Monday, January 10, 2011

Glenn Beck attempts to drum up sympathy for Sarah Palin by suggesting SHE might be in danger. Updated!

“I hate violence,” Palin wrote back. “I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this to succeed in portraying anyone as inciting terror and violence. Thanks for all you do to send the message of truth and love. And God has the answer. Sarah ”

Sarah Palin is NOT in any danger.  And the reason that Glenn Beck requires security is to protect him from his own followers, NOT the people on the left.  And he damn well knows it!

This is the absolute height of hypocrisy for Glenn Beck to suggest that he and Sarah Palin are somehow victims of an atmosphere that THEY did their very best to create.

The LA Times reported this about one of the women who was shot by Jared Loughner:

Patricia Maisch watched a gunman shoot a woman who was using her own body to shield her teenage daughter.

"I thought: 'I'm next. I'm next to her. He's going to shoot me. I'm next,' " she said in an interview Sunday.

The woman who threw her own body on top of her daughter to protect her from a hail of gunfire is how a truly loving parent reacts to danger.  But here we have Sarah Palin, facing nothing more than criticism, wasting no time in throwing her children out in front to protect HER.

And we have seen that same cowardly response used time, and time again, whenever Sarah Palin has felt vulnerable.

This ridiculous act by both Beck and Palin should fool nobody.  They are doing nothing more than attempting to cover their own ass by doing what both of them have turned into an art form, playing the victim. 

Well we have REAL victims who require our love and prayers today.  Victims who did nothing to deserve their fate except to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Nobody wants to hurt Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck.  We just want them  to finally understand how much damage they have done to our country, and for the love of all that is holy, to PLEASE STOP before any more mothers have to bury their children, or throw their body on top of them to protect them from being torn apart by a killer's bullet.

(H/T to Politico)

Update: Unbelievable!  This woman has no fucking shame!

From TMZ (Who, by the way, is Thomans Van Flein's go to tabloid outlet.):

TMZ has learned ... 19-year-old Shawn Christy has told family members he plans to travel to Wasilla in the hopes of removing the restraining order issued against him last year after Sarah and her close friend Kristan Cole proved he sent them threatening emails and letters.

Now, Cole is launching a preemptive strike -- through the courts -- in the hopes of blocking Shawn from "dissolving" the restraining order.

I call "bullshit attempt to play the victim by Sarah Palin" on this. And I would love some real journalist in Pennsylvania to look this family up and get the real story.

By the way this is Kristan Cole's last tweet from five hours ago.

Just ordered a wireless keyboard for IPAD from
5 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Does she sound frightened or concerned to you?


  1. melanie daniels12:30 PM

    We REMEMBER the REAL Sarah Palin:

    By Dana Milbank
    CLEARWATER, Fla. -- "Okay, so Florida, you know that you're going to have to hang onto your hats," Sarah Palin told a rally of a few thousand here this morning, "because from now until Election Day it may get kind of rough."

    You betcha. And the person dishing out the roughest stuff at the moment is Sarah Palin.

    "I was reading my copy of the New York Times the other day," she said.

    "Booooo!" replied the crowd.

    "I knew you guys would react that way, okay," she continued. "So I was reading the New York Times and I was really interested to read about Barack's friends from Chicago."

    It was time to revive the allegation, made over the weekend, that Obama "pals around" with terrorists, in this case Bill Ayers, late of the Weather Underground. Many independent observers say Palin's allegations are a stretch; Obama served on a Chicago charitable board with Ayers, now an education professor, and has condemned his past activities.

    "Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers," Palin said.

    "Boooo!" said the crowd.

    "And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'" she continued.

    "Boooo!" the crowd repeated.

    "Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.

    Palin went on to say that "Obama held one of the first meetings of his political career in Bill Ayers's living room, and they've worked together on various projects in Chicago." Here, Palin began to connect the dots. "These are the same guys who think that patriotism is paying higher taxes -- remember that's what Joe Biden had said. "And" -- she paused and sighed -- "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way you and I see America, as the greatest force for good in the world. I'm afraid this is someone who sees America as 'imperfect enough' to work with a former domestic terrorist who had targeted his own country."

    "Boooo!" said the audience.
    Michelle Obama, the future First Lady, was so upset that she turned to her friend and campaign adviser Valerie Jarrett and said: ‘Why would they try to make people hate us?’”

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    How horrible. *snark*

    Has somone posted pictures of PayMeNow or her house with surveyor symbols superimposed on them?

    The only danger that bitch is in is having the truth exposed about her.

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Check this out: a sad story that we can do something about, but it will have to be in a thoughtful, non-knee jerk, ban the guns, kind of way.

    Gryphen: if you don't want to introduce this discussion right now, feel free to hold this post.


  4. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Fucking cowards. That's what cowards do, become victims.

    This weekend and today has been so enlightening.

  5. Anjaak12:38 PM

    Isn't Sarah's stalkers one of her followers? if she went back into civilian life, she would solve two problems with one action.

    The hate would dissipate & there would be no more Sarah stalkers.

  6. I posted this elsewhere but it bares repeating.

    Palin + Beck = 2 POS's that deserve each other.

  7. ManxMamma12:39 PM

    How many more times must I be outraged by this sub-human duo. There is a very special place in hell for both of them. But I'd prefer they serve their sentence to eternal damnation in this lifetime, not the next.

  8. laprofesora12:41 PM

    There are no words sufficient to describe how contemptible these two are. And now TMZ has a story about Sawah's stalker going to get her in AK. Riiight, like we're going to believe that, or more importantly, like anyone cares. I do not wish any human being harm. There were heroes, as you noted here today, Gryph, who came to the victim's aid on Saturday. I dare say if Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck were in a similar unfortunate situation, no one would put themselves at risk to save their sub-human butts. They should think about that.

  9. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Only thing she's possibly in danger from is the FBI or voter disgust...

  10. angela12:44 PM

    And amazingly enough, Sarah's stalker from Pennsylvania is back! What a coincidence, huh?

    I'm a victim. I'm a victim. Look at me! I'm SARAH and I'm a victim!

    It would not be stretching it to say Palin should have three doctors sign the papers and put her in a secure facility for the rest of her life to protect the public.

  11. melanie daniels12:45 PM

    " Anjaak said...
    Isn't Sarah's stalkers one of her followers?
    12:38 PM"

    Yeah, isn't he a good conservative & panty-sniffer?

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Duping Beck's audience is as easy as selling collectable gold coins to babies- We shouldn't be too harsh on Beck if he can't help himself.

  13. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Beck sends the message of "truth and love" ? Now I understand how she could see Russia from here house.

  14. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Disgusting! Lowest form of 'life'. The bodies aren't even cold and these two POS have the audacity to 'play victim'!!!
    Lock them both up for inciting violence! Gawd I would love to see orange jumpsuits on BOTH of them!

  15. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Beck and Palin live in the land that arms lunatics. If it scares them, maybe they should move someplace with gun contol, like socialist Britain.

  16. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Even for Palin and Beck, this is utterly low. You would need to dig into the deepest depths of hell to classify it. Giffords warned about the possibility of such an event, it actually happens, and Palin plays it off as if it's actually a plot to get HER and her CHILDREN?

    What a twisted, sick excuse for a human being. Her narcissism is BOUNDLESS.

    I'm just fucking speechless.

  17. Anonymous12:53 PM

    People need to read the previous Shawn Christy reports to see how they are making stuff up. If Christy is all they have you can almost feel sorry for them. How many suckers will buy into this brand?

    TMZ has lost it. They are doing the "Sarah Palin's Crosshairs Map Still on Facebook."

    Didn't Mansour say they took it down because it was after the election? I thought I read that. What happened they took it down, people said it was because of guilt and they put it back up and did the 'surveyor' spiel?

    Now they are dragging TMZ into their cover up? Harry Levin is a tool but I didn't think he would stoop this low. I hope he gets called out and jailed for his participating with the lowest criminals in the world. Anyone that associates or allows themselves to be used by the scum that brought on the murder of a nine year old, the other citizens, a Judge and the assassination attempt is despicable. Levin you do not deserve to work in any town again.

  18. Anonymous12:54 PM

    IT has already started....poor little Sarah Palin is being threatened by some stalker in PA. WHy the POOR LITTLE THING! She is JUST the same as Rep. Gifford!

    Feel pity! Send Money!

    And when she tells you how she hates violence, rewatch the scenes from Sarah Palin's Alaska where she is bludging halibut, blasting away caribou, or smirking as a turkey gets fed into a wood chopper. Look at her face and you know that SHE loves it!

  19. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I agree Gryphen, people like Beck and Sarah are in the most danger from the people who passions they whip up.
    At any point if they, in the eyes of one of their brainwashed followers, do not stand up for the lack of principles that they espouse, they are potentially the victims of their own follower.

    After all it is their followers who are packing heat and offering up endless threats of violence to anyone, repeat anyone, who disappoints them.

    Live by the poison pen die by the poison.

    Sarah would be much safer in a world of progressives and liberals because we would like to not see, not hear, not be in the same room, state, or country as people like Back, Rush Palin, Bachmann, Angle, Brewer, McDonnell and the Weeper Drunk who is now Chair of our House of Representatives.

    Just to make it as simple as poss. for Sarah. Liberals believe in a diversity of opinions. You don't. If your followers, even one, believes you have deviated for the only one true way, that's when you should worry.

    As angry as progressives and liberals are about Obama's constant caving in on his promises, we can intellectually accept that reality, we are not threat to him.
    Your followers will not give you that grace if you ever disappoint, and many of them are locked and loaded with WMD and primed to kill - by you.

  20. AKaurora12:55 PM

    No matter how Sarah tries to spin it, she will forever be linked to the Tucson tragedy. This sign, the most prominent one on the hospital lawn, says it all:

  21. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I have one question?

    Is TMZ on Palin's payroll?

  22. Anonymous12:56 PM

    So Sarah feels like a target? Shoe's on the other foot. Maybe this is God's message to Sarah telling her she should stop carelessly targeting others.

  23. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Reality is what we perceive it to be.

    This is exactly why Palin won't go away, even after a politically-motivated murder rampage in which her role is highly suspect. Because, shamelessly, Fox and the far right have a fabricated universe in their minds where Sarah Palin lives and can do no wrong.

  24. Anonymous1:02 PM

    She is in no danger - she has proven that she is an expert shot with her guns, so I doubt anyone will take her on. Right?

    She has security everywhere she goes already. No one is buying what Beck is selling.

    Besides, the tea party's response to the death of a 9 year old girl is that violent rhetoric like Palin's does NOT incite violence like that. It doesn't encourage violence at all. You can't influence people to do violent acts merely by saying "don't retreat, reload", "take them out", target, bulleyes, and so on.

    So all this mean talk from others directed at Palin doesn't put her at risk in the slightest either, if you go by their book. By their logic, Palin won't be hurt due to such incendiary language/imagery from the other side.

  25. Gryphen, can you please check this story? You are in Alaska. Is poor Palin really being stalked right nowby the same young man who stalked her last year?

    If so, I hope appropriate measures are taken for her protection. If not, then we now know exactly how she is going to play this and she will not be going away!

    Thank you.

  26. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Can anyone or has anyone verified Bristol's twitter account?

    Mediate reporting she just criticized her Mother on Twitter over her ghostwriters making her look bad, but they've yet to verify if the account is really hers.


  27. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Sarah's parenting skills results in more pregnancies for Bristol.
    Victim Sarah, pay attention to running your household.

  28. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Palin is hiding...afraid to come out and face the music! She has every right to be afraid, but she brought every damned bit of it on herself! I'll wager she will need increased coverage as Beck suggested.

  29. California Dreamin'1:08 PM

    Piece of shit! He's just as guilty, if not more so, of stirring up the hate and paranoia of his nutcase followers! I was getting nauseous listening to his *melodramatic* tone and pregnant pauses as he was reading his *heartfelt* words to the queen. Peace and love my ass! Those two could have been touting that this WHOLE fucking time. They had chance after chance to tone down their pandering, hateful rhetoric and they chose NOT to! Save your faux sympathy, Beck and two are hypocritical morons that deserve to be on a lonely island with each other for company!

  30. Virginia Voter1:10 PM

    This woman who touts herself as a brave gun totin, bear shootin, glacier climbing hockey mom from the last frontier is nothing but a coward and a failure. She failed as mayor, oil & gas commissioner, governor, and mother.

    Over 48 hours have passed since this mass murder, and Sarah has yet to come out from Facebook, twitter, and face the public. She makes me ill.

    From what I've been reading about the Giffords/Kelly congressional race, it is safe to assume if this Jared Laughner watched television he saw a barrage of negative ads against Cong. Giffords launched by her insane opponent and outside groups. Jesse Kelly , endorsed by Sarah Palin used lots of gun, killing, and violent rhetoric in his ads.

  31. melanie daniels1:12 PM

    From The New Yorker:
    But even so, the tragedy wouldn't change this basic fact: for the past two years, many conservative leaders, activists, and media figures have made a habit of trying to delegitimize their political opponents. Not just arguing against their opponents, but doing everything possible to turn them into enemies of the country and cast them out beyond the pale. Instead of “soft on defense,” one routinely hears the words “treason” and “traitor.” The President isn't a big-government liberal—he's a socialist who wants to impose tyranny. He's also, according to a minority of Republicans, including elected officials, an impostor. Even the reading of the Constitution on the first day of the 112th Congress was conceived as an assault on the legitimacy of the Democratic Administration and Congress.

    This relentlessly hostile rhetoric has become standard issue on the right. (On the left it appears in anonymous comment threads, not congressional speeches and national T.V. programs.) And it has gone almost entirely uncriticized by Republican leaders. Partisan media encourages it, while the mainstream media finds it titillating and airs it, often without comment, so that the gradual effect is to desensitize even people to whom the rhetoric is repellent. We’ve all grown so used to it over the past couple of years that it took the shock of an assassination attempt to show us the ugliness to which our politics has sunk.

    Read more

  32. What a fucking pussy !!!

    Glen Beck sounds like he's afraid of pitchforks and torches from the have-nots in an up rising and slaughter of the haves.

    Oh god forbid glen, that you and sarah lose your money, power or notoriety.

    God help you you sick duplicitous fuck!

  33. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Gryphen, Is this really happening? I read the following article in Talking Points Memo just a few moments ago.

    Shawn Christie, Alleged Sarah Palin Stalker, Reportedly Causing New Concern In Alaska

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was an old event that is being resurrected to garner some pity for Sarahahaha.

  34. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Pffft. The Delusional Duo.

    Superpowers: Turning every situation into an event in which they are the victims.

  35. Gasman1:19 PM

    Riiiiight. Glenn Beck hates violence. I guess that's why he "joked" about poisoning Nancy Pelosi.

    It's a well known fact that ALL of those people we most associate with peace - Jesus Christ, Buddha, Ghandi, and Mother Theresa - they all just loved to joke about killing people.

  36. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Why is Sarah so scared? Did the stalker put her name in crosshairs or something?

  37. Anonymous1:24 PM

    So, why did the story about Palin's stalker Shawn Christy just pop up on TMZ?

    Surely not because Kristan Cole fed them the story, to raise sympathy for Palin, right?


  38. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Gryphen, I thought the exact same thing!! Sarah is a weak coward and a narcissist. Shes trying to show how she's a target too. Sick!!! She is a sick, sick woman. And I pray that this situation helps to get her off the public stage. I don't wish harm to her and her family, but I wish she would go away. I can't stand her and am sick of her negativity. The way she has treated the president is sick and shameful.

    I was thinking about ManSour saying those symbols were surveyors symbols. Do all of you think that came from Palin? It sounds like her!

  39. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I hope to hell that the bitch IS in danger of the FBI &/or the Secret Service arresting her sorry ass and throwing her into Gitmo as being complicit in the AZ massacre and a terrorist as well!

  40. I have the Power of Prophecy! As soon as the first comments about SarahQuitters gunsight map and her culpability in this tragedy, I turned to my wife and said, "I can't wait to see how Palin makes herself the "victim" in all this.

  41. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The attempted murder of the good Congresswoman from Arizona is a game changer for Sarah Palin. She put the Congresswoman in the crosshairs of a gun and now the six are dead the good Congresswoman is fighting for her life.

    Sarah can say whatever lie she wants to; watch her positive numbers go under 20%. She can't explain this one away.

    For the first time since I heard her name, I think Sarah is finally toast.

  42. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Violence often starts with hate speech

    It is no surprise to me that someone started shooting at Democrats like Congresswoman
    Gabrielle Giffords when the Republicans openly advocated the use of "Second Amendment
    Remedies" in their campaigns and referred to member of Congress as "domestic enemies".

    This is a thinly veiled message that should Republicans lose the election at the ballot box
    they should start killing members of Congress.

    Hate speech might have had a short term political gain for Republicans in 2010 but there
    is a long term price to pay. In my view those who would inflame people to violence bear
    some of the responsibility for the results. The Republicans have to realize that when you
    call out for domestic terrorism you get domestic terrorism.

    Marc Perkel

  43. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Thanks for the laugh of the day, G. It's hard to imagine a life so devoid of interest or intellect that the purchase of a wireless keyboard warrants bleating about it to the internet. Kristen Cole probably tweets personal hygience also, too. GAH!

  44. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are disgusting. They haven't shown a thread of thoughtfulness around all of this. Not at all. And I don't know how they can live with themselves and not step back and THOUGHTFULLY consider if just maybe they contribute to this vitriol in our country. Only a sociopath would not stop and BLINK and THINK.

    i can't believe they are talking about their own protection and then prayer. Blchhh! What awful human beings. And Sarah said she doesn't like violence?? Her reality show certainly did not show a woman who believed in a peaceful life. People who hate violence don't get so gleeful about killing animals or hitting fish with a bat.

    Did you hear Rush Limbaugh?? Another fear and hate monger who can't even stop to possibly consider his role.

  45. Anonymous1:44 PM

    OK, so Ms. Palin should hire HER OWN security THAT SHE PAYS FOR, for a boring job and hunker down in an undisclosed location and not make us hear from her.

    No one but the one loopy kid is looking for her! Maybe she can hire someone to watch him, instead!

  46. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:44 PM

    Dragging out the supposed "stalker" again?? I call shenanigans as well. I wondered how the $$$ crew was going to spin the victim card for Poison Palin--and boy howdy were they fast! Supposedly Beck read the email on his program today, but I'm sure it was carefully put together by a writing team to keep rallying the nitwits around The Chosen One. The jaw-dropping line about "bringing the republic down" if anyone does anything to Sarah still has me stunned--more than all the "lovey-dovey, peacey" crap they're suddenly spewing.

    If Palin emerges from this debacle unscathed (I'm not referring to any bodily harm) and as some kind of metaphorical martyr, I'll feel that there's truly no shred of hope left for this country.

  47. Virginia Voter1:45 PM

    Get a load of John McShame at a Jesse Kelly/Ruth McClung Tuscon Tea Party Rally 10/9/10 with a
    "Goodbye Gabby" sign with a foot kicking the G in her name.

    Old geezer says we should not CUT taxes, three times before the crowd corrects him.

    Here's Kelly talking with Mark Levin, at the 5 minute mark he gives the violence dog whistle:

  48. Anonymous1:45 PM

    When is the Fox news roll out of the new improved Palin face? Superwoman of the North ought to have peeled off the bandages by now. Fox must be salivated over the huge ratings boost from the tweaked nose, twitched neck and straightenedd wonky eye. The Palin model 2011 was supposed to be the BIG STORY of January.

    3...2...1... here's SaaaRrrrrAaaaaaH!!! (shhhhh, come back next month)

  49. Anonymous1:46 PM

    It's so frustrating to watch the media cover this. Although there has been a good deal of attention to Palin's role, when other political commentators are asked about Palin's responsibility they all defend her to some extent. NO ONE KNOWS what or who influenced this young man's thought process and behavior so all the speculation is NONSENSE!

    If there is no connection I'd be shocked but why defend Palin's most obvious contribution to this problem? Maybe this guy heard Palin's interview with Laura Ingrahm 1-2 days before when Palin said "you must act today". Maybe he thought that was the signal to carry out the act, who knows?

  50. Anonymous1:46 PM

    It says the guy wants to have the restraining order removed. Maybe he wants to clear his name. He's never been to Alaska, so he wasn't much of a threat, plus I thought he was a fan. Also there was no new threat, they just want to keep the restraining order. The fact that it went to TMZ is very telling. Poor $arah always the victim.

    I think the media is missing a big point about SP's rhetoric. The gun site imagery is what it is, a disgusting display, but she was also using fear. The Death Panels lie probably put a lot more politicians in danger than the gun sights. Scared people who think the government is being "fundamentally transformed" by a black man will do stupid things. People will do crazy things if they believe their parents, grandparents or special needs children might come before death panels. She started stoking the fear and violence way before she posted her hit list and now with her "family" TV show we see she is preoccupied with killing things in every episode.

    Fear is her biggest weapon and she stokes it with hate and lies and gun & battle imagery. She knows what she's doing and she shouldn't be able to get away with it.

    She's going to claim innocence over the gun sights, but she's not innocent of stirring hate and putting people's lives in danger. We've all seen it coming for a very long time. It's good to finally see some others take notice because if she continues it will happen again.

  51. majii1:48 PM

    I wouldn't touch Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, or any of the other rw haters with a 10,000 ft pole. I have zero desire to be in the same room with any of them. If I were, their greatest fear would be from what would come out of my mouth as I gave them a thorough dressing down.

    They know they're lying. I haven't been to one event hosted by liberals in the last 2 years where anyone has been walking around with a gun stripped to his/her hip. My daughter and I went to the Restoring Sanity Rally, and the only people who were armed were the police officers.

  52. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I wish I had the time to create a word cloud including all SP's violent rhetoric from her TV appearances and speeches. I think it would be a very telling visual.

  53. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I agree with Angela.

  54. Anonymous1:58 PM

    There, Giffords' brother-in-law, Scott, the commanding officer [of the Space Station], spoke over the radio. Flight controllers in Houston fell silent.

    "As I look out the window, I see a very beautiful planet that seems very inviting and peaceful," he said. "Unfortunately, it is not."

    "These days, we are constantly reminded of the unspeakable acts of violence and damage we can inflict upon one another, not just with our actions, but also with our irresponsible words," he said.

    "We're better than this," he said. "We must do better."

    (from HuffPo)

  55. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Sorry, Gryphen.......

    I hate to admit it but I would actually like to hurt GB and $P. Not like you think, but kinda of like the mean bullies pick on the skinny kid on the play ground. Shame them until they cry uncle publicly and maybe throw some sand in their eyes and air the episode daily for a year. Sorry, can't help myself.

  56. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Sarah and Kristin are trying to keep everyone's minds off of this TMZ post:

  57. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I would think that most public figures do have some threats or stalkers. The fact that Kristan and Sarah can only come up with Shawn Christy is shocking. They are really between a rock and a hard place. The FBI has been checking Christy out for a long, long time. They considered him to be a goofy fan of hers but not a danger. He didn't have the money to buy the tickets to Alaska, he says that all the time. They don't need a restraining order at this time or they could get one without making it public.

    This is only about their need to get sympathy for Sarah Palin. They are crying wolf and you know how that story goes.


  58. Anonymous2:02 PM

    So bristol is dating Giacinto. He has not seen her house yet and yes she is living in Maricopa.

    I disagree with you. I do think there are people who wouldn't mind seeing sarah dead. I also think we should give glenn a break. He is no different than olbermann. And he's nicer and more compassionate

  59. Anonymous2:09 PM

    How Low Will Still Woman Stoop?

    The stalker story was reported in September.

  60. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I don't know if we can go along with sarah as instigator. The hate speak started immediately following election night 2 yrs ago. SArah didn't start speaking out til 2010 really

  61. SME1312:16 PM

    This crazy bitch needs to shut the hell up. I am so sick of her playing the victim any time she wants. She was never in any danger from this kid and she isn't now.

    The only real danger sarah has ever had to face is that one day the truth about her will come out.

    She has not had the decency to even address the AZ shooting - and you can't count the twitter/fb post that RAM posted for her. But she has time to whine to Beck and cry a river over the fear from this harmless kid.

  62. Anonymous2:18 PM

    What's wrong with this picture? Sarah Palin works for Fox. She has a TV studio in her home. She has a cell phone. Why send an email to Glenn Beck when she could call him? My guess is that someone other than Palin sent that email, trying to make her look good. It was such a general comment. I hate violence and war, too, you betcha.

    The problem with Glenn and Rush claiming that their rhetoric had nothing to do with stoking the fires in that already troubled mind is that Roger Ailes told Fox to tune it down. Roger knows that that provocative rhetoric about shooting, reload and killing attracts viewers/listeners. Ooh, what awful thing will they say tomorrow? Even Ailes knows when too much is too much.

    I would like to know where Sarah is hiding, I mean reloading. We have seen her for weeks. For a fierce Mama Grizzly, Sarah is now a scared rat, hiding in a hole.

  63. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Inside Edition had a Palin pity party & showed
    sleazy Bristol moving into her new house, the
    day of the shooting. She was wearing a hoodie,
    of course, and had a massive gut, of course.

  64. Anonymous2:20 PM


    Giancinto better get down to AZ quickly as it appears there is an unborn child that needs a father!

  65. Sarah Palin doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with bright, hard-working, decent, sincere, respectful people like Gabrielle Giffords. Gabrielle has been a very positive figure in Arizona politics since she first ran for State office. In every way, she has shown herself to be everything that Sarah Palin, who has befouled everything she has ever involved her ignorant, greedy, self-centered self in, is not. And having her admitted schizophrenic co-defendant Glenn Beck rising to her defense is more damning than dismissive.

    Yeah, Sarah, it'll be great fun -'til someone loses an eye. Or their nine-year-old daughter, or their wife, or husband, or mom or dad, or sister or brother ...

    And frankly, it's way too late for throwing your slingshot in the trash to help you now.

  66. Anonymous2:33 PM

    That Becker head tape is the biggest crock of shit I've heard in my life.Peace and love my ass.Two of the biggest hate mongers I've ever seen.If it weren't so sick it would be funny but it's not.Something has to happen here,these kinds of people are destroying America.

  67. Anonymous2:33 PM

    @1:24, I have no doubt that it wasn't Kristan Cole who fed TMZ the story, but Palin herself (or Toad). You give them too much credit.

  68. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Apparently Barbara Walters came out on the View today and said she was feeling "bad" for Sarah Palin. Did anyone see the show? Barbara should be feeling guilty for giving Sarah a free pass every time she interviews her. If you agree, why not let her know by contacting ABC/The View with your thoughts?

  69. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I think somebody should make a GIF (I don't know how to) of Sarah beating the crap out of that halibut with the title "I hate violence - Sarah Palin"

    Wow, their damage control continues to fail - Shawn Christy? Didn't he write letters or whatever to a bunch of people, including the President? That's all they've got?

    Palin's star is fading... fading...

    and Glenn Beck obviously has weird sexual fantasies about her.

  70. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Where the HELL is Sarah??? Does anyone know??

    She was MIA before this. We thought it was her daughters pregnancies or the Todd prostitute story but nothing more has come out.

    Has anyone seen her anywhere?? Is she having plastic surgery again? She's going to end up looking like a freak!!
    It's WEIRD she has not even been on Cox.

  71. Anonymous2:36 PM

    How convenient that the so-called
    stalker from PA has decided to visit
    AK now. Since Snow-cookie does not believe in coincidences, & since this
    'stalker-fellow's' emergence coincides
    perfectly time-wise with Cookie's
    attempt portray herself as a victim, what are we to think? As I recall, this guy didn't have 2 dimes to rub together, so where'd he get the plane fare this time? Also, her beginning sentence doesn't make a bit of sense.
    She is really a cold piece of work.

    Sharon TN

  72. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Gryphen you are going to shit when you see this. Check out Bristol Palin's twitter account, her latest tweet is condemning her mother's hypocrisy. Almost made my head explode. Maybe she's ready to spill the beans on Mama Grizzly? It gets better and better every time I read it. Keep your head up Gryph, this too shall pass,


    You are a paid member of the "lame stream media" you're always referring to, mom. Fire all of your ghost writers and tweet for yourself :( 6:47 PM Jan 9th via Twitter for Android

  73. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Forgot to add the link to Bristols Twitter, check it quick before the ice queen makes her delete it.

  74. Anonymous2:41 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    I also think we should give glenn a break. He is no different than olbermann. And he's nicer and more compassionate

    2:02 PM"

    You are fucking retarded. How are things @
    Casa Palin? Upset that TLC didn't renew your
    trashy reality show?

  75. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Upon further research it may be a fake account, sorry Gryph

  76. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Kristen Cole also tweeted just after the tweet you posted. She said she was at the Whole Foods in Scottsdale where you can drink wine and beer while you shop. Hopefully she'll get a DUI from our infamous Sheriff Joe. After that she said she was at Maestros having steak and lobster potatoes. She does not sound too scared plus if she is so scared why would she tweet where she is? She must have left her brain in Wasilla.

  77. Anonymous2:45 PM

    B.S. - THe Grizzeled Grandma is afraid someone might get more press then her.

  78. Anonymous2:47 PM

    And we're back! It certainly didn't take long for 'Her Nothingness' (I stole that from another poster. Good one btw!) to get back on the front pages with more of her dumb-bitch-who-cried-wolf-one-too-many-times bullcrap.

    I thought it would be at least a week, but I forgot who we're dealing with here.

    Sorry Stupid Sarah, it's not ALL about you and it won't be about you for a long, long time any more. Rot in hell 'ho!

  79. Linda Arizona2:48 PM

    The spin has begun and it is dizzying.

    Would you believe they're trying to sell some of this kind of BS on a news site in Tucson?!

    Here's what someone wrote a few hours ago...and my response:

    "Just as another aside, heard on the radio That the alleged "gun site" focused on us was actually a surveying tool that was used.
    Do not have a link."

    I responded:

    No one will buy this lame excuse.

    That's like saying:

    When she said, "targeting," she meant shopping at the retail store.

    When she said, "Don't retreat," she meant only one candy per Halloween trick-or-treater.

    When she said, "Reload," she really meant that it's time to reload the dryer and finish one's laundry.

    And, when Sharron Angle said "If this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies, she really meant that Congress and all people should travel with emergency sewing kits, in case the need to be a'mending a hem or something arises.

    I then told the guy:
    I own some Arizona beachfront property you may be interested in buying...

  80. Anonymous2:48 PM

    * "Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win."

    * "Lock & load."

    * "Don't retreat -- RELOAD!"

    * At a rally she spoke at, a crowd member shouted, "Kill him!" Her response? Nothing.

    Sarah hates violence, huh?

  81. Anonymous2:50 PM

    How convenient. Are you kidding me.

  82. Anonymous2:54 PM

    She only has security if someone else is paying for it. I am sure she can figure out some way for her Pac or Legal fund to pay for it. Why doesn't Bristol have security, it must be easier to get to AZ than AK.

  83. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Why do these concern trolls really think they are going to convince us of anything good about Sarah. She didn't start speaking out until 2010? What planet have you been on the last 2 years? And now they're defending Glenn Beck because he's nicer than Keith Olberman? WTF! I feel like I'm visiting the twilight zone and up is down and left is right.

    I really wonder who's paying these fools to troll your site.

    Trying to ignore them, but they are just so ridiculous.

  84. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Granny Palin - None of your diversionary tactics are working. No ones believes you're in danger from a stalker in PA, no one believes RAM's desperate story about the surveyor symbols and nobody cares if Bristol is moving into her new house. We only care about you and your hateful, violent rhetoric and how it has put people's lives in danger. Why don't you throw on a Wig, grab Tawd and pop into your home TV studio and apologize and tell everyone you're retiring from public life.

  85. melanie daniels3:11 PM

    "I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus - living fossils - so we will never forget what these people stood for."

    - Rush Limbaugh, Denver Post, 12-29-95

    "Get rid of the guy. Impeach him, censure him, assassinate him."

    - Rep. James Hansen (R-UT), talking about President Clinton

    "We're going to keep building the party until we're hunting Democrats with dogs."

    - Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX), Mother Jones, 08-95

    "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building."

    - Ann Coulter, New York Observer, 08-26-02

    "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors."

    - Ann Coulter, at the Conservative Political Action Conference, 02-26-02

  86. "I hate violence"? Really?!
    She incites hate in EVERY screech that she makes. she rallies her rabid trolls with hate, and lies on the President and Michelle. AND she expects people to believe that she hates violence? What a freaking ass wipe she is.
    And yes; Retarded $arah, God has the answer. Maybe you ought to read the Bible sometime instead of just using it as a prop. To follow in the footsteps of Jesus, you need to stop all of that hate crap.

  87. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Tea Party Express Fundraises Off Giffords Shooting: 'Tea Party Won't Be Silenced'

    There is not bottom to the cess pool

  88. melanie daniels3:26 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    She only has security if someone else is paying for it. I am sure she can figure out some way for her Pac or Legal fund to pay for it. Why doesn't Bristol have security, it must be easier to get to AZ than AK.

    2:54 PM"

    She her pet goat, Ramsour. That thing probably
    scares away a lot of folks.

  89. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Typical for a coward to hide behind someone else's skirt when things get tough.

    Sarah, your true colors are shining bright for all to see. You are no leader.

  90. Anonymous3:32 PM

    anon@2:18 I agree, Sarah didn't write that email. The real author was no doubt some Faux News hack on damage control duty.
    The crosshair "denial" is obviously aimed at the low-hanging fruit. The map was put out last March, and many people were upset about it then. But Sarah's "advisor" doesn't come out with the surveyor's instrument story until Jan. 2011?

  91. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Don't know if my comment goes through on HP - I have been known not to be able to post on posts concerning Palin...

    Here it is:

    AWWWW... POOR SARAH!!! It took her ghost writers a whole 2 days to figure out how to make SARAH the victim of this whole terrorist shooting..­.

    The story of the 'stalker' is an old one - going back to at least September last year!

    Her confidante Kristin Cole is so worried about her own security that she tweets her whereabout­s freely and frequently - even AFTER supposedly 'being worried about the stalker'.

    If you are worried about a stalker, why tweet your whereabout­s????

  92. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Sarah "Reload" Palin is focused on her Presidential Candidate announcement (and tweaking the plastic surgery).

    All the other Palin diasters have faded in a news cycle or two. Palin has every expectation of surfacing next week, chirpy and perky and doing the pageant walk.

    Iceberg would be really nice, G.

  93. Anonymous3:52 PM

    It gets WORSE!! I just saw a review of Becks show where he said the media trying to destroy Palin by saying she's dangerous. The media?? And again making this about Sarah, poor poor Sarah, everyone hates her. Never mind 6 people died, we must protect diva Sarah

  94. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Pathetic, predictable move. Weak tactic, from a weak position, by a weak mind.

    Her pathological problems won't be denied - a sociopath trying hard to act normal, with no clue how demented she appears - a narcissist, with no hesitation to feel both victimized and entitled to approval.

  95. Lynne3:56 PM

    I got as far as "I wrote to Sarah Palin last night. I'm going to read to you...." and I had to turn it off. I was already feeling sickened by his oozing voice. Sorry, Gryphen, I guess I'm not tough enough for this. I think I'll just read the comments here.

  96. Anonymous3:58 PM

    If Sarah Palin is really nervous about her future and the future of America, I suggest she buy gold from Goldline.

  97. So Sarah hates violence. What does that mean coming from someone who believes the end justifies the means? She can say she hates violence and still believe it may be necessary to get her way and that the violence would be blessed by God.

    Her religious influence comes from a dominionist group that uses violent rhetoric.

    "The participants of this movement really do believe that their prayers are the cause of destruction of property and injury, or perhaps even the death, of others like Mother Theresa and Princess Diana. And they do clearly profess to believe that others will be forced to accept their beliefs or be destroyed."

  98. Anonymous4:11 PM

    So its been 48+ hours since the shooting, and so far Sarah Palin has reacted only to 1) post a tepid statement on her Facebook page, 2) let her spokesperson make ridiculous excuses for her and 3) email Glen Beck?

    Very presidential.

  99. Anonymous4:36 PM

    So Kristen Cole is worried about a stalker coming to Alaska but yet Kristen is in Scottsdale, Arizona tweeting her location. Priceless, you can't make this chit up.

    So Sarah Palin, the uneducated one, only started talking in 2010? Funny thing, that must have been her ghoul twin accusing Obama of being a terrorist before the election of 2008.

    So the Palins are terrified a liberal will pop out of the heavens and say BOO, but Bristol in a very pregnant picture was out and about in Arizona with Todd's kid Tripp and her servant at Walmart and in Arizona where there was a massacre of a patriotic congresswoman and others that Sarah and Monsour put crosshair gun sites on them? Amazing....

    So is Palin paying TMZ to push her stories now? Inquiring minds want to know?

    Does Todd visit his lover and Palin and Beck get together too?

  100. ...and it's working!

    Tsk. Tsk. Just so you can continue putting her on your top 10 list, Ms. Walters?

    I really really hope the American audience does not let Ms. Walters get away with this one. This is exactly what people mean when they say Palin has powerful selfish protectors in the mainstream media.

  101. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Can't you carry a concealed weapon in both Alaska and Arizona? Sarah and her posse will be fine if they stay away from the malls. Especially in Arizona.

    Why is Sarah afraid to go into her in house private TV studio with Todd and address what happened in Arizona? If she is in Arizona, she has friends that can safely get her into a studio. She makes no sense except that she is cowering. She doesn't feel she did anything wrong, she is more about thinking others are misunderstanding how she loves peace. Victimhood.

    There are Representatives and others who get serious threats and are out doing their work in public. For Sarah to recycle the old Christy story and stretch it out now makes her look weak and so pathetic. She and Kristan are stealing the focus from the Reps that are in real danger. If she and Kristan need a restraining order, it didn't need to go public. Sarah and Kristan cheapen themselves by making up this false alarm about her safety. Sarah should get to her private studio and make a statement on the current situation and if she cares at all for the victims, she could do better than another generic "Todd and my family..." The Beck e-mail crap compounds her image as a lunatic. Most people know Beck uses something to cause the tears and that he is a lying instigator. Where is the link to one of his shows about how he has figured out things and the progressives are the ones plotting violence?

    I hope people will get the whole story. The media just prints whatever without doing any research. The FBI has been watching Christy for how long now? Believe me they would know if he had the money to buy a plane ticket. He talks like that all the time.

    I would be more concerned about the drug cartels near the border. I am not near the border but we have the cartels. Twice in the last few years I've gone to the store and there was a gun incident. One was just a mental case branding an unloaded weapon. The other was a drug bust. Only two dealers but many law agents, at least 20, some undercover that looked like dealers with guns. People could have been shot. It all happened so fast I didn't have time to do anything but jump back in my car and duck. I don't carry a concealed weapon strapped to my hip.

    I live in a nice area where there are celebrity's and my Congressperson shops at the same grocery store.

  102. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Beck thinks Palin is in danger because of people on TV are saying negative things about her; when his/her entire defense is that people don't act on what is said by people in the media?! That's stretch stretching logic--even FOX logic. But I'm sure that reasoning makes total sense to their viewers.

  103. Anonymous5:46 PM

    this is the equivalent of Paris Hilton flashing her crotch to get headlines

  104. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Sarah a scapegoat? Why would there need to be one? Just another excuse to try to take off some of the heat.

    Help from Glen Beck? Now that's the kind of help no one needs. However, if you seek the advice you want to hear, you're never in the wrong. I think they both know that, even if there are no direct links to them this time, no one was going to be surprised if there had been.

    What the rest of the Beck/Palin emails might have looked like, the ones we won't see:

    SP: OMG, I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. We were just having fun, right? Why doesn't anyone like me?

    GB: You can't please everybody all the time. Heck, we only please 1% of the people some of the time. Listen, I'll say something on air to take you off the hook.

    SP: Thanks, you're the best.

  105. Anonymous5:58 PM

    boo f***ing hoo, poor me, the lamestream media is being mean to me..

  106. Anonymous6:07 PM

    This is worth a look:

  107. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Beck said if any harm came to her it could be the end of the republic. What is that son of a bitch sniffin?

  108. Anonymous6:28 PM

    OT - Bristol shopping at Walmart in Arizona. Looks fat, not preggers.

    What a time to move to Arizona. I wonder if mama Grizzly is there too.

  109. Anonymous6:38 PM

    The gun totin' pioneerin' Grizzly Mama hides behind a man...again.

  110. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Don't retreat, (have Glenn Beck) reload! The coward can't even squeak up enough courage to speak for herself yet. First she sends out that dolt RAM, now Beck.

  111. They haven't scrubbed this yet:

    "We came unarmed. This time." Indeed. Some of the other pictures are just as bad.

    BTW, I believe that Bristol had a "white out."

  112. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Palins are proof that money can’t buy class.

    Money did buy them a 3 story new house.

    Money did pay off their 2 story house.

    Money did finish their cabin.

    Money did pay for uneducated GED Bristol's house in cash.

    Money did allow Sarah to fly many many miles just to shoot one little skinny caribou for her reality tv show with her surveyor symbol.

    Money did pay for Todd's Alaskan special massages.

  113. Anonymous7:17 PM

    "Beck said if any harm came to her it could be the end of the republic. What is that son of a bitch sniffin?"

    Hey Beck what if Sarah catches some type of STD from one of Todd many massages? Would that be the end of the republic too?

  114. Anonymous7:22 PM

    If the rumors about Sarah speaking at an NRA Rally in the near future, we can only imagine what she will screech in her speech. Her same ol' schtick would be inappropriate at best.

    My 23 year old daughter was delighted that Sarah followed her typical patterns and rather than admitting a mistake or claiming some responsibility, she predictably made herself the victim. She said that Palin could have turned this around if she had taken the mike and apologized for her error in judgement, stated that it was never meant to harm, and promised to promote intelligent discourse.

    LMAO reading Palin in the same sentence as intelligent discourse.

  115. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Why is Sarah so scared? Did the stalker put her name in crosshairs or something?

    1:22 PM"

    No he put surveyor's symbols on her.

  116. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Mastro's Ocean Club on #Yelp: I had a great dinner. Had a filet on bone and lobster mashed potatoes. If you are her...

    Looks like Kristan just had a nice meal at Mastro's in Scottsdale....

  117. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Sarah is afraid of some guy? I thought Sarah was The Great White Hunter?

    Now it looks like Sarah is impotent and limp.

  118. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I don't believe these were 'private' emails being read by beck...everything both of them do, with the exception of hiding the truth, is for attention and notoriety.

  119. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Easy to predict that Palin was going to come out begging for sympathy for herself any way she possibly could, trying to deflect attention off Arizona back to her. Palin's mind isn't on any of those who died or were injured. Her mind isn't on little Christina Taylor Greene. She only has time to think about Sarah. Unbelievable.

  120. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I was flipping through the channels and I noticed FOX - Hannity was working hard to distance Palin from her cross hair targets and to distance the shooter from Palin. Those people at FOX are working overtime - 24/7 trying to save their meal ticket, their beloved Sarah Palin. Somebody over there must of told them to do whatever it takes to save FOX's presidential candidate.

  121. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Why doesn't Sarah go the Sunday talk shows to discuss what happened? Instead she sends emails to Beck? What is wrong with this woman? She does not speak unless you pay her? She just tweets, uses facebook and emails. How sad, I wonder how she talks to her children. Maybe Sarah uses sign language to talk to her children?

  122. Anonymous11:40 PM

    This is just cracking me up:

    Note how they have edited her garbled message down to seem pretty sensible? I checked around about 6 or 8 right-wing sites, and they ALL have it that way...sigh...

    'night all.


  123. Anonymous11:47 PM

    The real Sarah Palin, how Alaskans really see her. Read the comments those are a hoot.

  124. Anonymous2:33 AM

    I don't believe either Sarah or Kristen Cole are worried, This just sounds like them trying to make Sarah look like the victim so they don't have to deal with her actions in light of the Tucson tragedy. This particular deflection strategy has worked for them in the past, and may well work now. However, they have cried wolf one too many times for me.

    As a side note, it doesn't sound like Kristen Cole believes in shopping local or supporting her neighbors. If she isn't going to do business here, why should we buy from her?

  125. Anonymous4:13 AM

    "Giffords tragedy could be a defining moment for Palin" is a headline on Yahoo News this morning. Yeah, it could be, and she has already failed. Cue sad trombone.

    She really has failed - three days since the tragedy and all we have heard from "Ms. Presidential" is a lame, forgettable "condolences" tweet and the "poor pitiful me, I hate violence" alleged e-mails with Beck, her biggest fan. If she's so powerful and admired, why does she need him to bail her out?

    Anything she says or does now is too little, too late.

  126. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Anon at 11:31 asks: "Why doesn't Sarah go the Sunday talk shows to discuss what happened? Instead she sends emails to Beck? What is wrong with this woman? She does not speak unless you pay her?"

    No, she doesn't speak unless she gets paid. Remember, she is on Fox's payroll. Every interview she gives on Fox is a paid interview. So when she finally delivers some sort of pitiful response to this on Fox...probably on Greta or Hannity...everyone needs to remember that she is getting paid to do so. So in a sense, she will be making money off this tragedy.

  127. Anne In DC8:47 AM

    For once in Palin's life, she is being subjected to unwanted attention which is entirely her own doing. I can't decide which one I despise more between her and Beck, and I didn't think it was possible to harbor more contempt for them than I already did before the Arizona incident.

    Both of them are dishonest fools trying to play the victim after being called out for their significant contributions to the toxicity of the political atmosphere. It is extremely telling that they are trying to clean up their irreparably tarnished images as opposed to admitting their culpability in creating a volatile atmosphere that is ripe for sick individuals like Jared Loughner.

    It's long past time to hold them and their ilk accountable for the ugliness that is the backdrop for the attack on Rep. Giffords.

    There are heroes in this matter, including those who threw their bodies over others to protect them, the woman who took the gun, the men who tackled the lunatic, the sheriff who told it just like it was, and commentators like Olbermann and Maddow. They have displayed all the integrity and intelligent that Beck and Palin so plainly lack.

  128. melanie daniels9:47 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    "Giffords tragedy could be a defining moment for Palin" is a headline on Yahoo News this morning. Yeah, it could be, and she has already failed. Cue sad trombone.

    She really has failed - three days since the tragedy and all we have heard from "Ms. Presidential" is a lame, forgettable "condolences" tweet and the "poor pitiful me, I hate violence" alleged e-mails with Beck, her biggest fan. If she's so powerful and admired, why does she need him to bail her out?

    Anything she says or does now is too little, too late.

    4:13 AM"

    But how can Palin come out with all the
    swelling & bruising from her latest plastic
    surgery? You KNOW she is hiding for some

    Remember on her medical note, it said she'd
    had a breast biopsy a long time ago? I bet she
    now says she has cancer. Expect it any day now!

  129. Anonymous12:22 PM

    This woman has no fucking shame. Why do I dislike her so much? Why does the world dislike her so much? And here we go with Beck painting a wonderful picture of her again. These Sarah Palin's, Rush Limbaugh's, and Glen Beck's have no shame of what they took part in in this horrible event. We've got the same here in Canada, recently, Tom Flanagan, a professor at the University of Calgary called for the assassination of Julian Assange, editor of Wikileaks. This Professor teaches young people politics. He is a conservative who advised our Prime Minister of Canada, Steven Harper, his right hand man, campaign manager and advisor. The alumni are calling for his censure and that he be removed from his position. He has cast a very large shadow on this University in Canada.

  130. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Do we really care if Palin is in danger? She's done it to herself w/her horrid rhetoric throughout the past few years.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.