Wednesday, January 12, 2011

President Obama's entire Arizona speech. Finally the grown up enters the room.

I urge you to have a box of Kleenex handy.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Amazing speech.  Amazing man.  Amazing leader.

Yes elections have consequences, and let  me say thank you to my fellow voters for making the consequence of the last Presidential election this inspirational leader.

Especially when we take the time to ponder how horribly disastrous those consequences MIGHT have been.


  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    “Finally The Grown Up Enters The Room”

    There is not a better title for President Obama's speech.

  2. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I forced my conversative husband to watch this..even he agreed that Obama just won his re-election..and that Palin was toast. He used to be big time Palin supporter

  3. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Wow, just watched The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell and nearly the entire show was a Palin bashing, complete with David Frum, who I'd think would normally defend her, but instead said this is how pathetically she would respond to national tragedies as POTUS.

    Lawrence discussed how Palin's FB rambling was a selfish, anger-filled, cold hearted rant which served no purpose other than to play the victim again which backfired on her miserably.

  4. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Yes, I watched the entire memorial. This was more then a grown-up in the room. President Obama offered not only an eloquent but caring and thoughtful speech. As we have all seen, this is a man with a caring heart and a thoughtful mind. His address not only addressed the personal losses of the family members and community, but goals for the future. If we could all be the people and the nation that little Christina thought we should and could be ....

    Palin should not be mentioned on the same page as our President.

  5. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Our President is a deeply honorable, spiritual, emotional being. His understated, calm demeanor masks his tender self. His words caught in his throat a number of times during that beautiful speech, especially when he spoke of the littlest one. I know that I wasn't able to hold back my tears. I just want to enjoy it for a moment, before the right wing rips it to shreds.

  6. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Totally agree, Gryph. As always, you are spot on.

    Amy in Texas

  7. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Absolutely beautiful speech!

  8. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Mrs. Obama:

  9. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I regret it every time I doubt him. It is a privilege to be alive and witness his speeches and his presidency.

  10. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I agree, Gryphen, he is a grown-up, and our family feels blessed that he is our President.

    Thank you for posting his speech so people who were unable to listen to it earlier can hear it, and those of us who loved it can listen again.

  11. Anonymous7:08 PM

    He honored and celebrated the dead, the wounded and the heroes with dignity, compassion, caring and just the right touch of humor.

    I am so very proud of my President tonight.

  12. Anonymous7:12 PM

    This sounded like the Obama I voted for and not the Obama that has caved into the Republicans over and over. I hope the tide is turning

  13. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Sarah who?

  14. Yup caint argue with you there. The dude pulled it off. And doid not fuckup history in the process.

  15. Class act Mr. President. I am honored to have played a small part in your election.

  16. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Didn't think it was possible for Palin's speech/video to seem even smaller, but there you go.

  17. We are all so blessed to have him as OUR President. I cried the whole time.

    He soothes my $palin-fatigued soul.

    May all the folks who post on here sleep a peacefully this night.

    Thank you for this forum and for your work, Gryph.

  18. Anonymous7:38 PM

    In the simplest form, this is a man who elevates the country. Contrast that to others who only serve to bring out the worst in the country.

  19. Anonymous7:38 PM

    You sait it!!!!!
    "Amazing speech
    Amazing man
    Amazing leader"

  20. GA Peach7:39 PM

    sarah who?

  21. Anonymous7:42 PM

    President Obama is a decent, sincere man. Yes, Kleenex was needed. The citizens who elected our president did the right thing, and we will do the same again.

  22. "He honored and celebrated the dead, the wounded and the heroes with dignity, compassion, caring and just the right touch of humor.

    I am so very proud of my President tonight."

    Ditto, Anon @ 7:08. Ditto!!

    Not that these two should be discussed in the same sentence, but the President's speech was the perfect antidote the Quitter's earlier facebook posting.

  23. Mr. President,

    One of your finest speeches. It made me proud to have once been your supporter, and proud to be a Democrat and an American and a human.

    Would you please stop killing innocent Pakistani children by the dozen every month, stop torturing Bradley Manning, and stop the torture going on at the black sites at Bargram AFB outside of Kabul?

    And why don't you stop eroding our civil liberties by creating case law that allows the president to target Americans for assassination without trial? And why don't you call off the grand juries underway, that are seeking to imprison Americans for investigating Colombian civil rights asbuses, or that help Palestinians in their struggle for civil and human rights?

  24. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Thought I would check what the 'bots at the pee-pond were saying about the speech. Shouldn't have bothered, they are trying to rip it and our President apart. What the hell is in the water that these people drink?


  25. I was all over the dial and on line, listening to the president's speech as well as the various "pundints" who remarked on Palin's Rant. Even those who usually support Palin were quite appalled at the timing and the tone of her speech. Some even said that it was egocentric and that Palin has tried to portray herself as a victim of the Tucson Massacre. Reprehensible indeed. Meanwhile, our duly elected president spoke eloquently and brought a grieving nation together, offering hope and a promise to provide a better example to the next generation.

  26. Anonymous7:58 PM

    It was a remarkably personal speech, effortlessly sweeping away any notion of pomposity, over-intellectuality or distance. It was written and delivered in plain English. It summoned images, and emotions, that every American--even those who cannot countenance his legitimacy--could relate to and be moved by. His description of the victims was at the heart of it: Judge Roll went to mass every day. George and Dot Morris had a 50-year honeymoon. Dorwan and Mavy Stoddard lost their teenaged love and then regained it many years later. Phyllis Schneck sat quilting under her favorite tree. We all know them--and we know people like Daniel Hernandez, big and loyal and kindly, who would have stopped a bullet to save his boss, but saved her instead by tending to her wounds and begging her to hold on. Their ordinary decency, simply evoked, made the tragedy our own. Their simple nobility beggared the absurd screech of the debate surrounding this terrible event. His appreciation of their humanity was an appeciation of our own.

    And in summoning the community and the nation and the Congresswoman that Christine Taylor Green imagined we are, he summoned for us the country that we should be. On this night. certainly, he was the President she--and we--imagined he might be. On this night, finally, he became President of all the people. It was a privilege to behold.

  27. Anonymous8:00 PM

    @anon 7:12==Please don't think he "caves" into the Republicans. There is much more to the process that we don't see, and in such a short time he has managed to pass a great deal of legislation, he is actually a working president. Re-read "Audacity of Hope"...

  28. Anonymous8:03 PM

    ...These calls to our better angels--directed less at the secondary issue of public discourse and more at the first principles of what we value as a society and the nobility of public service--perfectly matched the heartbreaking occasion. All the better that Obama delivered these words with both lyrical eloquence and moral authority. It was certainly the finest rhetorical moment of his presidency--and perhaps of his life.

  29. Anonymous8:04 PM

    the Sarah is a victim spin continues

  30. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Sarah are you lonely tonight?

    Call Todd at Blue Hands Massage and tell him to git home.

  31. Anonymous8:05 PM

    @Phil Munger== I have an idea. You run for political office, so you can help the Prez out with all that. Or talk to your Senator every chance you get, then he/she may get a chance to bend the Prez ear. Perhaps the Prez has been working on those things. You remind me of a complaining spouse who just got home from work and unloads on the family. Lighten up!

  32. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Beautiful!! I had to grab the kleenex twice. I am not easily lead to tears but such a heart felt and truly genuine sentiment from our President was more than I could take.

    "She opened her eyes for the first time"...

    Tribute to little Christina...

    Class Act Mr. President

  33. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Does Sarah Palin's Handling of This Week's Events in Tucson Tell Us Anything about her Presidential Ambitions?

    “Sarah Palin reminds of one of the long-driving phenoms in golf. She makes a good novelty act and will be on some highlight reels, but won't ever be a tournament champion till she works on her short game and can use a putter. Drivers aren't the best clubs in the finesse part of the game.”

  34. Your welcome. It was my pleasure and joy to vote for Pres. Obama.

    Even though he had less government experience that Sen. McCain and less executive experience than Sarah Palin, I chose then-Sen. Obama as the more qualified candidate because of his overall capacity to do the job and fitness because of his intelligence, curiosity, respectability, respect for others, deep concern for our country, moral values and...yes...maturity.

    He has not disappointed me. He leads by example.

  35. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Well Sarah there's always DWTS.

  36. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Thank god! Thank god! I can't not thank enough for having such a thoughtful, peace seeking person for my president!! Wow! -E

  37. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Palin feels like the shot caribou on Sarah Palin's Alaska.

  38. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Can anybody name any thing Sarah Palin did right in her life?

    Her 8 minute video is another "oh shit, what did I do?"

    Five colleges - One degree
    Pregnant before getting married.

    Then everything went down hill after that, except for her pandering.

  39. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Wonder how small and stupid Mark Burnett feels now having promoted and been associated with Paliban.

    I'd say, he can't run fast enough to get away from her. If not - he truly is stunned and stupid.

  40. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Phil always has to put a damper on things. Expecting perfection won't help us keep the Democrats in power.
    And I was just waiting for him to bring up the Palestinians in a chat about anti-semitism. Things that make you go hmmmmm

  41. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Breaking News: Palin is a moron.
    In other news: The Sun will come out tomorrow!!!

  42. Anonymous8:41 PM

    My husband cried and so did I. Thank you, President Obama, for reminding us of the goodness in humanity in this time of sorrow and recovery.

  43. MYJMiami8:42 PM

    President Obama speech really blessed me.

    I got this from huffingtonpost comment.

    That was a completely AWESOME speech!

    The symbolism of Christina, being born on 9-11 during a national tragedy and then leaving our world 9 years later during another one, is almost beyond belief. President Obama used the symbolism in her young, hopeful life to masterful effect. I am in love with the speech he gave tonight.

    Our American spirit is opening up again, and hopefully we will use it to move forth and deal with the massive problems that still lie in our future. A bitter, blaming northern ice queen will not dampen this spirit tonight.

    We can heal. We can come together for Christina, Gabby, the other victims, and one-anothe­r.

    Bless the whole world.

    Bitter, Blaming Northern Ice Queen .. ha ha ha , God forgive me, but it's funny.... OK, I will be a better person and allow my word to bring healing and NOT wounds!!!

  44. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Oh.... You were so right about the Kleenex. And the class. And the grownup.

    I don't know how anyone could fault that speech, in its tone or content or intention. But somehow they'll find a way.

  45. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Phil Munger: Why don't you keep your negative comments on your own blog. You are only posting on Gryph's because no one reads yours. Stop

  46. Gasman8:50 PM

    Since it was the healthcare debate that prompted so much of the GOP violence themed buffoonery, will the Orange Boner continue with his plan to reenact some of the political Kabuki of the absurd with the feigned attempt at repealing healthcare?

    In light of President Obama's very gracious speech, who will be the first GOP pol to resort to the same old tactics that have characterized the party for the last decade? I don't think this leopard can change its spots, at least not very quickly. I still think that the president should mention the more obdurate buffoonery - such as the birthers - during the State of the Union speech. For a brief time, any GOPbagger that engages in the same old bullshit will essentially be be singling themselves out as loud mouthed imbeciles. If the cooler heads in the GOP want to stop this nonsense, they'll never have a better opportunity than right now.

    President Obama clearly appealed to, as Lincoln put it, “the better angels of our nature.” In contrast, it is clear that the entire GOP, McConnell, Boner, and Palin, et al., have been appealing to the lesser angels of our nature. After listening to that speech, why the hell would anyone take the leading figures in the GOP seriously?

    As for Palin, she has rendered herself utterly irrelevant. I predict that her contemptibly petty reaction to the tragedy in Arizona will accelerate her already precipitous slide in the polls. Every public appearance she makes for the rest of her life she will be facing signs and t-shirts with Christina Taylor Green's picture. Can you imagine the bad press she'll get when she tosses someone out of an event for such an infraction?

    Can ANYONE - even the brainless bots - still claim that Palin is a better public speaker than President Obama?

  47. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I was mesmerized by the entire memorial ceremony, from the odd but strangely fitting Native American blessing to the very last line of the President's speech. He said it all in that last line ... that we need to honor our children in our behavior and in the preservation of a civil society. It was such a sad occasion that was handled as well as it could have been. I felt very proud and hopeful. I am so inspired by the demeanor of everyone who has been involved in this tragedy.

  48. Anonymous9:24 PM

    @Gasman, President Obama's rhetorical skills are extraordinary. I, however, have been speaking skills than Sarah Palin. Truly, almost anyone can speak better than she does. There is no comparison. You are right.

    She is talentless. And what's with the weird cord off her left shoulder for her Queen of the Palin Facebook Nation "blood libel" proclamation. Do they plug her into a generator or what?

  49. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I watched the entire tribute tonight and would like to share a couple of observations. Like others I have read, I was somewhat disturbed by the cheering at what seemed should have been a more somber event. However as the evening went on, it seemed very appropriate. This ended up as an event where the audience was not “talked to” but rather a participatory discussion about the event, the victims and the healing process.
    I don’t think anyone knew what the atmosphere was going to be going into that setting, but I think it said even more about President Obama to be able to adapt and deliver such a heart felt tribute in an atmosphere he probably did not expect. But then when you speak from the heart, it is easy to adapt.

    I turned late into a CNN discussion of Obama’s speech and so have no idea of what proceeded the last part that I heard. However it seemed that the six men were dissing the format as well as the speech. One individual said that it seemed that the format was set by the University which I think was accurate. At that point one pundit said that the president could dictate any format he wants. That statement was so amazing in its arrogance. President Obama was an invited guest at a tribute organized by the Tucson community. I would have been so disappointed if he had set out a set of “guidelines” that would have to be established before he would have appeared, such as sippy straws.

  50. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I hope everyone remembers and keeps reminding others that the Speaker Tan Boner was offered a seat on Air Force one to attend the tribute in Tuscon, but decided to stay in Washington for a Republican fundraiser!!! So this is how he shows leadership and sets priorities????

  51. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I am so very proud of my president.

    I can't imagine why anyone would want to support someone for a leader who is bitter and angry.

  52. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Glad I voted for the guy and I'm a conservative.

  53. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Is anyone aware whether Eric Cantor has come out and said anything about Palin's speech?

  54. Anonymous9:51 PM

    7:50 p.m.,

    I have a feeling you never supported the president, anyway. The man just gave a speech honoring the dead, and the wounded, and you are already bitching, and attacking him already.

  55. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Excellent speech by our president.

    I wondered about reason for the extra exuberance of the crowd. I guess we can assume that it was a young crowd full of college students. Can we also assume that they are starved for progressive voices in their very red state? Did Obama even go to Arizona during the campaign? Probably not being it's the state McCain claims as his home on his taxes. Maybe they too are so very tired of the bad press and negativity they were more than thrilled to have Obama spread hope and optimism during their time of great distress.

  56. Can you imagine her whining victimhood if she was President and had to respond to this situation?

    "So, America, why do you have to keep letting me down by doing crazy things with guns? My America does not have crazy people with guns, got it, only good people have guns and guns are good and you are ruining it FOR ME! You are embarrassing me America, Sarkozy is laughing at ME because of YOUR crazy behavior. You don't deserve me as your President, America, and if you can't behave I'm gonna QUIT!"

  57. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Hey, Philip Munger:

    Why don't you run for president then, since you think it's so easy.

  58. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I don't care what people say about him. He is a great man.

  59. After my last tongue-in-cheek post I now have to seriously say that I was so proud of Obama; so very proud of his comportment and his representation of our country during these last few days and at this Memorial event.

    Feels good to be an American.

  60. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Anon 9:29

    I too watched some of the comments on CNN. David Gergen referred to it sounding more like a 'pep rally'.

    I'm tired of the 'old school' mouthpieces who continue to appear on shows to comment as, in the age of 24/7 techno world, you can't compare things to the historical old boy Reagan and decades like the 60's, 70's, etc speeches. Many of the people in the audience weren't born then and don't live anything like that or know anything about then. The 'tired old schoolers' ages are showing

  61. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Sarah's speech went over like a lead balloon. Obama's speech soared. How long do you think it will take for Sarah to post her face book response, attacking Obama for insulting her?

  62. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Palin is so thin-skinned to criticism, what who she ever have done if China or Putin or Ahmadinejad (or in my house 'Amadinnerjacket') ever called her a name or criticized her.

    That's scary.

  63. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Next right-wing outrage:

    "The Tucson Memorial Was Left-Wing Pep-Rally!"

    Screw David Gergen. Screw CNN. No wonder their ratings are dropping.

  64. Cantor and Liebermann have not made any comments.
    Yes, David Frum and Corn tore her apart, mentioned RAM, melting iceburg, amazing stuff.
    New threat!!! Palin is receiving death threats and needs security!
    I found 'Palin receives Twitter death threats' that led me to an 8 month old video of a crazy man talking about left wing loon watch. Another post on HotAir said there was proof of the death threats, but that video had been deleted by youtube.
    I know palin must be furious, her only hope now is to claim death threats. Sea of Pee is saying Obama's speech is a flop and liberals are blaming the crowd. Any posts that liked the speech are hidden.
    Tomorrow will be another day of palin claiming victimhood, just wait.

  65. Responding to replies to my comment above:

    @8:05 - too busy and loving my job too much to run for office. I'd lose anyway. duh.

    @8:31 - "And I was just waiting for him to bring up the Palestinians in a chat about anti-semitism. Things that make you go hmmmmm"

    This is a chat about anti-semitism? Where did you get that from Jesse's post? Methinks you project too much. And what do the Palestinians have to do with anti-Semitism. All of my Palestinian friends also have many Jewish friends. Five of them are involved in mixed marriages with Jews.

    @8:49 -

    "Phil Munger: Why don't you keep your negative comments on your own blog. You are only posting on Gryph's because no one reads yours. Stop"

    Your comment makes no sense. Jesse comments at my blog. I comment at his. We are good friends. I just mentioned one of his earlier posts at my blog. Do you feel, uh, anonymous, uncomfortable at a blog where dissenting views are published after being moderated?

    @9:59 -

    "Hey, Philip Munger:

    Why don't you run for president then, since you think it's so easy."

    Do you think it was easy to criticize a president for whom I volunteered hundreds of hours, donated the max possible, and fully supported in his election bid? It wasn't.

    No American is above criticism. To think otherwise is dangerous, to say the least.

    I respect all of you who criticized me for my remarks above, and thank you.

  66. $arah: Watch, Listen, and Learn.

  67. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Dear Gryhpen,
    I live in Texas. I sometimes feel like a lonely liberal Texan. But I have also lived in Japan and visited many states outside of Texas. While I am proud to be a Texan, I find myself lonely here in my pride to have elected President Barak Obama to the office that I am certain he was meant for. I just want you to know, sir, that everything you write and do is appreciated. Please also know that even though I've never met you in person, I feel like I know you. I thank you for bringing some sense of sanity to all of this insanity. I love you, as a blogger. And hope to love you as a friend. Please continue you diligent, necessary and difficult work to expose Sarah Palin as the very fraud that she is. I can't thank you enough for everything you have already done. My thoughts and heart are with you always.
    Kind Regards,
    J. W. Morgan

  68. Personally i don't think we have a grown up in the whole lot.

  69. claire11:13 PM

    What a wonderful and healing contrast to Palin's inappropriate and thinly disguised attack on those who disagree with her, which was even more annoying due to the obvious reflection of her teleprompter glowing in her eyeglass lens.

    I was a McCain voter until I saw Palin's sceetchy speech at the RNC. I changed my vote in that moment and never looked back. Never regretted it either.

    God bless the World!

  70. Anonymous11:14 PM

    President Obama walks on water and turns water into wine.Suck that Palin you peice of shit.

  71. President Obama makes me proud to be an Alaskan. Pissant palin makes me embarassed to be an Alaskan.

  72. Gasman11:35 PM

    Anon @ 9:24,
    Most fourth graders are better orators than Palin. Her vanity is exceeded only by her abject stupidity. EVERY time she tries to explain one of her gaffes, she just manages to put her other foot in her mouth as well. The woman is pathologically incapable of avoiding rakes. If there's a rake anywhere between her and the horizon, she'll find it and step on it, repeatedly.

    So, how does she top trying to justify using a graphic of a rifle scope directed at a woman who ends up getting shot - along with many others, including six fatalities? Why, by trotting out anti-Semitism! The woman is simply a feckless moron.

    She won't ever recover from these self inflicted wounds. After her latest implosion, boat shows, chick boxing, and/or midget mud wrestling aren't too far down the road for Palin.

  73. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Sarah, ya lost me at "I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere."

    Unless the GOP finds some humanity and nominates a decent candidate, I'll proudly vote for Obama again in 2012.

    Alaskan Voter

  74. Anonymous11:38 PM

    What a good moment, coming out of a terrible one.

    I couldn't help but imagine more than once, what it'd have been like, had the Republican ticket won in 2008, McCain had kicked the bucket, and it was PALIN up there, screeching doubt accidentally making a reference to "reloading."

  75. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Stupid Sarah released her video, created a HUGE controversy (that we hope was the final nail in the coffin of her public career), and then President Obama delivered a speech filled with dignity, compassion, and humanity--and kicked her out of the headlines!

  76. Randall2:51 AM

    "If this tragedy prompts reflection and debate, as it should, let’s make sure it’s worthy of those we have lost. Let’s make sure it’s not on the usual plane of politics and point scoring and pettiness that drifts away with the next news cycle."

    I'll bet Sarah wishes she had said that instead of, well, you know.

  77. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Gettsyburg Address-like !

  78. hauksdottir3:25 AM

    OT: Sarah loses to another black person. Herman Cain. She's seriously going to chew scenery over this "betrayal" by the reddest of the red.

    Cain has formed the first Republican presidential exploratory committee, breaking the ice emanating from Alaska.

    "While he would undoubtedly enter the race as a significant longshot, Cain has generated considerable buzz among grassroots conservatives and Tea Party activists, having spoken at dozens of rallies nationwide. Cain, who is African-American, recently emerged as the surprise winner of a presidential primary bracket on the conservative blog RedState, edging former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) by 800 votes."

    National Journal via Gawker

    He has a very strange resume. Mathematics and computer science would indicate intelligence... but a conservative talk radio host panders to the stupidity of the masses. The Fed... and pizza parlors? What is someone with his experience and ambition doing on talk radio, given that packaging and marketing a candidate depends upon visuals?

    Anyway, if Palin is also invited to that forum organized by Iowa's "Faith and Freedom Coalition" and all their Tea Partying buddies, we can expect both snarks and boojums. And if she wasn't invited? Or has just been disinvited???

  79. Anonymous3:52 AM

    I am so happy I voted for President Obama!

    He did an outstanding job tonight in Tucson.

    Palin screwed herself big time trying to come out in front of President Obama w/her hateful speech. She bombed there is no doubt! She is not qualified to run for President Obama's position...and she shows it more and more in every appearance she tries to pull off via Facebook and Twitter. God, I'd love seeing President Obama debate her though...she'd be mince meat and he'd handle her in a courteous, thoughtful, knowledgeable manner.

  80. Anonymous4:07 AM

    After Sarah posted her presidential video of her standing in front of her fireplace next to the American flag did she have "Learjet One" waiting at the airport to take her to Arizona? Then after she seen the news with America laughing at her she decided to stay in the "Wasilla House" Oval Office.

  81. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Why are you guys dumping on Sarah's video? She did okay for a retard from the trailer park.

  82. Anonymous4:19 AM

    A lot of Palin's people are waking up this morning with pink slips waiting for them.

    Yesterday Sarah was playing president with her little video and today she is playing Donald Trump.

    "Rebecca Mansour you're fired!"

  83. Anonymous4:21 AM

    I guess sarah will be going into hiding again. How in the world can she walk into a grocery store with all those magazines at the check out counter thrashing her for her retarded video.

  84. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Great title, Gryphen.

  85. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Palin must've been a little irked to see her buddy, Jan Brewer, pallin' around with the President and, especially, Mrs. Obama. Ha, as if Sarah could bring herself to watch last night. She was probably in her nice, padded room, in her Walmart jammy set, watching wedding shows on TLC.

  86. Anonymous4:41 AM

    AP reported Sarah Palin was offered a movie roll and Sarah accepted the offer. She will be making a anti-semitic movie with Mel Gibson.

    "Mad Max and Mad Sarah"

  87. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Do you know who is happy right now?

    Bristol and Willow Palin, Christine O'Donnell and Joe Miller.

    Thanks to Sarah, this past week nobody has talked about Bristol, Willow, Christine or Joe.

  88. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Palin's very poor sense of timing had her release her whiney egotistical video on the same day as the President's eloquent "heal, don't blame" address so we could compare. -B

  89. Anonymous5:01 AM

    There is a time and place for everything...the President was in the moment with the right words to begin the healing of our nation.We as civilized people must respond with kindness,respect and decency to our fellow men.As our President said (in similar words)what good is our power,wealth, if our greatness is not in how we treat each other.
    We have to call out those who seek to demonize and destroy, for self gain.They have to be held accountable, and for today, it is about the victims,their families,our nation.We are humans first, leave politics for another day.

    Gryph..,thank you for giving us a forum to share,learn and improve our discourse....only in truth can we survive.

  90. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Well well well.
    How are the republicans going to answer this?

    I am not feeling any love from republicans in general right now. They do not appear to be able to recognize, appear to want to address the violent speech and actions of their member.
    They represent palin well, the 'what, poor little me nasty and violent'?
    Anybody who is not a tea bagging republican should be concerned about the violence they will not recognize, they are after all of us who are not like them!

  91. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Palin getting death threats???? Maybe but who really knows in the Palin world of everyone is out to get me.

    One absolutely known fact is that President Obama has had more death threats than any president and that Palin was responsible for a large majority of them. The FBI even told her to dial back the hate during her campaign.

    Palin's paid spokesperson Rebecca Mansour and her other mean girl team even lied about the stalker coming to get her again. They keep spewing up the same mis-information repeatedly in their quest to make her a victim.

    Anytime they put out a story on her, well you can almost know that the opposite is true. Palin has the worst PR team ever and it keeps getting worse.

  92. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Following the memorial service I visited C4P. I am disheartened by the climate of Palin supporters and even their language the President "bombed". So many comments were voted down and removed leaving fringe extremes of Palin is what a President speaks and looks like twisting Obama is the opposite. There were comments indicating Obama "controls" the media and this was a conspiracy these people were murdered to have an election kick off rally.Even Fox was slammed for finding merit in the memorial speech.

    What I read demonstrates the mind sets and lack of character of those who share a common scheme to life to control, one up and bet the other down that distort, edit and delete fact. It was clear in a base way the bots have a common purpose grounded a bully in the school yard approach supporting Palin idealizing the most aggressive bully is the best leader. Dysfunctional, toxic to poisonous personalites and dynamics summarize what I read there. The tragedy is they are deluded everyone is just like them, playing the same game as if there are no boundaries.

    We need to follow the President's example to rise above the fray and ignore those who seek to drag us down to their level.

  93. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Following the memorial service I visited C4P. I am disheartened by the climate of Palin supporters and even their language the President "bombed". So many comments were voted down and removed leaving fringe extremes of Palin is what a President speaks and looks like twisting Obama is the opposite. There were comments indicating Obama "controls" the media and this was a conspiracy these people were murdered to have an election kick off rally.Even Fox was slammed for finding merit in the memorial speech.

    What I read demonstrates the mind sets and lack of character of those who share a common scheme to life to control, one up and bet the other down that distort, edit and delete fact. It was clear in a base way the bots have a common purpose grounded a bully in the school yard approach supporting Palin idealizing the most aggressive bully is the best leader. Dysfunctional, toxic to poisonous personalites and dynamics summarize what I read there. The tragedy is they are deluded everyone is just like them, playing the same game as if there are no boundaries.

    We need to follow the President's example to rise above the fray and ignore those who seek to drag us down to their level.

  94. Anonymous7:15 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Do you know who is happy right now?

    Bristol and Willow Palin, Christine O'Donnell and Joe Miller.

    Thanks to Sarah, this past week nobody has talked about Bristol, Willow, Christine or Joe.

    4:52 AM"

    Christine O'Donnell looks positively sane
    and nice when compared to $P.

  95. Anonymous8:42 AM

    "I want to live up to her expectations."

    Man, that is powerful stuff.

  96. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Doctors call Giffords’ recovery a miracle

    TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Even Gabrielle Giffords’ doctors are starting to call her recovery a miracle.

    Few people who take a bullet to the brain — just 10 percent — survive such a devastating wound.

    Yet doctors say the critically injured congresswoman has been making steady progress each day since an attempted assassination Saturday.

    Giffords is moving both legs and both arms, has opened both eyes and is responding to friends and family, doctors said Thursday. They’ve helped her sit up and dangle her legs from the bed, and she is able to lift her legs on command.

    With her closest friends from Congress holding her hand Wednesday evening, Giffords opened her left eye and tried to focus on loved ones for the first time.

    “It was raw courage. It was raw strength. It was so beautiful and so moving,” said Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. “She wanted us to know that she was with us a hundred percent and understood everything we were saying.”

  97. Anonymous9:24 AM

    This is a fascinating site, that analyzes photos. The above article is stills, screen grabbed off the SP video.


  98. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I read this:

    I think America would agree that the Community Organizer'­s speech was heads and tails better than the Beauty Pageant Runner Up's attempt at a speech.

    One speech united... the other speech was "Me Me Me" and divisive.

  99. Anonymous10:14 AM

    (CNN) – Sarah Palin is getting some unsolicited advice from another popular Republican, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

    Christie, who has never expressed particular affection for the former Alaska governor, says Palin needs to engage with the media and voters in settings less staged than those she currently utilizes.

    “You have to look at it and see, what are they like when they’re tested, what are they like when they’re not scripted, what are they like when they’re pushed,” Christie told the New York Times Wednesday. He added the former vice presidential nominee “rightfully has been criticized” for her refusal to go less scripted.


    Sarah has been tested and she gets a BIG FAT "F-". She is not a leader by any means. She is a Beauty Pageant Runner Up that can't answer questions, she just babbles a response with no substance.

    At her speeches, Sarah needs to control the questions and that is why she pre-selects her questions and that is why you are not allowed to ask her questions at her book signing. Sarah is hiding from something from America and we know what it is.

  100. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Beautiful close up of President Obama, from the Daily Dish. (it is a pop-up, don't know if all browsers will allow.)


  101. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Wanna see something interesting? Somebody created a still picture slide show of Sarah Palin's 8 minute speech. Look at her face, it reflects hate. Not very presidential looking.

  102. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Where is Sarah Palin?

    Hopefully she is at
    "Charm School For Dummies"

    or taking a journalist course in college

    or attending Speech Writing 101.

  103. Anonymous12:01 PM

    "Palin was a rowboat to Obama’s aircraft carrier."

    Llyod Grove, The Daily Beasr

  104. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I have just had an insight to the Tea Partiers: their most common and go-to insult is that liberals are afraid of her....yada yada and so forth.

    I am beginning to think that is all projection of their own fear of how to live in this very complex, increasingly diverse and precarious world. She simplifies things for them, and wraps it up in a really cute package. She may have even been sincere at some point in her career, but I feel all the pressure of her situation has broken her. She is now a hollow shell for whichever opportunists are working her for the big bucks.

    And sadly, that genuine fear of change and the unknown is still out there.

    These people, often our families and neighbors, need our best wishes for peace of mind and heart; and an honest eye cast on their troubles.

    (That just kinda came to me.)


  105. Too bad his speeches don't help put jobs and help the economy and that he hasn't done much else but talk during his time in the Oval Office.

    Now when we can get more of my Brothers-in-arms home from the Iraq and Afghanistan and stop the non-sense of Government run health care, gays in the military and get on with real issues that need to be met or do we need to give him the next four years to get these things done. (sorry just not impressed with any politicians of late) If this even makes it to the post.

  106. Anonymous12:44 PM

    “You have to look at it and see, what are they like when they’re tested, what are they like when they’re not scripted, what are they like when they’re pushed,”

    That's not Sarah. She has to be secured in her own tv studio. She refuses to take random questions. She keeps her distance not just just from the lame stream media, but from the public as well. The only non Fox show she will go on is the View because Barbara Walters is working her ass off to defend Sarah and she will not ask her questions that real journalists would ask. Walters is friends with FOX's president.

  107. Anonymous1:48 PM

    she looks like a scared trapped animal...


  108. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Palin getting death threats????

    Somebody tell Willow to get off of Facebook. It is just not right.

  109. It's amazing how so many still are swooned by the Obama speaks. Actions are what matters. By the end of his term he will have a higher body count than Bush. I'm ashamed I ever campaigned, donated and voted for him. He's proven to be a Corporate Whore and a Banker's Wet Dream. Having a Mass Murderer like Obama speak at such a place and time says a lot about America.

  110. Anne In DC10:38 PM

    I watched and listened to the president's speech in its entirety, and it was everything a presidential speech should be and more. It was empathetic, uplifting, sensitive, and compelling in its call for national unity. I saw all the earlier speakers, and they too were positive and morale-boosting.
    You are right, Obama and the other speakers are the grown-ups.

    The contrast to Sarah Palin's petty, immature, and self-serving remarks could not be more stark. On a day that belonged to all the victims and their families, she chose to attempt to upstage the president with her usual nonsense.
    Her followers who insist that her speech was better are just as petty and immature as she is, along with being blinded by anti-Obama hatred. Some of them even sank to the level of coming down on the crowd for cheering the president's remarks. In any case, she and they only succeeded in making themselves look even worse than they already do. And that's saying a lot.

    In short, I am proud of my president, and he reminded me once again why I voted for him in the first place.


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