Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yesterday it was pretty easy to spot the cable news outlet with the guilty conscience.

What was that old Sesame Street song?  "One of these things is NOT like the other, one of these things doesn't belong...."

(If you click on the image you can get a better look.)


  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Guilty, yup. Conscience, NOPE.

  2. Gasman7:04 PM

    FauxNews is as responsible as any single entity for creating our present caustic political climate where they feel emboldened to even question the citizenship of the POTUS. They are nothing more than the propaganda organ of the GOP and should be treated as such. It is a network of GOP and corporate whores that do as they are told for huge piles of money.

    They are a cancer on our society. They stoke the flames of irrationality among the fearful, disillusioned, and the deranged. They are a force wholly of evil. As long as they exist, we are all at risk.

    Pressure their sponsors, boycott them as well, and heap scorn on FauxNews every chance you get. Additionally, pressure the FCC for a al carte cable channel selection, and if we get it, drop FauxNews. They are susceptible to economic pressure.

  3. Anonymous7:22 PM

    So where are the "I know the Palins" trolls? This would be a good time to strut your stuff about how up close and personal you are are with the Palins. All that inside knowledge could be put to good use. YOU, yes you, little troll, could break the news on exactly why Sarah Palin has bolted from her beloved twitter.


  4. Anonymous7:26 PM

    "Only the guilty need speak."
    -- my mom to my sisters and me growing up.

  5. Can someone who receives FOX News provide a list of the advertisers on Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly? We can start with them. I would be willing to boycott and notify their sponsors that, because they support these fear and hate mongers, I will no longer buy their products. It's the only thing they understand: money.

  6. IMO they are circling the wagons around Palin since they are responsible for and financially backed her "meteroic rise". I am still chuckling Ed Schultz depicted her as a political Frankenstein that they made.

    I doubt in the wake of a massacre that people will play a violin for Sarah Palin positioned as the REAL victim in all of this. It is not going to work this time.

  7. Anonymous8:00 PM

    She can't come back from this. There is no defense for her. Whether the influence is proven a "direct" one or not, her imprint on the crime is indelible and eternal.

  8. Anonymous8:01 PM

    An excellent article from Toronto's
    Globe and Mail, "Fox News and the poisoning of American political debate"

    "So while blaming Fox we have to admit that the Fox News channel’s success is rooted in Fox’s intuitive recognition of the inherent aggressiveness of the American political culture, an aggressiveness that is itself anchored in a public that’s fearful of change and hostile to opposing viewpoints."


  9. Anonymous8:04 PM

    The nerve of the Beck cancer to suggest Sarah Palin's life was in danger. Incredible coverup hubris beyond imagination. The spin is beyond all reason and certainly outside the bounds of compassion for the real victims of this horrendous shooting. And, I am straight up against anyone walking around with a Glock pistol. WHat are we thinking as a society to imagine all of us capable of carrying a gun in a responsible manner? Insane.

  10. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Fox Sux.

  11. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Hell, Fox is like the drums of a marching band. Can't have an event like this without an encore.

  12. Anonymous8:26 PM

    So, let me get this straight. You're basically saying that if no politician had ever (and there are a lot of them who are guilty of this, dem and rep) used angry rhetoric, then shootings wouldn't happen and 9 yr olds wouldnt randomly die? Thats what you're saying, correct?

    That means an already-mental Jared, who had been holding a massive grudge against this woman for a couple years would have continued to hold his grudge, even when he continued to grow weary of government and this country's problems.

    Yeah, because THAT justification makes soooo much sense Gryphen. And that stupidity from the left is the sole reason why this country will NEVER move forward to a more moral, peaceful place. 1) people are not naturally peaceful 2) People are naturally selfish and basically are living their lives to hopefully one day leave their kids etc a nice gift after passing.

    The most important lesson from all this: We are responsible for our own actions. It's too convoluted and difficult in relying on programs, schools, peers to teach right/wrong. There are too many crazies. Mental inst and jails are there for a reason. When someone cannot be trusted to rely on themselves and commit no ill deed, they should be locked up. If they commit murder or pedophilia, that shit aint fixable and the chair they should get.

  13. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I was reading an online astrological natal chart for Palin created back in 2008 and spent some time chuckling over the way it nailed some aspects of her: using sexuality to her benefit, being unable to take advice from others, being willful, having a close relationship with her father.

    However, though it predicted that she would crash in 2010, it said by 2012 she might be back on her game. Hmm. I really doubt it.

    As one of my least favorite political pundits on MSNBC said this evening, "Palin will be forever linked to the crosshairs image and to this massacre."

    Now, that I believe. I cannot see how she can possibly rise above this, even with the silliness Fox is trying to spin now.

  14. Anonymous8:45 PM

    A letter to Sarah Palin from Lynn Paltrow. Ms. Paltrow was a friend of (the late) George Tiller's and is a cousin of Gabby Giffods; read it and weep:


  15. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Someone posted on another blog, that when she went to work on Monday, one of her co-workers, who was entranced by Sarah's folksy cutesy, was appalled to learn about the map/crosshairs and the vindictive side of Sarah. A lot of people don't pay attention to the news unless its earth shattering. I don't think anyone from Wasilla spilling the beans on any of the "gates" would have had the impact this did.

  16. Anonymous9:15 PM

    As someone was quoted: Gabby Giffords is a brave woman. She took a bullet for all of us.

  17. Anonymous9:51 PM

    G-will you send this to ALL the Palins twit account?

  18. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Beck came across like Jim Jones at his last oration.

  19. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I posted this on another thread, but I'll say it here too. I think Sarah Palin's ecstatic right now. I think this IS exactly what she wanted and hoped to trigger with her violent rhetoric. I think her handlers are keeping her out of the public eye because she wouldn't be able to conceal her glee and triumph.

    I grew up in Dominionist land, and I don't believe she didn't think about the ramifications of her vitriol and violent language, or that she didn't think beyond the next big outpouring of money that her fear- and hate-mongering would bring. I don't think she's a bright woman, but I DO think this is exactly the outcome she wanted. Instead of figuring out who to throw under the bus, I think she's been popping out the champagne and confetti since Saturday.

    I desperately hope I'm wrong.

  20. Anonymous10:35 PM

    STFU 8:26 p.m.,

    It's the stupidity coming from the right who tries to pretend that violent rhetoric has never resulted in violence. The people who spread lies and to make people fear the government like Palin does, should be reponsible for their own actions, too. I'm not so sure the mentally ill can be held reponsile for their own actions, or not. And again, the Left is no where near as bad as the right.

    You want to keep talking about rhetoric on both sides? How about violence? For the past few decades, there have been far more violent attacks from the Right, than from the Left. How often have the Left gone on shooting rampages, blown up buildings, or stomped on people's heads the past 40 years, or so? You will find far more examples of that from the Right, than the Left.

    Go some place else and suck your thumb.

  21. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I saw a retweet on what I think is Bristol's twitter.....dated Jan 5 2010

    Is this really her? http://twitter.com/Bristol_Palin

  22. I'm deeply concerned that Fox and the right is basically defending violent speech. But where would they be if they couldn't scare the hell out of their audience?

  23. Anonymous11:09 PM

    It is very obvious that FOX's mission is to salvage FOX's presidential candidate Sarah Palin's political career. The problem is that FOX only reaches a certain group of people. FOX realizes this and their president has contacted Barwawa Walters (verified by Barwawa) to feed her their account of what happened and she in turn relays it to her audience, the people who FOX does not reach. Two things are obvious,
    1) Walters is kissing FOX's ass because she wants an interview with Palin and she will get it. Palin only talks to FOX and to handpicked friendly tv shows and there are not many of those shows.
    2) It was obvious on Wednesday that Barwawa told her View hosts not to jump on Sarah.

  24. The profits made from guns and ammo sales. I have seen scant articles on the hedge fund "Cerberus". I know this hedge fund has been buying up gun manufacturers. Here's a 2007 article about Cerberus acquiring "Bushmaster Firearms, Remington Firearms, and Cobb Manufacturing. DPMS Acquired By Cerberus

    Now on to ammo in: Freedom Group (Cerberus) Acquires Barnes Bullets

    There is money to be made whipping up fear.. Would this stop people from buying guns if they knew they were making investors a pile of money?

  25. Gasman11:38 PM

    Anon @ 8:26,
    You really think you can spin this one to make FauxNews, the GOP, and Palin look good? If so, I seriously question your intellect.

    It is buffoonery to try and claim that this "would have happened anyway." Do you possess some sort of preternatural clairvoyance that allows you to “know what would have happened?”

    Only a delusional fool would suggest that there is no danger in a system in which one of our two political parties routinely and regularly engages in character assassination, vitriolic ad hominem, questions the patriotism of opponents, bullying, intimidating, shouting opponents down, engages in the most insane conspiracy theories imaginable, questions the very citizenship of the POTUS, AND CONSTANTLY employs veiled or open threats of violence against any and all who dare to disagree with them. Add to that inadequate mental health care AND the all too ready availability of guns, even for the mentally ill, and we have one giant shit sandwich. Given that THAT is the system we currently have, how can you POSSIBLY claim that the hate filled demagoguery has no effect? You do not possess the ability to state with any authority that this fetid and festering environment of hatespeak, bigotry, and dehumanization has no effect on people who are already unstable. Those most susceptible to the anti government rants will most definitely find their most delusional paranoia confirmed when immersed into this caustic environment. Yet, you blithely declare that it has no effect.

    Back up your insulting claims with some demonstrable, verifiable facts, or STFU. It is growing exceedingly tiresome to read the apologia of those who seem to feel a might defensive over the part that they've played in creating this Kafkaesque theater of the absurd that passes for one party’s vision of political discourse.

  26. Anonymous11:57 PM

    McCain picked Palin as his VP Hail Mary pass which obviously was bad decision. He then figured out what he got himself into with ignorant Sarah and the GOP had to invest time and money into Sarah to make her somewhat presentable after Sarah’s Katie Couric fiasco. Sarah had to be hidden away for re-education and was sent to “Politics For Dummies School” where they had to teach her about Africa, North and South Korea, what does a vice president do and things like that. Then they let Sarah loose into the public arena and Sarah went ape chit with her violent rhetoric and McCain could not stop her which ended his presidential hopes.

    Palin then went to FOX and again went ape chit over there with her violent rhetoric and now she created another big mess in Arizona. FOX realized they too have to invest time and money into Sarah to make her presentable again and has hid her away at “Charm School For Dummies” and she will not emerge until they figure out how to educate Sarah to be some what human.

  27. Anonymous12:09 AM

    FOX must be working night and day, spending thousands and thousands of dollars for Palins “Come Out Of Hiding” speech along with spending thousands and thousands of dollars for a coach to change Sarah’s violent hill billy trailer park non-educated image.

  28. Anonymous12:16 AM

    The world is blaming Palin for creating a violent political environment which contributed to the tragedy in Arizona and what does Sarah do?

    Typical Sarah, she emails I'm a victim letter to a FOX co-worker in hopes FOX will come to her rescue.

    Never mind going on those Sunday shows to express her sorrow and to answer questions on what she may have created.

  29. Anonymous3:02 AM

    No one is going to want to be associated with Palin or her paid spokesperson Rebecca Mansour. Palin went with RAM because she kissed up to the queen of mean and told her what she wanted to hear. Rumor has it that RAM was a failed screen writer, a previous english teacher and a want-a-be on several other failed candidates for president.

    Many think RAM was a horrible choice as a political paid spokesperson and had no moral sense of right and wrong as far as how far do you go. With Palin not having a moral compass and RAM writing all this highly volatile rheotric then what you have is a match lit to a powder keg.

  30. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Re: astrology. If her run in politics is over, she can always turn to evangelizing.

    With a couple of old testament scriptures memorized, she can be as hateful as ever, and probably very successful.

  31. Anonymous4:03 AM

    They are going to run with the spin that the Left is seeking to exploit this and Rush has begun planting seeds of poison of a conspriacy of massacre orchestrated for political gain.
    That goes beyond damage control. They don't want Pandora's box opened about the death panel lies they let slide, Obama is Hitler intent on transforming our exceptional nation bent on murdering the infirmed as nonproductive to society.

    It has been so depraved, cruel to con people of that. As a health care worker I am more outraged now.The psycholgical manipulation is to strike fear, control that fear to turn people againsst the target. Say anything that will achieve the end. When found out launch a campaign the other guy did it turning things around.

  32. Anonymous4:10 AM


  33. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Imagine if Keith Ellison (D-MN), a Muslim, had made that list of twenty districts. Imagine if Keith Ellison had been talking about re-loading and not retreating.

    Now, imagine what Fox News, Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, and the others would be saying today.

    It bears repeating, if Sarah Palin were Muslim, she would already be in custody.

  34. Anonymous4:16 AM

    A map like the one Palin made is something one might expect to find in a cave in Pakistan or Afghanistan after we've routed some terrorist cell.

  35. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Anon @ 8:26PM said:

    A bunch of stuff that proves he can't grasp concepts that anyone with an IQ over 28 can easily understand.

    I've been trying to figure out what differentiates the left from the right, and have come to the simple conclusion that those on the right have no capacity to see the world in shades of gray. Everything to them is black or white - good or evil, with us or against us.

    So although it is probably impossible for Anon @ 8:26PM to understand this, here goes.

    Nobody has suggested that if the rhetoric and symbolism had been toned down that this incident wouldn't have happened. The truth is, nobody knows. Therefore, a rational person has to look at what *might* have triggered such an event. So, idiot, if you think that nasty rhetoric has no impact on people, why bother using it? If, in your simple view, placing gunsights on a map really means nothing, why not humor those of us who actually think that this just might influence someone, and remove them. You'd have nothing to lose, and who knows - maybe, just maybe this incident wouldn't have happened.

    As to your assertion that "people are not naturally peaceful" and "people are naturally selfish...", speak for yourself.

    As someone who sees shades of gray, I'd modify that slightly and say "Antisocial people are not naturally peaceful" and "Antisocial people are naturally selfish..." See - fixed that for you.

    Oh - one more thing - you really seem to believe that people can't be taught right from wrong - again, speak for yourself.

  36. Anonymous 8:26. If you don't believe violent political words could contribute (not wholly cause) an atmosphere where killing is an accepted means of expression, then I suppose music, film, and video which use violent imagery have no effect on anyone either. I do agree that mental health facilities (nobody calls them mental institutions anymore, very 1950's) are important and could help keep people such as Loughner from hurting people. Unfortunately, the state of Arizona didn't feel that mental health was important enough to continue funding at the same rate. They cut the budget in half. Your view on humanity seems to suggest that anyone who is generous to others is performing a completely unnatural act. It must constantly amaze you that anyone does anything for people other than themselves. It does explain, however, why Sarah Palin has been in politics; it has been, not to help others by serving the public, but to help herself to the money people are willing to give her and leave something for her children to inherit.

  37. TruthSeeker5:34 AM

    Anon @ 7:20 pm "Only the guilty need speak."

    And we know that in Palin's LALA Land, everything is the opposite - up is down, black is white, etc.

    Up to now, Palin has never shied away from expressing herself ad nauseum - that is, if you believe that she herself actually wrote all her twitters, facebook comments, editorials . . .

    Strange that now, after the tragedy in Tuscon, she is completely silent.

    Her silence speaks volumes: cowardice, uncompassionate, disassociated from others' suffering.

    I'd like to say that she is displaying a guilty conscience by her silence - except I don't belive she has a conscience.

    But I do believe that she is guilty - of reprehensible, irresponsible, flammable rhetoric.

    She will always now be associated with the Tragedy in Tuscon. She doesn't need to speak for us to know that she is guilty.

  38. No ever pinpointed Fox...hm Yet they seem to think the clown shoe fits.

  39. Reminds me of my grandchild. Who ate the cookies? He is the first one to say "not me!" He is smarter then most that work at Fox though. He can be excused for loving my chocolate chip cookies.

  40. Anonymous5:45 AM

    To 10:18-- I agree with you. This is exactly, what was intended by any DOMIONIONIST, IT IS, THERE AGENDA.
    There was a comment a few comments above saying: they had not known of the crosshair target map. How could anyone paying attention not, know of that map. It was well known.
    Also read a comment on a different page."there are 500 some to go"
    Which says to me,others will follow.
    Sarah today on the sccreen trying to make the case, this sort of action comes from both sides of the aisle. Well sarah my dear, take the resposibility, you are the reason alone. live with it if you can(which should be rather easy for a person such as you) with no sense of right or wrong, no honor, and not a shred of

  41. Anonymous said...The most important lesson from all this: We are responsible for our own actions. It's too convoluted and difficult in relying on programs, schools, peers to teach right/wrong. There are too many crazies. Mental inst and jails are there for a reason.

    Yes we are. Politicians should not incite violence. Any of them all of them. As far as the shooters mental health thank the Rep. for that. They cut mental health service in half in AZ. If you are mentally ill, your parents attempt to get help, what do you suggest? It is also difficult to put someone away for their own good. Until they shoot someone. Makes it real easy when you can walk in Walmart and buy ammo.

  42. melanie daniels10:10 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    I posted this on another thread, but I'll say it here too. I think Sarah Palin's ecstatic right now. I think this IS exactly what she wanted and hoped to trigger with her violent rhetoric. I think her handlers are keeping her out of the public eye because she wouldn't be able to conceal her glee and triumph.
    10:18 PM"

    I agree with you. I bet Palin orgasmed when
    she heard the news. This will become the
    jack-off image for the right, after the 9/11
    imagery they LOVE.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.