to do.

  51. Virginia Voter10:24 AM

    First of all, let me address 9:17 worry about a recount for Miller/Murkowski, the GOP has abandoned Joe Miller and will not provide any resouces to him like lawyers, recount watchers, etc. like they did with Coleman.Franken was the 60th filibuster busting dem in 2008, and it was in their interst to keep him out as long as possible. It is not in their best interest for Joe Miller to get the seat from Lisa, won't happen.

    Most importantly, the House can pass any bills, cuts, or whatever it wants to, but it has to get past Harry Reid, and then Obama's verto pen. Ain't gonna happen unless Boehner and McConnell can control their caucuses and compromise. Lisa M can be instrumental for them in the Senate. Those two dolts now have to deal with Rand Paul and Marco Rubio.

    The GOP has one year to pass some kind of meaningful legislation, before they all get voted out again. The American electorate has ADD...and expects everything to happen overnight. If the GOP thinks they can extend the Bush tax cuts, and magically everything gets better they have another thing coming

  52. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Bristol says she didn't vote, that her mom will be mad. She did say she thinks her mom is great for the country and she wants her to run in 2012.

    This is rich. She couldn't be bothered to get an absentee ballot?

  53. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Just remember: Geoffrey Dunn and Joe McGinnis. Sarah may be gloating (inexplicably since she most likely single-handedly lost the Senate for Repubs), but she is in for a rocky year with two exposes coming out soon. I'm sure her ghostwriters are working overtime to get out a pre-emptive third tome on how she was personally chosen by God to lead this country since no one else with commonsense conservative values is available. The Republican establishment must want to choke her when she says idiotic shit like that. Even Levi J called BS on it. BTW, isn't he risking violating a court order not to trash talk his in-laws when he says stuff like this?

  54. SME13110:41 AM

    I think we need to remember that there was a ton of people listed as write ins. If enough people wrote in other names it is still possible that the paranoid Miller could still win. If that happens a recall MUST follow.

    I feel so bad for Scott and all of Alaska that he didn't win. It's been a long time since any politician ran such a clean campaign. Hopefully he will run again.

  55. emrysa10:43 AM

    celia @ 8:19 sez:

    "Over 1/3 of the population voted for Miller knowing what he was."

    yeah that is really sad. however, I am so f-ing glad this guy didn't win. sorry you guys are stuck with murkowski, but that is so much better than miller.

    it's not just alsaka, though, so don't feel so bad. I live in ga - 53% of the people voted for an r governor who is going to be indicted soon - and they don't care. also look at fl - that dude they voted as governor has a corrupt past that any sane person would not have supported (in addition to the fact that he self-financed his campaign). so don't feel so bad. we've got crazies everywhere in the us. luckily, as a whole they are still the minority.

    I am celebrating the losses of miller and angle today. those were the 2 that needed smackdowns. the most important thing about it is that it sets precedent for those candidates who blatantly say "I'm not talking to the media." PRAISE THE FORCES that future candidates will now see that this is not a winning strategy.

  56. Buffalo, NY11:31 AM

    Republicans have been in control of the House for over 15 hours now, so why haven't they fixed the economy ?

    What's the hold-up, Boehner ?

    C'mon, this is something you should be able to accomplish overnight, just lke you expected President Obama to do.

    We're waiting........

  57. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Brooklyn 13, Don't forget that Sarah is protected by white privilege. She can choose to be woefully and proudly ignorant and still be considered presidential material. The bigger question is why can't a poorly educated black woman with no college degree, several illegitimate grandchildren, and dropouts and criminals for children rake in $13 million a year and run for president?

    Ebonics is the least of it. We're heading back into Jim Crow territory. I hope we all are paying attention.

  58. Anonymous12:45 PM

    It is a sad day for a lot of Americans. At least in CA we voted the Dems into the most important positions. We still don't know if Harris won AG but I have my fingers crossed. Money didn't always win last night. I believe that there is hope that your state will turn purple or maybe even blue soon. It's all about the youth, as more millenniums get old enough to vote you will see that they will not like the buying of elections and they will finally stop the plutarchy that is going on in our once beloved republic. Just keeping my fingers crossed that the teabaggers don't destroy everything before our children can save our sorry asses.

  59. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Agree the younger generation is the hope. Too bad they couldn't be bothered yesterday. What we got instead was 1 in 4 voters over age 65, so the one group in this country that is assured protection for their basic needs through big government programs (Social Security and Medicare) came out in droves to make sure that no one else has the same assurance.

  60. London Bridges4:02 PM

    If Lisa is declared the winner, is she necessarily a Republican? Or is she an Independent? Would more people kiss her rear if she were "Independent?" Is this something Alaskans should get her to do? The Repugs will still let her keep committee heads is she has any.

  61. Anonymous5:10 PM

    This is what I am hoping for- that the GOP/Teabagger crew will simply fall on their faces over the next 2 years. No new ideas, nothing will get done- they'll be so busy trying to get Obama impeached that all the voters that turned out yesterday will be left scratching their heads saying, Well, WTF? I didn't vote for THAT!" Then Obama can say, "I told you so. Now can we get back to the business of getting America back on track?" And also, too, in this dream, SP has a horrible snow machining accident while on a "date" with Toad.


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