Monday, January 10, 2011

The Palin-bots are scrubbing, spinning, and spitting with frustration, but for Sarah Palin the die is cast.

From Obama London:

Sarah Palin has a reputation for being an agressive editor of comments on her Facebook page - a reputation that has always seemed likely accurate to me, given the tedious consistency with which all comments on the page are along the lines of "I love you SARAH!"

But in the wake of the terrible events in Arizona, with many commentators pointing out the obvious fact that Gabrielle Giffords had been targetted by Palin in the November election on a map that used a chilling gun site graphic, I thought it would be worth watching her page for a little while to see if her team were indeed deleting negative comments routinely. But I had no idea how incredibly, almost comically, efficient her people would turn out to be in deleting comments that were even slightly critical of the former Governor. And then I came across... well, what I guess you'd have to politely call an appalling example of editorial misjudgement at best.

You simply have to read all of the examples that this poster found of the incredibly swift and frenetic manner in which Palin's Facebook editors try to stay ahead of ANY potentially negative comments directed at their Queen. (Read to the end of the post linked above to see the comment that was NOT removed and learn for yourself just what kind of sick pieces of garbage serve the Grizzled Mama.)

Careful Facebook editing was not the ONLY way that the Palin-bots tried to control the damage that they knew was coming Palin's way.  Sister Sarah's number one fan and omnipresent ghostwriter Rebecca Mansour pathetically tried to convince the world that the images on Palin's now famous map were instead surveyor's symbols and NOT the bulleye's that Palin herself identified them as.

Rebecca A. Mansour
via @DLoesch The Difference Between Surveyor Symbols and Crosshairs
5 hours ago via web

However her sad atempt to rewrite history is NOT fooling anybody.

I can’t decide which possibility is more startling: That Mansour actually believes what she is saying, in which case she is an idiot; or that she merely thinks everyone else is so deeply stupid that we’ll believe it, in which case her stupidity would also be matched with cold cynicism.

Almost without exception EVERYBODY is pointing to Sarah Palin and leaving her the blame.

Even Rep.Gifford's husband blames the inflammatory rhetoric for the assassination attempt on his wife.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' heartsick husband told lawmakers he blames inflammatory rhetoric for the assassination attempt on his wife.

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that in a conversation on Sunday Giffords' husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, lashed out at the cantankerous politics dividing the country.

He is "very angry about the level of angry rhetoric that he believes incites people," Hoyer told CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

And even Gabby Giffords herself foretold of the potentially dangerous consequences of Sarah Palin using those infamous gunsights to target her district.

It also appears that this incident may result in stricter laws that would make the kind of rhetoric toward federal officials and Congress that Sarah Palin is famous for illegal.

Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa.) reportedly plans to introduce legislation that would make it a federal crime to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a federal official or member of Congress.

Brady told CNN that he wants federal lawmakers and officials to have the same protections against threat currently provided to the president. His call comes one day after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) was shot, along with 19 other people, at a public event in Tucson. A suspect is currently in custody.

"The president is a federal official," Brady told CNN in a telephone interview. "You can't do it to him; you should not be able to do it to a congressman, senator or federal judge."
Brady singled out the map as the type of rhetoric he opposed.

"You can't put bull's-eyes or crosshairs on a United States congressman or a federal official," he said.

Sarah Palin often talks about not needing a title, or to be serving in office, to make a difference.  Well nobody can deny that she has indeed made a difference.

However it has been a devastating difference which has dramatically increased the hateful rhetoric, and viciousness of our political debate to such a point that when somebody actually DOES turn words into actions all eyes turn toward Palin.

She has always seemed to desire nothing more than to be the center of att4ention, and has been willing to say, or do, almost anything to stay in the public eye. Perhaps she should have read more, and tweeted less for then she might have read the following.

Be careful what you set your heart upon - for it will surely be yours.
James A. Baldwin

So now the eyes of the worldare upon you Sarah Palin.

And what do they see?


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Tragedy marks turning point for Palin

    With a long list of enemies, a taste for incendiary rhetoric and responsibility for a campaign website graphic that placed gunsight logos on a map of targeted congressional districts, it didn’t take long for Sarah Palin to get pulled into the orbit of Saturday’s massacre in Tucson.

    Part of Palin’s quandary is rooted in the unique spot she occupies. Since her resignation from the governorship in the summer of 2009, Palin has played a role that is part talk-show personality and part political figure. It’s a positioning that has served her well, creating personal wealth and celebrity appeal while energizing her core supporters.

    But now, for the first time, Palin is being forced to choose between the public and private spheres she operates in. If she has any intentions of running for the presidency, she must begin to appeal to the country’s broad political center. And that task just got harder in the wake of Tucson.

  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Can anyone count the number of laws that have been introduced to stop stuff that people knew was wrong before Sarah Palin?

    Whether it's getting the state to pay for your kid's travel, moving government correspondence to Yahoo or making irresponsibly violent metaphors, it seems once Sarah appears on the scene, people have to start spelling out what constitutes bad behavior because Sarah Palin has no ethical compass beyond what serves her best.

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Her weak response to a national tragedy is evidence that she is not a leader.

  4. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Gryph I clicked on the link and started reading some of the FB posts. I know scarah is a sick bastard, but Tina King, a poster on spalin's fb page posted this.

    OMG! These are the posts that scarah page should not only delete, but they should block the person as well.

    Cheryl in NJ

  5. BAustin6:19 AM

    aren't all the Faux news crazies back at work today...what can we expect to hear from Beck/Hannity/Oreilly? Beck & Billo have both been called out by the MSM multiple times over the weekend...I wonder how they will dance around sarahs rhteoric

  6. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Gotta see this great blog entry, Gryphen and others:

    PZ Meyers, among other things, collects some great tweets about Palin and the tragedy in AZ.

    For instance:

    Sarah Palin rummages online frantically erasing her rabble-rousing Tweets like a Stalinist trimming non-persons out of photos. - Roger Ebert

    I'll say this, if your first instinct after hearing about a tragedy is to scrub yr websites, you have a problem as a political movement. - digby56

  7. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Being reported: In the wake of the tragic Tucson shootings, SARAH PALIN's daughter, BRISTOL, has secretly moved into her new Arizona home.

  8. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Let's not forget that Palin put the address of a judge on-line to encourage his harassment...

  9. majii6:33 AM

    The foreign press outlets are giving her hell. They're holding nothing back. OTOH, the MSM is giving its silent consent for the continuation of the violent rhetoric by doing what it usually does--saying that "both" sides need to tone down the rhetoric. This is the main reason why I stopped depending on them for facts about what happens in this country years ago.

  10. Anonymous6:39 AM

    As sure as if she pulled the trigger herself. "Sarah the killer."

  11. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Don't retreat, instead RELOAD

  12. Anonymous6:42 AM

    No one I spoke to yesterday mentioned Sarah as a culprit. I live in NYC. It's like the dude who wanted to impress Jodie Foster. Do we blame her? Or when people blamed Manson for columbine.

    But writing EVERYBODY is a HUGE stretch, but you wouldn't have a blog if all your HUGE stretches didn't exist

  13. Anonymous6:44 AM

    And Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) explicitly called out Sarah Palin for injecting gun imagery into politics, arguing that it’s the responsibility of politicians and media outlets to call out Palin and others who, he says, push discourse into the danger zone.

    “We live in a world of violent images … the phrase ‘don’t retreat, reload’ — putting crosshairs on congressional districts as targets … they invite the unstable,” Durbin told Candy Crowley on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

    That was a direct reference to Palin’s slogan and a SarahPAC map of targeted 20 Democratic-held districts that included Giffords’ Tucson-area 8th District.

  14. Anonymous6:45 AM

    The guy was crazy and had been following congresswoman Gifford since 2007. LONG BEFORE anyone outside of Alaska knew who Sarah Palin was. Trying to blame her for a mentally ill man who hasn't been tied to her just shows your depseration and how you grasp for straws in trying to destroy Sarah Palin...which isn't going to happen. She will only get stronger.

  15. London Bridges6:46 AM

    To gain insight into the possible influences of the shooter, watch today's Democracy Now at
    If you only have 10 minutes be sure to watch the last 10 minute segment with Chip Berlet.
    click here:

  16. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The Politico article that anonymous 6:10 posted says that "Sarah Palin crosshairs" was one of the most searched terms of the weekend. All of Becky's scrubbing and revisionist history won't change the message $arah was saying to "take aim", "reload", "bull eye" alongside her maps with crosshairs on Gabby Giffords' congressional district.

    $arah may not be responsible for this shooting, but she is 100% responsible for being associated with it.

    She was asked by Rep Giffords herself, along with other politicians, to dial back the violent rhetoric but instead she chose to post a deliberately provocative message screeching nothing but violent phrases and imagery. She chose to play dirty, now she has to live with having that same dirt thrown at her.

  17. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Sometimes the sheep's clothing is ripped off and the snarling wolf beneath is revealed plainly for all to see

  18. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The President Speaks on the Shootings in Tucson: "We Are Going to Get to the Bottom of This, and We’re Going to Get Through This"

  19. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Palin on the world stage... reaction from Cuba to Britain to Russia.

    Tucson shooting reported globally as evidence of charged U.S. political climate

  20. Anonymous6:56 AM

    The really sad thing about all of this is regardless of the ultimate motivation for the actions of the shooter, America is missing a serious opportunity for introspection. It's time to look at this situation and what's been said and written in the past couple of years and ask whether that's what you really mean when you use targets on politicians, talk about being armed and dangerous, suggest using bullets instead of ballots, rant ad nauseum about socialism, nazism, marxism and on and on and on. Don't tread on me, blood and the tree of liberty, don't re-treat - re-load --- DO YOU REALLY MEAN THESE THINGS? Maybe it's time to just think before you speak.

  21. laprofesora6:57 AM

    In the realm of public relations, perception is everything. It doesn't matter if Loughner ever saw Paylin's bullseye map or not, if the public perceives Paylin as being tied to this tragedy, she will never get passed this. She is over. There is no spinning this.

  22. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Nothing is going to happen negativly to Sarah because of this. Actually she will lose no supporters and probably only get stronger. Bill O'Rielly has been preaching this hate for years. Remember Tillar the baby killer. He was directly responsible for this doctors death and his ratings have only grown. We live in a ignorant society!!!

  23. London Bridges6:59 AM

    The guy was crazy and had been following congresswoman Gifford since 2007.

    Since the shooter is now 22, a 2007 letter from Giffords for attending a forum of hers could easily have been a result a school forum or similar event. More information is need here before defending Sarah Palin's daily hate speech since 2008.

  24. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Sarah Palin's InTrade Odds Dive In Immediate Wake Of Arizona Tragedy

    The mere fact that Sarah Palin's rhetoric is being discussed in connection with yesterday's shooting is hurting her perceived odds of becoming the next President.

    Here's a look at her InTrade contract...

  25. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Whatever the answer, the Giffords shooting seems certain to make the Tea Party path to the presidency more difficult. Until Saturday, it seemed like a good bet that GOP primary voters were going to behave much like they did in the 2010 primaries, punishing moderates and rewarding candidates who made the angriest denunciations of the president, the government, Nancy Pelosi, etc. That's one reason why Newt Gingrich refashioned himself as a Tea Partier and started ranting about Obama's "Kenyan colonial mindset." It's why the whole GOP field was rightfully terrified of Sarah Palin. But the political strategy of going to ever greater extremes in one's use of martial and apocalyptic language seems like the thing that's sure to change now--at least for a while. That could substantially alter the path to the Republican presidential nomination, the jockeying for which is already underway. And sure enough, Palin's InTrade odds of winning the nomination dropped right after the shooting.

  26. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Last summer, Ms. Giffords’s Republican opponent, Jesse Kelly, had a campaign event in which voters were invited to “shoot a fully automatic M-16” with him to symbolize his assault on her campaign.

    There is one word for this kind of worship of gun violence: sick. There are two very powerful and competing notions of conservatism at play here: one is about violence; the other is about non-violence. And the reaction on the right so far suggests they have not the slightest notion that there is anything wrong about their fixation on physical force.

  27. Anonymous7:05 AM

    If this had been a campaign for pres and Obama's team put a crosshairs on Palin and she had been the target of a deranged person, and the exact same people died as a result of that shooting, tell me how you think the right wing would be spinning this story? Palin is tied forever to this tragedy and to a little girl born on our most tragic day, 9-11, as well as to the deaths of the other victims and a beautiful, talented, smart and inclusive rep who is a shining star. Palin has ripped off so many layers of her persona with this one event, leaving everyone seeing the disgusting, putrid person she had underneath that veneer. Since Paylin thinks that God has opened doors for her and that her rise is predictable and pre-determined, ordained, tell me, what is God trying to say to you now Sarah?

  28. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "Actions can’t be placed on anyone’s doorstep. But if Governor Palin doesn’t want to be criticized then she should continue her commentary but dial back the anger,” - John Weaver, longtime Republican operative.

    There is a distinction between guilt and regret. Sarah Palin is not responsible for this latest excrescence of violence. But if Sarah Palin does not regret the fact that she put a gun-sight cross-hair on a public figure who was subsequently shot in the head, then she is telling us something important about her moral character.

  29. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Right away, Hernandez saw just how badly Giffords was hurt.

    "Immediately I noticed that in the position that she was in, she was in danger of choking on her own blood just because of the way she was laying down on the floor," Hernandez said. "The first thing I did was I picked her up and sat her upright so that she could breathe more easily. She was up against my chest.

    "I then started with my bare hands trying to put pressure on her wound to prevent the blood flow from getting worse. Until we were able to get something other than my bare hand we were just applying pressure."

    He asked for something clean to help sop up the blood, and butchers brought him smocks.

  30. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Let's not forget that we've also got a sitting congresswoman, Michelle Bachman, who wants her followers "armed and dangerous"

  31. Anonymous7:11 AM

    @6:45 - she is finished. She is not getting stronger . She is in hiding, like the guilty person she is. Oh, & you bear some complicity for supporting hate & murder. You must be in hiding, too. You are proving her guilt; he was interested in Giffords before but it was Palin's target on Giffords & rhetoric which encouraged him to act. He was a Republican, FYI, by the way. So your previous CYA meme about JL being a liberal was a lie.

  32. Anonymous7:13 AM

    A lot of apologists keep saying that it's not Palin's fault because the gunman had been planning this a long time, since before Palin came on the scene.

    We'll never know whose words exactly moved the gunman from extreme thought into violent action. We'll never know if he saw Palin's infamous crosshair image. We'll never know what exactly he listened to, what kind of media he consumed, who his political idols were.

    I think some Palin-bots would have to shut up and sit down if we did know, though.

    Remember that nothing happens in a vacuum.

  33. Anonymous7:13 AM

    @6:42 a.m.,

    No one is saying literally everybody, and you know it. Sarah Palin is like George Wallace. He didn't bomb that church in Alabama, but his rhetoric incited violence, during a very heated political climate, in a very divided country. And he was blamed. Sarah Palin is largely to blame for the negative political discourse in this country. It started in 2008, when she would whip angry mobs into frenzy at her camapign rallies. She's been running her mouth, non-stop for more than two years. So, naturally, in a divided country, where the right-wing has been leading the march in anti-government rhetoric for the past two years, and a democratic congresswoman ends up getting shot, a lot of people automatically blame Sarah Palin, and others like her. They blame her, because she is largely reponsible for nasty political discourse in the country. Her type of rhetoric might have caused some whack-job to snap. People would have blamed Palin whether there had been a cross-hair map, or not. You're pathetic.

  34. Anonymous7:13 AM

    This false equivalence crap is getting on my nerves. I wish I had time to simply list all of the published or otherwise on-the-record comments from politicians public figures or radio/TV personalities, just a lit of their words, for the last 2-3 years. Both sides, left and right. And place those two lists side by side. Maybe that would end this theater act of the MSM

    Anyone? Or start a list, and just keep adding to it.

  35. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I would love to have heard the first conversation she had with Van Flein, I imagine he called her immediately giving her council.

    He has to now protect the tea party candidate she helped elect, they both have to deal with both Washington and Arizona politicians and constituents.

    She is toast politically, it's about time she hit the wall. Crazy evil loon. All who helped her have to live with the fact they created and let loose a monster on this country. They should all feel terrible and ashamed of themselves. Every dang one of them.

  36. Anonymous7:15 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    Nothing is going to happen negativly to Sarah because of this. Actually she will lose no supporters and probably only get stronger. Bill O'Rielly has been preaching this hate for years. Remember Tillar the baby killer. He was directly responsible for this doctors death and his ratings have only grown. We live in a ignorant society!!!

    6:57 AM"

    No one respects Orally, Beck, Coulter, etc, and
    no one respects Palin. None of them have
    mainstream support--they are fringe goons.

  37. Anonymous7:18 AM

    check out the NEW facebook group Banned by Palin.

    Go to the discussion and see the documented proof that Palin's FB admins are swatting down any discussion/topics.

    Yesterday was insane on her page.

  38. Anonymous7:20 AM

    @ poster 6:45

    This man had some reason he started following Gabby since 2007.
    Yes that is before Sarah Palin came on the scene.

    But if this young man did not agree with Gabby's politics and this man listened to and read what Sarah Palin suggested.

    She is accountable and responsible for his actions in some way. Sarah Palin is a ugly woman inside and is NOT a public servant.

    Sarah Palin is a dangerous clown and the biggest FARCE in the WORLD! It will come back at her and hopefully soon!

  39. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Troll @6:42 says: "It's like the dude who wanted to impress Jodie Foster. Do we blame her? Or when people blamed Manson for columbine."

    Could you come up with something original, please? I think I've read this from you 15 times. You stink of Palin genes. that you, Willow? Maybe Track? Oh, hi, Chuck!

  40. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Gayle King had her first live broadcast on OWN this morning and she was addressing the issue. She very clearly and firmly tied $P to the incident. Then she had Mika from Morn Joe on and she mentioned in disgust the fact that $P's advisors are trying to suggest the symbols are not gun sights. Mika said that an apology would have been more appropriate. Thankyou Gayle and Mika for speaking about reality. The View is currently talking about it and BW actually felt sorry for $P--I nearly threw up.

  41. Anonymous7:25 AM

    @6:45 a.m.,

    He may have been a mentally ill person "stalking" her since 2007, but this mentally ill person decided to try to kill her in 2011.

    Sarah Palin's anti-government rhetoric may have finally caused this mentally ill man to snap. It doesn't matter if he hasn't been tied to her. You are the one grasping at straws.

    Despite the fact, that he may have been stalking her since 2007, the authorities have said that he never threatened her. Until now.

    Sarah Palin makes a living trying to destory others, including the president. Which is why many, including myself, have no sympathy for her.

    "Sarah Palin will only get stronger."


  42. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I live in The Netherlands and dutch media is reporting on Sarah's "bullseye" map. It was even printed in the free paper you read on the subway.

  43. Anonymous7:28 AM

    "Let's not forget that Palin put the address of a judge on-line to encourage his harassment..."

    That is a very good thing to point out! A very serious item! This judge received death threats as a result of Palin doing this!

    She also said "keep your powder dry", referring to ammunition and being able to use it. Another direct gun reference.

    I imagine the NRA groups are devising defense for backlash.

    She is a sick egomaniac who went too far and was allowed to for too dam long.

  44. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Palin's Other Arizona "Targets"

  45. Anonymous7:29 AM


    Dawson Williams Has anyone considered the idea that this was done intentionally??
    Dont you think they would like to take the steam out of the Tea Party??
    These people arent really high on morals you know
    14 seconds ago ·

  46. Anonymous7:30 AM

    @6:57 a.m.,

    We know her supporters will always support her. It's the middle she has a problem with, and the shooting may have made things worse.

  47. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Another example of the incendiary violent rhetoric:

    "The only problem I had with Timothy McVeigh is that he didn't go to the NYTimes Building". Ann Coulter.

  48. In the past, I have been guilty of saying things that weren't particulary nice or before I speak I ask myself 3 questions.
    1. Is it kind?
    2. Is it true?
    3. Is it necessary?
    If I can't answer yes to all 3 questions...I keep my mouth shut. Sarah please burn these questions into your mind before you open your filthy mouth again.

  49. ignia7:36 AM

    I don't think de-legalizing any form of speech is a good idea.

    Instead, I think it would be a *better* idea for the law to read, "You will be held responsible for any crimes committed of a violent nature, if there are either striking similarities or direct links from what you say to the actual deed.

    If found guilty, you will serve 1/10 of the sentence or pay a fine equal to 1/2 of the criminal's fine each instance."

    No restriction on first amendment. Forces people to take responsibility for their actions. Forces self-regulation and self-moderation, which is far more effective than government moderation.

  50. 10catsinMD7:36 AM

    I never go to Snowdrift's facebook page, but did so today to look at comments. Deletions all over the place, plus loads of new discussions.

    Also they are leaving in comments praising the "retreat-reload" statements. Wow. Huge push to place blame on liberals for this.

    Sick, sick, sick.

    I am still in sorrow over the the lives taken, especially the little girl, just my granddaughters age.

    As if I could care now, I wonder what Palin is doing now? Is toad in desperation trying to keep her calm and unders meds or is he off to his favorite friends for some entertainment.

    Are they all spaced out on drugs or booze?

    I want to take my country back. Where people obey laws and talk sanely over things. Let the anger go away and replace it with progressive stability and discussion.

    Peace my friends. Peace.

  51. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Let's make that list, call it the *** "Wall of Shame" *** and just keep adding quotes and citing sources. Maybe it will tie those words to those people, and the tide could turn in public opinion, less tolerance, call out people who make such statements in the future

  52. Anonymous7:39 AM

    The fact that Sarah Palin's people are now lying about the gun-sights being "surveyors symbols" is appualing. It means the Palin camp think's covering Sarah Palin's ass is more important.

  53. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Palinbots coming on here to defend your mentally ill
    Narcisstic queen, FUCK YOU!!!!

    At least acknowledge in your ridiculous comments that violent imagery or language is NOT appropriate for any public figure to use!

    What is wrong with you people!!!!

    Gryphen, it's your blog but haven't you had enough of these sick in denial people who refuse to admit that language and imagery that is violent can move an unbalanced person to act?? I just wish we could have one day of not listening to them. They make me sick.

  54. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Sarah Palin tells Glenn Beck she "hates violence."

  55. Yesterday on Gretawire, a memo allegedly from the Department of Homeland Security was posted, in which it was suggested that anti-Semitism was the motive, and that Rep. Giffords was the first Jewish woman to attain such a high position in government. I think the whole thing was bogus because I didn't see it anywhere else, and there are other Jewish women in high places--Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Elena Kagan, etc. You know Greta van Sustern and her husband have been friends/advisors/promoters of Palin from the get-go. I think this was just an especially lame attempt at spin. Gretawire is looking more like the Drudge report every day.

  56. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Sarah Palin has a problem communicating her message intent using written words and imagery, according to her aide R. Mansour. A very interesting yet disturbing admission. Afterall, Sarah has a degree in communications/journalism. I do not believe for one minute that my reading of her words, listening to her speech or viewing her websites with these images is a "misunderstanding" on my part.

  57. Anonymous7:46 AM

    What is it about handguns and America? A handgun has only one use - to shoot a human being. I know there are a lot of good Americans but really what kind of a country are you becoming where there are so many Americans who fear their fellow citizens enough to carry handguns? Look at your political/campaign rhetoric -- it's all about guns. Shocking.

  58. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Gryphen, I just saw this comment on Syrin's blog. It would be interesting to figure out what exactly "the odds" of a congresswoman being shot really are, in comparison to the one in twenty odds of one of Palin's cross hair targets. These numbers only reflect the last 100 years, and ignore the first 120 years, which would make the overall odds even smaller!

    From Syrin's blog:

    "Before Representative Giffords was shot, there had been nine assassination attempts of US Congressmen. That is over a 220 year history. There are currently 435 members of congress, and have been that many for almost a century. I’m not really sure how to figure the odds, because I don’t know how many members of congress there were for the first 120 years. But if we just consider the last hundred years…………….with every congress person serving a 2 year term, I think that you would multiply 435 times 50 elections and divide by 10 (# of assassination attempts). That would mean that in the last 100 years, a US congresswoman would have about a one in 2,175 chance, or .00046 percent chance of being shot.

    If you were Gabrielle Giffords, and were one of 20 congressmen targeted by a gun cross hair, you would have a one in twenty, or .05 percent chance of being shot.

    With language like “don’t retreat, reload” as well as Representative Giffords opponent (who was supported by Palin) continuing Palin’s rhetoric a step further with his “Get on Target for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office by shooting a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.”, I’m affraid that I cannot believe that this was “a coincidence”."

  59. Anonymous7:53 AM

    My mama always told us that two wrongs don't make a right and all this attempted justification of the violent rhetoric and imagery by finger pointing is pathetic -- this is not the point.

  60. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Time to come out from hiding Sister Sarah.

  61. Anonymous7:59 AM

    "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

    @ 6:11 Laws are not the answer for all our woes, the fourth estate does not function appropriately nor does it serve the public with it's present day corporate rule and monopoly.

    Like a coward, Sarah Palin hides behind ghosts, twitter and facebook. Her idiot side kick hides behind her and the radio. The world sees they are fools. Americans must now wake up and take action.

    How did we get here?

    What made this monster known as Sarah Palin? We are as sick as our secrets, it is vital to know the whole story. What was Sarah's home life like as a child? I know of repugnant images of home life with the father, none are as abhorrent as the glimpse into Papa Heath's favorite ammo supplier in Wasilla. VIDEO at 01:50.

    More shocking is why was nothing more mentioned or done by media when reporters were all over town looking for stories about this new rock star politician? Media failed our country and our elected officials when they go along with or choose to ignore the instigators and all that aided them by giving a free range to spread and provoke this vile.

  62. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I visit this site several times each day. I have never commented before, but I just saw a link on huf po, and had to follow it. I don't know what to feel about it, except it is such bs I can't believe they think anyone is fooled by it. Puts a new top on hypocrisy.

  63. Virginia Voter8:06 AM

    I have been so shocked and upset by this tragedy, I haven't posted or commented on your many insightful posts Gryphen. I have a child almost exactly the age of Christina Green, and it hits so close to home when you see tragedy strike such a young innocent life full of promise.

    Stick a fork in Sarah, she is overdone, burned, charred, and thrown out in the trash where she belongs. For over two years, this wrethced witch has done nothing but divide, tear down, and spread hate and lies. The fact that she will not come out from behind Facebook, twitter, and the psychopath RAM tells you that she in nothing but a fraud and a coward. Sarah Palin does not have a sense of honor, decency, or reality.

    The fact that her or her family would even consider stepping foot into the state of Arizona without some sort of statement or press conference boggles my mind.

    Apparently Cong. Giffords reelection campaign against Sarah endorsed former Marine Jesse Kelly was exceptionally negative and heated. Kelley held a shoot an M16 event to target and remove Gabrielle Giffords:

    Check out this video...also laughing about Sarah praising Joe Miller, then appears with Allen West and Kelly:

  64. ...Has John McCain weighed in on what's happened in his state, yet...?

    I think Palin's political ambitions, if there were any, are probably done now by what has recently happened.

  65. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I look at pictures of all these nuts parading around with their gun and I just don't get what is so alluring to need to walk everywhere with a gun and own assault weapons.

    AS my sane avid hunting brother in law likes to say..." If you need an assault rifle to hunt something a 12 yr old girl can kill with a bow, you're a pussy that should forfeit your man card."

  66. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Anon @ 7:46. I agree completely. There are many, many of us who do not feel that guns are a "right", or are necessary for most American citizens. In fact, we feel quite the opposite. The point about hand guns in particular is well taken, but I feel this in regard to most guns. I exempt the hobby of hunting, I suppose people have a right to do that, and some might argue there is an ecological basis for it.

    Given the genesis of our nation, our history, we have always had guns and there are many who feel very tied to that past, depending on their geographic location and cultural mindset. We also have the problem of rampant proliferation among criminals, as everyone is well aware. The NRA is unbelievably powerful; guns are big business. It's mostly about the money, when it comes down to it. Many, many people have a vested interest in the gun business.

    Please do not make the mistake of assuming we are all represented by this gun-happy mentality. This country is almost literally split down the middle on many of these issues.

    The gun rhetoric, excepting the rare Dem response, is almost exclusively coming from our far right wing. Bush and Co made fear a premium manipulation tactic, and the GOP continues their methods in this vein. The "toughest" candidates have been rewarded in that party. It's really not shocking at all, because it works for them.

  67. Gasman8:15 AM

    Interesting how the fine upstanding Christian Sarah Palin and her execrable shithead posse thinks that it's perfectly fine to muse on the propriety of killing a 9 year old girl because "she was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway," but even the slightest criticism of Palin sends her editors into a panicked frenzy.

    The comment about the shooting death of Christina Taylor Green was left up for more than 30 minutes while even mild rebukes toward Palin were gone within one or two minutes at most.

    It clearly indicates what the priorities are of those in Palinland. Gunning down 9 year girls is apparently OK, but you had better not diss our princess!

    Child or not, is it now OK to gun down someone because they are - or even just perceived that they possibly might be, someday - a "bleeding heart liberal?"

    It is precisely THAT kind of rhetoric - which is apparently acceptable on Palin's website - that led to the horrific events of Saturday. The dehumanization of political foes to the point of calling for and then celebrating their deaths IS the problem. So, try as you might Palin/RAM to try and distance yourself from these events, you have simply confirmed that you most certainly have a starring role in this odious and detestable political kabuki being played out before us.

    Palin or RAM, any thoughts? Why didn't you scrub the loathsome comments justifying the murder of a child in a timely manner? Is THIS what Sarah Palin stands for?

    Even after the deaths of six people, including a wholly innocent nine year old girl, apparently this is EXACTLY what Palin stands for.

  68. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I think this episode clearly shows how deeply troubled this country is. Sarah Palin believers won't even let the deaths of 6 innocents sway them from adoration of their queen. Fortunately, they are a minority, but if this whole thing and the Palin/Mansour response to it doesn't peel the blinders from their eyes and reveal Palin to be the vacuous fraud she is, nothing will.

  69. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Just checked out your link to ObamaLondon, and I think more people need to see what gets scrubbed from Palin's Facebook page, and what gets allowed to stay up. That statement about that little girl is beyond appalling, and the fact that that statement stayed up while other, mild statements of criticism were instantly taken down speaks volumes about Palin and her people.

  70. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Not everyone is hating Scarah. This morning, much to my disgust, the idiots on the View were actually defending her. Walters actually said that she FELT SORRY FOR HER!!! Click went the remote. Never will I watch ABC again. How can anyone defend this idiot. ABC and Walters disgust me.

  71. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Enough about "rhetoric." Rhetoric is another word for formal argument. SPalin has never been capable of making an argument. She is a cheerleader of violent metaphors. (Think of cheerleaders shouting: Kill'em, kill'em.) Trouble is only educated, literate people understand the nature of metaphors. More simple-minded folks take them literally; they don't understand that a metaphor is used to make an enlightening association. For that reason, metaphors are one of the most POWERFUL parts of speech, because they broadcast both figurative and literal meanings. Any sophisticated public speaker knows their power and watches carefully how they use such powerfully charged language. I believe Palin was just plain stupid, and the consequences have been tragic-- that she was ever put on a national stage. Staggering stupidity.

  72. Facebook Lurker8:26 AM

    Old picture from outside DWTS rehearsal...if my last name was Palin I would not be setting foot in Arizona

  73. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The comment about Jodie Foster (not blaming her) doesn't even factor into this. Jodie was doing NOTHING & that is a huge difference. Sarah & all her friends incite hatred & fear. They don't care that mentally ill people take them seriously or not. They can make big bucks and have clean hands. I am sure that the God they are always talking about is super proud of them!

  74. Facebook Lurker8:32 AM

    Here's a write up about the last episode of SPA:

  75. Anonymous8:32 AM

    No one respects Orally, Beck, Coulter, etc, and
    no one respects Palin. None of them have
    mainstream support--they are fringe goons.

    Are you kidding me? Where do you live? O'Rielly gets huge support and his his show gets great ratings. His viewership is way higher than anything on MSNBC I am no supporter of O'Rielly but you can't ignore his popularity. Many places here in the U.S. T.V.

  76. Anonymous8:33 AM

    My dog, that woman's day in politics might really be over. I posted yesterday that I thought she would throw her hat in the political ring, because she is that delusional, but I might be wrong...

    For the very first time, I am seeing some opinion on haraSmaeT that she should not try for POTUS (at least till 2016.)

  77. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Gabrielle Giffords Wrote Email Calling For 'Centrism And Moderation' On Eve Of Shooting

    On the eve of the shooting that left her critically injured, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) wrote an email to Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson (R), asking his help in toning down the partisan rhetoric in the country.

    "After you get settled, I would love to talk about what we can do to promote centrism and moderation," wrote Giffords. "I am one of only 12 Dems left in a GOP district (the only woman) and think that we need to figure out how to tone our rhetoric and partisanship down."

  78. Anonymous8:40 AM


    "Her advisers are furious" that she would be linked to this in any way.

    Wha!? They see no cause for concern whatsoever?!?

    A sick, sick woman surrounded by sick, sick people...

  79. Anonymous8:41 AM

    For those wondering why Sarah as been so silent, I suggest that she's waiting for Murdoch & Co. to finish construction on her Arizona studio before she resumes her incendiary commentary.

    Just a thought...

  80. Anonymous8:42 AM

    The University of Arizona student who came to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's aid after she was shot in the head Saturday says he's not a hero.

    "I don't think I'm a hero," Daniel Hernandez told the Daily Wildcat. "I think doing something one off is not something heroic."

    Hernandez had been working as an intern for Giffords the Monday before the shooting.

    According to the Wildcat, Hernandez ran in the direction of the gunshots and was the first person to attend to Giffords.

    "I saw that she had been severely injured because she had that severe gunshot wound to the head ... she was my main focus so I stayed with her and tried to help her as much as possible," Hernandez said.

    The political science student is a certified nursing assistant. He told ABC News that the congresswoman responded to him while he helped her. "She was able to hold my hand when I asked her if she could hear me," he said. "I wasn't able to get any words from her. She may have been trying, but because of the way that I was having to hold her it was a lot easier to just 'if you can hear me Gabby just grab my hand to let me know that you're okay.'"

    Hernandez has known Giffords since 2008.

  81. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Glenn Beck Emails Sarah Palin About Arizona Shooting

    Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin emailed each other about the shooting in Arizona, and Beck read some of their exchange on his Monday radio show.

    Both have been cited by some as having contributed to the political climate that may have indirectly led to the shootings. Palin, in particular, has drawn criticism for the map she put up that placed Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' congressional district, among others within crosshairs.

    "Sarah, as you know, peace is always the answer. I know you are felling the same heat, if not much more on this," Beck wrote, according to Politico.

    He also expressed his concern about her safety, and recommended that she use the same security firm as him.

    "I hate violence," Palin replied. "I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this."

  82. Anonymous8:44 AM

    @Anonymous said...
    Time to come out from hiding Sister Sarah. 7:59 AM
    Remember how she abhors getting booed? Wow. It will be interesting to see what she does now. It wouldn't be surprising if she checks into a mental health facility... and of course, her bots, will blame it on the stress of the media...she can be a victim (again).

  83. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Media Outlets Apologize After Falsely Reporting Giffords' Death

  84. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Glenn Beck Emails Sarah Palin About Arizona Shooting

    "I hate violence," Palin replied. "I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this."
    coming from her ,that's rich !

  85. Just saw the Beck exchange over at Daily Kos.

    May she rot in Hell.

  86. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Isn't taking the "cross hairs-bulls eye" map down offensive to surveyors?

  87. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Anon 6:45 said: "The guy was crazy and had been following congresswoman Gifford since 2007. LONG BEFORE anyone outside of Alaska knew who Sarah Palin was. Trying to blame her for a mentally ill man who hasn't been tied to her just shows your depseration and how you grasp for straws in trying to destroy Sarah Palin...which isn't going to happen. She will only get stronger."

    So anything that happened between 2007 and the shooting incident is irrelevant? I don't follow.

  88. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Anon 7:44 It isn't bullshit!! This is Arizona and I have net many people here who have never met a Jew in their lives. I have personally experienced anti-semitism at work on several occasions. The congresswoman IS the first Jewish representative here.

    The report you are referring to did not originate from Greta. It was leaked by Homeland Security and has been reported several places including the Christian Science Monitor.

    Arizona has active white supremacist groups and these far right wacko groups are all over the country. They hate many- Hispanics, Blacks, Jews. Why do you think this is bullshit?? There are members of Congress who have been linked with these groups and the person who started the SB1070 law in Arizona is apparently a member.

    There are many people who hate Jews and others.
    This shooter listed Mein Kampf as a favorite boom on his My Space page.

    I am not saying this report is true but it wouldn't surprise me. Anti-Semitic acts are at an all time high in our country and other countries. Some of you don't think this is a serious real issue. It is.

    Why does your post sound so angry? It's a bit confusing.

  89. BanditBasheert8:56 AM

    Palin will forever be known as the Butcher of Tucson. Her culpability in the Political Massacre will stick like dogpoop on her shoe.

    She crossed the line. She can't take it back.

    In the future, our grandchildren will read of her violent rhetoric and the resulting assassination of 6 people and the wounding of 13 more.

    Palin: The Massacre of Tucson - her future.

  90. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Sarah Palin to Glenn Beck: “I hate violence”

    Sure Sarah, sure you hate violence, that's why you use incendiary speech every chance you get, that why you orgasm every time you shoot a gun at an animal, that's why you caused more death threats against our president with your hatred, fear mongering and ginning up of racial diversity. You use the language of war, of violence, of harm, of destruction, of devastation, all the while crying victim when the entire WORLD is now calling you out on this. You are such a sick human being.

    From Politico:

    Sarah Palin reached out to Glenn Beck over the weekend, and Beck read some of their email exchange on his radio show this morning.

    “Sarah, as you know, peace is always the answer. I know you are feeling the same heat, if not much more on this,” Beck wrote.

    Beck expressed concern about Palin’s safety, and urged her to hire the same Los Angeles-based security firm that he uses.

    The rhetoric of both Beck and Palin has been cited by both liberals and some of the mainstream media as examples of the kind of overheated political discourse that, if not directly connected to the Tucson shooting, has created an environment in which a similar thing might happen again.

    “I hate violence,” Palin wrote back. “I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this to succeed in portraying anyone as inciting terror and violence.”

  91. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Unless someone comes up with a letter Jodie Foster sent out to America that said people should take out musicians, the two incidences had absolutely nothing to do with each other.

    Alternatively, Charles Manson stirred his followers into starting a race war. Osama Bin Laden calls for the death of what he sees as the enemies of his religion. Bill O'Reilly encouraged his listeners to kill Dr. Tiller. These are much better analogies. Not perfect, but much, much closer than Jodi Foster.

  92. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Thom Hartman just referenced ObamaLondon in his radio show.

    Watched/listened to different outlets this morning. Stef Miller was almost distraught--she's a Dem now, but her father ran as Veep to Goldwater. She was talking about the effect this has on the children of elected officials.

    Both NBC & CBS reported that the TLC show won't be renewed & speculated it was because of her presumed run for president. At a different point in the show, the target map was mentioned. But never tied together with the demise of the show.

    Drudge & the other righty sites are in full blown "the kid is a lefty-liberal" damage control. Beck, of course, makes it all about him by reading a letter he supposedly sent to console SARAH.

    What a world, what a world...

  93. Anonymous9:05 AM

    The only job left for her:

    Casting Call: HISTORY Channel is casting for season three of its competition series, Top Shot seeking skilled marksmen who are proficient with a pistol, rifle or other firearms. For the new season, HISTORY is looking for Marksmen Pairs: husband/wife, father/son, co-workers or siblings to participate in the show. If you and a partner are in good physical shape, have mastered a firearm and can adapt to new weapons and demanding physical challenges, please consider applying. Send an email to: with your name, city/state, phone number, a recent photo and a brief explanation of why you should be on the show. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2011. More information can be found at and click on "Casting" or call 818-478-4570. Applicants must be at least 21 years old, a resident or citizen of the US and reasonably skilled with shooting and marksmanship.

  94. Anonymous9:06 AM

    bots, forget about her. It doesn't matter that she is not a direct cause of the massacre. She tempted fate and got bit.

    She is the symbol of the violence now and that will not go away.

    Better switch to Bachman now.

  95. Anonymous said: No one I spoke to yesterday mentioned Sarah as a culprit. I live in NYC. It's like the dude who wanted to impress Jodie Foster. Do we blame her? Or when people blamed Manson for columbine.

    Try making sense. This hatred has gone on since Sarah Palin has come on the scene. I don't blame Manson for columbine but obviously the court blamed him for the deaths in CA. by his "followers". He never pulled the trigger but he had his brain dead "followers" believing his every word. Hm sort of reminds me of peebrainsforpalin.

  96. Anonymous9:08 AM

    It's pretty damn sick that Palin and Beck can't be honest with themselves and look at their contribution to the hatred in this country!!

    No one is saying Sarah or Beck meant for this to happen or wanted this to happen, but are they so stupid and blind???
    I never ever had respect for them, now I really don't.

    Couldn't one of these far right people do the right thing and state publically that they commit to working on toning down their hate talk?? What is wrong with them that they can't do this. Sarah isn't a leader! How can her fans think she is. This country would be chaos under her!!!! A leader tries to bring people together.

    Let's see if even ONE person on the right (Beck, Palin, O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc) have the dignity and class to take the high road. Keith Olbermann admitted he had crossed the line, why can't they??

    I'm not holding my breath! I predict they will defend and lie.

  97. More twilight zone stuff coming from her corner of unreality... something about how she hates violence on CNN.

  98. Virginia Voter9:08 AM

    Check this out this screenshot from Jesse Kelly's campaign website:

    He has also been scrubbing- but just check out these images from his failed run:

    Seems like it's time to look at this guy's rhetoric as well...he used the crosshairs quite liberally

  99. I am going to retract, briefly, my lifetime resolution to never type that woman's name again.

    "I hate you SARAH!!!! Don't just retreat, instead sit down, shut the fruck up and disappear"

    Scrub this, you wretched beetch.

    That is all.

  100. Anonymous9:10 AM


    Haven't read the comments so sorry if this has already been posted but someone did a post on watching Palin's page remove negative comments about Palin almost immediately after post, but one about the little girl that was killed that basically said, oh well she'd would have ended up a bleeding heart liberal anyway never deleted.

    This post needs to go viral!!!! Lots of screenshots too to prove that someone was constantly editing, deleting comments they didn't like.


  101. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Gryphen, I have a bunch of screen shots of various negative comments that were on Sarah's FB page in the discussions section. If you'd like to see them I can e-mail them to you. There were thousands. I got 5 or six pages worth. I see today, some keep popping up, but the majority have been scrubbed.


  102. Anonymous9:15 AM

    After seeing the national tragedy that has happened in Arizona Sarah, it is time for you to acknowledge the role your actions could have possibly played!

    Sarah Palin — you need to speak up now if you want to save your potential Presidential career. You need to apologize for targeting political opponents with crosshair symbols on an attack map!

    The American people want debate, they want strong differing political views but they DO NOT want their political candidates and representatives made targets for assassination. Sarah- you as the virtual leader of the Tea Party movement have led the gun-slinging rhetoric, primarily against Democrats. You published a map of American Congressional districts last March on your Facebook page before the mid-term elections and you placed gun target “cross hairs” on 20 districts, targeting Democrats, who needed to be “removed ” especially because they supported health care reform. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was elected to one of those 20 targeted districts. It appears that someone called Jared Loughner, 22,may have taken your target map and calls to arms seriously and now Giffords is fighting for her life, a respected Judge, John M. Roll, is dead, and so is a beautiful 9 year-old girl and three others.

    You also exhorted your followers on twitter: “Don’t retreat! Instead – RELOAD!” Giffords’ Republican opponent in the recent Congressional race , Jesse Kelly, seems to have taken this order literally. He actually held a rally event in which he invited supporters to shoot a machine gun. “Get on target for victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly,” on June 12, 2010, his ad for the event announced.

  103. Anonymous9:16 AM

    YOu do realize your argument that the crazies only comes from the right is null and void when one looks online at all the "kill sarah palin" and "i hate sarah palin" fb groups. Both sides are passionately hateful

  104. her just shows your depseration and how you grasp for straws in trying to destroy Sarah Palin...which isn't going to happen. She will only get stronger.

    Last comment to trolls. Stronger? Stronger would apply she was strong in the first place . She lost VP! She quit governor position because poor baby she is the only one people pick on. Not like our President who has such an easy time. He only has had more death threats then any other President before him. You are seriously delusional.

  105. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Here is what John McCain said, on Twitter (for the commenter who wondered what he had said):

    “I am horrified by the violent attack on Representative Gabrielle Giffords and many other innocent people by a wicked person who has no sense of justice or compassion. I pray for Gabby and the other victims, and for the repose of the souls of the dead and comfort for their families. I beg our loving Creator to spare the lives of those who are still alive, heal them in body and spirit, and return them to their loved ones.

    “Whoever did this; whatever their reason, they are a disgrace to Arizona, this country and the human race, and they deserve and will receive the contempt of all decent people and the strongest punishment of the law.”

  106. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I'd like to know how claims are being made that the left has to tone down their rhetoric.It is clear that all the negative nasty discourse has been coming from the right.Remember the photo of Palins butt boy Joe Miller with his goons marching behind a Hummer with assault rifles hung over their beer guts.It is clear Palin is behind this kind of garbage.How about her defense of Tammy Bruce whose picture is of her behind a microphone with a gun.Palin steeped herself in this kind of imagery.Who needed to see her shoot a caribou?This evil woman most definitely has blood on her hands.

  107. Anonymous9:27 AM

    anon@6:45, the shooter didn't try to kill the congresswoman in 2007, or 2008, or, 2009. He did it after Palin put her in her crosshairs.

  108. Anonymous9:27 AM

    We are all waiting to see Palin's Emails from long ago...she is still fighting releasing them, yet Glen Beck's and Her Emails are leak over night with both of them acting nice ???? HA! We know Sarah is once again only thinking about how she and Beck look and not being real at all, because her real is a uncaring, mean Bully who hides her emails and deletes anything that might make her look bad.

  109. I spent some time on Sarah's Facebook page last night too. I didn't get any screenshots, but I did copy some negative comments, which were disappearing faster than her political future, and posted them on my FB page:

    This one lasted full minute, they must be getting tired!

    Bosslady Bodega hypocritical cunt. you were the one who put the target on her you disgusting bitch.
    about a minute ago

    Almost a minute for this one!

    Pierre Eville Fine- you put GUN CROSSHAIRS over her name, and now you are PRAYING FORHER. What a piece of work you are. Don't worry there are plenty of ignorant assholes who will prop you up and find a way to bl...ame this on "the other side". You are a repellant person and your 15 minutes is just about up.
    54 seconds ago

    They're steppin' it up, only a few seconds for this one

    Stephen Loane If this was a school shooting, the student who posted the cross-hair map would be in custody right now.
    a few seconds ago

    RC Williams So, who do you want to be taken down on yer American target, next, Sarah- who do you want murdered?
    a few seconds ago

    Mark Robins Well, I hope that Sarah and all her Nazi followers are happy now. Go rot in hell.
    4 seconds ago

    Matthew Lumby Do you accept any responsibility for your disgraceful use of crosshairs to 'target' Gabrielle Giffords?
    37 seconds ago

    This one won't last long!

    Avantika Krishna
    Furthermore, there has been an upsurge of people getting banned from their comments.
    Honestly, if Palin and her staff have nothing to fear, why would they censor comments, good or bad? Would that not against palin's views of upholding the... constitution and her amendments?
    Censorship of this sort only increases anxiety, finger pointing, and speculation.
    a few seconds ago

  110. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "No one I spoke to yesterday mentioned Sarah as a culprit. I live in NYC. It's like the dude who wanted to impress Jodie Foster. Do we blame her? Or when people blamed Manson for columbine."

    Idiot! Jodie Foster didn't encourage John Hinkley in any way shape or form. Sarah Palin used rhetoric to stir up fear and anger and if she didn't pull the trigger, she set the tone for this to happen.

    As for your Manson take.....what a dumb fuck you are. Manson didn't kill anybody either, but just like Sarah Palin, he encouraged others to take action. He ranted and raved and incited them on. Sarah Palin is Charles Manson in a skirt.

  111. I wish I could agree that this is the last straw for Palin. But I can't.

    Please, someone, expose Babygate while the public is paying attention.

  112. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Nothing but a trite, token response from Sarah since the incident. Not that I didn't already know she was a coward.

  113. Anonymous9:33 AM

    yeah Bristol's just on the chubby side of life right now

  114. Anonymous9:36 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    No one respects Orally, Beck, Coulter, etc, and
    no one respects Palin. None of them have
    mainstream support--they are fringe goons.

    Are you kidding me? Where do you live? O'Rielly gets huge support and his his show gets great ratings. His viewership is way higher than anything on MSNBC I am no supporter of O'Rielly but you can't ignore his popularity. Many places here in the U.S. T.V.

    8:32 AM"

    Fool. I said they weren't respected by people
    who were worth being respected by. You can
    brown nose the Fox assholes all you want. You
    can be "popular" and still be a fringe goon--just
    look at sweet Sarah Palin. Who respects Sarah?
    Other who are just like her. Who watches Beck,
    Orally & the others? Other hate-filled cowards, the
    feeble minded, the senile elderly, and those
    who watch TO MOCK.

  115. Anonymous9:36 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    yeah Bristol's just on the chubby side of life right now

    9:33 AM"

    Holy shit.

  116. majii9:37 AM

    I recall that someone came here last week and mocked Gryphen about an iceberg in Palin's future. If you're posting or lurking here and reading what is being said about Palin around the world, she has run into her iceberg. All of the violent rhetoric Palin has used over the last 2 years has been "fun" for her. She's been busy tweeting, posting on FB, telling lies on Pox, and traveling the country to fleece the naive saying things she doesn't give another thought to after they come out of her mouth. She's mighty quiet now because she's suddenly discovered that words/actions have consequences.

    For those who come here to defend her words and actions, you forget that Congressman Lewis warned McCain and Palin in 2008 that should something bad happen because of something they did/said, they'd be as guilty as if they pulled the trigger themselves. Sometimes callous, irresponsible language and behavior can cause irreparable harm, and what happened in AZ on Saturday is an example of this.

    To those defending Palin and claiming to be Christians, I will remind you of what Jesus said in the Book of Matthew, and that was that what comes out of your mouth reveals what is in your heart. A Christian cannot worship God and mammon at the same time. If we, as Christians, say that we follow the teachings of Jesus we should remember that he said that our actions should be such that the world can see that we are Christians by what we say/do. Being a Christian in name only means that earthly concerns are more important to you than heavenly concerns.

  117. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Palin will never be elected to any office. She is a celebrity and nothing more. She was the worst governor Alaska has ever had, she lies, she's devisive and not a uniter, is a racist and most importantly (from an Alaskan's standpoint) is a horrible example of a true Alaskan woman.

  118. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Anon 9:16--- please provide links to any web pages devoted to killing Sarah Palin. Provide proof so we can see who moderates or wrote this. It is wrong.

    Hating Sarah is another matter. I HATE her guts!! I think she has done nothing positive for our country. I despise her politics and hate her methods. Butvi have no desire to kill her nor do I wish her or her family harm.

    There is a huge difference between hate and murder.

    Stop making excuses!!!

  119. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Erick Erickson Over At Red State Puts Lipstick On The Pig

    Erick Erickson Red State blogger and CNN contributor might spin his Right Wing Tea Party choir, but this hillbilly knows what's going on and Erick Erickson ain't spinning me.

  120. Anonymous9:49 AM


    You wrote to Anon 7:44:
    "...The report you are referring to did not originate from Greta. It was leaked by Homeland Security and has been reported several places including the Christian Science Monitor.

    "Arizona has active white supremacist groups and these far right wacko groups are all over the country. They hate many- Hispanics, Blacks, Jews. Why do you think this is bullshit?? There are members of Congress who have been linked with these groups and the person who started the SB1070 law in Arizona is apparently a member.

    There are many people who hate Jews and others.
    This shooter listed Mein Kampf as a favorite boom on his My Space page.

    I am not saying this report is true but it wouldn't surprise me. Anti-Semitic acts are at an all time high in our country and other countries. Some of you don't think this is a serious real issue. It is. "

    I agree. I'm not Jewish but have been watching Palin and some of her rabid followers with alarm since I saw neo-nazi types (skinheads) yelling out death threats and racial slurs against Obama at a Palin rally on the campaign trail in 2008. Not only did Palin do nothing to stop it--she seemed pleased and paused as if to encourage the outbreak. It really chilled me.

    SP had or has ties to the AiP party, which in turn has ties to the KKK. She also has or had people working for her who have historical and/or family ties to the infamously racist John Birch society.

    This situation needs to be carefully monitored. And other minorities can be easily substituted for scapegoating and victimization by violent and angry groups. Let's hope vigilance and shining a light into these dark places will protect us from the anger and hatred being fomented and acted out in these difficult times.

  121. Anonymous9:50 AM

    How lovely what it be if, singlehandedly, Palin outlawed herself. I sure hope they name if the Sarah Palin bill.

  122. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The Beck/Palin alleged e-mail exchange is about all a human being can be expected to take. "I hate violence," Palin is alleged to have written. "I hate war."

    Wow, that certainly lines up with what she has said/done for years now, doesn't it.

    All of the damage control attempts so far have been a huge fail. This is a turd that can't be shined up.

  123. Anonymous9:51 AM

    This would be a really, really good week to hit the iceberg, Sarah. You are on a roll.

  124. Anonymous9:51 AM

    If I were Bristol, I'd announce the pregnancy now. Won't find a better time to bury the lede, honey!

  125. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The problem with Palin is that she is in a position of power, although not as elected at this time. It is known why John McCain chose her. She could fire people up and bring new people into his limp campaign.

    If Jane Doe had the sniper targets on a web page and talked smack no one much would notice. Sarah Palin abuses her position and power and she has people like McCain that continue to back her. They conspired to be effective, whatever their purpose and motives. They pretend to be naive and unaware that they are provoking violence. Any half witted politician has a team in place that knows the ropes and they have access to sophisticated strategists. If they are reckless and negligent that is another matter. How was the violent rhetoric able to get so far out of hand with the worldly wise team like McCain/Palin had access to?

    John McCain has blood on his hands. No matter how much he professes that this is an evil assassin. His hands have just as much blood as the mental case that pulled the trigger. If McCain's only mistakes were to lie by omission, that does not take the blood from his hands. I would like to see his part in this tragedy to be featured as it should be. Without the Arizona Senator there would be no Sarah Palin with power to abuse and incite.

    McCain's whole life and career was a series of horrendous crimes and misdemeanors. He has in place a system that works to cover up his most odious behaviors and he has never answered for one of them. This is something that will bond Palin and McCain together because he must be a tremendous help for her.

    The consequences of the last few years have come to a tragic conclusion. That is not to say there is a way to tie it all up in court but that is to be considered to whatever degree it could manifest.

    The irony that John McCain was visiting the land of his birth at this time is unique. Who is he to talk about others being evil when he is at the forefront in this assassination attempt? Panama has no more respect for collateral damage than McCain when he pretends he is naive about what he brought forth onto our land and country.

    He was shot down and made a hero because he was participating in a corporate war. His job was to bomb, bomb, bomb miles of land and villages. He has more collateral damage blood on his hands then most.

  126. Molly9:54 AM

    Do you think Sarah Palin is ruing the day she met Rebecca Mansour? Alternatively, do you think Rebecca Mansour is ruing the day she agreed to work for Sarah Palin?

    I'm torn between which scenario is more likely, if either.

    I also sit here and wonder what Meg Staplegun thinks of all this.

  127. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Palin RETREATS?

  128. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I listened to a radio station in Anchorage today who was in support of Palin's gunshot map...found absolutely nothing wrong with it. Compared it to something President Obama once said about guns and knives - something I'd never heard quoted before. All men called into the radio station who were supportive of Palin and one woman called that wasn't - and she was declared 'emotional' as to her statements that were anti Palin and her rhetoric.

    I agree that Palin didn't pull the trigger in AZ, but she has said some pretty horrible stuff during the past couple of years that has been very inciteful.

    I hope they do pass a law in Congress that prohibits things Palin has done...i.e. gunsites on a map directing them at Congressmen...much as they would be against the law if they were aimed at the President of the U.S. Amazing how we are always having to pass laws to clean up the messes that Palin creates isn't it? Look at the changes we've had to make in Alaska since she quit as governor.

    This woman is no more a christian than I am...she's as evil as the devil himself.

  129. 10catsinMD9:58 AM

    Just read comments from Glenn Beck making Snowdrift the victim. Inciteful as he usually is. Nothing about lowering the tone although he did comment about no violence on either side. He said that Snowey is calling on God for help. I think she may be scared.

    If the FBI comes to her door and Toad shoots one of them for trespassing, will he arrested? I hope so.

    But hey, Glenn Beck started out as a shock jock like Howard Stern. He was fired from the first several radion stations that he worked at. Now he has found his niche. But still feeding off his emotions. What a crock!

    TMZ has pic of B shopping in AZ. She is big and round with legs all flabby(?).

    I don't like to comment, but the whole atmosphere is dragging everyone one down.

    We all need to stay on the high road if possible.

  130. Anonymous9:59 AM

    The idea that the shooter had no relationship with SP is pure bs. It is clear already that he followed the congresswoman very closely. He had saved her signature in his safe, he planned to assasinate her, he had met her at a public event a few years ago, etc. She mentioned the Sarah Palin bullseye murder map several times on national television. For him not to have seen it is extremely unlikely.

    And regardless of what he may be registered as (and I have not seen that reported), his interests and causes as shown by his reading list and films on You TUbe are pure tea party-radical right gold. For Fox and others to pretend he was a 'democrat killing another democrat' is pure BS and spin. He was a far right wing, either libertatian/tea party or similar--as proven by his films railing against currency, etc. Who's the one who incessantly talks about gold? Glenn Beck.

  131. Anonymous9:59 AM

    OMG unbelievable - there is an article about "new stalker fears" for Palin. All of you who were counting down to the next round of "it's all about me, the real victim," you were right!!

    How can anyone go through life being so stupid and transparent.

  132. Anonymous9:59 AM

    @9:33 AM

    just wow - cellulite legs just like ma too.

    Kyle Massey absolutely lost weight during DWTS even though he ate pizza every day.

  133. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:01 AM

    From Glenn Beck's sympathy email to Saint Sarah:

    " 'Sarah, as you know, peace is always the answer. I know you are felling [sic] the same heat, if not much more on this. I want you to know you have my support. But please look into protection for your family. An attempt on you could bring the republic down,' Beck wrote."

    This is taken from HuffPo, but the italics are mine. Oh dear Gawd, AMERICA will cease to exist if anything happens to SP?? Seriously, who is writing this shit for Beck--Uncle Rupie himself? If this isn't a call to rally the sheeple who may be having second thoughts about Queenie (and feed her outsized ego), I don't know what is!

  134. The Albatross forever hung around Sarah Palin neck is not a surveyor's symbol & she knows it.

  135. glen beck is helping his buddy sarah with damage control while he spins his own:

  136. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Well, Sarah has come up with her next case of "I'm a victim because they've (again) pulled the curtain back on my Oz"

  137. Rationalist10:13 AM

    Guys - the poster is talking about MARILYN Manson, not Charles Manson. But the analogy still doesn't hold. The Columbine shooters may have listened to Marilyn Manson, but Marilyn Manson did not publish names of fellow students with gunsights over them. And Jodie Foster, obviously, did not encourage David Hinkley to shoot the President.

    Sorry - Palin is accountable for this. She owes the families of the victims a grief-stricken apology. But I'm not holding my breath.

  138. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Tea Party kinda losing it over Tucson shooting

    It's understandable that the Tea Party is trying its best to deflect any blame for the massacre in Tucson and the attempted assassination of Gabby Giffords. And it is understandable if, in their desperation, they might be driven to ridiculous excuses and spin on the level of Sarah Palin's "surveyor marks" excuse.

    But I guess the heat is getting to the Tea Party, because they are really going off the deep end in their rhetroric. Consider Tea Party Patriots leader Mark Meckler, who had this to say:

  139. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Let's not forget that Teabagger asshat who went to a big rally wearing a gun and carrying a sign about "watering the tree of liberty" or some such crap. Palin has described the Tea Party as "a beautiful movement."

    You own this one, bitch.

  140. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I don't see this as the end of the road for Sarah Palin. It's already obvious that the MSM is spinning this as "not her fault". In addition, as with everything in this now insane country, the shooting has become a black or white issue for people. Either you think that hateful, violent rhetoric and/or imagery are dangerous and irresponsible or you don't.

    The fact that some people are managing to make Sarah Palin the victim (!) in this tragedy is truly beyond me.

    I just don't know anymore.

  141. Anonymous10:26 AM

    An Arizona senator brought Palin into the spotlight and an Arizona congresswoman will take her out of the spotlight. Good riddance Sarah.

  142. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Hi Gryph,

    We're hoping you won't stop your investigations you were working on. The more you get out on your blog, the more we can send to other bloggers, twitter and facebook.

    It is not the end; she will try to come back from this publicity disaster. Remember, God spoke to her and said she was the chosen one. She will be OBEYED.

    If I may, here's a shout to Wasilla or AZ (wherever she is hiding)

    Remember Ms. Palin, pride goeth before a fall. And you are falling into a deep pit of karmic justice.


  143. Anon @8:55
    From the right-wing blog comments I read, it seems that most of SP's followers see her as a strong supporter of Israel. Therefore, if anti-Semitism motivated the alleged killer, Palin cannot be blamed, in their line of reasoning. Bots also like to point out that Palin was never a member of AIP--just her husband. The American Renaissance publication which the alleged killer supposedly read is a white "racialist" publication which features articles indicating concern about growing numbers of non-white immigrants. Many of the contributors are Jewish. What to make of that? Too soon for anyone to tell.

  144. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Gryphen noticed before the assassination attempt on January 8 that Palin was acting strange. She couldn't stop mentioning the lines in the sand. Also, too, she was not feeling all love for her pal John McCain.

    "Lines in the sand Laura, lines in the sand! Dammit aren't you listening to me?"

    That was no doubt a well thought our meme. What were they thinking and planning to push that one at this time? Something was up. They may need to revise things now but they were on a well orchestrated mission where "lines in the sand" was significant.

    Now Sarah and Beck and the bunch will be the greatest peaceniks of all time. How long will that last?

  145. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Yep, the stalker story is back in the news.

    This woman has no shame, none at all. Her desperation is palpable.

  146. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Gryphen - I hope, oh I hope, you are right: that the die really is cast and that Sarah becomes something in our national past - not our present or our future.

    I just keep thinking back to when she ran for governor - at the annual Republican Party picnic out at Kincaid Park in the summer of 2006 (was it really only four and a half years ago when she was - in her own words, "an unemployed, stay-at-home housewife from Wasilla?") and her supporters got into the shoving, hitting match with a couple other folks who were simply trying to VERBALLY explain how they had different views than Sarah. Remember how it completely escalated and the authorities had to be called and an investigation ensued? All the while Instigator Sarah smugly sat by? Goodness does she love to start brawls - then scurry out of the way and let innocents pay the price - the physical price.

    Maybe people who don't know her - or have only known her the past two and a half years on the national stage don't get it. But those of us in Alaska do: Sarah incites physical altercations and violence. She has since her adolescence.

    Barracuda, anyone?

  147. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I wonder if Bristol will still move to AZ after her mother has been so closely associated with this heinous violence (regardless of whether the "association" is appropriate or not - it is in a lot of people's minds).

  148. Facebook Lurker10:51 AM

    9:33...whoa mama. BTW that is the same nanny she has with her in LA duting DWTS. Looks like this woman moved to Arizona to be the live-in.

    Bristol is a cow

  149. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Sorry American Media - it looks like your play toy just imploded.

    Boo. Hoo.

    How banal will it be to have to actually find real news stories to report on?

  150. Anonymous10:52 AM

    A lot of the bots are over at Politicususa pissing and moaning because some of the posts are holding SP accountable for her hate. I went round and round with a nutjob panty sniffer who defends his wacky bitch to the death. I have had enough of being politically correct. The RWNJ's can kiss my ass. They push the hate and violence and then project their bullshit onto us and I'm sick of their crap.

    The bots must be getting paid by the letter because they are all up and fluffy and calling us names and blaming us for blaming the twittering twat.

    Don't let up, SP's negligence needs to be shown to be reckless and irresponsible and she has to be stopped.

  151. Anonymous10:53 AM

    ¨the eyes of the world are upon you Sarah Palin. And what do they see?¨

    They see sarah cowering in a cave.

    Just like Osama bin Laden.

    Show a little respect, palinbots. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and her astronaut husband are as All America as you can get.

    For the love of God, palinbots, wait until the victims are buried. Christina Taylor Green was on the Student Council and played Little League baseball. Most girls Christiana´s age are probably more interested in meeting Justin Beiber than their Congresswoman. She represented the very best our country has to offer.

    Now stop thinking about yourselves for a few days and show a little decency.

  152. Enjay in E MT10:54 AM

    SP has never understood there are "sick /disturbed" people in this world, not just America. They will mentally latch onto any theory that fits or makes sense in their mind. These kinds of people do not exist in her "world view" because her bubble is unread & uninformed.

    Altho I do not feel SP is (or will be held) personally responsible - she along with Faux, Beck, Angle, Bachmann, Limbo and countless others contributed to this tragedy by spewing hatred, divisivness and fear mongering in "ramping up the base" public platforms.

    For Sarah, its just hate driven against the President. McCain lost by more than 6 MILLION votes - it must be a conspiracy. She cannot comprehend how it happened and refuses to acknowledge that WE chose President Obama to be our elected leader instead of McC & her.

    The Faux crew & Limbo are PAID to "add fuel to the Right Wing fire" They are not reporters or journalists or even unbiased pundits. Faux should have disclaimers prior to EVERY SHOW and after EVERY COMMERCIAL.

    Bachmann & Angle, etc. - well they have to live with their contributions to this tragedy with 2nd amendment remedies - locked & loaded - root out the traitors in congress & senate.

    Each and everyone of them, along with hundreds of others fanned the flames either directly or indirectly. I hope they live a long long time - and every night when they close their eyes - picture that young girl.

  153. Anonymous10:57 AM



    There is an article on Huff. Post about Palin e-mailing Beck and they are whining to each other. He asks if she needs security and she says she hates war. Just a bunch of such stupidity from 2 fame seeking whores that it is absolutely hilarious.

    Palin had to leak the e-mail just to get attention and try to be a victim.

    Everyone is calling them out as BS and saying these 2 are responsible for all the hate generated.

    Sarah and Rebecca Mansour are being laughed at as being desperate, mean-spirited, liars, and above all else they are being the cause of the murders and are not being given a pass.

    These two should get on a plane and move out of the country because no one is ever going to forget or give them a pass.

    The family of the victims are putting the blame right on Palin and her target shooting map. I believe she will be sued over this and Rebecca might just find herself in a class action lawsuit also because she is a paid political spokesperson for Palin and is also responsible for what is said and printed for Palin.

  154. Anonymous11:01 AM

    There is a culture in Alaska that is complicit with the Palin messages of violence, hate and drawing lines in the sand. These 'moroons' want to be left alone. Praise the Lord, Sarah Palin, and pass the ammunition.

    Glenn Beck has been setting the stage for an 'event.' He has it all outlined how 'the left' is designing the violence to look like it is from the 'innocent,' like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. There are things going on behind closed doors that we aren't privy to. It won't matter if Sarah remains in hiding or if they can bring her back in front of the cameras. They will carry on until something can start legal proceedings and reveal more of what they are really about.

  155. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Bin Laden didn't commit the acts on 9-11 he incited others to do so..
    Ms.Palin didin't fire the weapon she incited others to do so.
    either way americans were in the cross hairs..

  156. Anonymous11:06 AM

    She's been MIA for some time before this tragedy, perhaps, the rumors are true about another plastic surgery procedure... to coincide with her announcement for a presidency run... but now this happened.

  157. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I'll be the first to admit that we don't know what this kid was into on a political level. He may or may not have been active on the internet or watching Faux News. If he was however I should hope that the right feel impelled to tone it down. I know they won't but it would be good for our country.

  158. Anonymous11:23 AM

    "I hate violence," Palin replied. "I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this."

  159. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I find it ironic that, in the 'bot rush/panic to defend their Queen, they are only cementing the association -- also too what passes for minds on their side of the fence -- between Palin and the tragic events. Michael Dukakis got torpedoed by a crime few people had ever heard about until GHWB made it a campaign issue. Now in the word-association game of life, Giffords/Tucson is going to follow Palin, permanently and indelibly. Her opponents won't have to spend a dime on campaign ads.

  160. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Bristol Palin's New Crib: Bristol Palin, best known for her Bristol Bump, has "secretly moved into her new Arizona home". So words have no hidden meaning?

    Placing "surveyor marks" (are they serious?) isn't a threat but hacking someone's email account is frightening?

    So when someone puts "circles with dots" on Sarah's picture, along w/ all her cohorts, w/ the caption "Don't retreat, reload", she won't worry some nutcase will take it the wrong way? There is no way that if the incident had been reversed, that Sarah would not be blaming maps and rhetoric. And now Politico suggests that she is owed an apology?

    She doesn't want people to use this opportunity for political gain but she will. How about recognizing that the time is overdue to MAKE THIS an issue?

    If she hates violence and war, then why was she one of the ones that people thought of when something hateful happened? Somehow her message of peace isn't getting through.

  161. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck Collude to Rewrite Their History of Violent Rhetoric

    Recognizing their own perceived complicity in the Arizona shootings, Right Wing political leader Sarah Palin and Right Wing conspiracy artist Glenn Beck are desperately trying to generate heat behind their PR spin that they are not guilty of using incendiary language and so have nothing to do with the culture of violence that many suggest may have led to the Arizona mass murderers. See, in this world, both Palin and Beck are cast as lovers of peace who hate violence. And they do this through such a falsely contrived, obviously orchestrated propaganda-esque technique that the listener is left wondering if Beck and Palin have any connection with reality.

    The chosen technique is that Beck will let the audience in on supposedly private emails between himself and Palin regarding the Arizona shootings. Emails he just happened to chose to share on the air, in a moment of honest transparency and sharing.

    This is so surreal it’s almost crazy-making. But what else should we expect from two of the Gang of Four Hatemongers when tragedy leaves them with blood on their hands? The narrative Beck and Palin want to sell America at this crisis point in both of their careers is that they have always been peaceful, God-loving people who abhor violence. While distancing themselves from reality in this way, both must be either insane or beyond redemption level cynical to believe that they can sell America on forgetting their pasts.

    Here is the audio courtesy of Media Matters:

  162. Anonymous11:29 AM

    ...This would be a minor point if major news organizations had not been waiting for two years to get Sarah Palin’s emails under their FOIA requests and were not still being obstructed. This would also be a minor point if Sarah Palin had not conducted state business on a personal Yahoo account in order to avoid such transparency. And it would be a minor point if Sarah Palin had not brought the wrath of hell down upon a young man who was able to access her Yahoo account due to her naïvely idiotic security (all information was available on her Wikipedia page) questions. For the last two years Sarah Palin has engaged relentlessly in violent rhetoric to further her 2012 political ambitions.

    After years of inflaming the public with paranoia about the government, it takes real hubris or mental illness to suggest you had nothing to do with a culture of paranoia about government. After years of violent rhetoric so incendiary that advertisers pulled out of Beck’s show and the Secret Service asked Palin to tamp it down, it is absolutely mind-blowingly arrogant of these two to assume they can sell America on their new image as peace lovers. Glenn Beck has never been an elected official, but he sure doesn’t like Jesus’ message of social justice. Sarah Palin has been an elected official, and she left behind her a trail littered with accusations of abuse of power, inciting violence, using her power to exact vengeance on those whom she felt wronged her.

  163. Anonymous11:30 AM

    The Beck and Palin spew, Palin as victim, none of that is surprising. I thought they would do a script along those lines.

    The enlightened Palin watchers know about TMZ. They do the token piece as if they are going after Palin like any other star they bash. Most of the time they are being fed by Van Flein, or his replacement, to do the dumbest defense for her.

    For TMZ to only have the Shawn Christy piece of ridiculous, that he may go to Alaska is DESPERATE. TMZ looks like the fools they are. Clearly they are not doing any worthwhile research or purposely leaving out what the FBI said. They have been watching him for a long while. So what if he says he is going to Alaska to remove a restraining order. Where is Sarah anyway? The FBI would be all over him. They would know if he now has the money to afford a trip.

    TMZ IS ONLY PROVING HOW PATHETIC AND DUMB SARAH'S PR PEOPLE ARE. Is Kristan Cole quivering in her track shoes? I doubt it, but she may be working on her Oscar nomination along with Beck and Palin.

    "Cole just filed new documents, obtained by TMZ, explaining how Shawn has continued to harass her and her family in the past few months ... and keeping the restraining order in place is essential to their safety."

    Cole filed new docs so this could go to print. Thanks TMZ for being a willing accomplice in covering for the same person whose father hangs with the "barbershop" equivalent in Alaska. The gun shop people who had our President in a poster as a target. That was before SarahPac was targeting Rep Giffords. Where does Sarah come up with all her creative ideas? Why not give credit where credit is due?

  164. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Yes, these two now want to pretend they had nothing to do with a culture of hate, of demonizing the other – a culture they have both carefully, cynically, and with seeming delight cultivated and profited from.

    Palin claims that God is the answer. The Bible says you will know them from their fruits.

    We do.

  165. Anonymous11:32 AM

    You might think that certain political leaders would be feeling, at the very least, chagrin this morning, waking up to the picture of Faces of Hope 9 year old Christina Taylor Green who is dead, the innocent victim of political messaging gone crazy. But if you thought that political leaders like Sarah Palin could think of how a tragedy like this impacts anyone other than themselves, you would be wrong. Christina Taylor Green is dead and the Palin camp has somehow managed to make Sarah Palin the victim, yet again.

  166. Anonymous11:34 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Now Sarah and Beck and the bunch will be the greatest peaceniks of all time. How long will that last?

    10:35 AM"

    Until someone pops off the Good Sister? Imagine
    if Rep Giffords had been a republicant!

  167. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Bristol, you inherited your mother's cottage cheese thighs. Wow! Look at the spandex hanging outside the leg of the shorts. Perhaps by 2012, Sarah will be running......running after a set to twin grandchildren!

  168. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Beck and Palin emailed each other so they could "go on record" for condoning violence. That was their press release. (Otherwise, wouldn't you just call and talk to each other?)

  169. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I'm tired of seeing the comparisons between the use of bulls eye graphics by democrats and Sarah Palin's use of the gun sight or cross hairs. As a child I played games that had the target marked with a bulls eye indicating the center of the target. The bulls eye does not necessarily suggest the use of a firearm. One of my favorite candies was called bulls eyes. They were caramel with a creamy white sugar center. All this to say that to me there is a clear difference between the two symbols. Only the cross hairs denotes a bullet.

    God help us if we have to listen to more hate and division from this stupid woman.

  170. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Anon 11:41 AM:

    Whoops, I meant condemning (not condoning) violence. (At least in this instance.)

  171. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Bristol is definitely pregnant or just delivered a baby according to those pictures of her with her servant. Bristol said she loved her toned legs, is that cottage cheese I see at the top of her legs?

    Sure is strange about them moving to Arizona, Palin's lawyer too and now a democrat congresswoman gets shot there. Coincidences????????????

  172. Anonymous11:56 AM

    They want their epic battle of good and evil to begin. Armageddon. Beck, Palin and the like will all be on the same page.
    I don't think it matters to them if she runs for President or not, they can find someone else if she is too radioactive. They do want her to look like a leader and strong so she can have influence. Her Pac also is money for her and the game must go on. The bigger picture for these cults are what she was talking about when she couldn't stop repeating lines in the sand.

  173. Re the antisemitism issue. Mark Potok, SPLC's expert on hate groups commented on the shooters writings. I'm assuming he has seen more than the rest of us because the law authorities frequently bring him in for his opinion. He said that some of the obscure comments harken back to Patriot movement stuff. Regarding the American Renaissance group which is mentioned; he saw nothing in the writings which seemed influenced by them. He also stated he saw no antisemitism in the writing. His current opinion was this kid was feeding from the general environment of anti-government hate and the current hate talk just gave him an available target.

  174. Ftom Daily Kos Set. 4, 2008:
    The GOP Nominates Greg Stillson in a Dress.

    (For those who do not remember Greg Stillson, he was an evil, charismatic character played by Martin Sheen in the movie The Dead Zone who was a fomenter of hate. famous scene where he grabs a toddler to shield him from an assassin's bullet.)

  175. melanie daniels12:05 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    "I hate violence," Palin replied. "I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this."

    11:23 AM"

    Do Palin & Beck & the rest know we can SEE
    them? HEAR them? READ THEIR WORDS?
    Who do they think they are fooling? Us?
    Their foolish fans? Themselves?

  176. Anonymous12:13 PM

    julieintx 13 minutes ago (3:56 PM)
    190 Fans
    Not to mention all the vile death threats she's getting on the internet.

    And various entertaine­rs like Madonna and Sandra Bernhard threatened her too.

  177. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Anon @11:03:

    Borrowed your post & turned it into a tweet. What you said is the truth.!/WarpdElfAtYrSvc/status/24577302725660672

  178. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Anonymous said: No one I spoke to yesterday mentioned Sarah as a culprit. I live in NYC. It's like the dude who wanted to impress Jodie Foster. Do we blame her? Or when people blamed Manson for columbine.

    Do you mean MARILYN Manson and Columbine? Because a lot of people initially blamed the band, even though it came out later that the shooters didn't even like MM. And, IIRC, Marilyn Manson canceled an upcoming Denver concert out of respect for the victims.

    It's sad that Marilyn Manson, the self-described poster child for controversy, showed more sensitivity (and/or PR savvy) duing Columbine than Sarah Palin, a wannabe politician and so-called Christian, is doing now. Thanks for pointing it out.

  179. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Many years ago Johnny Carson joked about a toilet paper shortage. The result? A MASSIVE increase in toilet paper sales.

    To this day, I ask older people what the No. 1 item on their list would be if there was a FOOD shortage - and they all say...toilet paper (which obviously isn't a food item). They remember Carson's remark.

    Words matter. Slogans matter. Symbols matter. Sarah and her handlers knew EXACTLY what they were doing in Sarah's political career with her gun advocacy with such phrases as 'bullseye', 'target' and other destructive analogies of killing and death.

    There's no politicizing in this matter - Sarah's words, actions and symbols on her website caused this and now she is the most hated woman on the planet except to her dwindling fanatic supporters.

    Of course she's in hiding, coward that she is. Is the Mama Grizzly protecting her cubs too? She should be. Now here is where Sarah is retreating. Time to hire the bodyguards. Oh, the irony.

    Along with the adults injured and shot dead in the shooting, I hope the image of the little beautiful girl, Christina Taylor Green, born on September 11, 2001, is on Sarah's mind EVERY NIGHT for the rest of her pathetic life and in every one of her pathetic supporters. Karma is such a bitch.

  180. Anonymous12:54 PM

    G, if you have not seen this sick little item TARGETING ALL DEMOCRATS with bulletholes on the net please take a look. I don't know if it was for sale before the massacre or just made and placed there since.

    It is truely a sick, tasteless piece of garbage that should not be for sale on the net or anyplace else in lieu of the Arizona massacre.

    I am sure that you will know how to contact the seller of the item and point out the grossness of continuing to display it.
    Liberal Hunting License sticker $3.25 Liberal hunting season has been declared. Get your permit today!

    "Liberal Hunting License -- 2009-2013 -- No Bag Limit -- Tagging Not Required."

  181. Anonymous1:23 PM

    11:49 AM - They were caramel with a creamy white sugar center.

    Oh, I get it! it wasn't a sniper rifle scope! There was nothing targeted! It was candy!

  182. Anonymous1:24 PM

    The "cross hairs" in a surveyor's scope are called reticles.

    This is not a terms or verbal image in common use and is not a term used for "tageting" and or "shooting" on in any manner connected with violence and murder, or associated with terms like locked, loaded, aremed, reload etc.
    "Bulls eye" and "cross hairs" are.

  183. Anonymous1:43 PM

    anybody who hasn't read the London Blog link please do. Al the way through.

    This is what Sarah's inner circle of apparatchiks thinks is OK. Take out a 9 year old because she might grow up to be a liberal?

    This raises the smell off the maggot laced sewage that is the the Palin camp to the 10th power.

    Hard to believe until seen.

  184. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Her weak response to a national tragedy is evidence that she is not a leader. 6:14 AM

    To have any aspirations for a run at the WH or VP or even a seat in a Republican admin., Sarah has to walk away, very quickly and adroitly from her past and present and promises of future.

    She appears not to be even trying. She would need the help of masterful myth makers like Rove and PR man like Luntz to pull thetrick off.
    Why would they risk the splatter when there are other potential candidates as good or better than Plain.

    I think the albatross has landed, so to speak. ("Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner")

    "The ice was here, the ice was there,
    The ice was all around:
    It cracked and growled, and roared and howled,
    Like noises in a swound!

    At length did cross an Albatross,
    Thorough the fog it came;
    As it had been a Christian soul,
    We hailed it in God's name.

    It ate the food it ne'er had eat,
    And round and round it flew.
    The ice did split with a thunder-fit;
    The helmsman steered us through!"

    The albatross, having lead the ship to safety -
    "With my crossbow
    I shot the Albatross."

    From that moment the ship and it's crew were doomed.

    When you don't have to take a test over it it's a terrific poem. Try it if you haven't looked at it since school.

  185. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Being reported: In the wake of the tragic Tucson shootings, SARAH PALIN's daughter, BRISTOL, has secretly moved into her new Arizona home."

    Maybe Bristol thinks she can run for what might become an empty seat. she sure hasn't used her bully pulpit to condemn the the assassination and murders etc.

  186. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I live in The Netherlands and dutch media is reporting on Sarah's "bullseye" map. It was even printed in the free paper you read on the subway.
    7:25 AM

    Thanks to all from around the world for your info and commnets. To say the least it widens the view and the context.

  187. onething3:49 PM

    "Let's not forget that we've also got a sitting congresswoman, Michelle Bachman, who wants her followers "armed and dangerous"

    How does this sort of thing get a pass? Think about those words. It is a call to civil war or anarchy. As always, I question, since the press is the access to publicity, and since they constantly enable these characters, and since the press is now largely owned by about six people, who is controlling things and why are they fomenting civil war?

  188. onething4:30 PM

    Re the pic from the link posted at 9:33, I really don't think Bristol is pregnant. She's just another redneck who eats badly and gets fat at a young age. It looks like soft, shapeless belly pudge, and not like a round baby bump. And, that bump has not progressed in many weeks.

  189. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Anon 10:34 I'm sure you won't see this but the American Renaissance group is antii Semitic and anti Zionist. Also most Jews are Democrats so they don't support Sarah. And most KKK and anti-Semitic groups support Sarah. No offense but you have a lot of incorrect information! The Holicaust museum shooter was a huge fan of Sarahs.

  190. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Here's a thoughtful, well written piece over at Huff Po by a sportswriter analyzing her weak attempts to justify her language by tying it to sports. Worth a read.

  191. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I wrote an essay about "blame", "culpability" and "responsibility" this afternoon, but IM didn't post it.
    It centered on Sarah's self-promoted role in political "leadership" and why this makes a difference in responsibility.
    There were several paragraphs on her affectation of being called "the Governor", and how this implies authority and Voice.

    Of course, I didn't save it and now I wish I had.

  192. ExCat6:36 PM

    The bots can scrub and spin all they want but bottom line is "ya'll cain't fix shtoopid.

  193. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Bye-bye unrepentant scumbag.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.