Monday, January 10, 2011

This is how a real leader addresses a crisis.

This is our President talking directly to the American people about a tragedy that has affected virtually ALL of us.

You will notice that he is standing up in front of the cameras, so that we can both see and hear him. He does not lay blame, but instead reaches out to provide leadership and emotional support for all of us who are suffering and need comfort.

He did not Tweet his message, nor did he Facebook it, because either of those would have been ineffectual and cowardly.

And those who deserve to lead our country understand that.

For those of you who cannot get the video to play, here is a transcript:

THE PRESIDENT: As many of you are aware, earlier today a number of people were shot in Tucson, Arizona, including several who were meeting at a supermarket with their congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords. We are still assembling all the facts, but we know that Representative Giffords was one of the victims. She is currently at a hospital in the area, and she is battling for her life.

We also know that at least five people lost their lives in this tragedy. Among them were a federal judge, John Roll, who has served America’s legal system for almost 40 years; and a young girl who was barely nine years old.

I’ve spoken to Arizona governor Jan Brewer and offered the full resources of the federal government. A suspect is currently in custody, but we don’t yet know what provoked this unspeakable act. A comprehensive investigation is currently underway, and at my direction, Director Bob Mueller is en route to Arizona to help coordinate these efforts. I’ve also spoken to the Democratic and Republican leaders in the House.

Gabby Giffords was a friend of mine. She is not only an extraordinary public servant, but she is also somebody who is warm and caring. She is well liked by her colleagues and well liked by her constituents. Her husband, Mark Kelly, is a Navy captain and one of America’s valiant astronauts.

It’s not surprising that today Gabby was doing what she always does -- listening to the hopes and concerns of her neighbors. That is the essence of what our democracy is all about. That is why this is more than a tragedy for those involved. It is a tragedy for Arizona and a tragedy for our entire country.

What Americans do at times of tragedy is to come together and support each other. So at this time I ask all Americans to join me and Michelle in keeping all the victims and their families, including Gabby, in our thoughts and prayers. Those who have been injured, we are rooting for them. And I know Gabby is as tough as they come, and I am hopeful that she’s going to pull through.

Obviously our hearts go out to the family members of those who have been slain. We are going to get to the bottom of this, and we’re going to get through this. But in the meantime, I think all of us need to make sure that we’re offering our thoughts and prayers to those concerned.

Thank you.


  1. One thing, that I think does not get acknowledged enough, is that I think President Obama really tries to be the President for everyone--not just the people who voted for him. I think it's been a long time, since we've had that. The only issue I have with him in this speech, is that he said he was her friend--she's alive, so I hope he still is her friend!

  2. melanie daniels11:26 AM

    I'm still glad I got to vote for him--he makes
    me very proud.

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    No comparison. Palin is simply a coward.

  4. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The President, Barack Obama, is classy.

    But I'm not: and not one word about She Who Won't Be Named! Is he still ignoring that Bitch of the Brood of Brats?

  5. Emily Peacock11:28 AM

    He also didn't email Glenn Beck whining about how he abhors violence.

  6. Anonymous11:32 AM

    It strikes me that maybe Americans should do a little more worthless praying and a lot less harmful preying. It's not going to do any good of course but it would be doing a lot less harm.

  7. BAustin11:40 AM

    Instead, Palin tweets her condolences, and then has Beck share an orchestrated email exchange. No real words of condolences when she has many ties to AZ (Brewer, McCain, Bristols house, etc). It's not like it would be hard to interview her...she has a freaking tv studio at her house....and Fox is at her beck and call. She is in hiding.

    She is not, never was, and never will be a leader.

  8. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I just read that Sarah Palin's FB page STILL has the map with the crosshairs still up!!! In fact I 've read that twice today. WTF??? is wrong with that woman. Words can not describe the visceral disgust I am feeling toward that woman.

  9. Anonymous11:45 AM

    President Obama is on the J.O.B.

  10. Anonymous11:48 AM

    We haven't actually seen Sarah Palin since last year. She went into hiding before Christmas. Her last facebook post was Dec.24. The next one offered condolences to the Giffords family while Gabrielle was in surgery. Rebecca appeared on radio shows to defend Sarah, yet there wasn't a peep out of the usually chatty, tweeting, Blackberry carrying Sarah.

    Even the email to Beck was lame, hating violence and war, blaming politicos. The proper thing for her ghost writer to do would be to say that she was praying for all of the victims of the Tucson shooting, and that she hoped that people could find a common ground ad understanding.

    Unfortunately, Sarah does share in the blame for using violent language. The Republicans want to repeal a Job Killing Health Care Bill, not just a health care bill. They added that word "killing." That's why they won't debate it this week. They use words like "death panels" and "death tax." They want to scare everyone.

    Sarah is very good at the kind of exaggeration. She didn't have any old next door neighbor; she had a stalker, a pedophile peeking in her windows.

    I wonder when we will actually see Sarah make an appearance and say something thoughtful. Ghost written facebook posts and emails are a poor substitute for some one with presidential ambitions. Sara must still be reload. I hope that she never uses that awful expression again (Don't retreat, reload. Right now, Sarah appears to be in full retreat).

  11. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Speaking for myself, I see a remarkable human being in President Obama. On a personal level his many attributes serve as a role model for me. I am grateful everyday for his leadership, and his strength of character. I pray for his safety, and the safety of his family. I also pray that for those, for whatever reason, who look at him through eyes clouded by hatred and prejudice, that there will come a time when the scales fall from their eyes, and the hatred is purged from their hearts.

    Re Mrs. Palin, until the time that she presents herself, front and center to America and takes responsibility for her malicious and inappropriate conduct, and expresses contrition, she will remain IMO an accessory to this criminal act of violence. An apology will not however change my opinion that she is a petty, selfish, narrow minded and cruel human being. She is no role model, and is both unqualified and unsuitable for a leadership role in our government.

    Sue in Minnesota

  12. the crossfire is still posted on Palins facebook.

    where the heck is Mccain???

  13. Anonymous12:08 PM

    So happy he did not mention that contemptible woman.

    So proud that he did not point fingers, or play the victim/blame game.

    So glad he is our President, and not that other creature.

  14. Anonymous12:08 PM

    President Obama reassures and comforts America.

    President Wanna Be Sarah Palin says it was a surveyor's symbol.

    That's the difference.

  15. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Re: the pics that TMZ posted three hours ago of Bristol, Tripp, and the older woman - isn't the older lady Trig's nanny? She looks like the one tucked into the house on I think the first episode of SP's AK when she and Trig wave from the curtained window.

    It looks like Trig's nanny to me. If she's Trig's nanny, who's watching Trig these days? Ivy? Do she and Ivy trade nannying roles?

    Because we all know how "rill dill Mama Grizzly's" sublet their parenting responsibilities to others.

    My prediction - It will only be a matter of a couple of months before Bristol's back at the Compound. She and her mother aren't used to living without the extended family taking care of their children.

  16. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Her only hope is to apologize, an actual "come to Jesus" moment. Jesus said to love one another and so, she could say she has seen that she was not following Jesus.


  17. I saw it at Syren's commenter list12:10 PM

    Is there any truth that Palin published the address of Bristol's custody judge?

  18. Venemous Viper Vile12:16 PM

    Does anyone remember Glenn Massey "taking aim!" at Lyda (this was in Wasilla) probably ten years ago? He was posed with a SHOTGUN and he seemed like a 65 year old going on 12 year old nut job in the picture.

    I saw him and told him what I thought about that and he called me a paranoid idiot. His wife was with him and she got mean. I was polite when I spoke!

    They all thought it was a joke-- I think Glenn was a Democrat, and that bugged me most. I was Republican at the time and I was like, "You guys can't be doing that!!! You are the sane ones!"

    I am bringing this up because I wonder if Sarah liked his ad and slurped the idea.

  19. Anonymous12:24 PM

    He doesn't need to mention Palin, Beck or Limbaugh...their fate will play out.

    He is so damned classy! I'm so very proud I voted for him and think he is doing an absolutely brilliant job in these horrible times.

  20. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Linked at The Daily Dish, which is doing a fabulous job keeping the level of discussion out of the mud.

  21. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Sister Sarah! Come out come out wherever you are? Think she's booked for Hannity tonight? COWARD

  22. Anonymous12:27 PM

    ps when I hit the Name/URL button, there was no place to enter my name.


  23. Anonymous12:41 PM

    @11:27 a.m.,

    Barack Obama can't come out and just mention Palin. He's the president, he has to remain above the fray. Not to mention, the republicans and Palin's media enablers would never let him get away with it. They would love to change the subject.

  24. meena1:06 PM

    Did Bristol Palin Just Call Out Her Mom For Being Part Of “Lame Stream” Media?

    " You are a paid member of the "lame stream media" you're always referring to, mom. Fire all of your ghost writers and tweet for yourself :( "

    10:47 AM Jan 9th via Twitter for Android

  25. FEDUP!!!2:59 PM

    I am SOOOOO glad President Obama is our President, and not the other guys...

    Wondering if RAM will be Palin's next victim to be thrown under the bus, since she has not been able to effectively get rid of the nasty innuendos that Palin is directly or indirectly responsible for this terrorist attack?
    (Let's call a spade a spade - this WAS a terrorist attack - even if the shooter was mentally deranged, he inflicted terror on the victims and their families and on the bystanders and the nation!

  26. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Fox News no doubt has pulled togather their best publicist for damage control. Just watching Megan Kelly interviewing the Sheriff gave that away to everyone. I also have no doubt that FOX is cordinating the responses from Palin and Beck. In trying to turn this around they are just making the divid even deeper and gambling that another insident like this doesn't happen again soon.

  27. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Thank you President Obama for being a smart and courageous man. You do bring me some comfort today after such a terrible tragedy in our country.

  28. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I broke a long-standing family tradition of voting Republican to vote for Barack Obama. My mother told me I had just helped sign my father's unemployment papers (he works in the defense industry), and my father, who thinks "Rush" is the only honest member of the media, told me I had voted for a Muslim non-citizen.

    Every day for the past two years--as I've watched McCain flip-flop and Palin first quit her job as governor and then ramp up her violent, shrill, divisive rhetoric--I have been grateful, relieved, and proud that I chose to vote for Obama and that a majority of other American voters made the same decision. Whenever I hear him address the nation, especially in a crisis such as this one, I'm impressed by his calm, measured tone; his thoughtful, wise, and clearly well-considered words; and the obvious "gravitas" (to borrow Karl Rove's word) with which he approaches his role. And, like Care said, I think he does want to represent all of his constituents, not just the ones who voted for him. He is a welcome voice of moderation and rationality at times like this.

    Refusing to mention Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, et al is, I think, the wisest course he could take. Mentioning them would fire up their followers but also would grant them a legitimacy that, despite the MSM's attention to them, he hasn't acknowledged.

    Once again, President Obama, I'm proud of and thankful for you.


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